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The Legislative Service Commission staff updates the Revised Code on an ongoing basis, as it completes its act review of enacted legislation. Updates may be slower during some times of the year, depending on the volume of enacted legislation.
Section 4759.01 | Dietetics definitions.

As used in this chapter:

(A) "Practice of dietetics" means any of the following:

(1) Nutritional assessment to determine nutritional needs and to recommend appropriate nutritional intake, including enteral and parenteral nutrition;

(2) Nutritional counseling or education as components of preventive, curative, and restorative health care;

(3) Development, administration, evaluation, and consultation regarding nutritional care standards.

(B) "Academy of nutrition and dietetics" means the national professional organization known by that name or a successor organization that serves in an equivalent capacity.

(C) "Commission on dietetic registration" means the entity that serves as the credentialing agency for the academy of nutrition and dietetics.

(D) "Ohio academy of nutrition and dietetics" means the state professional organization known by that name or a successor organization that serves in an equivalent capacity.

Section 4759.011 | References to board or executive director.

Whenever the term "Ohio board of dietetics" is used in any statute, rule, contract, or other document, the use shall be construed to mean the "state medical board," with respect to implementing Chapter 4759. of the Revised Code.

Whenever the executive secretary of the Ohio board of dietetics is used in any statute, rule, contract, or other document, the use shall be construed to mean the executive director of the state medical board, with respect to implementing Chapter 4759. of the Revised Code.

Section 4759.012 | Enfocement of laws.

The secretary of the state medical board shall enforce the laws relating to the practice of dietetics. If the secretary has knowledge or notice of a violation of this chapter or the rules adopted under it, the secretary shall investigate the matter and, upon probable cause appearing, file a complaint and prosecute the offender. When requested by the secretary, the prosecuting attorney of the proper county shall take charge of and conduct the prosecution.

Section 4759.02 | Unlicensed practice.

(A) Except as otherwise provided in this section or in section 4759.10 of the Revised Code, no person shall practice, offer to practice, or hold self forth to practice dietetics unless the person has been licensed under section 4759.06 of the Revised Code.

(B) Except for a person licensed under section 4759.06 of the Revised Code, or as otherwise provided in this section or in section 4759.10 of the Revised Code:

(1) No person shall use the title "dietitian";

(2) No person except for a person licensed under Title XLVII of the Revised Code, when acting within the scope of their practice, shall use any other title, designation, words, letters, abbreviation, or insignia or combination of any title, designation, words, letters, abbreviation, or insignia tending to indicate that the person is practicing dietetics.

(C) Notwithstanding division (B) of this section, a person who is a dietitian registered by the commission on dietetic registration and who does not violate division (A) of this section may use the designation "registered dietitian" and the abbreviation "R.D."

(D) Division (A) of this section does not apply to:

(1) A student enrolled in an academic program that is in compliance with division (A)(3) of section 4759.06 of the Revised Code who is engaging in the practice of dietetics under the supervision of a dietitian licensed under section 4759.06 of the Revised Code or a dietitian registered by the commission on dietetic registration, as part of the academic program;

(2) A person participating in the pre-professional experience required by division (A)(4) of section 4759.06 of the Revised Code;

(3) A person holding a limited permit under division (G) of section 4759.06 of the Revised Code.

(E) The attorney general, the prosecuting attorney of any county in which the offense was committed or the offender resides, the state medical board, or any other person having knowledge of a person who either directly or by complicity is in violation of this section, may, in accordance with provisions of the Revised Code governing injunctions, maintain an action in the name of the state to enjoin any person from engaging either directly or by complicity in the unlawful activity by applying for an injunction in the Franklin county court of common pleas or any other court of competent jurisdiction.

Prior to application for such injunction, the secretary of the state medical board shall notify the person allegedly engaged either directly or by complicity in the unlawful activity by registered mail that the secretary has received information indicating that the person is so engaged. The person shall answer the secretary within thirty days showing that the person is either properly licensed for the stated activity or that the person is not in violation of this chapter. If the answer is not forthcoming within thirty days after notice by the secretary, the secretary shall request that the attorney general, the prosecuting attorney of the county in which the offense was committed or the offender resides, or the state medical board proceed as authorized in this section.

Upon the filing of a verified petition in court, the court shall conduct a hearing on the petition and shall give the same preference to this proceeding as is given all proceedings under Chapter 119. of the Revised Code, irrespective of the position of the proceeding on the calendar of the court. Injunction proceedings shall be in addition to, and not in lieu of, all penalties and other remedies provided under this chapter.

Last updated October 9, 2021 at 4:57 AM

Section 4759.05 | Duties of board.

(A) Except as provided in division (E) of this section, the state medical board shall adopt, amend, or rescind rules pursuant to Chapter 119. of the Revised Code to carry out the provisions of this chapter, including rules governing the following:

(1) Selection and approval of a dietitian licensure examination offered by the commission on dietetic registration or any other examination;

(2) The examination of applicants for licensure as a dietitian, as required under division (A) of section 4759.06 of the Revised Code;

(3) Requirements for pre-professional dietetic experience of applicants for licensure as a dietitian that are at least equivalent to the requirements adopted by the commission on dietetic registration;

(4) Requirements for a person holding a limited permit under division (G) of section 4759.06 of the Revised Code, including the duration of validity of a limited permit and procedures for renewal;

(5) Continuing education requirements for renewal of a license, including rules providing for pro rata reductions by month of the number of hours of continuing education that must be completed for license holders who have been disabled by illness or accident or have been absent from the country. Rules adopted under this division shall be consistent with the continuing education requirements adopted by the commission on dietetic registration.

(6) Any additional education requirements the board considers necessary, for applicants who have not practiced dietetics within five years of the initial date of application for licensure;

(7) Standards of professional responsibility and practice for persons licensed under this chapter that are consistent with those standards of professional responsibility and practice adopted by the academy of nutrition and dietetics;

(8) Formulation of an application form for licensure or license renewal;

(9) Procedures for license renewal;

(10) Requirements for criminal records checks of applicants under section 4776.03 of the Revised Code.

(B)(1) The board shall investigate evidence that appears to show that a person has violated any provision of this chapter or any rule adopted under it. Any person may report to the board in a signed writing any information that the person may have that appears to show a violation of any provision of this chapter or any rule adopted under it. In the absence of bad faith, any person who reports information of that nature or who testifies before the board in any adjudication conducted under Chapter 119. of the Revised Code shall not be liable in damages in a civil action as a result of the report or testimony. Each complaint or allegation of a violation received by the board shall be assigned a case number and shall be recorded by the board.

(2) Investigations of alleged violations of this chapter or any rule adopted under it shall be supervised by the supervising member elected by the board in accordance with section 4731.02 of the Revised Code and by the secretary as provided in section 4759.012 of the Revised Code. The president may designate another member of the board to supervise the investigation in place of the supervising member. Upon a vote of the majority of the board to authorize the addition of a consumer member in the supervision of any part of any investigation, the president shall designate a consumer member for supervision of investigations as determined by the president. The authorization of consumer member participation in investigation supervision may be rescinded by a majority vote of the board. No member of the board who supervises the investigation of a case shall participate in further adjudication of the case.

(3) In investigating a possible violation of this chapter or any rule adopted under this chapter, the board may issue subpoenas, question witnesses, conduct interviews, administer oaths, order the taking of depositions, inspect and copy any books, accounts, papers, records, or documents, and compel the attendance of witnesses and the production of books, accounts, papers, records, documents, and testimony, except that a subpoena for patient record information shall not be issued without consultation with the attorney general's office and approval of the secretary of the board.

Before issuance of a subpoena for patient record information, the secretary shall determine whether there is probable cause to believe that the complaint filed alleges a violation of this chapter or any rule adopted under it and that the records sought are relevant to the alleged violation and material to the investigation. The subpoena may apply only to records that cover a reasonable period of time surrounding the alleged violation.

On failure to comply with any subpoena issued by the board and after reasonable notice to the person being subpoenaed, the board may move for an order compelling the production of persons or records pursuant to the Rules of Civil Procedure.

A subpoena issued by the board may be served by a sheriff, the sheriff's deputy, or a board employee or agent designated by the board. Service of a subpoena issued by the board may be made by delivering a copy of the subpoena to the person named therein, reading it to the person, or leaving it at the person's usual place of residence, usual place of business, or address on file with the board. When serving a subpoena to an applicant for or the holder of a license or limited permit issued under this chapter, service of the subpoena may be made by certified mail, return receipt requested, and the subpoena shall be deemed served on the date delivery is made or the date the person refuses to accept delivery. If the person being served refuses to accept the subpoena or is not located, service may be made to an attorney who notifies the board that the attorney is representing the person.

A sheriff's deputy who serves a subpoena shall receive the same fees as a sheriff. Each witness who appears before the board in obedience to a subpoena shall receive the fees and mileage provided for under section 119.094 of the Revised Code.

(4) All hearings, investigations, and inspections of the board shall be considered civil actions for the purposes of section 2305.252 of the Revised Code.

(5) A report required to be submitted to the board under this chapter, a complaint, or information received by the board pursuant to an investigation is confidential and not subject to discovery in any civil action.

The board shall conduct all investigations or inspections and proceedings in a manner that protects the confidentiality of patients and persons who file complaints with the board. The board shall not make public the names or any other identifying information about patients or complainants unless proper consent is given.

The board may share any information it receives pursuant to an investigation or inspection, including patient records and patient record information, with law enforcement agencies, other licensing boards, and other governmental agencies that are prosecuting, adjudicating, or investigating alleged violations of statutes or administrative rules. An agency or board that receives the information shall comply with the same requirements regarding confidentiality as those with which the state medical board must comply, notwithstanding any conflicting provision of the Revised Code or procedure of the agency or board that applies when it is dealing with other information in its possession. In a judicial proceeding, the information may be admitted into evidence only in accordance with the Rules of Evidence, but the court shall require that appropriate measures are taken to ensure that confidentiality is maintained with respect to any part of the information that contains names or other identifying information about patients or complainants whose confidentiality was protected by the state medical board when the information was in the board's possession. Measures to ensure confidentiality that may be taken by the court include sealing its records or deleting specific information from its records.

No person shall knowingly access, use, or disclose confidential investigatory information in a manner prohibited by law.

(6) On a quarterly basis, the board shall prepare a report that documents the disposition of all cases during the preceding three months. The report shall contain the following information for each case with which the board has completed its activities:

(a) The case number assigned to the complaint or alleged violation;

(b) The type of license, if any, held by the individual against whom the complaint is directed;

(c) A description of the allegations contained in the complaint;

(d) Whether witnesses were interviewed;

(e) Whether the individual against whom the complaint is directed is the subject of any pending complaints;

(f) The disposition of the case.

The report shall state how many cases are still pending and shall be prepared in a manner that protects the identity of each person involved in each case. The report shall be a public record under section 149.43 of the Revised Code.

(7) The board may provide a status update regarding an investigation to a complainant on request if the board verifies the complainant's identity.

(C) The board shall keep records as are necessary to carry out the provisions of this chapter.

(D) The board shall maintain and publish on its internet web site the board's rules and requirements for licensure adopted under division (A) of this section.

(E) The board shall issue a license or limited permit to practice dietetics in accordance with Chapter 4796. of the Revised Code to an applicant if either of the following apply:

(1) The applicant holds a license or permit in another state.

(2) The applicant has satisfactory work experience, a government certification, or a private certification as described in that chapter as a dietitian in a state that does not issue that license.

Last updated January 29, 2025 at 3:09 PM

Section 4759.051 | Dietetics advisory council.

