Rule 3745-50-290 | Information to be kept at the facility - storage units and treatment units.
(A) General types of information to be kept at the facility. Owners and operators shall keep the following information at the facility:
(1) A general description of the facility.
(2) Chemical and physical analyses of the hazardous waste and hazardous debris handled at the facility. At a minimum, these analyses shall contain all the information owners and operators are required to know to treat or store the wastes properly under the requirements of Chapter 3745-267 of the Administrative Code.
(3) A copy of the waste analysis plan, as required by paragraph (B) of rule 3745-267-13 of the Administrative Code.
(4) A description of the security procedures and equipment as required by rule 3745-267-14 of the Administrative Code.
(5) A copy of the general inspection schedule required by paragraph (B) of rule 3745-267-15 of the Administrative Code. Owners and operators shall include in the inspection schedule the applicable requirements of rules 3745-205-33, 3745-205-52, 3745-205-58, 3745-205-88, 3745-267-174, and 3745-267-193 of the Administrative Code.
(6) A justification of any modification of the preparedness and prevention requirements in rules 3745-267-30 to 3745-267-36 of the Administrative Code.
(7) A copy of the contingency plan required by rules 3745-267-50 to 3745-267-58 of the Administrative Code.
(8) A description of procedures, structures, or equipment used at the facility to:
(a) Prevent hazards in unloading operations (for example, use ramps, special forklifts);
(b) Prevent run-off from hazardous waste handling areas to other areas of the facility or environment, or to prevent flooding (for example, with berms, dikes, trenches);
(c) Prevent contamination of water supplies;
(d) Mitigate effects of equipment failure and power outages;
(e) Prevent undue exposure of personnel to hazardous waste (for example, requiring protective clothing); and
(f) Prevent releases to atmosphere.
(9) A description of precautions to prevent accidental ignition or reaction of ignitable, reactive, or incompatible wastes as required by rule 3745-267-17 of the Administrative Code.
(10) Traffic pattern, estimated volume (number, types of vehicles) and control (for example, show turns across traffic lanes, and stacking lanes; describe access road surfacing and load bearing capacity; show traffic control signals).
(11) [Reserved.]
(12) An outline of both the introductory and continuing training programs owners and operators will use to prepare employees to operate or maintain the facility as required by rule 3745-267-16 of the Administrative Code. A brief description of how training will be designed to meet actual job tasks under paragraph (A)(3) of rule 3745-267-16 of the Administrative Code.
(13) A copy of the closure plan required by rule 3745-267-112 of the Adminsitrative Code. Include, where applicable, as part of the plans, specific requirements in rules 3745-267-176, 3745-267-201, and 3745-267-908 of the Administrative Code.
(14) [Reserved.]
(15) The most recent closure cost estimate for the owner and operator's facility prepared under rule 3745-267-142 of the Administrative Code and a copy of the documentation required to demonstrate financial assurance under rule 3745-267-143 of the Administrative Code. For a new facility, owners or operators may gather the required documentation sixty days before the initial receipt of hazardous wastes.
(16) [Reserved.]
(17) Where applicable, a copy of the insurance policy or other documentation that complies with the liability requirements of rule 3745-267-147 of the Administrative Code. For a new facility, documentation showing the amount of insurance meeting the specification of paragraph (A) of rule 3745-267-147 of the Administrative Code that owners or operators plan to have in effect before initial receipt of hazardous waste for treatment or storage.
(18) [Reserved.]
(19) A topographic map showing a distance of one thousand feet around the owner or operator's facility at a scale of 2.5 centimeters (one inch) equal to not more than sixty-one meters (m) [two hundred feet (ft)]. The map shall show elevation contours. The countour interval shall show the pattern of surface water flow in the vicinity of and from each operational unit of the facility. For example, countours with an interval of 1.5 m (five ft), if relief is greater than 6.1 m (twenty ft), or an interval of 0.6 m (two ft), if relief is less than 6.1 m (twenty ft). If an owner or operator's facility is in a mountainous area, the owner or operator should use large countour intervals to adequately show topographic profiles of facilities. The map shall clearly show the following:
(a) Map scale and date.
(b) One-hundred year flood plain area.
(c) Surface waters including intermittent streams.
