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The Legislative Service Commission staff updates the Revised Code on an ongoing basis, as it completes its act review of enacted legislation. Updates may be slower during some times of the year, depending on the volume of enacted legislation.

Chapter 3365 | College Credit Plus Program

Section 3365.01 | College Credit Plus program definitions.

As used in this chapter:

(A) "Articulated credit" means post-secondary credit that is reflected on the official record of a student at an institution of higher education only upon enrollment at that institution after graduation from a secondary school.

(B) "Default ceiling amount" means one of the following amounts, whichever is applicable:

(1) For a participant enrolled in a college operating on a semester schedule, the amount calculated according to the following formula:

((0.83 X formula amount) / 30)

X number of enrolled credit hours

(2) For a participant enrolled in a college operating on a quarter schedule, the amount calculated according to the following formula:

((0.83 X formula amount) / 45)

X number of enrolled credit hours

(C) "Default floor amount" means twenty-five per cent of the default ceiling amount.

(D) "Eligible out-of-state college" means any institution of higher education that is located outside of Ohio and is approved by the chancellor of higher education to participate in the college credit plus program.

(E) "Fee" means any course-related fee and any other fee imposed by the college, but not included in tuition, for participation in the program established by this chapter.

(F) "Formula amount" means $6,020.

(G) "Governing entity" means any of the following:

(1) A board of education of a school district;

(2) A governing authority of a community school established under Chapter 3314. of the Revised Code;

(3) A governing body of a STEM school established under Chapter 3326. of the Revised Code;

(4) A board of trustees of a college-preparatory boarding school established under Chapter 3328. of the Revised Code;

(5) When referring to the state school for the deaf or the state school for the blind, the department of education and workforce;

(6) When referring to an institution operated by the department of youth services, the superintendent of that institution.

(H) "Home-educated participant" means a student who is exempt from the compulsory attendance law for the purpose of home education under section 3321.042 of the Revised Code, and is participating in the program established by this chapter.

(I) "Maximum per participant charge amount" means one of the following amounts, whichever is applicable:

(1) For a participant enrolled in a college operating on a semester schedule, the amount calculated according to the following formula:

((formula amount / 30)

X number of enrolled credit hours)

(2) For a participant enrolled in a college operating on a quarter schedule, the amount calculated according to the following formula:

((formula amount / 45)

X number of enrolled credit hours)

(J) "Nonpublic secondary school" means a chartered school for which minimum standards are prescribed by the director of education and workforce pursuant to division (D) of section 3301.07 of the Revised Code.

(K) "Number of enrolled credit hours" means the number of credit hours for a course in which a participant is enrolled during the previous term after the date on which a withdrawal from a course would have negatively affected the participant's transcripted grade, as prescribed by the college's established withdrawal policy.

(L) "Parent" has the same meaning as in section 3313.64 of the Revised Code.

(M) "Participant" means any student enrolled in a college under the program established by this chapter.

(N) "Partnering college" means a college with which a public or nonpublic secondary school has entered into an agreement in order to offer the program established by this chapter.

(O) "Partnering secondary school" means a public or nonpublic secondary school with which a college has entered into an agreement in order to offer the program established by this chapter.

(P) "Private college" means any of the following:

(1) A nonprofit institution holding a certificate of authorization pursuant to Chapter 1713. of the Revised Code;

(2) An institution holding a certificate of registration from the state board of career colleges and schools and program authorization for an associate or bachelor's degree program issued under section 3332.05 of the Revised Code;

(3) A private institution exempt from regulation under Chapter 3332. of the Revised Code as prescribed in section 3333.046 of the Revised Code.

(Q) "Public college" means a "state institution of higher education" in section 3345.011 of the Revised Code, excluding the northeast Ohio medical university.

(R) "Public secondary school" means a school serving grades nine through twelve in a city, local, or exempted village school district, a joint vocational school district, a community school established under Chapter 3314. of the Revised Code, a STEM school established under Chapter 3326. of the Revised Code, a college-preparatory boarding school established under Chapter 3328. of the Revised Code, the state school for the deaf, the state school for the blind, or an institution operated by the department of youth services.

(S) "School year" has the same meaning as in section 3313.62 of the Revised Code.

(T) "Secondary grade" means any of grades nine through twelve.

(U) "Standard rate" means the amount per credit hour assessed by the college for an in-state student who is enrolled in an undergraduate course at that college, but who is not participating in the college credit plus program, as prescribed by the college's established tuition policy.

(V) "Transcripted credit" means post-secondary credit that is conferred by an institution of higher education and is reflected on a student's official record at that institution upon completion of a course.

Last updated September 11, 2023 at 3:33 PM

Section 3365.02 | College Credit Plus program; creation.

(A) There is hereby established the college credit plus program under which, beginning with the 2015-2016 school year, a secondary grade student who is a resident of this state may enroll at a college, on a full- or part-time basis, and complete nonsectarian, nonremedial courses for high school and college credit. The program shall govern arrangements in which a secondary grade student enrolls in a college and, upon successful completion of coursework taken under the program, receives transcripted credit from the college. The following are not governed by the college credit plus program:

(1) An agreement governing an early college high school program, provided the program meets the definition set forth in division (F)(2) of section 3313.6013 of the Revised Code and is approved by the department of education and workforce and the chancellor of higher education;

(2) An advanced placement course or international baccalaureate diploma course, as described in divisions (A)(2) and (3) of section 3313.6013 of the Revised Code;

(3) A career-technical education program that is approved by the department under section 3317.161 of the Revised Code and grants articulated credit to students participating in that program. However, any portion of an approved program that results in the conferral of transcripted credit upon the completion of the course shall be governed by the college credit plus program.

(B) Any student enrolled in a public or nonpublic secondary school in the student's ninth, tenth, eleventh, or twelfth grade; any student enrolled in a nonchartered nonpublic secondary school in the student's ninth, tenth, eleventh, or twelfth grade; and any student who is exempt from the compulsory attendance law for the purpose of home education under section 3321.042 of the Revised Code and is the equivalent of a ninth, tenth, eleventh, or twelfth grade student, may participate in the program, if the student meets the applicable eligibility criteria in section 3365.03 of the Revised Code. If a nonchartered nonpublic secondary school student chooses to participate in the program, that student shall be subject to the same requirements as a home-educated student who chooses to participate in the program under this chapter.

(C) All public secondary schools and all public colleges shall participate in the program and are subject to the requirements of this chapter. Any nonpublic secondary school or private college that chooses to participate in the program shall also be subject to the requirements of this chapter.

(D) The chancellor, in accordance with Chapter 119. of the Revised Code and in consultation with the department, shall adopt rules governing the program.

Last updated September 11, 2023 at 3:34 PM

Section 3365.03 | Enrollment in CCP; eligibility.

