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The Legislative Service Commission staff updates the Revised Code on an ongoing basis, as it completes its act review of enacted legislation. Updates may be slower during some times of the year, depending on the volume of enacted legislation.

Section 3302.03 | Submission of preliminary report card data; grading school districts.

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Not later than the thirty-first day of July of each year, the department of education and workforce shall submit preliminary report card data for overall academic performance and for each separate performance measure for each school district, and each school building, in accordance with this section.

Annually, not later than the fifteenth day of September or the preceding Friday when that day falls on a Saturday or Sunday, the department shall assign a letter grade or performance rating for overall academic performance and for each separate performance measure for each school district, and each school building in a district, in accordance with this section. The department shall adopt rules pursuant to Chapter 119. of the Revised Code to implement this section. The department's rules shall establish performance criteria for each letter grade or performance rating and prescribe a method by which the department assigns each letter grade or performance rating. For a school building to which any of the performance measures do not apply, due to grade levels served by the building, the department shall designate the performance measures that are applicable to the building and that must be calculated separately and used to calculate the building's overall grade or performance rating. The department shall issue annual report cards reflecting the performance of each school district, each building within each district, and for the state as a whole using the performance measures and letter grade or performance rating system described in this section. The department shall include on the report card for each district and each building within each district the most recent two-year trend data in student achievement for each subject and each grade.

(A)(1) For the 2012-2013 school year, the department shall issue grades as described in division (F) of this section for each of the following performance measures:

(a) Annual measurable objectives;

(b) Performance index score for a school district or building. Grades shall be awarded as a percentage of the total possible points on the performance index system as adopted by the department. In adopting benchmarks for assigning letter grades under division (A)(1)(b) of this section, the department shall designate ninety per cent or higher for an "A," at least seventy per cent but not more than eighty per cent for a "C," and less than fifty per cent for an "F."

(c) The extent to which the school district or building meets each of the applicable performance indicators established by the department under section 3302.02 of the Revised Code and the percentage of applicable performance indicators that have been achieved. In adopting benchmarks for assigning letter grades under division (A)(1)(c) of this section, the department shall designate ninety per cent or higher for an "A."

(d) The four- and five-year adjusted cohort graduation rates.

In adopting benchmarks for assigning letter grades under division (A)(1)(d), (B)(1)(d), or (C)(1)(d) of this section, the department shall designate a four-year adjusted cohort graduation rate of ninety-three per cent or higher for an "A" and a five-year cohort graduation rate of ninety-five per cent or higher for an "A."

(e) The overall score under the value-added progress dimension of a school district or building, for which the department shall use up to three years of value-added data as available. The letter grade assigned for this growth measure shall be as follows:

(i) A score that is at least one standard error of measure above the mean score shall be designated as an "A."

(ii) A score that is less than one standard error of measure above but greater than one standard error of measure below the mean score shall be designated as a "B."

(iii) A score that is less than or equal to one standard error of measure below the mean score but greater than two standard errors of measure below the mean score shall be designated as a "C."

(iv) A score that is less than or equal to two standard errors of measure below the mean score but is greater than three standard errors of measure below the mean score shall be designated as a "D."

(v) A score that is less than or equal to three standard errors of measure below the mean score shall be designated as an "F."

Whenever the value-added progress dimension is used as a graded performance measure in this division and divisions (B) and (C) of this section, whether as an overall measure or as a measure of separate subgroups, the grades for the measure shall be calculated in the same manner as prescribed in division (A)(1)(e) of this section.

(f) The value-added progress dimension score for a school district or building disaggregated for each of the following subgroups: students identified as gifted, students with disabilities, and students whose performance places them in the lowest quintile for achievement on a statewide basis. Each subgroup shall be a separate graded measure.

(2) The department shall adopt a resolution describing the performance measures, benchmarks, and grading system for the 2012-2013 school year and shall adopt rules in accordance with Chapter 119. of the Revised Code that prescribe the methods by which the performance measures under division (A)(1) of this section shall be assessed and assigned a letter grade, including performance benchmarks for each letter grade.

At least forty-five days prior to the department's adoption of rules to prescribe the methods by which the performance measures under division (A)(1) of this section shall be assessed and assigned a letter grade, the department shall conduct a public presentation before the standing committees of the house of representatives and the senate that consider education legislation describing such methods, including performance benchmarks.

(3) There shall not be an overall letter grade for a school district or building for the 2012-2013 school year.

(B)(1) For the 2013-2014 school year, the department shall issue grades as described in division (F) of this section for each of the following performance measures:

(a) Annual measurable objectives;

(b) Performance index score for a school district or building. Grades shall be awarded as a percentage of the total possible points on the performance index system as created by the department. In adopting benchmarks for assigning letter grades under division (B)(1)(b) of this section, the department shall designate ninety per cent or higher for an "A," at least seventy per cent but not more than eighty per cent for a "C," and less than fifty per cent for an "F."

(c) The extent to which the school district or building meets each of the applicable performance indicators established by the department under section 3302.03 of the Revised Code and the percentage of applicable performance indicators that have been achieved. In adopting benchmarks for assigning letter grades under division (B)(1)(c) of this section, the department shall designate ninety per cent or higher for an "A."

(d) The four- and five-year adjusted cohort graduation rates;

(e) The overall score under the value-added progress dimension of a school district or building, for which the department shall use up to three years of value-added data as available.

(f) The value-added progress dimension score for a school district or building disaggregated for each of the following subgroups: students identified as gifted in superior cognitive ability and specific academic ability fields under Chapter 3324. of the Revised Code, students with disabilities, and students whose performance places them in the lowest quintile for achievement on a statewide basis. Each subgroup shall be a separate graded measure.