(d) Surrounding land uses (residential, commercial, agricultural, recreational).
(e) A wind rose (i.e. prevailing wind-speed and direction).
(f) Orientation of the map (north arrow).
(g) Legal boundaries of the owner or operator's facility site.
(h) Access control (fences, gates).
(i) Injection and withdrawal wells both on-site and off-site.
(j) Buildings; treatment, storage, or disposal operations; or other structure (recreation areas, run-off control systems, access and internal roads, storm, sanitary, and process sewerage systems, loading and unloading areas, fire control facilities, etc.)
(k) Barriers for drainage or flood control.
(l) Location of operational units within the facility, where hazardous waste is (or will be) treated or stored. (Including equipment clean-up areas.)
(B) Container information to be kept at the facility. If owners or operators store or treat hazardous waste in containers, owners or operators shall keep the following information at the facility:
(1) A description of the containment system to demonstrate compliance with the container storage area provisions in rule 3745-267-173 of the Administrative Code. This description shall show the following:
(a) Basic design parameters, dimensions, and materials of construction.
(b) How the design promotes drainage or how containers are kept from contact with standing liquids in the containment system.
(c) Capacity of the containment system relative to the number and volume of containers to be stored.
(d) Provisions for preventing or managing run-on.
(e) How accumulated liquids can be analyzed and removed to prevent overflow.
(2) For storage areas that store containers holding wastes that do not contain free liquids, a demonstration of compliance with paragraph (C) of rule 3745-267-173 of the Administrative Code, including:
(a) Test procedures and results or other documentation or information to show that the wastes do not contain free liquids.
(b) A description of how the storage area is designed or operated to drain and remove liquids or how containers are kept from contact with standing liquids.
(3) Sketches, drawings, or data demonstrating compliance with rule 3745-267-174 of the Administrative Code [location of buffer zone (fifteen m or fifty ft) and containers holding ignitable or reactive wastes] and paragraph (C) of rule 3745-267-175 of the Administrative Code (location of incompatible wastes in relation to each other), where applicable.
(4) Where incompatible wastes are stored or otherwise managed in containers, a description of the procedures used to ensure compliance with paragraphs (A) and (B) of rule 3745-267-175 of the Administrative Code and paragraphs (B) and (C) of rule 3745-267-17 of the Administrative Code.
(5) Information on air emission control equipment as required by paragraph (E) of this rule.
(C) Tank information to be kept at the facility. If an owner or operator uses tanks to store or treat hazardous waste, the owner or operator shall keep the following information at the facility:
(1) A written assessment that is reviewed and certified by an independent, qualified, registered professional engineer on the structural integrity and suitability for handling hazardous waste of each tank system, as required under rules 3745-267-191 and 3745-267-192 of the Administrative Code.
(2) Dimensions and capacity of each tank.
(3) Description of feed systems, safety cutoff, by-pass systems, and pressure controls (e.g., vents).
(4) A diagram of piping, instrumentation, and process flow for each tank system.
(5) A description of materials and equipment used to provide external corrosion protection, as required under rule 3745-267-191 of the Administrative Code.
(6) For new tank systems, a detailed description of how the tank systems will be installed in compliance with rules 3745-267-192 and 3745-267-194 of the Administrative Code.
(7) Detailed plans and description of how the secondary containment system for each tank system is or will be designed, constructed, and operated to meet the requirements of rules 3745-267-195 and 3745-267-196 of the Administrative Code.
(8) [Reserved.]
(9) Description of controls and practices to prevent spills and overflows, as required under rule 3745-267-198 of the Administrative Code.
(10) For tank systems in which ignitable, reactive, or incompatible wastes are to be stored or treated, a description of how operating procedures and tank system and facility design will achieve compliance with the requirements of rules 3745-267-202 and 3745-267-203 of the Administrative Code.
(11) Information on air emission control equipment as required by paragraph (E) of this rule.
(D) Equipment information to be kept at the facility. If an owner or operator's facility has equipment that rules 3745-205-50 to 3745-205-65 of the Administrative Code apply to, an owner or operator shall keep the following information at the facility:
(1) For each piece of equipment to which rules 3745-205-50 to 3745-205-65 of the Administrative Code apply:
(a) Equipment identification number and hazardous waste management unit identification.
