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This website publishes administrative rules on their effective dates, as designated by the adopting state agencies, colleges, and universities.

Chapter 901:5-3 | Stationary Ammonia Systems

Rule 901:5-3-01 | Definitions.

As used in rules 901:5-3-01 to 901:5-3-14 of the Administrative Code:

(A) "Ammonia" means anhydrous ammonia for use as a fertilizer through a system as defined in paragraph (S) of this rule;

(B) "Approved" means:

(1) Listed by a recognized testing laboratory, or

(2) Recommended by the manufacturer as suitable for use with anhydrous ammonia and so marked, or

(3) Accepted by the director of agriculture;

(C) "Appurtenance" means any equipment which is essential to the operation of a system, including, but not limited to, pumps, compressors, safety devices, liquid level gages, valves, pressure gages, fittings, meters and dispensing devices.

(D) "ASME" means "American Society of Mechanical Engineers";

(E) "ANSI" means "American National Standards Institute, Inc";

(F) "ASTM" means "American Society Testing Materials";

(G) "NFPA" means "National Fire Protection Association";

(H) "Capacity" means the total volume of the container measured in U.S. water gallons, unless otherwise specified;

(I) "Code" means the "Unfired Pressure Vessel Code of the American Society of Mechanical Engineers" ("Section VIII of the ASME Boiler Construction Code"), 1952, 1956, 1959, 1962, 1968 and 1971 editions, and the joint code of the "American Petroleum Institute" and the "American Society of Mechanical Engineers" (API-ASME "Code") 1951 edition, and subsequent amendments to or later editions of the same, as adopted;

(J) "Container" means all vessels, tanks, cylinders, or spheres used for transportation, storage or application of anhydrous ammonia;

(K) "Cylinder" means a container of one thousand pounds water capacity or less;

(L) "Design pressure" is identical to the term "maximum allowable working pressure" used in the "Code";

(M) "DOT regulations" refers to hazardous materials regulations of the U.S. department of transportation ("Title 49--Transportation, Code of Federal Regulations" for shipping containers);

(N) "Farm equipment" means a farm wagon-type tank vehicle of not over three thousand water gallons capacity, used as a field storage "nurse tank" supplying the fertilizer to a field applicator and moved on highways only for bringing the fertilizer from a local source of supply to farms or fields or from one farm or field to another;

(O) "Filling density" means the per cent ratio of the weight of the gas in a container to the weight of water at sixty degrees Fahrenheit that the container will hold. One pound H>2O = 27.737 cubic inches at sixty degrees Fahrenheit. For determining the water capacity of the tank in pounds, the weight of a gallon (two hundred thirty-one cubic inches) of water at sixty degrees Fahrenheit in air shall be 8.32828 pounds;

(P) "Gas" means anhydrous ammonia in either the gaseous or liquefied state;

(Q) "Gas mask" means gas masks approved by the bureau of mines, U.S. department of interior;

(R) The abbreviations "psig" and "psia" refer to pounds per square inch gage and pounds per square inch absolute, respectively;

(S) "Systems" as used in these standards refers to an assembly of equipment consisting essentially of the container or containers with a minimum capacity of five thousand gallons, appurtenances, pumps, compressors, and interconnecting piping; but excludes equipment for:

(1) Manufacturing anhydrous ammonia; or

(2) Underground or refrigerated storage;

(T) The terms "charging", "filling", and "transferring" are used interchangeably and have the same meaning;

(U) "New system" includes any system which is altered to change either the stationary storage capacity, product flow rate, or piping design;

(V) "Safety relief valve" refers to an automatic spring loaded or equivalent type pressure activated device for gas or vapor service characterized by pop action upon opening, sometimes referred to as a pop valve;

(W) "Hydrostatic relief valve" refers to an automatic pressure activated valve for liquid service characterized by throttle or slow weep opening (non-pop action);

(X) An approved instrument evaluation includes hydrostatic, ultrasonic or an x-ray.

Last updated January 24, 2025 at 2:57 PM

Supplemental Information

Authorized By:
Five Year Review Date:
Rule 901:5-3-02 | Approval of systems.

(A) No person shall:

(1) Construct a new stationary ammonia system before the director of agriculture approves the location and design of the system;

(2) Operate a stationary ammonia system before the director approves the system as to design, construction and operation;

(3) Continue to operate a stationary system after the director determines that continued operation would be a distinct hazard to persons or adjoining property;

(4) Install a used container in a stationary system until he has delivered to the director:

(a) A copy of the manufacturer's data report for the container including the design pressure determined by the ASME code in effect at the time of manufacture and evidence of inspection by an Ohio commission inspector;

(b) A report of inspection made by a representative of the director; and if he deems it necessary,

(c) A report of an approved instrument evaluation of the container made by a qualified inspection firm under the supervision of a representative of the director.

