The Legislative Service Commission staff updates the Revised Code on an ongoing basis, as it completes its act review of enacted legislation.
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Section |
Section 5739.01 | Sales tax definitions.
October 3, 2023
Latest Legislation:
House Bill 33 - 135th General Assembly
As used in this chapter: (A) "Person" includes individuals, receivers, assignees, trustees in bankruptcy, estates, firms, partnerships, associations, joint-stock companies, joint ventures, clubs, societies, corporations, the state and its political subdivisions, and combinations of individuals of any form. (B) "Sale" and "selling" include all of the following transactions for a consideration in any manner, whether absolutely or conditionally, whether for a price or rental, in money or by exchange, and by any means whatsoever: (1) All transactions by which title or possession, or both, of tangible personal property, is or is to be transferred, or a license to use or consume tangible personal property is or is to be granted; (2) All transactions by which lodging by a hotel is or is to be furnished to transient guests; (3) All transactions by which: (a) An item of tangible personal property is or is to be repaired, except property, the purchase of which would not be subject to the tax imposed by section 5739.02 of the Revised Code; (b) An item of tangible personal property is or is to be installed, except property, the purchase of which would not be subject to the tax imposed by section 5739.02 of the Revised Code or property that is or is to be incorporated into and will become a part of a production, transmission, transportation, or distribution system for the delivery of a public utility service; (c) The service of washing, cleaning, waxing, polishing, or painting a motor vehicle is or is to be furnished; (d) Laundry and dry cleaning services are or are to be provided; (e) Automatic data processing, computer services, or electronic information services are or are to be provided for use in business when the true object of the transaction is the receipt by the consumer of automatic data processing, computer services, or electronic information services rather than the receipt of personal or professional services to which automatic data processing, computer services, or electronic information services are incidental or supplemental. Notwithstanding any other provision of this chapter, such transactions that occur between members of an affiliated group are not sales. An "affiliated group" means two or more persons related in such a way that one person owns or controls the business operation of another member of the group. In the case of corporations with stock, one corporation owns or controls another if it owns more than fifty per cent of the other corporation's common stock with voting rights. (f) Telecommunications service, including prepaid calling service, prepaid wireless calling service, or ancillary service, is or is to be provided, but not including coin-operated telephone service; (g) Landscaping and lawn care service is or is to be provided; (h) Private investigation and security service is or is to be provided; (i) Information services or tangible personal property is provided or ordered by means of a nine hundred telephone call; (j) Building maintenance and janitorial service is or is to be provided; (k) Exterminating service is or is to be provided; (l) Physical fitness facility service is or is to be provided; (m) Recreation and sports club service is or is to be provided; (n) Satellite broadcasting service is or is to be provided; (o) Personal care service is or is to be provided to an individual. As used in this division, "personal care service" includes skin care, the application of cosmetics, manicuring, pedicuring, hair removal, tattooing, body piercing, tanning, massage, and other similar services. "Personal care service" does not include a service provided by or on the order of a licensed physician or licensed chiropractor, or the cutting, coloring, or styling of an individual's hair. (p) The transportation of persons by motor vehicle or aircraft is or is to be provided, when the transportation is entirely within this state, except for transportation provided by an ambulance service, by a transit bus, as defined in section 5735.01 of the Revised Code, and transportation provided by a citizen of the United States holding a certificate of public convenience and necessity issued under 49 U.S.C. 41102; (q) Motor vehicle towing service is or is to be provided. As used in this division, "motor vehicle towing service" means the towing or conveyance of a wrecked, disabled, or illegally parked motor vehicle. (r) Snow removal service is or is to be provided. As used in this division, "snow removal service" means the removal of snow by any mechanized means, but does not include the providing of such service by a person that has less than five thousand dollars in sales of such service during the calendar year. (s) Electronic publishing service is or is to be provided to a consumer for use in business, except that such transactions occurring between members of an affiliated group, as defined in division (B)(3)(e) of this section, are not sales. (4) All transactions by which printed, imprinted, overprinted, lithographic, multilithic, blueprinted, photostatic, or other productions or reproductions of written or graphic matter are or are to be furnished or transferred; (5) The production or fabrication of tangible personal property for a consideration for consumers who furnish either directly or indirectly the materials used in the production of fabrication work; and include the furnishing, preparing, or serving for a consideration of any tangible personal property consumed on the premises of the person furnishing, preparing, or serving such tangible personal property. Except as provided in section 5739.03 of the Revised Code, a construction contract pursuant to which tangible personal property is or is to be incorporated into a structure or improvement on and becoming a part of real property is not a sale of such tangible personal property. The construction contractor is the consumer of such tangible personal property, provided that the sale and installation of carpeting, the sale and installation of agricultural land tile, the sale and erection or installation of portable grain bins, or the provision of landscaping and lawn care service and the transfer of property as part of such service is never a construction contract. As used in division (B)(5) of this section: (a) "Agricultural land tile" means fired clay or concrete tile, or flexible or rigid perforated plastic pipe or tubing, incorporated or to be incorporated into a subsurface drainage system appurtenant to land used or to be used primarily in production by farming, agriculture, horticulture, or floriculture. The term does not include such materials when they are or are to be incorporated into a drainage system appurtenant to a building or structure even if the building or structure is used or to be used in such production. (b) "Portable grain bin" means a structure that is used or to be used by a person engaged in farming or agriculture to shelter the person's grain and that is designed to be disassembled without significant damage to its component parts. (6) All transactions in which all of the shares of stock of a closely held corporation are transferred, or an ownership interest in a pass-through entity, as defined in section 5733.04 of the Revised Code, is transferred, if the corporation or pass-through entity is not engaging in business and its entire assets consist of boats, planes, motor vehicles, or other tangible personal property operated primarily for the use and enjoyment of the shareholders or owners; (7) All transactions in which a warranty, maintenance or service contract, or similar agreement by which the vendor of the warranty, contract, or agreement agrees to repair or maintain the tangible personal property of the consumer is or is to be provided; (8) The transfer of copyrighted motion picture films used solely for advertising purposes, except that the transfer of such films for exhibition purposes is not a sale; (9) All transactions by which tangible personal property is or is to be stored, except such property that the consumer of the storage holds for sale in the regular course of business; (10) All transactions in which "guaranteed auto protection" is provided whereby a person promises to pay to the consumer the difference between the amount the consumer receives from motor vehicle insurance and the amount the consumer owes to a person holding title to or a lien on the consumer's motor vehicle in the event the consumer's motor vehicle suffers a total loss under the terms of the motor vehicle insurance policy or is stolen and not recovered, if the protection and its price are included in the purchase or lease agreement; (11)(a) Except as provided in division (B)(11)(b) of this section, all transactions by which health care services are paid for, reimbursed, provided, delivered, arranged for, or otherwise made available by a medicaid health insuring corporation pursuant to the corporation's contract with the state. (b) If the centers for medicare and medicaid services of the United States department of health and human services determines that the taxation of transactions described in division (B)(11)(a) of this section constitutes an impermissible health care-related tax under the "Social Security Act," section 1903(w), 42 U.S.C. 1396b(w), and regulations adopted thereunder, the medicaid director shall notify the tax commissioner of that determination. Beginning with the first day of the month following that notification, the transactions described in division (B)(11)(a) of this section are not sales for the purposes of this chapter or Chapter 5741. of the Revised Code. The tax commissioner shall order that the collection of taxes under sections 5739.02, 5739.021, 5739.023, 5739.026, 5741.02, 5741.021, 5741.022, and 5741.023 of the Revised Code shall cease for transactions occurring on or after that date. (12) All transactions by which a specified digital product is provided for permanent use or less than permanent use, regardless of whether continued payment is required. Except as provided in this section, "sale" and "selling" do not include transfers of interest in leased property where the original lessee and the terms of the original lease agreement remain unchanged, or professional, insurance, or personal service transactions that involve the transfer of tangible personal property as an inconsequential element, for which no separate charges are made. (C) "Vendor" means the person providing the service or by whom the transfer effected or license given by a sale is or is to be made or given and, for sales described in division (B)(3)(i) of this section, the telecommunications service vendor that provides the nine hundred telephone service; if two or more persons are engaged in business at the same place of business under a single trade name in which all collections on account of sales by each are made, such persons shall constitute a single vendor. Physicians, dentists, hospitals, and veterinarians who are engaged in selling tangible personal property as received from others, such as eyeglasses, mouthwashes, dentifrices, or similar articles, are vendors. Veterinarians who are engaged in transferring to others for a consideration drugs, the dispensing of which does not require an order of a licensed veterinarian or physician under federal law, are vendors. The operator of any peer-to-peer car sharing program shall be considered to be the vendor. (D)(1) "Consumer" means the person for whom the service is provided, to whom the transfer effected or license given by a sale is or is to be made or given, to whom the service described in division (B)(3)(f) or (i) of this section is charged, or to whom the admission is granted. (2) Physicians, dentists, hospitals, and blood banks operated by nonprofit institutions and persons licensed to practice veterinary medicine, surgery, and dentistry are consumers of all tangible personal property and services purchased by them in connection with the practice of medicine, dentistry, the rendition of hospital or blood bank service, or the practice of veterinary medicine, surgery, and dentistry. In addition to being consumers of drugs administered by them or by their assistants according to their direction, veterinarians also are consumers of drugs that under federal law may be dispensed only by or upon the order of a licensed veterinarian or physician, when transferred by them to others for a consideration to provide treatment to animals as directed by the veterinarian. (3) A person who performs a facility management, or similar service contract for a contractee is a consumer of all tangible personal property and services purchased for use in connection with the performance of such contract, regardless of whether title to any such property vests in the contractee. The purchase of such property and services is not subject to the exception for resale under division (E) of this section. (4)(a) In the case of a person who purchases printed matter for the purpose of distributing it or having it distributed to the public or to a designated segment of the public, free of charge, that person is the consumer of that printed matter, and the purchase of that printed matter for that purpose is a sale. (b) In the case of a person who produces, rather than purchases, printed matter for the purpose of distributing it or having it distributed to the public or to a designated segment of the public, free of charge, that person is the consumer of all tangible personal property and services purchased for use or consumption in the production of that printed matter. That person is not entitled to claim exemption under division (B)(42)(f) of section 5739.02 of the Revised Code for any material incorporated into the printed matter or any equipment, supplies, or services primarily used to produce the printed matter. (c) The distribution of printed matter to the public or to a designated segment of the public, free of charge, is not a sale to the members of the public to whom the printed matter is distributed or to any persons who purchase space in the printed matter for advertising or other purposes. (5) A person who makes sales of any of the services listed in division (B)(3) of this section is the consumer of any tangible personal property used in performing the service. The purchase of that property is not subject to the resale exception under division (E) of this section. (6) A person who engages in highway transportation for hire is the consumer of all packaging materials purchased by that person and used in performing the service, except for packaging materials sold by such person in a transaction separate from the service. (7) In the case of a transaction for health care services under division (B)(11) of this section, a medicaid health insuring corporation is the consumer of such services. The purchase of such services by a medicaid health insuring corporation is not subject to the exception for resale under division (E) of this section or to the exemptions provided under divisions (B)(12), (18), (19), and (22) of section 5739.02 of the Revised Code. (E) "Retail sale" and "sales at retail" include all sales, except those in which the purpose of the consumer is to resell the thing transferred or benefit of the service provided, by a person engaging in business, in the form in which the same is, or is to be, received by the person. (F) "Business" includes any activity engaged in by any person with the object of gain, benefit, or advantage, either direct or indirect. "Business" does not include the activity of a person in managing and investing the person's own funds. (G) "Engaging in business" means commencing, conducting, or continuing in business, and liquidating a business when the liquidator thereof holds itself out to the public as conducting such business. Making a casual sale is not engaging in business. (H)(1)(a) "Price," except as provided in divisions (H)(2), (3), and (4) of this section, means the total amount of consideration, including cash, credit, property, and services, for which tangible personal property or services are sold, leased, or rented, valued in money, whether received in money or otherwise, without any deduction for any of the following: (i) The vendor's cost of the property sold; (ii) The cost of materials used, labor or service costs, interest, losses, all costs of transportation to the vendor, all taxes imposed on the vendor, including the tax imposed under Chapter 5751. of the Revised Code, and any other expense of the vendor; (iii) Charges by the vendor for any services necessary to complete the sale; (iv) Delivery charges. As used in this division, "delivery charges" means charges by the vendor for preparation and delivery to a location designated by the consumer of tangible personal property or a service, including transportation, shipping, postage, handling, crating, and packing. (v) Installation charges; (vi) Credit for any trade-in. (b) "Price" includes consideration received by the vendor from a third party, if the vendor actually receives the consideration from a party other than the consumer, and the consideration is directly related to a price reduction or discount on the sale; the vendor has an obligation to pass the price reduction or discount through to the consumer; the amount of the consideration attributable to the sale is fixed and determinable by the vendor at the time of the sale of the item to the consumer; and one of the following criteria is met: (i) The consumer presents a coupon, certificate, or other document to the vendor to claim a price reduction or discount where the coupon, certificate, or document is authorized, distributed, or granted by a third party with the understanding that the third party will reimburse any vendor to whom the coupon, certificate, or document is presented; (ii) The consumer identifies the consumer's self to the seller as a member of a group or organization entitled to a price reduction or discount. A preferred customer card that is available to any patron does not constitute membership in such a group or organization. (iii) The price reduction or discount is identified as a third party price reduction or discount on the invoice received by the consumer, or on a coupon, certificate, or other document presented by the consumer. (c) "Price" does not include any of the following: (i) Discounts, including cash, term, or coupons that are not reimbursed by a third party that are allowed by a vendor and taken by a consumer on a sale; (ii) Interest, financing, and carrying charges from credit extended on the sale of tangible personal property or services, if the amount is separately stated on the invoice, bill of sale, or similar document given to the purchaser; (iii) Any taxes legally imposed directly on the consumer that are separately stated on the invoice, bill of sale, or similar document given to the consumer. For the purpose of this division, the tax imposed under Chapter 5751. of the Revised Code is not a tax directly on the consumer, even if the tax or a portion thereof is separately stated. (iv) Notwithstanding divisions (H)(1)(b)(i) to (iii) of this section, any discount allowed by an automobile manufacturer to its employee, or to the employee of a supplier, on the purchase of a new motor vehicle from a new motor vehicle dealer in this state. (v) The dollar value of a gift card that is not sold by a vendor or purchased by a consumer and that is redeemed by the consumer in purchasing tangible personal property or services if the vendor is not reimbursed and does not receive compensation from a third party to cover all or part of the gift card value. For the purposes of this division, a gift card is not sold by a vendor or purchased by a consumer if it is distributed pursuant to an awards, loyalty, or promotional program. Past and present purchases of tangible personal property or services by the consumer shall not be treated as consideration exchanged for a gift card. (2) In the case of a sale of any new motor vehicle by a new motor vehicle dealer, as defined in section 4517.01 of the Revised Code, in which another motor vehicle is accepted by the dealer as part of the consideration received, "price" has the same meaning as in division (H)(1) of this section, reduced by the credit afforded the consumer by the dealer