Rule 3745-267-75 | Reports - manifest system, recordkeeping, reporting, and notifying - standardized permitting.
The owner or operator shall prepare a biennial report and other reports listed in paragraph (B) of this rule.
(A) Biennial report. The owner or operator shall prepare and submit a single copy of a biennial report to the director by March first of each even numbered year. The biennial report shall be submitted on Ohio EPA form EPA 9027, Ohio EPA form 9028, and Ohio EPA form 9029. The report shall cover facility activities during the previous calendar year and shall include:
(1) The U.S. EPA identification number, name, and address of the facility;
(2) The calendar year covered by the report;
(3) The method of treatment or storage for each hazardous waste;
(4) The most recent closure cost estimate under rule 3745-267-141 of the Administrative Code;
(5) A description of the efforts undertaken during the year to reduce the volume and toxicity of generated waste;
(6) A description of the changes in volume and toxicity of waste actually achieved during the year in comparison to previous years, to the extent such information is available for the years prior to 1984; and
(7) The certification signed by the owner or operator.
(B) Additional reports. In addition to submitting the biennial reports, the owner or operator shall report to the director:
(1) Releases, fires, and explosions as specified in paragraph (I)(2) of rule 3745-267-50 of the Administrative Code;
(2) Facility closures, as specified in paragraph (G) of rule 3745-267-110 of the Administrative Code; and
(3) As otherwise required by rules 3745-205-30 to 3745-205-36, 3745-205-50 to 3745-205-65, and 3745-205-80 to 3745-205-90 of the Administrative Code, and rules 3745-267-170, 3745-267-190 to 3745-267-204, and 3745-267-900 to 3745-267-908 of the Administrative Code.
(C) For off-site facilities, the U.S. EPA identification number of each hazardous waste generator from which the facility received a hazardous waste during the year. For imported shipments, the report shall give the name and address of the foreign generator.
(D) A description and the quantity of each hazardous waste the facility received during the year. For off-site facilities, the information shall be listed by U.S. EPA identification number of each generator.
[Comment: For dates of non-regulatory government publications, publications of recognized organizations and associations, federal rules, and federal statutory provisions referenced in this rule, see rule 3745-50-11 of the Administrative Code titled "Incorporated by reference."]
Last updated March 7, 2025 at 5:18 PM