(B) The director shall:

(1) Furnish forms for applications for approval of each site plan and design for any system;

(2) Notify each applicant within thirty days after receipt of his application whether or not the application is approved;

(3) Assign a permanent registration number to each system.

Last updated January 14, 2025 at 3:40 PM

Supplemental Information

Authorized By:
Five Year Review Date:
Rule 901:5-3-03 | Requirements for new construction and original test of containers (including skid containers).

(A) Containers used with systems covered in rules 901:5-3-12 to 901:5-13-14 of the Administrative Code shall be registered with the "National Board of Unfired Vessels" and shall be constructed and tested in accordance with the latest edition (and subsequent amendments thereto) of the "Unfired Pressure Vessel Code" of the ASME except that construction under "Table UW 12" at a basic joint efficiency of under eighty per cent is not authorized.

Containers built according to the code do not have to comply with paragraphs UG 125 to UG 128, and paragraphs UG 132 and UG 133;

(B) Containers exceeding thirty-six inches in diameter or two hundred fifty gallons capacity shall be constructed to comply with one or more of the following additional requirements:

(1) Shall be stress relieved after fabrication in accordance with the code, or

(2) Cold formed heads, when used, shall be stress relieved, or

(3) Hot formed heads shall be used;

(C) Welding to the shell, head, or any other part of the container subject to internal pressure shall be done in compliance with the code under which the container was fabricated and permanently stamped with the welder's ASME and certification number and date, or, in lieu of the permanent stamping by the welder, a record shall be kept by the manufacturer of welders and welding operators employed on each joint which shall be available to the inspector. Other welding is permitted only on saddle plates, lugs, or brackets attached to the container by the container manufacturer;

(D) All containers shall be inspected by a person having a current certificate of competency from the "National Board of Boiler and Pressure Vessel Inspectors". A report from an Ohio commission inspector shall also be required.

(E) The provisions of paragraph (A) shall not be construed as prohibiting the continued use or reinstallation of containers constructed and maintained in accordance with all prior editions of the "Unfired Pressure Vessel Code" of the ASME or any revisions thereof in effect at the time of fabrication.

Last updated January 24, 2025 at 2:57 PM

Supplemental Information

Authorized By:
Five Year Review Date:
Rule 901:5-3-04 | Markings on containers and systems.

(A) Container nameplates must be legible, permanently attached to the container and accessible for inspection. Container nameplates shall include markings as prescribed in paragraph (B) unless the container has been issued special permit DOT SP13554 by the United States department of transportation.

(B) Each container covered in rules 901:5-3-12 to 901:5-3-14 of the Administrative Code shall be marked as follows:

(1) With a marking which indicates compliance with the rules of the code under which the container is constructed;

(2) With a notation on the container nameplate when the container is designed for underground installation;

(3) With the name and address of the supplier of the container or the trade name of the container and with the date of fabrication;

(4) With the water capacity of the container in pounds at sixty degrees Fahrenheit or gallons, U.S. standard;

(5) With the design pressure in pounds per square inch gage;

(6) With the wall thickness of the shell and heads;

(7) With marking indicating the maximum level to which the container may be filled with liquid anhydrous ammonia at temperatures between twenty degrees Fahrenheit and one hundred degrees Fahrenheit except on containers provided with fixed maximum level indicators, such as fixed length dip tubes, or containers that are filled by weight. Markings shall be in increments of not more than ten degrees Fahrenheit;

(8) With the outside surface area in square feet;

(9) With minimum temperature for which the container is designed;

(10) Marking specified on container shall be on the container itself or on a nameplate permanently affixed thereto;

(C) All main operating valves on permanently installed containers having a capacity of over three thousand water gallons shall be identified to show whether the valve is in liquid or vapor service. The method of identification shall be legend or color code as specified in:

(1) Legend: The legend "LIQUID" (or "LIQUID VALVE"), or "VAPOR" (or "VAPOR VALVE"), as appropriate, shall be placed on or within twelve inches of the valve by means of a stencil, tag, or decal;

(2) Color code: Liquid valves shall be painted Omaha orange or equivalent and vapor valves shall be painted safety yellow or equivalent. The legend "OMAHA ORANGE LIQUID", or "SAFETY YELLOW VAPOR" shall be displayed in one or more conspicuous places at each permanent storage location. The legend shall have letters at least two inches high and shall be placed against a contrasting background.