for the motor vehicle received in trade. (3) In the case of a sale of any watercraft or outboard motor by a watercraft dealer licensed in accordance with section 1547.543 of the Revised Code, in which another watercraft, watercraft and trailer, or outboard motor is accepted by the dealer as part of the consideration received, "price" has the same meaning as in division (H)(1) of this section, reduced by the credit afforded the consumer by the dealer for the watercraft, watercraft and trailer, or outboard motor received in trade. As used in this division, "watercraft" includes an outdrive unit attached to the watercraft. (4) In the case of transactions for health care services under division (B)(11) of this section, "price" means the amount of managed care premiums received each month by a medicaid health insuring corporation. (I) "Receipts" means the total amount of the prices of the sales of vendors, provided that the dollar value of gift cards distributed pursuant to an awards, loyalty, or promotional program, and cash discounts allowed and taken on sales at the time they are consummated are not included, minus any amount deducted as a bad debt pursuant to section 5739.121 of the Revised Code. "Receipts" does not include the sale price of property returned or services rejected by consumers when the full sale price and tax are refunded either in cash or by credit. (J) "Place of business" means any location at which a person engages in business. (K) "Premises" includes any real property or portion thereof upon which any person engages in selling tangible personal property at retail or making retail sales and also includes any real property or portion thereof designated for, or devoted to, use in conjunction with the business engaged in by such person. (L) "Casual sale" means a sale of an item of tangible personal property that was obtained by the person making the sale, through purchase or otherwise, for the person's own use and was previously subject to any state's taxing jurisdiction on its sale or use, and includes such items acquired for the seller's use that are sold by an auctioneer employed directly by the person for such purpose, provided the location of such sales is not the auctioneer's permanent place of business. As used in this division, "permanent place of business" includes any location where such auctioneer has conducted more than two auctions during the year. (M) "Hotel" means every establishment kept, used, maintained, advertised, or held out to the public to be a place where sleeping accommodations are offered to guests, in which five or more rooms are used for the accommodation of such guests, whether the rooms are in one or several structures, except as otherwise provided in section 5739.091 of the Revised Code. (N) "Transient guests" means persons occupying a room or rooms for sleeping accommodations for less than thirty consecutive days. (O) "Making retail sales" means the effecting of transactions wherein one party is obligated to pay the price and the other party is obligated to provide a service or to transfer title to or possession of the item sold. "Making retail sales" does not include the preliminary acts of promoting or soliciting the retail sales, other than the distribution of printed matter which displays or describes and prices the item offered for sale, nor does it include delivery of a predetermined quantity of tangible personal property or transportation of property or personnel to or from a place where a service is performed. (P) "Used directly in the rendition of a public utility service" means that property that is to be incorporated into and will become a part of the consumer's production, transmission, transportation, or distribution system and that retains its classification as tangible personal property after such incorporation; fuel or power used in the production, transmission, transportation, or distribution system; and tangible personal property used in the repair and maintenance of the production, transmission, transportation, or distribution system, including only such motor vehicles as are specially designed and equipped for such use. Tangible personal property and services used primarily in providing highway transportation for hire are not used directly in the rendition of a public utility service. In this definition, "public utility" includes a citizen of the United States holding, and required to hold, a certificate of public convenience and necessity issued under 49 U.S.C. 41102. (Q) "Refining" means removing or separating a desirable product from raw or contaminated materials by distillation or physical, mechanical, or chemical processes. (R) "Assembly" and "assembling" mean attaching or fitting together parts to form a product, but do not include packaging a product. (S) "Manufacturing operation" means a process in which materials are changed, converted, or transformed into a different state or form from which they previously existed and includes refining materials, assembling parts, and preparing raw materials and parts by mixing, measuring, blending, or otherwise committing such materials or parts to the manufacturing process. "Manufacturing operation" does not include packaging. (T) "Fiscal officer" means, with respect to a regional transit authority, the secretary-treasurer thereof, and with respect to a county that is a transit authority, the fiscal officer of the county transit board if one is appointed pursuant to section 306.03 of the Revised Code or the county auditor if the board of county commissioners operates the county transit system. (U) "Transit authority" means a regional transit authority created pursuant to section 306.31 of the Revised Code or a county in which a county transit system is created pursuant to section 306.01 of the Revised Code. For the purposes of this chapter, a transit authority must extend to at least the entire area of a single county. A transit authority that includes territory in more than one county must include all the area of the most populous county that is a part of such transit authority. County population shall be measured by the most recent census taken by the United States census bureau. (V) "Legislative authority" means, with respect to a regional transit authority, the board of trustees thereof, and with respect to a county that is a transit authority, the board of county commissioners. (W) "Territory of the transit authority" means all of the area included within the territorial boundaries of a transit authority as they from time to time exist. Such territorial boundaries must at all times include all the area of a single county or all the area of the most populous county that is a part of such transit authority. County population shall be measured by the most recent census taken by the United States census bureau. (X) "Providing a service" means providing or furnishing anything described in division (B)(3) of this section for consideration. (Y)(1)(a) "Automatic data processing" means processing of others' data, including keypunching or similar data entry services together with verification thereof, or providing access to computer equipment for the purpose of processing data. (b) "Computer services" means providing services consisting of specifying computer hardware configurations and evaluating technical processing characteristics, computer programming, and training of computer programmers and operators, provided in conjunction with and to support the sale, lease, or operation of taxable computer equipment or systems. (c) "Electronic information services" means providing access to computer equipment by means of telecommunications equipment for the purpose of either of the following: (i) Examining or acquiring data stored in or accessible to the computer equipment; (ii) Placing data into the computer equipment to be retrieved by designated recipients with access to the computer equipment. "Electronic information services" does not include electronic publishing. (d) "Automatic data processing, computer services, or electronic information services" shall not include personal or professional services. (2) As used in divisions (B)(3)(e) and (Y)(1) of this section, "personal and professional services" means all services other than automatic data processing, computer services, or electronic information services, including but not limited to: (a) Accounting and legal services such as advice on tax matters, asset management, budgetary matters, quality control, information security, and auditing and any other situation where the service provider receives data or information and studies, alters, analyzes, interprets, or adjusts such material; (b) Analyzing business policies and procedures; (c) Identifying management information needs; (d) Feasibility studies, including economic and technical analysis of existing or potential computer hardware or software needs and alternatives; (e) Designing policies, procedures, and custom software for collecting business information, and determining how data should be summarized, sequenced, formatted, processed, controlled, and reported so that it will be meaningful to management; (f) Developing policies and procedures that document how business events and transactions are to be authorized, executed, and controlled; (g) Testing of business procedures; (h) Training personnel in business procedure applications; (i) Providing credit information to users of such information by a consumer reporting agency, as defined in the "Fair Credit Reporting Act," 84 Stat. 1114, 1129 (1970), 15 U.S.C. 1681a(f), or as hereafter amended, including but not limited to gathering, organizing, analyzing, recording, and furnishing such information by any oral, written, graphic, or electronic medium; (j) Providing debt collection services by any oral, written, graphic, or electronic means; (k) Providing digital advertising services; (l) Providing services to electronically file any federal, state, or local individual income tax return, report, or other related document or schedule with a federal, state, or local government entity or to electronically remit a payment of any such individual income tax to such an entity. For the purpose of this division, "individual income tax" does not include federal, state, or local taxes withheld by an employer from an employee's compensation. The services listed in divisions (Y)(2)(a) to (l) of this section are not automatic data processing or computer services. (Z) "Highway transportation for hire" means the transportation of personal property belonging to others for consideration by any of the following: (1) The holder of a permit or certificate issued by this state or the United States authorizing the holder to engage in transportation of personal property belonging to others for consideration over or on highways, roadways, streets, or any similar public thoroughfare; (2) A person who engages in the transportation of personal property belonging to others for consideration over or on highways, roadways, streets, or any similar public thoroughfare but who could not have engaged in such transportation on December 11, 1985, unless the person was the holder of a permit or certificate of the types described in division (Z)(1) of this section; (3) A person who leases a motor vehicle to and operates it for a person described by division (Z)(1) or (2) of this section. (AA)(1) "Telecommunications service" means the electronic transmission, conveyance, or routing of voice, data, audio, video, or any other information or signals to a point, or between or among points. "Telecommunications service" includes such transmission, conveyance, or routing in which computer processing applications are used to act on the form, code, or protocol of the content for purposes of transmission, conveyance, or routing without regard to whether the service is referred to as voice-over internet protocol service or is classified by the federal communications commission as enhanced or value-added. "Telecommunications service" does not include any of the following: (a) Data processing and information services that allow data to be generated, acquired, stored, processed, or retrieved and delivered by an electronic transmission to a consumer where the consumer's primary purpose for the underlying transaction is the processed data or information; (b) Installation or maintenance of wiring or equipment on a customer's premises; (c) Tangible personal property; (d) Advertising, including directory advertising; (e) Billing and collection services provided to third parties; (f) Internet access service; (g) Radio and television audio and video programming services, regardless of the medium, including the furnishing of transmission, conveyance, and routing of such services by the programming service provider. Radio and television audio and video programming services include, but are not limited to, cable service, as defined in 47 U.S.C. 522(6), and audio and video programming services delivered by commercial mobile radio service providers, as defined in 47 C.F.R. 20.3; (h) Ancillary service; (i) Digital products delivered electronically, including software, music, video, reading materials, or ring tones. (2) "Ancillary service" means a service that is associated with or incidental to the provision of telecommunications service, including conference bridging service, detailed telecommunications billing service, directory assistance, vertical service, and voice mail service. As used in this division: (a) "Conference bridging service" means an ancillary service that links two or more participants of an audio or video conference call, including providing a telephone number. "Conference bridging service" does not include telecommunications services used to reach the conference bridge. (b) "Detailed telecommunications billing service" means an ancillary service of separately stating information pertaining to individual calls on a customer's billing statement. (c) "Directory assistance" means an ancillary service of providing telephone number or address information. (d) "Vertical service" means an ancillary service that is offered in connection with one or more telecommunications services, which offers advanced calling features that allow customers to identify callers and manage multiple calls and call connections, including conference bridging service. (e) "Voice mail service" means an ancillary service that enables the customer to store, send, or receive recorded messages. "Voice mail service" does not include any vertical services that the customer may be required to have in order to utilize the voice mail service. (3) "900 service" means an inbound toll telecommunications service purchased by a subscriber that allows the subscriber's customers to call in to the subscriber's prerecorded announcement or live service, and which is typically marketed under the name "900 service" and any subsequent numbers designated by the federal communications commission. "900 service" does not include the charge for collection services provided by the seller of the telecommunications service to the subscriber, or services or products sold by the subscriber to the subscriber's customer. (4) "Prepaid calling service" means the right to access exclusively telecommunications services, which must be paid for in advance and which enables the origination of calls using an access number or authorization code, whether manually or electronically dialed, and that is sold in predetermined units or dollars of which the number declines with use in a known amount. (5) "Prepaid wireless calling service" means a telecommunications service that provides the right to utilize mobile telecommunications service as well as other non-telecommunications services, including the download of digital products delivered electronically, and content and ancillary services, that must be paid for in advance and that is sold in predetermined units or dollars of which the number declines with use in a known amount. (6) "Value-added non-voice data service" means a telecommunications service in which computer processing applications are used to act on the form, content, code, or protocol of the information or data primarily for a purpose other than transmission, conveyance, or routing. (7) "Coin-operated telephone service" means a telecommunications service paid for by inserting money into a telephone accepting direct deposits of money to operate. (8) "Customer" has the same meaning as in section 5739.034 of the Revised Code. (BB) "Laundry and dry cleaning services" means removing soil or dirt from towels, linens, articles of clothing, or other fabric items that belong to others and supplying towels, linens, articles of clothing, or other fabric items. "Laundry and dry cleaning services" does not include the provision of self-service facilities for use by consumers to remove soil or dirt from towels, linens, articles of clothing, or other fabric items. (CC) "Magazines distributed as controlled circulation publications" means magazines containing at least twenty-four pages, at least twenty-five per cent editorial content, issued at regular intervals four or more times a year, and circulated without charge to the recipient, provided that such magazines are not owned or controlled by individuals or business concerns which conduct such publications as an auxiliary to, and essentially for the advancement of the main business or calling of, those who own or control them. (DD) "Landscaping and lawn care service" means the services of planting, seeding, sodding, removing, cutting, trimming, pruning, mulching, aerating, applying chemicals, watering, fertilizing, and providing similar services to establish, promote, or control the growth of trees, shrubs, flowers, grass, ground cover, and other flora, or otherwise maintaining a lawn or landscape grown or maintained by the owner for ornamentation or other nonagricultural purpose. However, "landscaping and lawn care service" does not include the providing of such services by a person who has less than five thousand dollars in sales of such services during the calendar year. (EE) "Private investigation and security service" means the performance of any activity for which the provider of such service is required to be licensed pursuant to Chapter 4749. of the Revised Code, or would be required to be so licensed in performing such services in this state, and also includes the services of conducting polygraph examinations and of monitoring or overseeing the activities on or in, or the condition of, the consumer's home, business, or other facility by means of electronic or similar monitoring devices. "Private investigation and security service" does not include special duty services provided by off-duty police officers, deputy sheriffs, and other peace officers regularly employed by the state or a political subdivision. (FF) "Information services" means providing conversation, giving consultation or advice, playing or making a voice or other recording, making or keeping a record of the number of callers, and any other service provided to a consumer by means of a nine hundred telephone call, except when the nine hundred telephone call is the means by which the consumer makes a contribution to a recognized charity. (GG) "Research and development" means designing, creating, or formulating new or enhanced products, equipment, or manufacturing processes, and also means conducting scientific or technological inquiry and experimentation in the physical sciences with the goal of increasing scientific knowledge which may reveal the bases for new or enhanced products, equipment, or manufacturing processes. (HH) "Qualified research and development equipment" means either of the following: (1) Capitalized tangible personal property, and leased personal property that would be capitalized if purchased, used by a person primarily to perform research and development; (2) Any tangible personal property used by a megaproject operator primarily to perform research and development at the site of a megaproject that satisfies the criteria described in division (A)(11)(a)(ii) of section 122.17 of the Revised Code during the period that the megaproject operator has an agreement for such megaproject with the tax credit authority under division (D) of that section that remains in effect and has not expired or been terminated. "Qualified research and development equipment" does not include tangible personal property primarily used in testing, as defined in division (A)(4) of section 5739.011 of the Revised Code, or used for recording or storing test results, unless