(A) The state medical board shall appoint a dietetics advisory council for the purpose of advising the board on issues relating to the practice of dietetics. The advisory council shall consist of not more than seven individuals knowledgeable in the area of dietetics.

A majority of the council members shall be individuals licensed under this chapter who are actively engaged in the practice of dietetics. The board shall include both of the following on the council:

(1) One educator with a doctoral degree who holds a regular faculty appointment in a program that prepares students to meet the requirements of division (A)(3) of section 4759.06 of the Revised Code;

(2) One individual who is not affiliated with any health care profession, who shall be appointed to represent the interest of consumers.

The Ohio academy of nutrition and dietetics, or its successor organization, may nominate not more than three qualified individuals for consideration by the board in appointing any member of the council.

(B) Not later than ninety days after January 21, 2018, the board shall make initial appointments to the council. Initial members shall serve terms of office of one, two, or three years, as selected by the board. Thereafter, terms of office shall be for three years, with each term ending on the same day of the same month as did the term that it succeeds. A council member shall continue in office subsequent to the expiration date of the member's term until a successor is appointed and takes office, or until a period of sixty days has elapsed, whichever occurs first. Each council member shall hold office from the date of appointment until the end of the term for which the member was appointed.

(C) Members shall serve without compensation, but shall be reimbursed for actual and necessary expenses incurred in performing their official duties.

(D) The council shall meet at least four times each year and at such other times as may be necessary to carry out its responsibilities.

(E) The council may submit to the board recommendations concerning all of the following:

(1) Requirements for issuing a license to practice as a dietitian or as a limited permit holder, including the educational and experience requirements that must be met to receive the license or permit;

(2) Existing and proposed rules pertaining to the practice of dietetics and the administration and enforcement of this chapter;

(3) Standards for the approval of educational programs required to qualify for licensure and continuing education programs for licensure renewal;

(4) Policies related to the issuance and renewal of licenses and limited permits;

(5) Fees for the issuance and renewal of a license to practice dietetics as a licensee or as a limited permit holder;

(6) Standards of practice and ethical conduct in the practice of dietetics;

(7) The safe and effective practice of dietetics, including scope of practice and minimal standards of care.

Last updated October 9, 2021 at 4:50 AM

Section 4759.06 | License qualifications.

(A) Except as provided in section 4759.05 of the Revised Code, the state medical board shall issue a license to practice dietetics to an applicant who meets all of the following requirements:

(1) Has satisfactorily completed an application for licensure in accordance with rules adopted under division (A) of section 4759.05 of the Revised Code;

(2) Has paid the fee required under division (A) of section 4759.08 of the Revised Code;

(3) Has received a baccalaureate or higher degree from an institution of higher education that is approved by the board or a regional accreditation agency that is recognized by the council on postsecondary accreditation, and has completed a program consistent with the academic standards for dietitians established by the academy of nutrition and dietetics;

(4) Has successfully completed a pre-professional dietetic experience approved by the academy of nutrition and dietetics, or experience approved by the board under division (A)(3) of section 4759.05 of the Revised Code;

(5) Has passed the examination approved by the board under division (A)(1) of section 4759.05 of the Revised Code.

(B) The board shall waive the requirements of divisions (A)(3), (4), and (5) of this section and any rules adopted under division (A)(6) of section 4759.05 of the Revised Code if the applicant presents satisfactory evidence to the board of current registration as a registered dietitian with the commission on dietetic registration.

(C)(1) The board shall issue a license to practice dietetics to an applicant who meets the requirements of division (A) of this section. A license shall be valid for a two-year period unless revoked or suspended by the board and shall expire on the date that is two years after the date of issuance. A license may be renewed for additional two-year periods.

(2) The board shall renew an applicant's license if the applicant has paid the license renewal fee specified in section 4759.08 of the Revised Code and certifies to the board that the applicant has met the continuing education requirements adopted under division (A)(5) of section 4759.05 of the Revised Code. The renewal shall be pursuant to the standard renewal procedure of sections 4745.01 to 4745.03 of the Revised Code.

At least one month before a license expires, the board shall provide a renewal notice. Failure of any person to receive a notice of renewal from the board shall not excuse the person from the requirements contained in this section. Each person holding a license shall give notice to the board of a change in the license holder's residence address, business address, or electronic mail address not later than thirty days after the change occurs.

(D) Any person licensed to practice dietetics by the former Ohio board of dietetics before January 21, 2018, may continue to practice dietetics in this state under that license if the person continues to meet the requirements to renew a license under this chapter and renews the license through the state medical board.

The state medical board may take any of the following actions, as provided in section 4759.07 of the Revised Code, against the holder of a license to practice dietetics issued before January 21, 2018, by the former Ohio board of dietetics:

(1) Limit, revoke, or suspend the holder's license;

(2) Refuse to renew or reinstate the holder's license;

(3) Reprimand the holder or place the holder on probation.

(E) The board may require a random sample of dietitians to submit materials documenting that the continuing education requirements adopted under division (A)(5) of section 4759.05 of the Revised Code have been met.

This division does not limit the board's authority to conduct investigations pursuant to section 4759.07 of the Revised Code.

(F)(1) If, through a random sample conducted under division (E) of this section or through any other means, the board finds that an individual who certified completion of the number of hours and type of continuing education required to renew, reinstate, restore, or reactivate a license to practice did not complete the requisite continuing education, the board may do either of the following:

(a) Take disciplinary action against the individual under section 4759.07 of the Revised Code, impose a civil penalty, or both;

(b) Permit the individual to agree in writing to complete the continuing education and pay a civil penalty.

(2) The board's finding in any disciplinary action taken under division (F)(1)(a) of this section shall be made pursuant to an adjudication under Chapter 119. of the Revised Code and by an affirmative vote of not fewer than six of its members.

(3) A civil penalty imposed under division (F)(1)(a) of this section or paid under division (F)(1)(b) of this section shall be in an amount specified by the board of not more than five thousand dollars. The board shall deposit civil penalties in accordance with section 4731.24 of the Revised Code.

(G)(1) Except as provided in section 4759.05 of the Revised Code, the board may grant a limited permit to a person who has completed the education and pre-professional requirements of divisions (A)(3) and (4) of this section and who presents evidence to the board of having applied to take the examination approved by the board under division (A)(1) of section 4759.05 of the Revised Code. An application for a limited permit shall be made on forms that the board shall furnish and shall be accompanied by the limited permit fee specified in section 4759.08 of the Revised Code.

(2) If no grounds apply under section 4759.07 of the Revised Code for denying a license to the applicant and the applicant meets the requirements of division (G)(1) of this section, the board shall issue a limited permit to the applicant.

A limited permit expires in accordance with rules adopted under section 4759.05 of the Revised Code. A limited permit may be renewed in accordance with those rules.

(3) A person holding a limited permit who has failed the examination shall practice only under the direct supervision of a licensed dietitian.

(4) The board may revoke a limited permit on proof satisfactory to the board that the permit holder has engaged in practice in this state outside the scope of the permit, that the holder has engaged in unethical conduct, or that grounds for action against the holder exist under section 4759.07 of the Revised Code.

Last updated December 29, 2023 at 5:19 AM

Section 4759.061 | License applicant to comply with RC Chapter 4776.

(A) As used in this section, "license" and "applicant for an initial license" have the same meanings as in section 4776.01 of the Revised Code, except that "license" as used in both of those terms refers to the types of authorizations otherwise issued or conferred under this chapter.

(B) In addition to any other eligibility requirement set forth in this chapter, each applicant for an initial license shall comply with sections 4776.01 to 4776.04 of the Revised Code. The state medical board shall not grant a license to an applicant for an initial license unless the applicant complies with sections 4776.01 to 4776.04 of the Revised Code.

Last updated October 9, 2021 at 4:56 AM

Section 4759.062 | Suspension.

(A) A license to practice dietetics that is not renewed on or before its expiration date is automatically suspended on its expiration date. Continued practice after suspension shall be considered as practicing in violation of section 4759.02 of the Revised Code.

(B) If a license has been suspended pursuant to division (A) of this section for two years or less, it may be reinstated. The state medical board shall reinstate the license upon the applicant's submission of a complete renewal application and payment of a reinstatement fee of two hundred five dollars.

(C) If a license has been suspended pursuant to division (A) of this section for more than two years, it may be restored. Subject to section 4759.063 of the Revised Code, the board may restore the license upon an applicant's submission of a complete restoration application and a restoration fee of two hundred thirty dollars and compliance with sections 4776.01 to 4776.04 of the Revised Code. The board shall not restore a license unless the board, in its discretion, decides that the results of the criminal records check do not make the applicant ineligible for a license issued pursuant to section 4759.06 of the Revised Code.

Section 4759.063 | Prerequisites to resumption of practice.

(A) This section applies to all of the following:

(1) An applicant seeking restoration of a license issued under this chapter that has been in a suspended or inactive state for any cause for more than two years;

(2) An applicant seeking issuance of a license pursuant to this chapter who for more than two years has not been engaged in the practice of dietetics as any of the following:

(a) An active practitioner;

(b) A participant in a pre-professional dietetic experience as described in section 4759.06 of the Revised Code;

(c) A student in a program described in section 4759.06 of the Revised Code.

(3) An applicant seeking to reactivate a license placed on retired status.

(B) Before issuing a license to an applicant subject to this section, or before restoring a license to good standing or reactivating a license placed on retired status for an applicant subject to this section, the state medical board may impose terms and conditions including any one or more of the following:

(1) Requiring the applicant to pass an oral or written examination, or both, to determine the applicant's present fitness to resume practice;

(2) Requiring the applicant to obtain additional training and to pass an examination upon completion of such training;

(3) Requiring an assessment of the applicant's physical skills for purposes of determining whether the applicant's coordination, fine motor skills, and dexterity are sufficient for performing evaluations and procedures in a manner that meets the minimal standards of care;

(4) Requiring an assessment of the applicant's skills in recognizing and understanding diseases and conditions;

(5) Requiring the applicant to undergo a comprehensive physical examination, which may include an assessment of physical abilities, evaluation of sensory capabilities, or screening for the presence of neurological disorders;

(6) Restricting or limiting the extent, scope, or type of practice of the applicant.

The board shall consider the moral background and the activities of the applicant during the period of suspension, inactivity, or retirement. The board shall not issue, restore, or reactivate a license under this section unless the applicant complies with sections 4776.01 to 4776.04 of the Revised Code.

Last updated August 18, 2023 at 10:15 AM

Section 4759.064 | Retired status.

(A) An individual who holds a current, valid license issued under this chapter to practice dietetics and who retires voluntarily from practice may request that the state medical board place the individual's license on retired status.

This section does not authorize an individual who holds a limited permit issued under section 4759.06 of the Revised Code to request that the board place the individual's permit on retired status.

(B) An individual seeking to have the individual's license placed on retired status shall file with the board an application in the form and manner prescribed by the board. The application shall be submitted before the end of a biennial renewal period and include all of the following:

(1) The applicant's full name, license number, mailing address, and electronic mail address;

(2) An attestation that the information included in the application is accurate and truthful and that the applicant meets the following qualifications:

(a) That the applicant holds a current, valid license issued under this chapter;

(b) That the applicant has retired voluntarily from the practice of dietetics;

(c) That the applicant does not have any criminal charges pending against the applicant;

(d) That the applicant is not the subject of discipline by, or an investigation pending with, a regulatory agency of this state, another state, or the United States;

(e) That the applicant does not have any complaints pending with the board;

(f) That the applicant is not, at the time of application, subject to the board's hearing, disciplinary, or compliance processes under the terms of a citation, notice of opportunity for hearing, board order, or consent agreement.