Last updated February 10, 2025 at 1:00 PM

Supplemental Information

Authorized By: 905.40
Amplifies: 905.40
Five Year Review Date: 1/14/2030
Prior Effective Dates: 11/18/1978, 6/21/2007
Rule 901:5-3-05 | Location of containers.

(A) Consideration shall be given to the physiological effects of ammonia as well as to adjacent fire hazards in selecting the location for a storage container. Containers shall be located outside of any building or in a building or section thereof especially approved for this purpose;

(B) Containers shall be located at least fifty feet from a dug well or other sources of potable water supply;

(C) The location of permanent storage containers shall be outside densely populated areas;

(D) Container locations shall comply with the following table:

Minimum distances (feet) from Container to:
Nominal Capacity of Container (Gallons)Line of Adjoining Property which may be built upon, Highways & Mainline of RailroadPlace of Public AssemblyInstitution Occupancy
Over 500 to 2,00025 150200
Over 2,000 to 30,00050 300500
Over 30,000 to 100,00050 450750
Over 100,00050 6001,000

(E) Storage areas shall be kept free at all times of readily ignitable materials such as, but not limited to, waste, weeds and long dry grass.

Last updated February 10, 2025 at 1:00 PM

Supplemental Information

Authorized By:
Five Year Review Date:
Rule 901:5-3-06 | Container appurtenances.

(A) All appurtenances shall be designed for not less than the maximum working pressure of that portion of the system on which they are installed. All appurtenances shall be fabricated from materials proved suitable for anhydrous ammonia service;

(B) All connections to containers except safety relief devices, gaging devices, or those fitted with a no. 54 drill size orifice shall have shut-off valves located as close to the container as practicable;

(C) Excess flow valves where required by these rules shall close automatically at the rated flows of vapor or liquid as specified by the manufacturer. The connections and line including valves and fittings being protected by an excess flow valve shall have a greater capacity than the rated flow of the excess flow valve;

(D) Liquid level gaging devices that require bleeding of the product to the atmosphere and which are so constructed that outward flow will not exceed that passed by a no. 54 drill size opening need not be equipped with excess flow valves;

(E) Openings from container or through fittings attached directly on container to which pressure gage connections are made need not be equipped with excess flow valves if such openings are not larger than no. 54 drill size;

(F) Excess flow and back pressure check valves where required by these rules shall be located inside of the container or at a point outside as close as practicable to where the line enters the container. In the latter case, installation shall be made in such manner that any undue stress beyond the excess flow or back pressure check valve will not cause breakage between the container and the valve;

(G) Excess flow valves shall be designed with a by-pass not to exceed a no. 60 drill size opening to allow equalization of pressures;

(H) Shut-off valves provided with an excess flow valve shall be designed for proper installation in a container connection so that the excess flow valve will close should the shut-off valve break;

(I) All excess flow valves shall be plainly and permanently marked with the name or trade-mark of the manufacturer, the catalog number, and the rated capacity.

Last updated February 10, 2025 at 1:00 PM

Supplemental Information

Authorized By:
Five Year Review Date:
Rule 901:5-3-07 | Piping, tubing and fittings.

(A) All piping, tubing and fittings shall be made of material suitable for anhydrous ammonia service;

(B) All piping, tubing and fittings shall be designed for a pressure not less than the maximum pressure to which they may be subjected in service;

(C) All piping shall be well supported and provision shall be made for expansion and contraction;

(D) Piping used in systems shall be at least ASTM "A-53 Grade B" seamless electric resistance welded. Such pipe shall be at least "Schedule 40" when joints are welded, or welded and flanged. Such pipe shall be at least "Schedule 80" when joints are threaded. Brass, copper, or galvanized steel pipe or tubing shall not be used;

(E) All metal flexible connections for permanent installations shall have a minimum working pressure of two hundred fifty psig (safety factor of four). For temporary installations, hose meeting the requirements of rule 901:5-3-08 of the Administrative Code shall be used;

(F) Cast iron fittings shall not be used but this shall not prohibit the use of fittings made specifically for ammonia service of ductile iron such as "Specification ASTM A47" or "ASTM A395";

(G) Provisions shall be made for expansion, contraction, jarring, vibration, and for settling;

(H) Adequate provisions shall be made to protect all exposed piping from physical damage that might result from moving machinery, the presence of automobiles or trucks, chemical corrosion or any other undue strain that may be placed upon the piping;

(I) Joint compounds shall be resistant to ammonia. Teflon ammonia resistant tape can be used;

(J) After assembly, all piping and tubing shall be tested and proved to be free from leaks at a pressure not less than the normal operating pressure of the system.

Last updated February 10, 2025 at 1:00 PM

Supplemental Information

Authorized By:
Five Year Review Date:
Rule 901:5-3-08 | Hose specification.