(A) A student enrolled in a public or nonpublic secondary school during the student's ninth, tenth, eleventh, or twelfth grade school year; a student enrolled in a nonchartered nonpublic secondary school in the student's ninth, tenth, eleventh, or twelfth grade school year; or a student who is exempt from the compulsory attendance law for the purpose of home education under section 3321.042 of the Revised Code and is the equivalent of a ninth, tenth, eleventh, or twelfth grade student, may apply to and enroll in a college under the college credit plus program.

(1) In order for a public secondary school student to participate in the program, all of the following criteria shall be met:

(a) The student or the student's parent shall inform the principal, or equivalent, of the student's school by the first day of April or the first day of November of the student's intent to participate in the program in the next semester or term. Any student who provides notification by the first day of April may be approved to participate in the program for the next full school year. Any student who provides notification by the first day of November may be approved to participate in the program for the next semester or term only. Any student who fails to provide the notification by the required date may not participate in the program in the next semester or term without the written consent of the principal, or equivalent. If a student seeks consent from the principal after failing to provide notification by the required date, the principal shall notify the department of education and workforce of the student's intent to participate within ten days of the date on which the student seeks consent. If the principal does not provide written consent, the student may appeal the principal's decision to the governing entity of the school, except for a student who is enrolled in a school district, who may appeal the decision to the district superintendent. Not later than thirty days after the notification of the appeal, the district superintendent or governing entity shall hear the appeal and shall make a decision to either grant or deny that student's participation in the program. The decision of the district superintendent or governing entity shall be final.

(b) The student shall:

(i) Apply to a public or a participating private college, or an eligible out-of-state college participating in the program, in accordance with the college's established procedures for admission, pursuant to section 3365.05 of the Revised Code;

(ii) As a condition of eligibility, satisfy one of the following criteria:

(I) Be remediation-free, in accordance with one of the assessments established under division (F) of section 3345.061 of the Revised Code;

(II) Meet an alternative remediation-free eligibility option, as defined by the chancellor, in consultation with the department, in rules adopted under this section;

(III) Have participated in the program prior to September 30, 2021, and qualified to participate in the program by scoring within one standard error of measurement below the remediation-free threshold for one of the assessments established under division (F) of section 3345.061 of the Revised Code and satisfying one of the conditions specified under division (A)(1)(b)(ii)(I) or (II) of this section as those divisions existed prior to September 30, 2021.

(iii) Meet the college's and relevant academic program's established standards for admission, enrollment, and course placement, including course-specific capacity limitations, pursuant to section 3365.05 of the Revised Code.

(c) The student shall elect at the time of enrollment to participate under either division (A) or (B) of section 3365.06 of the Revised Code for each course under the program.

(d) The student and the student's parent shall sign a form, provided by the school, stating that they have received the counseling required under division (B) of section 3365.04 of the Revised Code and that they understand the responsibilities they must assume in the program.

(2) In order for a nonpublic secondary school student, a nonchartered nonpublic secondary school student, or a home-educated student to participate in the program, both of the following criteria shall be met:

(a) The student shall meet the criteria in divisions (A)(1)(b) and (c) of this section.

(b)(i) If the student is enrolled in a nonpublic secondary school, that student shall send to the department a copy of the student's acceptance from a college and an application by the first day of April or the first day of November prior to the semester or term in which the student wishes to participate. Any student who sends the required documents by the first day of April may be approved to participate in the program for the next full school year. Any student who sends the required documents by the first day of November may be approved to participate in the program for the next semester or term only. The application shall be made on forms provided by the department and shall include information about the student's proposed participation, including the school year in which the student wishes to participate; and the semesters or terms the student wishes to enroll during such year. The department shall mark each application with the date and time of receipt.

(ii) If the student is enrolled in a nonchartered nonpublic secondary school or is home-instructed, the parent or guardian of that student shall notify the department by the first day of April or the first day of November prior to the semester or term in which the student wishes to participate. Any student who provides notification by the first day of April may be approved to participate in the program for the next full school year. Any student who provides notification by the first day of November may be approved to participate in the program for the next semester or term only.

(B) Except as provided for in division (C) of this section and in sections 3365.031 and 3365.032 of the Revised Code:

(1) No public secondary school shall prohibit a student enrolled in that school from participating in the program if that student meets all of the criteria in division (A)(1) of this section.

(2) No participating nonpublic secondary school shall prohibit a student enrolled in that school from participating in the program if the student meets all of the criteria in division (A)(2) of this section and, if the student is enrolled under division (B) of section 3365.06 of the Revised Code, the student is awarded funding from the department in accordance with rules adopted by the chancellor, in consultation with the department, pursuant to section 3365.071 of the Revised Code.

(C) For purposes of this section, during the period of an expulsion imposed by a public secondary school, a student is ineligible to apply to enroll in a college under this section, unless the student is admitted to another public secondary or participating nonpublic secondary school. If a student is enrolled in a college under this section at the time the student is expelled, the student's status for the remainder of the college term in which the expulsion is imposed shall be determined under section 3365.032 of the Revised Code.

(D) Upon a student's graduation from high school, participation in the college credit plus program shall not affect the student's eligibility at any public college for scholarships or for other benefits or opportunities that are available to first-time college students and are awarded by that college, regardless of the number of credit hours that the student completed under the program.

(E) The college to which a student applies to participate under this section shall pay for one assessment used to determine that student's eligibility under this section. However, notwithstanding anything to the contrary in Chapter 3365. of the Revised Code, any additional assessments used to determine the student's eligibility shall be the financial responsibility of the student.

Last updated January 27, 2025 at 11:33 AM

Section 3365.031 | Restrictions on enrollment.

(A) A student in grade nine may not enroll in courses under this chapter for which the student elects under division (B) of section 3365.06 of the Revised Code to receive credit toward high school graduation for more than the equivalent of four academic school years. A student enrolling in courses under this chapter may not enroll in courses in which the student elects to receive credit toward high school graduation for more than the equivalent of:

(1) Three academic school years, if the student so enrolls for the first time in grade ten;

(2) Two academic school years, if the student so enrolls for the first time in grade eleven;

(3) One academic school year, if the student so enrolls for the first time in grade twelve.

(B) The restrictions prescribed in division (A) of this section shall be reduced proportionately for any such student who enrolls in the program during the course of a school year in accordance with rules adopted under section 3365.02 of the Revised Code.

Section 3365.032 | Withdrawal or denial of credit due to expulsion.