such property is primarily used by the consumer in testing the product, equipment, or manufacturing process being created, designed, or formulated by the consumer in the research and development activity or in recording or storing such test results. (II) "Building maintenance and janitorial service" means cleaning the interior or exterior of a building and any tangible personal property located therein or thereon, including any services incidental to such cleaning for which no separate charge is made. However, "building maintenance and janitorial service" does not include the providing of such service by a person who has less than five thousand dollars in sales of such service during the calendar year. As used in this division, "cleaning" does not include sanitation services necessary for an establishment described in 21 U.S.C. 608 to comply with rules and regulations adopted pursuant to that section. (JJ) "Exterminating service" means eradicating or attempting to eradicate vermin infestations from a building or structure, or the area surrounding a building or structure, and includes activities to inspect, detect, or prevent vermin infestation of a building or structure. (KK) "Physical fitness facility service" means all transactions by which a membership is granted, maintained, or renewed, including initiation fees, membership dues, renewal fees, monthly minimum fees, and other similar fees and dues, by a physical fitness facility such as an athletic club, health spa, or gymnasium, which entitles the member to use the facility for physical exercise. (LL) "Recreation and sports club service" means all transactions by which a membership is granted, maintained, or renewed, including initiation fees, membership dues, renewal fees, monthly minimum fees, and other similar fees and dues, by a recreation and sports club, which entitles the member to use the facilities of the organization. "Recreation and sports club" means an organization that has ownership of, or controls or leases on a continuing, long-term basis, the facilities used by its members and includes an aviation club, gun or shooting club, yacht club, card club, swimming club, tennis club, golf club, country club, riding club, amateur sports club, or similar organization. (MM) "Livestock" means farm animals commonly raised for food, food production, or other agricultural purposes, including, but not limited to, cattle, sheep, goats, swine, poultry, and captive deer. "Livestock" does not include invertebrates, amphibians, reptiles, domestic pets, animals for use in laboratories or for exhibition, or other animals not commonly raised for food or food production. (NN) "Livestock structure" means a building or structure used exclusively for the housing, raising, feeding, or sheltering of livestock, and includes feed storage or handling structures and structures for livestock waste handling. (OO) "Horticulture" means the growing, cultivation, and production of flowers, fruits, herbs, vegetables, sod, mushrooms, and nursery stock. As used in this division, "nursery stock" has the same meaning as in section 927.51 of the Revised Code. (PP) "Horticulture structure" means a building or structure used exclusively for the commercial growing, raising, or overwintering of horticultural products, and includes the area used for stocking, storing, and packing horticultural products when done in conjunction with the production of those products. (QQ) "Newspaper" means an unbound publication bearing a title or name that is regularly published, at least as frequently as biweekly, and distributed from a fixed place of business to the public in a specific geographic area, and that contains a substantial amount of news matter of international, national, or local events of interest to the general public. (RR)(1) "Feminine hygiene products" means tampons, panty liners, menstrual cups, sanitary napkins, and other similar tangible personal property designed for feminine hygiene in connection with the human menstrual cycle, but does not include grooming and hygiene products. (2) "Grooming and hygiene products" means soaps and cleaning solutions, shampoo, toothpaste, mouthwash, antiperspirants, and sun tan lotions and screens, regardless of whether any of these products are over-the-counter drugs. (3) "Over-the-counter drugs" means a drug that contains a label that identifies the product as a drug as required by 21 C.F.R. 201.66, which label includes a drug facts panel or a statement of the active ingredients with a list of those ingredients contained in the compound, substance, or preparation. (SS)(1) "Lease" or "rental" means any transfer of the possession or control of tangible personal property for a fixed or indefinite term, for consideration. "Lease" or "rental" includes future options to purchase or extend, and agreements described in 26 U.S.C. 7701(h)(1) covering motor vehicles and trailers where the amount of consideration may be increased or decreased by reference to the amount realized upon the sale or disposition of the property. "Lease" or "rental" does not include: (a) A transfer of possession or control of tangible personal property under a security agreement or a deferred payment plan that requires the transfer of title upon completion of the required payments; (b) A transfer of possession or control of tangible personal property under an agreement that requires the transfer of title upon completion of required payments and payment of an option price that does not exceed the greater of one hundred dollars or one per cent of the total required payments; (c) Providing tangible personal property along with an operator for a fixed or indefinite period of time, if the operator is necessary for the property to perform as designed. For purposes of this division, the operator must do more than maintain, inspect, or set up the tangible personal property. (2) "Lease" and "rental," as defined in division (SS) of this section, shall not apply to leases or rentals that exist before June 26, 2003. (3) "Lease" and "rental" have the same meaning as in division (SS)(1) of this section regardless of whether a transaction is characterized as a lease or rental under generally accepted accounting principles, the Internal Revenue Code, Title XIII of the Revised Code, or other federal, state, or local laws. (TT) "Mobile telecommunications service" has the same meaning as in the "Mobile Telecommunications Sourcing Act," Pub. L. No. 106-252, 114 Stat. 631 (2000), 4 U.S.C.A. 124(7), as amended, and, on and after August 1, 2003, includes related fees and ancillary services, including universal service fees, detailed billing service, directory assistance, service initiation, voice mail service, and vertical services, such as caller ID and three-way calling. (UU) "Certified service provider" has the same meaning as in section 5740.01 of the Revised Code. (VV) "Satellite broadcasting service" means the distribution or broadcasting of programming or services by satellite directly to the subscriber's receiving equipment without the use of ground receiving or distribution equipment, except the subscriber's receiving equipment or equipment used in the uplink process to the satellite, and includes all service and rental charges, premium channels or other special services, installation and repair service charges, and any other charges having any connection with the provision of the satellite broadcasting service. (WW) "Tangible personal property" means personal property that can be seen, weighed, measured, felt, or touched, or that is in any other manner perceptible to the senses. For purposes of this chapter and Chapter 5741. of the Revised Code, "tangible personal property" includes motor vehicles, electricity, water, gas, steam, and prewritten computer software. (XX) "Municipal gas utility" means a municipal corporation that owns or operates a system for the distribution of natural gas. (YY) "Computer" means an electronic device that accepts information in digital or similar form and manipulates it for a result based on a sequence of instructions. (ZZ) "Computer software" means a set of coded instructions designed to cause a computer or automatic data processing equipment to perform a task. (AAA) "Delivered electronically" means delivery of computer software from the seller to the purchaser by means other than tangible storage media. (BBB) "Prewritten computer software" means computer software, including prewritten upgrades, that is not designed and developed by the author or other creator to the specifications of a specific purchaser. The combining of two or more prewritten computer software programs or prewritten portions thereof does not cause the combination to be other than prewritten computer software. "Prewritten computer software" includes software designed and developed by the author or other creator to the specifications of a specific purchaser when it is sold to a person other than the purchaser. If a person modifies or enhances computer software of which the person is not the author or creator, the person shall be deemed to be the author or creator only of such person's modifications or enhancements. Prewritten computer software or a prewritten portion thereof that is modified or enhanced to any degree, where such modification or enhancement is designed and developed to the specifications of a specific purchaser, remains prewritten computer software; provided, however, that where there is a reasonable, separately stated charge or an invoice or other statement of the price given to the purchaser for the modification or enhancement, the modification or enhancement shall not constitute prewritten computer software. (CCC)(1) "Food" means substances, whether in liquid, concentrated, solid, frozen, dried, or dehydrated form, that are sold for ingestion or chewing by humans and are consumed for their taste or nutritional value. "Food" does not include alcoholic beverages, dietary supplements, soft drinks, or tobacco. (2) As used in division (CCC)(1) of this section: (a) "Dietary supplements" means any product, other than tobacco, that is intended to supplement the diet and that is intended for ingestion in tablet, capsule, powder, softgel, gelcap, or liquid form, or, if not intended for ingestion in such a form, is not represented as conventional food for use as a sole item of a meal or of the diet; that is required to be labeled as a dietary supplement, identifiable by the "supplement facts" box found on the label, as required by 21 C.F.R. 101.36; and that contains one or more of the following dietary ingredients: (i) A vitamin; (ii) A mineral; (iii) An herb or other botanical; (iv) An amino acid; (v) A dietary substance for use by humans to supplement the diet by increasing the total dietary intake; (vi) A concentrate, metabolite, constituent, extract, or combination of any ingredient described in divisions (CCC)(2)(a)(i) to (v) of this section. (b) "Soft drinks" means nonalcoholic beverages that contain natural or artificial sweeteners. "Soft drinks" does not include beverages that contain milk or milk products, soy, rice, or similar milk substitutes, or that contains greater than fifty per cent vegetable or fruit juice by volume. (DDD) "Drug" means a compound, substance, or preparation, and any component of a compound, substance, or preparation, other than food, dietary supplements, or alcoholic beverages that is recognized in the official United States pharmacopoeia, official homeopathic pharmacopoeia of the United States, or official national formulary, and supplements to them; is intended for use in the diagnosis, cure, mitigation, treatment, or prevention of disease; or is intended to affect the structure or any function of the body. (EEE) "Prescription" means an order, formula, or recipe issued in any form of oral, written, electronic, or other means of transmission by a duly licensed practitioner authorized by the laws of this state to issue a prescription. (FFF) "Durable medical equipment" means equipment, including repair and replacement parts for such equipment, that can withstand repeated use, is primarily and customarily used to serve a medical purpose, generally is not useful to a person in the absence of illness or injury, and is not worn in or on the body. "Durable medical equipment" does not include mobility enhancing equipment. (GGG) "Mobility enhancing equipment" means equipment, including repair and replacement parts for such equipment, that is primarily and customarily used to provide or increase the ability to move from one place to another and is appropriate for use either in a home or a motor vehicle, that is not generally used by persons with normal mobility, and that does not include any motor vehicle or equipment on a motor vehicle normally provided by a motor vehicle manufacturer. "Mobility enhancing equipment" does not include durable medical equipment. (HHH) "Prosthetic device" means a replacement, corrective, or supportive device, including repair and replacement parts for the device, worn on or in the human body to artificially replace a missing portion of the body, prevent or correct physical deformity or malfunction, or support a weak or deformed portion of the body. As used in this division, before July 1, 2019, "prosthetic device" does not include corrective eyeglasses, contact lenses, or dental prosthesis. On or after July 1, 2019, "prosthetic device" does not include dental prosthesis but does include corrective eyeglasses or contact lenses. (III)(1) "Fractional aircraft ownership program" means a program in which persons within an affiliated group sell and manage fractional ownership program aircraft, provided that at least one hundred airworthy aircraft are operated in the program and the program meets all of the following criteria: (a) Management services are provided by at least one program manager within an affiliated group on behalf of the fractional owners. (b) Each program aircraft is owned or possessed by at least one fractional owner. (c) Each fractional owner owns or possesses at least a one-sixteenth interest in at least one fixed-wing program aircraft. (d) A dry-lease aircraft interchange arrangement is in effect among all of the fractional owners. (e) Multi-year program agreements are in effect regarding the fractional ownership, management services, and dry-lease aircraft interchange arrangement aspects of the program. (2) As used in division (III)(1) of this section: (a) "Affiliated group" has the same meaning as in division (B)(3)(e) of this section. (b) "Fractional owner" means a person that owns or possesses at least a one-sixteenth interest in a program aircraft and has entered into the agreements described in division (III)(1)(e) of this section. (c) "Fractional ownership program aircraft" or "program aircraft" means a turbojet aircraft that is owned or possessed by a fractional owner and that has been included in a dry-lease aircraft interchange arrangement and agreement under divisions (III)(1)(d) and (e) of this section, or an aircraft a program manager owns or possesses primarily for use in a fractional aircraft ownership program. (d) "Management services" means administrative and aviation support services furnished under a fractional aircraft ownership program in accordance with a management services agreement under division (III)(1)(e) of this section, and offered by the program manager to the fractional owners, including, at a minimum, the establishment and implementation of safety guidelines; the coordination of the scheduling of the program aircraft and crews; program aircraft maintenance; program aircraft insurance; crew training for crews employed, furnished, or contracted by the program manager or the fractional owner; the satisfaction of record-keeping requirements; and the development and use of an operations manual and a maintenance manual for the fractional aircraft ownership program. (e) "Program manager" means the person that offers management services to fractional owners pursuant to a management services agreement under division (III)(1)(e) of this section. (JJJ) "Electronic publishing" means providing access to one or more of the following primarily for business customers, including the federal government or a state government or a political subdivision thereof, to conduct research: news; business, financial, legal, consumer, or credit materials; editorials, columns, reader commentary, or features; photos or images; archival or research material; legal notices, identity verification, or public records; scientific, educational, instructional, technical, professional, trade, or other literary materials; or other similar information which has been gathered and made available by the provider to the consumer in an electronic format. Providing electronic publishing includes the functions necessary for the acquisition, formatting, editing, storage, and dissemination of data or information that is the subject of a sale. (KKK) "Medicaid health insuring corporation" means a health insuring corporation that holds a certificate of authority under Chapter 1751. of the Revised Code and is under contract with the department of medicaid pursuant to section 5167.10 of the Revised Code. (LLL) "Managed care premium" means any premium, capitation, or other payment a medicaid health insuring corporation receives for providing or arranging for the provision of health care services to its members or enrollees residing in this state. (MMM) "Captive deer" means deer and other cervidae that have been legally acquired, or their offspring, that are privately owned for agricultural or farming purposes. (NNN) "Gift card" means a document, card, certificate, or other record, whether tangible or intangible, that may be redeemed by a consumer for a dollar value when making a purchase of tangible personal property or services. (OOO) "Specified digital product" means an electronically transferred digital audiovisual work, digital audio work, or digital book. As used in division (OOO) of this section: (1) "Digital audiovisual work" means a series of related images that, when shown in succession, impart an impression of motion, together with accompanying sounds, if any. (2) "Digital audio work" means a work that results from the fixation of a series of musical, spoken, or other sounds, including digitized sound files that are downloaded onto a device and that may be used to alert the customer with respect to a communication. (3) "Digital book" means a work that is generally recognized in the ordinary and usual sense as a book. (4) "Electronically transferred" means obtained by the purchaser by means other than tangible storage media. (PPP) "Digital advertising services" means providing access, by means of telecommunications equipment, to computer equipment that is used to enter, upload, download, review, manipulate, store, add, or delete data for the purpose of electronically displaying, delivering, placing, or transferring promotional advertisements to potential customers about products or services or about industry or business brands. (QQQ) "Peer-to-peer car sharing program" has the same meaning as in section 4516.01 of the Revised Code. (RRR) "Megaproject" and "megaproject operator" have the same meanings as in section 122.17 of the Revised Code. (SSS)(1) "Diaper" means an absorbent garment worn by humans who are incapable of, or have difficulty, controlling their bladder or bowel movements. (2) "Children's diaper" means a diaper marketed to be worn by children. (3) "Adult diaper" means a diaper other than a children's diaper. (TTT) "Sales tax holiday" means three or more dates on which sales of all eligible tangible personal property are exempt from the taxes levied under sections 5739.02, 5739.021, 5739.023, 5739.026, 5741.02, 5741.021, 5741.022, and 5741.023 of the Revised Code. (UUU) "Eligible tangible personal property" means any item of tangible personal property that meets both of the following requirements: (1) The price of the item does not exceed five hundred dollars; (2) The item is not a watercraft or outboard motor required to be titled pursuant to Chapter 1548. of the Revised Code, a motor vehicle, an alcoholic beverage, tobacco, a vapor product as defined in section 5743.01 of the Revised Code, or an item that contains marijuana as defined in section 3796.01 of the Revised Code. (VVV) "Alcoholic beverages" means beverages that are suitable for human consumption and contain one-half of one per cent or more of alcohol by volume. (WWW) "Tobacco" means cigarettes, cigars, chewing or pipe tobacco, or any other item that contains tobacco.
Last updated July 31, 2023 at 4:38 PM
Section 5739.011 | Exemptions for manufacturing.
March 27, 2020
Latest Legislation:
House Bill 197 - 133rd General Assembly
(A) As used in this section: (1) "Manufacturer" means a person who is engaged in manufacturing, processing, assembling, or refining a product for sale and, solely for the purposes of division (B)(12) of this section, a person who meets all the qualifications of that division. (2) "Manufacturing facility" means a single location where a manufacturing operation is conducted, including locations consisting of one or more buildings or structures in a contiguous area owned or controlled by the manufacturer. (3) "Materials handling" means the movement of the product being or to be manufactured, during which movement the product is not undergoing any substantial change or alteration in its state or form. (4) "Testing" means a process or procedure to identify the properties or assure the quality of a material or product. (5) "Completed product" means a manufactured item that is in the form and condition as it will be sold by the manufacturer. An item is completed when all processes that change or alter its state or form or enhance its value are finished, even though the item subsequently will be tested to ensure its quality or be packaged for storage or shipment. (6) "Continuous manufacturing operation" means the process in which raw materials or components are moved through the steps whereby manufacturing occurs. Materials handling of raw materials or parts from the point of receipt or preproduction storage or of a completed product, to or from storage, to or from packaging, or to the place from which the completed product will be shipped, is not a part of a continuous manufacturing operation. (7) "Food" has the same meaning as in section 3717.01 of the Revised Code. (B) For purposes of division (B)(42)(g) of section 5739.02 of the Revised Code, the "thing transferred" includes, but is not limited to, any of the following: (1) Production machinery and equipment that act upon the product or machinery and equipment that treat the materials or parts in preparation for the manufacturing operation; (2) Materials handling equipment that moves the product through a continuous manufacturing operation; equipment that temporarily stores the product during the manufacturing operation; or, excluding motor vehicles licensed to operate on public highways, equipment used in intraplant or interplant transfers of work in process where the plant or plants between which such transfers occur are manufacturing facilities operated by the same person; (3) Catalysts, solvents, water, acids, oil, and similar consumables that interact with the product and that are an integral part of the manufacturing operation; (4) Machinery, equipment, and other tangible personal property used during the manufacturing operation that control, physically support, produce power for, lubricate, or are otherwise necessary for the functioning of production machinery and equipment and the continuation of the manufacturing operation; (5) Machinery, equipment, fuel, power, material, parts, and other tangible personal property used to manufacture machinery, equipment, or other tangible personal property used in manufacturing a product for sale; (6) Machinery, equipment, and other tangible personal property used by a manufacturer to test raw materials, the product being manufactured, or the completed product; (7) Machinery and equipment used to handle or temporarily store scrap that is intended to be reused in the manufacturing operation at the same manufacturing facility; (8) Coke, gas, water, steam, and similar substances used in the manufacturing operation; machinery and equipment used for, and fuel consumed in, producing or extracting those substances; machinery, equipment, and other tangible personal property used to treat, filter, pump, or otherwise make the substance suitable for use in the manufacturing operation; and machinery and equipment used for, and fuel consumed in, producing electricity for use in the manufacturing operation; (9) Machinery, equipment, and other tangible personal property used to transport or transmit electricity, coke, gas, water, steam, or similar substances used in the manufacturing operation from the point of generation, if produced by the manufacturer, or from the point where the substance enters the manufacturing facility, if purchased by the manufacturer, to the manufacturing operation; (10) Machinery, equipment, and other tangible personal property that treats, filters, cools, refines, or otherwise renders water, steam, acid, oil, solvents, or similar substances used in the manufacturing operation reusable, provided that the substances are intended for reuse and not for disposal, sale, or transportation from the manufacturing facility; (11) Parts, components, and repair and installation services for items described in division (B) of this section; (12) Machinery and equipment, detergents, supplies, solvents, and any other tangible personal property located at a manufacturing facility that are used in the process of removing soil, dirt, or other contaminants from, or otherwise preparing in a suitable condition for use, towels, linens, articles of clothing, floor mats, mop heads, or other similar items, to be supplied to a consumer as part of laundry and dry cleaning services, only when the towels, linens, articles of clothing, floor mats, mop heads, or other similar items belong to the provider of the services; (13) Equipment and supplies used to clean processing equipment that is part of a continuous manufacturing operation to produce food for human consumption. (C) For purposes of division (B)(42)(g) of section 5739.02 of the Revised Code, the "thing transferred" does not include any of the following: (1) Tangible personal property used in administrative, personnel, security, inventory control, record-keeping, ordering, billing, or similar functions; (2) Tangible personal property used in storing raw materials or parts prior to the commencement of the manufacturing operation or used to handle or store a completed product, including storage that actively maintains a completed product in a marketable state or form; (3) Tangible personal property used to handle or store scrap or waste intended for disposal, sale, or other disposition, other than reuse in the manufacturing operation at the same manufacturing facility; (4) Tangible personal property that is or is to be incorporated into realty; (5) Machinery, equipment, and other tangible personal property used for ventilation, dust or gas collection, humidity or temperature regulation, or similar environmental control, except machinery, equipment, and other tangible personal property that totally regulates the environment in a special and limited area of the manufacturing facility where the regulation is essential for production to occur; (6) Tangible personal property used for the protection and safety of workers, unless the property is attached to or incorporated into machinery and equipment used in a continuous manufacturing operation; (7) Tangible personal property used to store fuel, water, solvents, acid, oil, or similar items consumed in the manufacturing operation; (8) Except as provided in division (B)(13) of this section, machinery, equipment, and other tangible personal property used to clean, repair, or maintain real or personal property in the manufacturing facility; (9) Motor vehicles registered for operation on public highways. (D) For purposes of division (B)(42)(g) of section 5739.02 of the Revised Code, if the "thing transferred" is a machine used by a manufacturer in both a taxable and an exempt manner, it shall be totally taxable or totally exempt from taxation based upon its quantified primary use. If the "things transferred" are fungibles, they shall be taxed based upon the proportion of the fungibles used in a taxable manner.
Section 5739.012 | Taxation of bundled transactions.
February 5, 2020
Latest Legislation:
Senate Bill 26 - 133rd General Assembly
(A) As used in this section: (1) "Bundled transaction" means the retail sale of two or more products, except real property and services to real property, where the products are otherwise distinct and identifiable products and are sold for one non-itemized price. "Bundled transaction" does not include the sale of any products in which the sales price varies, or is negotiable, based on the selection by the consumer of the products included in the transaction. As used in division (A)(1) of this section: (a) "Distinct and identifiable products" does not include any of the following: (i) Packaging, including containers, boxes, sacks, bags, and bottles, and packaging materials, including wrapping, labels, tags, and instruction guides that accompany the retail sale of the products and are incidental or immaterial to the retail sale thereof; (ii) A product provided free of charge with the required purchase of another product. A product is provided free of charge if the sales price of the product purchased does not vary depending on the inclusion of the product provided free of charge. (iii) Items included in the definition of "price" under division (H) of section 5739.01 of the Revised Code. (b) "One non-itemized price" does not include a price that is separately identified by product on binding sales or other supporting sales-related documents made available to the consumer in paper or electronic form, including, but not limited to, an invoice, bill of sale, receipt, contract, service agreement, lease agreement, periodic notice of rates and services, rate card, or price list. (2) "De minimis" means the vendor's or seller's purchase price or sales price of taxable products is ten per cent or less of the total purchase price or sales price of bundled products. Vendors and sellers shall use either the purchase price or the sales price of the products to determine if the taxable products are de minimis, and shall use the full term of a service contract to determine if the taxable products are de minimis. Vendors and sellers shall not use a combination of the purchase price and sales price of the products to determine if the taxable products are de minimis. (B) A transaction that otherwise meets the definition of a bundled transaction is not a bundled transaction if it is any of the following: (1) A retail sale of tangible personal property and a service where the tangible personal property is essential to the use of the service, and is provided exclusively in connection with the service, and the true object of the transaction is the service; (2) A retail sale of services where one service is provided that is essential to the use or receipt of a second service, the first service is provided exclusively in connection with the second service, and the true object of the transaction is the second service; (3) A transaction that includes taxable products and nontaxable products, and the purchase price or sales price of the taxable products is de minimis; (4) A retail sale of exempt tangible personal property and taxable tangible personal property where the transaction includes food and food ingredients, drugs, durable medical equipment, mobility enhancing equipment, over-the-counter drugs, prosthetic devices, or medical supplies, and the vendor's or seller's purchase price or sales price of the taxable tangible personal property is fifty per cent or less of the total purchase price or sales price of the bundled tangible personal property. Vendors and sellers may not use a combination of the purchase price and sales price of the tangible personal property when making the fifty per cent determination for a transaction. (C) In the case of a bundled transaction that includes telecommunications service, ancillary service, internet access, or audio or video programming service: (1) If the price is attributable to products that are taxable and products that are nontaxable, the portion of the price attributable to the nontaxable products shall be subject to tax unless the provider, by reasonable and verifiable standards, can identify the portion from its books and records that are kept in the regular course of business for other purposes, including, but not limited to, non-tax purposes. (2) If the price is attributable to products that are subject to tax at different tax rates, the total price shall be treated as attributable to the products subject to tax at the highest tax rate unless the provider can identify by reasonable and verifiable standards the portion of the price attributable to the products subject to tax at the lower rate from its books and records that are kept in the regular course of business for other purposes, including, but not limited to, non-tax purposes. (D) In all other cases of bundled transactions, the taxability of the transaction shall be determined by the true object of the consumer entering into the transaction.
Section 5739.02 | Levy of sales tax - purpose - rate - exemptions.
October 3, 2023
Latest Legislation:
House Bill 33 - 135th General Assembly
For the purpose of providing revenue with which to meet the needs of the state, for the use of the general revenue fund of the state, for the purpose of securing a thorough and efficient system of common schools throughout the state, for the purpose of affording revenues, in addition to those from general property taxes, permitted under constitutional limitations, and from other sources, for the support of local governmental functions, and for the purpose of reimbursing the state for the expense of administering this chapter, an excise tax is hereby levied on each retail sale made in this state. (A)(1) The tax shall be collected as provided in section 5739.025 of the Revised Code. The rate of the tax shall be five and three-fourths per cent. The tax applies and is collectible when the sale is made, regardless of the time when the price is paid or delivered. (2) In the case of the lease or rental, with a fixed term of more than thirty days or an indefinite term with a minimum period of more than thirty days, of any motor vehicles designed by the manufacturer to carry a load of not more than one ton, watercraft, outboard motor, or aircraft, or of any tangible personal property, other than motor vehicles designed by the manufacturer to carry a load of more than one ton, to be used by the lessee or renter primarily for business purposes, the tax shall be collected by the vendor at the time the lease or rental is consummated and shall be calculated by the vendor on the basis of the total amount to be paid by the lessee or renter under the lease agreement. If the total amount of the consideration for the lease or rental includes amounts that are not calculated at the time the lease or rental is executed, the tax shall be calculated and collected by the vendor at the time such amounts are billed to the lessee or renter. In the case of an open-end lease or rental, the tax shall be calculated by the vendor on the basis of the total amount to be paid during the initial fixed term of the lease or rental, and for each subsequent renewal period as it comes due. As used in this division, "motor vehicle" has the same meaning as in section 4501.01 of the Revised Code, and "watercraft" includes an outdrive unit attached to the watercraft. A lease with a renewal clause and a termination penalty or similar provision that applies if the renewal clause is not exercised is presumed to be a sham transaction. In such a case, the tax shall be calculated and paid on the basis of the entire length of the lease period, including any renewal periods, until the termination penalty or similar provision no longer applies. The taxpayer shall bear the burden, by a preponderance of the evidence, that the transaction or series of transactions is not a sham transaction. (3) Except as provided in division (A)(2) of this section, in the case of a sale, the price of which consists in whole or in part of the lease or rental of tangible personal property, the tax shall be measured by the installments of that lease or rental. (4) In the case of a sale of a physical fitness facility service or recreation and sports club service, the price of which consists in whole or in part of a membership for the receipt of the benefit of the service, the tax applicable to the sale shall be measured by the installments thereof. (B) The tax does not apply to the following: (1) Sales to the state or any of its political subdivisions, or to any other state or its political subdivisions if the laws of that state exempt from taxation sales made to this state and its political subdivisions including either of the following: (a) Sales or rentals of tangible personal property by construction contractors or subcontractors to provide temporary traffic control or temporary structures, including material and equipment used to comply with the Ohio manual of uniform traffic control devices adopted pursuant to section 4511.09 of the Revised Code, whereby the state or any of its political subdivisions take title to, or permanent or temporary possession of, such tangible personal property for use by the state or any of its political subdivisions, including for use by the general public thereof; (b) Sales of services by construction contractors or subcontractors to provide temporary traffic control or structures, including labor used to comply with the Ohio manual of uniform traffic control devices adopted pursuant to section 4511.09 of the Revised Code, whereby the state or any of its political subdivisions, including the general public thereof, receive the benefit of such services. As used in divisions (B)(1)(a) and (b) of this section, "temporary structures" include temporary roads, bridges, drains, and pavement. (2) Sales of food for human consumption off the premises where sold; (3) Sales of food sold to students only in a cafeteria, dormitory, fraternity, or sorority maintained in a private, public, or parochial school, college, or university; (4) Sales of newspapers and sales or transfers of magazines distributed as controlled circulation publications; (5) The furnishing, preparing, or serving of meals without charge by an employer to an employee provided the employer records the meals as part compensation for services performed or work done; (6)(a) Sales of motor fuel upon receipt, use, distribution, or sale of which in this state a tax is imposed by the law of this state, but this exemption shall not apply to the sale of motor fuel on which a refund of the tax is allowable under division (A) of section 5735.14 of the Revised Code; and the tax commissioner may deduct the amount of tax levied by this section applicable to the price of motor fuel when granting a refund of motor fuel tax pursuant to division (A) of section 5735.14 of the Revised Code and shall cause the amount deducted to be paid into the general revenue fund of this state; (b) Sales of motor fuel other than that described in division (B)(6)(a) of this section and used for powering a refrigeration unit on a vehicle other than one used primarily to provide comfort to the operator or occupants of the vehicle. (7) Sales of natural gas by a natural gas company or municipal gas utility, of water by a water-works company, or of steam by a heating company, if in each case the thing sold is delivered to consumers through pipes or conduits, and all sales of communications services by a telegraph company, all terms as defined in section 5727.01 of the Revised Code, and sales of electricity delivered through wires; (8) Casual sales by a person, or auctioneer employed directly by the person to conduct such sales, except as to such sales of motor vehicles, watercraft or outboard motors required to be titled under section 1548.06 of the Revised Code, watercraft documented with the United States coast guard, snowmobiles, and all-purpose vehicles as defined in section 4519.01 of the Revised Code; (9)(a) Sales of services or tangible personal property, other than motor vehicles, mobile homes, and manufactured homes, by churches, organizations exempt from taxation under section 501(c)(3) of the Internal Revenue Code of 1986, or nonprofit organizations operated exclusively for charitable purposes as defined in division (B)(12) of this section, provided that the number of days on which such tangible personal property or services, other than items never subject to the tax, are sold does not exceed six in any calendar year, except as otherwise provided in division (B)(9)(b) of this section. If the number of days on which such sales are made exceeds six in any calendar year, the church or organization shall be considered to be engaged in business and all subsequent sales by it shall be subject to the tax. In counting the number of days, all sales by groups within a church or within an organization shall be considered to be sales of that church or organization. (b) The limitation on the number of days on which tax-exempt sales may be made by a church or organization under division (B)(9)(a) of this section does not apply to sales made by student clubs and other groups of students of a primary or secondary school, or a parent-teacher association, booster group, or similar organization that raises money to support or fund curricular or extracurricular activities of a primary or secondary school. (c) Divisions (B)(9)(a) and (b) of this section do not apply to sales by a noncommercial educational radio or television broadcasting station. (10) Sales not within the taxing power of this state under the Constitution or laws of the United States or the Constitution of this state including either of the following: (a) Sales or rentals of tangible personal property by construction contractors or subcontractors to provide temporary traffic control or temporary structures, including material and equipment used to comply with the Ohio manual of uniform traffic control devices adopted pursuant to section 4511.09 of the Revised Code, whereby the United States takes title to, or permanent or temporary possession of, such tangible personal property for use by the United States including for use by the general public thereof; (b) Sales of services by construction contractors or subcontractors to provide temporary traffic control or structures, including labor used to comply with the Ohio manual of uniform traffic control devices adopted pursuant to section 4511.09 of the Revised Code, whereby the United States, including the general public thereof, receives the benefit of such services. As used in divisions (B)(10)(a) and (b) of this section, "temporary structures" include temporary roads, bridges, drains, and pavement. (11) Except for transactions that are sales under division (B)(3)(p) of section 5739.01 of the Revised Code, the transportation of persons or property, unless the transportation is by a private investigation and security service; (12) Sales of tangible personal property or services to churches, to organizations exempt from taxation under section 501(c)(3) of the Internal Revenue Code of 1986, and to any other nonprofit organizations operated exclusively for charitable purposes in this state, no part of the net income of which inures to the benefit of any private shareholder or individual, and no substantial part of the activities of which consists of carrying on propaganda or otherwise attempting to influence legislation; sales to offices administering one or more homes for the aged or one or more hospital facilities exempt under section 140.08 of the Revised Code; and sales to organizations described in division (D) of section 5709.12 of the Revised Code. "Charitable purposes" means the relief of poverty; the improvement of health through the alleviation of illness, disease, or injury; the operation of an organization exclusively for the provision of professional, laundry, printing, and purchasing services to hospitals or charitable institutions; the operation of a home for the aged, as defined in section 5701.13 of the Revised Code; the operation of a radio or television broadcasting station that is licensed by the federal communications commission as a noncommercial educational radio or television station; the operation of a nonprofit animal adoption service or a county humane society; the promotion of education by an institution of learning that maintains a faculty of qualified instructors, teaches regular continuous courses of study, and confers a recognized diploma upon completion of a specific curriculum; the operation of a parent-teacher association, booster group, or similar organization primarily engaged in the promotion and support of the curricular or extracurricular activities of a primary or secondary school; the operation of a community or area center in which presentations in music, dramatics, the arts, and related fields are made in order to foster public interest and education therein; the production of performances in music, dramatics, and the arts; or the promotion of education by an organization engaged in carrying on research in, or the dissemination of, scientific and technological knowledge and information primarily for the public. Nothing in this division shall be deemed to exempt sales to any organization for use in the operation or carrying on of a trade or business, or sales to a home for the aged for use in the operation of independent living facilities as defined in division (A) of section 5709.12 of the Revised Code. (13) Building and construction materials and services sold to construction contractors for incorporation into a structure or improvement to real property under a construction contract with this state or a political subdivision of this state, or with the United States government or any of its agencies; building and construction materials and services sold to construction contractors for incorporation into a structure or improvement to real property that are accepted for ownership by this state or any of its political subdivisions, or by the United States government or any of its agencies at the time of completion of the structures or improvements; building and construction materials sold to construction contractors for incorporation into a horticulture structure or livestock structure for a person engaged in the business of horticulture or producing livestock; building materials and services sold to a construction contractor for incorporation into a house of public worship or religious education, or a building used exclusively for charitable purposes under a construction contract with an organization whose purpose is as described in division (B)(12) of this section; building materials and services sold to a construction contractor for incorporation into a building under a construction contract with an organization exempt from taxation under section 501(c)(3) of the Internal Revenue Code of 1986 when the building is to be used exclusively for the organization's exempt purposes; building and construction materials sold for incorporation into the original construction of a sports facility under section 307.696 of the Revised Code; building and construction materials and services sold to a construction contractor for incorporation into real property outside this state if such materials and services, when sold to a construction contractor in the state in which the real property is located for incorporation into real property in that state, would be exempt from a tax on sales levied by that state; building and construction materials for incorporation into a transportation facility pursuant to a public-private agreement entered into under sections 5501.70 to 5501.83 of the Revised Code; until one calendar year after the construction of a convention center that qualifies for property tax exemption under section 5709.084 of the Revised Code is completed, building and construction materials and services sold to a construction contractor for incorporation into the real property comprising that convention center; and building and construction materials sold for incorporation into a structure or improvement to real property that is used primarily as, or primarily in support of, a manufacturing facility or research and development facility and that is to be owned by a megaproject operator upon completion and located at the site of a megaproject that satisfies the criteria described in division (A)(11)(a)(ii) of section 122.17 of the Revised Code, provided that the sale occurs during the period that the megaproject operator has an agreement for such megaproject with the tax credit authority under division (D) of section 122.17 of the Revised Code that remains in effect and has not expired or been terminated. (14) Sales of ships or vessels or rail rolling stock used or to be used principally in interstate or foreign commerce, and repairs, alterations, fuel, and lubricants for such ships or vessels or rail rolling stock; (15) Sales to persons primarily engaged in any of the activities mentioned in division (B)(42)(a), (g), or (h) of this section, to persons engaged in making retail sales, or to persons who purchase for sale from a manufacturer tangible personal property that was produced by the manufacturer in accordance with specific designs provided by the purchaser, of packages, including material, labels, and parts for packages, and of machinery, equipment, and material for use primarily in packaging tangible personal property produced for sale, including any machinery, equipment, and supplies used to make labels or packages, to prepare packages or products for labeling, or to label packages or products, by or on the order of the person doing the packaging, or sold at retail. "Packages" includes bags, baskets, cartons, crates, boxes, cans, bottles, bindings, wrappings, and