(b) Approximate locations within the facility (e.g., identify the hazardous waste management unit on a facility plot plan).
(c) Type of equipment (e.g., a pump or pipeline valve).
(d) Per cent by weight of total organics in the hazardous waste stream at the equipment.
(e) Hazardous wates state at the equipment (e.g., gas or vapor or liquid).
(f) Method of compliance with the standard (e.g., monthly leak detection and repair, or equipped with dual mechanical seals).
(2) For facilities that cannot install a closed-vent system and control device to comply with rules 3745-205-50 to 3745-205-65 of the Administrative Code on the date that the facility becomes subject to rules 3745-205-50 to 3745-205-65 of the Administrative Code, an implementation schedule as specified in paragraph (A)(2) of rule 3745-205-33 of the Administrative Code.
(3) Documentation that demonstrates compliance with with the equipment standards in rules 3745-205-52 and 3745-205-59 of the Administrative Code. This documentation shall contain the records required under rule 3745-205-64 of the Administrative Code.
(4) Documentation to demonstrate compliance with rule 3745-205-60 of the Administrative Code shall include the following information:
(a) A list of all information references and sources used in preparing the documentation.
(b) Records, including the dates, of each compliance test required by paragraph (J) of rule 3745-205-33 of the Administrative Code.
(c) A design analysis, specifications, drawings, schematics, and piping and instrumentation diagrams based on the appropriate sections of "APTI Course 415: Control of Gaseous Emissions" (incorporated by reference in rule 3745-50-11 of the Administrative Code) or other engineering texts acceptable to the director that present basic control device design information. The design analysis shall address the vent stream characteristics and control device operation parameters as specified in paragraph (B)(4)(c) of rule 3745-205-35 of the Administrative Code.
(d) A statement signed and dated by the owner or operator certifying that the operating parameters used in the design analysis reasonably represent the conditions that exist when the hazardous waste management unit is operating at the highest load or capacity level reasonable expected to occur.
(e) A statement signed and dated by the owner or operator certifying that the control device is designed to operate at an efficiency of ninety-five weight per cent or greater.
(E) Air emissions control information to be kept at the facility. If owners or operators have air emission control equipment subject to rules 3745-205-80 to 3745-205-90 of the Administrative Code, the following informtaion shall be kept at the facility:
(1) Documentation for each floating roof cover installed on a tank subject to paragraph (D)(1) or (D)(2) of rule 3745-205-84 of the Administrative code that includes information the owner or operator prepared or the cover manufacturer and vendor provided describing the cover design, and the owner or operator's certification that the cover meets applicable design specifications listed in paragraph (E)(1) or (F)(1) of rule 3745-205-84 of the Administrative Code.
(2) Identification of each container area subject to the requirements of rules 3745-205-80 to 3745-205-90 of the Administrative Code and the owner or operator's certification that the requirements of rules 3745-50-250 to 3745-50-320 of the Administrative Code are met.
(3) Documentation for each enclosure used to control air pollutant emissions from tanks or containers under requirements of paragraph (D)(5) of rule 3745-205-84 or paragraph (E)(1)(b) of rule 3745-205-86 of the Administrative Code. Owners or operators shall include records for the most recent set of calculations and measurements performed by the owner or operator to verify that the enclosure meets the criteria of a permanent total enclosure as specified in "Procedure T- Criteria for and Verification of a Permanent or Temporary Total Enclosure" under 40 CFR 52.741, appendix B.
(4) [Reserved.]
(5) Documentation for each closed-vent system and control device installed under the requirements of rule 3745-205-87 of the Administrative Code that includes design and performance information as specified in paragraphs (C)(10)(c) and (C)(10)(d) of rule 3745-50-44 of the Administrative Code.
(6) An emission monitoring plan for both method 21 in 40 CFR Part 60, appendix A, and control devide monitoring methods. This plan shall include monitoring points, monitoring frequency, procedures for documenting exceedences, and procedures for mitigating non-compliances.
[Comment: For dates of non-regulatory government publications, publications of recognized organizations and associations, federal rules, and federal statutory provisions referenced in this rule, see rule 3745-50-11 of the Administrative Code titled "Incorporated by reference."]
Last updated March 7, 2025 at 8:05 AM