(A) For purposes of this section:

(1) The "expulsion of a student" or "expelling a student" means the following:

(a) For a public secondary school that is a school operated by a city, local, exempted village, or joint vocational school district, community school established under Chapter 3314. of the Revised Code, or STEM school established under Chapter 3326. of the Revised Code, the expulsion of a student or the act of expelling a student under division (B) of section 3313.66 of the Revised Code;

(b) For a public secondary school that is a college-preparatory boarding school, the expulsion of a student or the act of expelling a student in accordance with the school's bylaws adopted pursuant to section 3328.13 of the Revised Code;

(c) For a public secondary school that is the state school for the deaf or the state school for the blind, the expulsion of a student or the act of expelling a student in accordance with rules adopted by the department of education and workforce.

(2) A "policy to deny high school credit for courses taken under the college credit plus program during an expulsion" means the following:

(a) For a public secondary school that is a school operated by a city, local, exempted village, or joint vocational school district, community school established under Chapter 3314. of the Revised Code, or STEM school established under Chapter 3326. of the Revised Code, a policy adopted under section 3313.613 of the Revised Code;

(b) For a college-preparatory boarding school established under Chapter 3328. of the Revised Code, a policy adopted in accordance with the school's bylaws adopted pursuant to section 3328.13 of the Revised Code;

(c) For the state school for the deaf or the state school for the blind, a policy adopted in accordance with any rules adopted by the department requiring such a policy.

(B) When a public secondary school expels a student, the superintendent, or equivalent, shall send a written notice of the expulsion to any college in which the expelled student is enrolled under section 3365.03 of the Revised Code at the time the expulsion is imposed. The notice shall indicate the date the expulsion is scheduled to expire. The notice also shall indicate whether the school has adopted a policy to deny high school credit for courses taken under the college credit plus program during an expulsion. If the expulsion is extended, the superintendent, or equivalent, shall notify the college of the extension.

(C) A college may withdraw its acceptance under section 3365.03 of the Revised Code of a student who is expelled from school. As provided in section 3365.03 of the Revised Code, regardless of whether the college withdraws its acceptance of the student for the college term in which the student is expelled, the student is ineligible to enroll in a college under that section for subsequent college terms during the period of the expulsion, unless the student enrolls in another public school or a participating nonpublic school during that period.

If a college withdraws its acceptance of an expelled student who elected either option of division (A)(1) or (2) of section 3365.06 of the Revised Code, the college shall refund tuition and fees paid by the student in the same proportion that it refunds tuition and fees to students who voluntarily withdraw from the college at the same time in the term.

If a college withdraws its acceptance of an expelled student who elected the option of division (B) of section 3365.06 of the Revised Code, the public school shall not award high school credit for the college courses in which the student was enrolled at the time the college withdrew its acceptance, and any reimbursement under section 3365.07 of the Revised Code for the student's attendance prior to the withdrawal shall be the same as would be paid for a student who voluntarily withdrew from the college at the same time in the term. If the withdrawal results in the college's receiving no reimbursement, the college or secondary school may require the student to return or pay for any textbooks and materials it provided the student free of charge.

(D) When a student who elected the option of division (B) of section 3365.06 of the Revised Code is expelled from a public school that has adopted a policy to deny high school credit for courses taken under the college credit plus program during an expulsion, that election is automatically revoked for all college courses in which the student is enrolled during the college term in which the expulsion is imposed. Any reimbursement under section 3365.07 of the Revised Code for the student's attendance prior to the expulsion shall be the same as would be paid for a student who voluntarily withdrew from the college at the same time in the term. If the revocation results in the college's receiving no reimbursement, the college or secondary school may require the student to return or pay for any textbooks and materials it provided the student free of charge.

Not later than five days after receiving an expulsion notice from the superintendent, or equivalent, of a public school that has adopted a policy to deny high school credit for courses taken under the college credit plus program during an expulsion, the college shall send a written notice to the expelled student that the student's election of division (B) of section 3365.06 of the Revised Code is revoked. If the college elects not to withdraw its acceptance of the student, the student shall pay all applicable tuition and fees for the college courses and shall pay for any textbooks and materials that the college or secondary school provided to the student.

Last updated September 11, 2023 at 3:37 PM

Section 3365.033 | Seventh and eighth grade student participation.

(A) Notwithstanding anything to the contrary in Chapter 3365. of the Revised Code, any student enrolled in a public or nonpublic secondary school in the student's seventh or eighth grade; any student enrolled in a nonchartered nonpublic secondary school in the student's seventh or eighth grade; and any student who is exempt from the compulsory attendance law for the purpose of home education under section 3321.042 of the Revised Code and is the equivalent of a seventh or eighth grade student, may participate in the college credit plus program, if the student meets the applicable eligibility criteria required of secondary grade students for participation. Participants under this section shall be subject to the same requirements as secondary grade participants under this chapter.

(B) Participants under this section shall receive high school and college credit for courses taken under the program, in accordance with the option elected under section 3365.06 of the Revised Code. High school credit earned under the program shall be awarded in the same manner as for secondary grade participants.

(C) If a participant under this section elects to have the college reimbursed under section 3365.07 of the Revised Code for courses taken under the program, the department shall reimburse the college in the same manner as for secondary grade participants in accordance with that section.

(D) Notwithstanding section 3327.01 of the Revised Code, the parent or guardian of a participant under this section shall be responsible for any transportation for the participant related to participation in the program.

Last updated September 11, 2023 at 3:38 PM

Section 3365.034 | Participation in college credit plus program during summer term.

(A) Notwithstanding anything to the contrary in the Revised Code, a student who is eligible to participate in the college credit plus program under section 3365.03 or 3365.033 of the Revised Code may participate in the program during the summer term of a public or participating private college or an eligible out-of-state college participating in the program.

Unless otherwise specified, if a student participates in the college credit plus program under this section, all requirements of the program shall apply.

(B)(1) In order for a public secondary school student to participate under this section, the student shall meet the criteria in division (A)(1) of section 3365.03 of the Revised Code, except that the student or the student's parent shall inform the principal, or equivalent, of the student's school by the date designated by rule of the chancellor of higher education, pursuant to division (E) of this section, of the student's intent to participate in the program during the summer term.

(2) In order for a nonpublic secondary school student, a nonchartered nonpublic secondary school student, or a home-educated student to participate under this section, the student shall meet the applicable criteria in division (A)(2) of section 3365.03 of the Revised Code, except that the parent or guardian of a nonchartered nonpublic secondary school student or a home-educated student shall notify the department of education and workforce by the date designated by rule of the chancellor of higher education, pursuant to division (E) of this section, of the student's intent to participate in the program during the summer term.

(C) If a participant under this section elects to have the college reimbursed under section 3365.07 of the Revised Code for courses taken under the program, the department shall reimburse the college in the same manner as for students who participate during the school year in accordance with that section, except that the department shall make the applicable payments each September, or as soon as possible thereafter.