(g) Whether a school district or building is making progress in improving literacy in grades kindergarten through three, as determined using a method prescribed by the department. The department shall adopt rules to prescribe benchmarks and standards for assigning grades to districts and buildings for purposes of division (B)(1)(g) of this section. In adopting benchmarks for assigning letter grades under divisions (B)(1)(g) and (C)(1)(g) of this section, the department shall determine progress made based on the reduction in the total percentage of students scoring below grade level, or below proficient, compared from year to year on the reading and writing diagnostic assessments administered under section 3301.0715 of the Revised Code and the third grade English language arts assessment under section 3301.0710 of the Revised Code, as applicable. The department shall designate for a "C" grade a value that is not lower than the statewide average value for this measure. No grade shall be issued under divisions (B)(1)(g) and (C)(1)(g) of this section for a district or building in which less than five per cent of students have scored below grade level on the diagnostic assessment administered to students in kindergarten under division (B)(1) of section 3313.608 of the Revised Code.

(h) For a high mobility school district or building, an additional value-added progress dimension score. For this measure, the department shall use value-added data from the most recent school year available and shall use assessment scores for only those students to whom the district or building has administered the assessments prescribed by section 3301.0710 of the Revised Code for each of the two most recent consecutive school years.

As used in this division, "high mobility school district or building" means a school district or building where at least twenty-five per cent of its total enrollment is made up of students who have attended that school district or building for less than one year.

(2) In addition to the graded measures in division (B)(1) of this section, the department shall include on a school district's or building's report card all of the following without an assigned letter grade:

(a) The percentage of students enrolled in a district or building participating in advanced placement classes and the percentage of those students who received a score of three or better on advanced placement examinations;

(b) The number of a district's or building's students who have earned at least three college credits through dual enrollment or advanced standing programs, such as the post-secondary enrollment options program under Chapter 3365. of the Revised Code and state-approved career-technical courses offered through dual enrollment or statewide articulation, that appear on a student's transcript or other official document, either of which is issued by the institution of higher education from which the student earned the college credit. The credits earned that are reported under divisions (B)(2)(b) and (C)(2)(c) of this section shall not include any that are remedial or developmental and shall include those that count toward the curriculum requirements established for completion of a degree.

(c) The percentage of students enrolled in a district or building who have taken a national standardized test used for college admission determinations and the percentage of those students who are determined to be remediation-free in accordance with standards adopted under division (F) of section 3345.061 of the Revised Code;

(d) The percentage of the district's or the building's students who receive industry-recognized credentials as approved under section 3313.6113 of the Revised Code.

(e) The percentage of students enrolled in a district or building who are participating in an international baccalaureate program and the percentage of those students who receive a score of four or better on the international baccalaureate examinations.

(f) The percentage of the district's or building's students who receive an honors diploma under division (B) of section 3313.61 of the Revised Code.

(3) The department shall adopt rules in accordance with Chapter 119. of the Revised Code that prescribe the methods by which the performance measures under divisions (B)(1)(f) and (B)(1)(g) of this section will be assessed and assigned a letter grade, including performance benchmarks for each grade.

At least forty-five days prior to the department's adoption of rules to prescribe the methods by which the performance measures under division (B)(1) of this section shall be assessed and assigned a letter grade, the department shall conduct a public presentation before the standing committees of the house of representatives and the senate that consider education legislation describing such methods, including performance benchmarks.

(4) There shall not be an overall letter grade for a school district or building for the 2013-2014, 2014-2015, 2015-2016, and 2016-2017 school years.

(C)(1) For the 2014-2015, 2015-2016, 2016-2017, 2017-2018, 2018-2019, 2019-2020, and 2020-2021 school years, the department shall issue grades as described in division (F) of this section for each of the performance measures prescribed in division (C)(1) of this section. The graded measures are as follows:

(a) Annual measurable objectives. For the 2017-2018 school year, the department shall not include any subgroup data in the annual measurable objectives that includes data from fewer than twenty-five students. For the 2018-2019 school year, the department shall not include any subgroup data in the annual measurable objectives that includes data from fewer than twenty students. Beginning with the 2019-2020 school year, the department shall not include any subgroup data in the annual measurable objectives that includes data from fewer than fifteen students.

(b) Performance index score for a school district or building. Grades shall be awarded as a percentage of the total possible points on the performance index system as created by the department. In adopting benchmarks for assigning letter grades under division (C)(1)(b) of this section, the department shall designate ninety per cent or higher for an "A," at least seventy per cent but not more than eighty per cent for a "C," and less than fifty per cent for an "F."

(c) The extent to which the school district or building meets each of the applicable performance indicators established by the department under section 3302.03 of the Revised Code and the percentage of applicable performance indicators that have been achieved. In adopting benchmarks for assigning letter grades under division (C)(1)(c) of this section, the department shall designate ninety per cent or higher for an "A."

(d) The four- and five-year adjusted cohort graduation rates;

(e) The overall score under the value-added progress dimension, or another measure of student academic progress if adopted by the department, of a school district or building, for which the department shall use up to three years of value-added data as available.

In adopting benchmarks for assigning letter grades for overall score on value-added progress dimension under division (C)(1)(e) of this section, the department shall prohibit the assigning of a grade of "A" for that measure unless the district's or building's grade assigned for value-added progress dimension for all subgroups under division (C)(1)(f) of this section is a "C" or higher.