(3) A fee in an amount equal to the restoration fee described in section 4759.062 of the Revised Code.

The board shall not consider an application for retired status complete until the board receives the fee described in this division. On receipt of a fee, the board shall deposit the fee in accordance with section 4731.24 of the Revised Code.

(C) If the board determines that an applicant meets the requirements of division (B) of this section, the board shall place the applicant's license on retired status. The license remains on retired status for the life of the license holder, unless suspended, revoked, or reactivated, and does not require renewal.

(D) During the period in which a license is on retired status, all of the following apply:

(1) The license holder is prohibited from practicing as a dietitian under any circumstance.

(2) The license holder is not required to complete the continuing education required by the board in rules adopted under section 4759.05 of the Revised Code.

(3) The license holder is prohibited from using the license to obtain a license to practice dietetics in another state, whether by endorsement or reciprocity or through a licensure compact.

(4) The license holder may use a title authorized for the holder's license as described in section 4759.02 of the Revised Code, but only if "retired" also is included in the title.

(E) If a license has been placed on retired status pursuant to this section, it may be reactivated. Subject to section 4759.063 of the Revised Code, the board may reactivate a license placed on retired status if all of the following conditions are satisfied:

(1) The individual seeking to reactivate the license applies to the board in the form and manner prescribed by the board.

(2) The applicant certifies completion of, within the two-year period that ends on the date of the application's submission, the continuing education requirements that must be met for renewal of a license.

(3) The applicant complies with sections 4776.01 to 4776.04 of the Revised Code.

(4) The applicant pays a reactivation fee in an amount equal to the restoration fee described in section 4759.062 of the Revised Code.

The board shall not consider an application to reactivate a license complete until the board receives the fee described in this division. On receipt of a fee, the board shall deposit the fee in accordance with section 4731.24 of the Revised Code.

(F) The board shall reactivate a license placed on retired status if the conditions of division (E) of this section have been satisfied and the board, in its discretion, determines that the results of the criminal records check conducted pursuant to sections 4776.01 to 4776.04 of the Revised Code do not make the applicant ineligible for active status.

(G) The board may take disciplinary action against an applicant who is seeking to place a license on retired status or to reactivate the license if the applicant commits fraud, misrepresentation, or deception in applying for or securing the retired status or reactivation.

The board also may take disciplinary action against the holder of a license placed on retired status if the holder practices under the license, uses the license to obtain licensure as a dietitian in another state, or uses a title that does not reflect the holder's retired status.

In taking disciplinary action under this section, the board may impose on the applicant or holder any sanction described in section 4759.07 of the Revised Code, but shall do so in accordance with the procedures described in that section.

(H) The board may adopt rules to implement and enforce this section. The rules shall be adopted in accordance with Chapter 119. of the Revised Code.

Last updated August 31, 2023 at 4:41 PM

Section 4759.07 | Disciplinary actions.

(A) The state medical board, by an affirmative vote of not fewer than six members, shall, except as provided in division (B) of this section, and to the extent permitted by law, limit, revoke, or suspend an individual's license or limited permit, refuse to issue a license or limited permit to an individual, refuse to renew a license or limited permit, refuse to reinstate a license or limited permit, or reprimand or place on probation the holder of a license or limited permit for one or more of the following reasons:

(1) Except when civil penalties are imposed under section 4759.071 of the Revised Code, violating or attempting to violate, directly or indirectly, or assisting in or abetting the violation of, or conspiring to violate, any provision of this chapter or the rules adopted by the board;

(2) Making a false, fraudulent, deceptive, or misleading statement in the solicitation of or advertising for patients; in relation to the practice of dietetics; or in securing or attempting to secure any license or permit issued by the board under this chapter.

As used in division (A)(2) of this section, "false, fraudulent, deceptive, or misleading statement" means a statement that includes a misrepresentation of fact, is likely to mislead or deceive because of a failure to disclose material facts, is intended or is likely to create false or unjustified expectations of favorable results, or includes representations or implications that in reasonable probability will cause an ordinarily prudent person to misunderstand or be deceived.

(3) Committing fraud during the administration of the examination for a license to practice or committing fraud, misrepresentation, or deception in applying for, renewing, or securing any license or permit issued by the board;

(4) A plea of guilty to, a judicial finding of guilt of, or a judicial finding of eligibility for intervention in lieu of conviction for, a felony;

(5) Commission of an act that constitutes a felony in this state, regardless of the jurisdiction in which the act was committed;

(6) A plea of guilty to, a judicial finding of guilt of, or a judicial finding of eligibility for intervention in lieu of conviction for, a misdemeanor committed in the course of practice;

(7) Commission of an act in the course of practice that constitutes a misdemeanor in this state, regardless of the jurisdiction in which the act was committed;

(8) A plea of guilty to, a judicial finding of guilt of, or a judicial finding of eligibility for intervention in lieu of conviction for, a misdemeanor involving moral turpitude;

(9) Commission of an act involving moral turpitude that constitutes a misdemeanor in this state, regardless of the jurisdiction in which the act was committed;

(10) A record of engaging in incompetent or negligent conduct in the practice of dietetics;

(11) A departure from, or failure to conform to, minimal standards of care of similar practitioners under the same or similar circumstances, whether or not actual injury to a patient is established;

(12) The obtaining of, or attempting to obtain, money or anything of value by fraudulent misrepresentations in the course of practice;

(13) Violation of the conditions of limitation placed by the board on a license or permit;

(14) Inability to practice according to acceptable and prevailing standards of care by reason of mental illness or physical illness, including, physical deterioration that adversely affects cognitive, motor, or perceptive skills;

(15) Any of the following actions taken by an agency responsible for authorizing, certifying, or regulating an individual to practice a health care occupation or provide health care services in this state or another jurisdiction, for any reason other than the nonpayment of fees: the limitation, revocation, or suspension of an individual's license; acceptance of an individual's license surrender; denial of a license; refusal to renew or reinstate a license; imposition of probation; or issuance of an order of censure or other reprimand;

(16) The revocation, suspension, restriction, reduction, or termination of practice privileges by the United States department of defense or department of veterans affairs;

(17) Termination or suspension from participation in the medicare or medicaid programs by the department of health and human services or other responsible agency for any act or acts that also would constitute a violation of division (A)(11), (12), or (14) of this section;

(18) Impairment of ability to practice according to acceptable and prevailing standards of care because of substance use disorder or excessive use or abuse of drugs, alcohol, or other substances that may impair ability to practice;

(19) Failure to cooperate in an investigation conducted by the board under division (B) of section 4759.05 of the Revised Code, including failure to comply with a subpoena or order issued by the board or failure to answer truthfully a question presented by the board in an investigative interview, an investigative office conference, at a deposition, or in written interrogatories, except that failure to cooperate with an investigation shall not constitute grounds for discipline under this section if a court of competent jurisdiction has issued an order that either quashes a subpoena or permits the individual to withhold the testimony or evidence in issue;

(20) Representing with the purpose of obtaining compensation or other advantage as personal gain or for any other person, that an incurable disease or injury, or other incurable condition, can be permanently cured.

(B) The board shall not refuse to issue a license or limited permit to an applicant because of a plea of guilty to, a judicial finding of guilt of, or a judicial finding of eligibility for intervention in lieu of conviction for an offense unless the refusal is in accordance with section 9.79 of the Revised Code.

(C) Any action taken by the board under division (A) of this section resulting in a suspension from practice shall be accompanied by a written statement of the conditions under which the individual's license or permit may be reinstated. The board shall adopt rules governing conditions to be imposed for reinstatement. Reinstatement of a license or permit suspended pursuant to division (A) of this section requires an affirmative vote of not fewer than six members of the board.

(D) When the board refuses to grant or issue a license or permit to an applicant, revokes an individual's license or permit, refuses to renew an individual's license or permit, or refuses to reinstate an individual's license or permit, the board may specify that its action is permanent. An individual subject to a permanent action taken by the board is forever thereafter ineligible to hold a license or permit and the board shall not accept an application for reinstatement of the license or permit or for issuance of a new license or permit.

(E) Disciplinary actions taken by the board under division (A) of this section shall be taken pursuant to an adjudication under Chapter 119. of the Revised Code, except that in lieu of an adjudication, the board may enter into a consent agreement with an individual to resolve an allegation of a violation of this chapter or any rule adopted under it. A consent agreement, when ratified by an affirmative vote of not fewer than six members of the board, shall constitute the findings and order of the board with respect to the matter addressed in the agreement. If the board refuses to ratify a consent agreement, the admissions and findings contained in the consent agreement shall be of no force or effect.

A telephone conference call may be utilized for ratification of a consent agreement that revokes or suspends an individual's license or permit. The telephone conference call shall be considered a special meeting under division (F) of section 121.22 of the Revised Code.

(F) In enforcing division (A)(14) of this section, the board, upon a showing of a possible violation, shall refer any individual authorized to practice by this chapter or who has submitted an application pursuant to this chapter to the monitoring organization that conducts the confidential monitoring program established under section 4731.25 of the Revised Code. The board also may compel the individual to submit to a mental examination, physical examination, including an HIV test, or both a mental and a physical examination. The expense of the examination is the responsibility of the individual compelled to be examined. Failure to submit to a mental or physical examination or consent to an HIV test ordered by the board constitutes an admission of the allegations against the individual unless the failure is due to circumstances beyond the individual's control, and a default and final order may be entered without the taking of testimony or presentation of evidence. If the board finds an individual unable to practice because of the reasons set forth in division (A)(14) of this section, the board shall require the individual to submit to care, counseling, or treatment by physicians approved or designated by the board, as a condition for initial, continued, reinstated, or renewed authority to practice. An individual affected under this division shall be afforded an opportunity to demonstrate to the board the ability to resume practice in compliance with acceptable and prevailing standards under the provisions of the individual's license or permit. For the purpose of division (A)(14) of this section, any individual who applies for or receives a license or permit under this chapter accepts the privilege of practicing in this state and, by so doing, shall be deemed to have given consent to submit to a mental or physical examination when directed to do so in writing by the board, and to have waived all objections to the admissibility of testimony or examination reports that constitute a privileged communication.

(G) For the purposes of division (A)(18) of this section, any individual authorized to practice by this chapter accepts the privilege of practicing in this state subject to supervision by the board. By filing an application for or holding a license or permit under this chapter, an individual shall be deemed to have given consent to submit to a mental or physical examination when ordered to do so by the board in writing, and to have waived all objections to the admissibility of testimony or examination reports that constitute privileged communications.

If it has reason to believe that any individual authorized to practice by this chapter or any applicant for a license or permit suffers such impairment, the board shall refer the individual to the monitoring organization that conducts the confidential monitoring program established under section 4731.25 of the Revised Code. The board also may compel the individual to submit to a mental or physical examination, or both. The expense of the examination is the responsibility of the individual compelled to be examined. Any mental or physical examination required under this division shall be undertaken by a treatment provider or physician who is qualified to conduct the examination and who is approved under section 4731.251 of the Revised Code.

Failure to submit to a mental or physical examination ordered by the board constitutes an admission of the allegations against the individual unless the failure is due to circumstances beyond the individual's control, and a default and final order may be entered without the taking of testimony or presentation of evidence. If the board determines that the individual's ability to practice is impaired, the board shall suspend the individual's license or permit or deny the individual's application and shall require the individual, as a condition for an initial, continued, reinstated, or renewed license or permit, to submit to treatment.