(A) Hose used in ammonia service and subject to container pressure shall conform to the joint "Rubber Manufacturers Association" and "The Fertilizer Institute" "Hose Specifications for Anhydrous Ammonia" "Standard No. M-5";

(B) Hose subject to container pressure shall be designed for a minimum working pressure of three hundred fifty psig and a minimum burst pressure of one thousand seven hundred fifty psig. Hose assemblies, when made up, shall be capable of withstanding a test pressure of five hundred psig;

(C) Hose and hose connections located on the low pressure side of flow control or pressure reducing valves on devices discharging to atmospheric pressure shall be designed for the maximum low side working pressure. All connections shall be designed, constructed, and installed so that there will be no leakage when connected;

(D) Where liquid transfer hose is not drained of liquid upon completion of transfer operations, such hose shall be equipped with an approved shut-off valve at the discharge end.

(E) On all hose one-half inch outside diameter and larger, used for the transfer of anhydrous ammonia liquid or vapor, there shall be etched, cast, or impressed at no less than five-foot intervals the following information:

"Anhydrous Ammonia"

xxx psig (Maximum working pressure)

Manufacturer's Name or Trademark

Year of Manufacture

(F) All hose shall be replaced five years after date of manufacture or after evidence of damage.

Last updated January 14, 2025 at 3:40 PM

Supplemental Information

Authorized By:
Five Year Review Date:
Rule 901:5-3-09 | Safety relief devices.

(A) Every container used in systems covered by rules 901:5-3-12 to 901:5-3-14 of the Administrative Code shall be provided with one or more safety relief valves of the spring-loaded or equivalent type. The discharge from safety relief valves shall be vented away from the container, upward and unobstructed to the atmosphere. All safety relief valve discharge openings shall have suitable raincaps that will allow free discharge of the vapor and prevent the entrance of water. Provision shall be made for draining condensate which may accumulate. The rate of the discharge shall be in accordance with the provisions of "Appendix A, ANSI K61.1-1972;"

(B) Container safety relief valves shall be set to start-to-discharge as follows, with relations to the design pressure of the container:

Containers Minimum Maximum
ASME-U-68, U-69 95%100%
ASME-U-200, U-201 95%100%
ASME 1952, 1956, 1959 1962, 1965, 1968 or 197195% 100%
API-ASME 95% 100%

(C) Safety relief devices used in systems covered by rules 901:5-3-12 to 901:5-3-14 of the Administrative Code shall be constructed to discharge at not less than the rates required in paragraph (A) before the pressure is in excess of one hundred twenty per cent of the maximum permitted start-to-discharge pressure setting of the device;

(D) Safety relief valves shall be so arranged that the possibility of tampering will be minimized. If the pressure setting adjustment is external, the relief valves shall be provided with means for sealing the adjustment;

(E) Shut-off valves shall not be installed between the safety relief valves and the containers or systems described in rules 901:5-3-12 to 901:5-3-14 of the Administrative Code except that a shut-off valve may be used where the arrangement of this valve is such as always to afford required capacity flow through the relief valves.

Note: The above exception is made to cover such cases as a threeway valve installed under two safety relief valves, each of which has the required rate of discharge and is so installed as to allow either of the safety valves to be closed off, but does not allow both safety valves to be closed off at the same time. Another exception to this may be where two separate relief valves are installed with individual shut-off valves. In this case, the two shut-off valve stems shall be mechanically interconnected in a manner which will allow full required flow of one safety relief valve at all times. Still another exception is a safety relief valve manifold which allows one valve of two, three, four or more to be closed off and the remaining valve or valves will provide not less than the rate of discharge shown on the manifold nameplate.

(F) Safety relief valves shall have unrestricted access to the vapor space of the container;

(G) Each safety relief valve used with systems described in rules 901:5-3-12 to 901:5-3-14 of the Administrative Code shall be plainly and permanently marked as follows:

(1) With the letters "AA" or the symbol "NH>3";

(2) The pressure in pounds per square inch gage (psig) at which the valve is set to start-to-discharge;

(3) The rate of discharge of the valve in cubic feet per minute of air at sixty degrees Fahrenheit and atmospheric pressure (14.7 psia);

(4) The manufacturer's name or trademark and catalog number and date of manufacture shall be required on all newly installed relief valves. For example, a safety relief valve marked "AA-250-4200" (air) means that this valve is suitable for use on an anhydrous ammonia container; that it is set to start-to-discharge at two hundred fifty psig; and that its rate of discharge is four thousand two hundred cubic feet per minute of air;