For the metric prescribed by division (C)(1)(e) of this section, the department may adopt a student academic progress measure to be used instead of the value-added progress dimension. If the department adopts such a measure, it also shall prescribe a method for assigning letter grades for the new measure that is comparable to the method prescribed in division (A)(1)(e) of this section.

(f) The value-added progress dimension score of a school district or building disaggregated for each of the following subgroups: students identified as gifted in superior cognitive ability and specific academic ability fields under Chapter 3324. of the Revised Code, students with disabilities, and students whose performance places them in the lowest quintile for achievement on a statewide basis, as determined by a method prescribed by the department. Each subgroup shall be a separate graded measure.

The department may adopt student academic progress measures to be used instead of the value-added progress dimension. If the department adopts such measures, it also shall prescribe a method for assigning letter grades for the new measures that is comparable to the method prescribed in division (A)(1)(e) of this section.

(g) Whether a school district or building is making progress in improving literacy in grades kindergarten through three, as determined using a method prescribed by the department. The department shall adopt rules to prescribe benchmarks and standards for assigning grades to a district or building for purposes of division (C)(1)(g) of this section. The department shall designate for a "C" grade a value that is not lower than the statewide average value for this measure. No grade shall be issued under division (C)(1)(g) of this section for a district or building in which less than five per cent of students have scored below grade level on the kindergarten diagnostic assessment under division (B)(1) of section 3313.608 of the Revised Code.

(h) For a high mobility school district or building, an additional value-added progress dimension score. For this measure, the department shall use value-added data from the most recent school year available and shall use assessment scores for only those students to whom the district or building has administered the assessments prescribed by section 3301.0710 of the Revised Code for each of the two most recent consecutive school years.

As used in this division, "high mobility school district or building" means a school district or building where at least twenty-five per cent of its total enrollment is made up of students who have attended that school district or building for less than one year.

(2) In addition to the graded measures in division (C)(1) of this section, the department shall include on a school district's or building's report card all of the following without an assigned letter grade:

(a) The percentage of students enrolled in a district or building who have taken a national standardized test used for college admission determinations and the percentage of those students who are determined to be remediation-free in accordance with the standards adopted under division (F) of section 3345.061 of the Revised Code;

(b) The percentage of students enrolled in a district or building participating in advanced placement classes and the percentage of those students who received a score of three or better on advanced placement examinations;

(c) The percentage of a district's or building's students who have earned at least three college credits through advanced standing programs, such as the college credit plus program under Chapter 3365. of the Revised Code and state-approved career-technical courses offered through dual enrollment or statewide articulation, that appear on a student's college transcript issued by the institution of higher education from which the student earned the college credit. The credits earned that are reported under divisions (B)(2)(b) and (C)(2)(c) of this section shall not include any that are remedial or developmental and shall include those that count toward the curriculum requirements established for completion of a degree.

(d) The percentage of the district's or building's students who receive an honor's diploma under division (B) of section 3313.61 of the Revised Code;

(e) The percentage of the district's or building's students who receive industry-recognized credentials as approved under section 3313.6113 of the Revised Code;

(f) The percentage of students enrolled in a district or building who are participating in an international baccalaureate program and the percentage of those students who receive a score of four or better on the international baccalaureate examinations;

(g) The results of the college and career-ready assessments administered under division (B)(1) of section 3301.0712 of the Revised Code;

(h) Whether the school district or building has implemented a positive behavior intervention and supports framework in compliance with the requirements of section 3319.46 of the Revised Code, notated as a "yes" or "no" answer.

(3) The department shall adopt rules pursuant to Chapter 119. of the Revised Code that establish a method to assign an overall grade for a school district or school building for the 2017-2018 school year and each school year thereafter. The rules shall group the performance measures in divisions (C)(1) and (2) of this section into the following components:

(a) Gap closing, which shall include the performance measure in division (C)(1)(a) of this section;

(b) Achievement, which shall include the performance measures in divisions (C)(1)(b) and (c) of this section;

(c) Progress, which shall include the performance measures in divisions (C)(1)(e) and (f) of this section;

(d) Graduation, which shall include the performance measure in division (C)(1)(d) of this section;

(e) Kindergarten through third-grade literacy, which shall include the performance measure in division (C)(1)(g) of this section;

(f) Prepared for success, which shall include the performance measures in divisions (C)(2)(a), (b), (c), (d), (e), and (f) of this section. The department shall develop a method to determine a grade for the component in division (C)(3)(f) of this section using the performance measures in divisions (C)(2)(a), (b), (c), (d), (e), and (f) of this section. When available, the department may incorporate the performance measure under division (C)(2)(g) of this section into the component under division (C)(3)(f) of this section. When determining the overall grade for the prepared for success component prescribed by division (C)(3)(f) of this section, no individual student shall be counted in more than one performance measure. However, if a student qualifies for more than one performance measure in the component, the department may, in its method to determine a grade for the component, specify an additional weight for such a student that is not greater than or equal to 1.0. In determining the overall score under division (C)(3)(f) of this section, the department shall ensure that the pool of students included in the performance measures aggregated under that division are all of the students included in the four- and five-year adjusted graduation cohort.

In the rules adopted under division (C)(3) of this section, the department shall adopt a method for determining a grade for each component in divisions (C)(3)(a) to (f) of this section. The department also shall establish a method to assign an overall grade of "A," "B," "C," "D," or "F" using the grades assigned for each component. The method the department adopts for assigning an overall grade shall give equal weight to the components in divisions (C)(3)(b) and (c) of this section.

At least forty-five days prior to the department's adoption of rules to prescribe the methods for calculating the overall grade for the report card, as required by this division, the department shall conduct a public presentation before the standing committees of the house of representatives and the senate that consider education legislation describing the format for the report card, weights that will be assigned to the components of the overall grade, and the method for calculating the overall grade.