Before being eligible to apply for reinstatement of a license or permit suspended under this division, the impaired practitioner shall demonstrate to the board the ability to resume practice in compliance with acceptable and prevailing standards of care under the provisions of the practitioner's license or permit. The demonstration shall include, but shall not be limited to, the following:

(1) Certification from a treatment provider approved under section 4731.251 of the Revised Code that the individual has successfully completed any required inpatient treatment;

(2) Evidence of continuing full compliance with an aftercare contract or consent agreement;

(3) Two written reports indicating that the individual's ability to practice has been assessed and that the individual has been found capable of practicing according to acceptable and prevailing standards of care. The reports shall be made by individuals or providers approved by the board for making the assessments and shall describe the basis for their determination.

The board may reinstate a license or permit suspended under this division after that demonstration and after the individual has entered into a written consent agreement.

When the impaired practitioner resumes practice, the board shall require continued monitoring of the individual. The monitoring shall include, but not be limited to, compliance with the written consent agreement entered into before reinstatement or with conditions imposed by board order after a hearing, and, upon termination of the consent agreement, submission to the board for at least two years of annual written progress reports made under penalty of perjury stating whether the individual has maintained sobriety.

(H)(1) If either of the following circumstances occur, the secretary and supervising member may recommend that the board suspend an individual's license or permit without a prior hearing:

(a) The secretary and supervising member determine both of the following:

(i) That there is clear and convincing evidence that an individual has violated division (A) of this section;

(ii) That the individual's continued practice presents a danger of immediate and serious harm to the public.

(b) The board receives verifiable information that a licensee has been charged in any state or federal court for a crime classified as a felony under the charging court's law and the conduct charged constitutes a violation of division (A) of this section.

(2) If a recommendation is made to suspend without a prior hearing pursuant to division (H)(1) of this section, written allegations shall be prepared for consideration by the board. The board, upon review of those allegations and by an affirmative vote of not fewer than six of its members, excluding the secretary and supervising member, may suspend a license or permit without a prior hearing. A telephone conference call may be utilized for reviewing the allegations and taking the vote on the summary suspension.

The board shall serve a written order of suspension in accordance with sections 119.05 and 119.07 of the Revised Code. The order shall not be subject to suspension by the court during pendency of any appeal filed under section 119.12 of the Revised Code. If the individual subject to the summary suspension requests an adjudicatory hearing by the board, the date set for the hearing shall be within fifteen days, but not earlier than seven days, after the individual requests the hearing, unless otherwise agreed to by both the board and the individual.

(3) Any summary suspension imposed under this division shall remain in effect, unless reversed on appeal, until a final adjudicative order issued by the board pursuant to this section and Chapter 119. of the Revised Code becomes effective. The board shall issue its final adjudicative order within seventy-five days after completion of its hearing. A failure to issue the order within seventy-five days shall result in dissolution of the summary suspension order but shall not invalidate any subsequent, final adjudicative order.

(I) If the board is required by Chapter 119. of the Revised Code to give notice of an opportunity for a hearing and if the individual subject to the notice does not timely request a hearing in accordance with section 119.07 of the Revised Code, the board is not required to hold a hearing, but may adopt, by an affirmative vote of not fewer than six of its members, a final order that contains the board's findings. In the final order, the board may order any of the sanctions identified under division (A) of this section.

(J) For purposes of divisions (A)(5), (7), and (9) of this section, the commission of the act may be established by a finding by the board, pursuant to an adjudication under Chapter 119. of the Revised Code, that the individual committed the act. The board does not have jurisdiction under those divisions if the trial court renders a final judgment in the individual's favor and that judgment is based upon an adjudication on the merits. The board has jurisdiction under those divisions if the trial court issues an order of dismissal upon technical or procedural grounds.

(K) The sealing or expungement of conviction records by any court shall have no effect upon a prior board order entered under this section or upon the board's jurisdiction to take action under this section if, based upon a plea of guilty, a judicial finding of guilt, or a judicial finding of eligibility for intervention in lieu of conviction, the board issued a notice of opportunity for a hearing prior to the court's order to seal or expunge the records. The board shall not be required to seal, destroy, redact, or otherwise modify its records to reflect the court's sealing or expungement of conviction records.

(L) If the board takes action under division (A)(4), (6), or (8) of this section, and the judicial finding of guilt, guilty plea, or judicial finding of eligibility for intervention in lieu of conviction is overturned on appeal, upon exhaustion of the criminal appeal, a petition for reconsideration of the order may be filed with the board along with appropriate court documents. Upon receipt of a petition for reconsideration and supporting court documents, the board shall reinstate the individual's license or permit. The board may then hold an adjudication under Chapter 119. of the Revised Code to determine whether the individual committed the act in question. Notice of an opportunity for a hearing shall be given in accordance with Chapter 119. of the Revised Code. If the board finds, pursuant to an adjudication held under this division, that the individual committed the act or if no hearing is requested, the board may order any of the sanctions identified under division (A) of this section.

(M) The license or permit issued to an individual under this chapter and the individual's practice in this state are automatically suspended as of the date the individual pleads guilty to, is found by a judge or jury to be guilty of, or is subject to a judicial finding of eligibility for intervention in lieu of conviction in this state or treatment or intervention in lieu of conviction in another jurisdiction for any of the following criminal offenses in this state or a substantially equivalent criminal offense in another jurisdiction: aggravated murder, murder, voluntary manslaughter, felonious assault, trafficking in persons, kidnapping, rape, sexual battery, gross sexual imposition, aggravated arson, aggravated robbery, or aggravated burglary. Continued practice after suspension shall be considered practicing without a license or permit.

The board shall serve the individual subject to the suspension in accordance with sections 119.05 and 119.07 of the Revised Code. If an individual whose license or permit is automatically suspended under this division fails to make a timely request for an adjudication under Chapter 119. of the Revised Code, the board shall enter a final order permanently revoking the individual's license or permit.

(N) Notwithstanding any other provision of the Revised Code, all of the following apply:

(1) The surrender of a license or permit issued under this chapter shall not be effective unless or until accepted by the board. A telephone conference call may be utilized for acceptance of the surrender of an individual's license or permit. The telephone conference call shall be considered a special meeting under division (F) of section 121.22 of the Revised Code. Reinstatement of a license or permit surrendered to the board requires an affirmative vote of not fewer than six members of the board.

(2) An application for a license or permit made under the provisions of this chapter may not be withdrawn without approval of the board.

(3) Failure by an individual to renew a license or permit in accordance with this chapter does not remove or limit the board's jurisdiction to take any disciplinary action under this section against the individual.

(4) The placement of an individual's license on retired status, as described in section 4759.064 of the Revised Code, does not remove or limit the board's jurisdiction to take any disciplinary action against the individual with regard to the license as it existed before being placed on retired status.

(5) At the request of the board, a license or permit holder shall immediately surrender to the board a license or permit that the board has suspended, revoked, or permanently revoked.

Last updated January 29, 2025 at 3:09 PM

Section 4759.071 | Violation; penalties; disposition of funds.

(A)(1) If the holder of a license or limited permit issued under this chapter violates any section of this chapter, other than the continuing education requirements adopted under division (A)(5) of section 4759.05 of the Revised Code, or violates any rule adopted under this chapter, the state medical board may, pursuant to an adjudication under Chapter 119. of the Revised Code and an affirmative vote of not fewer than six of its members, impose a civil penalty. The amount of the civil penalty shall be determined by the board in accordance with the guidelines adopted under division (A)(2) of this section. The civil penalty may be in addition to any other action the board may take under section 4759.07 of the Revised Code.

(2) The board shall adopt and may amend guidelines regarding the amounts of civil penalties to be imposed under this section. Adoption or amendment of the guidelines requires the approval of not fewer than six board members. Under the guidelines, no civil penalty amount shall exceed twenty thousand dollars.

(B) Amounts received from payment of civil penalties imposed under this section shall be deposited by the board in accordance with section 4731.24 of the Revised Code. Amounts received from payment of civil penalties imposed for violations of division (A)(18) of section 4759.07 of the Revised Code shall be used by the board solely for investigations, enforcement, and compliance monitoring.

Section 4759.08 | Fees; receipts.

(A) The state medical board shall charge and collect fees as described in this section for issuing the following:

(1) An application for an initial dietitian license, two hundred twenty-five dollars;

(2) License renewal, one hundred eighty dollars;

(3) A limited permit, or renewal of the permit, sixty-five dollars;

(4) A duplicate license or permit, thirty-five dollars;

(5) In the case of a person holding a license issued under this chapter, a license verification fee of fifty dollars.

(B) All receipts of the board shall be deposited in the state treasury to the credit of the state medical board operating fund in accordance with section 4731.24 of the Revised Code.

Section 4759.09 | Violation procedure.

The state medical board shall notify in writing any person determined by the board to be in violation of section 4759.02 of the Revised Code. The notification shall state that the person may request a hearing by the board within the amount of time specified by the board pursuant to division (A) of section 4759.05 of the Revised Code. If the person fails to request the hearing, or if the board determines from the hearing that the person is in violation of section 4759.02 of the Revised Code, the board may apply to the court of common pleas of the county in which the violation is occurring for an injunction or other appropriate restraining order to prohibit the continued violation of section 4759.02 of the Revised Code.

Section 4759.10 | Exemptions.

Sections 4759.01 to 4759.08 of the Revised Code do not apply to any of the following:

(A) A person licensed under Title XLVII of the Revised Code who is acting within the scope of the person's profession, provided that the person complies with division (B) of section 4759.02 of the Revised Code;

(B) A person who is a graduate of an associate degree program approved by the academy of nutrition and dietetics or the state medical board who is working as a dietetic technician under the supervision of a dietitian licensed under section 4759.06 of the Revised Code or registered by the commission on dietetic registration, except that the person is subject to division (B) of section 4759.02 of the Revised Code if the person uses a title other than "dietetic technician";

(C) A person who practices dietetics related to employment in the armed forces, veteran's administration, or the public health service of the United States;

(D) Persons employed by a nonprofit agency approved by the board or by a federal, state, municipal or county government, or by any other political subdivision, elementary or secondary school, or an institution of higher education approved by the state medical board or by a regional agency recognized by the council on postsecondary accreditation, who performs only nutritional education activities and such other nutritional activities as the board, by rule, permits, provided the person does not violate division (B) of section 4759.02 of the Revised Code;

(E) A person who has completed a program meeting the academic standards set for dietitians by the academy of nutrition and dietetics, received a baccalaureate or higher degree from a school, college, or university approved by a regional accreditation agency recognized by the council on postsecondary accreditation, works under the supervision of a licensed dietitian or registered dietitian, and does not violate division (B) of section 4759.02 of the Revised Code;

(F) A person when acting, under the direction and supervision of a person licensed under Title XLVII of the Revised Code, in the execution of a plan of treatment authorized by the licensed person, provided the person complies with division (B) of section 4759.02 of the Revised Code;

(G) The free dissemination of literature in the state;

(H) Provided that the persons involved in the sale, promotion, or explanation of the sale of food, food materials, or dietary supplements do not violate division (B) of section 4759.02 of the Revised Code, the sale of food, food materials, or dietary supplements and the marketing and distribution of food, food materials, or dietary supplements and the promotion or explanation of the use of food, food materials, or dietary supplements provided that the promotion or explanation does not violate Chapter 1345. of the Revised Code;

(I) A person who offers dietary supplements for sale and who makes the following statements about the product if the statements are consistent with the dietary supplement's label or labeling:

(1) Claim a benefit related to a classical nutrient deficiency disease and disclose the prevalence of the disease in the United States;

(2) Describe the role of a nutrient or dietary ingredient intended to affect the structure or function of the human body;

(3) Characterize the documented mechanism by which a nutrient or dietary ingredient acts to maintain the structure or function of the human body;

(4) Describe general well-being from the consumption of a nutrient or dietary ingredient.

