The director of the legislative service commission shall arrange with the proper officials of the Ohio state university, the Ohio history connection, the supreme court law library, and the Ohio state library, for the use of general books and references in their custody, and the proper officials of the Ohio state university, the Ohio history connection, and the Ohio state library are hereby directed to lend to the commission for the use of said commission such books and documents as the director may require. The director is also authorized to give or lend to the proper officials of the Ohio state university, the Ohio history connection, and the Ohio state library, any books and documents which are not required by the director.
Chapter 103 | Legislative Services
Section |
Section 103.03 | Use of books and documents of other state agencies.
September 29, 2015
Latest Legislation:
House Bill 141 - 131st General Assembly
Section 103.05 | Codification of administrative rules - publications.
August 18, 2019
Latest Legislation:
Senate Bill 221 - 132nd General Assembly
(A) The director of the legislative service commission shall be the codifier of the rules of the administrative agencies of the state. When a rule is filed under section 111.15 or 119.04 of the Revised Code, the director or the director's designee shall examine the rule. If the rule is not numbered or if the numbering of the rule is not in conformity with the system established by the director, the director shall give the rule its proper number by designating the proper number on the left hand margin of the rule. The number shall be the official administrative code number of the rule. Any number so assigned shall be published in any publication of the administrative code. Rules of the administrative code shall be cited and referred to by such official numbers. The legislative service commission shall, under section 111.15 of the Revised Code, adopt, amend, and rescind any rules that are necessary to provide a uniform administrative code; to provide standards for use by the director in determining whether to include in the administrative code the full text of, or a reference to, any rule filed with the commission; to permit the director to discharge the director's duties and exercise the director's powers as described in this section; and to permit the director to discharge the director's duties and exercise the director's powers with respect to establishing and maintaining, and enhancing and improving, the electronic rule-filing system under section 103.0511 of the Revised Code. When the commission adopts rules to provide standards for use by the director in determining whether to include the full text of, or a reference to, a rule in the administrative code, it shall require the director to consider all of the following: (1) Whether the rule applies uniformly to all citizens of the state; (2) Whether the rule applies uniformly to all political subdivisions of the state; (3) Whether the rule affects the health, welfare, and safety of the citizens of the state; (4) Whether the rule applies only to the internal affairs of the agency adopting the rule; (5) The number of persons affected by the rule; (6) Whether the rule affects the statutory or constitutional rights of any person. The director or the director's designee shall accept any rule that is filed under section 111.15 or 119.04 of the Revised Code. If the director or the director's designee accepts a rule that is not in compliance with the rules of the commission, the director shall give notice of the noncompliance in electronic form to the agency that filed the rule within thirty days after the date on which the rule is filed. The notice shall indicate why the rule does not comply with the rules of the commission and how the rule can be brought into compliance. The failure of the director to give an agency notice within the thirty-day period presumptively establishes that the rule complies with the rules of the commission. (B) Any person may publish an acceptable code. The director shall approve as acceptable any person's publication of the code conforming to the requirements of this division. An Ohio administrative code approved as acceptable by the director shall: (1) Contain a compilation of the full text of, or a reference to, each rule filed under section 111.15 or 119.04 of the Revised Code; (2) Presumptively establish the rules of all agencies adopting rules under section 111.15 or Chapter 119. of the Revised Code that are in effect on the day of its initial publication; (3) Contain the full text of, or a reference to, each rule adopted after its initial publication and be updated at least quarterly; (4) Contain an index of the rules and references to rules that are included in the code and each supplement using terms easily understood by the general public; (5) Be published in electronic or print format following, to the extent possible, the subject matter arrangement of the Revised Code; (6) Be numbered according to the numbering system devised by the director. (C) The director may prepare and publish the code, or contract with any person under this division to prepare and publish the code. Any code published under this division shall include all of the requirements of division (B) of this section. In addition, the director shall furnish any code or supplement published under this division to any person who requests the code or supplement upon payment of a charge established by the director, not to exceed the cost of preparation and publication. Upon the request of the director of the legislative service commission under this division, the director of administrative services, in accordance with the competitive selection procedure of Chapter 125. of the Revised Code, shall let a contract for the compilation, preparation, and printing or publication of the administrative code and supplements. |
Section 103.051 | Register of Ohio.
October 1, 1999
Latest Legislation:
Senate Bill 11 - 123rd General Assembly
The "Register of Ohio" is an electronic publication that functions as a gazette to which members of the public may readily resort for notice of and information about rule-making processes. The director of the legislative service commission shall publish the register. The register is to include all rule-making documents that are required by statute to be published in the register. The director shall display the register free of charge on the internet, and shall ensure that printed copies of all or part of a document published in the register can be easily produced by users of the internet. The director, taking into consideration the public notice and information functions performed by the register, shall update the register at reasonable intervals, but not less often than weekly. The director shall establish a reasonable deadline before each updating. A document received by the director on or before a deadline is to be published in the register upon the register's next updating. The director shall purge a document from the register when its display no longer serves the public notice and information functions performed by the register. The director upon request of any person shall provide the person with a printed copy of all or part of a document published in the register. The director may charge and collect a fee for this service. Any such fee is not to exceed the actual cost of printing and delivering the printed copy to the person requesting it. The director shall deposit the fees into the state treasury to the credit of the register of Ohio fund. |
Section 103.052 | Assistance by state agencies in publishing register of Ohio.
October 1, 1999
Latest Legislation:
Senate Bill 11 - 123rd General Assembly
The director of the legislative service commission may request an agency to provide the director with assistance that is within the agency's competence and that is reasonably necessary to ensure the director's successful, efficient, and timely electronic publication of the register of Ohio. |
Section 103.053 | Reimbursement of costs from agency.
October 1, 1999
Latest Legislation:
Senate Bill 11 - 123rd General Assembly
To recover a portion of the cost of publishing the register of Ohio, the director of the legislative service commission may seek reimbursement from an agency of actual costs the director incurs in publishing the agency's documents in the register. The amount sought for reimbursement is to be an amount proportional to the internet space allocated to the agency for publishing the agency's documents in the register, and is to be reduced by the value of assistance the agency has provided to the director with respect to publication of the register. The director shall deposit reimbursements into the state treasury to the credit of the register of Ohio fund. |
Section 103.054 | Register of Ohio fund.
October 1, 1999
Latest Legislation:
Senate Bill 11 - 123rd General Assembly
The register of Ohio fund is hereby created in the state treasury. The director of the legislative service commission shall use money in the fund to defray costs of publishing the register of Ohio. Investment earnings of the fund are to be credited to the fund. |
Section 103.0511 | Electronic rule-filing system established.
August 18, 2019
Latest Legislation:
Senate Bill 221 - 132nd General Assembly
The director of the legislative service commission shall establish and maintain, and enhance and improve, an electronic rule-filing system connecting: (A) The legislative service commission, the joint committee on agency rule review, and the secretary of state; (B) The governor, the senate and house of representatives, and the clerks of the senate and house of representatives; (C) Each agency that files rules and other rule-making and rule-related documents with the legislative service commission, the joint committee on agency rule review, the department of aging, the governor, the secretary of state, the general assembly, or a committee of the senate or house of representatives under section 106.02, 106.022, 106.024, 106.031, 107.54, 111.15, 117.20, 119.03, 119.0311, 119.04, 121.39, 121.82, 173.01, or 5117.02 of the Revised Code or any other statute; (D) The several publishers of the Administrative Code; (E) The common sense initiative office; and (F) Any other person or governmental officer or entity whose inclusion in the system is required for the system to be a complete electronic rule-filing system. The electronic rule-filing system is to enable rules and rule-making and rule-related documents to be filed, and official responses to these filings to be made, exclusively by electronic means. |
Section 103.0512 | Rule filings during system shutdown.
April 1, 2002
Latest Legislation:
Senate Bill 11 - 123rd General Assembly
If there is an expected or unexpected shut down of the whole or part of the electronic rule-filing system, such as for maintenance or because of hardware or software failure, the director of the legislative service commission may temporarily authorize an agency that is required to file rules and other rule-making and rule-related documents exclusively in electronic form nevertheless to file rules and other rule-making and rule-related documents in print form. |
Section 103.0521 | Removal of obsolete rules.