(D) For the 2021-2022 school year and each school year thereafter, all of the following apply:

(1) The department shall include on a school district's or building's report card all of the following performance measures without an assigned performance rating:

(a) Whether the district or building meets the gifted performance indicator under division (A)(2) of section 3302.02 of the Revised Code and the extent to which the district or building meets gifted indicator performance benchmarks;

(b) The extent to which the district or building meets the chronic absenteeism indicator under division (A)(3) of section 3302.02 of the Revised Code;

(c) Performance index score percentage for a district or building, which shall be calculated by dividing the district's or building's performance index score according to the performance index system created by the department by the maximum performance index score for a district or building. The maximum performance index score shall be as follows:

(i) For a building, the average of the highest two per cent of performance index scores achieved by a building for the school year for which a report card is issued;

(ii) For a district, the average of the highest two per cent of performance index scores achieved by a district for the school year for which a report card is issued.

(d) The overall score under the value-added progress dimension of a district or building, for which the department shall use three consecutive years of value-added data. In using three years of value-added data to calculate the measure prescribed under division (D)(1)(d) of this section, the department shall assign a weight of fifty per cent to the most recent year's data and a weight of twenty-five per cent to the data of each of the other years. However, if three consecutive years of value-added data is not available, the department shall use prior years of value-added data to calculate the measure, as follows:

(i) If two consecutive years of value-added data is not available, the department shall use one year of value-added data to calculate the measure.

(ii) If two consecutive years of value-added data is available, the department shall use two consecutive years of value-added data to calculate the measure. In using two years of value-added data to calculate the measure, the department shall assign a weight of sixty-seven per cent to the most recent year's data and a weight of thirty-three per cent to the data of the other year.

(e) The four-year adjusted cohort graduation rate.

(f) The five-year adjusted cohort graduation rate.

(g) The percentage of students in the district or building who score proficient or higher on the reading segment of the third grade English language arts assessment under section 3301.0710 of the Revised Code.

To the extent possible, the department shall include the results of the summer administration of the third grade reading assessment under section 3301.0710 of the Revised Code in the performance measures prescribed under divisions (D)(1)(g) and (h) of this section.

(h) Whether a district or building is making progress in improving literacy in grades kindergarten through three, as determined using a method prescribed by the department. The method shall determine progress made based on the reduction in the total percentage of students scoring below grade level, or below proficient, compared from year to year on the reading segments of the diagnostic assessments administered under section 3301.0715 of the Revised Code, including the kindergarten readiness assessment, and the third grade English language arts assessment under section 3301.0710 of the Revised Code, as applicable. The method shall not include a deduction for students who did not pass the third grade English language arts assessment under section 3301.0710 of the Revised Code and were not on a reading improvement and monitoring plan.

The performance measure prescribed under division (D)(1)(h) of this section shall not be included on the report card of a district or building in which less than ten per cent of students have scored below grade level on the diagnostic assessment administered to students in kindergarten under division (B)(1) of section 3313.608 of the Revised Code.

(i) The percentage of students in a district or building who are promoted to the fourth grade and not subject to retention under division (A)(2) of section 3313.608 of the Revised Code;

(j) A post-secondary readiness measure. This measure shall be calculated by dividing the number of students included in the four-year adjusted graduation rate cohort who demonstrate post-secondary readiness by the total number of students included in the denominator of the four-year adjusted graduation rate cohort. Demonstration of post-secondary readiness shall include a student doing any of the following:

(i) Attaining a remediation-free score, in accordance with standards adopted under division (F) of section 3345.061 of the Revised Code, on a nationally standardized assessment prescribed under division (B)(1) of section 3301.0712 of the Revised Code;

(ii) Attaining required scores on three or more advanced placement or international baccalaureate examinations. The required score for an advanced placement examination shall be a three or better. The required score for an international baccalaureate examination shall be a four or better. A student may satisfy this condition with any combination of advanced placement or international baccalaureate examinations.

(iii) Earning at least twelve college credits through advanced standing programs, such as the college credit plus program under Chapter 3365. of the Revised Code, an early college high school program under section 3313.6013 of the Revised Code, and state-approved career-technical courses offered through dual enrollment or statewide articulation, that appear on a student's college transcript issued by the institution of higher education from which the student earned the college credit. Earned credits reported under division (D)(1)(j)(iii) of this section shall include credits that count toward the curriculum requirements established for completion of a degree, but shall not include any remedial or developmental credits.

(iv) Meeting the additional criteria for an honors diploma under division (B) of section 3313.61 of the Revised Code;

(v) Earning an industry-recognized credential or license issued by a state agency or board for practice in a vocation that requires an examination for issuance of that license approved under section 3313.6113 of the Revised Code;

(vi) Satisfying any of the following conditions:

(I) Completing a pre-apprenticeship aligned with options established under section 3313.904 of the Revised Code in the student's chosen career field;

(II) Completing an apprenticeship registered with the apprenticeship council established under section 4139.02 of the Revised Code in the student's chosen career field;

(III) Providing evidence of acceptance into an apprenticeship program after high school that is restricted to participants eighteen years of age or older.

(vii) Earning a cumulative score of proficient or higher on three or more state technical assessments aligned with section 3313.903 of the Revised Code in a single career pathway;

(viii) Earning an OhioMeansJobs-readiness seal established under section 3313.6112 of the Revised Code and completing two hundred fifty hours of an internship or other work-based learning experience that is either:

(I) Approved by the business advisory council established under section 3313.82 of the Revised Code that represents the student's district; or

(II) Aligned to the career-technical education pathway approved by the department in which the student is enrolled.