(J) Provided that the persons involved in presenting a general program of instruction for weight control do not violate division (B) of section 4759.02 of the Revised Code, a general program of instruction for weight control approved in writing by a licensed dietitian, a physician licensed under Chapter 4731. of the Revised Code to practice medicine or surgery or osteopathic medicine or surgery, a person licensed in another state that the board considers to have substantially equivalent licensure requirements as this state, or a registered dietitian;

(K) The continued practice of dietetics at a hospital by a person employed at that same hospital to practice dietetics for the twenty years immediately prior to July 1, 1987, so long as the person works under the supervision of a dietitian licensed under section 4759.06 of the Revised Code and does not violate division (B) of section 4759.02 of the Revised Code. This division does not apply to any person who has held a license issued under this chapter to practice dietetics. As used in this division, "hospital" has the same meaning as in section 3727.01 of the Revised Code.

Section 4759.11 | Effect of child support default on license.

On receipt of a notice pursuant to section 3123.43 of the Revised Code, the state medical board shall comply with sections 3123.41 to 3123.50 of the Revised Code and any applicable rules adopted under section 3123.63 of the Revised Code with respect to a license issued pursuant to this chapter.

Section 4759.12 | Compliance with law regarding sanctions for human trafficking.

The state medical board shall comply with section 4776.20 of the Revised Code.

Section 4759.13 | Reporting impairment; liability.

A dietitian, professional association or society of dietitians, physician, or professional association or society of physicians that believes a violation of division (A)(14) or (18) of section 4759.07 of the Revised Code has occurred shall report the information upon which the belief is based to the monitoring organization conducting the confidential monitoring program established under section 4731.25 of the Revised Code. If any such report is made to the state medical board, it shall be referred to the monitoring organization unless the board is aware that the individual who is the subject of the report does not meet the program eligibility requirements of section 4731.252 of the Revised Code.

An individual or entity that reports to the board, reports to the monitoring organization described in section 4731.25 of the Revised Code, or refers an impaired dietitian to a treatment provider approved under section 4731.251 of the Revised Code shall not be subject to suit for civil damages as a result of the report, referral, or provision of the information.

In the absence of fraud or bad faith, a professional association or society of dietitians that sponsors a committee or program to provide peer assistance to a dietitian with substance abuse problems, a representative or agent of such a committee or program, a representative or agent of the monitoring organization described in section 4731.25 of the Revised Code, and a member of the state medical board shall not be held liable in damages to any person by reason of actions taken to refer a dietitian to a treatment provider approved under section 4731.251 of the Revised Code for examination or treatment.

Last updated September 5, 2023 at 1:59 PM

Section 4759.14 | Reporting of criminal conduct or sexual misconduct.

(A) As used in this section, "criminal conduct" and "sexual misconduct" have the same meanings as in section 4731.224 of the Revised Code.

(B)(1) Within thirty days after commencing an investigation regarding criminal conduct or sexual misconduct against any individual holding a valid license to practice issued pursuant to this chapter, a health care facility, including a hospital, health care facility operated by a health insuring corporation, ambulatory surgical facility, or similar facility, shall report to the board the name of the individual and a summary of the underlying facts related to the investigation being commenced.

(2) If any individual authorized to practice under this chapter or any professional association or society of such individuals knows or has reasonable cause to suspect based on facts that would cause a reasonable person in a similar position to suspect that an individual authorized to practice under this chapter has committed or participated in criminal conduct or sexual misconduct the information upon which the belief is based shall be reported to the board within thirty days.

This division does not apply to a professional association or society whose staff interacts with members of the association or society only in advocacy, governance, or educational capacities and whose staff does not regularly interact with members in practice settings.

(3) In addition to the self-reporting of criminal offenses that is required for license renewal, an individual authorized to practice under this chapter shall report to the board criminal charges regarding criminal conduct, sexual misconduct, or any conduct involving the use of a motor vehicle while under the influence of alcohol or drugs, including offenses that are equivalent offenses under division (A) of section 4511.181 of the Revised Code, violations of division (D) of section 4511.194 of the Revised Code, and violations of division (C) of section 4511.79 of the Revised Code. Reports under this division shall be made within thirty days of the criminal charge being filed.

Last updated February 20, 2025 at 1:46 PM

Section 4759.20 | Telehealth services.

A dietitian may provide telehealth services in accordance with section 4743.09 of the Revised Code.

Last updated January 27, 2022 at 3:36 PM

Section 4759.30 | Dietitian licensure compact.

The dietitian licensure compact is hereby ratified, enacted into law, and entered into by the state of Ohio as a party to the compact with any other state that has legally joined the compact as follows:



The purpose of this Compact is to facilitate interstate Practice of Dietetics with the goal of improving public access to dietetics services. This Compact preserves the regulatory authority of States to protect public health and safety through the current system of State licensure, while also providing for licensure portability through a Compact Privilege granted to qualifying professionals.

This Compact is designed to achieve the following objectives:

A. Increase public access to dietetics services;

B. Provide opportunities for interstate practice by Licensed Dietitians who meet uniform requirements;

C. Eliminate the necessity for Licenses in multiple States;

D. Reduce administrative burden on Member States and Licensees;

E. Enhance the States' ability to protect the public's health and safety;

F. Encourage the cooperation of Member States in regulating multistate practice of Licensed Dietitians;

G. Support relocating Active Military Members and their spouses;

H. Enhance the exchange of licensure, investigative, and disciplinary information among Member States; and

I. Vest all Member States with the authority to hold a Licensed Dietitian accountable for meeting all State practice laws in the State in which the patient is located at the time care is rendered.


As used in this Compact, and except as otherwise provided, the following definitions shall apply:

A. "ACEND" means the Accreditation Council for Education in Nutrition and Dietetics or its successor organization.

B. "Active Military Member" means any individual with full-time duty status in the active armed forces of the United States, including members of the National Guard and Reserve.

C. "Adverse Action" means any administrative, civil, equitable or criminal action permitted by a State's laws which is imposed by a Licensing Authority or other authority against a Licensee, including actions against an individual's License or Compact Privilege such as revocation, suspension, probation, monitoring of the Licensee, limitation on the Licensee's practice, or any other Encumbrance on licensure affecting a Licensee's authorization to practice, including issuance of a cease and desist action.

D. "Alternative Program" means a non-disciplinary monitoring or practice remediation process approved by a Licensing Authority.

E. "Charter Member State" means any Member State which enacted this Compact by law before the Effective Date specified in Section 12.

F. "Continuing Education" means a requirement, as a condition of License renewal, to provide evidence of participation in, and completion of, educational and professional activities relevant to practice or area of work.

G. "CDR" means the Commission on Dietetic Registration or its successor organization.

H. "Compact Commission" means the government agency whose membership consists of all States that have enacted this Compact, which is known as the Dietitian Licensure Compact Commission, as described in Section 8, and which shall operate as an instrumentality of the Member States.

I. "Compact Privilege" means a legal authorization, which is equivalent to a License, permitting the Practice of Dietetics in a Remote State.

J. "Current Significant Investigative Information" means:

1. Investigative Information that a Licensing Authority, after a preliminary inquiry that includes notification and an opportunity for the subject Licensee to respond, if required by State law, has reason to believe is not groundless and, if proved true, would indicate more than a minor infraction; or

2. Investigative Information that indicates that the subject Licensee represents an immediate threat to public health and safety regardless of whether the subject Licensee has been notified and had an opportunity to respond.

K. "Data System" means a repository of information about Licensees, including, but not limited to, Continuing Education, examination, licensure, investigative, Compact Privilege and Adverse Action information.

L. "Encumbered License" means a License in which an Adverse Action restricts a Licensee's ability to practice dietetics.

M. "Encumbrance" means a revocation or suspension of, or any limitation on a Licensee's full and unrestricted Practice of Dietetics by a Licensing Authority.

N. "Executive Committee" means a group of delegates elected or appointed to act on behalf of, and within the powers granted to them by, this Compact, and the Compact Commission.

O. "Home State" means the Member State that is the Licensee's primary State of residence or that has been designated pursuant to Section 6.

P. "Investigative Information" means information, records, and documents received or generated by a Licensing Authority pursuant to an investigation.

Q. "Jurisprudence Requirement" means an assessment of an individual's knowledge of the State laws and regulations governing the Practice of Dietetics in such State.

R. "License" means an authorization from a Member State to either:

1. Engage in the Practice of Dietetics (including medical nutrition therapy); or

2. Use the title "dietitian," "licensed dietitian," "licensed dietitian nutritionist," "certified dietitian," or other title describing a substantially similar practitioner as the Compact Commission may further define by Rule.

S. "Licensee" or "Licensed Dietitian" means an individual who currently holds a License and who meets all of the requirements outlined in Section 4.

T. "Licensing Authority" means the board or agency of a State, or equivalent, that is responsible for the licensing and regulation of the Practice of Dietetics.

U. "Member State" means a State that has enacted the Compact.

V. "Practice of Dietetics" means the synthesis and application of dietetics as defined by state law and regulations, primarily for the provision of nutrition care services, including medical nutrition therapy, in person or via telehealth, to prevent, manage, or treat diseases or medical conditions and promote wellness.

W. "Registered Dietitian" means a person who:

1. Has completed applicable education, experience, examination, and recertification requirements approved by CDR;

2. Is credentialed by CDR as a registered dietitian or a registered dietitian nutritionist; and

3. Is legally authorized to use the title registered dietitian or registered dietitian nutritionist and the corresponding abbreviations "RD" or "RDN."

X. "Remote State" means a Member State other than the Home State, where a Licensee is exercising or seeking to exercise a Compact Privilege.

Y. "Rule" means a regulation promulgated by the Compact Commission that has the force of law.

Z. "Single State License" means a License issued by a Member State within the issuing State and does not include a Compact Privilege in any other Member State.

AA. "State" means any state, commonwealth, district, or territory of the United States of America.

BB. "Unencumbered License" means a License that authorizes a Licensee to engage in the full and unrestricted Practice of Dietetics.


A. To participate in the Compact, a State must currently:

1. License and regulate the Practice of Dietetics; and

2. Have a mechanism in place for receiving and investigating complaints about Licensees.

B. A Member State shall:

1. Participate fully in the Compact Commission's Data System, including using the unique identifier as defined in Rules;

2. Notify the Compact Commission, in compliance with the terms of the Compact and Rules, of any Adverse Action or the availability of Current Significant Investigative Information regarding a Licensee;

3. Implement or utilize procedures for considering the criminal history record information of applicants for an initial Compact Privilege. These procedures shall include the submission of fingerprints or other biometric-based information by applicants for the purpose of obtaining an applicant's criminal history record information from the Federal Bureau of Investigation and the agency responsible for retaining that State's criminal records;

a. A Member State must fully implement a criminal history record information requirement, within a time frame established by Rule, which includes receiving the results of the Federal Bureau of Investigation record search and shall use those results in determining Compact Privilege eligibility.

b. Communication between a Member State and the Compact Commission or among Member States regarding the verification of eligibility for a Compact Privilege shall not include any information received from the Federal Bureau of Investigation relating to a federal criminal history record information check performed by a Member State.

4. Comply with and enforce the Rules of the Compact Commission;

5. Require an applicant for a Compact Privilege to obtain or retain a License in the Licensee's Home State and meet the Home State's qualifications for licensure or renewal of licensure, as well as all other applicable State laws; and

6. Recognize a Compact Privilege granted to a Licensee who meets all of the requirements outlined in Section 4 in accordance with the terms of the Compact and Rules.