(H) The flow capacity of the safety relief valve shall not be restricted by any connection to it on either the upstream or downstream side;

(I) The manufacturer or supplier of a safety relief valve manifold shall publish complete data showing the flow rating through the combined assembly of the manifold with safety relief valves installed. The manifold flow rating shall be determined by testing the manifold with all but one valve discharging. If one or more openings have restrictions not present in the remaining openings, the restricted opening or openings or those having the lowest flow shall be used to establish the flow rate marked on the manifold nameplate. The marking shall be similar to that required in paragraph (G) for individual valves;

(J) A hydrostatic relief valve shall be installed between each pair of shut-off valves in the liquid ammonia piping or hose where liquid may be trapped so as to relieve into the atmosphere at a safe location, or shut-off valves with internal relief shall be used;

(K) Discharge from safety relief devices shall not terminate in or beneath any building.

Last updated February 10, 2025 at 1:00 PM

Supplemental Information

Authorized By:
Five Year Review Date:
Rule 901:5-3-10 | Safety.

(A) Personnel required to handle ammonia shall be trained in safe operating practices and the proper action to take in the event of emergencies. Personnel shall be instructed to use the equipment listed in paragraph (C) in the event of an emergency.

(B) If a leak occurs in an ammonia system, the personnel trained for and designated to act in such emergencies shall:

(1) See that persons not required to deal with an emergency are evacuated from the contaminated area;

(2) Put on a suitable gas mask;

(3) Wear gauntlet type plastic or rubber gloves and wear plastic or rubber suits in heavily contaminated atmospheres;

(4) Shut off the appropriate valves and take all feasible measures to resist the flow of ammonia;

(5) Seek professional assistance, such as a fire department, when necessary to control and/or stop an anhydrous ammonia leak.

(C) All storage systems shall have on hand, as a minimum, the following equipment for emergency and rescue purposes:

(1) One full face gas mask with unused anhydrous ammonia refill canisters, with valid expiration date;

(2) One pair of protective gloves;

(3) One pair of protective boots;

(4) One protective slicker and/or protective pants and jacket;

(5) Easily accessible shower and/or at least one hundred fifty gallons of clean water in an open top container;

(6) Tight fitting vented goggles or one full face shield;

(7) Where several persons are usually present, additional safety equipment shall be required.

(D) Each piece of farm equipment transporting anhydrous ammonia shall carry a container of at least five gallons of water and shall be equipped with rubber gloves and either a full face gas mask, or a pair of tight-fitting goggles, or one full face shield. The driver shall be instructed in their use and the proper action to take to provide for his safety.

(E) If a leak occurs in transportation equipment and it is not practical to stop the leak, the driver should move the vehicle to an isolated location away from populated communities or heavily traveled highways.

(F) If liquid ammonia contacts the skin or eyes, the affected area should be promptly and thoroughly flushed with water for at least fifteen minutes. Do not use neutralizing solutions or ointments on affected areas. Persons exercising control over liquid ammonia shall be responsible for being certain that a physician is consulted for persons who have accidental exposure to liquid ammonia.

Last updated January 14, 2025 at 3:40 PM

Supplemental Information

Authorized By:
Five Year Review Date:
Rule 901:5-3-11 | Filling and transfer to systems.

(A) Filling densities

(1) The filling densities of containers shall not exceed the following:

Aboveground Underground
(b)Insulated 57%

(2) If containers are to be filled according to liquid level by any gaging method other than a fixed length dip tube gage, each container should have a thermometer well so that the internal liquid temperature can be easily determined and the amount of liquid and vapor in the container corrected to a sixty degrees Fahrenheit basis.

(B) Transfer of liquids

(1) Anhydrous ammonia shall always be at a temperature suitable for the material of construction and design of the receiving containers;

(2) At least one attendant shall supervise the transfer of liquids from the time the connections are first made until they are finally disconnected;

(3) Flammable gases or gases which will react with ammonia (such as air) shall not be used to unload tank cars or transport trucks;

(4) Containers shall be charged or used only upon authorization of the owner;

(5) Containers shall be gaged and charged only in the open atmosphere or in buildings approved for that purpose;

(6) Pumps used for transferring ammonia shall be recommended and labeled for ammonia service by the manufacturer.