(ix) Providing evidence that the student has enlisted in a branch of the armed services of the United States as defined in section 5910.01 of the Revised Code.

A student who satisfies more than one of the conditions prescribed under this division shall be counted as one student for the purposes of calculating the measure prescribed under division (D)(1)(j) of this section.

(2) In addition to the performance measures under division (D)(1) of this section, the department shall report on a district's or building's report card all of the following data without an assigned performance rating:

(a) The applicable performance indicators established by the department under division (A)(1) of section 3302.02 of the Revised Code;

(b) The overall score under the value-added progress dimension of a district or building for the most recent school year;

(c) A composite of the overall scores under the value-added progress dimension of a district or building for the previous three school years or, if only two years of value-added data are available, for the previous two years;

(d) The percentage of students included in the four- and five-year adjusted cohort graduation rates of a district or building who did not receive a high school diploma under section 3313.61 or 3325.08 of the Revised Code. To the extent possible, the department shall disaggregate that data according to the following categories:

(i) Students who are still enrolled in the district or building and receiving general education services;

(ii) Students with an individualized education program, as defined in section 3323.01 of the Revised Code, who satisfied the conditions for a high school diploma under section 3313.61 or 3325.08 of the Revised Code, but opted not to receive a diploma and are still receiving education services;

(iii) Students with an individualized education program who have not yet satisfied conditions for a high school diploma under section 3313.61 or 3325.08 of the Revised Code and who are still receiving education services;

(iv) Students who are no longer enrolled in any district or building;

(v) Students who, upon enrollment in the district or building for the first time, had completed fewer units of high school instruction required under section 3313.603 of the Revised Code than other students in the four- or five-year adjusted cohort graduation rate.

The department may disaggregate the data prescribed under division (D)(2)(d) of this section according to other categories that the department determines are appropriate.

(e) The results of the kindergarten diagnostic assessment prescribed under division (D) of section 3301.079 of the Revised Code;

(f) Post-graduate outcomes for students who were enrolled in a district or building and received a high school diploma under section 3313.61 or 3325.08 of the Revised Code in the school year prior to the school year for which the report card is issued, including the percentage of students who:

(i) Enrolled in a post-secondary educational institution. To the extent possible, the department shall disaggregate that data according to whether the student enrolled in a four-year institution of higher education, a two-year institution of higher education, an Ohio technical center that provides adult technical education services and is recognized by the chancellor of higher education, or another type of post-secondary educational institution.

(ii) Entered an apprenticeship program registered with the apprenticeship council established under Chapter 4139. of the Revised Code. The department may include other job training programs with similar rigor and outcomes.

(iii) Attained gainful employment, as determined by the department;

(iv) Enlisted in a branch of the armed forces of the United States, as defined in section 5910.01 of the Revised Code.

(g) Whether the school district or building has implemented a positive behavior intervention and supports framework in compliance with the requirements of section 3319.46 of the Revised Code, notated with a "yes" or "no";

(h) The number and percentage of high school seniors in each school year who completed the free application for federal student aid;

(i) Beginning with the report card issued under this section for the 2022-2023 school year, a student opportunity profile measure that reports data regarding the opportunities provided to students by a district or building. To the extent possible, and when appropriate, the data shall be disaggregated by grade level and subgroup. The measure also shall include data regarding the statewide average, the average for similar school districts, and, for a building, the average for the district in which the building is located. The measure shall include all of the following data for the district or building:

(i) The average ratio of teachers of record to students in each grade level in a district or building;

(ii) The average ratio of school counselors to students in a district or building;

(iii) The average ratio of nurses to students in a district or building;

(iv) The average ratio of licensed librarians and library media specialists to students in a district or building;

(v) The average ratio of social workers to students in a district or building;

(vi) The average ratio of mental health professionals to students in a district or building;

(vii) The average ratio of paraprofessionals to students in a district or building;

(viii) The percentage of teachers with fewer than three years of experience teaching in any school;

(ix) The percentage of principals with fewer than three years of experience as a principal in any school;

(x) The percentage of teachers who are not teaching in the subject or field for which they are certified or licensed;

(xi) The percentage of kindergarten students who are enrolled in all-day kindergarten, as defined in section 3321.05 of the Revised Code;

(xii) The percentage of students enrolled in a performing or visual arts course;

(xiii) The percentage of students enrolled in a physical education or wellness course;

(xiv) The percentage of students enrolled in a world language course;

(xv) The percentage of students in grades seven through twelve who are enrolled in a career-technical education course;

(xvi) The percentage of students participating in one or more cocurricular activities;

(xvii) The percentage of students participating in advance placement courses, international baccalaureate courses, honors courses, or courses offered through the college credit plus program established under Chapter 3365. of the Revised Code;

(xviii) The percentage of students identified as gifted in superior cognitive ability and specific academic ability fields under Chapter 3324. of the Revised Code and receiving gifted services pursuant to that chapter;

(xix) The percentage of students participating in enrichment or support programs offered by the district or building outside of the normal school day;

(xx) The percentage of eligible students participating each school day in school breakfast programs offered by the district or building in accordance with section 3313.813 or 3313.818 of the Revised Code;

(xxi) The percentage of students who are transported by a school bus each school day;

(xxii) The ratio of portable technology devices that students may take home to the number of students.

The department shall include only opportunity measures at the building level for which data for buildings is available, as determined by a school district.

