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The Legislative Service Commission staff updates the Revised Code on an ongoing basis, as it completes its act review of enacted legislation. Updates may be slower during some times of the year, depending on the volume of enacted legislation.

Chapter 4506 | Commercial Driver's Licensing

Section 4506.01 | Commercial driver's licensing definitions.

As used in this chapter:

(A) "Alcohol concentration" means the concentration of alcohol in a person's blood, breath, or urine. When expressed as a percentage, it means grams of alcohol per the following:

(1) One hundred milliliters of whole blood, blood serum, or blood plasma;

(2) Two hundred ten liters of breath;

(3) One hundred milliliters of urine.

(B)(1) "Commercial driver's license" means a license issued in accordance with this chapter that authorizes an individual to drive a commercial motor vehicle. Except as otherwise specifically provided, "commercial driver's license" includes an "enhanced commercial driver's license."

(2) "Enhanced commercial driver's license" means a commercial driver's license issued in accordance with sections 4507.021 and 4506.072 of the Revised Code that denotes citizenship and identity and is approved by the United States secretary of homeland security or other designated federal agency for purposes of entering the United States.

(C) "Commercial driver's license information system" means the information system established pursuant to the requirements of the "Commercial Motor Vehicle Safety Act of 1986," 100 Stat. 3207-171, 49 U.S.C.A. App. 2701.

(D) Except when used in section 4506.25 of the Revised Code, "commercial motor vehicle" means any motor vehicle designed or used to transport persons or property that meets any of the following qualifications:

(1) Any combination of vehicles with a gross vehicle weight or combined gross vehicle weight rating of twenty-six thousand one pounds or more, provided the gross vehicle weight or gross vehicle weight rating of the vehicle or vehicles being towed is in excess of ten thousand pounds;

(2) Any single vehicle with a gross vehicle weight or gross vehicle weight rating of twenty-six thousand one pounds or more;

(3) Any single vehicle or combination of vehicles that is not a class A or class B vehicle, but is designed to transport sixteen or more passengers including the driver;

(4) Any school bus with a gross vehicle weight or gross vehicle weight rating of less than twenty-six thousand one pounds that is designed to transport fewer than sixteen passengers including the driver;

(5) Is transporting hazardous materials for which placarding is required under subpart F of 49 C.F.R. part 172, as amended;

(6) Any single vehicle or combination of vehicles that is designed to be operated and to travel on a public street or highway and is considered by the federal motor carrier safety administration to be a commercial motor vehicle, including, but not limited to, a motorized crane, a vehicle whose function is to pump cement, a rig for drilling wells, and a portable crane.

(E) "Controlled substance" means all of the following:

(1) Any substance classified as a controlled substance under the "Controlled Substances Act," 80 Stat. 1242 (1970), 21 U.S.C.A. 802(6), as amended;

(2) Any substance included in schedules I through V of 21 C.F.R. part 1308, as amended;

(3) Any drug of abuse.

(F) "Conviction" means an unvacated adjudication of guilt or a determination that a person has violated or failed to comply with the law in a court of original jurisdiction or an authorized administrative tribunal, an unvacated forfeiture of bail or collateral deposited to secure the person's appearance in court, a plea of guilty or nolo contendere accepted by the court, the payment of a fine or court cost, or violation of a condition of release without bail, regardless of whether or not the penalty is rebated, suspended, or probated.

(G) "Disqualification" means any of the following:

(1) The suspension, revocation, or cancellation of a person's privileges to operate a commercial motor vehicle;

(2) Any withdrawal of a person's privileges to operate a commercial motor vehicle as the result of a violation of state or local law relating to motor vehicle traffic control other than parking, vehicle weight, or vehicle defect violations;

(3) A determination by the federal motor carrier safety administration that a person is not qualified to operate a commercial motor vehicle under 49 C.F.R. 391.

(H) "Domiciled" means having a true, fixed, principal, and permanent residence to which an individual intends to return.

(I) "Downgrade" means any of the following, as applicable:

(1) A change in the commercial driver's license, or commercial driver's license temporary instruction permit, holder's self-certified status as described in division (A)(1) of section 4506.10 of the Revised Code;

(2) A change to a lesser class of vehicle;

(3) Removal of commercial driver's license privileges from the individual's driver's license.

(J) "Drive" means to drive, operate, or be in physical control of a motor vehicle.

(K) "Driver" means any person who drives, operates, or is in physical control of a commercial motor vehicle or is required to have a commercial driver's license.

(L) "Driver's license" means a license issued by the bureau of motor vehicles that authorizes an individual to drive.

(M) "Drug of abuse" means any controlled substance, dangerous drug as defined in section 4729.01 of the Revised Code, harmful intoxicant as defined in section 2925.01 of the Revised Code, or over-the-counter medication that, when taken in quantities exceeding the recommended dosage, can result in impairment of judgment or reflexes.

(N) "Electronic device" includes a cellular telephone, a personal digital assistant, a pager, a computer, and any other device used to input, write, send, receive, or read text.

(O) "Eligible unit of local government" means a village, township, or county that has a population of not more than three thousand persons according to the most recent federal census.

(P) "Employer" means any person, including the federal government, any state, and a political subdivision of any state, that owns or leases a commercial motor vehicle or assigns a person to drive such a motor vehicle.

(Q) "Endorsement" means an authorization on a person's commercial driver's license that is required to permit the person to operate a specified type of commercial motor vehicle.

(R) "Farm truck" means a truck controlled and operated by a farmer for use in the transportation to or from a farm, for a distance of not more than one hundred fifty miles, of products of the farm, including livestock and its products, poultry and its products, floricultural and horticultural products, and in the transportation to the farm, from a distance of not more than one hundred fifty miles, of supplies for the farm, including tile, fence, and every other thing or commodity used in agricultural, floricultural, horticultural, livestock, and poultry production, and livestock, poultry, and other animals and things used for breeding, feeding, or other purposes connected with the operation of the farm, when the truck is operated in accordance with this division and is not used in the operations of a motor carrier, as defined in section 4923.01 of the Revised Code.

(S) "Fatality" means the death of a person as the result of a motor vehicle accident occurring not more than three hundred sixty-five days prior to the date of death.

(T) "Felony" means any offense under federal or state law that is punishable by death or specifically classified as a felony under the law of this state, regardless of the penalty that may be imposed.

(U) "Foreign jurisdiction" means any jurisdiction other than a state.

(V) "Gross vehicle weight rating" means the value specified by the manufacturer as the maximum loaded weight of a single or a combination vehicle. The gross vehicle weight rating of a combination vehicle is the gross vehicle weight rating of the power unit plus the gross vehicle weight rating of each towed unit.

(W) "Hazardous materials" means any material that has been designated as hazardous under 49 U.S.C. 5103 and is required to be placarded under subpart F of 49 C.F.R. part 172 or any quantity of a material listed as a select agent or toxin in 42 C.F.R. part 73, as amended.

(X) "Imminent hazard" means the existence of a condition that presents a substantial likelihood that death, serious illness, severe personal injury, or a substantial endangerment to health, property, or the environment may occur before the reasonably foreseeable completion date of a formal proceeding begun to lessen the risk of that death, illness, injury, or endangerment.

(Y) "Medical variance" means one of the following received by a driver from the federal motor carrier safety administration that allows the driver to be issued a medical certificate:

(1) An exemption letter permitting operation of a commercial motor vehicle under 49 C.F.R. 381, subpart C or 49 C.F.R. 391.64;

(2) A skill performance evaluation certificate permitting operation of a commercial motor vehicle pursuant to 49 C.F.R. 391.49.

(Z) "Mobile telephone" means a mobile communication device that falls under or uses any commercial mobile radio service as defined in 47 C.F.R. 20, except that mobile telephone does not include two-way or citizens band radio services.

(AA) "Motor vehicle" means a vehicle, machine, tractor, trailer, or semitrailer propelled or drawn by mechanical power used on highways, except that such term does not include a vehicle, machine, tractor, trailer, or semitrailer operated exclusively on a rail.

(BB) "Out-of-service order" means a declaration by an authorized enforcement officer of a federal, state, local, Canadian, or Mexican jurisdiction declaring that a driver, commercial motor vehicle, or commercial motor carrier operation is out of service as defined in 49 C.F.R. 390.5.

(CC) "Peace officer" has the same meaning as in section 2935.01 of the Revised Code.

(DD) "Portable tank" means a liquid or gaseous packaging designed primarily to be loaded onto or temporarily attached to a vehicle and equipped with skids, mountings, or accessories to facilitate handling of the tank by mechanical means.

(EE) "Public safety vehicle" has the same meaning as in divisions (E)(1) and (3) of section 4511.01 of the Revised Code.

(FF) "Recreational vehicle" includes every vehicle that is defined as a recreational vehicle in section 4501.01 of the Revised Code and is used exclusively for purposes other than engaging in business for profit.

(GG) "Residence" means any person's residence determined in accordance with standards prescribed in rules adopted by the registrar.

(HH) "School bus" has the same meaning as in section 4511.01 of the Revised Code.

(II) "Serious traffic violation" means any of the following:

(1) A conviction arising from a single charge of operating a commercial motor vehicle in violation of any provision of section 4506.03 of the Revised Code;

(2)(a) Except as provided in division (II)(2)(b) of this section, a violation while operating a commercial motor vehicle of a law of this state, or any municipal ordinance or county or township resolution, or any other substantially similar law of another state or political subdivision of another state prohibiting either of the following:

(i) Texting while driving;

(ii) Using a handheld mobile telephone.

(b) It is not a serious traffic violation if the person was texting or using a handheld mobile telephone to contact law enforcement or other emergency services.

(3) A conviction arising from the operation of any motor vehicle that involves any of the following:

(a) A single charge of any speed in excess of the posted speed limit by fifteen miles per hour or more;

(b) Violation of section 4511.20 or 4511.201 of the Revised Code or any similar ordinance or resolution, or of any similar law of another state or political subdivision of another state;

(c) Violation of a law of this state or an ordinance or resolution relating to traffic control, other than a parking violation, or of any similar law of another state or political subdivision of another state, that results in a fatal accident;

(d) Violation of section 4506.03 of the Revised Code or a substantially similar municipal ordinance or county or township resolution, or of any similar law of another state or political subdivision of another state, that involves the operation of a commercial motor vehicle without a valid commercial driver's license with the proper class or endorsement for the specific vehicle group being operated or for the passengers or type of cargo being transported;

(e) Violation of section 4506.03 of the Revised Code or a substantially similar municipal ordinance or county or township resolution, or of any similar law of another state or political subdivision of another state, that involves the operation of a commercial motor vehicle without a valid commercial driver's license being in the person's possession;

(f) Violation of section 4511.33 or 4511.34 of the Revised Code, or any municipal ordinance or county or township resolution substantially similar to either of those sections, or any substantially similar law of another state or political subdivision of another state;

(g) Violation of any other law of this state, any law of another state, or any ordinance or resolution of a political subdivision of this state or another state that meets both of the following requirements:

(i) It relates to traffic control, other than a parking violation;

(ii) It is determined to be a serious traffic violation by the United States secretary of transportation and is designated by the director as such by rule.

(JJ) "State" means a state of the United States and includes the District of Columbia.

(KK) "Tank vehicle" means any commercial motor vehicle that is designed to transport any liquid or gaseous materials within a tank or tanks that are either permanently or temporarily attached to the vehicle or its chassis and have an individual rated capacity of more than one hundred nineteen gallons and an aggregate rated capacity of one thousand gallons or more. "Tank vehicle" does not include a commercial motor vehicle transporting an empty storage container tank that is not designed for transportation, has a rated capacity of one thousand gallons or more, and is temporarily attached to a flatbed trailer.

(LL) "Tester" means a person or entity acting pursuant to a valid agreement entered into pursuant to division (B) of section 4506.09 of the Revised Code.

(MM) "Texting" means manually entering alphanumeric text into, or reading text from, an electronic device. Texting includes short message service, e-mail, instant messaging, a command or request to access a world wide web page, pressing more than a single button to initiate or terminate a voice communication using a mobile telephone, or engaging in any other form of electronic text retrieval or entry, for present or future communication. Texting does not include the following:

(1) Using voice commands to initiate, receive, or terminate a voice communication using a mobile telephone;

(2) Inputting, selecting, or reading information on a global positioning system or navigation system;

(3) Pressing a single button to initiate or terminate a voice communication using a mobile telephone; or

(4) Using, for a purpose that is not otherwise prohibited by law, a device capable of performing multiple functions, such as a fleet management system, a dispatching device, a mobile telephone, a citizens band radio, or a music player.

(NN) "Texting while driving" means texting while operating a commercial motor vehicle, with the motor running, including while temporarily stationary because of traffic, a traffic control device, or other momentary delays. Texting while driving does not include operating a commercial motor vehicle with or without the motor running when the driver has moved the vehicle to the side of, or off, a highway and is stopped in a location where the vehicle can safely remain stationary.

(OO) "United States" means the fifty states and the District of Columbia.

(PP) "Upgrade" means a change in the class of vehicles, endorsements, or self-certified status as described in division (A)(1) of section 4506.10 of the Revised Code, that expands the ability of a current commercial driver's license holder to operate commercial motor vehicles under this chapter;

(QQ) "Use of a handheld mobile telephone" means:

(1) Using at least one hand to hold a mobile telephone to conduct a voice communication;

(2) Dialing or answering a mobile telephone by pressing more than a single button; or

(3) Reaching for a mobile telephone in a manner that requires a driver to maneuver so that the driver is no longer in a seated driving position, or restrained by a seat belt that is installed in accordance with 49 C.F.R. 393.93 and adjusted in accordance with the vehicle manufacturer's instructions.

(RR) "Vehicle" has the same meaning as in section 4511.01 of the Revised Code.

Last updated April 27, 2023 at 3:14 PM

Section 4506.011 | Actual gross weight may be used in lieu of gross vehicle weight rating to determine qualification as commercial motor vehicle.

For purposes of this chapter, the actual gross weight of a vehicle or combination of vehicles may be used in lieu of a gross vehicle weight rating to determine whether a vehicle or combination of vehicles qualifies as a commercial motor vehicle if the gross vehicle weight rating specified by the manufacturer for the vehicle or combination of vehicles is not determinable, or if the manufacturer of the vehicle has not specified a gross vehicle weight rating.

Section 4506.03 | Commercial driver's license or temporary instruction permit requirements.

(A) Except as provided in divisions (B) and (C) of this section, the following shall apply:

(1) No person shall drive a commercial motor vehicle on a highway in this state unless the person holds, and has in the person's possession, any of the following:

(a) A valid commercial driver's license with proper endorsements for the motor vehicle being driven, issued by the registrar of motor vehicles or by another jurisdiction recognized by this state;

(b) A valid examiner's commercial driving permit issued under section 4506.13 of the Revised Code;

(c) A valid restricted commercial driver's license and waiver for farm-related service industries issued under section 4506.24 of the Revised Code;

(d) A valid commercial driver's license temporary instruction permit issued by the registrar, provided that the person is accompanied by an authorized state driver's license examiner or tester or a person who has been issued and has in the person's immediate possession a current, valid commercial driver's license and who meets the requirements of division (B) of section 4506.06 of the Revised Code.

(2) No person's commercial driver's license temporary instruction permit shall be upgraded, and no commercial driver's license shall be upgraded, renewed, or issued to a person until the person surrenders to the registrar of motor vehicles all valid licenses and permits issued to the person by this state or by another jurisdiction recognized by this state. If the license or permit was issued by any other state or another jurisdiction recognized by this state, the registrar shall report the surrender of a license or permit to the issuing authority, together with information that a license or permit is now issued in this state. The registrar shall destroy any such license or permit that is not returned to the issuing authority.

(3) No person who has been a resident of this state for thirty days or longer shall drive a commercial motor vehicle under the authority of a commercial driver's license issued by another jurisdiction.

(B) Nothing in division (A) of this section applies to any qualified person when engaged in the operation of any of the following:

(1) A farm truck;

(2) Fire equipment for a fire department, volunteer or nonvolunteer fire company, fire district, joint fire district, or the state fire marshal;

(3) A public safety vehicle used to provide transportation or emergency medical service for ill or injured persons;

(4) A recreational vehicle;

(5) A commercial motor vehicle within the boundaries of an eligible unit of local government, if the person is employed by the eligible unit of local government and is operating the commercial motor vehicle for the purpose of removing snow or ice from a roadway by plowing, sanding, or salting, but only if either the employee who holds a commercial driver's license issued under this chapter and ordinarily operates a commercial motor vehicle for these purposes is unable to operate the vehicle, or the employing eligible unit of local government determines that a snow or ice emergency exists that requires additional assistance;

(6) A vehicle operated for military purposes by any member or uniformed employee of the armed forces of the United States or their reserve components, including the Ohio national guard. This exception does not apply to United States reserve technicians.

(7) A commercial motor vehicle that is operated for nonbusiness purposes. "Operated for nonbusiness purposes" means that the commercial motor vehicle is not used in commerce as "commerce" is defined in 49 C.F.R. 383.5, as amended, and is not regulated by the public utilities commission pursuant to Chapter 4905., 4921., or 4923. of the Revised Code.

(8) A motor vehicle that is designed primarily for the transportation of goods and not persons, while that motor vehicle is being used for the occasional transportation of personal property by individuals not for compensation and not in the furtherance of a commercial enterprise;

(9) A police SWAT team vehicle;

(10) A police vehicle used to transport prisoners.

(C) Nothing contained in division (B)(5) of this section shall be construed as preempting or superseding any law, rule, or regulation of this state concerning the safe operation of commercial motor vehicles.

(D) Whoever violates this section is guilty of a misdemeanor of the first degree.

Section 4506.04 | Prohibited acts.

(A) No person shall do any of the following:

(1) Drive a commercial motor vehicle while having in the person's possession or otherwise under the person's control more than one valid driver's license issued by this state, any other state, or by a foreign jurisdiction;

(2) Drive a commercial motor vehicle on a highway in this state in violation of an out-of-service order, while the person's driving privilege is suspended, revoked, or canceled, or while the person is subject to disqualification;

(3) Drive a motor vehicle on a highway in this state under authority of a commercial driver's license issued by another state or a foreign jurisdiction, after having been a resident of this state for thirty days or longer;

(4) Knowingly give false information in any application or certification required by section 4506.07 of the Revised Code;

(5) Knowingly provide false statements or engage in any fraudulent act related to testing for a commercial driver's license as required in section 4506.09 of the Revised Code.

(B) The department of public safety shall give every conviction occurring out of this state and notice of which is received after December 31, 1989, full faith and credit and treat it for sanctioning purposes under this chapter as though the conviction had occurred in this state.

(C)(1) Whoever violates division (A)(1), (2), or (3) of this section is guilty of a misdemeanor of the first degree.

(2) Whoever violates division (A)(4) of this section is guilty of falsification, a misdemeanor of the first degree. In addition, the provisions of section 4507.19 of the Revised Code apply.

(3) Whoever violates division (A)(5) of this section is guilty of falsification, a misdemeanor of the third degree. In addition, the provisions of section 4507.19 of the Revised Code apply.

Last updated October 6, 2023 at 12:14 PM

Section 4506.05 | Conditions for driving commercial motor vehicle.

(A) Notwithstanding any other provision of law, a person may drive a commercial motor vehicle on a highway in this state if all of the following conditions are met:

(1) The person has a valid commercial driver's license or commercial driver's license temporary instruction permit issued by any state or jurisdiction in accordance with the minimum standards adopted by the federal motor carrier safety administration under the "Commercial Motor Vehicle Safety Act of 1986," 100 Stat. 3207-171, 49 U.S.C.A. App. for issuance of commercial driver's licenses;

(2) The person's commercial driver's license or temporary instruction permit is not suspended, revoked, or canceled, and the person has the appropriate endorsements for the vehicle that is being driven;

(3) The person is not disqualified from driving a commercial motor vehicle;

(4) The person is not subject to an out-of-service order;

(5) The person is medically certified as physically qualified to operate a commercial motor vehicle in accordance with this chapter.

(a) A person who submitted a medical examiner's certificate to the registrar in accordance with division (A)(1) of section 4506.10 of the Revised Code and whose medical certification information is maintained in the commercial driver's license information system is not required to have the medical examiner's certificate in the person's possession when on duty.

(b) A person whose medical certification information is not maintained in the commercial driver's license information system shall have in the person's possession when on duty the original or a copy of the current medical examiner's certificate that was submitted to the registrar. However, the person may operate a commercial motor vehicle with such proof of medical certification for not more than fifteen days after the date the current medical examiner's certificate was issued to the person.

(c) A person who has a medical variance shall have in the person's possession the original or copy of the medical variance documentation at all times while on duty.

(B) No person shall drive a commercial motor vehicle on a highway in this state if the person does not meet the conditions specified in division (A) of this section.

(C) Except as set forth in 49 C.F.R. 390.3(f), 391.2, 391.62, 391.67, and 391.68, no person holding a commercial driver's license temporary instruction permit or a commercial driver's license issued under this chapter may drive a commercial motor vehicle in interstate commerce until the person is at least twenty-one years of age.

(D)(1) Whoever violates this section is guilty of a misdemeanor of the first degree.

(2) The offenses established under this section are strict liability offenses and section 2901.20 of the Revised Code does not apply. The designation of these offenses as strict liability offenses shall not be construed to imply that any other offense, for which there is no specified degree of culpability, is not a strict liability offense.

Section 4506.06 | Issuance of temporary instruction permit.

(A) The registrar of motor vehicles, upon receiving an application for a commercial driver's license temporary instruction permit, may issue the permit to any person who is at least eighteen years of age and holds a valid driver's license, other than a restricted license, issued under Chapter 4507. of the Revised Code. The registrar shall not issue a commercial driver's license temporary instruction permit for a period exceeding twelve months. A commercial driver's license temporary instruction permit is a prerequisite for the following:

(1) An initial issuance of a commercial driver's license when a skills test is required;

(2) An upgrade of a commercial driver's license when a skills test is required.

(B) The holder of a commercial driver's license temporary instruction permit, unless otherwise disqualified, may drive a commercial motor vehicle only when the holder has the permit in the holder's actual possession and is accompanied by a person who:

(1) Holds a valid commercial driver's license and all necessary endorsements for the type of vehicle being driven;

(2) Occupies a seat beside the permit holder for the purpose of giving instruction in driving the motor vehicle; and

(3) Has the permit holder under observation and direct supervision.

(C)(1) The director of public safety shall adopt rules, in accordance with Chapter 119. of the Revised Code, authorizing the waiver of the knowledge test that is generally required in order to obtain a commercial driver's license temporary instruction permit. In order to obtain the waiver, an applicant for a commercial driver's license temporary instruction permit shall certify and provide evidence that, during the one-year period immediately preceding the application for the permit, all of the following apply:

(a) As authorized under 49 C.F.R. 383.77, the applicant is or was regularly employed and designated as one of the following:

(i) A motor transport operator - 88M, army;

(ii) A PATRIOT launching station operator - 14T, army;

(iii) A fueler - 92F, army;

(iv) A vehicle operator - 2T1, air force;

(v) A fueler - 2F0, air force;

(vi) A pavement and construction equipment operator - 3E2, air force;

(vii) A motor vehicle operator - 3531, marine corps;

(viii) An equipment operator - E.O., navy.

(b) The applicant has been operating a vehicle representative of the type of commercial motor vehicle that the applicant expects to operate upon separation from the military or operated such a vehicle immediately preceding such separation.

(c) The applicant has not held more than one license simultaneously, excluding any military license.

(d) The applicant has not had any license suspended, revoked, or canceled.

(e) The applicant has not had any convictions, for any type of motor vehicle, for the offenses for which disqualification is prescribed in section 4506.16 of the Revised Code.

(f) The applicant has not had more than one conviction, for any type of motor vehicle, for a serious traffic violation.

(g) The applicant has not had any violation of a military, state, or local law relating to motor vehicle traffic control, other than a parking violation, arising in connection with any traffic accident and has no record of an accident in which the applicant was at fault.

(2) The waiver established under division (C) of this section does not apply to a United States reserve technician.

(D) Whoever violates division (A) or (B) of this section is guilty of a misdemeanor of the first degree.

Last updated October 6, 2023 at 12:15 PM

Section 4506.07 | Form and contents of application for license or permit - registration as elector.

(A) An applicant for a commercial driver's license, restricted commercial driver's license, or a commercial driver's license temporary instruction permit, or a duplicate of such a license or permit, shall submit an application upon a form approved and furnished by the registrar of motor vehicles. Except as provided in section 4506.24 of the Revised Code in regard to a restricted commercial driver's license, the applicant shall sign the application which shall contain the following information:

(1) The applicant's name, date of birth, social security account number, sex, general description including height, weight, and color of hair and eyes, current residence, duration of residence in this state, state of domicile, country of citizenship, and occupation;

(2) Whether the applicant previously has been licensed to operate a commercial motor vehicle or any other type of motor vehicle in another state or a foreign jurisdiction and, if so, when, by what state, and whether the license or driving privileges currently are suspended or revoked in any jurisdiction, or the applicant otherwise has been disqualified from operating a commercial motor vehicle, or is subject to an out-of-service order issued under this chapter or any similar law of another state or a foreign jurisdiction and, if so, the date of, locations involved, and reason for the suspension, revocation, disqualification, or out-of-service order;

(3) Whether the applicant has any physical or mental disability or disease that prevents the applicant from exercising reasonable and ordinary control over a motor vehicle while operating it upon a highway or is or has been subject to any condition resulting in episodic impairment of consciousness or loss of muscular control and, if so, the nature and extent of the disability, disease, or condition, and the names and addresses of the physicians, certified nurse-midwives if authorized as described in section 4723.438 of the Revised Code, clinical nurse specialists, or certified nurse practitioners attending the applicant;

(4) Whether the applicant has obtained a medical examiner's certificate as required by this chapter and, beginning January 30, 2012, the applicant, prior to or at the time of applying, has self-certified to the registrar the applicable status of the applicant under division (A)(1) of section 4506.10 of the Revised Code;

(5) Whether the applicant has pending a citation for violation of any motor vehicle law or ordinance except a parking violation and, if so, a description of the citation, the court having jurisdiction of the offense, and the date when the offense occurred;

(6) If an applicant has not certified the applicant's willingness to make an anatomical gift under section 2108.05 of the Revised Code, whether the applicant wishes to certify willingness to make such an anatomical gift, which shall be given no consideration in the issuance of a license;

(7) Whether the applicant has executed a valid durable power of attorney for health care pursuant to sections 1337.11 to 1337.17 of the Revised Code or has executed a declaration governing the use or continuation, or the withholding or withdrawal, of life-sustaining treatment pursuant to sections 2133.01 to 2133.15 of the Revised Code and, if the applicant has executed either type of instrument, whether the applicant wishes the license issued to indicate that the applicant has executed the instrument;

(8) Whether the applicant is a veteran, active duty, or reservist of the armed forces of the United States and, if the applicant is such, whether the applicant wishes the license issued to indicate that the applicant is a veteran, active duty, or reservist of the armed forces of the United States by a military designation on the license.

(B) Every applicant shall certify, on a form approved and furnished by the registrar, all of the following:

(1) That the motor vehicle in which the applicant intends to take the driving skills test is representative of the type of motor vehicle that the applicant expects to operate as a driver;

(2) That the applicant is not subject to any disqualification or out-of-service order, or license suspension, revocation, or cancellation, under the laws of this state, of another state, or of a foreign jurisdiction and does not have more than one driver's license issued by this or another state or a foreign jurisdiction;

(3) Any additional information, certification, or evidence that the registrar requires by rule in order to ensure that the issuance of a commercial driver's license or commercial driver's license temporary instruction permit to the applicant is in compliance with the law of this state and with federal law.

(C) Every applicant shall execute a form, approved and furnished by the registrar, under which the applicant consents to the release by the registrar of information from the applicant's driving record.

(D) The registrar or a deputy registrar, in accordance with section 3503.11 of the Revised Code, shall register as an elector any applicant for a commercial driver's license or for a renewal or duplicate of such a license under this chapter, if the applicant is eligible and wishes to be registered as an elector. The decision of an applicant whether to register as an elector shall be given no consideration in the decision of whether to issue the applicant a license or a renewal or duplicate.

(E) The registrar or a deputy registrar, in accordance with section 3503.11 of the Revised Code, shall offer the opportunity of completing a notice of change of residence or change of name to any applicant for a commercial driver's license or for a renewal or duplicate of such a license who is a resident of this state, if the applicant is a registered elector who has changed the applicant's residence or name and has not filed such a notice.

(F) In considering any application submitted pursuant to this section, the bureau of motor vehicles may conduct any inquiries necessary to ensure that issuance or renewal of a commercial driver's license would not violate any provision of the Revised Code or federal law.

(G) In addition to any other information it contains, the form approved and furnished by the registrar of motor vehicles for an application for a commercial driver's license, restricted commercial driver's license, or a commercial driver's license temporary instruction permit or an application for a duplicate of such a license or permit shall inform applicants that the applicant must present a copy of the applicant's DD-214 or an equivalent document in order to qualify to have the license, or permit, or duplicate indicate that the applicant is a veteran, active duty, or reservist of the armed forces of the United States based on a request made pursuant to division (A)(8) of this section.

Last updated February 18, 2025 at 4:25 PM

Section 4506.071 | Effect of child support default on license or permit.

On receipt of a notice pursuant to section 3123.54 of the Revised Code, the registrar of motor vehicles shall comply with sections 3123.53 to 3123.60 of the Revised Code and any applicable rules adopted under section 3123.63 of the Revised Code with respect to a commercial driver's license or commercial driver's license temporary instruction permit issued pursuant to this chapter.

Section 4506.072 | Enhanced commercial driver's license.

(A) Pursuant to the memorandum of understanding agreement authorized by section 4507.021 of the Revised Code between the director of public safety and the United States department of homeland security or other designated federal agency, and in accordance with the rules adopted by the registrar of motor vehicles under that section, the registrar or a deputy registrar shall issue an enhanced commercial driver's license to an eligible applicant. An applicant for an enhanced commercial driver's license shall do all of the following:

(1) Provide satisfactory proof of the applicant's identity and citizenship;

(2) Submit a biometric identifier as required by rule;

(3) Sign a declaration on a form prescribed by the registrar acknowledging the use of the one-to-many biometric match and radio frequency identification or other security features of the license;

(4) Pay a fee of twenty-five dollars, in addition to any other applicable fees in section 4506.08 of the Revised Code for issuance of a commercial driver's license. The fee shall be paid into the state treasury to the credit of the public safety - highway purposes fund created in section 4501.06 of the Revised Code.

(5) Comply with all other conditions, qualifications, and requirements for issuance of a commercial driver's license.

(B) All provisions in the Revised Code relating to a commercial driver's license include and apply to an enhanced commercial driver's license. An enhanced commercial driver's license may be used in the same manner as a commercial driver's license and additionally is approved for purposes of entering the United States at authorized land and sea ports.

Last updated May 3, 2023 at 11:55 AM

Section 4506.08 | Application and driving record information fees.

(A)(1) Each application for a commercial driver's license temporary instruction permit shall be accompanied by a fee of ten dollars.

(2) Each application for a waiver for farm-related service industries shall be accompanied by a fee of twenty-five dollars.

(3) Except as provided in division (A)(4) of this section, each application for a commercial driver's license, restricted commercial driver's license, or renewal of such a license shall be accompanied by the following fee, as applicable:

(a) A fee of twenty-five dollars if the license will expire on the licensee's twenty-first birthday;

(b) A fee of twenty-five dollars if the license will expire on the licensee's birthday four years after the date of issuance;

(c) A fee of forty-nine dollars and fifty cents if the license will expire on the licensee's birthday eight years after the date of issuance.

(4) Each application for a commercial driver's license or restricted commercial driver's license received pursuant to division (A)(3) of section 4506.14 of the Revised Code shall be accompanied by the following fee, as applicable:

(a) A fee of eighteen dollars and seventy-five cents if the license will expire on the licensee's birthday three years after the date of issuance;

(b) A fee of twelve dollars and fifty cents if the license will expire on the licensee's birthday two years after the date of issuance;

(c) A fee of six dollars and twenty-five cents if the license will expire on the licensee's birthday one year after the date of issuance.

(5) Each application for a duplicate or reprint commercial driver's license shall be accompanied by a fee of ten dollars.

(B)(1) The registrar of motor vehicles or deputy registrar may collect and retain an additional fee equal to the amount established under section 4503.038 of the Revised Code for each application received by the registrar or deputy registrar for any of the following:

(a) A commercial driver's license temporary instruction permit;

(b) A commercial driver's license or a restricted commercial driver's license that will expire on the licensee's twenty-first birthday;

(c) A commercial driver's license, a restricted commercial driver's license, or a renewal of such a license that will expire on the licensee's birthday four years after the date of issuance;

(d) A commercial driver's license or restricted commercial driver's license issued pursuant to division (A)(3) of section 4506.14 of the Revised Code;

(e) A duplicate or reprint commercial driver's license.

(2) The registrar or deputy registrar may collect and retain an additional fee equal to twice the amount established under section 4503.038 of the Revised Code for each application received by the registrar or deputy registrar for a commercial driver's license, restricted commercial driver's license, or renewal of such a license that will expire on the licensee's birthday eight years after the date of issuance.

(C)(1) In addition to the fees imposed under divisions (A) and (B) of this section, the registrar of motor vehicles or deputy registrar shall collect the following fee for each application, as applicable:

(a) Twelve dollars for a commercial driver's license temporary instruction permit;

(b) Twelve dollars for a commercial driver's license or restricted commercial driver's license that will expire on the licensee's twenty-first birthday;

(c) Twelve dollars for a commercial driver's license, restricted commercial driver's license, or renewal of such a license that will expire on the licensee's birthday four years after the date of issuance;

(d) Twelve dollars for a commercial driver's license or restricted commercial driver's license issued pursuant to division (A)(3) of section 4506.14 of the Revised Code;

(e) Twelve dollars for a duplicate or reprint commercial driver's license;

(f) Twenty-three dollars and fifty cents for a commercial driver's license, restricted commercial driver's license, or renewal of such a license that will expire on the licensee's birthday eight years after the date of issuance.

(2) The additional fee is for the purpose of defraying the department of public safety's costs associated with the administration and enforcement of the motor vehicle and traffic laws of Ohio.

(D) Each deputy registrar shall transmit the fees collected under divisions (A) and (C) of this section in the time and manner prescribed by the registrar. The registrar shall deposit all moneys collected under divisions (A) and (C) of this section into the public safety - highway purposes fund established in section 4501.06 of the Revised Code.

(E) Upon request and payment of a fee of five dollars, the registrar shall furnish information regarding the driving record of any person holding a commercial driver's license issued by this state to the employer or prospective employer of such a person and to any insurer.

The registrar shall pay each five-dollar fee the registrar collects under this division into the state treasury to the credit of the public safety - highway purposes fund established in section 4501.06 of the Revised Code.

Section 4506.09 | Rules for qualification and testing of applicants.

(A) The registrar of motor vehicles, subject to approval by the director of public safety, shall adopt rules conforming with applicable standards adopted by the federal motor carrier safety administration as regulations under Pub. L. No. 103-272, 108 Stat. 1014 to 1029 (1994), 49 U.S.C.A. 31301 to 31317. The rules shall establish requirements for the qualification and testing of persons applying for a commercial driver's license, which are in addition to other requirements established by this chapter. Except as provided in division (B) of this section, the highway patrol or any other employee of the department of public safety the registrar authorizes shall supervise and conduct the testing of persons applying for a commercial driver's license.

(B) The director may adopt rules, in accordance with Chapter 119. of the Revised Code and applicable requirements of the federal motor carrier safety administration, authorizing the skills test specified in this section to be administered by any person, by an agency of this or another state, or by an agency, department, or instrumentality of local government. Each party authorized under this division to administer the skills test may charge a maximum divisible fee of one hundred fifteen dollars for each skills test given as part of a commercial driver's license examination. The fee shall consist of not more than twenty-seven dollars for the pre-trip inspection portion of the test, not more than twenty-seven dollars for the off-road maneuvering portion of the test, and not more than sixty-one dollars for the on-road portion of the test. Each such party may require an appointment fee in the same manner provided in division (E)(2) of this section, except that the maximum amount such a party may require as an appointment fee is one hundred fifteen dollars. The skills test administered by another party under this division shall be the same as otherwise would be administered by this state. The other party shall enter into an agreement with the director that, without limitation, does all of the following:

(1) Allows the director or the director's representative and the federal motor carrier safety administration or its representative to conduct random examinations, inspections, and audits of the other party, whether covert or overt, without prior notice;

(2) Requires the director or the director's representative to conduct on-site inspections of the other party at least annually;

(3) Requires that all examiners of the other party meet the same qualification and training standards as examiners of the department of public safety, including criminal background checks and the standards applicable to the class of vehicle and endorsements for which an applicant taking the skills test is applying, to the extent necessary to conduct skills tests in the manner required by 49 C.F.R. 383.110 through 383.135. In accordance with federal guidelines, any examiner employed on July 1, 2017, shall have a criminal background check conducted at least once, and any examiner hired after July 1, 2015, shall have a criminal background check conducted after the examiner is initially hired.

(4) Requires either that state employees take, at least annually and as though the employees were test applicants, the tests actually administered by the other party, that the director test a sample of drivers who were examined by the other party to compare the test results, or that state employees accompany a test applicant during an actual test;

(5) Unless the other party is a governmental entity, requires the other party to initiate and maintain a bond in an amount determined by the director to sufficiently pay for the retesting of drivers in the event that the other party or its skills test examiners are involved in fraudulent activities related to skills testing;

(6) Requires the other party to use only skills test examiners who have successfully completed a commercial driver's license examiner training course as prescribed by the director, and have been certified by the state as a commercial driver's license skills test examiner qualified to administer the applicable skills tests;

(7) Requires the other party to use designated road test routes that have been approved by the director;

(8) Requires the other party to schedule all skills test appointments through a system or method provided by the director. If a system or method is not provided by the director, the other party shall submit a schedule of skills test appointments to the director weekly. The director may request that any additions to the schedule of skills test appointments, made after the weekly submission, be submitted to the director not later than two business days prior to the additional skills test appointment.

(9) Requires the other party to maintain copies of the following records at its principal place of business:

(a) The other party's commercial driver's license skills testing program certificate;

(b) Each skills test examiner's certificate of authorization to administer skills tests for the classes and types of commercial motor vehicles listed in the certificate;

(c) Each completed skills test scoring sheet for the current calendar year as well as the prior two calendar years;

(d) A complete list of the test routes that have been approved by the director;

(e) A complete and accurate copy of each examiner's training record;

(f) A copy of the agreement that the other party made with the director.

(10) If the other party also is a driver training school, prohibits its skills test examiners from administering skills tests to applicants that the examiner personally trained;

(11) Requires each skills test examiner to administer a complete skills test to a minimum of ten different individuals per calendar year;

(12) Reserves to this state the right to take prompt and appropriate remedial action against the other party and its skills test examiners if the other party or its skills test examiners fail to comply with standards of this state or federal standards for the testing program or with any other terms of the contract.

(C) The director shall enter into an agreement with the department of education and workforce authorizing the skills test specified in this section to be administered by the department at any location operated by the department for purposes of training and testing school bus drivers, provided that the agreement between the director and the department complies with the requirements of division (B) of this section. Skills tests administered by the department shall be limited to persons applying for a commercial driver's license with a school bus endorsement.

(D)(1) The director shall adopt rules, in accordance with Chapter 119. of the Revised Code, authorizing waiver of the skills test specified in this section for any applicant for a commercial driver's license who meets all of the following requirements:

(a) As authorized under 49 C.F.R. 383.77, the applicant operates a commercial motor vehicle for military purposes and is one of the following:

(i) Active duty military personnel;

(ii) A member of the military reserves;

(iii) A member of the national guard on active duty, including full-time national guard duty, part-time national guard training, and national guard military technicians;

(iv) Active duty U.S. coast guard personnel.

(b) The applicant certifies that, during the two-year period immediately preceding application for a commercial driver's license, all of the following apply:

(i) The applicant has not had more than one license, excluding any military license.

(ii) The applicant has not had any license suspended, revoked, or canceled.

(iii) The applicant has not had any convictions for any type of motor vehicle for the offenses for which disqualification is prescribed in section 4506.16 of the Revised Code.

(iv) The applicant has not had more than one conviction for any type of motor vehicle for a serious traffic violation.

(v) The applicant has not had any violation of a state or local law relating to motor vehicle traffic control other than a parking violation arising in connection with any traffic accident and has no record of an accident in which the applicant was at fault.

(c) In accordance with rules adopted by the director, the applicant certifies and also provides evidence of all of the following:

(i) That the applicant is or was regularly employed in a military position requiring operation of a commercial motor vehicle;

(ii) That the applicant was exempt from the requirements of this chapter under division (B)(6) of section 4506.03 of the Revised Code;

(iii) That, for at least two years immediately preceding the date of application or at least two years immediately preceding the date the applicant separated from military service or employment, the applicant regularly operated a vehicle representative of the commercial motor vehicle type that the applicant operates or expects to operate.

(2) The waiver established under division (D)(1) of this section does not apply to United States reserve technicians.

(E)(1) The department of public safety may charge and collect a divisible fee of fifty dollars for each skills test given as part of a commercial driver's license examination. The fee shall consist of ten dollars for the pre-trip inspection portion of the test, ten dollars for the off-road maneuvering portion of the test, and thirty dollars for the on-road portion of the test.

(2) No applicant is eligible to take the skills test until a minimum of fourteen days have elapsed since the initial issuance of a commercial driver's license temporary instruction permit to the applicant. The director may require an applicant for a commercial driver's license who schedules an appointment with the highway patrol or other authorized employee of the department of public safety to take all portions of the skills test and to pay an appointment fee of fifty dollars at the time of scheduling the appointment. If the applicant appears at the time and location specified for the appointment and takes all portions of the skills test during that appointment, the appointment fee serves as the skills test fee. If the applicant schedules an appointment to take all portions of the skills test and fails to appear at the time and location specified for the appointment, the director shall not refund any portion of the appointment fee. If the applicant schedules an appointment to take all portions of the skills test and appears at the time and location specified for the appointment, but declines or is unable to take all portions of the skills test, the director shall not refund any portion of the appointment fee. If the applicant cancels a scheduled appointment forty-eight hours or more prior to the time of the appointment time, the applicant shall not forfeit the appointment fee.

An applicant for a commercial driver's license who schedules an appointment to take one or more, but not all, portions of the skills test is required to pay an appointment fee equal to the costs of each test scheduled, as prescribed in division (E)(1) of this section, when scheduling such an appointment. If the applicant appears at the time and location specified for the appointment and takes all the portions of the skills test during that appointment that the applicant was scheduled to take, the appointment fee serves as the skills test fee. If the applicant schedules an appointment to take one or more, but not all, portions of the skills test and fails to appear at the time and location specified for the appointment, the director shall not refund any portion of the appointment fee. If the applicant schedules an appointment to take one or more, but not all, portions of the skills test and appears at the time and location specified for the appointment, but declines or is unable to take all portions of the skills test that the applicant was scheduled to take, the director shall not refund any portion of the appointment fee. If the applicant cancels a scheduled appointment forty-eight hours or more prior to the time of the appointment time, the applicant shall not forfeit the appointment fee.

(3) The department of public safety shall deposit all fees it collects under division (E) of this section in the public safety - highway purposes fund established in section 4501.06 of the Revised Code.

(F)(1) Unless an applicant for a commercial driver's license has successfully completed the training required under 49 C.F.R. 380, subpart F, the applicant is not eligible to do any of the following:

(a) Take the skills test required for initial issuance of a class A or a class B commercial driver's license;

(b) Take the skills test required for initial issuance of a passenger (P) or school bus (S) endorsement on the applicant's commercial driver's license;

(c) Take the knowledge test required for initial issuance of a hazardous materials (H) endorsement on the applicant's commercial driver's license.

Before an applicant takes the applicable skills or knowledge test, the registrar shall electronically verify, through the federal motor carrier safety administration's training provider registry, that an applicant has completed the required training under 49 C.F.R. 380, subpart F.

(2) The training required under 49 C.F.R. 380, subpart F, and under division (F)(1) of this section may be provided by either of the following:

(a) A driver training school pursuant to section 4508.031 of the Revised Code;

(b) An authorized driver training provider listed on the federal motor carrier safety administration's training provider registry.

(G) A person who has successfully completed commercial driver's license training in this state but seeks a commercial driver's license in another state where the person is domiciled may schedule an appointment to take the skills test in this state and shall pay the appropriate appointment fee. Upon the person's completion of the skills test, this state shall electronically transmit the applicant's results to the state where the person is domiciled. If a person who is domiciled in this state takes a skills test in another state, this state shall accept the results of the skills test from the other state. If the person passed the other state's skills test and meets all of the other licensing requirements set forth in this chapter and rules adopted under this chapter, the registrar of motor vehicles or a deputy registrar shall issue a commercial driver's license to that person.

(H) Unless otherwise specified, the director or the director's representative shall conduct the examinations, inspections, audits, and test monitoring set forth in divisions (B)(2),(3), and (4) of this section at least annually. If the other party or any of its skills test examiners fail to comply with state or federal standards for the skills testing program, the director or the director's representative shall take prompt and appropriate remedial action against the party and its skills test examiners. Remedial action may include termination of the agreement or revocation of a skills test examiner's certification.

(I) As used in this section, "skills test" means a test of an applicant's ability to drive the type of commercial motor vehicle for which the applicant seeks a commercial driver's license by having the applicant drive such a motor vehicle while under the supervision of an authorized state driver's license examiner or tester.

Last updated September 12, 2023 at 11:54 AM

Section 4506.10 | Physical qualifications for commercial driver's license; Compliance with federal regulations.

(A) No person who holds a valid commercial driver's license shall drive a commercial motor vehicle unless the person is physically qualified to do so.

(1) Any person applying for a commercial driver's license or commercial driver's license temporary instruction permit, the renewal or upgrade of a commercial driver's license or commercial driver's license temporary instruction permit, or the transfer of a commercial driver's license from out of state shall self-certify to the registrar for purposes of 49 C.F.R. 383.71, one of the following in regard to the applicant's operation of a commercial motor vehicle, as applicable:

(a)(i) If the applicant operates or expects to operate a commercial motor vehicle in interstate or foreign commerce and is subject to and meets the requirements under 49 C.F.R. part 391, the applicant shall self-certify that the applicant is non-excepted interstate and shall provide the registrar with the original or a copy of a medical examiner's certificate and each subsequently issued medical examiner's certificate prepared by a qualified medical examiner to maintain a medically certified status on the applicant's commercial driver licensing system driver record;

(ii) If the applicant operates or expects to operate a commercial motor vehicle in interstate commerce, but engages in transportation or operations excepted under 49 C.F.R. 390.3(f), 391.2, 391.68, or 398.3 from all or parts of the qualification requirements of 49 C.F.R. part 391, the applicant shall self-certify that the applicant is excepted interstate and is not required to obtain a medical examiner's certificate.

(b)(i) If the applicant operates only in intrastate commerce and is subject to state driver qualification requirements, the applicant shall self-certify that the applicant is non-excepted intrastate;

(ii) If the applicant operates only in intrastate commerce and is excepted from all or parts of the state driver qualification requirements, the applicant shall self-certify that the applicant is excepted intrastate.

(2) Notwithstanding the expiration date on a person's commercial driver's license or commercial driver's license temporary instruction permit, every commercial driver's license or commercial driver's license temporary instruction permit holder shall provide the registrar with the certification required by this section, on or after January 30, 2012, but prior to January 30, 2014.

(B) A person is qualified to drive a school bus if the person holds a valid commercial driver's license along with the proper endorsements, and if the person has been certified as medically qualified in accordance with rules adopted by the department of education and workforce.

(C)(1) Except as provided in division (C)(2) of this section, only a medical examiner who is listed on the national registry of certified medical examiners established by the federal motor carrier safety administration shall perform a medical examination required by this section.

(2) A person licensed under Chapter 4725. of the Revised Code to practice optometry in this state, or licensed under any similar law of another state, may perform any part of an examination required by this section that pertains to visual acuity, field of vision, and the ability to recognize colors.

(3) The individual who performed an examination conducted pursuant to this section shall complete any written documentation of a physical examination on a form that substantially complies with the requirements of 49 C.F.R. 391.43(h).

(D) Whenever good cause appears, the registrar, upon issuing a commercial driver's license or commercial driver's license temporary instruction permit under this chapter, may impose restrictions suitable to the licensee's driving ability with respect to the type of motor vehicle or special mechanical control devices required on a motor vehicle that the licensee may operate, or such other restrictions applicable to the licensee as the registrar determines to be necessary.

The registrar may either issue a special restricted license or may set forth upon the usual license form the restrictions imposed.

The registrar, upon receiving satisfactory evidence of any violation of the restrictions of the license, may impose a class D license suspension of the license for the period of time specified in division (B)(4) of section 4510.02 of the Revised Code.

The registrar, upon receiving satisfactory evidence that an applicant or holder of a commercial driver's license or commercial driver's license temporary instruction permit has violated division (A)(4) or (A)(5) of section 4506.04 of the Revised Code, shall cancel the person's commercial driver's license or commercial driver's license temporary instruction permit or any pending application from the person for a commercial driver's license, commercial driver's license temporary instruction permit, or class D driver's license for a period of at least sixty days, during which time no application for a commercial driver's license, commercial driver's license temporary instruction permit, or class D driver's license shall be received from the person.

(E) Whoever violates this section is guilty of a misdemeanor of the first degree.

Last updated September 12, 2023 at 11:57 AM

Section 4506.101 | Commercial driver's license not issued or retained in violation of federal law.

Notwithstanding any provision of the Revised Code, the bureau of motor vehicles shall not issue or renew a commercial driver's license if issuance or renewal of the license would violate federal law. No person shall retain a commercial driver's license if the retention of the license would violate federal law.

Section 4506.11 | Material and characteristics of commercial driver's license.

(A) Every commercial driver's license shall be marked "commercial driver's license" or "CDL" and shall be of such material and so designed as to prevent its reproduction or alteration without ready detection. The commercial driver's license for licensees under twenty-one years of age shall have characteristics prescribed by the registrar of motor vehicles distinguishing it from that issued to a licensee who is twenty-one years of age or older. Every commercial driver's license shall display all of the following information:

(1) The name and residence address of the licensee;

(2) A photograph of the licensee showing the licensee's uncovered face;

(3) A physical description of the licensee, including sex, height, weight, and color of eyes and hair;

(4) The licensee's date of birth;

(5) The licensee's social security number if the person has requested that the number be displayed in accordance with section 4501.31 of the Revised Code or if federal law requires the social security number to be displayed and any number or other identifier the director of public safety considers appropriate and establishes by rules adopted under Chapter 119. of the Revised Code and in compliance with federal law;

(6) The licensee's signature;

(7) The classes of commercial motor vehicles the licensee is authorized to drive and any endorsements or restrictions relating to the licensee's driving of those vehicles;

(8) The name of this state;

(9) The dates of issuance and of expiration of the license;

(10) If the licensee has certified willingness to make an anatomical gift under section 2108.05 of the Revised Code, any symbol chosen by the registrar of motor vehicles to indicate that the licensee has certified that willingness;

(11) If the licensee has executed a durable power of attorney for health care or a declaration governing the use or continuation, or the withholding or withdrawal, of life-sustaining treatment and has specified that the licensee wishes the license to indicate that the licensee has executed either type of instrument, any symbol chosen by the registrar to indicate that the licensee has executed either type of instrument;

(12) If the licensee has specified that the licensee wishes the license to indicate that the licensee is a veteran, active duty, or reservist of the armed forces of the United States and has presented a copy of the licensee's DD-214 form or an equivalent document, any symbol chosen by the registrar to indicate that the licensee is a veteran, active duty, or reservist of the armed forces of the United States;

(13) If the licensee is a noncitizen of the United States, a notation designating that the licensee is a noncitizen;

(14) Any other information the registrar considers advisable and requires by rule.

(B) Every enhanced commercial driver's license shall have any additional characteristics established by the rules adopted under section 4507.021 of the Revised Code.

(C) The registrar may establish and maintain a file of negatives of photographs taken for the purposes of this section.

(D) Neither the registrar nor any deputy registrar shall issue a commercial driver's license to anyone under twenty-one years of age that does not have the characteristics prescribed by the registrar distinguishing it from the commercial driver's license issued to persons who are twenty-one years of age or older.

(E) Whoever violates division (D) of this section is guilty of a minor misdemeanor.

Last updated October 6, 2023 at 12:15 PM

Section 4506.12 | Classes of licenses - endorsements and restrictions.

(A) Commercial driver's licenses shall be issued in the following classes and shall include any endorsements and restrictions that are applicable. Subject to any such endorsements and restrictions, the holder of a valid commercial driver's license may drive all commercial motor vehicles in the class for which that license is issued and all lesser classes of vehicles, except that the holder shall not operate a motorcycle unless the holder is licensed to do so under Chapter 4507. of the Revised Code.

(B) The classes of commercial driver's licenses and the commercial motor vehicles that they authorize the operation of are as follows:

(1) Class A--any combination of vehicles with a combined gross vehicle weight or combined gross vehicle weight rating of twenty-six thousand one pounds or more, if the gross vehicle weight or gross vehicle weight rating of the vehicle or vehicles being towed is in excess of ten thousand pounds.

(2) Class B--any single vehicle with a gross vehicle weight or gross vehicle weight rating of twenty-six thousand one pounds or more or any such vehicle towing a vehicle having a gross vehicle weight or gross vehicle weight rating that is not in excess of ten thousand pounds.

(3) Class C--any single vehicle, or combination of vehicles, that is not a class A or class B vehicle, but that is designed to transport sixteen or more passengers, including the driver, or is transporting hazardous materials in an amount requiring placarding, or any school bus with a gross vehicle weight or gross vehicle weight rating of less than twenty-six thousand one pounds that is designed to transport fewer than sixteen passengers including the driver.

(C) The following endorsements apply to commercial drivers' licenses:

(1) H--authorizes the driver to drive a vehicle transporting hazardous materials in an amount requiring placarding;

(2) T--authorizes the driver to drive a vehicle configured with double or triple trailers that create more than one articulation point for the combination;

(3) P--authorizes the driver to drive vehicles designed to transport sixteen or more passengers, including the driver;

(4) N--authorizes the driver to drive tank vehicles;

(5) S--authorizes the driver to drive school buses transporting children;

(6) X--authorizes the driver to drive tank vehicles transporting hazardous materials in a quantity requiring placarding.

(D) The following restrictions apply to commercial driver's licenses:

(1) E--restricts the driver to vehicles equipped with an automatic transmission;

(2) K--restricts the driver to only intrastate operation;

(3) L--restricts the driver to vehicles not equipped with air brakes;

(4) M--restricts the driver from operating class A passenger vehicles;

(5) N--restricts the driver from operating class A and B passenger vehicles;

(6) O--restricts the driver from operating tractor-trailer commercial motor vehicles;

(7) V--indicates the existence of a medical variance on the driver's commercial driver's license information system driver record;

(8) W--restricts the driver to the operation of commercial motor vehicles in accordance with a waiver for farm-related service industries issued under section 4506.24 of the Revised Code;

(9) Z--restricts the driver to vehicles not equipped with full air brakes.

(E) In addition to any endorsement that otherwise may apply, a person who is engaged in the towing of a disabled or wrecked motor vehicle shall hold a commercial driver's license bearing any endorsement required to drive the towed vehicle except the driver is not required to have either of the following:

(1) A passenger endorsement to tow an unoccupied passenger vehicle;

(2) Any endorsement required for the wrecked or disabled vehicle when the driver initially removes a vehicle from the site of the emergency where the vehicle became wrecked or disabled to the nearest appropriate repair, disposal, or storage facility, as applicable.

(F) The following endorsements apply to commercial driver's license temporary instruction permits:

(1) N--authorizes the holder to drive tank vehicles;

(2) P--authorizes the permit holder to drive vehicles designed to transport sixteen or more passengers, including the driver;

(3) S--authorizes the holder to drive school buses transporting children.

(G) The following restrictions apply to commercial driver's license temporary instruction permits:

(1) K--restricts the driver to only intrastate operation;

(2) L--restricts the driver to vehicles not equipped with air brakes;

(3) M--restricts the driver from operating class A passenger vehicles;

(4) N--restricts the driver from operating class A and B passenger vehicles;

(5) P--restricts the driver from transporting passengers in a commercial motor vehicle bus;

(6) V--indicates the existence of a medical variance on the driver's commercial driver's license information system driver record;

(7) X--restricts the driver from transporting cargo in a tank vehicle.

(H) A commercial driver's license temporary instruction permit holder shall not have an endorsement other than an endorsement set forth in division (F) of this section. A commercial driver's license temporary instruction permit holder with a tank vehicle (N) endorsement may only operate an empty tank vehicle, and is prohibited from operating any tank vehicle that previously contained hazardous materials that have not been purged from the tank vehicle. A commercial driver's license temporary instruction permit holder with a passenger (P) or school bus (S) endorsement is prohibited from operating a school bus or commercial motor vehicle carrying passengers.

(I) No person shall drive any commercial motor vehicle for which an endorsement is required under this section unless the proper endorsement appears on the person's commercial driver's license or commercial driver's license temporary instruction permit. No person shall drive a commercial motor vehicle in violation of a restriction established under this section that appears on the person's commercial driver's license or commercial driver's license temporary instruction permit.

(J)(1) Whoever violates this section is guilty of a misdemeanor of the first degree.

(2) The offenses established under division (I) of this section are strict liability offenses and section 2901.20 of the Revised Code does not apply. The designation of these offenses as strict liability offenses shall not be construed to imply that any other offense for which there is no specified degree of culpability, whether in this section or another section of the Revised Code, is not a strict liability offense.

Section 4506.13 | Examiner's commercial examinations passed form; Information obtained from and posted to commercial driver's license information system and other sources; medical certification.

(A) The registrar of motor vehicles may authorize the highway patrol or any other employee of the department of public safety to issue an examiner's commercial examinations passed form to an applicant who has passed the required examinations. The examiner's commercial examinations passed form shall be used to indicate the examinations taken and passed by the commercial driver's license applicant.

(B)(1) Before issuing, renewing, transferring, or upgrading a commercial driver's license, the registrar of motor vehicles shall obtain information about the applicant's driving record, whether the applicant was previously issued a commercial driver's license in another state, or whether the applicant is disqualified from operating a commercial motor vehicle through the commercial driver's license information system, the applicant's state of licensure, and when available, the national driver register. In addition, before initially issuing a class A or class B commercial driver's license, a passenger endorsement, a school bus endorsement, or a hazardous materials endorsement, the registrar shall verify that the applicant completed the training required under 49 C.F.R. 380, subpart F, through the federal motor carrier safety administration's training provider registry. The registrar also shall check the applicant's driver record to ensure that an applicant who self-certified under division (A)(1)(a)(i) of section 4506.10 of the Revised Code that the applicant's operation of a commercial motor vehicle is non-excepted interstate, is medically certified.

(2) The registrar shall not issue, renew, upgrade, or transfer the applicant's commercial driver's license if any of the following apply:

(a) The registrar obtains adverse information regarding the applicant's driving record.

(b) There is no information regarding the driver's self-certification type as required by division (A)(1) of section 4506.10 of the Revised Code.

(c) The applicant's medical status is not certified, when required to be certified under division (A)(1)(a)(i) of section 4506.10 of the Revised Code.

(d) If required, the applicant did not successfully complete the training required by 49 C.F.R. 380, subpart F, as documented in the federal motor carrier safety administration's training provider registry.

(3) If the record check reveals information that the applicant claims is outdated, contested, or invalid, the registrar shall deny the application until the applicant can resolve the conflict.

(C) The registrar shall do all of the following:

(1) Within ten days after issuing a commercial driver's license, notify the commercial driver's license information system, when available, of that fact and provide all information required to ensure identification of the licensee. If the registrar is notified that driver has been issued a medical variance, the registrar shall indicate the existence of the medical variance on the commercial driver's license holder's commercial driver's license information system driver record.

(2) For those drivers self-certifying under division (A)(1)(a)(i) of section 4506.10 of the Revised Code as non-excepted interstate, post the applicant's medical status as certified or non-certified on the applicant's commercial driver's license information system driver record upon receiving a valid original or copy of the medical examiner's certificate;

(3) Post the driver's self-certification type as set forth in division (A)(1) of section 4506.10 of the Revised Code;

(4) Post information from the medical examiner's certificate, if applicable, on the commercial driver's license holder's commercial driver's license information system driver record within ten calendar days of receipt of the medical examiner's certificate;

(5) Retain the original or a copy of the commercial driver's license holder's medical certificate for a minimum of three years after the date the certificate was issued;

(6) Post and maintain as part of the commercial driver's license information system driver record all convictions, disqualifications, and other licensing actions for violations of any state or municipal ordinances related to motor vehicle traffic control, other than parking violations for all persons who hold a commercial driver's license or operate a motor vehicle for which a commercial driver's license is required;

(7) Post an applicant's status of medically non-certified on the applicant's commercial driver's license information system driver record and downgrade the applicant's commercial driver's license in accordance with division (D) of this section if either of the following applies:

(a) The commercial driver's license holder fails to provide the driver's self-certification type as required by division (A)(1) of section 4506.10 of the Revised Code.

(b) The commercial driver's license holder self-certifying under division (A)(1)(a)(i) of section 4506.10 of the Revised Code as non-excepted interstate fails to provide the registrar with a current medical examiner's certificate.

(8) Mark the commercial driver's license information system driver record as non-certified for any commercial driver's license holder who has not self-certified under division (A)(1) of section 4506.10 of the Revised Code by January 30, 2014 and initiate the commercial driver's license commercial driver's license downgrade procedures described in division (D) of this section;

(9) Within ten days after a commercial driver's license holder's medical certification status expires or a medical variance expires or is rescinded, update the person's medical certification status to non-certified;

(10) Within ten calendar days after receiving information from the federal motor carrier safety administration regarding issuance or renewal of a medical variance for a driver, update the driver's commercial driver's license information system driver record to include the medical variance information provided by the federal motor carrier safety administration.

(D) If a driver's medical certification or medical variance expires or the federal motor carrier safety administration notifies the registrar that a medical variance was removed or rescinded, the registrar shall do the following:

(1) Send notice to the commercial driver's license holder of the holder's medically not certified status. The notice shall inform the driver that the driver's commercial driver's license privileges will be removed unless the driver resolves the medical certification or medical variance defect by submitting a current medical certificate or medical variance, as applicable, or changing the driver's self-certification under division (A)(1) of section 4506.10 of the Revised Code to driving only in excepted interstate or excepted intrastate commerce within sixty days.

(2) Sixty days after the change to a medically not certified status, if the commercial driver's license holder has not resolved the medical certification or medical variance defect as described in division (D)(1) of this section, the registrar shall change the person's commercial driver's license status to reflect no commercial driver's license privileges and shall send the person a second notice informing the person that the commercial driver's license privilege has been removed from the driver's license.

(E) To the extent permitted by federal and state law, the registrar shall provide records from the commercial driver's license information system regarding a commercial driver's license holder or commercial motor vehicle operator to the following individuals and entities or their authorized agents within ten days of the receipt of conviction or disqualification information concerning the holder or operator from another state or within ten days of the date of conviction or disqualification of the holder or operator if it occurred in this state, as applicable:

(1) Other states;

(2) The secretary of the United States department of transportation;

(3) The commercial driver's license holder or commercial motor vehicle operator referenced in the records;

(4) A motor carrier that is a current or prospective employer of the commercial driver's license holder or commercial motor vehicle operator referenced in the records.

Last updated January 13, 2022 at 11:25 AM

Section 4506.131 | Hazardous materials endorsement for commercial driver's license; Security risk determination required.

(A) The registrar of motor vehicles shall not issue, renew, upgrade, or transfer a hazardous materials endorsement for a commercial driver's license to any individual authorizing that individual to operate a commercial motor vehicle transporting a hazardous material in commerce unless the registrar has received from the transportation security administration a determination indicating that the individual does not pose a security risk warranting denial of the endorsement.

(B)(1) Immediately upon receiving a determination from the transportation security administration that an individual poses a security risk warranting denial of a hazardous materials endorsement, the registrar shall revoke any existing hazardous materials endorsement and shall refuse to issue a hazardous materials endorsement for the individual named as a security risk.

(2) Within fifteen days of receiving any determination from the transportation security administration indicating the status of an individual's security risk, the registrar shall notify the commercial driver license information system of the results of the security assessment.

(C) The registrar shall order any revocation under division (B) of this section without a hearing. Any person adversely affected by the order may request an administrative hearing before the registrar. The scope of the hearing shall be limited to whether the bureau of motor vehicles properly revoked the hazardous material endorsement after receiving notification from the transportation security administration and shall not include consideration of whether the transportation security administration acted properly in sending the notification.

Section 4506.14 | Expiration or renewal of license - notice to registrar of change of address.

(A) Commercial driver's licenses shall expire as follows:

(1) Except as provided in division (A)(3) or (4) of this section, each such license issued to replace an operator's or chauffeur's license shall expire on the original expiration date of the operator's or chauffeur's license and, upon renewal, shall expire on the licensee's birthday in the fourth or eighth year after the date of issuance, based on the period of renewal requested by the applicant. A person who is sixty-five years of age or older may only apply for a commercial driver's license that expires on the birthday of the applicant in the fourth year after the date it is issued.

(2)(a) Except as provided in division (A)(3) or (4) of this section, each such license issued as an original license to a person whose residence is in this state shall expire on the licensee's birthday in the fourth or eighth year after the date of issuance, based on the period of renewal requested by the applicant. A person who is sixty-five years of age or older may only apply for a commercial driver's license that expires on the birthday of the applicant in the fourth year after the date it is issued.

(b) Each such license issued to a person whose temporary residence is in this state shall expire in accordance with rules adopted by the registrar of motor vehicles. A license issued to a person with a temporary residence in this state is nonrenewable, but may be replaced with a new license within ninety days prior to its expiration upon the applicant's compliance with all applicable requirements.

(3) The registrar or a deputy registrar may issue a license that expires on a date earlier than the licensee's birthday in the fourth year after the date of issuance if the licensee has undergone a security threat assessment required by federal law to obtain a hazardous materials endorsement and the assessment will expire before that date. No commercial driver's license shall be issued under division (A)(3) of this section for a period longer than four years and one hundred eighty days.

(4) Each such license issued to replace the operator's or chauffeur's license of a person who is less than twenty-one years of age, and each such license issued as an original license to a person who is less than twenty-one years of age, shall expire on the licensee's twenty-first birthday.

(B) No commercial driver's license shall be issued for a period longer than eight years. Except as provided in section 4507.12 of the Revised Code, the registrar may waive the examination of any person applying for the renewal of a commercial driver's license issued under this chapter, provided that the applicant presents either an unexpired commercial driver's license or a commercial driver's license that has expired not more than six months prior to the date of application.

(C) Subject to the requirements of this chapter and except as provided in division (A)(2) of this section in regard to a person whose temporary residence is in this state, every commercial driver's license shall be renewable one hundred eighty days before its expiration upon payment of the fees required by section 4506.08 of the Revised Code. Each person applying for renewal or transfer of a commercial driver's license shall complete the application form prescribed by section 4506.07 of the Revised Code and shall provide all certifications required.

Prior to applying for renewal of a commercial driver's license, each applicant shall submit a new copy or original medical examiner's certificate required by section 4506.10 of the Revised Code; if the person's medical status has changed, the registrar shall take the appropriate action to address the change in medical status. If the person wishes to retain an endorsement authorizing the person to transport hazardous materials, the person shall take and successfully complete the written test for the endorsement and shall submit to any background check required by federal law.

(D) Each person licensed as a driver under this chapter shall notify the registrar of any change in the person's address within ten days following that change. The notification shall be in writing on a form provided by the registrar and shall include the full name, date of birth, license number, county of residence, social security number, and new address of the person.

(E) Whoever violates division (D) of this section is guilty of a minor misdemeanor.

Section 4506.15 | Prohibited acts.

(A) No person who holds a commercial driver's license or commercial driver's license temporary instruction permit or who operates a motor vehicle for which a commercial driver's license or permit is required shall do any of the following:

(1) Drive a commercial motor vehicle while having a measurable or detectable amount of alcohol or of a controlled substance in the person's blood, breath, or urine;

(2) Drive a commercial motor vehicle while having an alcohol concentration of four-hundredths of one per cent or more by whole blood or breath;

(3) Drive a commercial motor vehicle while having an alcohol concentration of forty-eight-thousandths of one per cent or more by blood serum or blood plasma;

(4) Drive a commercial motor vehicle while having an alcohol concentration of fifty-six-thousandths of one per cent or more by urine;

(5) Drive a motor vehicle while under the influence of a controlled substance;

(6) Drive a motor vehicle in violation of section 4511.19 of the Revised Code or a municipal OVI ordinance as defined in section 4511.181 of the Revised Code;

(7) Use a motor vehicle in the commission of a felony;

(8) Refuse to submit to a test under section 4506.17 or 4511.191 of the Revised Code;

(9) Operate a commercial motor vehicle while the person's commercial driver's license or permit or other commercial driving privileges are revoked, suspended, canceled, or disqualified;

(10) Cause a fatality through the negligent operation of a commercial motor vehicle, including, but not limited to, the offenses of aggravated vehicular homicide, vehicular homicide, and vehicular manslaughter;

(11) Fail to stop after an accident in violation of sections 4549.02 to 4549.03 of the Revised Code;

(12) Drive a commercial motor vehicle in violation of any provision of sections 4511.61 to 4511.63 of the Revised Code or any federal or local law or ordinance pertaining to railroad-highway grade crossings;

(13) Use a motor vehicle in the commission of a felony involving the manufacture, distribution, or dispensing of a controlled substance as defined in section 3719.01 of the Revised Code or the possession with intent to manufacture, distribute, or dispense a controlled substance;

(14) Use a commercial motor vehicle in the commission of a violation of section 2905.32 of the Revised Code or any other substantially equivalent offense established under federal law or the laws of another state.

(B) Whoever violates this section is guilty of a misdemeanor of the first degree.

(C) The offenses established under this section are strict liability offenses and section 2901.20 of the Revised Code does not apply. The designation of these offenses as strict liability offenses shall not be construed to imply that any other offense, for which there is no specified degree of culpability, is not a strict liability offense.

Last updated October 6, 2023 at 12:16 PM

Section 4506.16 | Violations - disqualification of driver or placement out-of-service.

(A) Any person who is found to have been convicted of a violation of an out-of-service order shall be disqualified by the registrar of motor vehicles as follows:

(1) If the person has not been convicted previously of a violation of an out-of-service order, the period of disqualification is one hundred eighty days.

(2) If, during any ten-year period, the driver is convicted of a second violation of an out-of-service order in an incident separate from the incident that resulted in the first violation, the period of disqualification is two years.

(3) If, during any ten-year period, the driver is convicted of a third or subsequent violation of an out-of-service order in an incident separate from the incidents that resulted in the previous violations during that ten-year period, the period of disqualification is three years.

(B)(1) A driver is disqualified for one hundred eighty days if the driver is convicted of a first violation of an out-of-service order while transporting hazardous materials required to be placarded under the "Hazardous Materials Transportation Act," 88 Stat. 2156 (1975), 49 U.S.C.A. 1801, as amended, or while operating a motor vehicle designed to transport sixteen or more passengers, including the driver.

(2) A driver is disqualified for a period of three years if, during any ten-year period, the driver is convicted of a second or subsequent violation, in an incident separate from the incident that resulted in a previous violation during that ten-year period, of an out-of-service order while transporting hazardous materials required to be placarded under that act, or while operating a motor vehicle designed to transport sixteen or more passengers, including the driver.

(C) Whoever violates division (A)(1) of section 4506.15 of the Revised Code or a similar law of another state or a foreign jurisdiction, immediately shall be placed out-of-service for twenty-four hours, in addition to any disqualification required by this section and any other penalty imposed by the Revised Code.

(D) The registrar of motor vehicles shall disqualify any holder of a commercial driver's license or commercial driver's license temporary instruction permit, or any operator of a commercial motor vehicle for which a commercial driver's license or permit is required, from operating a commercial motor vehicle as follows:

(1) Upon a first conviction for a violation of any provision of divisions (A)(2) to (12) of section 4506.15 of the Revised Code or a similar law of another state or a foreign jurisdiction, or upon a first suspension imposed under section 4511.191 of the Revised Code or a similar law of another state or foreign jurisdiction, one year;

(2) Upon a second conviction for a violation of any provision of divisions (A)(2) to (12) of section 4506.15 of the Revised Code or a similar law of another state or a foreign jurisdiction, or upon a second suspension imposed under section 4511.191 of the Revised Code or a similar law of another state or foreign jurisdiction, or any combination of such violations arising from two or more separate incidents, the person shall be disqualified for life or for any other period of time as determined by the United States secretary of transportation and designated by the director of public safety by rule;

(3) Upon a first conviction for any of the following violations while transporting hazardous materials, three years:

(a) Divisions (A)(2) to (12) of section 4506.15 of the Revised Code;

(b) A similar law of another state or a foreign jurisdiction.

(4) Upon conviction of a violation of division (A)(13) or (A)(14) of section 4506.15 of the Revised Code or a similar law of another state or a foreign jurisdiction, the person shall be disqualified for life;

(5)(a) Upon conviction of two serious traffic violations involving the operation of a commercial motor vehicle by the person and arising from separate incidents occurring in a three-year period, the person shall be disqualified for sixty days, which disqualification shall be imposed consecutively to any other separate disqualification imposed under division (D)(5) or (6) of this section;

(b) Upon conviction of three or more serious traffic violations involving the operation of a commercial motor vehicle by the person and arising from separate incidents occurring in a three-year period, the person shall be disqualified for one hundred twenty days, which disqualification shall be imposed consecutively to any other separate disqualification imposed under division (D)(5) or (6) of this section;

(6)(a) Upon conviction of two serious traffic violations involving the operation of a vehicle other than a commercial motor vehicle by the person and arising from separate incidents occurring in a three-year period, the person shall be disqualified for sixty days if the conviction results in the suspension, cancellation, or revocation of the holder's commercial driver's license or commercial driver's license temporary instruction permit, or noncommercial motor vehicle driving privileges, which disqualification shall be imposed consecutively to any other separate disqualification imposed under division (D)(5) or (6) of this section;

(b) Upon conviction of three or more serious traffic violations involving the operation of a vehicle other than a commercial motor vehicle by the person and arising from separate incidents occurring in a three-year period, the person shall be disqualified for one hundred twenty days if the conviction results in the suspension, cancellation, or revocation of the holder's commercial driver's license or permit, or noncommercial motor vehicle driving privileges, which disqualification shall be imposed consecutively to any other separate disqualification imposed under division (D)(5) or (6) of this section.

(7) Upon a first conviction involving the operation of a commercial motor vehicle in violation of any provisions of sections 4511.61 to 4511.63 of the Revised Code or a similar law of another state or foreign jurisdiction, not less than sixty days;

(8) Upon a second conviction involving the operation of a commercial motor vehicle in violation of any provisions of sections 4511.61 to 4511.63 of the Revised Code or a similar law of another state or foreign jurisdiction within three years of the first such conviction, not less than one hundred twenty days;

(9) Upon a third or subsequent conviction involving the operation of a commercial motor vehicle in violation of any provisions of sections 4511.61 to 4511.63 of the Revised Code or a similar law of another state or foreign jurisdiction within three years of the first such conviction, not less than one year;

(10) Upon receiving notification from the federal motor carrier safety administration, the registrar immediately, prior to any hearing, shall disqualify any commercial motor vehicle driver whose driving is determined to constitute an imminent hazard as defined under federal motor carrier safety regulation 49 C.F.R. 383.52.

(E) For the purposes of this section, conviction of a violation for which disqualification is required includes conviction under any municipal ordinance that is substantially similar to any section of the Revised Code that is set forth in division (D) of this section and may be evidenced by any of the following:

(1) A judgment entry of a court of competent jurisdiction in this or any other state;

(2) An administrative order of a state agency of this or any other state having statutory jurisdiction over commercial drivers;

(3) A computer record obtained from or through the commercial driver's license information system;

(4) A computer record obtained from or through a state agency of this or any other state having statutory jurisdiction over commercial drivers or the records of commercial drivers.

(F) For purposes of this section, conviction of disqualifying offenses committed in a noncommercial motor vehicle are included if either of the following applies:

(1) The offense occurred after the person obtained the person's commercial driver's license or commercial driver's license temporary instruction permit.

(2) The offense occurs on or after September 30, 2005.

(G) If a person commits a serious traffic violation by operating a commercial motor vehicle without having a commercial driver's license or commercial driver's license temporary instruction permit in the person's possession as described in division (II)(3)(e) of section 4506.01 of the Revised Code and the person then submits proof to either the enforcement agency that issued the citation for the violation or to the court with jurisdiction over the case before the date of the person's initial appearance that shows that the person held a valid commercial driver's license or permit at the time of the violation, the violation shall not be deemed to be a serious traffic violation.

(H) Any record described in division (C) of this section shall be deemed to be self-authenticating when it is received by the bureau of motor vehicles.

(I) When disqualifying a driver, the registrar shall cause the records of the bureau to be updated to reflect that action within ten days after it occurs.

(J) The registrar immediately shall notify a driver who is finally convicted of any offense described in section 4506.15 of the Revised Code or division (D)(4), (5), or (6) of this section and thereby is subject to disqualification, of the offense or offenses involved, of the length of time for which disqualification is to be imposed, and that the driver may request a hearing within thirty days of the mailing of the notice to show cause why the driver should not be disqualified from operating a commercial motor vehicle. If a request for such a hearing is not made within thirty days of the mailing of the notice, the order of disqualification is final. The registrar may designate hearing examiners who, after affording all parties reasonable notice, shall conduct a hearing to determine whether the disqualification order is supported by reliable evidence. The registrar shall adopt rules to implement this division.

(K) Any person who is disqualified from operating a commercial motor vehicle under this section may apply to the registrar for a driver's license to operate a motor vehicle other than a commercial motor vehicle, provided the person's commercial driver's license is not otherwise suspended. A person whose commercial driver's license is suspended shall not apply to the registrar for or receive a driver's license under Chapter 4507. of the Revised Code during the period of suspension.

(L) The disqualifications imposed under this section are in addition to any other penalty imposed by the Revised Code.

(M) Any conviction for an offense that would lead to disqualification as specified in this section, whether committed in a commercial motor vehicle or a vehicle other than a commercial motor vehicle, shall be counted for the purposes of determining the number of violations and the appropriate disqualification period under this section.

Last updated October 6, 2023 at 11:10 AM

Section 4506.161 | Limited driving privileges not granted to person under suspension; offenses involving operation of commercial motor vehicle.

No court shall issue an order granting limited driving privileges for operation of a commercial motor vehicle to any person whose driver's license or commercial driver's license has been suspended or who has been disqualified from operating a commercial motor vehicle. In regard to an offense involving the operation of a commercial motor vehicle, no court shall modify any record, or consent to the modification of any record, if the resulting record would no longer reflect the operation of a commercial motor vehicle by the person, unless a determination of the facts indicates that that person was not operating a commercial motor vehicle at the time of the offense.

Section 4506.17 | Implied consent to tests - effect of refusal.

(A) Both of the following are deemed to have given consent to a test or tests of the person's whole blood, blood serum or plasma, breath, or urine for the purpose of determining the person's alcohol concentration or the presence of any controlled substance or a metabolite of a controlled substance:

(1) A person while operating a commercial motor vehicle that requires a commercial driver's license or commercial driver's license temporary instruction permit;

(2) A person who holds a commercial driver's license or commercial driver's license temporary instruction permit while operating a motor vehicle, including a commercial motor vehicle.

(B) A test or tests as provided in division (A) of this section may be administered at the direction of a peace officer having reasonable ground to stop or detain the person and, after investigating the circumstances surrounding the operation of the motor vehicle, also having reasonable ground to believe the person was driving the motor vehicle while having a measurable or detectable amount of alcohol or of a controlled substance or a metabolite of a controlled substance in the person's whole blood, blood serum or plasma, breath, or urine. Any such test shall be given within two hours of the time of the alleged violation.

(C) A person requested by a peace officer to submit to a test under division (A) of this section shall be advised by the peace officer that a refusal to submit to the test will result in the person immediately being placed out-of-service for a period of twenty-four hours and being disqualified from operating a commercial motor vehicle for a period of not less than one year, and that the person is required to surrender the person's commercial driver's license or permit to the peace officer.

(D) If a person refuses to submit to a test after being warned as provided in division (C) of this section or submits to a test that discloses the presence of an amount of alcohol or a controlled substance prohibited by divisions (A)(1) to (6) of section 4506.15 of the Revised Code or a metabolite of a controlled substance, the person immediately shall surrender the person's commercial driver's license or permit to the peace officer. The peace officer shall forward the license or permit, together with a sworn report, to the registrar of motor vehicles certifying that the test was requested pursuant to division (A) of this section and that the person either refused to submit to testing or submitted to a test that disclosed the presence of one of the prohibited concentrations of a substance listed in divisions (A)(1) to (6) of section 4506.15 of the Revised Code or a metabolite of a controlled substance. The form and contents of the report required by this section shall be established by the registrar by rule, but shall contain the advice to be read to the driver and a statement to be signed by the driver acknowledging that the driver has been read the advice and that the form was shown to the driver.

(E) Upon receipt of a sworn report from a peace officer as provided in division (D) of this section, or upon receipt of notification that a person has been disqualified under a similar law of another state or foreign jurisdiction, the registrar shall disqualify the person named in the report from driving a commercial motor vehicle for the period described below:

(1) Upon a first incident, one year;

(2) Upon an incident of refusal or of a prohibited concentration of alcohol, a controlled substance, or a metabolite of a controlled substance after one or more previous incidents of either refusal or of a prohibited concentration of alcohol, a controlled substance, or a metabolite of a controlled substance, the person shall be disqualified for life or such lesser period as prescribed by rule by the registrar.

(F) A test of a person's whole blood or a person's blood serum or plasma given under this section shall comply with the applicable provisions of division (D) of section 4511.19 of the Revised Code and any physician, registered nurse, emergency medical technician-intermediate, emergency medical technician-paramedic, or qualified technician, chemist, or phlebotomist who withdraws whole blood or blood serum or plasma from a person under this section, and any hospital, first-aid station, clinic, or other facility at which whole blood or blood serum or plasma is withdrawn from a person pursuant to this section, is immune from criminal liability, and from civil liability that is based upon a claim of assault and battery or based upon any other claim of malpractice, for any act performed in withdrawing whole blood or blood serum or plasma from the person. The immunity provided in this division also extends to an emergency medical service organization that employs an emergency medical technician-intermediate or emergency medical technician-paramedic who withdraws blood under this section.

(G) When a person submits to a test under this section, the results of the test, at the person's request, shall be made available to the person, the person's attorney, or the person's agent, immediately upon completion of the chemical test analysis. The person also may have an additional test administered by a physician, a registered nurse, or a qualified technician, chemist, or phlebotomist of the person's own choosing as provided in division (D) of section 4511.19 of the Revised Code for tests administered under that section, and the failure to obtain such a test has the same effect as in that division.

(H) No person shall refuse to immediately surrender the person's commercial driver's license or permit to a peace officer when required to do so by this section.

(I) A peace officer issuing an out-of-service order or receiving a commercial driver's license or permit surrendered under this section may remove or arrange for the removal of any commercial motor vehicle affected by the issuance of that order or the surrender of that license.

(J)(1) Except for civil actions arising out of the operation of a motor vehicle and civil actions in which the state is a plaintiff, no peace officer of any law enforcement agency within this state is liable in compensatory damages in any civil action that arises under the Revised Code or common law of this state for an injury, death, or loss to person or property caused in the performance of official duties under this section and rules adopted under this section, unless the officer's actions were manifestly outside the scope of the officer's employment or official responsibilities, or unless the officer acted with malicious purpose, in bad faith, or in a wanton or reckless manner.

(2) Except for civil actions that arise out of the operation of a motor vehicle and civil actions in which the state is a plaintiff, no peace officer of any law enforcement agency within this state is liable in punitive or exemplary damages in any civil action that arises under the Revised Code or common law of this state for any injury, death, or loss to person or property caused in the performance of official duties under this section of the Revised Code and rules adopted under this section, unless the officer's actions were manifestly outside the scope of the officer's employment or official responsibilities, or unless the officer acted with malicious purpose, in bad faith, or in a wanton or reckless manner.

(K) When disqualifying a driver, the registrar shall cause the records of the bureau of motor vehicles to be updated to reflect the disqualification within ten days after it occurs.

(L) The registrar immediately shall notify a driver who is subject to disqualification of the disqualification, of the length of the disqualification, and that the driver may request a hearing within thirty days of the mailing of the notice to show cause why the driver should not be disqualified from operating a commercial motor vehicle. If a request for such a hearing is not made within thirty days of the mailing of the notice, the order of disqualification is final. The registrar may designate hearing examiners who, after affording all parties reasonable notice, shall conduct a hearing to determine whether the disqualification order is supported by reliable evidence. The registrar shall adopt rules to implement this division.

(M) Any person who is disqualified from operating a commercial motor vehicle under this section may apply to the registrar for a driver's license to operate a motor vehicle other than a commercial motor vehicle, provided the person's commercial driver's license or permit is not otherwise suspended. A person whose commercial driver's license or permit is suspended shall not apply to the registrar for or receive a driver's license under Chapter 4507. of the Revised Code during the period of suspension.

(N) Whoever violates division (H) of this section is guilty of a misdemeanor of the first degree.

(O) As used in this section, "emergency medical technician-intermediate" and "emergency medical technician-paramedic" have the same meanings as in section 4765.01 of the Revised Code.

Last updated October 6, 2023 at 11:11 AM

Section 4506.18 | Driver to give notice of out-of-state conviction.

(A) Any driver who holds a commercial driver's license issued by this state and is convicted in another state or a foreign jurisdiction of violating any law or ordinance relating to motor vehicle traffic control, other than a parking violation, shall provide written notice of that conviction within thirty days after the date of conviction to the bureau of motor vehicles and to the driver's employer in accordance with the provisions of 49 C.F.R. 383, subpart C, as amended.

(B) Whoever violates this section is guilty of a misdemeanor of the first degree.

Section 4506.19 | Application of provisions of 49 C.F.R. 383, subpart C.

(A) The provisions of 49 C.F.R. 383, subpart C, as amended, shall apply to all commercial drivers or persons who apply for employment as commercial drivers. No person shall fail to make a report to the person's employer as required by this section.

(B) Whoever violates this section is guilty of a misdemeanor of the first degree.

Section 4506.20 | Duties of employer of commercial motor vehicle driver.

(A) Each employer shall require every applicant for employment as a driver of a commercial motor vehicle to provide the applicant's employment history for the ten years preceding the date the employment application is submitted to the prospective employer. The following information shall be submitted:

(1) A list of the names and addresses of the applicant's previous employers for which the applicant was the operator of a commercial motor vehicle;

(2) The dates the applicant was employed by these employers;

(3) The reason for leaving each of these employers.

(B) No employer shall knowingly permit or authorize any driver employed by the employer to drive a commercial motor vehicle during any period in which any of the following apply:

(1) The driver's commercial driver's license is suspended, revoked, or canceled by any state or a foreign jurisdiction;

(2) The driver has lost the privilege to drive, or currently is disqualified from driving, a commercial motor vehicle in any state or foreign jurisdiction;

(3) The driver, the commercial motor vehicle the driver is driving, or the motor carrier operation is subject to an out-of-service order in any state or foreign jurisdiction;

(4) The driver has more than one driver's license.

(C) No employer shall knowingly permit or authorize a driver to operate a commercial motor vehicle in violation of section 4506.15 of the Revised Code.

(D) No employer shall knowingly permit or authorize a driver to operate a commercial motor vehicle if the driver does not hold a valid, current commercial driver's license or commercial driver's license temporary instruction permit bearing the proper class or endorsements for the vehicle. No employer shall knowingly permit or authorize a driver to operate a commercial motor vehicle in violation of the restrictions on the driver's commercial driver's license or commercial driver's license temporary instruction permit.

(E)(1) Whoever violates division (A), (B), or (D) of this section is guilty of a misdemeanor of the first degree.

(2) Whoever violates division (C) of this section may be assessed a fine not to exceed ten thousand dollars.

Section 4506.21 | Notice of conviction of nonresident license holder.

Within ten days of the final judgment of a conviction of the holder of an out-of-state commercial driver's license or commercial driver's license temporary instruction permit in any type of vehicle, or the conviction of the holder of an out-of-state noncommercial driver's license in a commercial motor vehicle for a violation of a state law or local ordinance or resolution relating to traffic control, other than parking violations, the registrar of motor vehicles shall notify the driver licensing authority in the holder's state or jurisdiction of licensure. For purposes of this section, a judgment of conviction is not final until it is entered into the court journal by the clerk of courts pursuant to Rule 32 of the Rules of Criminal Procedure.

Section 4506.22 | Powers and duties of department of public safety.

(A) The director of public safety and the registrar of motor vehicles, subject to approval by the director, may, in accordance with Chapter 119. of the Revised Code, adopt any rules necessary to carry out this chapter.

(B) The department of public safety may do all of the following:

(1) Enter into or make any agreements, arrangements, or declarations necessary to carry out this chapter;

(2) Charge a fee for all publications that is equal to the cost of printing the publications.

(C) Nothing in this chapter shall be construed to restrict the authority of the public utilities commission specified in Chapters 4905., 4921., and 4923. of the Revised Code regarding safety rules applicable to motor carriers.

Section 4506.23 | Duties of peace officer as to alcohol or controlled substance violations.

Within the jurisdictional limits of the appointing authority, any peace officer shall stop and detain any person found violating section 4506.15 of the Revised Code, without obtaining a warrant. When there is reasonable ground to believe that a violation of section 4506.15 of the Revised Code has been committed and a test or tests of the person's whole blood, blood plasma or blood serum, breath, or urine is necessary, the peace officer shall take the person to an appropriate place for testing. If a person refuses to submit to a test after being warned as provided in division (C) of section 4506.17 of the Revised Code or submits to a test that discloses the presence of a controlled substance or an alcohol concentration of four-hundredths of one per cent or more by whole blood or breath, an alcohol concentration of forty-eight-thousandths of one per cent or more by blood serum or blood plasma, or an alcohol concentration of fifty-six-thousandths of one per cent or more by urine, the peace officer shall require that the person immediately surrender the person's commercial driver's license to the peace officer.

As used in this section, "jurisdictional limits" means the limits within which a peace officer may arrest and detain a person without a warrant under section 2935.03 of the Revised Code, except that the superintendent and the troopers of the state highway patrol may stop and detain, without warrant, any person who, in the presence of the superintendent or any trooper, is engaged in the violation of this chapter.

Section 4506.24 | Restricted license and waiver for farm-related service industries.

(A) A restricted commercial driver's license and waiver for farm-related service industries may be issued by the registrar of motor vehicles to allow a person to operate a commercial motor vehicle during seasonal periods determined by the registrar and subject to the restrictions set forth in this section.

(B) Upon receiving an application for a restricted commercial driver's license under section 4506.07 of the Revised Code and payment of a fee as provided in section 4506.08 of the Revised Code, the registrar may issue such license to any person who meets all of the following requirements:

(1) Has at least one year of driving experience in any type of vehicle;

(2) Holds a valid driver's license, other than a restricted license, issued under Chapter 4507. of the Revised Code;

(3) Certifies that during the two-year period immediately preceding application, all of the following apply:

(a) The person has not had more than one license;

(b) The person has not had any license suspended, revoked, or canceled;

(c) The person has not had any convictions for any type of motor vehicle for the offenses for which disqualification is prescribed in section 4506.16 of the Revised Code;

(d) The person has not had any violation of a state or local law relating to motor vehicle traffic control other than a parking violation arising in connection with any traffic accident and has no record of an accident in which the person was at fault.

(4) Certifies and also provides evidence that the person is employed in one or more of the following farm-related service industries requiring the person to operate a commercial motor vehicle:

(a) Custom harvesters;

(b) Farm retail outlets and suppliers;

(c) Agri-chemical business;

(d) Livestock feeders.

(C) An annual waiver for farm-related service industries may be issued to authorize the holder of a restricted commercial driver's license to operate a commercial motor vehicle during seasonal periods designated by the registrar. The registrar shall determine the format of the waiver. The total number of days that a person may operate a commercial motor vehicle pursuant to a waiver for farm-related service industries shall not exceed two hundred ten days in any twelve-month period. Each time the holder of a restricted commercial driver's license applies for a waiver for farm-related service industries, the registrar shall verify that the person meets all of the requirements set forth in division (B) of this section. The restricted commercial driver's license and waiver shall be carried at all times when a commercial motor vehicle is being operated by the holder of the license and waiver.

(D) The holder of a restricted commercial driver's license and valid waiver for farm-related service industries may operate a class B or C commercial motor vehicle subject to all of the following restrictions:

(1) The commercial motor vehicle is operated within a distance of no more than one hundred fifty miles of the employer's place of business or the farm currently being served;

(2) The operation of the commercial motor vehicle does not involve transporting hazardous materials for which placarding is required, except as follows:

(a) Diesel fuel in quantities of one thousand gallons or less;

(b) Liquid fertilizers in vehicles or implements of husbandry with total capacities of three thousand gallons or less;

(c) Solid fertilizers that are not transported with any organic substance.

(E) Except as otherwise provided in this section an applicant for or holder of a restricted commercial driver's license and waiver for farm-related service industries is subject to the provisions of this chapter. Divisions (A)(4) and (B)(1) of section 4506.07 and sections 4506.09 and 4506.10 of the Revised Code do not apply to an applicant for a restricted commercial driver's license and waiver.

Last updated October 6, 2023 at 11:12 AM

Section 4506.25 | Registrar to disqualify person convicted of violation of out-of-service order.

(A) As used in this section, "commercial motor vehicle" means any self-propelled or towed vehicle used on public highways in intrastate or interstate commerce to transport passengers or property that meets any of the following specifications:

(1) The vehicle has a gross vehicle weight rating or gross combination weight rating of ten thousand one pounds or more.

(2) The vehicle is designed to transport sixteen or more passengers, including the driver.

(3) The vehicle is used in the transportation of hazardous materials in a quantity requiring placarding under the regulations issued by the United States secretary of transportation under the "Hazardous Materials Transportation Act," 88 Stat. 2156 (1975), 49 U.S.C.A. 1801, as amended.

(B) The registrar of motor vehicles shall disqualify any person from operating a commercial motor vehicle who receives a notice of a conviction for violation of an out-of-service order issued under rules of the public utilities commission adopted pursuant to Chapter 4905., 4921., or 4923. of the Revised Code, or a conviction for a violation of the same or similar laws of another state or jurisdiction applicable to vehicles in regulated commerce.

Section 4506.99 | Penalty.

Whoever violates any provision of sections 4506.03 to 4506.20 of the Revised Code for which no penalty otherwise is provided in the section that contains the provision violated is guilty of a misdemeanor of the first degree.