October 3, 2023
Latest Legislation:
House Bill 33 - 135th General Assembly
If a rule currently in effect is obsolete because the rule was adopted by an agency that is no longer in existence and jurisdiction over the rule has not been transferred to another agency, and if that status is verified by the executive director of the joint committee on agency rule review, the executive director shall prepare, for consideration of the joint committee, a motion that the director of the legislative service commission remove the obsolete rule from the Administrative Code. The executive director shall transmit a copy of the motion to the common sense initiative office before the next meeting of the joint committee. The chairperson of the joint committee responsible for calling and conducting meetings under section 101.35 of the Revised Code, or another member of the joint committee delegated by that chairperson, shall offer the motion at the next meeting of the joint committee. If the motion is agreed to by the joint committee, the executive director shall transmit a copy of the motion to the director of the legislative service commission. The executive director shall certify on the copy transmitted that the motion was agreed to by the joint committee. Upon receiving the certified motion, the director of the legislative service commission shall remove the obsolete rule from the Administrative Code as directed in the motion. The director thereafter shall maintain the removed obsolete rule in a file of obsolete rules. The file of obsolete rules may be maintained in electronic form. Last updated September 7, 2023 at 2:43 PM |
Section 103.11 | Ohio legislative service commission organization.
September 30, 2021
Latest Legislation:
House Bill 110 - 134th General Assembly
There is hereby created, in the legislative branch of government, the Ohio legislative service commission consisting of fourteen members as follows: six members shall be members of the senate appointed by the president of the senate, not more than four of whom shall be members of the same political party; six members shall be members of the house of representatives appointed by the speaker of the house of representatives, not more than four of whom shall be members of the same political party; the president of the senate; and the speaker of the house of representatives. The members of the commission shall serve only so long as they are members of the general assembly. A vacancy in the office of any member of the commission shall be filled for the unexpired term in the same manner as the original appointment. In each even-numbered general assembly, the president of the senate shall serve as chairperson of the commission and the speaker of the house of representatives shall serve as vice-chairperson. In each odd-numbered general assembly, the speaker of the house of representatives shall serve as chairperson of the commission and the president of the senate shall serve as vice-chairperson. The members of the commission and members of committees thereof shall serve without compensation but shall be reimbursed for their actual and necessary expenses incurred in the performance of their official duties. Last updated July 29, 2021 at 3:46 PM |
Section 103.12 | Ohio legislative service commission committees.
November 11, 1965
Latest Legislation:
Senate Bill 328 - 106th General Assembly
The Ohio legislative service commission may appoint committees consisting of members of the general assembly and such citizens having special knowledge on a particular subject as the commission may determine, to study and report on assigned subjects. At least one member of the commission shall be a member of each committee. No committee study or report shall be published by the commission until such study or report has been approved for publication by a majority of the committee making the study or report. |
Section 103.13 | Powers and duties of legislative service commission.
September 15, 1999
Latest Legislation:
Senate Bill 11 - 123rd General Assembly
The Ohio legislative service commission shall: (A) Conduct research, make investigations, and secure information or data on any subject and make reports thereon to the general assembly; (B) Ascertain facts and make reports concerning the state budget, the revenues and expenditures of the state, and of the organization and functions of the state, its departments, subdivisions, and agencies; (C) Make surveys, investigations, and studies, and compile data, information, and records on any question which may be referred to it by either house of the general assembly or any standing committee of the general assembly; (D) Assist and cooperate with any interim legislative committee or other agency created by the general assembly; (E) Prepare or advise in the preparation of any bill or resolution, when requested by any member of the general assembly; (F) Collect, classify, and index the documents of the state which shall include executive and legislative documents and departmental reports and keep on file all bills, resolutions, and official journals printed by order of either house of the general assembly; (G) Provide members of the general assembly with impartial and accurate information and reports concerning legislative problems in accordance with rules prescribed by the commission; (H) Annually collect the reports required by section 4743.01 of the Revised Code and prepare a report evaluating the extent to which state boards and commissions which regulate occupations are financially self-supporting. The report shall be presented to the speaker and the minority leader of the house of representatives, the president and the minority leader of the senate, and the chairperson and ranking minority member of the finance committees of both houses, on or before the thirty-first day of December each year. (I) Codify the rules of administrative agencies of the state in accordance with the provisions of section 103.05 of the Revised Code; (J) Publish the register of Ohio under section 103.051 of the Revised Code; (K) Operate the electronic rule-filing system under section 103.0511 of the Revised Code. |
Section 103.131 | Codification and numbering of laws.
June 30, 1955
Latest Legislation:
Senate Bill 411 - 101st General Assembly
The director of the legislative service commission shall be the codifier of the laws of the state. When an act of a general and permanent nature passed by the general assembly becomes a law and is filed with the secretary of state, such director shall examine the same and if there is no sectional numbering on the act or if such numbering is not in conformity with the Revised Code, the director shall give such section of the act its proper sectional number by designating the proper number or numbers on the left hand margin of the enrolled bill. Such number shall be the official code number of the section. Numbers so assigned shall be published in the session laws and in any publication of the Revised Code. Sections of the Revised Code shall be cited and referred to by such official numbers. |
Section 103.14 | Fiscal analysis prepared by legislative budget office.
November 23, 1977
Latest Legislation:
Senate Bill 221 - 112th General Assembly
(A) If a bill introduced in the general assembly appears to affect the revenues or expenditures of the state, a county, municipal corporation, township, school district, or other governmental entity of the state, the Ohio legislative budget office of the Ohio legislative service commission shall, before the bill is recommended for passage by the house committee or the senate committee of the general assembly to which the bill was referred and again before the bill is taken up for final consideration by either house of the general assembly, prepare a fiscal analysis of the bill or resolution. The fiscal analysis shall include an estimate, in dollars, of the amount by which the bill would increase or decrease revenues or expenditures and any other information the Ohio legislative budget office considers necessary to explain the fiscal effect of the bill or resolution. (B) The Ohio legislative budget office shall distribute copies of a fiscal analysis in accordance with either of the following: (1) For consideration by the senate or house rules committee, or the standing committee to which a bill is referred, two copies to the chairman together with a copy to each member of the committee; (2) For final consideration, a copy to each member of the house that is considering the bill. If the member who introduced the bill or resolution is not a member of the house or rules committee considering the bill, the Ohio legislative budget office shall send him a copy. (C) In preparing a fiscal analysis the Ohio legislative budget office may request any department, division, institution, board, commission, authority, bureau, or other instrumentality or officer of the state, a county, municipal corporation, township, school district, or other governmental entity of the state to provide any of the following information: (1) An estimate, in dollars, of the amount by which the bill or resolution would increase or decrease the revenues or expenditures received or made by the instrumentality, officer, or entity; (2) Any other information the Ohio legislative budget office considers necessary for it to understand or explain the fiscal effect of the bill. An instrumentality, officer, or entity shall comply with a request as soon as reasonably possible after it receives the request. The Ohio legislative budget office shall specify the manner of compliance in its request, and if necessary may specify a longer period of time than five days for compliance. The Ohio legislative budget office may consider any information provided under this division in preparing a fiscal analysis. (D) The failure of the Ohio legislative budget office to prepare a fiscal analysis before a bill or resolution is taken up for consideration by the house or senate committees, or by either or both houses for final consideration shall not be construed to impair the validity of any bill passed by either or both houses of the general assembly. |
Section 103.142 | Substitute versions of bills - conference committee reports.