(j)(i) The percentage of students included in the four- and five-year adjusted cohort graduation rates of the district or building who completed all of grades nine through twelve while enrolled in the district or building;

(ii) The four-year adjusted cohort graduation rate for only those students who were continuously enrolled in the same district or building for grades nine through twelve.

(k) The percentage of students in the district or building to whom both of the following apply:

(i) The students are promoted to fourth grade and not subject to retention under division (A)(2) of section 3313.608 of the Revised Code.

(ii) The students completed all of the grade levels offered prior to the fourth grade in the district or building.

(3) Except as provided in division (D)(3)(f) of this section, the department shall use the method prescribed under rules adopted under division (D)(4) of this section to assign performance ratings of "one star," "two stars," "three stars," "four stars," or "five stars," as described in division (F) of this section, for a district or building for the individual components prescribed under division (D)(3) of this section. The department also shall assign an overall performance rating for a district or building in accordance with division (D)(3)(g) of this section. The method shall use the performance measures prescribed under division (D)(1) of this section to calculate performance ratings for components. The method may report data under division (D)(2) of this section with corresponding components, but shall not use the data to calculate performance ratings for that component. The performance measures and reported data shall be grouped together into components as follows:

(a) Gap closing. In addition to other criteria determined appropriate by the department, performance ratings for the gap closing component shall reflect whether each of the following performance measures are met or not met:

(i) The gifted performance indicator as described in division (D)(1)(a) of this section;

(ii) The chronic absenteeism indicator as described in division (D)(1)(b) of this section;

(iii) For English learners, an English language proficiency improvement indicator established by the department;

(iv) The subgroup graduation targets;

(v) The subgroup achievement targets in both mathematics and English language arts;

(vi) The subgroup progress targets in both mathematics and English language arts.

Achievement and progress targets under division (D)(3)(a) of this section shall be calculated individually, and districts and buildings shall receive a status of met or not met on each measure. The department shall not require a subgroup of a district or building to meet both the achievement and progress targets at the same time to receive a status of met.

The department shall not include any subgroup data in this measure that includes data from fewer than fifteen students. Any penalty for failing to meet the required assessment participation rate must be partially in proportion to how close the district or building was to meeting the rate requirement.

(b) Achievement, which shall include the performance measure in division (D)(1)(c) of this section and the reported data in division (D)(2)(a) of this section. Performance ratings for the achievement component shall be awarded as a percentage of the maximum performance index score described in division (D)(1)(c) of this section.

(c) Progress, which shall include the performance measure in division (D)(1)(d) of this section and the reported data in divisions (D)(2)(b) and (c) of this section;

(d) Graduation, which shall include the performance measures in divisions (D)(1)(e) and (f) of this section and the reported data in divisions (D)(2)(d) and (j) of this section. The four-year adjusted cohort graduation rate shall be assigned a weight of sixty per cent and the five-year adjusted cohort graduation rate shall be assigned a weight of forty per cent ;

(e) Early literacy, which shall include the performance measures in divisions (D)(1)(g), (h), and (i) of this section and the reported data in divisions (D)(2)(e) and (k) of this section.

If the measure prescribed under division (D)(1)(h) of this section is included in a report card, performance ratings for the early literacy component shall give a weight of forty per cent to the measure prescribed under division (D)(1)(g) of this section, a weight of thirty-five per cent to the measure prescribed under division (D)(1)(i) of this section, and a weight of twenty-five per cent to the measure prescribed under division (D)(1)(h) of this section.

If the measure prescribed under division (D)(1)(h) of this section is not included in a report card of a district or building, performance ratings for the early literacy component shall give a weight of sixty per cent to the measure prescribed under division (D)(1)(g) of this section and a weight of forty per cent to the measure prescribed under division (D)(1)(i) of this section.

(f) College, career, workforce, and military readiness, which shall include the performance measure in division (D)(1)(j) of this section and the reported data in division (D)(2)(f) of this section.

For the 2021-2022, 2022-2023, and 2023-2024 school years, the department only shall report the data for, and not assign a performance rating to, the college, career, workforce, and military readiness component. The reported data shall include the percentage of students who demonstrate post-secondary readiness using any of the options described in division (D)(1)(j) of this section.

The department shall analyze the data included in the performance measure prescribed in division (D)(1)(j) of this section for the 2021-2022, 2022-2023, and 2023-2024 school years. Using that data, the department shall develop and propose rules for a method to assign a performance rating to the college, career, workforce, and military readiness component based on that measure. The method to assign a performance rating shall not include a tiered structure or per student bonuses. The rules shall specify that a district or building shall not receive lower than a performance rating of three stars for the component if the district's or building's performance on the component meets or exceeds a level of improvement set by the department. Notwithstanding division (D)(4)(b) of this section, more than half of the total districts and buildings may earn a performance rating of three stars on this component to account for the districts and buildings that earned a performance rating of three stars because they met or exceeded the level of improvement set by the department.

The department shall submit the rules to the joint committee on agency rule review. The committee shall conduct at least one public hearing on the proposed rules and approve or disapprove the rules. If the committee approves the rules, the department shall adopt the rules in accordance with Chapter 119. of the Revised Code. If the rules are adopted, the department shall assign a performance rating to the college, career, workforce, and military readiness component under the rules beginning with the 2024-2025 school year, and for each school year thereafter. If the committee disapproves the rules, the component shall be included in the report card only as reported data for the 2024-2025 school year, and each school year thereafter.