(a) Pumps shall be designed for at least two hundred fifty psig working pressure;

(b) Positive displacement pumps shall have installed, off the discharge port, a constant differential relief valve or a bypass valve discharging into the suction post of the pump through a line of sufficient size to carry the full capacity of the pump at relief valve setting, which setting and installation shall be according to pump manufacturer's recommendations;

(c) On the discharge side of the pump, before the relief valve line, there shall be installed a pressure gage graduated from zero to four hundred psig;

(d) Systems piping shall contain shut-off valves located as close as practicable to pump connections;

(7) Compressors used for transferring ammonia shall be recommended and labeled for ammonia service by the manufacturer;

(a) Compressors shall be designed for at least two hundred fifty psig working pressure. Crank cases of compressors not designed to withstand system pressure shall be protected with a suitable safety relief valve;

(b) Systems piping shall contain shut-off valves located as close as practicable to compressor connections;

(c) A safety relief valve large enough to discharge the full capacity of the compressor shall be connected to the discharge before any shut-off valve;

(d) Compressors shall have pressure gages at suction and discharge graduated from zero to four hundred psig;

(e) Adequate means, such as a drainable liquid trap, shall be provided on the compressor suction to minimize the entry of liquid into the compressor;

(f) Where necessary to prevent contamination, an oil separator shall be provided on the discharge side of the compressor.

(8) Loading and unloading systems shall be protected by suitable devices to prevent emptying of the storage container or the container being loaded or unloaded in the event of severance of the hose. Backflow check valves or properly sized excess flow valves shall be installed where necessary to provide such protection. In the event that such valves are not practical, remotely operated shut-off valves may be installed;

(9) Meters used for the measurement of liquid anhydrous ammonia shall be recommended and labeled for ammonia service by the manufacturer;

(a) Liquid meters shall be designed for a minimum working pressure of two hundred fifty psig;

(b) The metering system shall incorporate devices that will prevent the inadvertent measurement of vapor.

(10) No transfer shall be made directly from a motor transport which exceeds three thousand water gallons in capacity to application equipment;

(C) Tank car unloading points and operations

(1) Provisions for unloading tank cars shall conform to the regulations of the U.S. department of transportation;

(2) Unloading operations shall be performed by reliable persons properly instructed and made responsible for careful compliance with all applicable procedures;

(3) Caution signs shall be so placed on the track or car as to give necessary warning to persons approaching car from open end or ends of siding and shall be left up until after car is unloaded and disconnected from discharge connections. Signs shall be of metal or other suitable material, at least twelve by fifteen inches in size and bear the words "STOP - Tank Car Connected" or "STOP - Men At Work", the word "STOP" being in letters at least four inches high and the other words in letters at least two inches high. The letters shall be white on a blue background;

(4) The track of a tank car siding shall be substantially level;

(5) Brakes shall be set and wheels chocked on all cars being unloaded;

(6) Tank cars of anhydrous ammonia shall be unloaded only at approved locations meeting the requirements of rules 901:5-3-01 to 901:5-3-12 of the Administrative Code.

(D) Liquid level gaging device.

(1) Each container except those filled by weight shall be equipped with an approved liquid level gaging device;

(2) All gaging devices shall be arranged so that the maximum liquid level to which the container is filled is readily determined;

(3) Gaging devices that require bleeding of the product to the atmosphere such as the rotary tube, fixed tube, and slip tube devices, shall be designed so that the maximum opening of the bleed valve is not larger than no. 54 drill size unless provided with an excess flow valve;

(4) Gaging devices shall have a design pressure equal to or greater than the design pressure of the container on which they are installed;

(5) Fixed liquid level gages shall be so designed that the maximum volume of the container filled by liquid shall not exceed eighty-five per cent of its water capacity. The coupling into which the fixed liquid level gage is threaded must be placed at the eighty-five per cent level of the container. If located elsewhere, the dip tube of this gage must be installed in such a manner that it cannot be readily removed;

(6) Gage glasses of the columnar type shall be restricted to stationary storage installations. They shall be equipped with shut-off valves having metallic handwheels, with excess-flow valves, and with extra heavy glass adequately protected with a metal housing applied by the gage manufacturer. They shall be shielded against the direct rays of the sun.

Last updated February 10, 2025 at 1:00 PM

Supplemental Information

Authorized By:
Five Year Review Date:
Rule 901:5-3-12 | Systems utilizing stationary, pier-mounted or skid-mounted storage.

(A) Container valves and accessories, filling and discharge connections

(1) Each filling connection shall be provided with combination back-pressure check valve and excess flow valve; one double or two single back-pressure check valves; or a positive shut-off valve in conjunction with either an internal back-pressure check valve or an internal excess flow valve.

(2) All vapor and liquid connections, except safety-relief valves and those specifically exempt in rule 901:5-3-06 of the Administrative Code shall be equipped with approved excess flow valves; or in lieu thereof, may be fitted with approved quick-closing internal valves which, except during operating periods, shall remain closed.

(3) Each storage container shall be provided with a pressure gage graduated from zero to four hundred psig. Gages shall be designated for use in ammonia service.