February 9, 1994
Latest Legislation:
House Bill 111 - 120th General Assembly
(A) As used in this section, "committee" means any standing or select committee of the general assembly or of either house of the general assembly. (B) Within five days after the effective date of this section, the legislative service commission shall meet to determine whether divisions (C) and (D) of this section should be implemented. If the commission determines that divisions (C) and (D) of this section should be implemented, the commission immediately shall adopt a resolution expressing its determination, and, after the adoption of the resolution, the legislative service commission and the legislative budget office of the legislative service commission shall perform the duties described in those divisions. If the commission determines that divisions (C) and (D) of this section should not be implemented, the commission immediately shall adopt a resolution expressing its determination, and the legislative service commission and the legislative budget office of the legislative service commission shall not perform the duties described in those divisions. If the commission adopts a resolution that implements divisions (C) and (D) of this section and the commission subsequently determines that the implementation of those divisions should be terminated, the commission, at a meeting, may adopt a resolution that supersedes the prior resolution. Upon the adoption of the superseding resolution, the legislative service commission and the legislative budget office of the legislative service commission shall not perform the duties specified in those divisions. (C) Upon the adoption by the legislative service commission of a resolution as described in division (B) of this section that implements this division and division (D) of this section, if any member of the general assembly presents a substitute version of any bill to a committee for its consideration or to a subcommittee of a committee for its consideration or if a subcommittee of a committee reports a substitute version of a bill back to the committee served by the subcommittee, all of the following apply: (1) The legislative service commission shall prepare and make available to each member of the committee or subcommittee to which the substitute version of the bill is presented or of the committee to which the substitute version of the bill is reported a document that describes each substantive difference between the substitute version of the bill and the version of the bill that was under consideration by the committee or subcommittee immediately preceding the presentation by the member of the substitute bill or that was assigned to the subcommittee that reported the substitute version of the bill back to the committee. (2) The legislative budget office of the legislative service commission shall prepare and make available to each member of the committee or subcommittee described in division (B)(1) of this section a document that describes the differences in fiscal impact between the substitute version of the bill and the version of the bill that was under consideration by the committee or subcommittee immediately preceding the presentation by the member of the substitute bill or that was assigned to the subcommittee that reported the substitute version of the bill back to the committee. (3) The legislative service commission shall retain copies of each document it prepares under division (C)(1) of this section and the legislative budget office of the legislative service commission shall retain copies of each document it prepares under division (C)(2) of this section. Each document prepared under either of those divisions is a public record open for inspection under section 149.43 of the Revised Code. (D) Upon the adoption by the legislative service commission of a resolution as described in division (B) of this section that implements this division and division (C) of this section, if any conference committee appointed by the general assembly to resolve the differences between the houses of the general assembly regarding a bill submits a report back to the general assembly, all of the following apply: (1) The legislative service commission shall prepare and make available to each member of the general assembly a document that describes each substantive provision included in the report of the conference committee. (2) The legislative budget office of the legislative service commission shall prepare and make available to each member of the general assembly a document that describes the fiscal impact of the report of the conference committee. (3) The legislative service commission shall retain copies of each document it prepares under division (D)(1) of this section and the legislative budget office of the legislative service commission shall retain copies of each document it prepares under division (D)(2) of this section. Each document prepared under either of those divisions is a public record open for inspection under section 149.43 of the Revised Code. (E) The duties imposed by divisions (C) and (D) of this section upon the legislative service commission and the legislative budget office of the legislative service commission are in addition to any other duties imposed upon the commission or office by this chapter, by any other provision of law, or by any resolution, policy, or directive adopted by the commission. |
Section 103.143 | Local impact statement of net additional cost to school districts, counties, townships, or municipal corporations.
September 5, 2001
Latest Legislation:
House Bill 94 - 124th General Assembly
In addition to its duties under section 103.14 of the Revised Code, the legislative service commission shall, in accordance with this section, review all bills assigned to a committee of the general assembly, complete the appropriate local impact statements required by this section, and compile and distribute these statements as required by division (D) of this section. (A) Subject to division (F) of this section, whenever any bill is introduced into either house of the general assembly and receives second consideration pursuant to the rules of that house, the bill shall be reviewed immediately by the legislative budget officer. Upon completing this review, the legislative budget officer shall determine whether the bill could result in a net additional cost to school districts, counties, townships, or municipal corporations from any new or expanded program or service that school districts, counties, townships, or municipal corporations would be required to perform or administer under the bill. If the legislative budget officer determines that it could result in such a cost, the legislative service commission shall prepare a local impact statement in the manner specified in this section. Immediately upon determining the potential for a net additional cost, the legislative budget officer shall notify the sponsor of the bill, the chairperson of the committee to which the bill has been assigned, and the presiding officer and minority leader of the house in which the bill originates of the legislative budget officer's determination by signing and dating a statement to be delivered to them. If a local impact statement is required, the legislative service commission shall, as soon as possible but no later than thirty days after the date the bill is scheduled for a first hearing in a committee in the house in which the bill was introduced or no later than thirty days after being requested to do so by the chairperson of such a committee, prepare a statement containing the most accurate estimate possible, in dollars, of the net additional costs, if any, that will be required of school districts, counties, townships, or municipal corporations to perform or administer a new or expanded program or service required under the bill. Copies of this statement shall be sent to the governor, the speaker of the house of representatives, the president of the senate, the sponsor of the bill, the minority leader in both houses, and the chairperson of the committee to which the bill has been assigned. No bill for which a local impact statement is required by this section shall be voted out of committee until after the committee members have received and considered the statement or, if the bill was amended in committee, the revised statement, unless the bill is voted out of committee by a two-thirds vote of the membership of the committee. (B) In preparing a local impact statement, the legislative service commission may request any department, division, institution, board, commission, authority, bureau, or other instrumentality or officer of the state, a school district, a county, a municipal corporation, or a township to provide any of the following information: (1) An estimate, in dollars, of the amount by which the bill would increase or decrease the revenues received or expenditures made by the instrumentality, officer, or entity; (2) Any other information the legislative service commission considers necessary for it to understand or explain the fiscal effect of the bill. An instrumentality, officer, or entity shall comply with a request as soon as reasonably possible, but not later than fifteen days, after receiving it. The legislative service commission shall specify the manner of compliance in its request, and if necessary may specify a period of time longer than fifteen days for compliance. The legislative service commission may consider any information provided under division (B)(1) or (2) of this section in preparing a local impact statement. (C) Any time a bill is amended, the legislative service commission shall, as soon as reasonably possible, revise the local impact statement to reflect changes made by amendment. (D) The legislative service commission shall annually compile the final local impact statements completed for all laws passed by both houses of the general assembly in the preceding year. It shall send a copy of this compilation as a draft report to associations or nonprofit organizations formed for the improvement of school districts or municipal, township, or county government or for their elected officials by the last day of July of each year. Upon receiving the draft report, these associations and organizations may comment about the actual fiscal impact of bills passed during the year covered by the report and forward those comments to the legislative service commission by the last day of August. The legislative service commission shall then prepare a final report consisting of the compiled local impact statements and all forwarded comments. The final report shall be completed by the last day of September and copies of the report shall be sent to the governor, the speaker of the house of representatives, and the president of the senate. (E) As used in this section, "net additional cost" means any cost incurred or anticipated to be incurred by a school district, county, township, or municipal corporation in performing or administering a new or expanded program or service required by a state law other than any of the following: (1) A cost arising from the exercise of authority granted by a state law rather than from the performance of a duty or obligation imposed by a state law; (2) New duties or obligations that create only a minimal cost for affected school districts, counties, townships, or municipal corporations. The legislative service commission shall determine what constitutes such a minimal cost. Before making this determination, the legislative service commission shall notify the state organizations that represent school districts, counties, townships, and municipal corporations regarding the proposed determination and provide a thirty-day period for these organizations and individual school districts, counties, townships, and municipal corporations to comment on it. (3) A cost arising from a law passed as a result of a federal mandate. The amounts described in division (E)(2) of this section include only the amounts remaining after subtracting from such costs any revenues received or receivable by the school district, county, township, or municipal corporation on account of the program or service, including the following: (a) Fees charged to the recipients of the program or service; (b) State or federal aid paid specifically or categorically in connection with the program or service; (c) Any offsetting savings resulting from the diminution or elimination of any other program or service directly attributable to the performance or administration of the required program or service. (F) This section does not apply to any of the following: (1) The main biennial operating appropriations bill; (2) The biennial operating appropriations bill for state agencies supported by motor fuel tax revenue; (3) The biennial operating appropriations bill or bills for the bureau of workers' compensation and the industrial commission; (4) Any other bill that makes the principal biennial operating appropriations for one or more state agencies; (5) The bill that primarily contains corrections and supplemental appropriations to the biennial operating appropriations bills; (6) The main biennial capital appropriations bill; (7) The bill that primarily contains reappropriations from previous capital appropriations bills. |
Section 103.144 | Mandated benefit defined.