(D) Notwithstanding section 3327.01 of the Revised Code, the participant or the participant's parent or guardian shall be responsible for any transportation related to participation in the program during the summer term.

(E) The chancellor of higher education, in accordance with Chapter 119. of the Revised Code and in consultation with the department of education and workforce, shall adopt rules for the administration of this section. The rules shall include the dates by which the student or student's parent must provide notification of the student's intent to participate in the program during the summer term.

Last updated September 11, 2023 at 3:39 PM

Section 3365.035 | Course mature subject matter disclaimer.

(A) As used in this section, "mature subject matter" means any course subject matter or material of a graphic, explicit, violent, or sexual nature.

(B) The department of education and workforce and the department of higher education shall jointly develop a permission slip regarding the potential for mature subject matter in a course taken through the college credit plus program. The departments shall post the permission slip in a prominent place on their college credit plus program web sites.

(C) For a student enrolled in a public, chartered nonpublic, or nonchartered nonpublic school or a home-educated student to enroll in any college course under the college credit plus program, the parent of the student and the student shall sign and include the permission slip described in division (B) of this section within the student's application to the public college, participating private college, or eligible out-of-state college in which the student wishes to enroll.

(D) Each public and participating private college and eligible out-of-state college participating in the program, upon admitting a student under the program, shall include in the college's enrollment materials the following:

(1) A questionnaire for students, developed by the college, to answer in the affirmative acknowledging that the student possesses the necessary social and emotional maturity and is ready to accept the responsibility and independence that a college classroom demands and to resubmit to the college;

(2) Guidance on reviewing any course materials available prior to enrolling in a course;

(3) Information about the college's and the program's policies on withdrawing from or dropping a course;

(4) Information about the student's right to speak with the student's high school counselor or with the academic advisor assigned to the student as prescribed in division (F) of section 3365.05 of the Revised Code.

(E) Each public and participating private college and eligible out-of-state college participating in the program shall include a discussion at student orientation about the potential for mature subject matter in courses taken through the program.

(F) The department of education and workforce, the department of higher education, and each public and participating private college and eligible out-of-state college participating in the program shall post in a prominent place on their college credit plus program web sites the following disclaimer:

"The subject matter of a course enrolled in under the college credit plus program may include mature subject matter or materials, including those of a graphic, explicit, violent, or sexual nature, that will not be modified based upon college credit plus enrollee participation regardless of where course instruction occurs."

Last updated September 11, 2023 at 3:40 PM

Section 3365.036 | Withdrawal of children of military families.

(A) As used in this section, "children of military families" has the same meaning as in section 3301.60 of the Revised Code.

(B) Any secondary school or college that participates in the college credit plus program under this chapter shall permit children of military families participating in the program who must withdraw from that school because of a permanent change of station order out of the state to transition from one military installation to another to do either of the following:

(1) Complete participation in the course the student is taking through the program for the duration of the semester in which the student is enrolled in an online format, if possible;

(2) Withdraw from the course the student is taking through the program without academic or financial penalty.

Last updated February 27, 2023 at 11:19 AM

Section 3365.04 | Information regarding and promotion of the program.

Each public and participating nonpublic secondary school shall do all of the following with respect to the college credit plus program:

(A) Provide information about the program prior to the first day of February of each year to all students enrolled in grades six through eleven;

(B) Provide counseling services to students in grades six through eleven and to their parents before the students participate in the program under this chapter to ensure that students and parents are fully aware of the possible consequences and benefits of participation. Counseling information shall include:

(1) Program eligibility;

(2) The process for granting academic credits;

(3) Any necessary financial arrangements for tuition, textbooks, and fees;

(4) Criteria for any transportation aid;

(5) Available support services;

(6) Scheduling;

(7) Communicating the possible consequences and benefits of participation, including all of the following:

(a) The consequences of failing or not completing a course under the program, including the effect on the student's ability to complete the secondary school's graduation requirements;

(b) The effect of the grade attained in a course under the program being included in the student's grade point average, as applicable;

(c) The benefits to the student for successfully completing a course under the program, including the ability to reduce the overall costs of, and the amount of time required for, a college education.

(8) The academic and social responsibilities of students and parents under the program;

(9) Information about and encouragement to use the counseling services of the college in which the student intends to enroll;

(10) The standard packet of information for the program developed by the chancellor of higher education pursuant to section 3365.15 of the Revised Code;

For a participating nonpublic secondary school, counseling information shall also include an explanation that funding may be limited and that not all students who wish to participate may be able to do so.

(11) Information about the potential for mature subject matter, as defined in section 3365.035 of the Revised Code, in courses in which the student intends to enroll through the program and notification that courses will not be modified based upon program enrollee participation regardless of where course instruction occurs. The information shall include the permission slip described in division (B) of section 3365.035 of the Revised Code.

(C) Promote the program on the school's web site, including the details of the school's current agreements with partnering colleges;

(D) Schedule at least one informational session per school year to allow each participating college that is located within thirty miles of the school to meet with interested students and parents. The session shall include the benefits and consequences of participation and shall outline any changes or additions to the requirements of the program. If there are no participating colleges located within thirty miles of the school, the school shall coordinate with the closest participating college to offer an informational session.

For the purposes of division (D) of this section, "participating college" shall include both of the following:

(1) A partnering college;

(2) Any public college, private college, or eligible out-of-state college to which both of the following apply:

(a) The college participates in the college credit plus program.

(b) The college submits to the public or participating nonpublic secondary school a request to attend an informational session.

(E) Implement a policy for the awarding of grades and the calculation of class standing for courses taken under division (A)(2) or (B) of section 3365.06 of the Revised Code. The policy adopted under this division shall be equivalent to the school's policy for courses taken under the advanced standing programs described in divisions (A)(2) and (3) of section 3313.6013 of the Revised Code or for other courses designated as honors courses by the school. If the policy includes awarding a weighted grade or enhancing a student's class standing for these courses, the policy adopted under this section shall also provide for these procedures to be applied to courses taken under the college credit plus program.

(F) Develop model course pathways, pursuant to section 3365.13 of the Revised Code, and publish the course pathways among the school's official list of course offerings for the program.

(G) Annually collect, report, and track specified data related to the program according to data reporting guidelines adopted by the chancellor and the department of education and workforce pursuant to section 3365.15 of the Revised Code.

(H) Use the forms developed by the chancellor and the department of education and workforce. No public or participating nonpublic secondary school shall modify any such form without prior approval from the chancellor and the department.

Last updated January 27, 2025 at 11:35 AM

Section 3365.05 | Requirements for participants.

Each public and participating private college shall do all of the following with respect to the college credit plus program:

(A) Apply established standards and procedures for admission to the college and for course placement for participants. When determining admission and course placement, the college shall do all of the following:

(1) Consider all available student data that may be an indicator of college readiness, including grade point average and end-of-course examination scores, if applicable;

(2) Give priority to its current students regarding enrollment in courses. However, once a participant has been accepted into a course, the college shall not displace the participant for another student.

(3) Adhere to any capacity limitations that the college has established for specified courses.

(B) Send written notice to the participant, the participant's parent, and the participant's secondary school, not later than fourteen calendar days prior to the first day of classes for that term, of the participant's admission to the college and to specified courses under the program.

(C) Provide both of the following, not later than twenty-one calendar days after the first day of classes for that term, to each participant and the participant's secondary school:

(1) The courses and hours of enrollment of the participant;

(2) The option elected by the participant under division (A) or (B) of section 3365.06 of the Revised Code for each course.

The college shall also provide to each partnering school a roster of participants from that school that are enrolled in the college and a list of course assignments for each participant.

(D) Promote the program on the college's web site, including the details of the college's current agreements with partnering secondary schools.

(E) Coordinate with each partnering secondary school that is located within thirty miles of the college to present at least one informational session per school year for interested students and parents. The session shall include the benefits and consequences of participation and shall outline any changes or additions to the requirements of the program. If there are no partnering schools located within thirty miles of the college, the college shall coordinate with the closest partnering school to offer an informational session.

(F) Assign an academic advisor that is employed by the college to each participant enrolled in that college. Prior to the date on which a withdrawal from a course would negatively affect a participant's transcripted grade, as prescribed by the college's established withdrawal policy, the college shall ensure that the academic advisor and the participant meet at least once to discuss the program and the courses in which the participant is enrolled.

(G) Do both of the following with regard to high school teachers that are teaching courses for the college at a secondary school under the program:

(1) Provide at least one professional development session per school year;

(2) Conduct at least one classroom observation per school year for each course that is authorized by the college and taught by a high school teacher to ensure that the course meets the quality of a college-level course.

(H) Annually collect, report, and track specified data related to the program according to data reporting guidelines adopted by the chancellor of higher education and the department of education and workforce pursuant to section 3365.15 of the Revised Code.

(I) Require each participant to complete an orientation that meets guidelines issued by the chancellor and the department. The chancellor and the department shall make those guidelines as concise as is practicable.

(J) With the exception of divisions (D) and (E) of this section, any eligible out-of-state college participating in the college credit plus program shall be subject to the same requirements as a participating private college under this section.

Last updated January 27, 2025 at 11:36 AM

Section 3365.06 | Enrollment options.

The rules adopted under section 3365.02 of the Revised Code shall provide for participants to enroll in courses under either of the options prescribed by division (A) or (B) of this section.

(A) The participant may elect at the time of enrollment to be responsible for payment of all tuition and the cost of all textbooks, materials, and fees associated with the course. The college shall notify the participant about payment of tuition and fees in the customary manner followed by the college. A participant electing this option also shall elect, at the time of enrollment, whether to receive only college credit or high school credit and college credit for the course.

(1) The participant may elect to receive only college credit for the course. Except as provided in section 3365.032 of the Revised Code, if the participant successfully completes the course, the college shall award the participant full credit for the course, but the governing entity of a public secondary school or the governing body of a participating nonpublic secondary school shall not award the high school credit.

(2) The participant may elect to receive both high school credit and college credit for the course. Except as provided in section 3365.032 of the Revised Code, if the participant successfully completes the course, the college shall award the participant full credit for the course and the governing entity of a public school or the governing body of a participating nonpublic school shall award the participant high school credit.

(B) If a course is eligible for funding under rules adopted pursuant to division (C)(1) of this section, the participant may elect at the time of enrollment for the course to have the college reimbursed under section 3365.07 of the Revised Code. Except as provided in section 3365.032 of the Revised Code, if the participant successfully completes the course, the college shall award the participant full credit for the course and the governing entity of a public school or the governing body of a participating nonpublic school shall award the participant high school credit. If the participant elects to have the college reimbursed under this division, the department shall reimburse the college for the number of enrolled credit hours in accordance with section 3365.07 of the Revised Code.

(C)(1) The chancellor of higher education, in consultation with the department of education and workforce, shall adopt rules specifying which courses are eligible for funding under section 3365.07 of the Revised Code.

The rules shall address at least the following:

(a) Whether courses must be taken in a specified sequence;

(b) Whether to restrict funding and limit eligibility to certain types of courses, including (i) courses that are included in the statewide articulation and transfer system, established by the chancellor pursuant to section 3333.161 of the Revised Code; (ii) courses that may be applied to multiple degree pathways or are applicable to in-demand jobs; or (iii) other types of courses;

(c) Whether courses with private instruction, as defined by the chancellor, are eligible for funding.

The rules also shall specify the school year for which implementation of the rules adopted pursuant to this division shall first apply.

(2) In developing the rules, the chancellor, in consultation with the department of education and workforce, shall establish a process to receive input from public and nonpublic secondary schools, public and private colleges, and other interested parties.

(D) When determining a school district's enrollment under section 3317.03 of the Revised Code, the time a participant is attending courses under division (A) of this section shall be considered as time the participant is not attending or enrolled in school anywhere, and the time a participant is attending courses under division (B) of this section shall be considered as time the participant is attending or enrolled in the district's schools.

Last updated September 11, 2023 at 4:04 PM

Section 3365.07 | Funding and payment.

The department of education and workforce shall calculate and pay state funds to colleges for participants in the college credit plus program under division (B) of section 3365.06 of the Revised Code pursuant to this section. For a nonpublic secondary school participant, a nonchartered nonpublic secondary school participant, or a home-educated participant, the department shall pay state funds pursuant to this section only if that participant is awarded funding according to rules adopted by the chancellor of higher education, in consultation with the department of education and workforce, pursuant to section 3365.071 of the Revised Code. The program shall be the sole mechanism by which state funds are paid to colleges for students to earn transcripted credit for college courses while enrolled in both a secondary school and a college, with the exception of state funds paid to colleges according to an agreement described in division (A)(1) of section 3365.02 of the Revised Code.

(A) For each public or nonpublic secondary school participant enrolled in a public college:

(1) If no agreement has been entered into under division (A)(2) of this section, both of the following shall apply:

(a) The department shall pay to the college the applicable amount as follows:

(i) For a participant enrolled in a college course delivered on the college campus, at another location operated by the college, or online, the lesser of the default ceiling amount or the college's standard rate;

(ii) For a participant enrolled in a college course delivered at the participant's secondary school but taught by college faculty, the lesser of fifty per cent of the default ceiling amount or the college's standard rate;

(iii) For a participant enrolled in a college course delivered at the participant's secondary school and taught by a high school teacher who has met the credential requirements established for purposes of the program in rules adopted by the chancellor, the default floor amount.

(b) The participant's secondary school shall pay for textbooks, and the college shall waive payment of all other fees related to participation in the program.

(2) The governing entity of a participant's secondary school and the college may enter into an agreement to establish an alternative payment structure for tuition, textbooks, and fees. Under such an agreement, payments for each participant made by the department shall be not less than the default floor amount, unless approved by the chancellor, and not more than either the default ceiling amount or the college's standard rate, whichever is less. The chancellor may approve an agreement that includes a payment below the default floor amount, as long as the provisions of the agreement comply with all other requirements of this chapter to ensure program quality. If no agreement is entered into under division (A)(2) of this section, both of the following shall apply:

(a) The department shall pay to the college the applicable default amounts prescribed by division (A)(1)(a) of this section, depending upon the method of delivery and instruction.

(b) In accordance with division (A)(1)(b) of this section, the participant's secondary school shall pay for textbooks, and the college shall waive payment of all other fees related to participation in the program.

(3) No participant that is enrolled in a public college shall be charged for any tuition, textbooks, or other fees related to participation in the program.

(B) For each public secondary school participant enrolled in a private college:

(1) If no agreement has been entered into under division (B)(2) of this section, the department shall pay to the college the applicable amount calculated in the same manner as in division (A)(1)(a) of this section.

(2) The governing entity of a participant's secondary school and the college may enter into an agreement to establish an alternative payment structure for tuition, textbooks, and fees. Under such an agreement, payments shall be not less than the default floor amount, unless approved by the chancellor, and not more than either the default ceiling amount or the college's standard rate, whichever is less.

If an agreement is entered into under division (B)(2) of this section, both of the following shall apply:

(a) The department shall make a payment to the college for each participant that is equal to the default floor amount, unless approved by the chancellor to pay an amount below the default floor amount. The chancellor may approve an agreement that includes a payment below the default floor amount, as long as the provisions of the agreement comply with all other requirements of this chapter to ensure program quality.

(b) Payment for costs for the participant that exceed the amount paid by the department pursuant to division (B)(2)(a) of this section shall be negotiated by the school and the college. The agreement may include a stipulation permitting the charging of a participant.

However, under no circumstances shall:

(i) Payments for a participant made by the department under division (B)(2) of this section exceed the lesser of the default ceiling amount or the college's standard rate;

(ii) The amount charged to a participant under division (B)(2) of this section exceed the difference between the maximum per participant charge amount and the default floor amount;

(iii) The sum of the payments made by the department for a participant and the amount charged to that participant under division (B)(2) of this section exceed the following amounts, as applicable:

(I) For a participant enrolled in a college course delivered on the college campus, at another location operated by the college, or online, the maximum per participant charge amount;

(II) For a participant enrolled in a college course delivered at the participant's secondary school but taught by college faculty, one hundred twenty-five dollars;

(III) For a participant enrolled in a college course delivered at the participant's secondary school and taught by a high school teacher who has met the credential requirements established for purposes of the program in rules adopted by the chancellor, one hundred dollars.

(iv) A participant that is identified as economically disadvantaged according to rules adopted by the department be charged under division (B)(2) of this section for any tuition, textbooks, or other fees related to participation in the program.

(C) For each nonpublic secondary school participant enrolled in a private or eligible out-of-state college, the department shall pay to the college the applicable amount calculated in the same manner as in division (A)(1)(a) of this section. Payment for costs for the participant that exceed the amount paid by the department shall be negotiated by the governing body of the nonpublic secondary school and the college.

However, under no circumstances shall:

(1) The payments for a participant made by the department under this division exceed the lesser of the default ceiling amount or the college's standard rate.

(2) Any nonpublic secondary school participant, who is enrolled in that secondary school with a scholarship awarded under either the educational choice scholarship pilot program, as prescribed by sections 3310.01 to 3310.17, or the pilot project scholarship program, as prescribed by sections 3313.974 to 3313.979 of the Revised Code, and who qualifies as a low-income student, as determined by a method established by the department be charged for any tuition, textbooks, or other fees related to participation in the college credit plus program.

(D) For each nonchartered nonpublic secondary school participant and each home-educated participant enrolled in a public, private, or eligible out-of-state college, the department shall pay to the college the lesser of the default ceiling amount or the college's standard rate, if that participant is enrolled in a college course delivered on the college campus, at another location operated by the college, or online.

(E) Not later than thirty days after the end of each term, each college expecting to receive payment for the costs of a participant under this section shall notify the department of the number of enrolled credit hours for each participant.

(F) The department shall make the applicable payments under this section to each college, which provided proper notification to the department under division (E) of this section, for the number of enrolled credit hours for participants enrolled in the college under division (B) of section 3365.06 of the Revised Code. Except in cases involving incomplete participant information or a dispute of participant information, payments shall be made by the last day of January for participants who were enrolled during the fall term and by the last day of July for participants who were enrolled during the spring term. The department shall not make any payments to a college under this section if a participant withdrew from a course prior to the date on which a withdrawal from the course would have negatively affected the participant's transcripted grade, as prescribed by the college's established withdrawal policy.

(1) Payments made for public secondary school participants under this section shall be deducted as follows:

(a) For a participant enrolled in a school district, from the school foundation payments made to the participant's school district. If the participant is enrolled in a joint vocational school district, a portion of the amount shall be deducted from the payments to the joint vocational school district and a portion shall be deducted from the payments to the participant's city, local, or exempted village school district in accordance with the full-time equivalency of the student's enrollment in each district.

(b) For a participant enrolled in a community school established under Chapter 3314. of the Revised Code, from the payments made to that school under section 3317.022 of the Revised Code;

(c) For a participant enrolled in a STEM school, from the payments made to that school under section 3317.022 of the Revised Code;

(d) For a participant enrolled in a college-preparatory boarding school, from the payments made to that school under section 3328.34 of the Revised Code;

(e) For a participant enrolled in the state school for the deaf or the state school for the blind, from the amount paid to that school with funds appropriated by the general assembly for support of Ohio deaf and blind education services;

(f) For a participant enrolled in an institution operated by the department of youth services, from the amount paid to that institution with funds appropriated by the general assembly for support of that institution.

Amounts deducted under divisions (F)(1)(a) to (f) of this section shall be calculated in accordance with rules adopted by the chancellor, in consultation with the department of education and workforce, pursuant to division (B) of section 3365.071 of the Revised Code

(2) Payments made for nonpublic secondary school participants, nonchartered nonpublic secondary school participants, and home-educated participants under this section shall be deducted from moneys appropriated by the general assembly for such purpose. Payments shall be allocated and distributed in accordance with rules adopted by the chancellor, in consultation with the department of education and workforce, pursuant to division (A) of section 3365.071 of the Revised Code.

(G) Any public college that enrolls a student under division (B) of section 3365.06 of the Revised Code may include that student in the calculation used to determine its state share of instruction funds appropriated to the department of higher education by the general assembly.

Last updated September 11, 2023 at 4:10 PM

Section 3365.071 | Adoption of rules regarding allocation and distribution of payments.

(A) The chancellor of higher education, in accordance with Chapter 119. of the Revised Code and in consultation with the department of education and workforce, shall adopt rules prescribing a method to allocate and distribute payments under section 3365.07 of the Revised Code for nonpublic secondary school participants, nonchartered nonpublic secondary school participants, and home-educated participants. The rules shall include that payments made for nonchartered nonpublic secondary school participants be made in the same manner as payments for home-educated participants under that section.

(B) The chancellor, in consultation with the department, shall also adopt rules establishing a method to calculate the amounts deducted from a joint vocational school district and from a participant's city, local, or exempted village school district for payments under section 3365.07 of the Revised Code.

Last updated September 11, 2023 at 4:11 PM

Section 3365.08 | Financial aid ineligibility; transportation reimbursement.

(A) No participant enrolled under this chapter in a course for which credit toward high school graduation is awarded shall receive direct financial aid through any state or federal program.

(B) If a school district provides transportation for resident school students in grades eleven and twelve under section 3327.01 of the Revised Code, a parent of a participant enrolled in a course under division (A)(2) or (B) of section 3365.06 of the Revised Code may apply to the board of education for full or partial reimbursement for the necessary costs of transporting the participant between the secondary school the participant attends and the college in which the participant is enrolled. Reimbursement may be paid solely from funds received by the district for student transportation under section 3317.0212 of the Revised Code or other provisions of law. The department of education and workforce shall establish guidelines, based on financial need, under which a district may provide such reimbursement.

(C) If a community school provides or arranges transportation for its students in grades nine through twelve under section 3314.091 of the Revised Code, a parent of a participant of the community school who is enrolled in a course under division (A)(2) or (B) of section 3365.06 of the Revised Code may apply to the governing authority of the community school for full or partial reimbursement of the necessary costs of transporting the participant between the community school and the college. The governing authority may pay the reimbursement in accordance with the department's rules adopted under division (B) of this section solely from funds paid to it under division (I) of section 3317.0212 of the Revised Code.

Last updated February 7, 2024 at 9:57 AM

Section 3365.09 | Reimbursement where student fails course.

(A) Except as provided for in division (C) of this section, if the superintendent, or equivalent, of a public secondary school in which a participant is enrolled determines that the participant has not attained a passing final grade in a college course in which the participant enrolled under this chapter, the superintendent, or equivalent, may seek reimbursement from the participant or the participant's parent for the amount of state funds paid to the college on behalf of the participant for that college course. The governing entity of a public school, in accordance with division (C) of section 3313.642 of the Revised Code, may withhold grades and credits received by the participant for high school courses taken by the participant until the participant or the participant's parent provides reimbursement.

(B) Except as provided for in division (C) of this section, if the chief administrator of a participating nonpublic school in which a participant is enrolled determines that the participant has not attained a passing final grade in a college course in which the participant enrolled under this chapter, the chief administrator may seek reimbursement from the participant or the participant's parent for the amount of state funds paid to the college on behalf of the participant for enrollment in that college course. Upon the collection of any funds from a participant or participant's parent under this division, the chief administrator of a nonpublic school shall send an amount equal to the funds collected to the department of education and workforce. The department shall credit that amount to the general revenue fund.

(C) Unless the participant was expelled by the school, the superintendent, or equivalent, or chief administrator shall not seek reimbursement from a participant or a participant's parent under division (A) or (B) of this section, if the participant is identified as economically disadvantaged according to rules adopted by the department.

Last updated September 11, 2023 at 4:12 PM

Section 3365.091 | Underperforming participants.

(A) The chancellor of higher education, in consultation with the department of education and workforce, shall adopt rules specifying the conditions under which an underperforming participant may continue to participate in the college credit plus program.

The rules shall address at least the following:

(1) The definition of an "underperforming participant";

(2) Any additional conditions that participants with repeated underperformance must satisfy;

(3) The timeframe for notifying an underperforming participant who is determined to be ineligible for participation of such ineligibility;

(4) Mechanisms available to assist underperforming participants;

(5) The role of school guidance counselors and college academic advisers in assisting underperforming participants;

(6) If an underperforming participant is determined to be ineligible for participation, any consequences that such ineligibility may have on the student's ability to complete the secondary school's graduation requirements.

The rules also shall specify the school year for which implementation of the rules adopted pursuant to division (A) of this section shall first apply.

(B) In developing the rules pursuant to division (A) of this section, the chancellor, in consultation with the department, shall establish a process to receive input from public and nonpublic secondary schools, public and private colleges, and other interested parties.

Last updated September 5, 2023 at 10:07 AM

Section 3365.10 | Application for waiver of requirements of program.

(A) Any public or participating nonpublic secondary school or any public or participating private college may apply to the chancellor of higher education and the department of education and workforce for a waiver from the requirements of the college credit plus program. The chancellor and the department may grant a waiver under this section for an agreement or for a proposed agreement between a public or participating nonpublic secondary school and a public or participating private or out-of-state college, only if the agreement does both of the following:

(1) Includes innovative programming proposed to exclusively address the needs of underrepresented student subgroups;

(2) Meets all criteria set forth in rules adopted by the chancellor and the department pursuant to division (C) of this section.

(B) Any waiver granted under this section shall apply only to the agreement for which the waiver is granted and shall not apply to any other agreement that the school or college enters into under this chapter.

(C) The chancellor and the department shall jointly adopt rules, in accordance with Chapter 119. of the Revised Code, regarding the granting of waivers under this section.

Last updated September 5, 2023 at 10:09 AM

Section 3365.11 | Credential requirements for instructors.

(A) Each instructor teaching a course under the college credit plus program shall meet the credential requirements set forth in guidelines and procedures established by the chancellor of higher education. If the guidelines require high school teachers to take any additional graduate-level coursework in order to meet the credential requirements, that coursework shall be applicable to continuing education and professional development requirements for the renewal of the teacher's educator license.

(B) In addition to the guidelines and procedures established under division (A) of this section, the chancellor shall establish an alternative credentialing process to certify instructors with relevant teaching experience as instructors for the program. The alternative credentialing process shall be established not later than six months after the effective date of this amendment.

Last updated January 27, 2025 at 11:36 AM

Section 3365.12 | Nature of courses; awarding high school credit.

(A) All courses offered under the college credit plus program shall be the same courses that are included in the partnering college's course catalogue for college-level, nonremedial courses and shall apply to at least one degree or professional certification at the partnering college.

(B)(1) High school credit awarded for courses successfully completed under this chapter shall count toward the graduation requirements and subject area requirements of the public secondary school or participating nonpublic secondary school. If a course comparable to one a participant completed at a college is offered by the school, the governing entity or governing body shall award comparable credit for the course completed at the college. If no comparable course is offered by the school, the governing entity or governing body shall grant an appropriate number of elective credits to the participant.

(2) If there is a dispute between a participant's school and a participant regarding high school credits granted for a course, the participant may appeal the decision to the department of education and workforce. The department's decision regarding any high school credits granted under this section is final.

(C) Evidence of successful completion of each course and the high school credits awarded by the school shall be included in the student's record. The record shall indicate that the credits were earned as a participant under this chapter and shall include the name of the college at which the credits were earned.

Last updated September 5, 2023 at 10:11 AM

Section 3365.13 | Model pathways.

(A) Each public secondary school shall develop, in consultation with at least one public partnering college, two model pathways for courses offered under the college credit plus program. One of the model pathways shall be a fifteen-credit hour pathway and one shall be a thirty-credit hour pathway. Each pathway shall include courses which, once completed, all apply to at least one degree or professional certification offered at the college. The pathways may be organized by desired major or career path or may include various core courses required for a degree or professional certification by the college. The school shall publish the pathways among the school's official list of course offerings from which a participant may select.

(B) No participant shall be required to enroll only in the courses included in a model pathway developed under division (A) of this section. Instead, the pathways shall serve as samples of the courses that a participant may take, if desired, to earn multiple credits toward a specified degree or certification.

Section 3365.131 | Statewide innovative waiver pathway.

One or more public or nonpublic colleges, in collaboration with one or more industry partners, may submit to the chancellor of higher education a proposal to establish a statewide innovative waiver pathway. Under a pathway established under this section, a student who does not otherwise meet traditional college readiness standards may participate in the college credit plus program. Upon completing a pathway, a student shall receive an industry-recognized credential or a certificate aligned with an in-demand job, as defined in section 3333.94 of the Revised Code.

The chancellor may approve a statewide innovative waiver pathway. Any public or nonpublic secondary school or public or nonpublic college may use an approved statewide innovative waiver pathway.

The chancellor, in consultation with the director of education and workforce, may adopt guidelines and procedures regarding statewide innovative waiver pathways.

Last updated September 25, 2023 at 5:38 PM

Section 3365.14 | College credit plus participation and audit.

(A) The chancellor of higher education, in consultation with the department of education and workforce, shall undertake any action as necessary to ensure that public colleges and public secondary schools are fully engaging and participating in the college credit plus program as required under Chapter 3365. of the Revised Code. Such actions may include publicly displaying program participation data by college and secondary schools.

(B) The chancellor and the department shall collect data relative to the actual cost of programming under the college credit plus program and submit that data to the auditor of state. The auditor of state shall review and audit that data. The auditor of state shall submit to the general assembly, in accordance with section 101.68 of the Revised Code, a one-time report regarding the findings of that review and audit.

Last updated February 20, 2025 at 11:30 AM

Section 3365.15 | Duties of chancellor and department of education and workforce.

The chancellor of higher education and the department of education and workforce jointly shall do all of the following:

(A) Adopt data reporting guidelines specifying the types of data that public and participating nonpublic secondary schools and public and participating private colleges, including eligible out-of-state colleges participating in the program, must annually collect, report, and track under division (G) of section 3365.04 and division (H) of section 3365.05 of the Revised Code. The types of data shall include all of the following:

(1) For each secondary school and college:

(a) The number of participants disaggregated by grade level, socioeconomic status, race, gender, and disability;

(b) The number of completed courses and credit hours, disaggregated by the college in which participants were enrolled;

(c) The number of courses in which participants enrolled, disaggregated by subject area and level of difficulty.

(2) For each secondary school, the number of students who were denied participation in the program under division (A)(1)(a) or (C) of section 3365.03 or section 3365.031 or 3365.032 of the Revised Code. Each participating nonpublic secondary school shall also include the number of students who were denied participation due to the student not being awarded funding by the department pursuant to section 3365.071 of the Revised Code.

(3) For each college:

(a) The number of students who applied to enroll in the college under the program but were not granted admission;

(b) The average number of completed courses per participant;

(c) The average grade point average for participants in college courses under the program.

The guidelines adopted under this division shall also include policies and procedures for the collection, reporting, and tracking of such data.

(B) Annually compile the data required under division (A) of this section. Not later than the thirty-first day of December of each year, the data from the previous school year shall be posted in a prominent location on both the chancellor of higher education's and the department's web sites.

(C) Submit an annual report on outcomes of the college credit plus program that are supported by empirical evidence to the governor, the president of the senate, the speaker of the house of representatives, and the chairpersons of the education committees of the senate and house of representatives not later than the thirty-first day of December each year. The report shall include all of the following, disaggregated by cohort:

(1) Number of degrees attained;

(2) Level and type of degrees attained;

(3) Number of students who receive a degree in two different subject areas;

(4) Time to completion of a degree, disaggregated by level and type of degree attained;

(5) Time to enrollment in a graduate or doctoral degree program;

(6) The number of students who participate in a study abroad course;

(7) How all of the measures described in division (C) of this section compare to both:

(a) The overall student population who did not participate in the college credit plus program;

(b) Any similar measures compiled under the former postsecondary enrollment options program, to the extent that such data is available.

The first report shall be submitted not later than December 31, 2018, and each subsequent report shall be submitted not later than the thirty-first day of December each year thereafter until December 2023.

(D) Establish a college credit plus advisory committee to assist in the development of performance metrics and the monitoring of the program's progress. At least one member of the advisory committee shall be a school guidance counselor.

The chancellor shall also, in consultation with the department, create a standard packet of information for the college credit plus program directed toward students and parents that are interested in the program.

(E) The chancellor and the department also may submit a biennial report detailing the status of the college credit plus program, including an analysis of quality assurance measures related to the program, to the governor, the president of the senate, the speaker of the house of representatives, and the chairpersons of the education committees of the senate and house of representatives. If the chancellor and the department choose to jointly submit the biennial report, both of the following shall apply:

(1) The report shall include only data available through the higher education information system administered by the chancellor.

(2) The first report shall be submitted not later than December 31, 2017, and each subsequent report shall be submitted not later than the thirty-first day of December every two years thereafter.

(F) For purposes of this section, "cohort" means a group of students who participated in the college credit plus program and who, upon graduation from high school, enroll in an Ohio institution of higher education during the same academic year.

Last updated January 27, 2025 at 11:37 AM