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The Legislative Service Commission staff updates the Revised Code on an ongoing basis, as it completes its act review of enacted legislation. Updates may be slower during some times of the year, depending on the volume of enacted legislation.

Section 718.83 | Certification of amounts to be paid municipal corporations.

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(A) On or before the last day of each month, the tax commissioner shall certify to the director of budget and management the amount to be paid to each municipal corporation, based on amounts reported on annual returns and declarations of estimated tax under sections 718.85 and 718.88 of the Revised Code, less any amounts previously distributed and net of any audit adjustments made or refunds granted by the commissioner, for the calender month preceding the month in which the certification is made. Not later than the fifth day of each month, the director shall provide for payment of the amount certified to each municipal corporation from the municipal income tax fund, plus a pro rata share of any investment earnings accruing to the fund since the previous payment under this section. Each municipal corporation's share of such earnings shall equal the proportion that the municipal corporation's certified tax payment is of the total taxes certified to all municipal corporations in that quarter. All investment earnings on money in the municipal income tax fund shall be credited to that fund.

(B) If the tax commissioner determines that the amount of tax paid by a taxpayer and distributed to a municipal corporation under this section for a taxable year exceeds the amount payable to that municipal corporation under sections 718.80 to 718.95 of the Revised Code after accounting for amounts remitted with the annual return and as estimated taxes, the commissioner shall proceed according to divisions (A) and (B) of section 5703.77 of the Revised Code.

Available Versions of this Section