September 29, 2013
Latest Legislation:
House Bill 59 - 130th General Assembly
As used in sections 103.144 to 103.146 of the Revised Code: (A) "Mandated benefit" means the following, when considered in the context of a sickness and accident insurance policy or a health insuring corporation policy, contract, or agreement: (1) Any required coverage for a specific medical or health-related service, treatment, medication, or practice; (2) Any required coverage for the services of specific health care providers; (3) Any requirement that an insurer or health insuring corporation offer coverage to specific individuals or groups; (4) Any requirement that an insurer or health insuring corporation offer specific medical or health-related services, treatments, medications, or practices to existing insureds or enrollees; (5) Any required expansion of, or addition to, existing coverage; (6) Any mandated reimbursement amount to specific health care providers. (B) "Mandated benefit" does not include any required coverage or offer of coverage, any required expansion of, or addition to, existing coverage, or any mandated reimbursement amount to specific providers, as described in division (A) of this section, within the context of any public health benefits arrangement, including but not limited to, the coverage of beneficiaries enrolled in medicare pursuant to a medicare risk contract or medicare cost contract, or to the coverage of beneficiaries enrolled in medicaid. |
Section 103.145 | Determining financial impact of mandated benefit.
December 13, 2001
Latest Legislation:
House Bill 405 - 124th General Assembly
(A) The chairperson of a standing committee of either house of the general assembly may, at any time, request the director of the legislative service commission to review any bill that is assigned to the chairperson's committee in order to determine whether the bill includes a mandated benefit. The director shall review the bill and notify the chairperson of the director's determination. If the director determines that the bill includes a mandated benefit, the presiding officer of the house that is considering the bill may request the director to arrange for the performance of an independent healthcare actuarial review of the mandated benefit. In making this arrangement, the director shall retain one or more independent actuaries on a consulting basis to determine the financial impact of the mandated benefit in accordance with section 103.146 of the Revised Code. Each actuary retained shall be a member in good standing of the American academy of actuaries. The director shall assist the actuary or actuaries in obtaining any information needed. No later than sixty days after receiving the presiding officer's request to arrange for the performance of the actuarial review, the director shall submit the findings of the actuarial review to the chairperson of the committee to which the bill is assigned and to the ranking minority member of that committee. (B) To assist the actuary or actuaries in obtaining information needed to perform the healthcare actuarial review, the legislative service commission may request any department, division, institution, board, commission, authority, bureau, or other instrumentality or officer of the state, a county, a municipal corporation, a township, a school district, or other governmental entity of the state to provide any information the commission requires for purposes of the review. An instrumentality, officer, or entity shall comply with a request as soon as reasonably possible after receiving it. The commission shall specify the manner of compliance, and the period of time for compliance, in its request. |
Section 103.146 | Independent healthcare actuarial review of mandated benefit consulting professionals.
December 13, 2001
Latest Legislation:
House Bill 405 - 124th General Assembly
In performing an independent healthcare actuarial review of a mandated benefit, the actuary or actuaries retained by the director of the legislative service commission shall consult with professionals knowledgeable in matters related to the performance of an actuarial review of a mandated benefit and shall consider the results of any professionally acceptable controlled trial and any other relevant research specifically centered around the benefit. The actuary or actuaries shall determine the extent to which: (A) The mandated benefit will increase or decrease the administrative expenses of insurance companies and health insuring corporations; (B) The mandated benefit will increase or decrease premiums; (C) Small employers, medium-sized employers, large employers, and, if applicable, the state and political subdivisions of the state, will be financially impacted; (D) The mandated benefit will increase or decrease the number of insured individuals in this state; and (E) The mandated benefit will impact the total cost and quality of health care, including any potential cost savings that may be realized. |
Section 103.15 | Clerks to deliver documents to legislative service commission.
March 9, 1999
Latest Legislation:
House Bill 649 - 122nd General Assembly
At the close of each second regular session of the general assembly, the clerk of the senate and the clerk of the house of representatives shall deliver to the director of the Ohio legislative service commission copies of all bills, joint resolutions, important petitions, memorials, and other legislative documents passed or presented during each session of the general assembly. |
Section 103.16 | Public hearings of legislative service commission or its committees.
June 13, 1975
Latest Legislation:
House Bill 1 - 111th General Assembly
The Ohio legislative service commission or any committee thereof when so authorized by the commission is empowered to hold public hearings, at such times and places within the state as may be determined advisable or necessary to accomplish the purposes and intent of sections 103.11 to 103.22 of the Revised Code. |
Section 103.17 | Subpoena power and contempt proceedings.
January 9, 1961
Latest Legislation:
House Bill 1 - 104th General Assembly
In the discharge of any duties imposed by law, any member of the Ohio legislative service commission shall have the authority throughout the state to administer oaths, issue subpoenas compelling the attendance of witnesses and the production of any papers, books, accounts, and testimony; and to cause the deposition of witnesses either residing in or without the state. In case of disobedience on the part of any person to comply with a subpoena issued on behalf of the commission, or on the refusal of any witness to testify to any matters regarding which he may be lawfully interrogated, it shall be the duty of the county prosecutor in any county, on application of the commission, to bring a proceeding for contempt. |
Section 103.18 | Cooperation of state agencies.
January 9, 1961
Latest Legislation:
House Bill 1 - 104th General Assembly
The Ohio legislative service commission or any committee appointed by the commission may call upon any state department, university, agency, or officer, or agency of any political subdivision for such facilities and data as may be available and state departments, universities, agencies and officers, and agencies of political subdivisions shall cooperate with the commission or any committee appointed by the commission to the fullest possible extent. |
Section 103.19 | Appointment of officers and employees.
January 9, 1961
Latest Legislation:
House Bill 1 - 104th General Assembly
The Ohio legislative service commission shall appoint and fix the compensation of a director and such other technical, professional and clerical employes and services as are necessary to carry out the powers and duties of the commission. All officers and employes of the commission shall serve at the pleasure of the commission. The director shall act as secretary of the commission and shall be the chief administrative officer of the commission. |
Section 103.20 | Office space of legislative service commission.
July 1, 1971
Latest Legislation:
House Bill 118 - 109th General Assembly
The Ohio legislative service commission shall be provided with adequate office space in the state house. The director of the Ohio legislative service commission, with the approval of the commission, may obtain office space elsewhere in Columbus if the space in the state house is inadequate. |
Section 103.21 | Appropriations for compensation and expenses.
June 30, 2000
Latest Legislation:
Senate Bill 245 - 123rd General Assembly
(A) The compensation of the director and all officers and employees of the Ohio legislative service commission, the expenses of the commission, and the expenses of the director and the employees of the commission shall be paid out of appropriations made for that purpose upon vouchers approved by the director and the chairperson of the commission. (B) The director of budget and management, upon the request of the director of the legislative service commission and with the approval of the chairperson and vice-chairperson of the commission, shall make transfers of all or part of an appropriation within the commission or from one fiscal year to another. |
Section 103.22 | Meetings and procedure.
September 30, 2021
Latest Legislation:
House Bill 110 - 134th General Assembly
The Ohio legislative service commission shall meet as often as is necessary to perform its duties. Eight members shall constitute a quorum, and the majority thereof shall have authority to act on new matters within the jurisdiction of the commission. They shall formulate rules of procedure and prescribe the policies for the performance of its duties and functions. Last updated July 29, 2021 at 3:47 PM |
Section 103.23 | Legislative budget and program oversight commission.
July 30, 1979
Latest Legislation:
House Bill 204 - 113th General Assembly
The legislative service commission shall serve as a legislative budget and program oversight commission and may delegate to any committee it creates the responsibility to: (A) Conduct program reviews of state agencies and departments or programs and activities within such agencies and departments, of the state's local assistance programs, and of state laws. As used in this section "program review" means an examination and review of any state agency, department, bureau, commission, or institution, or any activity, program, or law of the state to determine whether or to what extent the intent and goals of the organization, activity, program, or law are being achieved and whether funds appropriated have been efficiently and effectively expended; (B) Continually review and evaluate federal and state government relationships and the fiscal, economic, and social implications thereof; (C) Annually prepare and update long-range fiscal plans for the state; (D) Provide staff to assist the controlling board in performing its duties and exercising its powers. If in a program review the commission cites the failure of a program to meet intended goals, inadequate operating or administrative procedures or controls, fiscal or program reporting inaccuracies, waste, extravagance, unauthorized or unintended activities or programs, or other deficiencies, the head of the state department, agency, bureau, commission, or institution or the official responsible for the program shall respond to the report and inform the commission, at such times and in such manner and form as the commission determines, of any corrective actions that have been taken. The commission shall report the results of all program reviews to the general assembly. No official of a state agency, department, bureau, commission, or institution shall refuse to provide or make available to the legislative service commission any information or records under its control or in its possession when requested to provide such information as part of the exercise of the commission's powers in this section and section 103.13 of the Revised Code unless the law dealing with the information or records specifically states that the commission is not authorized to review such information or records. No member or employee of the commission shall use any confidential information or record for any purpose except those authorized in this section and section 103.13 of the Revised Code. |
Section 103.24 | Legislative agency telephone usage fund.
July 17, 2009
Latest Legislation:
House Bill 1 - 128th General Assembly
There is hereby created in the state treasury the legislative agency telephone usage fund. Money collected from the house of representatives, senate, and joint legislative ethics committee shall be credited to the fund, along with money collected from any other legislative agency that the legislative service commission determines should account for calls made from the agency's telephones through the fund. The fund shall be used to pay the telephone carriers for all such telephone calls. |
Section 103.25 | Protection and maintenance of electronic documents.
September 15, 1999
Latest Legislation:
Senate Bill 11 - 123rd General Assembly
The director of the legislative service commission shall take all necessary measures to protect and maintain the integrity and security of: (A) All legislative and quasi-legislative documents stored in an electronic format, including any database that contains the Revised Code or Ohio administrative code; and (B) The electronic rule-filing system. |
Section 103.26 | Reports on legislation regarding occupational regulation.
April 5, 2019
Latest Legislation:
Senate Bill 255 - 132nd General Assembly
(A) As used in this section and section 103.27 of the Revised Code: "Individual" means a natural person. "Least restrictive regulation" has the meaning defined in section 4798.01 of the Revised Code. "Occupational regulation" means a statute or rule that controls an individual's practice of a trade or profession. (B) With respect to legislation that has been introduced in the house of representatives or in the senate, which proposes to substantially change or enact an occupational regulation, the director of the legislative service commission shall issue a report of the legislation. The director shall issue a report that compares the regulatory scheme proposed in the legislation with the policies expressed in section 4798.02 of the Revised Code with respect to proposing the least restrictive regulation to protect consumers from present, significant, and substantiated harms that threaten public health, safety, or welfare. The director shall issue this report to the general assembly in a timely manner. To the extent possible with readily available or obtainable information, the director shall report on consequences of the legislation with respect to: (1) Opportunities for employment within the occupation; (2) Consumer choices and costs; (3) Market competition; (4) Cost to government. (C) The report issued under division (B) of this section shall include all of the following: (1) A comparison of the regulatory scheme put forth in the legislation with the current regulatory scheme in other similar states for the same occupation and a consideration of the extent to which significant changes in the board's rules could prevent an individual licensed in this state from practicing, or allow an individual licensed in this state to practice, the same occupation in another jurisdiction without obtaining an occupational license for that occupation in that other jurisdiction; (2) A comparison of the regulatory scheme put forth in the legislation with the policy of this state as set forth in the sections of the Revised Code governing the occupation that is the subject of the legislation, if those sections include such a policy. (D) The sponsor of a bill, in order to assist the director of the legislative service commission with the director's duties under division (B) of this section, may submit to the director any relevant information, including the following: (1) Evidence of present, significant, and substantiated harms to consumers in the state; (2) An explanation of why existing civil or criminal laws or procedures are inadequate to prevent or remedy any harm to the public; (3) An explanation of why a less restrictive regulation, that is consistent with the policies expressed in section 4798.02 of the Revised Code, is not proposed; (4) The names of associations, organizations, or other groups representing the occupation seeking regulation and the approximate number of members in each in this state; (5) The functions typically performed by members of this occupation and whether they are identical or similar to those performed by another occupation; (6) Whether specialized training, education, or experience is required to engage in the occupation and, if so, how current practitioners acquired that training, education, or experience; (7) Whether or not the proposed regulation would change the way practitioners of the occupation acquire any necessary specialized training, education, or experience and, if so, why; (8) Whether or not any current practitioners of the occupation in this state lack whatever specialized training, education, or experience might be required to engage in the occupation and, if so, how the proposed regulation would address that deficiency; (9) Whether or not new entrants into the occupation would be required to provide evidence of any necessary training, education, or experience, or to pass an examination, or both; (10) Whether or not current practitioners would be required to provide evidence of any necessary training, education, or experience, or to pass an examination, and, if not, why not; (11) The expected impact of the proposed regulation on the supply of practitioners of the occupation and on the cost of services or goods provided by the occupation; (12) Information from others knowledgeable about the occupation, and the related economic factors. (E) A bill which proposes to substantially change or enact an occupational regulation shall not be favorably reported out of committee until after the committee members have received and considered the report provided under division (B) of this section, unless two-thirds of the members of the committee vote in the affirmative to favorably report the bill. |
Section 103.27 | Report regarding occupations subject to regulation.
April 5, 2019
Latest Legislation:
Senate Bill 255 - 132nd General Assembly
Each biennium starting with an odd-numbered year, beginning in 2019, the director of the legislative service commission shall issue a report regarding approximately thirty-three per cent of occupations subject to regulation by the state. The report shall compare the current regulatory scheme being utilized in this state with the policies expressed in section 4798.02 of the Revised Code. The director shall issue all reports performed during a biennium, not later than the first day of December of the even-numbered year of that biennium, to the general assembly and to the attorney general. The director may require that information be submitted by any department or board that regulates the occupation. The director shall, over a six-year period including calendar years 2019 through 2024, issue reports regarding all occupations subject to regulation by the state. The director's report regarding an occupation may be scheduled to coincide with, and be done in conjunction with, the review of an occupational licensing board being done by a standing committee of the general assembly under section 101.63 of the Revised Code. Last updated February 13, 2025 at 7:23 AM |
Section 103.31 | Requests for data analytics.
March 20, 2019
Latest Legislation:
House Bill 489 - 132nd General Assembly
(A) For the purpose of providing impartial, accurate information to assist the general assembly in proposing and evaluating legislation, the speaker of the house of representatives or the president of the senate may, at any time, request the director of the legislative service commission to arrange for data analytics to be conducted on any publicly available information regarding state banks, credit unions organized under Chapter 1733. of the Revised Code, or entities licensed or registered under Chapter 1321. or 1322. of the Revised Code. (B) The director may, in making the arrangement described in division (A) of this section, retain economists, financial analysts, and any other necessary professionals on a consulting basis. (C) As used in this section, "data analytics" means the use of qualitative and quantitative techniques to examine data to gain a better understanding of the data itself and the organizations that produced it. |
Section 103.41 | Joint medicaid oversight committee.
September 30, 2021
Latest Legislation:
House Bill 110 - 134th General Assembly
(A) As used in sections 103.41 to 103.415 of the Revised Code: (1) "JMOC" means the joint medicaid oversight committee created under this section. (2) "State and local government medicaid agency" means all of the following: (a) The department of medicaid; (b) Each state agency and political subdivision with which the department of medicaid contracts under section 5162.35 of the Revised Code to have the state agency or political subdivision administer one or more components of the medicaid program, or one or more aspects of a component, under the department's supervision; (c) Each agency of a political subdivision that is responsible for administering one or more components of the medicaid program, or one or more aspects of a component, under the supervision of the department or a state agency or political subdivision described in division (A)(2)(b) of this section. (B) There is hereby created the joint medicaid oversight committee. JMOC shall consist of the following members: (1) Five members of the senate appointed by the president of the senate, three of whom are members of the majority party and two of whom are members of the minority party; (2) Five members of the house of representatives appointed by the speaker of the house of representatives, three of whom are members of the majority party and two of whom are members of the minority party. (C) The term of each JMOC member shall begin on the day of appointment to JMOC and end on the last day that the member serves in the house (in the case of a member appointed by the speaker) or senate (in the case of a member appointed by the president) during the general assembly for which the member is appointed to JMOC. The president and speaker shall make the initial appointments not later than fifteen days after March 20, 2014. However, if this section takes effect before January 1, 2014, the president and speaker shall make the initial appointments during the period beginning January 1, 2014, and ending January 15, 2014. The president and speaker shall make subsequent appointments not later than fifteen days after the commencement of the first regular session of each general assembly. JMOC members may be reappointed. A vacancy on JMOC shall be filled in the same manner as the original appointment. (D) In odd-numbered years, the speaker shall designate one of the majority members from the house as the JMOC chairperson, the president shall designate one of the majority members from the senate as the JMOC vice-chairperson, and the president shall designate one of the minority members from the senate as the JMOC ranking minority member. In even-numbered years, the president shall designate one of the majority members from the senate as the JMOC chairperson, the speaker shall designate one of the majority members from the house as the JMOC vice-chairperson, and the speaker shall designate one of the minority members from the house as the JMOC ranking minority member. (E) In appointing members from the minority, and in designating ranking minority members, the president and speaker shall consult with the minority leader of their respective houses. (F) JMOC shall meet at the call of the JMOC chairperson. The chairperson shall call JMOC to meet not less often than once each calendar month, unless the chairperson and ranking minority member agree that the chairperson should not call JMOC to meet for a particular month. (G) Notwithstanding section 101.26 of the Revised Code, the members, when engaged in their duties as members of JMOC on days when there is not a voting session of the member's house of the general assembly, shall be paid at the per diem rate of one hundred fifty dollars, and their necessary traveling expenses, which shall be paid from the funds appropriated for the payment of expenses of legislative committees. (H) The JMOC chairperson may, subject to approval by the speaker of the house of representatives or the speaker's designee and the president of the senate or the president's designee, employ professional, technical, and clerical employees as are necessary for JMOC to be able successfully and efficiently to perform its duties. All such employees are in the unclassified service and may be terminated by the chairperson, subject to approval of the speaker or the speaker's designee and president or the president's designee. JMOC may contract for the services of persons who are qualified by education and experience to advise, consult with, or otherwise assist JMOC in the performance of its duties. (I) The JMOC chairperson, when authorized by JMOC and the president and speaker, may issue subpoenas and subpoenas duces tecum in aid of JMOC's performance of its duties. A subpoena may require a witness in any part of the state to appear before JMOC at a time and place designated in the subpoena to testify. A subpoena duces tecum may require witnesses or other persons in any part of the state to produce books, papers, records, and other tangible evidence before JMOC at a time and place designated in the subpoena duces tecum. A subpoena or subpoena duces tecum shall be issued, served, and returned, and has consequences, as specified in sections 101.41 to 101.45 of the Revised Code. (J) The JMOC chairperson may administer oaths to witnesses appearing before JMOC. Last updated June 1, 2023 at 11:10 AM |
Section 103.411 | Appearance of Medicaid director.
March 20, 2014
Latest Legislation:
Senate Bill 206 - 130th General Assembly
The JMOC chairperson may request that the medicaid director appear before JMOC to provide information and answer questions about the medicaid program. If so requested, the medicaid director shall appear before JMOC at the time and place specified in the request. Last updated June 1, 2023 at 2:52 PM |
Section 103.412 | JMOC powers.
September 29, 2015
Latest Legislation:
House Bill 64 - 131st General Assembly
(A) JMOC shall oversee the medicaid program on a continuing basis. As part of its oversight, JMOC shall do all of the following: (1) Review how the medicaid program relates to the public and private provision of health care coverage in this state and the United States; (2) Review the reforms implemented under section 5162.70 of the Revised Code and evaluate the reforms' successes in achieving their objectives; (3) Recommend policies and strategies to encourage both of the following: (a) Medicaid recipients being physically and mentally able to join and stay in the workforce and ultimately becoming self-sufficient; (b) Less use of the medicaid program. (4) Recommend, to the extent JMOC determines appropriate, improvements in statutes and rules concerning the medicaid program; (5) Develop a plan of action for the future of the medicaid program; (6) Receive and consider reports submitted by local healthier buckeye councils under section 355.04 of the Revised Code. (B) JMOC may do all of the following: (1) Plan, advertise, organize, and conduct forums, conferences, and other meetings at which representatives of state agencies and other individuals having expertise in the medicaid program may participate to increase knowledge and understanding of, and to develop and propose improvements in, the medicaid program; (2) Prepare and issue reports on the medicaid program; (3) Solicit written comments on, and conduct public hearings at which persons may offer verbal comments on, drafts of its reports. |
Section 103.413 | Investigations.
March 20, 2014
Latest Legislation:
Senate Bill 206 - 130th General Assembly
(A) JMOC may investigate state and local government medicaid agencies. Subject to division (B) of this section, all of the following apply to an investigation: (1) JMOC, including its employees, may inspect the offices of a state and local government medicaid agency as necessary for the conduct of the investigation. (2) No person shall deny JMOC or a JMOC employee access to such an office when access is needed for such an inspection. (3) Neither JMOC nor a JMOC employee is required to give advance notice of, or to make prior arrangements before, such an inspection. (B) Neither JMOC nor a JMOC employee shall conduct an inspection under this section unless the JMOC chairperson grants prior approval for the inspection. The chairperson shall not grant such approval unless JMOC, the president of the senate, and the speaker of the house of representatives authorize the chairperson to grant the approval. Each inspection shall be conducted during the normal business hours of the office being inspected, unless the chairperson determines that the inspection must be conducted outside of normal business hours. The chairperson may make such a determination only due to an emergency circumstance or other justifiable cause that furthers JMOC's mission. If the chairperson makes such a determination, the chairperson shall specify the reason for the determination in the grant of prior approval for the inspection. |
Section 103.414 | Projection of medical inflation rate.
March 20, 2014
Latest Legislation:
Senate Bill 206 - 130th General Assembly
Before the beginning of each fiscal biennium, JMOC shall contract with an actuary to determine the projected medical inflation rate for the upcoming fiscal biennium. The contract shall require the actuary to make the determination using the same types of classifications and sub-classifications of medical care that the United States bureau of labor statistics uses in determining the inflation rate for medical care in the consumer price index. The contract also shall require the actuary to provide JMOC a report with its determination at least one hundred twenty days before the governor is required to submit a state budget for the fiscal biennium to the general assembly under section 107.03 of the Revised Code. On receipt of the actuary's report, JMOC shall determine whether it agrees with the actuary's projected medical inflation rate. If JMOC disagrees with the actuary's projected medical inflation rate, JMOC shall determine a different projected medical inflation rate for the upcoming fiscal biennium. The actuary and, if JMOC determines a different projected medical inflation rate, JMOC shall determine the projected medical inflation rate for the state unless that is not practicable in which case the determination shall be made for the midwest region. Regardless of whether it agrees with the actuary's projected medical inflation rate or determines a different projected medical inflation rate, JMOC shall complete a report regarding the projected medical inflation rate. JMOC shall include a copy of the actuary's report in JMOC's report. JMOC's report shall state whether JMOC agrees with the actuary's projected medical inflation rate and, if JMOC disagrees, the reason why JMOC disagrees and the different medical inflation rate JMOC determined. At least ninety days before the governor is required to submit a state budget for the upcoming fiscal biennium to the general assembly under section 107.03 of the Revised Code, JMOC shall submit a copy of the report to the general assembly in accordance with section 101.68 of the Revised Code and to the governor and medicaid director. |
Section 103.415 | Review of pertinent legislation.
March 20, 2014
Latest Legislation:
Senate Bill 206 - 130th General Assembly
JMOC may review bills and resolutions regarding the medicaid program that are introduced in the general assembly. JMOC may submit a report of its review of a bill or resolution to the general assembly in accordance with section 101.68 of the Revised Code. The report may include JMOC's determination regarding the bill's or resolution's desirability as a matter of public policy. JMOC's decision on whether and when to review a bill or resolution has no effect on the general assembly's authority to act on the bill or resolution. |
Section 103.51 | Legislative task force on redistricting, reapportionment, and demographic research.
October 3, 2023
Latest Legislation:
House Bill 33 - 135th General Assembly
(A) There is hereby created the legislative task force on redistricting, reapportionment, and demographic research, consisting of six members. The president of the senate shall appoint three members, not more than two of whom shall be members of the same political party. One member appointed by the president shall not be a member of the general assembly. The speaker of the house of representatives shall appoint three members, not more than two of whom shall be members of the same political party. One member appointed by the speaker shall not be a member of the general assembly. Appointments to the task force shall be made within forty-five days after the commencement of the first regular session of each general assembly in the manner prescribed in this division. A vacancy on the task force shall be filled for the unexpired term in the same manner as the original appointment. Members of the task force shall serve on the task force until the appointments are made in the first regular session of the following general assembly or, in the case of task force members who also are general assembly members when appointed, until they are no longer general assembly members. The president of the senate shall appoint a member of the task force, and the speaker of the house of representatives shall appoint a member of the task force, to serve as co-chairpersons of the task force. The co-chairpersons shall be members of different political parties. The co-chairpersons may enter into any agreements on behalf of the task force and perform any acts that may be necessary or proper for the task force to carry out its powers and duties under this section. (B) The members of the task force shall serve without compensation, but shall be reimbursed for their actual and necessary expenses incurred in the performance of their official duties. (C) The task force shall do all of the following: (1) Provide such assistance to the general assembly and its committees as requested in order to help the general assembly fulfill its duty to establish districts for the election of representatives to congress; (2) Provide such assistance to the apportionment board as requested in order to help it fulfill its duty to provide for the apportionment of this state for members of the general assembly. As used in this section, "apportionment board" means the persons designated in Section 1 of Article XI, Ohio Constitution, as being responsible for that apportionment. (3) Engage in such research studies and other activities as the task force considers necessary or appropriate in the preparation and formulation of a plan for the next apportionment of the state for members of the general assembly and a plan for the next establishment of districts for the election of representatives to congress and in the utilization of census and other demographic and statistical data for policy analysis, program development, and program evaluation purposes for the benefit of the general assembly. (D) Notwithstanding any provision of law to the contrary, the task force may do all of the following: (1) Hire such employees and engage such experts and technical advisors and fix their compensation, and obtain such services, as are necessary for the task force to exercise its duties under this section; (2) Authorize the providing of such services and the furnishing of such data by the task force to any state agency or political subdivision of this state as the task force may specify, on such terms and conditions as the task force may specify, including the amount of the payment for providing the services and furnishing the data; (3) Conduct meetings and hearings both within and outside this state and otherwise exercise all of the powers of a standing or select committee of the general assembly; (4) Request and receive from any state agency or political subdivision of this state such assistance and data as will enable the task force to exercise its powers and duties under this section. Last updated September 7, 2023 at 2:49 PM |
Section 103.60 | Rare disease advisory council.
January 1, 2025
Latest Legislation:
House Bill 33 - 135th General Assembly
(A) As used in this section, "rare disease" means a disease or condition that affects fewer than 200,000 people living in the United States. (B) There is hereby created the rare disease advisory council. The purpose of the council is to advise the general assembly regarding research, diagnosis, and treatment efforts related to rare diseases across the state. (C) The council shall consist of the following thirty-two members: (1) The following members appointed by the governor: (a) One individual who is a medical researcher with experience researching rare diseases; (b) One individual who represents an academic research institution in this state that receives funding for rare disease research; (c) One individual authorized under Chapter 4731. of the Revised Code to practice medicine and surgery or osteopathic medicine and surgery who has experience researching, diagnosing, and treating rare diseases; (d) One individual authorized under Chapter 4723. of the Revised Code to practice nursing as a registered nurse who has experience providing nursing care to patients with rare diseases; (e) One individual authorized under Chapter 4778. of the Revised Code to practice as a genetic counselor who is currently practicing at a children's hospital; (f) Three members of the public who are living with a rare disease or represent an individual living with a rare disease; (g) One representative of a national organization representing patients with a rare disease; (h) One representative of a rare disease foundation operating in this state; (i) Two representatives of the department of health, one of whom is a representative of the program for children and youth with special health care needs; (j) One representative of the department of medicaid; (k) One representative of the department of insurance; (l) One representative of the department of children and youth; (m) One representative of the commission on minority health; (n) One representative of the Ohio hospital association; (o) One representative of Ohio health insurers; (p) One representative of bioOhio; (q) One representative of the association of Ohio health commissioners; (r) One representative of the pharmaceutical research and manufacturers of America. (2) The following members appointed by the president of the senate: (a) Two members of the senate, one from the majority party and one from the minority party; (b) Three members of the public, one of whom is recommended by the minority leader of the senate. (3) The following members appointed by the speaker of the house of representatives: (a) Two members of the house of representatives, one from the majority party and one from the minority party; (b) Three members of the public, one of whom is recommended by the minority leader of the house of representatives. (4) The governor or the governor's designee. (D)(1) Appointments shall be made every two years, not later than forty-five days after the commencement of the first regular session of each general assembly. (2) Each member shall serve on the council until appointments are made following the commencement of the next general assembly. Members may be reappointed; however, no member shall serve more than four consecutive terms on the council. (E) Prior to the expiration of each term, the council shall prepare and submit a report to the general assembly detailing the following: (1) The coordination of statewide efforts for studying the incidence of rare diseases in this state; (2) The council's findings and recommendations regarding rare disease research and care in this state; (3) Efforts to promote collaboration among rare disease organizations, clinicians, academic research institutions, and the general assembly to better understand the incidence of rare diseases in this state. (F) The council shall annually select from among its members a chairperson or co-chairpersons. (G) The council shall meet at the call of the chairperson, but not less than quarterly. A majority of the members of the council shall constitute a quorum. The chairperson shall provide members with at least five days written notice of all meetings. (H) Members shall serve without compensation except to the extent that serving on the council is considered part of the member's regular duties of employment. The council shall reimburse each member for actual and necessary expenses incurred in the performance of the member's official duties. Last updated January 1, 2025 at 6:54 AM |
Section 103.65 | Ohio health oversight and advisory committee.
October 3, 2023
Latest Legislation:
House Bill 33 - 135th General Assembly
(A) There is hereby created the Ohio health oversight and advisory committee. The committee shall consist of the following members: (1) Three members of the senate appointed by the president of the senate, two of whom are members of the majority party and one of whom is a member of the minority party; (2) Three members of the house of representatives appointed by the speaker of the house of representatives, two of whom are members of the majority party and one of whom is a member of the minority party. (B) The president and speaker shall make the initial appointments to the committee not later than fifteen calendar days after June 23, 2021. The president and speaker shall make subsequent appointments not later than forty-five calendar days after the commencement of the first regular session of each general assembly. Members of the committee shall serve on the committee until appointments are made in the first regular session of the following general assembly, until a member no longer serves as a member of the chamber from which the member was initially appointed, or until a member is removed by the speaker or president. No committee member shall be removed during the member's term during a state of emergency as defined in section 107.42 of the Revised Code, unless an extraordinary circumstance exists that prevents a member from serving on the committee. A vacancy on the committee shall be filled in the same manner as the original appointment. (C) In odd-numbered years, the president shall designate one committee member from the senate who is a member of the majority party as the committee chairperson, and the speaker shall designate one committee member from the house who is a member of the majority party as the committee vice-chairperson and one committee member from the house who is a member of the minority party as the committee ranking minority member. In even-numbered years, the speaker shall designate one committee member from the house who is a member of the majority party as the committee chairperson, and the president shall designate one committee member from the senate who is a member of the majority party as the committee vice-chairperson and one committee member from the senate who is a member of the minority party as the committee ranking minority member. (D) In appointing members from the minority party, and in designating ranking minority members, the president and speaker shall consult with the minority leader of their respective houses. (E) The Ohio health oversight and advisory committee shall meet at the call of the chairperson. (F) The executive director and other employees of the joint medicaid oversight committee shall serve the Ohio health oversight and advisory committee to enable the committee to successfully and efficiently perform its duties. Last updated September 20, 2023 at 11:09 AM |
Section 103.651 | Ohio health oversight and advisory committee powers.
June 23, 2021
Latest Legislation:
Senate Bill 22 - 134th General Assembly
(A) As used in this section, "state of emergency" has the same meaning as in section 107.42 of the Revised Code. (B)(1) The Ohio health oversight and advisory committee has the power to do all of the following: (a) Oversee actions taken by the governor, the department of health, or any other agency during a state of emergency; (b) Oversee the following actions taken by the department or the director of health: (i) Actions to prevent the spread of contagious or infectious diseases under section 3701.13 of the Revised Code; (ii) Actions to investigate or make inquiry and to take prompt action to control and suppress the cause of disease or illness including contagious, infectious, epidemic, pandemic, or endemic conditions under section 3701.14 of the Revised Code ; (c) Consult with and provide advice to the governor, the department, and other agencies regarding necessary and appropriate action during a state of emergency. (2) The committee chairperson, when authorized by the committee, the president of the senate, and the speaker of the house of representatives, may issue subpoenas and subpoenas duces tecum to assist the committee in performing its duties. A subpoena or subpoena duces tecum shall be issued, served, and returned, and has consequences, as specified in sections 101.41 to 101.45 of the Revised Code. |
Section 103.71 | Correctional institution inspection committee created.
October 3, 2023
Latest Legislation:
House Bill 33 - 135th General Assembly
There is hereby created a correctional institution inspection committee as a subcommittee of the legislative service commission. The committee shall consist of eight persons, four of whom shall be members of the senate appointed by the president of the senate, not more than two of whom shall be members of the same political party, and four of whom shall be members of the house of representatives appointed by the speaker of the house of representatives, not more than two of whom shall be members of the same political party. Initial appointments to the committee shall be made within fifteen days after July 1, 1993, and in the manner prescribed in this section. Thereafter, appointments to the committee shall be made within forty-five days after the commencement of the first regular session of the general assembly and in the manner prescribed in this section. A vacancy on the committee shall be filled for the unexpired term in the same manner as the original appointment. Members of the committee shall serve on the committee until the appointments are made in the first regular session of the following general assembly, unless they cease to be members of the general assembly. Last updated September 20, 2023 at 11:09 AM |
Section 103.72 | Officers - expenses.
July 1, 1993
Latest Legislation:
House Bill 152 - 120th General Assembly
The correctional institution inspection committee, by a vote of at least five members, shall select from its membership a chairman, vice-chairman, and a secretary. The members of the committee shall serve without compensation but shall be reimbursed for their actual and necessary expenses incurred in the discharge of their official duties. |
Section 103.73 | Duties of correctional institution inspection committee.
April 7, 2009
Latest Legislation:
Senate Bill 147 - 127th General Assembly
(A) The correctional institution inspection committee shall do all of the following: (1) Subject to division (C) of this section, establish and maintain a continuing program of inspection of each state correctional institution used for the custody, control, training, and rehabilitation of persons convicted of crime and of each private correctional facility. Subject to division (C) of this section, the committee may inspect any local correctional institution used for the same purposes. Subject to division (C) of this section, the committee, and each member of the committee, for the purpose of making an inspection pursuant to this section, shall have access to any state or local correctional institution, to any private correctional facility, or to any part of the institution or facility and shall not be required to give advance notice of, or to make prior arrangements before conducting, an inspection. (2) Evaluate and assist in the development of programs to improve the condition or operation of correctional institutions; (3) Prepare a report for submission to the succeeding general assembly of the findings the committee makes in its inspections and of any programs that have been proposed or developed to improve the condition or operation of the correctional institutions in the state. The report shall contain a separate evaluation of the inmate grievance procedure at each state correctional institution. The committee shall submit the report to the succeeding general assembly within fifteen days after commencement of that general assembly's first regular session. (B) Subject to division (C) of this section, the committee shall make an inspection of each state correctional institution each biennium and of each private correctional facility each biennium. The inspection shall include attendance at one general meal period and one rehabilitative or educational program. (C) An inspection of a state correctional institution, a private correctional facility, or a local correctional institution under division (A) or (B) of this section or under section 103.74 of the Revised Code, or an inspection under section 103.76 of the Revised Code, is subject to and shall be conducted in accordance with all of the following: (1) The inspection shall not be conducted unless the chairperson of the committee grants prior approval for the inspection. (2) The inspection shall be conducted by at least one staff member of the committee and may include one or more of the members appointed to the committee. (3) Unless the chairperson of the committee determines that the inspection must be conducted outside of normal business hours for any reason, including emergency circumstances or a justifiable cause that perpetuates the mission of the committee, and the chairperson specifies in the grant of prior approval for the inspection that the chairperson has so determined, the inspection shall be conducted only during normal business hours. If the chairperson determines that the inspection must be conducted outside of normal business hours and the chairperson specifies in the grant of prior approval for the inspection that the chairperson has so determined, the inspection may be conducted outside of normal business hours. (D) As used in this section: (1) "Local public entity," "out-of-state prisoner," and "private contractor" have the same meanings as in section 9.07 of the Revised Code. (2) "Private correctional facility" means a correctional facility in this state that houses out-of-state prisoners and that is operated by a private contractor under a contract with a local public entity pursuant to section 9.07 of the Revised Code. |
Section 103.74 | Subcommittees - organization - appropriations.
September 28, 2016
Latest Legislation:
House Bill 390 - 131st General Assembly
The correctional institution inspection committee may employ professional, technical, and clerical employees as are necessary for the committee to be able to successfully and efficiently perform the committee's duties. All employees are in the unclassified service and serve at the committee's pleasure. The committee may contract for the services of persons who are qualified by education and experience to advise, consult with, or otherwise assist the committee in the performance of the committee's duties. The committee, subject to the oversight and direction of the legislative service commission, shall direct the work of the employees. Any decision related to the duties of employees or related to employment shall be made by a majority of the committee unless a majority of the committee is unable to decide a matter, in which case the chairperson shall decide the matter. The general assembly shall biennially appropriate to the correctional institution inspection committee an amount sufficient to enable the committee to perform its duties. Salaries and expenses incurred by the committee shall be paid from that appropriation upon vouchers approved by the chairperson of the committee. |
Section 103.75 | Youth services facility defined.
April 29, 2005
Latest Legislation:
House Bill 375 - 125th General Assembly
As used in sections 103.76 to 103.79 of the Revised Code, "youth services facility" means a facility operated, or contracted for, by the department of youth services that is used for the care, protection, treatment, or secure confinement of any child committed to the department's custody. |
Section 103.76 | Correctional institution inspection committee may inspect youth services facilities.
April 29, 2005
Latest Legislation:
House Bill 375 - 125th General Assembly
Subject to division (C) of section 103.73 of the Revised Code, the correctional institution inspection committee may make an inspection of any youth services facility at such times as it determines. |
Section 103.77 | Access to youth services facilities for inspection.
April 29, 2005
Latest Legislation:
House Bill 375 - 125th General Assembly
Subject to division (C) of section 103.73 of the Revised Code, the correctional institution inspection committee, and each member of the committee, for the purpose of making inspections of youth services facilities shall have access to any youth services facility, or to any part of that facility and shall not be required to give advance notice of, or to make prior arrangements before conducting, an inspection. |
Section 103.78 | Powers of committee regarding youth services facilities.
April 29, 2005
Latest Legislation:
House Bill 375 - 125th General Assembly
The correctional institution inspection committee may do the following: (A) Subject to division (C) of section 103.73 of the Revised Code, establish and maintain a continuing program of inspection of youth services facilities; (B) Evaluate and assist in the development of programs to improve the condition or operation of youth services facilities ; |
Section 103.79 | Report regarding youth services facilities inspections and proposed programs.
April 29, 2005
Latest Legislation:
House Bill 375 - 125th General Assembly
If the correctional institution inspection committee conducts inspections of youth services facilities during a biennium, the committee shall prepare a report for submission to the succeeding general assembly of the findings the committee makes in its inspections and of any programs that have been proposed or developed to improve the condition or operation of youth services facilities. The committee shall submit the report to the succeeding general assembly within fifteen days after commencement of that general assembly's first regular session. |