(4) All containers shall be equipped with an approved vapor return valve.

(5) All containers shall be equipped with a fixed maximum liquid level gage.

(B) Safety relief devices

Every container shall be provided with one or more safety relief valves of spring-loaded or equivalent type and shall comply with the following:

(1) The discharge from safety relief valves shall be directed away from the container upward and unobstructed to the open air. Vent pipes shall not be restrictive or smaller in size than the safety relief valve outlet connection. All safety relief valve discharges shall have suitable rain caps that will allow free discharge of the vapor and prevent the entrance of water. Suitable provision shall be made for draining condensate which may accumulate;

(2) If desired, vent pipes from two or more safety relief devices located on the same unit, or similar lines from two or more different units, may be run into a common header, provided the cross-sectional area of such header is at least equal to the sum of the cross-sectional areas of the individual vent pipes.

(C) Installation of storage containers

(1) Containers shall be provided with substantial reinforced concrete footings and foundations or structural steel supports mounted on reinforced concrete foundations. In either case, the reinforced concrete foundations or footings shall extend below the established frost line and shall be of sufficient width and thickness to support the total weight of the containers and contents adequately. The foundation shall maintain the lowest point of the tank at not less than eighteen inches above the ground. Floating type foundations shall also be acceptable providing the foundations are designed to adequately support the tank, contents and pumping equipment.

(2) Horizontal aboveground containers shall be mounted on foundations in such a manner as to permit expansion and contraction. Every container shall be supported so as to prevent the concentration of excessive loads on the supporting portion of the shell. The bearing afforded by the saddles shall extend over at least one third of the circumference of the shell. Suitable means for preventing corrosion shall be provided on that portion of the container in contact with the foundations or saddles.

(3) Distance between containers shall be at least five feet, end to end or side to side.

(4) Only two supports shall be used per container.

(D) Marking of containers

(1) Aboveground uninsulated containers shall have a reflective surface maintained in good condition. White is recommended for painted surfaces, but other light reflecting colors are acceptable.

(2) Each container or group of containers shall be marked on at least two sides with the words "Anhydrous Ammonia" in sharply contrasting colors with letters not less than four inches high.

(E) Marking of appurtenances

(1) All container openings, except safety relief valves, liquid level gaging devices, and pressure gages shall be identified by legend or color code as specified in paragraphs (C)(1) and (2) of rule 901:5-3-04 of the Administrative Code.

(2) Instructions for loading and unloading procedures shall be required at all installations.

(F) Protection of container appurtenances

(1) Valves and other appurtenances shall be protected against physical damage. Main container shut-off valves shall be kept closed and locked when the installation is unattended. If the facility is protected against tampering by fencing or other suitable means, valve locks are not required.

(2) Storage containers need not be grounded.

(G) Identification

(1) A sign shall be displayed in a conspicuous place stating the name, address, and phone number of the nearest representative, agent, or owner of the storage system, an emergency phone number and the phone number of the nearest fire department.

(2) A plant registration number assigned by the Ohio department of agriculture shall be prominently displayed with the information required in paragraph (G)(1).

(H) Electrical equipment and wiring

(1) Electrical equipment and wiring for use in ammonia installations shall be general purpose or weather resistant as appropriate.

(2) Where concentrations of ammonia in air in excess of sixteen per cent by volume are likely to be encountered, electrical equipment and wiring shall be a type specified by and be installed in accordance with "National Electrical Code", "NFPA 70 (ANSI-C1)", for "Class I, Group D" locations.

Last updated January 14, 2025 at 3:40 PM

Supplemental Information

Authorized By:
Five Year Review Date:
Rule 901:5-3-13 | Systems mounted on farm equipment for the delivery of ammonia.

(A) Design and construction of containers

Containers shall be designed and constructed in accordance with rule 901:5-3-03 of the Administrative Code;

(B) Mounting containers

(1) A suitable "stop" or "stops" shall be mounted on farm equipment or on the container in such a way that the container shall not be dislodged from its mounting due to the farm equipment coming to a sudden stop. Back slippage shall also be prevented by proper methods;

(2) A suitable "hold-down" device shall be provided which will anchor the container to the farm equipment at one or more places on each side of the container;

(3) When containers are mounted on four-wheel farm equipment, care shall be taken to insure that the weight is distributed evenly over both axles;

(4) When the cradle and the container are not welded together, suitable material shall be used between them to eliminate metal-to-metal friction.