(g)(i) Except as provided for in division (D)(3)(g)(ii) of this section, beginning with the 2022-2023 school year, under the method prescribed under rules adopted in division (D)(4) of this section, the department shall use the performance ratings assigned for the components prescribed in divisions (D)(3)(a) to (e) of this section to determine and assign an overall performance rating of "one star," "one and one-half stars," "two stars," "two and one-half stars," "three stars," "three and one-half stars," "four stars," "four and one-half stars," or "five stars" for a district or building. The method shall give equal weight to the components in divisions (D)(3)(b) and (c) of this section. The method shall give equal weight to the components in divisions (D)(3)(a), (d), and (e) of this section. The individual weights of each of the components prescribed in divisions (D)(3)(a), (d), and (e) of this section shall be equal to one-half of the weight given to the component prescribed in division (D)(3)(b) of this section.

(ii) If the joint committee on agency rule review approves the department's rules regarding the college, career, workforce, and military readiness component as described in division (D)(3)(f) of this section, for the 2024-2025 school year, and each school year thereafter, the department's method shall use the components in divisions (D)(3)(a), (b), (c), (d), (e), and (f) of this section to calculate the overall performance rating. The method shall give equal weight to the components in divisions (D)(3)(b) and (c) of this section. The method shall give equal weight to the components prescribed in divisions (D)(3)(a), (d), (e), and (f) of this section. The individual weights of each of the components prescribed in divisions (D)(3)(a), (d), (e), and (f) of this section shall be equal to one-half the weight given to the component prescribed in division (D)(3)(b) of this section.

If the joint committee on agency rule review disapproves the department's rules regarding the college, career, workforce, and military readiness component as described in division (D)(3)(f) of this section, division (D)(3)(g)(ii) of this section does not apply.

(4)(a) The department shall adopt rules in accordance with Chapter 119. of the Revised Code to establish the performance criteria, benchmarks, and rating system necessary to implement divisions (D) and (F) of this section, including the method for the department to assign performance ratings under division (D)(3) of this section.

(b) In establishing the performance criteria, benchmarks, and rating system, the department shall consult with stakeholder groups and advocates that represent parents, community members, students, business leaders, and educators from different school typology regions. The department shall use data from prior school years and simulations to ensure that there is meaningful differentiation among districts and buildings across all performance ratings and that, except as permitted in division (D)(3)(f) of this section, more than half of all districts or buildings do not earn the same performance rating in any component or overall performance rating.

(c) The department shall adopt the rules prescribed by division (D)(4) of this section not later than March 31, 2022. However, the department shall notify districts and buildings of the changes to the report card prescribed in law not later than one week after September 30, 2021.

(d) Prior to adopting or updating rules under division (D)(4) of this section, the director of education and workforce and the department shall conduct a public presentation before the standing committees of the house of representatives and the senate that consider primary and secondary education legislation describing the format for the report card and the performance criteria, benchmarks, and rating system, including the method to assign performance ratings under division (D)(3) of this section.

(E) The department may develop a measure of student academic progress for high school students using only data from assessments in English language arts and mathematics. If the department develops this measure, each school district and applicable school building shall be assigned a separate letter grade for it not sooner than the 2017-2018 school year. The district's or building's grade for that measure shall not be included in determining the district's or building's overall letter grade.

(F)(1) The letter grades assigned to a school district or building under this section shall be as follows:

(a) "A" for a district or school making excellent progress;

(b) "B" for a district or school making above average progress;

(c) "C" for a district or school making average progress;

(d) "D" for a district or school making below average progress;

(e) "F" for a district or school failing to meet minimum progress.

(2) For the overall performance rating under division (D)(3) of this section, the department shall include a descriptor for each performance rating as follows:

(a) "Significantly exceeds state standards" for a performance rating of five stars;

(b) "Exceeds state standards" for a performance rating of four stars or four and one-half stars;

(c) "Meets state standards" for a performance rating of three stars or three and one-half stars;

(d) "Needs support to meet state standards" for a performance rating of two stars or two and one-half stars;

(e) "Needs significant support to meet state standards" for a performance rating of one star or one and one-half stars.

(3) For performance ratings for each component under divisions (D)(3)(a) to (f) of this section, the department shall include a description of each component and performance rating. The description shall include component-specific context to each performance rating earned, estimated comparisons to other school districts and buildings if appropriate, and any other information determined by the department. The descriptions shall be not longer than twenty-five words in length when possible. In addition to such descriptions, the department shall include the descriptors in division (F)(2) of this section for component performance ratings.

(4) Each report card issued under this section shall include all of the following:

(a) A graphic that depicts the performance ratings of a district or school on a color scale. The color associated with a performance rating of three stars shall be green and the color associated with a performance rating of one star shall be red.

(b) An arrow graphic that shows data trends for performance ratings for school districts or buildings. The department shall determine the data to be used for this graphic, which shall include at least the three most recent years of data.

(c) A description regarding the weights that are assigned to each component and used to determine an overall performance rating, as prescribed under division (D)(3)(g) of this section, which shall be included in the presentation of the overall performance rating on each report card.

(G) When reporting data on student achievement and progress, the department shall disaggregate that data according to the following categories:

(1) Performance of students by grade-level;

(2) Performance of students by race and ethnic group;

(3) Performance of students by gender;

(4) Performance of students grouped by those who have been enrolled in a district or school for three or more years;

(5) Performance of students grouped by those who have been enrolled in a district or school for more than one year and less than three years;

(6) Performance of students grouped by those who have been enrolled in a district or school for one year or less;

(7) Performance of students grouped by those who are economically disadvantaged;

(8) Performance of students grouped by those who are enrolled in a conversion community school established under Chapter 3314. of the Revised Code;

(9) Performance of students grouped by those who are classified as English learners;

(10) Performance of students grouped by those who have disabilities;

(11) Performance of students grouped by those who are classified as migrants;

(12) Performance of students grouped by those who are identified as gifted in superior cognitive ability and the specific academic ability fields of reading and math pursuant to Chapter 3324. of the Revised Code. In disaggregating specific academic ability fields for gifted students, the department shall use data for those students with specific academic ability in math and reading. If any other academic field is assessed, the department shall also include data for students with specific academic ability in that field as well.

(13) Performance of students grouped by those who perform in the lowest quintile for achievement on a statewide basis, as determined by a method prescribed by the department.

The department may disaggregate data on student performance according to other categories that the department determines are appropriate. To the extent possible, the department shall disaggregate data on student performance according to any combinations of two or more of the categories listed in divisions (G)(1) to (13) of this section that it deems relevant.

In reporting data pursuant to division (G) of this section, the department shall not include in the report cards any data statistical in nature that is statistically unreliable or that could result in the identification of individual students. For this purpose, the department shall not report student performance data for any group identified in division (G) of this section that contains less than ten students. If the department does not report student performance data for a group because it contains less than ten students, the department shall indicate on the report card that is why data was not reported.

(H) The department may include with the report cards any additional education and fiscal performance data it deems valuable.

(I) The department shall include on each report card a list of additional information collected by the department that is available regarding the district or building for which the report card is issued. When available, such additional information shall include student mobility data disaggregated by race and socioeconomic status, college enrollment data, and the reports prepared under section 3302.031 of the Revised Code.

The department shall maintain a site on the world wide web. The report card shall include the address of the site and shall specify that such additional information is available to the public at that site. The department shall also provide a copy of each item on the list to the superintendent of each school district. The district superintendent shall provide a copy of any item on the list to anyone who requests it.

(J)(1)(a) Except as provided in division (J)(1)(b) of this section, for any district that sponsors a conversion community school under Chapter 3314. of the Revised Code, the department shall combine data regarding the academic performance of students enrolled in the community school with comparable data from the schools of the district for the purpose of determining the performance of the district as a whole on the report card issued for the district under this section or section 3302.033 of the Revised Code.

(b) The department shall not combine data from any conversion community school that a district sponsors if a majority of the students enrolled in the conversion community school are enrolled in a dropout prevention and recovery program that is operated by the school, as described in division (B)(1) of section 3314.35 of the Revised Code. The department shall include as an addendum to the district's report card the ratings and performance measures that are required under section 3314.017 of the Revised Code for any community school to which division (J)(1)(b) of this section applies. This addendum shall include, at a minimum, the data specified in divisions (C)(1)(a), (C)(2), and (C)(3) of section 3314.017 of the Revised Code.

(2) Any district that leases a building to a community school located in the district or that enters into an agreement with a community school located in the district whereby the district and the school endorse each other's programs may elect to have data regarding the academic performance of students enrolled in the community school combined with comparable data from the schools of the district for the purpose of determining the performance of the district as a whole on the district report card. Any district that so elects shall annually file a copy of the lease or agreement with the department.

(3) Any municipal school district, as defined in section 3311.71 of the Revised Code, that sponsors a community school located within the district's territory, or that enters into an agreement with a community school located within the district's territory whereby the district and the community school endorse each other's programs, may exercise either or both of the following elections:

(a) To have data regarding the academic performance of students enrolled in that community school combined with comparable data from the schools of the district for the purpose of determining the performance of the district as a whole on the district's report card;

(b) To have the number of students attending that community school noted separately on the district's report card.

The election authorized under division (J)(3)(a) of this section is subject to approval by the governing authority of the community school.

Any municipal school district that exercises an election to combine or include data under division (J)(3) of this section, by the first day of October of each year, shall file with the department documentation indicating eligibility for that election, as required by the department.

(K) The department shall include on each report card the percentage of teachers in the district or building who are properly certified or licensed teachers, as defined in section 3319.074 of the Revised Code, and a comparison of that percentage with the percentages of such teachers in similar districts and buildings.

(L)(1) In calculating English language arts, mathematics, science, American history, or American government assessment passage rates used to determine school district or building performance under this section, the department shall include all students taking an assessment with accommodation or to whom an alternate assessment is administered pursuant to division (C)(1) or (3) of section 3301.0711 of the Revised Code and all students who take substitute examinations approved under division (B)(4) of section 3301.0712 of the Revised Code in the subject areas of science, American history and American government.

(2) In calculating performance index scores, rates of achievement on the performance indicators established by the department under section 3302.02 of the Revised Code, and annual measurable objectives for determining adequate yearly progress for school districts and buildings under this section, the department shall do all of the following:

(a) Include for each district or building only those students who are included in the ADM certified for the first full school week of October and are continuously enrolled in the district or building through the time of the spring administration of any assessment prescribed by division (A)(1) or (B)(1) of section 3301.0710 or division (B) of section 3301.0712 of the Revised Code that is administered to the student's grade level;

(b) Include cumulative totals from both the fall and spring administrations of the third grade English language arts achievement assessment and, to the extent possible, the summer administration of that assessment;

(c) Include for each district or building any English learner in accordance with the department's plan, as approved by the United States secretary of education, to comply with the "Elementary and Secondary Education Act of 1965," 20 U.S.C. 6311 to 6339.

As used in this section, "English learner" has the same meaning as in section 3301.0731 of the Revised Code.

(M) Beginning with the 2015-2016 school year and at least once every three years thereafter, the department shall review and may adjust the benchmarks for assigning letter grades or performance ratings to the performance measures and components prescribed under divisions (C)(3), (D), and (E) of this section.

Last updated August 16, 2024 at 8:17 AM

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