C. Member States may set and collect a fee for granting a Compact Privilege.

D. Individuals not residing in a Member State shall continue to be able to apply for a Member State's Single State License as provided under the laws of each Member State. However, the Single State License granted to these individuals shall not be recognized as granting a Compact Privilege to engage in the Practice of Dietetics in any other Member State.

E. Nothing in this Compact shall affect the requirements established by a Member State for the issuance of a Single State License.

F. At no point shall the Compact Commission have the power to define the requirements for the issuance of a Single State License to practice dietetics. The Member States shall retain sole jurisdiction over the provision of these requirements.


A. To exercise the Compact Privilege under the terms and provisions of the Compact, the Licensee shall:

1. Satisfy one of the following:

a. Hold a valid current registration that gives the applicant the right to use the term Registered Dietitian; or

b. Complete all of the following:

i. An education program which is either:

a) A master's degree or doctoral degree that is programmatically accredited by (i) ACEND; or (ii) a dietetics accrediting agency recognized by the United States Department of Education, which the Compact Commission may by Rule determine, and from a college or university accredited at the time of graduation by the appropriate regional accrediting agency recognized by the Council on Higher Education Accreditation and the United States Department of Education.

b) An academic degree from a college or university in a foreign country equivalent to the degree described in subparagraph (a) that is programmatically accredited by (i) ACEND; or (ii) a dietetics accrediting agency recognized by the United States Department of Education, which the Compact Commission may by Rule determine.

ii. A planned, documented, supervised practice experience in dietetics that is programmatically accredited by (i) ACEND, or (ii) a dietetics accrediting agency recognized by the United States Department of Education which the Compact Commission may by Rule determine and which involves at least 1000 hours of practice experience under the supervision of a Registered Dietitian or a Licensed Dietitian.

iii. Successful completion of either: (i) the Registration Examination for Dietitians administered by CDR, or (ii) a national credentialing examination for dietitians approved by the Compact Commission by Rule; such completion being no more than five years prior to the date of the Licensee's application for initial licensure and accompanied by a period of continuous licensure thereafter, all of which may be further governed by the Rules of the Compact Commission.

2. Hold an Unencumbered License in the Home State;

3. Notify the Compact Commission that the Licensee is seeking a Compact Privilege within a Remote State(s);

4. Pay any applicable fees, including any State fee, for the Compact Privilege;

5. Meet any Jurisprudence Requirements established by the Remote State(s) in which the Licensee is seeking a Compact Privilege; and

6. Report to the Compact Commission any Adverse Action, Encumbrance, or restriction on a License taken by any non-Member State within 30 days from the date the action is taken.

B. The Compact Privilege is valid until the expiration date of the Home State License. To maintain a Compact Privilege, renewal of the Compact Privilege shall be congruent with the renewal of the Home State License as the Compact Commission may define by Rule. The Licensee must comply with the requirements of Section 4(A) to maintain the Compact Privilege in the Remote State(s).

C. A Licensee exercising a Compact Privilege shall adhere to the laws and regulations of the Remote State. Licensees shall be responsible for educating themselves on, and complying with, any and all State laws relating to the Practice of Dietetics in such Remote State.

D. Notwithstanding anything to the contrary provided in this Compact or State law, a Licensee exercising a Compact Privilege shall not be required to complete Continuing Education Requirements required by a Remote State. A Licensee exercising a Compact Privilege is only required to meet any Continuing Education Requirements as required by the Home State.


A. A Licensee may hold a Home State License, which allows for a Compact Privilege in other Member States, in only one Member State at a time.

B. If a Licensee changes Home State by moving between two Member States:

1. The Licensee shall file an application for obtaining a new Home State License based on a Compact Privilege, pay all applicable fees, and notify the current and new Home State in accordance with the Rules of the Compact Commission.

2. Upon receipt of an application for obtaining a new Home State License by virtue of a Compact Privilege, the new Home State shall verify that the Licensee meets the criteria in Section 4 via the Data System, and require that the Licensee complete the following:

a. Federal Bureau of Investigation fingerprint based criminal history record information check;

b. Any other criminal history record information required by the new Home State; and

c. Any Jurisprudence Requirements of the new Home State.

3. The former Home State shall convert the former Home State License into a Compact Privilege once the new Home State has activated the new Home State License in accordance with applicable Rules adopted by the Compact Commission.

4. Notwithstanding any other provision of this Compact, if the Licensee cannot meet the criteria in Section 4, the new Home State may apply its requirements for issuing a new Single State License.

5. The Licensee shall pay all applicable fees to the new Home State in order to be issued a new Home State License.

C. If a Licensee changes their State of residence by moving from a Member State to a non-Member State, or from a non-Member State to a Member State, the State criteria shall apply for issuance of a Single State License in the new State.

D. Nothing in this Compact shall interfere with a Licensee's ability to hold a Single State License in multiple States; however, for the purposes of this Compact, a Licensee shall have only one Home State License.

E. Nothing in this Compact shall affect the requirements established by a Member State for the issuance of a Single State License.


An Active Military Member, or their spouse, shall designate a Home State where the individual has a current License in good standing. The individual may retain the Home State designation during the period the service member is on active duty.


A. In addition to the other powers conferred by State law, a Remote State shall have the authority, in accordance with existing State due process law, to:

1. Take Adverse Action against a Licensee's Compact Privilege within that Member State; and

2. Issue subpoenas for both hearings and investigations that require the attendance and testimony of witnesses as well as the production of evidence. Subpoenas issued by a Licensing Authority in a Member State for the attendance and testimony of witnesses or the production of evidence from another Member State shall be enforced in the latter State by any court of competent jurisdiction, according to the practice and procedure applicable to subpoenas issued in proceedings pending before that court. The issuing authority shall pay any witness fees, travel expenses, mileage, and other fees required by the service statutes of the State in which the witnesses or evidence are located.

B. Only the Home State shall have the power to take Adverse Action against a Licensee's Home State License.

C. For purposes of taking Adverse Action, the Home State shall give the same priority and effect to reported conduct received from a Member State as it would if the conduct had occurred within the Home State. In so doing, the Home State shall apply its own State laws to determine appropriate action.

D. The Home State shall complete any pending investigations of a Licensee who changes Home States during the course of the investigations. The Home State shall also have authority to take appropriate action(s) and shall promptly report the conclusions of the investigations to the administrator of the Data System. The administrator of the Data System shall promptly notify the new Home State of any Adverse Actions.

E. A Member State, if otherwise permitted by State law, may recover from the affected Licensee the costs of investigations and dispositions of cases resulting from any Adverse Action taken against that Licensee.

F. A Member State may take Adverse Action based on the factual findings of another Remote State, provided that the Member State follows its own procedures for taking the Adverse Action.

G. Joint Investigations:

1. In addition to the authority granted to a Member State by its respective State law, any Member State may participate with other Member States in joint investigations of Licensees.

2. Member States shall share any investigative, litigation, or compliance materials in furtherance of any joint investigation initiated under the Compact.

H. If Adverse Action is taken by the Home State against a Licensee's Home State License resulting in an Encumbrance on the Home State License, the Licensee's Compact Privilege(s) in all other Member States shall be revoked until all Encumbrances have been removed from the Home State License. All Home State disciplinary orders that impose Adverse Action against a Licensee shall include a statement that the Licensee's Compact Privileges are revoked in all Member States during the pendency of the order.

I. Once an Encumbered License in the Home State is restored to an Unencumbered License (as certified by the Home State's Licensing Authority), the Licensee must meet the requirements of Section 4(A) and follow the administrative requirements to reapply to obtain a Compact Privilege in any Remote State.

J. If a Member State takes Adverse Action, it shall promptly notify the administrator of the Data System. The administrator of the Data System shall promptly notify the other Member States State of any Adverse Actions.

K. Nothing in this Compact shall override a Member State's decision that participation in an Alternative Program may be used in lieu of Adverse Action.


A. The Compact Member States hereby create and establish a joint government agency whose membership consists of all Member States that have enacted the Compact known as the Dietitian Licensure Compact Commission. The Compact Commission is an instrumentality of the Compact States acting jointly and not an instrumentality of any one State. The Compact Commission shall come into existence on or after the effective date of the Compact as set forth in Section 12.

B. Membership, Voting, and Meetings

1. Each Member State shall have and be limited to one (1) delegate selected by that Member State's Licensing Authority.

2. The delegate shall be the primary administrator of the Licensing Authority or their designee.

3. The Compact Commission shall by Rule or bylaw establish a term of office for delegates and may by Rule or bylaw establish term limits.

4. The Compact Commission may recommend removal or suspension of any delegate from office.

5. A Member State's Licensing Authority shall fill any vacancy of its delegate occurring on the Compact Commission within 60 days of the vacancy.

6. Each delegate shall be entitled to one vote on all matters before the Compact Commission requiring a vote by the delegates.

7. Delegates shall meet and vote by such means as set forth in the bylaws. The bylaws may provide for delegates to meet and vote in-person or by telecommunication, video conference, or other means of communication.

8. The Compact Commission shall meet at least once during each calendar year. Additional meetings may be held as set forth in the bylaws. The Compact Commission may meet in person or by telecommunication, video conference, or other means of communication.

C. The Compact Commission shall have the following powers:

1. Establish the fiscal year of the Compact Commission;

2. Establish code of conduct and conflict of interest policies;

3. Establish and amend Rules and bylaws;

4. Maintain its financial records in accordance with the bylaws;

5. Meet and take such actions as are consistent with the provisions of this Compact, the Compact Commission's Rules, and the bylaws;

6. Initiate and conclude legal proceedings or actions in the name of the Compact Commission, provided that the standing of any Licensing Authority to sue or be sued under applicable law shall not be affected;

7. Maintain and certify records and information provided to a Member State as the authenticated business records of the Compact Commission, and designate an agent to do so on the Compact Commission's behalf;

8. Purchase and maintain insurance and bonds;

9. Borrow, accept, or contract for services of personnel, including, but not limited to, employees of a Member State;

10. Conduct an annual financial review;

11. Hire employees, elect or appoint officers, fix compensation, define duties, grant such individuals appropriate authority to carry out the purposes of the Compact,and establish the Compact Commission's personnel policies and programs relating to conflicts of interest, qualifications of personnel, and other related personnel matters;

12. Assess and collect fees;

13. Accept any and all appropriate donations, grants of money, other sources of revenue, equipment,supplies, materials, services, and gifts, and receive, utilize, and dispose of the same; provided that at all times the Compact Commission shall avoid any actual or appearance of impropriety or conflict of interest;

14. Lease, purchase, retain, own, hold, improve, or use any property, real, personal, or mixed, or any undivided interest therein;

15. Sell, convey, mortgage, pledge, lease, exchange, abandon, or otherwise dispose of any property real, personal, or mixed;

16. Establish a budget and make expenditures;

17. Borrow money;

18. Appoint committees, including standing committees, composed of members, State regulators, State legislators or their representatives, and consumer representatives, and such other interested persons as may be designated in this Compact or the bylaws;

19. Provide and receive information from, and cooperate with, law enforcement agencies;

20. Establish and elect an Executive Committee, including a chair and a vice chair;

21. Determine whether a State's adopted language is materially different from the model compact language such that the State would not qualify for participation in the Compact; and

22. Perform such other functions as may be necessary or appropriate to achieve the purposes of this Compact.

D. The Executive Committee

1. The Executive Committee shall have the power to act on behalf of the Compact Commission according to the terms of this Compact. The powers, duties, and responsibilities of the Executive Committee shall include:

a. Oversee the day-to-day activities of the administration of the Compact including enforcement and compliance with the provisions of the Compact, its Rules and bylaws, and other such duties as deemed necessary;

b. Recommend to the Compact Commission changes to the Rules or bylaws, changes to this Compact legislation, fees charged to Compact Member States, fees charged to Licensees, and other fees;

c. Ensure Compact administration services are appropriately provided, including by contract;

d. Prepare and recommend the budget;

e. Maintain financial records on behalf of the Compact Commission;

f. Monitor Compact compliance of Member States and provide compliance reports to the Compact Commission;

g. Establish additional committees as necessary;

h. Exercise the powers and duties of the Compact Commission during the interim between Compact Commission meetings, except for adopting or amending Rules, adopting or amending bylaws, and exercising any other powers and duties expressly reserved to the Compact Commission by Rule or bylaw; and

i. Other duties as provided in the Rules or bylaws of the Compact Commission.

2. The Executive Committee shall be composed of nine members:

a. The chair and vice chair of the Compact Commission shall be voting members of the Executive Committee;

b. Five voting members from the current membership of the Compact Commission, elected by the Compact Commission;

c. One ex-officio, nonvoting member from a recognized professional association representing dietitians; and

d. One ex-officio, nonvoting member from a recognized national credentialing organization for dietitians.

3. The Compact Commission may remove any member of the Executive Committee as provided in the Compact Commission's bylaws.

4. The Executive Committee shall meet at least annually.

a. Executive Committee meetings shall be open to the public, except that the Executive Committee may meet in a closed, non-public meeting as provided in subsection (F)(2).

b. The Executive Committee shall give 30 days' notice of its meetings, posted on the website of the Compact Commission and as determined to provide notice to persons with an interest in the business of the Compact Commission.

c. The Executive Committee may hold a special meeting in accordance with subsection (F)(1)(b).

E. The Compact Commission shall adopt and provide to the Member States an annual report.

F. Meetings of the Compact Commission

1. All meetings shall be open to the public, except that the Compact Commission may meet in a closed, non-public meeting as provided in subsection (F)(2).

a. Public notice for all meetings of the full Compact Commission shall be given in the same manner as required under the rulemaking provisions in Section 10, except that the Compact Commission may hold a special meeting as provided in subsection (F)(1)(b).

b. The Compact Commission may hold a special meeting when it must meet to conduct emergency business by giving 24 hours' notice to all Member States, on the Compact Commission's website, and other means as provided in the Compact Commission's Rules. The Compact Commission's legal counsel shall certify that the Compact Commission's need to meet qualifies as an emergency.

2. The Compact Commission or the Executive Committee or other committees of the Compact Commission may convene in a closed, non-public meeting for the Compact Commission or Executive Committee or other committees of the Compact Commission to receive legal advice or to discuss:

a. Non-compliance of a Member State with its obligations under the Compact;

b. The employment, compensation, discipline, or other matters, practices, or procedures related to specific employees;

c. Current or threatened discipline of a Licensee by the Compact Commission or by a Member State's Licensing Authority;

d. Current, threatened, or reasonably anticipated litigation;

e. Negotiation of contracts for the purchase, lease, or sale of goods, services, or real estate;

f. Accusing any person of a crime or formally censuring any person;

g. Trade secrets or commercial or financial information that is privileged or confidential;

h. Information of a personal nature where disclosure would constitute a clearly unwarranted invasion of personal privacy;

i. Investigative records compiled for law enforcement purposes;

j. Information related to any investigative reports prepared by or on behalf of or for use of the Compact Commission or other committee charged with responsibility of investigation or determination of compliance issues pursuant to the Compact;

k. Matters specifically exempted from disclosure by federal or Member State law; or

l. Other matters as specified in the Rules of the Compact Commission.

3. If a meeting, or portion of a meeting, is closed, the presiding officer shall state that the meeting will be closed and reference each relevant exempting provision, and such reference shall be recorded in the minutes.

4. The Compact Commission shall keep minutes that fully and clearly describe all matters discussed in a meeting and shall provide a full and accurate summary of actions taken, and the reasons therefore, including a description of the views expressed. All documents considered in connection with an action shall be identified in such minutes. All minutes and documents of a closed meeting shall remain under seal, subject to release only by a majority vote of the Compact Commission or order of a court of competent jurisdiction.

G. Financing of the Compact Commission

1. The Compact Commission shall pay, or provide for the payment of, the reasonable expenses of its establishment, organization, and ongoing activities.

2. The Compact Commission may accept any and all appropriate revenue sources as provided in subsection (C)(13).

3. The Compact Commission may levy on and collect an annual assessment from each Member State and impose fees on Licensees of Member States to whom it grants a Compact Privilege to cover the cost of the operations and activities of the Compact Commission and its staff, which must, in a total amount, be sufficient to cover its annual budget as approved each year for which revenue is not provided by other sources. The aggregate annual assessment amount for Member States shall be allocated based upon a formula that the Compact Commission shall promulgate by Rule.

4. The Compact Commission shall not incur obligations of any kind prior to securing the funds adequate to meet the same; nor shall the Compact Commission pledge the credit of any of the Member States, except by and with the authority of the Member State.

5. The Compact Commission shall keep accurate accounts of all receipts and disbursements. The receipts and disbursements of the Compact Commission shall be subject to the financial review and accounting procedures established under its bylaws. However, all receipts and disbursements of funds handled by the Compact Commission shall be subject to an annual financial review by a certified or licensed public accountant, and the report of the financial review shall be included in and become part of the annual report of the Compact Commission.

H. Qualified Immunity, Defense, and Indemnification

1. The members, officers, executive director, employees and representatives of the Compact Commission shall be immune from suit and liability, both personally and in their official capacity, for any claim for damage to or loss of property or personal injury or other civil liability caused by or arising out of any actual or alleged act, error, or omission that occurred, or that the person against whom the claim is made had a reasonable basis for believing occurred within the scope of Compact Commission employment, duties, or responsibilities; provided that nothing in this paragraph shall be construed to protect any such person from suit or liability for any damage, loss, injury, or liability caused by the intentional or willful or wanton misconduct of that person. The procurement of insurance of any type by the Compact Commission shall not in any way compromise or limit the immunity granted hereunder.

2. The Compact Commission shall defend any member, officer, executive director, employee, and representative of the Compact Commission in any civil action seeking to impose liability arising out of any actual or alleged act, error, or omission that occurred within the scope of Compact Commission employment, duties, or responsibilities, or as determined by the Compact Commission that the person against whom the claim is made had a reasonable basis for believing occurred within the scope of Compact Commission employment, duties, or responsibilities; provided that nothing herein shall be construed to prohibit that person from retaining their own counsel at their own expense; and provided further, that the actual or alleged act, error, or omission did not result from that person's intentional or willful or wanton misconduct.

3. The Compact Commission shall indemnify and hold harmless any member, officer, executive director, employee, and representative of the Compact Commission for the amount of any settlement or judgment obtained against that person arising out of any actual or alleged act, error, or omission that occurred within the scope of Compact Commission employment, duties, or responsibilities, or that such person had a reasonable basis for believing occurred within the scope of Compact Commission employment, duties, or responsibilities, provided that the actual or alleged act, error, or omission did not result from the intentional or willful or wanton misconduct of that person.

4. Nothing herein shall be construed as a limitation on the liability of any Licensee for professional malpractice or misconduct, which shall be governed solely by any other applicable State laws.

5. Nothing in this Compact shall be interpreted to waive or otherwise abrogate a Member State's state action immunity or state action affirmative defense with respect to antitrust claims under the Sherman Act, Clayton Act, or any other State or federal antitrust or anticompetitive law or regulation.

6. Nothing in this Compact shall be construed to be a waiver of sovereign immunity by the Member States or by the Compact Commission.


A. The Compact Commission shall provide for the development, maintenance, operation, and utilization of a coordinated Data System.

B. The Compact Commission shall assign each applicant for a Compact Privilege a unique identifier, as determined by the Rules.

C. Notwithstanding any other provision of State law to the contrary, a Member State shall submit a uniform data set to the Data System on all individuals to whom this Compact is applicable as required by the Rules of the Compact Commission, including:

1. Identifying information;

2. Licensure data;

3. Adverse Actions against a License or Compact Privilege and information related thereto;

4. Non-confidential information related to Alternative Program participation, the beginning and ending dates of such participation, and other information related to such participation not made confidential under Member State law;

5. Any denial of application for licensure, and the reason(s) for such denial;

6. The presence of Current Significant Investigative Information; and

7. Other information that may facilitate the administration of this Compact or the protection of the public, as determined by the Rules of the Compact Commission.

D. The records and information provided to a Member State pursuant to this Compact or through the Data System, when certified by the Compact Commission or an agent thereof, shall constitute the authenticated business records of the Compact Commission, and shall be entitled to any associated hearsay exception in any relevant judicial, quasi-judicial, or administrative proceedings in a Member State.

E. Current Significant Investigative Information pertaining to a Licensee in any Member State will only be available to other Member States.

F. It is the responsibility of the Member States to report any Adverse Action against a Licensee and to monitor the Data System to determine whether any Adverse Action has been taken against a Licensee. Adverse Action information pertaining to a Licensee in any Member State will be available to any other Member State.

G. Member States contributing information to the Data System may designate information that may not be shared with the public without the express permission of the contributing State.

H. Any information submitted to the Data System that is subsequently expunged pursuant to federal law or the laws of the Member State contributing the information shall be removed from the Data System.


A. The Compact Commission shall promulgate reasonable Rules in order to effectively and efficiently implement and administer the purposes and provisions of the Compact. A Rule shall be invalid and have no force or effect only if a court of competent jurisdiction holds that the Rule is invalid because the Compact Commission exercised its rulemaking authority in a manner that is beyond the scope and purposes of the Compact, or the powers granted hereunder, or based upon another applicable standard of review.

B. The Rules of the Compact Commission shall have the force of law in each Member State, provided however that where the Rules conflict with the laws or regulations of a Member State that relate to the procedures, actions, and processes a Licensed Dietitian is permitted to undertake in that State and the circumstances under which they may do so, as held by a court of competent jurisdiction, the Rules of the Compact Commission shall be ineffective in that State to the extent of the conflict.

C. The Compact Commission shall exercise its rulemaking powers pursuant to the criteria set forth in this Section and the Rules adopted thereunder. Rules shall become binding on the day following adoption or as of the date specified in the Rule or amendment, whichever is later.

D. If a majority of the legislatures of the Member States rejects a Rule or portion of a Rule, by enactment of a statute or resolution in the same manner used to adopt the Compact within four (4) years of the date of adoption of the Rule, then such Rule shall have no further force and effect in any Member State.

E. Rules shall be adopted at a regular or special meeting of the Compact Commission.

F. Prior to adoption of a proposed Rule, the Compact Commission shall hold a public hearing and allow persons to provide oral and written comments, data, facts, opinions, and arguments.

G. Prior to adoption of a proposed Rule by the Compact Commission, and at least thirty (30) days in advance of the meeting at which the Compact Commission will hold a public hearing on the proposed Rule, the Compact Commission shall provide a Notice of Proposed rulemaking:

1. On the website of the Compact Commission or other publicly accessible platform;

2. To persons who have requested notice of the Compact Commission's notices of proposed rulemaking; and

3. In such other way(s) as the Compact Commission may by Rule specify.

H. The Notice of Proposed rulemaking shall include:

1. The time, date, and location of the public hearing at which the Compact Commission will hear public comments on the proposed Rule and, if different, the time, date, and location of the meeting where the Compact Commission will consider and vote on the proposed Rule;

2. If the hearing is held via telecommunication, video conference, or other means of communication, the Compact Commission shall include the mechanism for access to the hearing in the Notice of Proposed rulemaking;

3. The text of the proposed Rule and the reason therefore;

4. A request for comments on the proposed Rule from any interested person; and

5. The manner in which interested persons may submit written comments.

I. All hearings will be recorded. A copy of the recording and all written comments and documents received by the Compact Commission in response to the proposed Rule shall be available to the public.

J. Nothing in this Section shall be construed as requiring a separate hearing on each Rule. Rules may be grouped for the convenience of the Compact Commission at hearings required by this Section.

K. The Compact Commission shall, by majority vote of all members, take final action on the proposed Rule based on the rulemaking record and the full text of the Rule.

1. The Compact Commission may adopt changes to the proposed Rule provided the changes do not enlarge the original purpose of the proposed Rule.

2. The Compact Commission shall provide an explanation of the reasons for substantive changes made to the proposed Rule as well as reasons for substantive changes not made that were recommended by commenters.

3. The Compact Commission shall determine a reasonable effective date for the Rule. Except for an emergency as provided in Section 10(L), the effective date of the Rule shall be no sooner than 30 days after issuing the notice that it adopted or amended the Rule.

L. Upon determination that an emergency exists, the Compact Commission may consider and adopt an emergency Rule with 24 hours' notice, with opportunity to comment, provided that the usual rulemaking procedures provided in the Compact and in this Section shall be retroactively applied to the Rule as soon as reasonably possible, in no event later than ninety (90) days after the effective date of the Rule. For the purposes of this provision, an emergency Rule is one that must be adopted immediately in order to:

1. Meet an imminent threat to public health, safety, or welfare;

2. Prevent a loss of Compact Commission or Member State funds;

3. Meet a deadline for the promulgation of a Rule that is established by federal law or rule; or

4. Protect public health and safety.

M. The Compact Commission or an authorized committee of the Compact Commission may direct revision to a previously adopted Rule for purposes of correcting typographical errors, errors in format, errors in consistency, or grammatical errors. Public notice of any revision shall be posted on the website of the Compact Commission. The revision shall be subject to challenge by any person for a period of thirty (30) days after posting. The revision may be challenged only on grounds that the revision results in a material change to a Rule. A challenge shall be made in writing and delivered to the Compact Commission prior to the end of the notice period. If no challenge is made, the revision will take effect without further action. If the revision is challenged, the revision may not take effect without the approval of the Compact Commission.

N. No Member State's rulemaking requirements shall apply under this Compact.


A. Oversight

1. The executive and judicial branches of State government in each Member State shall enforce this Compact and take all actions necessary and appropriate to implement this Compact.

2. Except as otherwise provided in this Compact, venue is proper and judicial proceedings by or against the Compact Commission shall be brought solely and exclusively in a court of competent jurisdiction where the principal office of the Compact Commission is located. The Compact Commission may waive venue and jurisdictional defenses to the extent it adopts or consents to participate in alternative dispute resolution proceedings. Nothing herein shall affect or limit the selection or propriety of venue in any action against a Licensee for professional malpractice, misconduct, or any such similar matter.

3. The Compact Commission shall be entitled to receive service of process in any proceeding regarding the enforcement or interpretation of the Compact and shall have standing to intervene in such a proceeding for all purposes. Failure to provide the Compact Commission service of process shall render a judgment or order void as to the Compact Commission, this Compact, or promulgated Rules.

B. Default, Technical Assistance, and Termination

1. If the Compact Commission determines that a Member State has defaulted in the performance of its obligations or responsibilities under this Compact or the promulgated Rules, the Compact Commission shall provide written notice to the defaulting State. The notice of default shall describe the default, the proposed means of curing the default, and any other action that the Compact Commission may take and shall offer training and specific technical assistance regarding the default.

2. The Compact Commission shall provide a copy of the notice of default to the other Member States.

C. If a State in default fails to cure the default, the defaulting State may be terminated from the Compact upon an affirmative vote of a majority of the delegates of the Member States, and all rights, privileges, and benefits conferred on that State by this Compact may be terminated on the effective date of termination. A cure of the default does not relieve the offending State of obligations or liabilities incurred during the period of default.

D. Termination of membership in the Compact shall be imposed only after all other means of securing compliance have been exhausted. Notice of intent to suspend or terminate shall be given by the Compact Commission to the governor, the majority and minority leaders of the defaulting State's legislature, the defaulting State's Licensing Authority, and each of the Member States' Licensing Authority.

E. A State that has been terminated is responsible for all assessments, obligations, and liabilities incurred through the effective date of termination, including obligations that extend beyond the effective date of termination.

F. Upon the termination of a State's membership from this Compact, that State shall immediately provide notice to all Licensees within that State of such termination. The terminated State shall continue to recognize all Compact Privileges granted pursuant to this Compact for a minimum of six months after the date of said notice of termination.

G. The Compact Commission shall not bear any costs related to a State that is found to be in default or that has been terminated from the Compact, unless agreed upon in writing between the Compact Commission and the defaulting State.

H. The defaulting State may appeal the action of the Compact Commission by petitioning the U.S. District Court for the District of Columbia or the federal district where the Compact Commission has its principal offices. The prevailing party shall be awarded all costs of such litigation, including reasonable attorney's fees.

I. Dispute Resolution

1. Upon request by a Member State, the Compact Commission shall attempt to resolve disputes related to the Compact that arise among Member States and between Member and non-Member States.

2. The Compact Commission shall promulgate a Rule providing for both mediation and binding dispute resolution for disputes as appropriate.

J. Enforcement

1. By supermajority vote, the Compact Commission may initiate legal action against a Member State in default in the United States District Court for the District of Columbia or the federal district where the Compact Commission has its principal offices to enforce compliance with the provisions of the Compact and its promulgated Rules. The relief sought may include both injunctive relief and damages. In the event judicial enforcement is necessary, the prevailing party shall be awarded all costs of such litigation, including reasonable attorney's fees. The remedies herein shall not be the exclusive remedies of the Compact Commission. The Compact Commission may pursue any other remedies available under federal or the defaulting Member State's law.

2. A Member State may initiate legal action against the Compact Commission in the U.S. District Court for the District of Columbia or the federal district where the Compact Commission has its principal offices to enforce compliance with the provisions of the Compact and its promulgated Rules. The relief sought may include both injunctive relief and damages. In the event judicial enforcement is necessary, the prevailing party shall be awarded all costs of such litigation, including reasonable attorney's fees.

3. No party other than a Member State shall enforce this Compact against the Compact Commission.


A. The Compact shall come into effect on the date on which the Compact statute is enacted into law in the seventh Member State.

1. On or after the effective date of the Compact, the Compact Commission shall convene and review the enactment of each of the first seven Member States ("Charter Member States") to determine if the statute enacted by each such Charter Member State is materially different than the model Compact statute.

a. A Charter Member State whose enactment is found to be materially different from the model Compact statute shall be entitled to the default process set forth in Section 11.

b. If any Member State is later found to be in default, or is terminated, or withdraws from the Compact, the Compact Commission shall remain in existence and the Compact shall remain in effect even if the number of Member States should be less than seven.

2. Member States enacting the Compact subsequent to the seven initial Charter Member States shall be subject to the process set forth in Section 8(C)(21) to determine if their enactments are materially different from the model Compact statute and whether they qualify for participation in the Compact.

3. All actions taken for the benefit of the Compact Commission or in furtherance of the purposes of the administration of the Compact prior to the effective date of the Compact or the Compact Commission coming into existence shall be considered to be actions of the Compact Commission unless specifically repudiated by the Compact Commission.

4. Any State that joins the Compact subsequent to the Compact Commission's initial adoption of the Rules and bylaws shall be subject to the Rules and bylaws as they exist on the date on which the Compact becomes law in that State. Any Rule that has been previously adopted by the Compact Commission shall have the full force and effect of law on the day the Compact becomes law in that State.

B. Any Member State may withdraw from this Compact by enacting a statute repealing the same.

1. A Member State's withdrawal shall not take effect until 180 days after enactment of the repealing statute.

2. Withdrawal shall not affect the continuing requirement of the withdrawing State's Licensing Authority to comply with the investigative and Adverse Action reporting requirements of this Compact prior to the effective date of withdrawal.

3. Upon the enactment of a statute withdrawing from this Compact, a State shall immediately provide notice of such withdrawal to all Licensees within that State. Notwithstanding any subsequent statutory enactment to the contrary, such withdrawing State shall continue to recognize all Compact Privileges granted pursuant to this Compact for a minimum of 180 days after the date of such notice of withdrawal.

C. Nothing contained in this Compact shall be construed to invalidate or prevent any licensure agreement or other cooperative arrangement between a Member State and a non-Member State that does not conflict with the provisions of this Compact.

D. This Compact may be amended by the Member States. No amendment to this Compact shall become effective and binding upon any Member State until it is enacted into the laws of all Member States.


A. This Compact and the Compact Commission's rulemaking authority shall be liberally construed so as to effectuate the purposes and the implementation and administration of the Compact. Provisions of the Compact expressly authorizing or requiring the promulgation of Rules shall not be construed to limit the Compact Commission's rulemaking authority solely for those purposes.

B. The provisions of this Compact shall be severable and if any phrase, clause, sentence, or provision of this Compact is held by a court of competent jurisdiction to be contrary to the constitution of any Member State, a State seeking participation in the Compact, or of the United States, or the applicability thereof to any government, agency, person, or circumstance is held to be unconstitutional by a court of competent jurisdiction, the validity of the remainder of this Compact and the applicability thereof to any other government, agency, person, or circumstance shall not be affected thereby.

C. Notwithstanding Section 13(B), the Compact Commission may deny a State's participation in the Compact or, in accordance with the requirements of Section 11(B), terminate a Member State's participation in the Compact, if it determines that a constitutional requirement of a Member State is a material departure from the Compact. Otherwise, if this Compact shall be held to be contrary to the constitution of any Member State, the Compact shall remain in full force and effect as to the remaining Member States and in full force and effect as to the Member State affected as to all severable matters.


A. Nothing herein shall prevent or inhibit the enforcement of any other law of a Member State that is not inconsistent with the Compact.

B. Any laws, statutes, regulations, or other legal requirements in a Member State in conflict with the Compact are superseded to the extent of the conflict.

C. All permissible agreements between the Compact Commission and the Member States are binding in accordance with their terms.

Last updated February 20, 2025 at 4:05 PM

Section 4759.31 | Delegate selection; licensee fee.

(A) Not later than sixty days after the "Dietitian Licensure Compact" is entered into under section 4759.30 of the Revised Code, the state medical board, in accordance with section 8 of the compact, shall select one individual to serve as a delegate to the dietitian licensure compact commission created under the compact. The board shall fill a vacancy in this position not later than sixty days after the vacancy occurs.

(B) The board may establish a fee for a licensee from a compact state for granting a compact privilege in accordance with section 3 of the compact.

Last updated February 20, 2025 at 4:05 PM

Section 4759.99 | Penalty.

Whoever violates section 4759.02 of the Revised Code is guilty of a minor misdemeanor. If the offender has been previously convicted once of a violation of the section, then the violation is a misdemeanor of the fourth degree. If the offender has been previously convicted more than once of a violation of the section, then the violation is a misdemeanor of the first degree.

Whoever violates division (B)(1) or (2) of section 4759.14 of the Revised Code is guilty of failure to report criminal conduct or sexual misconduct, a misdemeanor of the fourth degree. If the offender has previously been convicted of a violation of this division, the failure to report is a misdemeanor of the first degree.

Whoever violates division (B) of section 4759.05 of the Revised Code is guilty of disclosing confidential investigatory information, a misdemeanor of the first degree.

Last updated January 29, 2025 at 3:11 PM