(C) Container appurtenances

(1) All containers shall be equipped with a fixed maximum liquid level gage;

(2) All containers with a capacity exceeding two hundred fifty gallons shall be equipped with a pressure gage having a dial graduated from zero to four hundred psig;

(3) The filling connection shall be fitted with combination back-pressure check valve and excess flow valve; one double or two single back-pressure check valves; or a positive shut-off valve in conjunction with either an internal back-pressure check valve or an internal excess flow valve;

(4) All containers with a capacity exceeding two hundred fifty gallons shall be equipped for spray loading or with an approved vapor return valve;

(5) All vapor and liquid connections, except safety relief valves and those specifically exempt in rule 901:5-3-03 of the Administrative Code, shall be equipped with approved excess flow valves or may be fitted with quick-closing internal valves which, except during operating periods, shall remain closed;

(6) Fittings shall be protected from physical damage by means of a rigid guard designed to withstand static loading in any direction equal to twice the weight of the container and lading using a safety factor of two based upon the ultimate strength of the material used. If the guard is fully enclosed, the safety relief valves shall be properly vented through the guard;

(7) If a liquid withdrawal line is installed in the bottom of a container, the connections thereto, including hose, shall not be lower than the lowest horizontal edge of the farm equipment axle;

(8) Provision shall be made to secure both ends of the hose while in transit.

(D) Marking of container

There shall appear on each side and on the rear end of the container in letters at least four inches high, the words "ANHYDROUS AMMONIA".

(E) Marking of appurtenances

(1) All container openings, except safety relief valves, liquid level gaging devices, and pressure gages shall be identified by legend or color code as specified in rule 901:5-3-04 of the Administrative Code;

(2) Instructions for loading and unloading procedures shall be required on all containers.

(F) Farm equipment

(1) Any farm equipment shall be securely attached to the vehicle drawing it by means of drawbars supplemented by suitable safety chains;

(2) Any farm equipment shall be constructed so that it will follow substantially in the path of the towing vehicle and will prevent the towed farm wagon from slipping or swerving dangerously from side to side and shall display a slow moving vehicle emblem;

(3) Each piece of farm equipment transporting anyhydrous ammonia shall carry a container of at least five gallons of water and shall be equipped with rubber gloves and either a full face mask, or a pair of tight-fitting goggles, or one full face shield. The driver shall be instructed in their use and the proper action to take to provide for his safety.

Last updated January 14, 2025 at 3:40 PM

Supplemental Information

Authorized By:
Five Year Review Date:
Rule 901:5-3-14 | Systems mounted on farm equipment for the application of ammonia.

(A) Design and construction of containers

The minimum design and construction for containers shall be in accordance with rule 901:5-3-03 of the Administrative Code.

(B) Mounting of containers

All containers shall be securely mounted.

(C) Container valves and appurtenances

(1) Each container shall have a fixed maximum liquid level gage;

(2) The filling connection shall be fitted with combination back-pressure check valve and excess flow valve; one double or two single back-pressure check valves; or a position shut-off valve in conjunction with either an internal back-pressure valve or an internal excess-flow valve;

(3) An excess-flow valve is not required in the vapor connection, provided the controlling orifice is not in excess of seven-sixteenths of an inch in diameter and the valve is a hand-operated (attached hand wheel or equivalent) shut-off valve. To assist in filling applicator tanks, it is permissible to bleed vapors to the open air, providing the preceding requirements are met;

(4) Metering devices may be connected directly to the tank withdrawal valve. A union type connection is permissible between the tank valve and metering device. Remote mounting of metering devices is permissible using hose which meets with the specifications required by rule 901:5-3-08 of the Administrative Code. When the applicator tank is trailed and the metering device is remotely mounted, such as on the tractor tool bar, an automatic break-a-way type, self-closing, coupling must be used;

(5) No excess-flow valve is required in the liquid withdrawal line provided the controlling orifice between the contents of the container and the outlet of the shut-off valve does not exceed seven-sixteenths of an inch in diameter.

(D) Safety equipment

Each piece of farm equipment transporting anhydrous ammonia shall carry a container of at least five gallons of water and shall be equipped with rubber gloves and either a full face mask, or a pair of tight-fitting goggles, or one full face shield. The driver shall be instructed in their use and the proper action to take to provide for his safety.

(E) Marking of container

There shall appear on the rear and both sides of the container in letters at least four inches high the words "ANHYDROUS AMMONIA."

(F) Marking of appurtenances

(1) All container openings, except safety relief valves, liquid level gaging devices, and pressure gages shall be identified by legend or color code as specified in rule 901:5-3-04 of the Administrative Code;

(2) Instructions for loading and unloading procedures shall be required on all containers.

Last updated January 14, 2025 at 3:40 PM

Supplemental Information

Authorized By:
Five Year Review Date: