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The Legislative Service Commission staff updates the Revised Code on an ongoing basis, as it completes its act review of enacted legislation. Updates may be slower during some times of the year, depending on the volume of enacted legislation.

Chapter 3937 | Casualty Insurance; Motor Vehicle Insurance

Section 3937.01 | Regulation of rates for casualty insurance - exceptions.

Sections 3937.01 to 3937.16 of the Revised Code apply to casualty insurance including fidelity, surety, and guaranty bonds, and to all forms of motor vehicle insurance, on risks or operations in this state, except:

(A) Reinsurance, other than joint reinsurance to the extent stated in section 3937.10 of the Revised Code;

(B) Accident and health insurance;

(C) Insurance against loss of or damage to aircraft or against liability, other than employer's liability, arising out of the ownership, maintenance, or use of aircraft;

(D) Insurance against workers' compensation liability;

(E) Insurance of titles to property against loss by reason of defects, encumbrances, or other matters;

(F) The insurance of the correctness of searches for instruments, liens, charges, or other matters affecting title to property.

Section 3937.011 | Application of sections.

Sections 3937.01 to 3937.17, inclusive, of the Revised Code apply to subscribers, their attorneys or representatives authorized to exchange reciprocal or interinsurance contracts under sections 3931.01 to 3931.12, inclusive, of the Revised Code.

Section 3937.02 | Basic provisions for rate making.

All casualty rates shall be made in accordance with the following:

(A) Due consideration shall be given to:

(1) Past and prospective loss experience within and outside this state;

(2) The experience or judgment, or both, of the insurer or rating organization making the rate;

(3) The experience of other insurers or rating organizations;

(4) Physical hazards;

(5) Catastrophe hazards;

(6) A reasonable margin for underwriting profit and contingencies;

(7) Dividends, savings, or unabsorbed premium deposits allowed or returned by insurers to their policyholders, members, or subscribers;

(8) Past and prospective expenses both countrywide and those specially applicable to this state;

(9) All other relevant factors within and outside this state.

(B) The systems of expense provisions included in the rates for use by any insurer or group of insurers may differ from those of other insurers or groups of insurers to reflect the requirements of the operating methods of any such insurer or group with respect to any kind of insurance, or with respect to any subdivision or combination thereof for which separate expense provisions are applicable.

(C) Risks may be grouped by classifications for the establishment of rates and minimum premiums. Classification rates may be modified to produce rates for individual risks in accordance with rating plans which establish standards for measuring variations in hazards or expense provisions, or both. Such standards may measure any differences among risks that can be demonstrated to have a probable effect upon losses or expenses.

Classifications or modifications of classifications, or any portion or any division thereof, of risks may be predicated upon size, expense, management, individual experience, purpose of insurance, location or dispersion of hazard, or any other reasonable considerations, provided such classifications and modifications apply to all risks under the same or substantially the same circumstances or conditions. Classification rates may also be modified to produce rates for individual or special risks which are not susceptible to measurement by any established standards.

(D) Rates shall not be excessive, inadequate, or unfairly discriminatory.

Except to the extent necessary to comply with division (D) of this section, uniformity among insurers in any matters within the scope of this section is not required.

Sections 3937.01 to 3937.17, inclusive, of the Revised Code do not prohibit or regulate the payment of dividends, savings, or unabsorbed premium deposits allowed or returned by insurers to their policyholders, members, or subscribers. No plan for the payment of dividends, savings, or unabsorbed premium deposits allowed or returned by insurers to their policyholders, members, or subscribers shall be deemed to be a rating plan or system.

Such sections do not abridge or restrict the freedom of contract of insurers, agents, or brokers with reference to the amount of commissions or fees to be paid to such agents or brokers by insurers, and such payments are expressly authorized.

Two or more insurers, not members of or subscribers to a rating organization, may act in concert in the making or use of rates when executing fidelity or surety bonds through cosurety or reinsurance, or when affiliated through common ownership, management, or control.

Section 3937.021 | Relevant factors for determining rates.

In determining rates for motor vehicle insurance, an insurer shall not consider the fact that an applicant does not have motor vehicle insurance covering the applicant's motor vehicle at the time of his application for such insurance, unless the insurer has an actuarial justification. An insurer may consider any relevant factor contributing to the cancellation, refusal to renew, or other involuntary termination of motor vehicle insurance coverage previously maintained by the applicant, and may consider any other relevant factors permitted by sections 3937.01 to 3937.17 of the Revised Code.

Section 3937.03 | Classifications - rules - rates - rating plan.

(A)(1) Every insurer shall file with the superintendent of insurance every form of a policy, endorsement, rider, manual of classifications, rules, and rates, every rating plan, and every modification of any of them which it proposes to use. Every such filing shall state any proposed effective date and indicate the character and extent of the coverage contemplated. When a filing is not accompanied by the information upon which the insurer supports such filing, and the superintendent does not have sufficient information to determine whether such filing complies with sections 3937.01 to 3937.17 of the Revised Code, the superintendent may require such insurer to furnish the information upon which it supports such filing. Any filing may be supported by the experience or judgment of the insurer or rating organization making the filing, the experience of other insurers or rating organizations, or any other factors which the insurer or rating organization considers relevant. A filing and any supporting information shall be open to public inspection after the filing becomes effective. Trade secrets contained in any filing or in any supporting information shall not be open to public inspection, are not a public record under section 149.43 of the Revised Code, and the release of such trade secrets is prohibited.

(2) As used in division (A)(1) of this section, "trade secret" has the same meaning as in section 1333.61 of the Revised Code.

(B) An insurer may satisfy its obligation to make such filings by becoming a member of, or a subscriber to, a licensed rating organization which makes such filings, and by authorizing the superintendent to accept such filings on its behalf. Sections 3937.01 to 3937.17 of the Revised Code do not require an insurer to become a member of or a subscriber to any rating organization.

(C)(1) For purposes of this division:

(a) "Commercial insurance" means any commercial casualty or commercial liability insurance except sickness and accident, fidelity and surety, and automobile insurance as defined in section 3937.30 of the Revised Code.

(b) "Personal lines coverage" means any policy of insurance issued to a natural person for personal or family protection, including, but not limited to, personal automobile, homeowner's, tenant's, and personal umbrella liability coverages.

(2) Except as provided in division (C)(3) of this section, each filing shall become effective immediately upon its filing and is deemed to comply with such sections, unless disapproved by the superintendent as provided in this section or section 3937.04 of the Revised Code.

(3) Whenever the superintendent declares by rule pursuant to Chapter 119. of the Revised Code that a degree of competition that will assure that rates are not excessive does not exist in the market for a line of commercial insurance, or that the market is conducted in a manner that may result in inadequate rates or be destructive of competition or detrimental to solvency of insurers, the superintendent shall provide that every filing that would result in an increase or decrease of rates for any coverages for that line of commercial insurance shall be subject to this division. Such filing shall be on file for a waiting period of thirty days before it becomes effective, which period may be extended by the superintendent for one additional period not to exceed fifteen days, if the superintendent gives written notice within such initial waiting period to the insurer or rating bureau that the superintendent needs such additional time for the consideration of such filing. A filing is deemed to comply with sections 3937.04 to 3937.17 of the Revised Code unless disapproved by the superintendent within the waiting period or its extension. Upon written application by such insurer or rating bureau, the superintendent may authorize a filing that the superintendent has reviewed to become effective before the expiration of the initial waiting period or its extension. If, during the initial waiting period or extension, the superintendent finds the filing to which sections 3937.04 to 3937.17 of the Revised Code apply does not comply with the sections, the superintendent shall disapprove the filing by sending written notice to the person who made the filing, specifying therein the reasons the filing fails to comply with the sections. Upon notice of disapproval, the person who made such a filing may request a hearing pursuant to section 3937.15 of the Revised Code.

(4) In determining whether circumstances exist in a market for a line of commercial insurance as required in division (C)(3) of this section, the superintendent shall consider all relevant structural factors in determining the conditions of the market, including: the number of insurers actively engaged in providing coverage; market shares; changes in market shares; and ease of entry.

(5) This division does not apply to any filings required under Chapter 3937. of the Revised Code for personal lines coverage.

(6) Any rule adopted by the superintendent under this division shall expire one year after its issuance unless rescinded earlier or extended by rule adopted by the superintendent.

(D) A special filing may be made with respect to a surety or guaranty bond required by law, by court or executive order, or by order, rule, or regulation of a public body not covered by a previous filing.

(E) Special filings may be made at any time with respect to any individual or special risks whose size, classification, degree of exposure to loss, previous loss experience, or other relevant factors call for the exercise of sound underwriting judgment in the promulgation of rates appropriate to such individual or special risks. The superintendent may make such examination as the superintendent considers advisable to ascertain whether such rates meet the standards set forth in division (D) of section 3937.02 of the Revised Code.

(F) The superintendent may, by written order, suspend or modify the requirement of filing as to any kind of insurance, subdivision, or combination thereof, or as to classes of risks, the rates for which cannot practicably be filed before they are used. Such orders shall be made known to insurers and rating organizations affected thereby. The superintendent may make such examination as the superintendent considers advisable to ascertain whether any rates affected by such order meet the standards set forth in division (D) of section 3937.02 of the Revised Code.

(G) Upon the written application of the insured, stating the insured's reasons therefor, a rate in excess of that provided by a filing otherwise applicable may be used on any specific risk.

(H) A commercial insurance policy form or endorsement that is unique in character and designed for a particular risk is exempt from filing, except that the superintendent may, by regulation or order, prescribe specific restrictions relating to this exemption.

(I) An insurer shall retain any insurance policy form, endorsement, or rate that is exempt from filing under division (E), (F), (G), or (H) of this section and all supporting documentation for not less than three years after the effective date of the exempt policy form, endorsement, or rate. Upon request of the superintendent during that period, the insurer shall make such policy form, endorsement, or rate, and the supporting documentation available for inspection by the superintendent.

(J) No insurer shall make or issue a contract or policy except in accordance with filings which are in effect for said insurer as provided in sections 3937.01 to 3937.17 of the Revised Code or in accordance with division (E), (F), (G), or (H) of this section.

Last updated August 16, 2024 at 8:48 AM

Section 3937.04 | Hearing on rates and filings.

(A) If at any time the superintendent of insurance finds that a rate to which sections 3937.01 to 3937.17 of the Revised Code apply does not comply with such sections, he may, after a hearing held upon not less than twenty days' written notice as provided in division (C) of this section, specifying the matters to be considered at the hearing, to every insurer and rating organization that made the rate, issue an order specifying in what respects he finds that the rate fails to comply, and stating when, within a reasonable period thereafter, the rate shall be no longer in effect. Copies of the order shall be sent to such insurer or rating organization. The order shall not affect any contract or policy made or issued prior to the expiration of the period set forth in the order.

(B) Any person or organization aggrieved with respect to any filing that is in effect may make written application to the superintendent for a hearing thereon, provided the insurer or rating organization that made the filing shall not be authorized to proceed under this division. The application shall specify the grounds to be relied upon by the applicant. If the superintendent finds that the application is made in good faith, that the applicant would be so aggrieved if his grounds are established, and that such grounds otherwise justify holding such a hearing, he shall, within thirty days after receipt of the application, hold a hearing upon not less than ten days' written notice to the applicant and, as provided in division (C) of this section, to every insurer and rating organization that made the filing. If, after the hearing, the superintendent finds that the filing does not comply with sections 3937.01 to 3937.17 of the Revised Code, he shall issue an order specifying in what respects he finds that the filing fails to comply and stating when, within a reasonable period thereafter, the filing shall be no longer effective. Copies of the order shall be sent to the applicant and to every such insurer or rating organization. The order shall not affect any contract or policy made or issued prior to the expiration of the period set forth in the order.

(C) Every rating organization receiving a notice of hearing or copy of an order under division (A) or (B) of this section shall promptly notify all of its members or subscribers that would be affected by the hearing or order. Notice to a rating organization of a hearing or order shall be deemed notice to its members or subscribers.

Section 3937.05 | Application for license as rating organization.

(A) A corporation, an unincorporated association, a partnership, or an individual, whether located within or outside this state, may make application to the superintendent of insurance for license as a rating organization for such kinds of insurance or subdivisions thereof as are specified in its application and shall file therewith:

(1) A copy of its constitution, articles of agreement or association or certificate of incorporation, and its bylaws, rules, and regulations governing the conduct of its business;

(2) A list of its members and subscribers;

(3) The name and address of a resident of this state upon whom notices or orders of the superintendent or process affecting such rating organization may be served;

(4) A statement of its qualifications as a rating organization.

If the superintendent finds that the applicant is competent, trustworthy, and otherwise qualified to act as a rating organization and that its constitution, articles of agreement or association or certificate of incorporation, and its bylaws, rules, and regulations governing the conduct of its business conform to the law, he shall issue a license specifying the kinds of insurance or subdivisions thereof for which the applicant may act as a rating organization.

Every such application shall be granted or denied in whole or in part by the superintendent within sixty days of the date of its filing with him. Licenses issued pursuant to this section shall remain in effect for three years unless sooner suspended or revoked by the superintendent. The fee for said license shall be twenty-five dollars. Licenses issued pursuant to this section may be suspended or revoked by the superintendent, after hearing upon notice, in the event the rating organization ceases to comply with this division of this section.

Every rating organization shall notify the superintendent promptly of every change in its constitution, articles of agreement or association or certificate of incorporation, and its bylaws, rules, and regulations governing the conduct of its business; its list of members and subscribers; and the name and address of the resident of this state designated by it upon whom notices or orders of the superintendent or process affecting such rating organization may be served.

(B) Subject to rules and regulations approved by the superintendent as reasonable, each rating organization shall permit any insurer, not a member, to be a subscriber to its rating services for any kind of insurance or subdivision thereof for which it is authorized to act as a rating organization. Notice of proposed changes in such rules and regulations shall be given to subscribers. Each rating organization shall furnish its rating services without discrimination to its members and subscribers. The reasonableness of any rule or regulation in its application to subscribers, or the refusal of any rating organization to admit an insurer as a subscriber, shall, at the request of any subscriber or any such insurer, be reviewed by the superintendent at a hearing held upon at least ten days' written notice to such rating organization and to such subscriber or insurer. If the superintendent finds that such rule or regulation is unreasonable in its application to subscribers, he shall order that such rule or regulation shall not be applicable to subscribers. If the rating organization fails to grant or reject an insurer's application for subscribership within thirty days after it was made, the insurer may request a review by the superintendent as if the application had been rejected. If the superintendent finds that the insurer has been refused admittance to the rating organization as a subscriber, without justification, he shall order the rating organization to admit the insurer as a subscriber. If he finds that the action of the rating organization was justified, he shall make an order affirming its action.

(C) No rating organization shall adopt any rule the effect of which would be to prohibit or regulate the payment of dividends, savings, or unabsorbed premium deposits allowed or returned by insurers to their policyholders, members, or subscribers.

(D) Co-operation among rating organizations or among rating organizations and insurers in rate making or in other matters within the scope of sections 3937.01 to 3937.17, inclusive, of the Revised Code, is hereby authorized, provided the filings resulting from such co-operation are subject to such sections which are applicable to filings generally. The superintendent may review such co-operative activities and practices and if, after a hearing, he finds that any such activity or practice is unfair or unreasonable or otherwise inconsistent with sections 3937.01 to 3937.17, inclusive, of the Revised Code, he may issue a written order specifying in what respects such activity or practice is unfair, unreasonable, or otherwise inconsistent with such sections, and requiring the discontinuance of such activity or practice.

Section 3937.06 | Deviation from filings.

Every member or subscriber to a rating organization shall adhere to the filings made on its behalf by such organization except that any such insurer may file with the superintendent of insurance a uniform percentage decrease or increase to be applied to the premiums produced by the rating system so filed for a kind of insurance for a class of insurance which is found by the superintendent to be a proper rating unit for the application of such uniform percentage decrease or increase, or for a subdivision of a kind of insurance comprised of a group of manual classifications which is treated as a separate unit for rate making purposes, or for which separate expense provisions are applicable.

When such deviation is filed, it shall become effective immediately and shall be deemed to comply with sections 3937.01 to 3937.17, inclusive, of the Revised Code, unless disapproved by the superintendent as provided in section 3937.04 of the Revised Code. When such filing is not accompanied by the information upon which the insurer supports such deviation and the superintendent does not have sufficient information to determine whether such filing complies with sections 3937.01 to 3937.17, inclusive, of the Revised Code, he may require such insurer to furnish the information upon which it supports such filing. Such information may be of the character provided for in division (A) of section 3937.03 of the Revised Code.

Section 3937.07 | Advisory organizations.

Any member of or subscriber to a rating organization may appeal to the superintendent of insurance from the action or decision of such rating organization in approving or rejecting any proposed change in or addition to the filings of such rating organization and the superintendent shall, after a hearing held upon not less than ten days' written notice to the appellant and to such rating organization, issue an order approving the action or decision of such rating organization or directing it to give further consideration to such proposal. If such appeal is from the action or decision of the rating organization in rejecting a proposed addition to its filings, the superintendent may, in the event he finds that such action or decision was unreasonable, issue an order directing the rating organization to make an addition to its filings, on behalf of its members and subscribers, in a manner consistent with his findings, within a reasonable time after the issuance of such order.

If such appeal is based upon the failure of the rating organization to make a filing on behalf of such member or subscriber which is based on a system of expense provisions which differs, in accordance with the right granted in division (B) of section 3937.02 of the Revised Code, from the system of expense provisions included in a filing made by the rating organization, the superintendent shall, if he grants the appeal, order the rating organization to make the requested filing for use by the appellant. In deciding such appeal the superintendent shall apply the standards set forth in division (B) of section 3937.02 of the Revised Code.

Section 3937.08 | Rate information furnished insurer upon request - right of review and appeal.

Every rating organization, and every insurer which makes its own rates, shall within a reasonable time after receiving written request therefor, and upon payment of such reasonable charge as it may make, furnish to any insured affected by a rate made by it, or to the authorized representative of such insured, all pertinent information as to such rate. Every rating organization and every insurer which makes its own rates shall provide, within this state, reasonable means by which any person aggrieved by the application of its rating system may be heard, in person or by his authorized representative, on his written request to review the manner in which such rating system has been applied in connection with the insurance afforded him.

If the rating organization or insurer fails to grant or reject such request within thirty days after it is made, the applicant may proceed in the same manner as if his application had been rejected. Any party affected by the action of such rating organization or such insurer on such request may, within thirty days after written notice of such action, appeal to the superintendent of insurance, who, after a hearing held upon not less than ten days' written notice to the appellant and to such rating organization or insurer, may affirm or reverse such action.

Section 3937.09 | Advisory organization - functions - requirements - order of superintendent.

(A) Every group, association, or other organization of insurers, whether located within or outside this state, which assists insurers which make their own filings or rating organizations in rate making, by the collection and furnishing of loss or expense statistics, or by the submission of recommendations, but which does not make filings under sections 3937.01 to 3937.17, inclusive, of the Revised Code, shall be known as an advisory organization.

(B) Every advisory organization shall file with the superintendent:

(1) A copy of its constitution, articles of agreement or association or certificate of incorporation, and of its bylaws, rules, and regulations governing its activities;

(2) A list of its members;

(3) The name and address of a resident of this state upon whom notices or orders of the superintendent of insurance or process issued at his direction may be served;

(4) An agreement that the superintendent may examine such advisory organization in accordance with section 3937.11 of the Revised Code.

(C) If, after a hearing, the superintendent finds that the furnishing of such information or assistance involves any act or practice which is unfair or unreasonable or otherwise inconsistent with sections 3937.01 to 3937.17, inclusive, of the Revised Code, he may issue a written order specifying in what respects such act or practice is unfair or unreasonable or otherwise inconsistent with such sections, and requiring the discontinuance of such act or practice.

(D) No insurer which makes its own filings and no rating organization shall support its filings by statistics or adopt rate making recommendations, furnished to it by an advisory organization which has not complied with this section or with an order of the superintendent involving such statistics or recommendations issued under division (C) of this section. If the superintendent finds such insurer or rating organization in violation of this division of this section, he may issue an order requiring the discontinuance of such violation.

Section 3937.10 | Regulations for joint underwriting and joint reinsurance.

(A) Every group, association, or other organization of insurers which engages in joint underwriting or joint reinsurance is subject to regulation with respect thereto as provided in this section, subject, with respect to joint underwriting, to sections 3937.01 to 3937.17, inclusive, of the Revised Code, and, with respect to joint reinsurance, to sections 3937.11 and 3937.15 to 3937.17, inclusive, of the Revised Code.

(B) If, after a hearing, the superintendent of insurance finds that any activity or practice of any such group, association, or other organization is unfair, unreasonable, or otherwise inconsistent with sections 3937.01 to 3937.17, inclusive, of the Revised Code, he may issue a written order specifying in what respects such activity or practice is unfair, unreasonable, or otherwise inconsistent with such sections and requiring the discontinuance of such activity or practice.

Section 3937.11 | Examination of rating organization.

The superintendent of insurance shall, at least once in five years, make an examination of each rating organization licensed in this state as provided in section 3937.05 of the Revised Code. Such superintendent may, as often as he deems it expedient, make an examination of each advisory organization referred to in section 3937.09 of the Revised Code and of each group, association, or other organization referred to in section 3937.10 of the Revised Code. The reasonable costs of any such examination shall be paid by the rating organization, advisory organization, group, association, or other organization examined upon presentation to it of a detailed account of such costs. The officers, manager, agents, and employees of such rating organization, advisory organization, group, association, or other organization may be examined at any time under oath and shall exhibit all books, records, accounts, documents, or agreements governing its method of operation. In lieu of any such examination the superintendent may accept the report of an examination made by the insurance supervisory official of another state, pursuant to the laws of such state.

Section 3937.12 | Report of loss experience - interchange of rating plan data.

Subject to sections 119.01 to 119.13, inclusive, of the Revised Code, the superintendent of insurance may promulgate reasonable rules for the reporting by each insurer of its loss experience, in order that such experience of all insurers may be made available, at least annually, to aid him in determining whether rating systems comply with the standards set forth in division (D) of section 3937.02 of the Revised Code. No insurer shall be required to record or report its loss experience in a manner that differs from that which is regularly employed and maintained in the usual course of such insurer's business. The superintendent may designate one or more rating organizations or other agencies to assist him in gathering such experience and making compilations thereof, and such compilations shall be made available, subject to reasonable rules promulgated by the superintendent, to insurers and rating organizations.

In accordance with sections 119.01 to 119.13, inclusive, of the Revised Code, reasonable rules and plans may be promulgated by the superintendent for the interchange of data necessary for the application of rating plans.

The superintendent and every insurer and rating organization may exchange information and experience data with insurance supervisory officials, insurers, and rating organizations in other states and may consult with them with respect to rate making and the application of rating systems.

Section 3937.13 | Agreement for apportionment of insurance.

Agreements may be made among insurers with respect to the equitable apportionment among them of insurance which may be afforded applicants who are in good faith entitled to, but who are unable to procure, such insurance through ordinary methods. Insurers may agree among themselves on the use of reasonable rate modifications for such insurance, such agreements and rate modifications to be subject to the approval of the superintendent of insurance.

Section 3937.14 | Withholding information or making false statements.

No person or organization shall willfully withhold information from, or knowingly give false or misleading information to, the superintendent of insurance, any statistical agency designated by the superintendent, any rating organization, or any insurer, which will affect the rates or premiums chargeable under sections 3937.01 to 3937.17, inclusive, of the Revised Code. Whoever violates this section shall have its license suspended under the procedure set forth in section 3937.16 of the Revised Code.

Section 3937.15 | Insurer may request hearing - review of an order or decision of superintendent.

Any insurer or rating organization aggrieved by any order or decision of the superintendent of insurance made without a hearing, may, within thirty days after notice of the order to the insurer or organization, make written request to the superintendent for a hearing thereon. The superintendent shall hear such party within twenty days after receipt of such request and shall not give less than ten days' written notice of the time and place of the hearing. Within fifteen days after such hearing the superintendent shall affirm, reverse, or modify his previous action, and specify his reasons therefor. Pending such hearing and decision the superintendent may suspend or postpone the effective date of his previous action.

Sections 3937.01 to 3937.17, inclusive, of the Revised Code do not require the observance at any hearing of formal rules of pleading or evidence.

Any order or decision of the superintendent, under such sections, is subject to review by the courts of this state and proceedings on review shall be de novo. No order or decision of the superintendent which is submitted for judicial review may become effective until after final action or decision by the court.

Section 3937.16 | License may be suspended.

The superintendent of insurance may suspend the license of any rating organization or insurer which fails to comply with an order of the superintendent within the time limited by such order, or any extension thereof which the superintendent may grant.

The superintendent shall not suspend the license of any rating organization or insurer for failure to comply with an order until the time prescribed for an appeal therefrom has expired or if an appeal has been taken, until such order has been affirmed. The superintendent may determine when a suspension of license becomes effective and it shall remain in effect for the period fixed by him, unless he modifies or rescinds such suspension, or until the order upon which such suspension is based is modified, rescinded, or reversed.

No penalty shall be imposed and no license shall be suspended or revoked except upon a written order of the superintendent, stating his findings, made after a hearing held upon not less than ten days' written notice to such person or organization specifying the alleged violation.

Section 3937.17 | Interpretation.

Sections 3937.01 to 3937.17, inclusive, of the Revised Code shall be liberally interpreted to the end that insurance rates shall not be excessive, inadequate, or unfairly discriminatory, and co-operative action among insurers in rate making and in other matters within the scope of such sections shall be authorized and regulated. Such sections do no prohibit or discourage reasonable competition, or prohibit or encourage uniformity in insurance rates, rating systems, or rating plans or practices.

Section 3937.18 | Uninsured and underinsured motorist coverage.

(A) Any policy of insurance delivered or issued for delivery in this state with respect to any motor vehicle registered or principally garaged in this state that insures against loss resulting from liability imposed by law for bodily injury or death suffered by any person arising out of the ownership, maintenance, or use of a motor vehicle, may, but is not required to, include uninsured motorist coverage, underinsured motorist coverage, or both uninsured and underinsured motorist coverages.

Unless otherwise defined in the policy or any endorsement to the policy, "motor vehicle," for purposes of the uninsured motorist coverage, underinsured motorist coverage, or both uninsured and underinsured motorist coverages, means a self-propelled vehicle designed for use and principally used on public roads, including an automobile, truck, semi-tractor, motorcycle, and bus. "Motor vehicle" also includes a motor home, provided the motor home is not stationary and is not being used as a temporary or permanent residence or office. "Motor vehicle" does not include a trolley, streetcar, trailer, railroad engine, railroad car, motorized bicycle, golf cart, off-road recreational vehicle, snowmobile, fork lift, aircraft, watercraft, construction equipment, farm tractor or other vehicle designed and principally used for agricultural purposes, mobile home, vehicle traveling on treads or rails, or any similar vehicle.

(B)(1) For purposes of any uninsured motorist coverage included in a policy of insurance, an "uninsured motorist" is the owner or operator of a motor vehicle if any of the following conditions applies:

(a) There exists no bodily injury liability bond or insurance policy covering the owner's or operator's liability to the insured.

(b) The liability insurer denies coverage to the owner or operator, or is or becomes the subject of insolvency proceedings in any state.

(c) The identity of the owner or operator cannot be determined, but independent corroborative evidence exists to prove that the bodily injury, sickness, disease, or death of the insured was proximately caused by the negligence or intentional actions of the unidentified operator of the motor vehicle. For purposes of division (B)(1)(c) of this section, the testimony of any insured seeking recovery from the insurer shall not constitute independent corroborative evidence, unless the testimony is supported by additional evidence.

(d) The owner or operator has diplomatic immunity.

(e) The owner or operator has immunity under Chapter 2744. of the Revised Code.

(2)(a) A policy of motor vehicle insurance or a program of self-insurance covering motor vehicles shall not exclude a person who is provided immunity under Chapter 2744. of the Revised Code from the definition of "uninsured motorist" used in the policy or program.

(b) Division (B)(2)(a) of this section applies to all policies of motor vehicle insurance amended, issued, or renewed, as well as all programs of self-insurance in operation on and after, six months after the effective date of this amendment.

(c) The amendments to division (B)(2) of this section made by S.B. 56 of the 134th general assembly are not to be construed as affecting a policy of motor vehicle insurance or a program of self-insurance covering motor vehicles except to the limited extent provided in those amendments and no other changes are to be implied.

(3) An "uninsured motorist" does not include the owner or operator of a motor vehicle that is self-insured within the meaning of the financial responsibility law of the state in which the motor vehicle is registered.

(C) If underinsured motorist coverage is included in a policy of insurance, the underinsured motorist coverage shall provide protection for insureds thereunder for bodily injury, sickness, or disease, including death, suffered by any insured under the policy, where the limits of coverage available for payment to the insured under all bodily injury liability bonds and insurance policies covering persons liable to the insured are less than the limits for the underinsured motorist coverage. Underinsured motorist coverage in this state is not and shall not be excess coverage to other applicable liability coverages, and shall only provide the insured an amount of protection not greater than that which would be available under the insured's uninsured motorist coverage if the person or persons liable to the insured were uninsured at the time of the accident. The policy limits of the underinsured motorist coverage shall be reduced by those amounts available for payment under all applicable bodily injury liability bonds and insurance policies covering persons liable to the insured.

For purposes of underinsured motorist coverage, an "underinsured motorist" does not include the owner or operator of a motor vehicle that has applicable liability coverage in the policy under which the underinsured motorist coverage is provided.

(D) With respect to the uninsured motorist coverage, underinsured motorist coverage, or both uninsured and underinsured motorist coverages included in a policy of insurance, an insured shall be required to prove all elements of the insured's claim that are necessary to recover from the owner or operator of the uninsured or underinsured motor vehicle.

(E) The uninsured motorist coverage, underinsured motorist coverage, or both uninsured and underinsured motorist coverages included in a policy of insurance shall not be subject to an exclusion or reduction in amount because of any workers' compensation benefits payable as a result of the same injury or death.

(F) Any policy of insurance that includes uninsured motorist coverage, underinsured motorist coverage, or both uninsured and underinsured motorist coverages may, without regard to any premiums involved, include terms and conditions that preclude any and all stacking of such coverages, including but not limited to:

(1) Interfamily stacking, which is the aggregating of the limits of such coverages by the same person or two or more persons, whether family members or not, who are not members of the same household;

(2) Intrafamily stacking, which is the aggregating of the limits of such coverages purchased by the same person or two or more family members of the same household.

(G) Any policy of insurance that includes uninsured motorist coverage, underinsured motorist coverage, or both uninsured and underinsured motorist coverages and that provides a limit of coverage for payment of damages for bodily injury, including death, sustained by any one person in any one automobile accident, may, notwithstanding Chapter 2125. of the Revised Code, include terms and conditions to the effect that all claims resulting from or arising out of any one person's bodily injury, including death, shall collectively be subject to the limit of the policy applicable to bodily injury, including death, sustained by one person, and, for the purpose of such policy limit shall constitute a single claim. Any such policy limit shall be enforceable regardless of the number of insureds, claims made, vehicles or premiums shown in the declarations or policy, or vehicles involved in the accident.

(H) Any policy of insurance that includes uninsured motorist coverage, underinsured motorist coverage, or both uninsured and underinsured motorist coverages may include terms and conditions requiring that, so long as the insured has not prejudiced the insurer's subrogation rights, each claim or suit for uninsured motorist coverage, underinsured motorist coverage, or both uninsured and underinsured motorist coverages be made or brought within three years after the date of the accident causing the bodily injury, sickness, disease, or death, or within one year after the liability insurer for the owner or operator of the motor vehicle liable to the insured has become the subject of insolvency proceedings in any state, whichever is later.

(I) Any policy of insurance that includes uninsured motorist coverage, underinsured motorist coverage, or both uninsured and underinsured motorist coverages may, subject to section 3937.46 of the Revised Code, include terms and conditions that preclude coverage for bodily injury or death suffered by an insured under specified circumstances, including but not limited to any of the following circumstances:

(1) While the insured is operating or occupying a motor vehicle owned by, furnished to, or available for the regular use of a named insured, a spouse, or a resident relative of a named insured, if the motor vehicle is not specifically identified in the policy under which a claim is made, or is not a newly acquired or replacement motor vehicle covered under the terms of the policy under which the uninsured motorist coverage, underinsured motorist coverage, or both uninsured and underinsured motorist coverages are provided;

(2) While the insured is operating or occupying a motor vehicle without a reasonable belief that the insured is entitled to do so, provided that under no circumstances will an insured whose license has been suspended, revoked, or never issued, be held to have a reasonable belief that the insured is entitled to operate a motor vehicle;

(3) When the bodily injury or death is caused by a motor vehicle operated by any person who is specifically excluded from coverage for bodily injury liability in the policy under which the uninsured motorist coverage, underinsured motorist coverage, or both uninsured and underinsured motorist coverages are provided;

(4) While any employee, officer, director, partner, trustee, member, executor, administrator, or beneficiary of the named insured, or any relative of any such person, is operating or occupying a motor vehicle, unless the employee, officer, director, partner, trustee, member, executor, administrator, beneficiary, or relative is operating or occupying a motor vehicle for which uninsured motorist coverage, underinsured motorist coverage, or both uninsured and underinsured motorist coverages are provided in the policy;

(5) When the person actually suffering the bodily injury, sickness, disease, or death is not an insured under the policy.

(J) In the event of payment to any person under the uninsured motorist coverage, underinsured motorist coverage, or both uninsured and underinsured motorist coverages, and subject to the terms and conditions of that coverage, the insurer making such payment is entitled, to the extent of the payment, to the proceeds of any settlement or judgment resulting from the exercise of any rights of recovery of that person against any person or organization legally responsible for the bodily injury or death for which the payment is made, including any amount recoverable from an insurer that is or becomes the subject of insolvency proceedings, through such proceedings or in any other lawful manner. No insurer shall attempt to recover any amount against the insured of an insurer that is or becomes the subject of insolvency proceedings, to the extent of those rights against the insurer that the insured assigns to the paying insurer.

(K) Nothing in this section shall prohibit the inclusion of underinsured motorist coverage in any uninsured motorist coverage included in a policy of insurance.

(L) The superintendent of insurance shall study the market availability of, and competition for, uninsured and underinsured motorist coverages in this state and shall, from time to time, prepare status reports containing the superintendent's findings and any recommendations. The first status report shall be prepared not later than two years after October 31, 2001. To assist in preparing these status reports, the superintendent may require insurers and rating organizations operating in this state to collect pertinent data and to submit that data to the superintendent.

The superintendent shall submit a copy of each status report to the governor, the speaker of the house of representatives, the president of the senate, and the chairpersons of the committees of the general assembly having primary jurisdiction over issues relating to automobile insurance.

Last updated January 13, 2023 at 1:37 PM

Section 3937.181 | Property damage coverage.

(A) No policy of insurance described in division (A) of section 3937.18 of the Revised Code that includes uninsured motorist coverage, underinsured motorist coverage, or both uninsured and underinsured motorist coverages shall be delivered or issued for delivery unless coverage is also made available for damage to, or the destruction of, any motor vehicle specifically identified in the policy, for the protection of those persons insured under the policy who are legally entitled to recover for the damage to or destruction of any motor vehicle specifically identified in the policy from the owner or operator of an uninsured motor vehicle.

(B) The coverage made available under this section need not exceed the lesser of seventy-five hundred dollars or the amount otherwise available from the policy for damages to, or the destruction of, the motor vehicle. The coverage shall be subject to a maximum two-hundred-fifty-dollar deductible. The losses recoverable under this section shall be limited to recovery for that destruction of or damage to the motor vehicle specifically identified in the policy directly caused by an uninsured motor vehicle whose owner or operator has been identified.

(C) If an insured has a policy containing collision coverage covering damages caused by an uninsured motor vehicle, the insured's insurer need not make coverage available under this section.

(D) An insurer making payments to an insured under the coverage offered under division (A) of this section shall be entitled, to the extent of those payments and subject to the terms and conditions of the coverage, to the proceeds of any settlement or judgment resulting from the exercise of any rights of recovery by the insured against the person or organization legally responsible for the injury or destruction of the property, including any amounts recoverable from an insurer that is or becomes the subject of insolvency proceedings, through such proceedings or in any other lawful manner. No insurer shall attempt to recover any amount from the insured of an insurer that is or becomes the subject of insolvency proceedings, to the extent of those rights against the insurer that the insured assigns to the paying insurer.

Section 3937.182 | Punitive or exemplary damages.

(A) As used in this section, "policy" includes an endorsement.

(B) No policy of automobile or motor vehicle insurance that is covered by sections 3937.01 to 3937.17 of the Revised Code, including, but not limited to, the uninsured motorist coverage, underinsured motorist coverage, or both uninsured and underinsured motorist coverages included in such a policy as authorized by section 3937.18 of the Revised Code, and that is issued by an insurance company licensed to do business in this state, and no other policy of casualty or liability insurance that is covered by sections 3937.01 to 3937.17 of the Revised Code and that is so issued, shall provide coverage for judgments or claims against an insured for punitive or exemplary damages.

(C) This section applies only to policies of automobile, motor vehicle, or other casualty or liability insurance as described in division (B) of this section that are issued or renewed on or after the effective date of this section.

Section 3937.19 | Summary of material coverages and exclusions for personal lines policy.

(A) As used in this section:

(1) "Personal lines policy of insurance" means a policy of property and casualty insurance issued to a natural person primarily for personal or family protection for personal automobile, homeowner's, tenant's, mobile-homeowner's, non-commercial dwelling fire or personal umbrella coverage.

(2) "Customer" has the same meaning as in section 3901.19 of the Revised Code.

(B)(1) An insurer may, but is not required to, provide or make a policy summary of material coverages and exclusions in a personal lines policy of insurance available to a customer. If an insurer chooses to provide or make any such policy summary available, the summary shall include at a minimum all of the following:

(a) A brief description of the principal benefits provided under the policy for which a premium is charged;

(b) A brief description of the principal exclusions, provided under the policy;

(c) A statement of the loss valuation methods provided under the policy;

(d) The following notice, or a substantially similar notice, prominently displayed in conjunction with the policy summary:

"You should read your insurance policy and get assistance in understanding the coverages and any exclusions directly from your agent or the insurance company issuing your policy. This policy summary is for informational purposes only and is designed to provide a basic description of insurance coverages and exclusions in your policy. This summary does not reflect all the coverages and exclusions contained in your policy and is qualified in its entirety to the policy terms.

State law prohibits this policy summary from replacing, modifying, altering, amending, or changing any of the terms or provisions of the insurance policy that is the subject of this summary."

(2) A policy summary, as described in division (B)(1) of this section, does not include the policy declarations page and any notations contained therein.

(C) Nothing contained in this section shall be construed to prohibit an insurer from providing information related to an insurance policy that does not meet the requirements prescribed in division (B) of this section.

(D) An insurer may display sections of a policy summary individually, in any combination or in any order, as long as the summary meets the requirements prescribed in division (B) of this section and the notice contained in division (B)(1)(d) of this section appears in each section of the policy summary. If the policy summary is paginated, then the notice contained in division (B)(1)(d) of this section shall appear on each page.

(E) An insurer's election to provide or make a policy summary available to a customer does not obligate the insurer to provide a policy summary upon the renewal of the policy or for any other policies issued to the same customer.

(F) If an insurer elects to provide or make a policy summary available for a personal lines policy of insurance, the insurer shall provide a policy summary for the named insured under a policy for that product.

(G) A policy summary provided or made available under this section shall not be considered a replacement for the terms of the policy of insurance, shall not have the effect of altering the coverage afforded by the policy, and shall not confer new or additional rights beyond those expressly provided for in the policy. Nothing in this section shall be construed to create or imply a private cause of action for a violation of this section. A policy summary provided or made available pursuant to this section shall not be admissible in court or in any other legal or administrative proceeding, except to enforce division (H) of this section.

(H) No person doing the business of insurance in this state shall provide or use a policy summary that contains any false, misleading, or deceptive representation or statement.

(I) Any violation of this section is an unfair and deceptive act or practice in the business of insurance under sections 3901.19 to 3901.26 of the Revised Code. If the superintendent, by written order, finds that any person is about to engage, is engaging, or has engaged in a violation of this section, the superintendent may impose any or all of the administrative remedies set forth in divisions (D)(1) to (5) of section 3901.22 of the Revised Code. If the superintendent finds that the violation was due to gross or willful misconduct, the superintendent may order that person to reimburse any customer harmed by the violation or violations, including reimbursement or payment of insurance claims for which a loss occurred as a result of a customer's reliance upon a policy summary containing any false, misleading, or deceptive representation or statement.

Section 3937.21 | Insurance company - obligation to defend.

No insurance company issuing a policy of automobile or motor vehicle liability insurance shall be relieved of its contractual obligation to defend its insured against any claim on the basis of coverage for such claim being provided by any other policy, unless the insurer of such other policy has assumed and is performing the obligation to provide such defense. If the company pays to or on behalf of the insured any amount later determined to be due from another insurer it shall be subrogated to all rights of the insured against such insurer.

Any disputes between insurers regarding the obligation to defend shall be settled without expense to the insured by agreement between the insurers involved or, if they fail to agree, by arbitration or a declaratory judgment proceeding.

Section 3937.22 | Prohibiting increase in cost when insured not at fault.

No insurer shall increase the cost of a private passenger automobile insurance policy based on the insured's involvement in a single motor vehicle accident during the policy period when both of the following apply:

(A) The insured's action is not a proximate cause of any loss, damage, injury, or death arising out of the accident;

(B) The insured has not been convicted of, pleaded guilty to, or pleaded no contest to, a violation of law as a result of the accident.

Section 3937.23 | Prohibiting increase in cost when insured not at fault involved in accident with uninsured motorist.

No insurer shall increase the cost of a private passenger automobile insurance policy based on the insured's involvement in a motor vehicle accident with an uninsured or underinsured motorist, when both of the following apply:

(A) The insured's action is not a proximate cause of any loss, damage, injury, or death arising out of the accident;

(B) The insured has not been convicted of, pleaded guilty to, or pleaded no contest to, a violation of law as a result of the accident.

Section 3937.25 | Grounds for cancellation.

(A) As used in sections 3937.25 to 3937.29 of the Revised Code, "medical malpractice insurance" means insurance coverage against the legal liability of the insured for loss, damage, or expense arising from a medical, optometric, or chiropractic claim, as those claims are defined in section 2305.113 of the Revised Code.

(B) After a policy of commercial property insurance, commercial fire insurance, or commercial casualty insurance other than fidelity or surety bonds, medical malpractice insurance, and automobile insurance as defined in section 3937.30 of the Revised Code, has been in effect for more than ninety days, a notice of cancellation for such policy shall not be issued by any licensed insurer unless it is based on one of the following grounds:

(1) Nonpayment of premium;

(2) Discovery of fraud or material misrepresentation in the procurement of the insurance or with respect to any claims submitted thereunder;

(3) Discovery of a moral hazard or willful or reckless acts or omissions on the part of the named insured that increase any hazard insured against;

(4) The occurrence of a change in the individual risk which substantially increases any hazard insured against after insurance coverage has been issued or renewed, except to the extent the insurer reasonably should have foreseen the change or contemplated the risk in writing the contract;

(5) Loss of applicable reinsurance or a substantial decrease in applicable reinsurance, if the superintendent has determined that reasonable efforts have been made to prevent the loss of, or substantial decrease in, the applicable reinsurance, or to obtain replacement coverage;

(6) Failure of an insured to correct material violations of safety codes or to comply with reasonable written loss control recommendations;

(7) A determination by the superintendent of insurance that the continuation of the policy would create a condition that would be hazardous to the policyholders or the public.

(C) The notice of cancellation required by this section must be in writing, be mailed to the insured at the insured's last known address, and contain all of the following:

(1) The policy number;

(2) The date of the notice;

(3) The effective date of the cancellation;

(4) An explanation of the reason for cancellation.

Such notice of cancellation also shall be mailed to the insured's agent.

(D)(1) Except for nonpayment of premium, the effective date of cancellation must be no less than thirty days from the date of mailing the notice.

(2)(a) When cancellation is for nonpayment of premium, the effective date of cancellation must be no less than ten days from the date of mailing the notice.

(b) An insurer may include a notice of cancellation of a policy of insurance for nonpayment of premium with a billing notice. Subject to division (D)(2)(a) of this section, such a cancellation is effective on or after the due date of the bill.

(E) Nothing in division (B) of this section shall be construed to prevent an insurer from writing a policy of commercial property insurance, commercial fire insurance, or commercial casualty insurance other than medical malpractice insurance and automobile insurance as defined in section 3937.30 of the Revised Code for a period greater than one year and providing in such policy that the insurer may issue a notice of cancellation of such policy at least thirty days prior to an anniversary of such policy, with the effective date of cancellation being that anniversary.

The superintendent may prescribe that adequate disclosure be made to the insured when a policy is issued for a term of more than one year.

(F) There is no liability on the part of, and no cause of action of any nature arises against, the superintendent of insurance, any insurer, or any person furnishing information requested by the superintendent, an insurer, the agent, employee, attorney, or other authorized representative of any such persons, for any oral or written statement made to supply information relevant to a determination on cancellation of any policy of commercial property insurance, commercial fire insurance, or commercial casualty insurance other than fidelity or surety bonds, medical malpractice insurance, and automobile insurance as defined in section 3937.30 of the Revised Code, or in connection with advising an insured or an insured's attorney of the reasons for a cancellation of such insurance, or in connection with any administrative or judicial proceeding arising out of or related to such cancellation.

Section 3937.26 | Notice of nonrenewal of policy - contents.

(A) An insurer may refuse to renew a policy of commercial property insurance, commercial fire insurance, or commercial casualty insurance other than fidelity or surety bonds, medical malpractice insurance, and automobile insurance as defined in section 3937.30 of the Revised Code, by mailing to the insured, at the insured's last known address, at least thirty days prior to the date of the expiration date of the policy, a notice of the insurer's intention not to renew the policy.

Such notice shall contain all of the following:

(1) The policy number;

(2) The date of the notice;

(3) The expiration date of the policy.

Such notice of nonrenewal also shall be mailed to the insured's agent.

(B) If the notice of nonrenewal is mailed less than thirty days before the expiration date of the policy, the insured's coverage then in effect remains in effect until thirty days after the date of mailing the notice, unless the insured notifies the insurer in writing that the insured accepts the nonrenewal as stated. The insurer shall notify the insured of the amount of the premium for the time after the expiration date that the coverage may remain in effect, and the insured shall pay such premium unless the insured accepts the stated nonrenewal. The premium must be calculated using the rates originally applicable to the insured's coverage then in effect.

Section 3937.27 | Renewal conditioned upon substantial increase in premium - notice.

(A) An insurer who intends to condition renewal of a policy of commercial property insurance, commercial fire insurance, or commercial casualty insurance other than fidelity and surety bonds, medical malpractice insurance, and automobile insurance as defined in section 3937.30 of the Revised Code, upon a substantial increase in premium shall mail a notice of such intention to the agent of record and to the insured, at the insured's last known address, at least thirty days prior to the expiration date of the policy.

(B) If the notice is mailed less than thirty days before the expiration date of the policy, the insured's coverage then in effect remains in effect until thirty days after the date of mailing the notice. The insurer shall notify the insured of the amount of the premium for the time after the expiration date that the existing coverage may remain in effect, and the insured shall pay such premium unless the insured notifies the insurer in writing that the insured does not want the coverage then in effect to be extended past the expiration date. The premium must be calculated using the rates originally applicable to the insured's coverage then in effect.

If the insured accepts the increased premium, such change is effective immediately following the expiration of the insured's coverage then in effect.

Section 3937.28 | Contents of cancellation notice.

(A) A notice of cancellation of a policy of medical malpractice insurance shall not be issued by any licensed insurer unless it is based on one of the following grounds:

(1) Nonpayment of premium;

(2) Discovery of fraud or material misrepresentation in the procurement of the insurance or with respect to any claims submitted thereunder;

(3) Discovery of a moral hazard or willful or reckless acts or omissions on the part of the named insured that increase any hazard insured against;

(4) The occurrence of a change in the individual risk that substantially increases any hazard insured against after insurance coverage has been issued or renewed, except to the extent the insurer reasonably should have foreseen the change or contemplated the risk in writing the contract;

(5) Loss of applicable reinsurance or a substantial decrease in applicable reinsurance, if the superintendent of insurance has determined that reasonable efforts have been made to prevent the loss of, or substantial decrease in, the applicable reinsurance, or to obtain replacement coverage;

(6) Failure of an insured to correct material violations of safety codes or to comply with reasonable written loss control recommendations;

(7) A determination by the superintendent that the continuation of the policy would create a condition that would be hazardous to the policyholders or the public.

(B) The notice of cancellation required by this section shall be in writing, be mailed both to the insured at the insured's last known address and to the insured's agent, and contain all of the following:

(1) The policy number;

(2) The date of the notice;

(3) The effective date of the cancellation;

(4) An explanation of the grounds for cancellation.

(C) Except when cancellation is for nonpayment of premium, the effective date of cancellation shall be not less than sixty days from the date of mailing the notice. When cancellation is for nonpayment of premium, the effective date of cancellation shall be not less than ten days from the date of mailing the notice. The insurer may include the notice described in division (D)(2) of section 3937.25 of the Revised Code.

(D) Nothing in division (A) of this section shall be construed to prevent an insurer from writing a policy of medical malpractice insurance for a period greater than one year and providing in such policy that the insurer may issue a notice of cancellation of such policy at least sixty days prior to an anniversary of such policy, with the effective date of cancellation being that anniversary.

The superintendent may prescribe that adequate disclosure be made to the insured when a policy is issued for a term of more than one year.

(E) There is no liability on the part of, and no cause of action of any nature arises against, the superintendent, any insurer, or any person furnishing information requested by the superintendent or an insurer, or the agent, employee, attorney or other authorized representative of any such persons, for any oral or written statement made to supply information relevant to a determination on cancellation of any policy of medical malpractice insurance, or in connection with advising an insured or the insured's attorney of the grounds for a cancellation of such insurance, or in connection with any administrative or judicial proceeding arising out of or related to such cancellation.

Section 3937.29 | Notice of intent to terminate all policies.

(A) An insurer that intends to cancel, terminate, or otherwise not renew all policies of medical malpractice insurance that it has issued to any class, type, or specialty of practitioner, or that intends to cancel, terminate, or otherwise not renew all policies of medical malpractice insurance in a specific geographic area, which may include the state as a whole, shall file written notice of its intended action with the superintendent of insurance. These actions by an insurer are not effective unless the written notice is filed with the superintendent within the following time frames:

(1) At least one hundred eighty days prior to the insurer acting to cancel, terminate, or otherwise not renew all policies of medical malpractice insurance that the insurer has issued in this state;

(2) At least one hundred twenty days prior to the insurer acting to cancel, terminate, or otherwise not renew all policies of medical malpractice insurance for a specific class, type, or specialty of practitioner or in a specific geographic area other than this state as a whole.

Written notice also shall be filed with the superintendent at least one hundred twenty days prior to the insurer making changes in its underwriting guidelines, if the effect of the changes will be to cancel, terminate, or otherwise not renew all policies of medical malpractice insurance for a specific class, type, or specialty of practitioner or in a specific geographic area other than this state as a whole.

(B) The written notice filed with the superintendent under division (A) of this section shall contain all of the following information:

(1) The date of the notice;

(2) The number of insureds with policies that will be cancelled, terminated, or not renewed;

(3) The date that the insurer intends to cancel, terminate, or otherwise not renew all policies of medical malpractice insurance that the insurer has issued to any class, type, or specialty of practitioner, or that the insurer intends to cancel, terminate, or otherwise not renew all policies of medical malpractice insurance in a specific geographic area, including the state as a whole;

(4) The specific geographic area, if any;

(5) Any other information required by the superintendent.

(C) An insurer that intends to condition renewal of a policy of medical malpractice insurance upon an increase in premium shall mail a notice of the insurer's intention to the agent of record and to the insured at the insured's last known address at least sixty days prior to the expiration date of the policy.

(D) An insurer may refuse to renew a policy of medical malpractice insurance by mailing a notice of the insurer's intention to the agent of record and to the insured at the insured's last known address at least sixty days prior to the expiration date of the policy. The notice mailed under this division shall contain all of the following information:

(1) The policy number;

(2) The date of the notice;

(3) The expiration date of the policy;

(4) An explanation of the grounds for nonrenewal.

(E) If the notice required by divisions (C) and (D) of this section is mailed less than sixty days before the expiration date of the policy, the insured's coverage then in effect remains in effect until sixty days after the date of mailing the notice unless either of the following is true:

(1) In the case of a premium increase, the insured accepts the increased premium. The change is then effective immediately following the expiration of the insured's coverage then in effect.

(2) In the case of nonrenewal, the insured notifies the insurer in writing that the insured accepts the nonrenewal as stated.

(F) If the insured's coverage is extended beyond the original expiration date of the policy as provided by division (E) of this section, the premium for the time after the original expiration date must be calculated using the rates originally applicable to the insured's coverage then in effect. The insurer shall notify the insured of the amount of the premium for the time after the expiration of the insured's coverage then in effect. The insured shall pay the premium unless either of the following is true:

(1) In the case of a premium increase, the insured notifies the insurer in writing that the insured does not want the coverage then in effect to be extended past the expiration date.

(2) In the case of nonrenewal, the insured notifies the insurer in writing that the insured accepts the nonrenewal as stated.

Section 3937.30 | Automobile insurance policy defined.

(A) As used in sections 3937.30 to 3937.39 of the Revised Code, "automobile insurance policy" means an insurance policy delivered or issued in this state or covering a motor vehicle required to be registered in this state which:

(1) Provides automobile bodily injury or property damage liability, or related coverage, or any combination thereof;

(2) Insures as named insured, any of the following:

(a) Any one person;

(b) A husband and wife resident in the same household;

(c) Either a husband or a wife who reside in the same household if an endorsement on the policy excludes the other spouse from coverage under the policy and the spouse excluded signs the endorsement. Nothing in division (A)(2)(c) of this section shall prevent the issuance of separate policies to each spouse or affect the compliance of the policy with Chapter 4509. of the Revised Code as to the named insured or any additional insured.

(3) Does not cover garage, automobile sales agency, repair shop, service station, or public parking operation hazards;

(4) Is not issued under an assigned risk plan pursuant to section 4509.70 of the Revised Code.

(B) For purposes of this section, "motor vehicle," means a self-propelled vehicle designed for and principally used on public roads, including an automobile, truck, motorcycle, and a motor home, provided the motor home is not stationary and is not being used as a temporary or permanent residence or office. "Motor vehicle" does not include a trailer, motorized bicycle, golf cart, off-road recreational vehicle, snowmobile, watercraft, construction equipment, farm tractor or other vehicle designed and principally used for agricultural purposes, mobile home, vehicle traveling on treads or rails, or any similar vehicle.

Section 3937.31 | Policy period or guaranteed renewable successive policy periods.

(A) Every automobile insurance policy shall be issued for a period of not less than one year or guaranteed renewable for successive policy periods totaling not less than one year. Where renewal is mandatory, "cancellation," as used in sections 3937.30 to 3937.39 of the Revised Code, includes refusal to renew a policy with at least the coverages, included insureds, and policy limits provided at the end of the next preceding policy period. No insurer may cancel any automobile insurance policy except pursuant to the terms of the policy, and in accordance with sections 3937.30 to 3937.39 of the Revised Code, and for one or more of the following reasons:

(1) Fraud, concealment, or misrepresentation by the insured to the insurer of any material fact in the procurement or renewal of the insurance or in the submission of claims thereunder;

(2) Loss of driving privileges through suspension, revocation, or expiration of the driver's or commercial driver's license of the named insured or any member of the named insured's family covered as a driver; provided that the insurer shall continue the policy in effect but exclude by endorsement all coverage as to the person whose driver's license has been suspended, revoked, or has expired, if the person is other than the named insured or the principal operator;

(3) Nonpayment of premium, which means failure of the named insured to discharge when due any of the named insured's obligations in connection with the payment of premiums on a policy, or any installment of such premiums, whether the premium is payable directly to the insurer or its agent or indirectly under any premium finance plan or extension of credit;

(4) The place of residence of the insured or the state of registration or license of the insured automobile is changed to a state or country in which the insurer is not authorized to write automobile coverage.

This section does not apply in the case of a cancellation if the insurer has indicated its willingness to issue a new policy within the same insurer or within another insurer under the same ownership or management as that of the insurer that has issued the cancellation.

(B) Sections 3937.30 to 3937.39 of the Revised Code do not prohibit:

(1) Changes in coverage or policy limits, cancellation, or nonrenewal for any reason at the request or with the consent of the insured;

(2) Lawful surcharges, adjustments, or other changes in premium;

(3) Policy modification to all policies issued to a classification of risk which do not effect a withdrawal or reduction in the initial coverage or policy limits;

(4) An insurer's refusing for any reason to renew a policy upon its expiration at the end of any mandatory period, provided such nonrenewal complies with the procedure set forth in section 3937.34 of the Revised Code.

(C) Sections 3937.30 to 3937.39 of the Revised Code do not apply to any policy or coverage that has been in effect less than ninety days at the time notice of cancellation is mailed by the insurer, unless it is a renewal policy.

(D) Renewal of a policy does not constitute a waiver or estoppel with respect to grounds for cancellation that existed before the effective date of such renewal.

(E) Nothing in this section prohibits an insurer from incorporating into a policy any changes that are permitted or required by this section or other sections of the Revised Code at the beginning of any policy period within the one-year period set forth in division (A) of this section.

Section 3937.32 | Notice of cancellation.

(A) No cancellation of an automobile insurance policy is effective, unless it is pursuant to written notice to the insured of cancellation. Such notice shall contain:

(1) The policy number;

(2) The date of the notice;

(3) The effective date of cancellation of the policy, which shall not be earlier than thirty days following the date of the notice;

(4) An explanation of the reason for cancellation and the information upon which it is based, or a statement that such explanation will be furnished to the insured in writing within five days after receipt of the insured's written request therefor to the insurer;

(5) Where cancellation is for nonpayment of premium at least ten days notice from the date of mailing of cancellation accompanied by the reason therefor shall be given;

(6) A statement that if there is cause to believe such cancellation is based on erroneous information, or is contrary to law or the terms of the policy, the insured is entitled to have the matter reviewed by the superintendent of insurance, upon written application to the superintendent made not later than the effective date of cancellation of the policy.

(B) An insurer may include a notice of cancellation for nonpayment of premium with a billing notice. Subject to division (A)(5) of this section, such a cancellation is effective on or after the due date of the bill.

Section 3937.33 | Cancellation procedure.

An insurer may cancel an automobile insurance policy at such time prior to its expiration for such reasons as may be permitted by section 3937.31 of the Revised Code, by mailing to the insured, at the insured's last known address appearing on the insurer's records, a notice of cancellation pursuant to section 3937.32 of the Revised Code. If such notice of cancellation, for a reason other than nonpayment of premium, does not contain an explanation of the reason for cancellation and the information upon which it is based, the insurer shall, within five days after receipt of the written request therefor by the insured, furnish explanation to the insured in writing. Prior to the effective date of cancellation, the insurer shall refund to the insured any premium and other sums which may be due the insured.

Upon compliance by the insurer with all requirements of this section, such automobile insurance policy is cancelled on the effective date stated in the notice of cancellation, except as otherwise provided in section 3937.35 of the Revised Code. In the event of the insurer's failure to comply with any requirement of this section, such cancellation shall be ineffective and the policy shall continue in force until such time as it is cancelled or otherwise terminated pursuant to law and the terms of the policy.

Section 3937.34 | Notice of nonrenewal of policy - contents.

An insurer may refuse to renew an automobile insurance policy by mailing to the insured, at the insured's last known address appearing on the insurer's records, and at least thirty days prior to the date of expiration of the policy, a notice of the insurer's intention not to renew the policy. Such notice shall contain:

(A) The policy number;

(B) The date of the notice;

(C) The effective date of expiration;

(D) An explanation of the reason for nonrenewal and the information upon which it is based, or a statement that such explanation will be furnished to the insured in writing within five days after receipt of the insured's written request therefor to the insurer.

Upon compliance by the insurer with all requirements of this section, such automobile insurance policy expires on the expiration date stated in the policy and notice of intention not to renew.

Section 3937.35 | Cancellation review by superintendent of insurance.

Upon receipt of a notice of cancellation given pursuant to section 3937.33 of the Revised Code at any time prior to the effective date of cancellation of an automobile insurance policy, the insured may apply in writing to the superintendent of insurance for review of such cancellation. If the superintendent finds that there is cause to believe that such cancellation is based on erroneous information, or is contrary to law or the terms of the policy, the superintendent shall determine whether such cancellation is effective and shall give written notice of such finding to the insured and the insurer.

If the superintendent finds that such cancellation is in accordance with law and the terms of the policy, the superintendent shall issue a written finding approving such cancellation in such case.

If, upon review, the superintendent finds that such cancellation is contrary to law or the terms of the policy, the superintendent shall issue a written finding disapproving the cancellation and stating in what particulars the same is improper. In such case, the policy continues in force as provided in section 3937.33 of the Revised Code if the insured tenders to the insurer within ten days any premium refund made by the insurer.

Section 3937.36 | Immunity.

There is no liability on the part of, and no cause of action of any nature shall arise against, the superintendent of insurance, any insurer, or any person furnishing information requested by the superintendent, an insurer, the agent, employee, attorney, or other authorized representative of any such persons, for any oral or written statement made to supply information relevant to a determination on cancellation or nonrenewal of any automobile insurance policy, or in connection with advising an insured or his attorney of the reasons for refusal to write any such insurance, for a cancellation or nonrenewal, or in connection with any administrative or judicial proceeding arising out of or related to such cancellation or nonrenewal.

Section 3937.37 | Prohibiting requirement of disclosure.

No insurer on its application for an automobile insurance policy shall require the applicant to disclose any refusal or cancellation of automobile insurance other than a cancellation in accord with section 3937.31 of the Revised Code, and according to the procedure required in sections 3937.32 and 3937.33 of the Revised Code.

Section 3937.38 | Prohibiting failure to renew because of age.

No insurer shall fail to renew an automobile insurance policy solely because of the age attained by the insured.

Section 3937.39 | Prohibiting discrimination.

No insurer shall cancel, or refuse to write or renew, any automobile insurance policy solely on the basis of national origin, creed, or race of the insured or applicant.

Section 3937.41 | Prohibiting consideration of work-related accidents.

(A) As used in this section:

(1) "Ambulance" has the same meaning as in section 4765.01 of the Revised Code and also includes private ambulance companies under contract to a municipal corporation, township, or county.

(2) "Emergency vehicle" means any of the following:

(a) Any vehicle, as defined in section 4511.01 of the Revised Code, that is an emergency vehicle of a municipal, township, or county department or public utility corporation and that is identified as such as required by law, the director of public safety, or local authorities;

(b) Any motor vehicle, as defined in section 4511.01 of the Revised Code, when commandeered by a police officer;

(c) Any vehicle, as defined in section 4511.01 of the Revised Code, that is an emergency vehicle of a qualified nonprofit corporation police department established pursuant to section 1702.80 of the Revised Code and that is identified as an emergency vehicle;

(d) Any vehicle, as defined in section 4511.01 of the Revised Code, that is an emergency vehicle of a proprietary police department or security department of a hospital described in section 4973.17 of the Revised Code, and that is identified as an emergency vehicle.

(3) "Firefighter" means any regular, paid, member of a lawfully constituted fire department of a municipal corporation or township.

(4) "Law enforcement officer" means any of the following:

(a) A sheriff, deputy sheriff, constable, marshal, deputy marshal, municipal police officer, police officer of a township or joint police district, state highway patrol trooper, or member of a police force employed by a metropolitan housing authority under division (D) of section 3735.31 of the Revised Code;

(b) A police officer employed by a qualified nonprofit police department pursuant to section 1702.80 of the Revised Code, or police officer employed by a proprietary police department or security department of a hospital described in section 4973.17 of the Revised Code;

(c) An officer, agent, or employee of the state or any of its agencies, instrumentalities, or political subdivisions, upon whom, by statute, a duty to conserve the peace or to enforce all or certain laws is imposed and the authority to arrest violators is conferred, within the limits of that statutory duty and authority;

(d) A veterans' home police officer appointed under section 5907.02 of the Revised Code;

(e) A member of a police force employed by a regional transit authority under division (Y) of section 306.35 of the Revised Code.

(5) "Motor vehicle accident" means any accident involving a motor vehicle which results in bodily injury to any person, or damage to the property of any person.

(6) "Investigator" means an investigator of the bureau of criminal identification and investigation as defined in section 2903.11 of the Revised Code.

(B) No insurer shall consider the circumstance that an applicant or policyholder has been involved in a motor vehicle accident while in the pursuit of the applicant's or policyholder's official duties as a law enforcement officer, firefighter, investigator, or operator of an emergency vehicle or ambulance, while operating a vehicle engaged in mowing or snow and ice removal as a county, township, or department of transportation employee, or while operating a vehicle while engaged in the pursuit of the applicant's or policyholder's official duties as a member of the motor carrier enforcement unit of the state highway patrol under section 5503.34 of the Revised Code, as a basis for doing either of the following:

(1) Refusing to issue or deliver a policy of insurance upon a private automobile, or increasing the rate to be charged for such a policy;

(2) Increasing the premium rate, canceling, or failing to renew an existing policy of insurance upon a private automobile.

(C) Any applicant or policyholder affected by an action of an insurer in violation of this section may appeal to the superintendent of insurance. After a hearing held upon not less than ten days' notice to the applicant or policyholder and to the insurer and if the superintendent determines that the insurer has violated this section, the superintendent may direct the issuance of a policy, decrease the premium rate on a policy, or reinstate insurance coverage.

(D) The employer of the law enforcement officer, firefighter, investigator, or operator of an emergency vehicle or ambulance, operator of a vehicle engaged in mowing or snow and ice removal, or operator of a vehicle who is a member of the motor carrier enforcement unit, except as otherwise provided in division (F) of this section, shall certify to the state highway patrol or law enforcement agency that investigates the accident whether the officer, firefighter, investigator, or operator of an emergency vehicle or ambulance, operator of a vehicle engaged in mowing or snow and ice removal, or operator of a vehicle who is a member of the motor carrier enforcement unit, was engaged in the performance of the person's official duties as such employee at the time of the accident. The employer shall designate an official authorized to make the certifications. The state highway patrol or law enforcement agency shall include the certification in any report of the accident forwarded to the department of public safety pursuant to sections 5502.11 and 5502.12 of the Revised Code and shall forward the certification to the department if received after the report of the accident has been forwarded to the department. The registrar of motor vehicles shall not include an accident in a certified abstract of information under division (A) of section 4509.05 of the Revised Code, if the person involved has been so certified as having been engaged in the performance of the person's official duties at the time of the accident.

(E) Division (B) of this section does not apply to an insurer whose policy covers the motor vehicle at the time the motor vehicle is involved in an accident described in division (B) of this section.

(F) Division (B) of this section does not apply if an applicant or policyholder, on the basis of the applicant's or policyholder's involvement in an accident described in that division, is convicted of or pleads guilty or no contest to a violation of section 4511.19 of the Revised Code or a municipal OVI ordinance as defined in section 4511.181 of the Revised Code.

Last updated August 27, 2024 at 9:52 AM

Section 3937.411 | Tickets for civil violations.

No insurer shall consider the issuance of a ticket for a civil violation under section 4511.097 of the Revised Code to an applicant or policyholder, or an admission or finding of liability related to such a ticket, as a basis for doing either of the following:

(A) Refusing to issue or deliver a policy of insurance upon a private automobile or increasing the rate to be charged for such a policy;

(B) Increasing the premium rate, canceling, or failing to renew an existing policy of insurance upon a private automobile.

Section 3937.42 | Cooperation in investigating fraudulent claims.

(A) The chief or head law enforcement officer of any federal, state, or local law enforcement agency or a prosecuting attorney of any county may request any insurance company, or agent authorized by the company to act on its behalf, that has investigated or is investigating a claim involving motor vehicle insurance or vessel insurance to release any information in its possession relevant to the claim. The company or agent shall release the information that is requested in writing by the law enforcement officer.

(B) If an insurance company, or agent authorized by the company to act on its behalf, has reason to suspect that a loss involving a motor vehicle or vessel that is insured by the company is part of a fraudulent scheme to obtain control of insurance proceeds, the company or agent shall notify a law enforcement officer or a prosecuting attorney of any county having jurisdiction over the alleged fraud.

(C) An insurance company, or agent authorized by the company to act on its behalf, shall release any information requested in writing pursuant to division (A) of this section and cooperate with the officer or a prosecuting attorney of any county authorized to request the information. The company or agent shall take such action as may be reasonably requested of it by the officer or a prosecuting attorney of any county and shall permit any other person ordered by a court to inspect any information that is specifically requested by the court.

The information that may be requested pursuant to this section may include, but is not limited to, the following:

(1) Any insurance policy relevant to the claim under investigation and any application for such a policy;

(2) Policy premium payment records;

(3) History of previous claims involving a motor vehicle or vessel made by the insured;

(4) Material relating to the investigation of the claim, including statements of any person, proof of loss, and any other relevant evidence.

(D) If the law enforcement officer or a prosecuting attorney of any county mentioned in division (A) of this section has received information pursuant to this section from an insurance company, or agent authorized by the company to act on its behalf, the officer or a prosecuting attorney of any county may release to, and share with, the insurance company or agent any information in the officer's or prosecuting attorney's possession relative to the claim, upon the written request of the insurance company or agent.

(E) In the absence of fraud, recklessness, or malice, no insurance company, or agent authorized by the company to act on its behalf, is liable for damages in any civil action, including any action brought pursuant to section 1347.10 of the Revised Code for any oral or written statement made or any other action taken that is necessary to supply information required pursuant to this section.

(F) Except as otherwise provided in division (D) of this section, any officer or a prosecuting attorney of any county receiving any information furnished pursuant to this section shall hold the information in confidence and shall not disclose it to anyone except other law enforcement officers or agencies until its release is required pursuant to a criminal or civil proceeding.

(G) Any officer or a prosecuting attorney of any county referred to in division (A) of this section may testify as to any information in the officer's or prosecuting attorney's possession regarding the claim referred to in that division in any civil action in which any person seeks recovery under a policy against an insurance company.

(H) As used in this section:

(1) "Motor vehicle" has the same meaning as in section 4501.01 of the Revised Code.

(2) "Vessel" has the same meaning as in section 1546.01 of the Revised Code.

(I)(1) No person shall purposely refuse to release any information requested pursuant to this section by an officer or a prosecuting attorney of any county authorized by division (A) of this section to request the information.

(2) No person shall purposely refuse to notify an appropriate law enforcement officer or a prosecuting attorney of any county of a loss required to be reported pursuant to division (B) of this section.

(3) No person shall purposely fail to hold in confidence information required to be held in confidence by division (F) of this section.

Section 3937.43 | Reduction in premium charges for insureds over 60 completing motor vehicle accident prevention course.

(A) As used in this section:

(1) "Automobile insurance policies" has the same meaning as in section 3937.30 of the Revised Code.

(2) "Moving violation" means any violation of any statute or ordinance that regulates the operation of vehicles, streetcars, or trackless trolleys on highways or streets or that regulates size or load limitations or fitness requirements of vehicles. "Moving violation" does not include the violation of any statute or ordinance that regulates pedestrians or the parking of vehicles.

(3) "Community control sanction" has the same meaning as in section 2929.01 of the Revised Code.

(B) Every rating plan or schedule of rates for automobile insurance policies that is filed with the superintendent of insurance shall provide for an appropriate reduction in premium charges for any insured or applicant for insurance under the following conditions:

(1) The applicant or insured is sixty years of age or older;

(2) The applicant or insured successfully completes a motor vehicle accident prevention course, which includes classroom instruction and the passing of an examination in accordance with both of the following:

(a) The department of public safety shall approve the course and the examination. However, the department shall not approve any correspondence course or any other course that does not provide classroom instruction.

(b) The examination shall include an actual demonstration of the applicant's or insured's ability to exercise ordinary and reasonable control in the operation of a motor vehicle.

(3) The applicant or insured submits to the insurer a certificate that is issued by the sponsor of the motor vehicle accident prevention course and attests to the successful completion of the course by the applicant or insured;

(4) The insurer may consider the driving record of the applicant or insured in accordance with divisions (C) and (D) of this section.

(C) In determining whether to grant a reduction in premium charges in accordance with this section, the insurer may consider the driving record of the insured or applicant for a three-year period prior to the successful completion of a motor vehicle accident prevention course.

(D)(1) Subject to division (D)(2) of this section, every reduction in premium charges granted in accordance with this section shall be effective for an insured for a three-year period after each successful completion of a motor vehicle accident prevention course.

(2) As a condition of maintaining a reduction in premium charges granted in accordance with this section, an insurer may require that the insured, during the three-year period for which the reduction has been granted, neither be involved in an accident for which the insured is primarily at fault, nor be convicted of more than one moving violation.

(E) A reduction in premium charges granted in accordance with this section shall not become effective until the first full term of coverage following the successful completion of a motor vehicle accident prevention course in accordance with division (B) of this section.

(F) The director of the department of public safety shall adopt rules in accordance with Chapter 119. of the Revised Code that are necessary to carry out the duties of the department under this section.

(G) This section does not apply to any automobile insurance policy issued under an assigned risk plan pursuant to section 4509.70 of the Revised Code.

(H) This section does not apply to circumstances in which the motor vehicle accident prevention course is required by a court as a condition of a community control sanction imposed for a moving violation.

Section 3937.44 | All claims resulting from one person's bodily injury subject to limit of policy applicable to bodily injury.

Any liability policy of insurance including, but not limited to, automobile liability or motor vehicle liability insurance that provides a limit of coverage for payment for damages for bodily injury, including death, sustained by any one person in any one accident, may, notwithstanding Chapter 2125. of the Revised Code, include terms and conditions to the effect that all claims resulting from or arising out of any one person's bodily injury, including death, shall collectively be subject to the limit of the policy applicable to bodily injury, including death, sustained by one person, and, for the purpose of such policy limit shall constitute a single claim. Any such policy limit shall be enforceable regardless of the number of insureds, claims made, vehicles or premiums shown in the declarations or policy, or vehicles involved in the accident.

Section 3937.45 | Prohibiting consideration of vehicle weight violations.

(A) No insurer shall consider the circumstance that an applicant or policyholder has been convicted of any violation of the weight provisions of Chapter 5577. of the Revised Code, or a substantially similar municipal ordinance relating to vehicle weight as a basis for doing either of the following:

(1) Refusing to issue or deliver a policy of insurance upon a private automobile, or increasing the rate to be charged for such a policy;

(2) Increasing the premium rate, canceling, or failing to renew an existing policy of insurance upon a private automobile.

(B) Any applicant or policyholder affected by an action of an insurer in violation of division (A) of this section may appeal to the superintendent of insurance. After a hearing held upon not less than ten days' notice to the applicant or policyholder and to the insurer and after determining that the insurer has violated this section, the superintendent may direct the issuance of a policy, decrease the premium rate on a policy, or reinstate insurance coverage.

(C) The registrar shall not include the conviction for a violation of the weight provisions of Chapter 5577. of the Revised Code, or a substantially similar municipal ordinance relating to vehicle weight as part of the driver's or operator's permanent record and shall not include the conviction in a certified abstract of information under division (A) of section 4509.05 of the Revised Code.

(D) Division (A) of this section does not apply to an insurer whose policy covers the vehicle, trackless trolley, load, object, or structure operated or moved upon improved public highways, streets, bridges, or culverts in violation of the weight provisions of Chapter 5577. of the Revised Code, or a substantially similar municipal ordinance relating to vehicle weight.

Section 3937.46 | Applicability of intrafamily liability exclusion against owner or operator of motor vehicle in action for wrongful death.

(A) An intrafamily liability exclusion shall not apply or be enforced by an insurer against the owner or operator of a motor vehicle in a claim or in a suit for damages made against the owner or operator under Chapter 2125. of the Revised Code.

(B) The prohibition included in division (A) of this section does not apply if both of the following conditions are met:

(1) The policy providing the liability coverage in question includes uninsured-underinsured motorist coverage pursuant to section 3937.18 of the Revised Code;

(2) Such an intrafamily claim is not precluded by an intrafamily exclusion in the uninsured-underinsured motorist coverage in question.

(C) As used in this section:

(1) "Intrafamily liability exclusion" means any provision included in an automobile insurance policy that excludes liability insurance coverage for the owner or operator of a motor vehicle against a claim for injury or death suffered by a family member of that owner or operator.

(2) "Automobile insurance policy" has the same meaning as in section 3937.30 of the Revised Code.

Section 3937.47 | Cancellation of personal lines insurance.

(A) As used in this section, "personal lines insurance" means any policy of insurance issued to a natural person for personal or family protection, including basic property, dwelling fire, homeowner's, tenant's, inland marine, personal liability, and personal umbrella liability coverage.

(B) When the reason for cancellation of a personal lines insurance policy is nonpayment of premium, the effective date of cancellation shall be not less than ten days from the date the notice was mailed.

(C) An insurer may include a notice of cancellation of a personal lines insurance policy for nonpayment of premium with a billing statement. Subject to division (B) of this section, such a cancellation is effective on or after the due date of the bill.

Section 3937.99 | Penalty.

(A) Whoever purposely violates sections 3937.01 to 3937.17 of the Revised Code shall be fined not more than five hundred dollars.

(B) Whoever violates division (I) of section 3937.42 of the Revised Code is guilty of a misdemeanor of the fourth degree.