other similar devices and containers, but does not include motor vehicles or bulk tanks, trailers, or similar devices attached to motor vehicles. "Packaging" means placing in a package. Division (B)(15) of this section does not apply to persons engaged in highway transportation for hire. (16) Sales of food to persons using supplemental nutrition assistance program benefits to purchase the food. As used in this division, "food" has the same meaning as in 7 U.S.C. 2012 and federal regulations adopted pursuant to the Food and Nutrition Act of 2008. (17) Sales to persons engaged in farming, agriculture, horticulture, or floriculture, of tangible personal property for use or consumption primarily in the production by farming, agriculture, horticulture, or floriculture of other tangible personal property for use or consumption primarily in the production of tangible personal property for sale by farming, agriculture, horticulture, or floriculture; or material and parts for incorporation into any such tangible personal property for use or consumption in production; and of tangible personal property for such use or consumption in the conditioning or holding of products produced by and for such use, consumption, or sale by persons engaged in farming, agriculture, horticulture, or floriculture, except where such property is incorporated into real property; (18) Sales of drugs for a human being that may be dispensed only pursuant to a prescription; insulin as recognized in the official United States pharmacopoeia; urine and blood testing materials when used by diabetics or persons with hypoglycemia to test for glucose or acetone; hypodermic syringes and needles when used by diabetics for insulin injections; epoetin alfa when purchased for use in the treatment of persons with medical disease; hospital beds when purchased by hospitals, nursing homes, or other medical facilities; and medical oxygen and medical oxygen-dispensing equipment when purchased by hospitals, nursing homes, or other medical facilities; (19) Sales of prosthetic devices, durable medical equipment for home use, or mobility enhancing equipment, when made pursuant to a prescription and when such devices or equipment are for use by a human being. (20) Sales of emergency and fire protection vehicles and equipment to nonprofit organizations for use solely in providing fire protection and emergency services, including trauma care and emergency medical services, for political subdivisions of the state; (21) Sales of tangible personal property manufactured in this state, if sold by the manufacturer in this state to a retailer for use in the retail business of the retailer outside of this state and if possession is taken from the manufacturer by the purchaser within this state for the sole purpose of immediately removing the same from this state in a vehicle owned by the purchaser; (22) Sales of services provided by the state or any of its political subdivisions, agencies, instrumentalities, institutions, or authorities, or by governmental entities of the state or any of its political subdivisions, agencies, instrumentalities, institutions, or authorities; (23) Sales of motor vehicles to nonresidents of this state under the circumstances described in division (B) of section 5739.029 of the Revised Code; (24) Sales to persons engaged in the preparation of eggs for sale of tangible personal property used or consumed directly in such preparation, including such tangible personal property used for cleaning, sanitizing, preserving, grading, sorting, and classifying by size; packages, including material and parts for packages, and machinery, equipment, and material for use in packaging eggs for sale; and handling and transportation equipment and parts therefor, except motor vehicles licensed to operate on public highways, used in intraplant or interplant transfers or shipment of eggs in the process of preparation for sale, when the plant or plants within or between which such transfers or shipments occur are operated by the same person. "Packages" includes containers, cases, baskets, flats, fillers, filler flats, cartons, closure materials, labels, and labeling materials, and "packaging" means placing therein. (25)(a) Sales of water to a consumer for residential use; (b) Sales of water by a nonprofit corporation engaged exclusively in the treatment, distribution, and sale of water to consumers, if such water is delivered to consumers through pipes or tubing. (26) Fees charged for inspection or reinspection of motor vehicles under section 3704.14 of the Revised Code; (27) Sales to persons licensed to conduct a food service operation pursuant to section 3717.43 of the Revised Code, of tangible personal property primarily used directly for the following: (a) To prepare food for human consumption for sale; (b) To preserve food that has been or will be prepared for human consumption for sale by the food service operator, not including tangible personal property used to display food for selection by the consumer; (c) To clean tangible personal property used to prepare or serve food for human consumption for sale. (28) Sales of animals by nonprofit animal adoption services or county humane societies; (29) Sales of services to a corporation described in division (A) of section 5709.72 of the Revised Code, and sales of tangible personal property that qualifies for exemption from taxation under section 5709.72 of the Revised Code; (30) Sales and installation of agricultural land tile, as defined in division (B)(5)(a) of section 5739.01 of the Revised Code; (31) Sales and erection or installation of portable grain bins, as defined in division (B)(5)(b) of section 5739.01 of the Revised Code; (32) The sale, lease, repair, and maintenance of, parts for, or items attached to or incorporated in, motor vehicles that are primarily used for transporting tangible personal property belonging to others by a person engaged in highway transportation for hire, except for packages and packaging used for the transportation of tangible personal property; (33) Sales to the state headquarters of any veterans' organization in this state that is either incorporated and issued a charter by the congress of the United States or is recognized by the United States veterans administration, for use by the headquarters; (34) Sales to a telecommunications service vendor, mobile telecommunications service vendor, or satellite broadcasting service vendor of tangible personal property and services used directly and primarily in transmitting, receiving, switching, or recording any interactive, one- or two-way electromagnetic communications, including voice, image, data, and information, through the use of any medium, including, but not limited to, poles, wires, cables, switching equipment, computers, and record storage devices and media, and component parts for the tangible personal property. The exemption provided in this division shall be in lieu of all other exemptions under division (B)(42)(a) or (n) of this section to which the vendor may otherwise be entitled, based upon the use of the thing purchased in providing the telecommunications, mobile telecommunications, or satellite broadcasting service. (35)(a) Sales where the purpose of the consumer is to use or consume the things transferred in making retail sales and consisting of newspaper inserts, catalogues, coupons, flyers, gift certificates, or other advertising material that prices and describes tangible personal property offered for retail sale. (b) Sales to direct marketing vendors of preliminary materials such as photographs, artwork, and typesetting that will be used in printing advertising material; and of printed matter that offers free merchandise or chances to win sweepstake prizes and that is mailed to potential customers with advertising material described in division (B)(35)(a) of this section; (c) Sales of equipment such as telephones, computers, facsimile machines, and similar tangible personal property primarily used to accept orders for direct marketing retail sales. (d) Sales of automatic food vending machines that preserve food with a shelf life of forty-five days or less by refrigeration and dispense it to the consumer. For purposes of division (B)(35) of this section, "direct marketing" means the method of selling where consumers order tangible personal property by United States mail, delivery service, or telecommunication and the vendor delivers or ships the tangible personal property sold to the consumer from a warehouse, catalogue distribution center, or similar fulfillment facility by means of the United States mail, delivery service, or common carrier. (36) Sales to a person engaged in the business of horticulture or producing livestock of materials to be incorporated into a horticulture structure or livestock structure; (37) Sales of personal computers, computer monitors, computer keyboards, modems, and other peripheral computer equipment to an individual who is licensed or certified to teach in an elementary or a secondary school in this state for use by that individual in preparation for teaching elementary or secondary school students; (38) Sales of tangible personal property that is not required to be registered or licensed under the laws of this state to a citizen of a foreign nation that is not a citizen of the United States, provided the property is delivered to a person in this state that is not a related member of the purchaser, is physically present in this state for the sole purpose of temporary storage and package consolidation, and is subsequently delivered to the purchaser at a delivery address in a foreign nation. As used in division (B)(38) of this section, "related member" has the same meaning as in section 5733.042 of the Revised Code, and "temporary storage" means the storage of tangible personal property for a period of not more than sixty days. (39) Sales of used manufactured homes and used mobile homes, as defined in section 5739.0210 of the Revised Code, made on or after January 1, 2000; (40) Sales of tangible personal property and services to a provider of electricity used or consumed directly and primarily in generating, transmitting, or distributing electricity for use by others, including property that is or is to be incorporated into and will become a part of the consumer's production, transmission, or distribution system and that retains its classification as tangible personal property after incorporation; fuel or power used in the production, transmission, or distribution of electricity; energy conversion equipment as defined in section 5727.01 of the Revised Code; and tangible personal property and services used in the repair and maintenance of the production, transmission, or distribution system, including only those motor vehicles as are specially designed and equipped for such use. The exemption provided in this division shall be in lieu of all other exemptions in division (B)(42)(a) or (n) of this section to which a provider of electricity may otherwise be entitled based on the use of the tangible personal property or service purchased in generating, transmitting, or distributing electricity. (41) Sales to a person providing services under division (B)(3)(p) of section 5739.01 of the Revised Code of tangible personal property and services used directly and primarily in providing taxable services under that section. (42) Sales where the purpose of the purchaser is to do any of the following: (a) To incorporate the thing transferred as a material or a part into tangible personal property to be produced for sale by manufacturing, assembling, processing, or refining; or to use or consume the thing transferred directly in producing tangible personal property for sale by mining, including, without limitation, the extraction from the earth of all substances that are classed geologically as minerals, or directly in the rendition of a public utility service, except that the sales tax levied by this section shall be collected upon all meals, drinks, and food for human consumption sold when transporting persons. This paragraph does not exempt from "retail sale" or "sales at retail" the sale of tangible personal property that is to be incorporated into a structure or improvement to real property. (b) To hold the thing transferred as security for the performance of an obligation of the vendor; (c) To resell, hold, use, or consume the thing transferred as evidence of a contract of insurance; (d) To use or consume the thing directly in commercial fishing; (e) To incorporate the thing transferred as a material or a part into, or to use or consume the thing transferred directly in the production of, magazines distributed as controlled circulation publications; (f) To use or consume the thing transferred in the production and preparation in suitable condition for market and sale of printed, imprinted, overprinted, lithographic, multilithic, blueprinted, photostatic, or other productions or reproductions of written or graphic matter; (g) To use the thing transferred, as described in section 5739.011 of the Revised Code, primarily in a manufacturing operation to produce tangible personal property for sale; (h) To use the benefit of a warranty, maintenance or service contract, or similar agreement, as described in division (B)(7) of section 5739.01 of the Revised Code, to repair or maintain tangible personal property, if all of the property that is the subject of the warranty, contract, or agreement would not be subject to the tax imposed by this section; (i) To use the thing transferred as qualified research and development equipment; (j) To use or consume the thing transferred primarily in storing, transporting, mailing, or otherwise handling purchased sales inventory in a warehouse, distribution center, or similar facility when the inventory is primarily distributed outside this state to retail stores of the person who owns or controls the warehouse, distribution center, or similar facility, to retail stores of an affiliated group of which that person is a member, or by means of direct marketing. This division does not apply to motor vehicles registered for operation on the public highways. As used in this division, "affiliated group" has the same meaning as in division (B)(3)(e) of section 5739.01 of the Revised Code and "direct marketing" has the same meaning as in division (B)(35) of this section. (k) To use or consume the thing transferred to fulfill a contractual obligation incurred by a warrantor pursuant to a warranty provided as a part of the price of the tangible personal property sold or by a vendor of a warranty, maintenance or service contract, or similar agreement the provision of which is defined as a sale under division (B)(7) of section 5739.01 of the Revised Code; (l) To use or consume the thing transferred in the production of a newspaper for distribution to the public; (m) To use tangible personal property to perform a service listed in division (B)(3) of section 5739.01 of the Revised Code, if the property is or is to be permanently transferred to the consumer of the service as an integral part of the performance of the service; (n) To use or consume the thing transferred primarily in producing tangible personal property for sale by farming, agriculture, horticulture, or floriculture. Persons engaged in rendering farming, agriculture, horticulture, or floriculture services for others are deemed engaged primarily in farming, agriculture, horticulture, or floriculture. This paragraph does not exempt from "retail sale" or "sales at retail" the sale of tangible personal property that is to be incorporated into a structure or improvement to real property. (o) To use or consume the thing transferred in acquiring, formatting, editing, storing, and disseminating data or information by electronic publishing; (p) To provide the thing transferred to the owner or lessee of a motor vehicle that is being repaired or serviced, if the thing transferred is a rented motor vehicle and the purchaser is reimbursed for the cost of the rented motor vehicle by a manufacturer, warrantor, or provider of a maintenance, service, or other similar contract or agreement, with respect to the motor vehicle that is being repaired or serviced; (q) To use or consume the thing transferred directly in production of crude oil and natural gas for sale. Persons engaged in rendering production services for others are deemed engaged in production. As used in division (B)(42)(q) of this section, "production" means operations and tangible personal property directly used to expose and evaluate an underground reservoir that may contain hydrocarbon resources, prepare the wellbore for production, and lift and control all substances yielded by the reservoir to the surface of the earth. (i) For the purposes of division (B)(42)(q) of this section, the "thing transferred" includes, but is not limited to, any of the following: (I) Services provided in the construction of permanent access roads, services provided in the construction of the well site, and services provided in the construction of temporary impoundments; (II) Equipment and rigging used for the specific purpose of creating with integrity a wellbore pathway to underground reservoirs; (III) Drilling and workover services used to work within a subsurface wellbore, and tangible personal property directly used in providing such services; (IV) Casing, tubulars, and float and centralizing equipment; (V) Trailers to which production equipment is attached; (VI) Well completion services, including cementing of casing, and tangible personal property directly used in providing such services; (VII) Wireline evaluation, mud logging, and perforation services, and tangible personal property directly used in providing such services; (VIII) Reservoir stimulation, hydraulic fracturing, and acidizing services, and tangible personal property directly used in providing such services, including all material pumped downhole; (IX) Pressure pumping equipment; (X) Artificial lift systems equipment; (XI) Wellhead equipment and well site equipment used to separate, stabilize, and control hydrocarbon phases and produced water; (XII) Tangible personal property directly used to control production equipment. (ii) For the purposes of division (B)(42)(q) of this section, the "thing transferred" does not include any of the following: (I) Tangible personal property used primarily in the exploration and production of any mineral resource regulated under Chapter 1509. of the Revised Code other than oil or gas; (II) Tangible personal property used primarily in storing, holding, or delivering solutions or chemicals used in well stimulation as defined in section 1509.01 of the Revised Code; (III) Tangible personal property used primarily in preparing, installing, or reclaiming foundations for drilling or pumping equipment or well stimulation material tanks; (IV) Tangible personal property used primarily in transporting, delivering, or removing equipment to or from the well site or storing such equipment before its use at the well site; (V) Tangible personal property used primarily in gathering operations occurring off the well site, including gathering pipelines transporting hydrocarbon gas or liquids away from a crude oil or natural gas production facility; (VI) Tangible personal property that is to be incorporated into a structure or improvement to real property; (VII) Well site fencing, lighting, or security systems; (VIII) Communication devices or services; (IX) Office supplies; (X) Trailers used as offices or lodging; (XI) Motor vehicles of any kind; (XII) Tangible personal property used primarily for the storage of drilling byproducts and fuel not used for production; (XIII) Tangible personal property used primarily as a safety device; (XIV) Data collection or monitoring devices; (XV) Access ladders, stairs, or platforms attached to storage tanks. The enumeration of tangible personal property in division (B)(42)(q)(ii) of this section is not intended to be exhaustive, and any tangible personal property not so enumerated shall not necessarily be construed to be a "thing transferred" for the purposes of division (B)(42)(q) of this section. The commissioner shall adopt and promulgate rules under sections 119.01 to 119.13 of the Revised Code that the commissioner deems necessary to administer division (B)(42)(q) of this section. As used in division (B)(42) of this section, "thing" includes all transactions included in divisions (B)(3)(a), (b), and (e) of section 5739.01 of the Revised Code. (43) Sales conducted through a coin operated device that activates vacuum equipment or equipment that dispenses water, whether or not in combination with soap or other cleaning agents or wax, to the consumer for the consumer's use on the premises in washing, cleaning, or waxing a motor vehicle, provided no other personal property or personal service is provided as part of the transaction. (44) Sales of replacement and modification parts for engines, airframes, instruments, and interiors in, and paint for, aircraft used primarily in a fractional aircraft ownership program, and sales of services for the repair, modification, and maintenance of such aircraft, and machinery, equipment, and supplies primarily used to provide those services. (45) Sales of telecommunications service that is used directly and primarily to perform the functions of a call center. As used in this division, "call center" means any physical location where telephone calls are placed or received in high volume for the purpose of making sales, marketing, customer service, technical support, or other specialized business activity, and that employs at least fifty individuals that engage in call center activities on a full-time basis, or sufficient individuals to fill fifty full-time equivalent positions. (46) Sales by a telecommunications service vendor of 900 service to a subscriber. This division does not apply to information services. (47) Sales of value-added non-voice data service. This division does not apply to any similar service that is not otherwise a telecommunications service. (48) Sales of feminine hygiene products. (49) Sales of materials, parts, equipment, or engines used in the repair or maintenance of aircraft or avionics systems of such aircraft, and sales of repair, remodeling, replacement, or maintenance services in this state performed on aircraft or on an aircraft's avionics, engine, or component materials or parts. As used in division (B)(49) of this section, "aircraft" means aircraft of more than six thousand pounds maximum certified takeoff weight or used exclusively in general aviation. (50) Sales of full flight simulators that are used for pilot or flight-crew training, sales of repair or replacement parts or components, and sales of repair or maintenance services for such full flight simulators. "Full flight simulator" means a replica of a specific type, or make, model, and series of aircraft cockpit. It includes the assemblage of equipment and computer programs necessary to represent aircraft operations in ground and flight conditions, a visual system providing an out-of-the-cockpit view, and a system that provides cues at least equivalent to those of a three-degree-of-freedom motion system, and has the full range of capabilities of the systems installed in the device as described in appendices A and B of part 60 of chapter 1 of title 14 of the Code of Federal Regulations. (51) Any transfer or lease of tangible personal property between the state and JobsOhio in accordance with section 4313.02 of the Revised Code. (52)(a) Sales to a qualifying corporation. (b) As used in division (B)(52) of this section: (i) "Qualifying corporation" means a nonprofit corporation organized in this state that leases from an eligible county land, buildings, structures, fixtures, and improvements to the land that are part of or used in a public recreational facility used by a major league professional athletic team or a class A to class AAA minor league affiliate of a major league professional athletic team for a significant portion of the team's home schedule, provided the following apply: (I) The facility is leased from the eligible county pursuant to a lease that requires substantially all of the revenue from the operation of the business or activity conducted by the nonprofit corporation at the facility in excess of operating costs, capital expenditures, and reserves to be paid to the eligible county at least once per calendar year. (II) Upon dissolution and liquidation of the nonprofit corporation, all of its net assets are distributable to the board of commissioners of the eligible county from which the corporation leases the facility. (ii) "Eligible county" has the same meaning as in section 307.695 of the Revised Code. (53) Sales to or by a cable service provider, video service provider, or radio or television broadcast station regulated by the federal government of cable service or programming, video service or programming, audio service or programming, or electronically transferred digital audiovisual or audio work. As used in division (B)(53) of this section, "cable service" and "cable service provider" have the same meanings as in section 1332.01 of the Revised Code, and "video service," "video service provider," and "video programming" have the same meanings as in section 1332.21 of the Revised Code. (54) Sales of a digital audio work electronically transferred for delivery through use of a machine, such as a juke box, that does all of the following: (a) Accepts direct payments to operate; (b) Automatically plays a selected digital audio work for a single play upon receipt of a payment described in division (B)(54)(a) of this section; (c) Operates exclusively for the purpose of playing digital audio works in a commercial establishment. (55)(a) Sales of the following occurring on the first Friday of August and the following Saturday and Sunday of any year, except in 2024 or any subsequent year in which a sales tax holiday is held pursuant to section 5739.41 of the Revised Code: (i) An item of clothing, the price of which is seventy-five dollars or less; (ii) An item of school supplies, the price of which is twenty dollars or less; (iii) An item of school instructional material, the price of which is twenty dollars or less. (b) As used in division (B)(55) of this section: (i) "Clothing" means all human wearing apparel suitable for general use. "Clothing" includes, but is not limited to, aprons, household and shop; athletic supporters; baby receiving blankets; bathing suits and caps; beach capes and coats; belts and suspenders; boots; coats and jackets; costumes; diapers, children and adult, including disposable diapers; earmuffs; footlets; formal wear; garters and garter belts; girdles; gloves and mittens for general use; hats and caps; hosiery; insoles for shoes; lab coats; neckties; overshoes; pantyhose; rainwear; rubber pants; sandals; scarves; shoes and shoe laces; slippers; sneakers; socks and stockings; steel-toed shoes; underwear; uniforms, athletic and nonathletic; and wedding apparel. "Clothing" does not include items purchased for use in a trade or business; clothing accessories or equipment; protective equipment; sports or recreational equipment; belt buckles sold separately; costume masks sold separately; patches and emblems sold separately; sewing equipment and supplies including, but not limited to, knitting needles, patterns, pins, scissors, sewing machines, sewing needles, tape measures, and thimbles; and sewing materials that become part of "clothing" including, but not limited to, buttons, fabric, lace, thread, yarn, and zippers. (ii) "School supplies" means items commonly used by a student in a course of study. "School supplies" includes only the following items: binders; book bags; calculators; cellophane tape; blackboard chalk; compasses; composition books; crayons; erasers; folders, expandable, pocket, plastic, and manila; glue, paste, and paste sticks; highlighters; index cards; index card boxes; legal pads; lunch boxes; markers; notebooks; paper, loose-leaf ruled notebook paper, copy paper, graph paper, tracing paper, manila paper, colored paper, poster board, and construction paper; pencil boxes and other school supply boxes; pencil sharpeners; pencils; pens; protractors; rulers; scissors; and writing tablets. "School supplies" does not include any item purchased for use in a trade or business. (iii) "School instructional material" means written material commonly used by a student in a course of study as a reference and to learn the subject being taught. "School instructional material" includes only the following items: reference books, reference maps and globes, textbooks, and workbooks. "School instructional material" does not include any material purchased for use in a trade or business. (56)(a) Sales of adult diapers or incontinence underpads sold pursuant to a prescription, for the benefit of a medicaid recipient with a diagnosis of incontinence, and by a medicaid provider that maintains a valid provider agreement under section 5164.30 of the Revised Code with the department of medicaid, provided that the medicaid program covers diapers or incontinence underpads as an incontinence garment. (b) As used in division (B)(56)(a) of this section, "incontinence underpad" means an absorbent product, not worn on the body, designed to protect furniture or other tangible personal property from soiling or damage due to human incontinence. (57) Sales of investment metal bullion and investment coins. "Investment metal bullion" means any bullion described in section 408(m)(3)(B) of the Internal Revenue Code, regardless of whether that bullion is in the physical possession of a trustee. "Investment coin" means any coin composed primarily of gold, silver, platinum, or palladium. (58) Sales of tangible personal property used primarily for any of the following purposes by a megaproject operator at the site of a megaproject that satisfies the criteria described in division (A)(11)(a)(ii) of section 122.17 of the Revised Code, provided that the sale occurs during the period that the megaproject operator has an agreement for such megaproject with the tax credit authority under division (D) of section 122.17 of the Revised Code that remains in effect and has not expired or been terminated: (a) To store, transmit, convey, distribute, recycle, circulate, or clean water, steam, or other gases used in or produced as a result of manufacturing activity, including items that support or aid in the operation of such property; (b) To clean or prepare inventory, at any stage of storage or production, or equipment used in a manufacturing activity, including chemicals, solvents, catalysts, soaps, and other items that support or aid in the operation of property; (c) To regulate, treat, filter, condition, improve, clean, maintain, or monitor environmental conditions within areas where manufacturing activities take place; (d) To handle, transport, or convey inventory during production or manufacturing. (59) Documentary services charges imposed pursuant to section 4517.261 or 4781.24 of the Revised Code. (60) Sales of children's diapers. (61) Sales of therapeutic or preventative creams and wipes marketed primarily for use on the skin of children. (62) Sales of a child restraint device or booster seat that meets the national highway traffic safety administration standard for child restraint systems under 49 C.F.R. 571.213. (63) Sales of cribs intended to provide sleeping accommodations for children that comply with the United States consumer product safety commission's safety standard for full-size baby cribs under 16 C.F.R. 1219 or the commission's safety standard for non-full-size baby cribs under 16 C.F.R. 1220. (64) Sales of strollers meant for transporting children from infancy to about thirty-six months of age that meet the United States consumer product safety commission safety standard for carriages and strollers under 16 C.F.R. 1227.2. (65) The fee imposed by section 3743.22 of the Revised Code, if it is separately stated on the invoice, bill of sale, or similar document given by the vendor to the consumer for a retail sale made in this state. (66) Sales of eligible tangible personal property occurring during the period of a sales tax holiday held pursuant to section 5739.41 of the Revised Code. (C) For the purpose of the proper administration of this chapter, and to prevent the evasion of the tax, it is presumed that all sales made in this state are subject to the tax until the contrary is established. (D) The tax collected by the vendor from the consumer under this chapter is not part of the price, but is a tax collection for the benefit of the state, and of counties levying an additional sales tax pursuant to section 5739.021 or 5739.026 of the Revised Code and of transit authorities levying an additional sales tax pursuant to section 5739.023 of the Revised Code. Except for the discount authorized under section 5739.12 of the Revised Code and the effects of any rounding pursuant to section 5703.055 of the Revised Code, no person other than the state or such a county or transit authority shall derive any benefit from the collection or payment of the tax levied by this section or section 5739.021, 5739.023, or 5739.026 of the Revised Code.
Last updated July 31, 2023 at 4:44 PM
Section 5739.021 | Additional sales tax levied by county.
September 30, 2021
Latest Legislation:
House Bill 110 - 134th General Assembly
(A) For the purpose of providing additional general revenues for the county, supporting criminal and administrative justice services in the county, funding a regional transportation improvement project under section 5595.06 of the Revised Code, or any combination of the foregoing, and to pay the expenses of administering such levy, any county may levy a tax at the rate of not more than one per cent upon every retail sale made in the county, except sales of watercraft and outboard motors required to be titled pursuant to Chapter 1548. of the Revised Code and sales of motor vehicles, and may increase the rate of an existing tax to not more than one per cent. The rate of any tax levied pursuant to this section shall be a multiple of one-twentieth of one per cent. The rate levied under this section in any county other than a county that adopted a charter under Article X, Section 3, Ohio Constitution, may exceed one per cent, but may not exceed one and one-half per cent minus the amount by which the rate levied under section 5739.023 of the Revised Code by the county transit authority exceeds one per cent. The tax shall be levied and the rate increased pursuant to a resolution of the board of county commissioners. The resolution shall state the purpose for which the tax is to be levied and the number of years for which the tax is to be levied, or that it is for a continuing period of time. If the tax is to be levied for the purpose of providing additional general revenues and for the purpose of supporting criminal and administrative justice services, the resolution shall state the rate or amount of the tax to be apportioned to each such purpose. The rate or amount may be different for each year the tax is to be levied, but the rates or amounts actually apportioned each year shall not be different from that stated in the resolution for that year. Any amount by which the rate of the tax exceeds one per cent shall be apportioned exclusively for the construction, operation, acquisition, equipping, or repair of a detention facility in the county. If the resolution is adopted as an emergency measure necessary for the immediate preservation of the public peace, health, or safety, it must receive an affirmative vote of all of the members of the board of county commissioners and shall state the reasons for such necessity. The board shall deliver a certified copy of the resolution to the tax commissioner, not later than the sixty-fifth day prior to the date on which the tax is to become effective, which shall be the first day of the calendar quarter. A resolution proposing to levy a tax at a rate that would cause the rate levied under this section to exceed one per cent may not be adopted as an emergency measure. Prior to the adoption of any resolution under this section, the board of county commissioners shall conduct two public hearings on the resolution, the second hearing to be not less than three nor more than ten days after the first. Notice of the date, time, and place of the hearings shall be given by publication in a newspaper of general circulation in the county, or as provided in section 7.16 of the Revised Code, once a week on the same day of the week for two consecutive weeks, the second publication being not less than ten nor more than thirty days prior to the first hearing. Except as provided in division (B)(1) or (3) of this section, the resolution shall be subject to a referendum as provided in sections 305.31 to 305.41 of the Revised Code. If a petition for a referendum is filed, the county auditor with whom the petition was filed shall, within five days, notify the board of county commissioners and the tax commissioner of the filing of the petition by certified mail. If the board of elections with which the petition was filed declares the petition invalid, the board of elections, within five days, shall notify the board of county commissioners and the tax commissioner of that declaration by certified mail. If the petition is declared to be invalid, the effective date of the tax or increased rate of tax levied by this section shall be the first day of a calendar quarter following the expiration of sixty-five days from the date the commissioner receives notice from the board of elections that the petition is invalid. (B)(1) A resolution that is not adopted as an emergency measure may direct the board of elections to submit the question of levying the tax or increasing the rate of tax to the electors of the county at a special election held on the date specified by the board of county commissioners in the resolution, provided that the election occurs not less than ninety days after a certified copy of such resolution is transmitted to the board of elections and the election is not held in August of any year. A resolution proposing to levy a tax at a rate that would cause the rate levied under this section to exceed one per cent may not go into effect unless the question is submitted to electors under this division. Upon transmission of the resolution to the board of elections, the board of county commissioners shall notify the tax commissioner in writing of the levy question to be submitted to the electors. No resolution adopted under this division shall go into effect unless approved by a majority of those voting upon it, and, except as provided in division (B)(3) of this section, shall become effective on the first day of a calendar quarter following the expiration of sixty-five days from the date the tax commissioner receives notice from the board of elections of the affirmative vote. (2) A resolution that is adopted as an emergency measure shall go into effect as provided in division (A) of this section, but may direct the board of elections to submit the question of repealing the tax or increase in the rate of the tax to the electors of the county at the next general election in the county occurring not less than ninety days after a certified copy of the resolution is transmitted to the board of elections. Upon transmission of the resolution to the board of elections, the board of county commissioners shall notify the tax commissioner in writing of the levy question to be submitted to the electors. The ballot question shall be the same as that prescribed in section 5739.022 of the Revised Code. The board of elections shall notify the board of county commissioners and the tax commissioner of the result of the election immediately after the result has been declared. If a majority of the qualified electors voting on the question of repealing the tax or increase in the rate of the tax vote for repeal of the tax or repeal of the increase, the board of county commissioners, on the first day of a calendar quarter following the expiration of sixty-five days after the date the board and tax commissioner receive notice of the result of the election, shall, in the case of a repeal of the tax, cease to levy the tax, or, in the case of a repeal of an increase in the rate of the tax, cease to levy the increased rate and levy the tax at the rate at which it was imposed immediately prior to the increase in rate. (3) If a vendor makes a sale in this state by printed catalog and the consumer computed the tax on the sale based on local rates published in the catalog, any tax levied or repealed or rate changed under this section shall not apply to such a sale until the first day of a calendar quarter following the expiration of one hundred twenty days from the date of notice by the tax commissioner pursuant to division (H) of this section. (C) If a resolution is rejected at a referendum or if a resolution adopted after January 1, 1982, as an emergency measure is repealed by the electors pursuant to division (B)(2) of this section or section 5739.022 of the Revised Code, then for one year after the date of the election at which the resolution was rejected or repealed the board of county commissioners may not adopt any resolution authorized by this section as an emergency measure. (D) The board of county commissioners, at any time while a tax levied under this section is in effect, may by resolution reduce the rate at which the tax is levied to a lower rate authorized by this section. Any reduction in the rate at which the tax is levied shall be made effective on the first day of a calendar quarter next following the sixty-fifth day after a certified copy of the resolution is delivered to the tax commissioner. (E) The tax on every retail sale subject to a tax levied pursuant to this section shall be in addition to the tax levied by section 5739.02 of the Revised Code and any tax levied pursuant to section 5739.023 or 5739.026 of the Revised Code. A county that levies a tax pursuant to this section shall levy a tax at the same rate pursuant to section 5741.021 of the Revised Code. The additional tax levied by the county shall be collected pursuant to section 5739.025 of the Revised Code. If the additional tax or some portion thereof is levied for the purpose of criminal and administrative justice services or specifically for the purpose of constructing, operating, acquiring, equipping, or repairing a detention facility, the revenue from the tax, or the amount or rate apportioned to that purpose, shall be credited to one or more special funds created in the county treasury for receipt of that revenue. Any tax levied pursuant to this section is subject to the exemptions provided in section 5739.02 of the Revised Code and in addition shall not be applicable to sales not within the taxing power of a county under the Constitution of the United States or the Ohio Constitution. (F) For purposes of this section, a copy of a resolution is "certified" when it contains a written statement attesting that the copy is a true and exact reproduction of the original resolution. (G) If a board of commissioners intends to adopt a resolution to levy a tax in whole or in part for the purpose of criminal and administrative justice services, the board shall prepare and make available at the first public hearing at which the resolution is considered a statement containing the following information: (1) For each of the two preceding fiscal years, the amount of expenditures made by the county from the county general fund for the purpose of criminal and administrative justice services; (2) For the fiscal year in which the resolution is adopted, the board's estimate of the amount of expenditures to be made by the county from the county general fund for the purpose of criminal and administrative justice services; (3) For each of the two fiscal years after the fiscal year in which the resolution is adopted, the board's preliminary plan for expenditures to be made from the county general fund for the purpose of criminal and administrative justice services, both under the assumption that the tax will be imposed for that purpose and under the assumption that the tax would not be imposed for that purpose, and for expenditures to be made from the special fund created under division (E) of this section under the assumption that the tax will be imposed for that purpose. The board shall prepare the statement and the preliminary plan using the best information available to the board at the time the statement is prepared. Neither the statement nor the preliminary plan shall be used as a basis to challenge the validity of the tax in any court of competent jurisdiction, nor shall the statement or preliminary plan limit the authority of the board to appropriate, pursuant to section 5705.38 of the Revised Code, an amount different from that specified in the preliminary plan. (H) Upon receipt from a board of county commissioners of a certified copy of a resolution required by division (A) or (D) of this section, or from the board of elections of a notice of the results of an election required by division (A) or (B)(1) or (2) of this section, the tax commissioner shall provide notice of a tax rate change in a manner that is reasonably accessible to all affected vendors. The commissioner shall provide this notice at least sixty days prior to the effective date of the rate change. The commissioner, by rule, may establish the method by which notice will be provided. (I) As used in this section: (1) "Criminal and administrative justice services" means the exercise by the county sheriff of all powers and duties vested in that office by law; the exercise by the county prosecuting attorney of all powers and duties vested in that office by law; the exercise by any court in the county of all powers and duties vested in that court; the exercise by the clerk of the court of common pleas, any clerk of a municipal court having jurisdiction throughout the county, or the clerk of any county court of all powers and duties vested in the clerk by law except, in the case of the clerk of the court of common pleas, the titling of motor vehicles or watercraft pursuant to Chapter 1548. or 4505. of the Revised Code; the exercise by the county coroner of all powers and duties vested in that office by law; making payments to any other public agency or a private, nonprofit agency, the purposes of which in the county include the diversion, adjudication, detention, or rehabilitation of criminals or juvenile offenders; the operation and maintenance of any detention facility; and the construction, acquisition, equipping, or repair of such a detention facility. (2) "Detention facility" has the same meaning as in section 2921.01 of the Revised Code. (3) "Construction, operation, acquisition, equipping, or repair" of a detention facility includes the payment of any debt charges incurred in the issuance of securities pursuant to Chapter 133. of the Revised Code for the purpose of constructing, acquiring, equipping, or repairing such a facility.
Last updated July 22, 2021 at 9:29 AM
Section 5739.022 | Repealing emergency permissive tax.
September 29, 2011
Latest Legislation:
House Bill 153 - 129th General Assembly
(A) The question of repeal of either a county permissive tax or an increase in the rate of a county permissive tax that was adopted as an emergency measure pursuant to section 5739.021 or 5739.026 of the Revised Code may be initiated by filing with the board of elections of the county not less than ninety days before the general election in any year a petition requesting that an election be held on the question. The question of repealing an increase in the rate of the county permissive tax shall be submitted to the electors as a separate question from the repeal of the tax in effect prior to the increase in the rate. Any petition filed under this section shall be signed by qualified electors residing in the county equal in number to ten per cent of those voting for governor at the most recent gubernatorial election. After determination by it that the petition is valid, the board of elections shall submit the question to the electors of the county at the next general election. The election shall be conducted, canvassed, and certified in the same manner as regular elections for county offices in the county. The board of elections shall notify the tax commissioner, in writing, of the election upon determining that the petition is valid. Notice of the election shall also be published in a newspaper of general circulation in the district once a week for two consecutive weeks, or as provided in section 7.16 of the Revised Code, prior to the election. If the board of elections operates and maintains a web site, the board of elections shall post notice of the election on its web site for thirty days prior to the election. The notice shall state the purpose, time, and place of the election. The form of the ballot cast at the election shall be prescribed by the secretary of state; however, the ballot question shall read, "shall the tax (or, increase in the rate of the tax) be retained? " The question covered by the petition shall be submitted as a separate proposition, but it may be printed on the same ballot with any other proposition submitted at the same election other than the election of officers. (B) If a majority of the qualified electors voting on the question of repeal of either a county permissive tax or an increase in the rate of a county permissive tax approve the repeal, the board of elections shall notify the board of county commissioners and the tax commissioner of the result of the election immediately after the result has been declared. The board of county commissioners shall, on the first day of the calendar quarter following the expiration of sixty-five days after the date the board and the tax commissioner receive the notice, in the case of a repeal of a county permissive tax, cease to levy the tax, or, in the case of a repeal of an increase in the rate of a county permissive tax, levy the tax at the rate at which it was imposed immediately prior to the increase in rate and cease to levy the increased rate. (C) Upon receipt from a board of elections of a notice of the results of an election required by division (B) of this section, the tax commissioner shall provide notice of a tax repeal or rate change in a manner that is reasonably accessible to all affected vendors. The commissioner shall provide this notice at least sixty days prior to the effective date of the rate change. The commissioner, by rule, may establish the method by which notice will be provided. (D) If a vendor that is registered with the central electronic registration system provided for in section 5740.05 of the Revised Code makes a sale in this state by printed catalog and the consumer computed the tax on the sale based on local rates published in the catalog, any tax repealed or rate changed under this section shall not apply to such a sale until the first day of a calendar quarter following the expiration of one hundred twenty days from the date of notice by the tax commissioner pursuant to division (C) of this section.
Section 5739.023 | Transit authority tax levy.
October 17, 2019
Latest Legislation:
House Bill 166 - 133rd General Assembly
(A)(1) For the purpose of providing additional general revenues for a transit authority, funding a regional transportation improvement project under section 5595.06 of the Revised Code, or funding public infrastructure projects as described in section 306.353 of the Revised Code, and to pay the expenses of administering such levy, any transit authority may levy a tax upon every retail sale made in the territory of the transit authority, except sales of watercraft and outboard motors required to be titled pursuant to Chapter 1548. of the Revised Code and sales of motor vehicles, and may increase the rate of an existing tax. The rate of any tax levied pursuant to this section shall be a multiple of one-twentieth of one per cent. The rate shall not exceed one and one-half per cent minus the amount by which the rate levied under section 5739.021 of the Revised Code by a county located in the territory of the transit authority exceeds one per cent. The tax shall be levied and the rate increased pursuant to a resolution of the legislative authority of the transit authority and a certified copy of the resolution shall be delivered by the fiscal officer to the board of elections as provided in section 3505.071 of the Revised Code and to the tax commissioner. The resolution shall specify the number of years for which the tax is to be in effect or that the tax is for a continuing period of time, the purpose or purposes of the levy, and the date of the election on the question of the tax pursuant to section 306.70 of the Revised Code. The board of elections shall certify the results of the election to the transit authority and tax commissioner. A resolution adopted under this section may not specify that the sole purpose of the tax is to fund infrastructure projects as described in section 306.353 of the Revised Code; that purpose must be combined with the purpose of providing additional general revenues for the transit authority, funding a regional transportation improvement project under section 5595.06 of the Revised Code, or both. The resolution may specify the percentage of the proceeds of the tax that will be allocated among each of the purposes for which the tax is to be levied. If one of the purposes of the tax is to provide general revenue for the transit authority, the resolution may identify specific projects, functions, or other uses to which that general revenue will be allocated and the percentage of the tax proceeds to be allocated to each of those projects, functions, or other uses. (2) Except as provided in division (C) of this section, the tax levied by the resolution shall become effective on the first day of a calendar quarter next following the sixty-fifth day following the date the tax commissioner receives from the board of elections the certification of the results of the election on the question of the tax. (B) The legislative authority may, at any time while the tax is in effect, by resolution fix the rate of the tax at any rate authorized by this section and not in excess of that approved by the voters pursuant to section 306.70 of the Revised Code. Except as provided in division (C) of this section, any change in the rate of the tax shall be made effective on the first day of a calendar quarter next following the sixty-fifth day following the date the tax commissioner receives the certification of the resolution; provided, that in any case where bonds, or notes in anticipation of bonds, of a regional transit authority have been issued under section 306.40 of the Revised Code without a vote of the electors while the tax proposed to be reduced was in effect, the board of trustees of the regional transit authority shall continue to levy and collect under authority of the original election authorizing the tax a rate of tax that the board of trustees reasonably estimates will produce an amount in that year equal to the amount of principal of and interest on those bonds as is payable in that year. (C) Upon receipt from the board of elections of the certification of the results of the election required by division (A) of this section, or from the legislative authority of the certification of a resolution under division (B) of this section, the tax commissioner shall provide notice of a tax rate change in a manner that is reasonably accessible to all affected vendors. The commissioner shall provide this notice at least sixty days prior to the effective date of the rate change. The commissioner, by rule, may establish the method by which notice will be provided. (D) If a vendor makes a sale in this state by printed catalog and the consumer computed the tax on the sale based on local rates published in the catalog, any tax levied or rate changed under this section shall not apply to such a sale until the first day of a calendar quarter following the expiration of one hundred twenty days from the date of notice by the tax commissioner pursuant to division (C) of this section. (E) The tax on every retail sale subject to a tax levied pursuant to this section is in addition to the tax levied by section 5739.02 of the Revised Code and any tax levied pursuant to section 5739.021 or 5739.026 of the Revised Code. (F) The additional tax levied by the transit authority shall be collected pursuant to section 5739.025 of the Revised Code. (G) Any tax levied pursuant to this section is subject to the exemptions provided in section 5739.02 of the Revised Code and in addition shall not be applicable to sales not within the taxing power of a transit authority under the constitution of the United States or the constitution of this state. (H) The rate of a tax levied under this section is subject to reduction under section 5739.028 of the Revised Code, if a ballot question is approved by voters pursuant to that section.
Section 5739.025 | Computation; audits; sale of a fractional ownership program aircraft.
September 29, 2017
Latest Legislation:
House Bill 49 - 132nd General Assembly
(A) A vendor shall compute the tax on each sale by multiplying the price by the aggregate rate of taxes in effect under sections 5739.02 and 5741.02, and sections 5739.021, 5739.023, 5739.026, 5741.021, 5741.022, and 5741.023 of the Revised Code. The computation shall be carried out to three decimal places. If the result is a fractional amount of a cent, the calculated tax shall be rounded to a whole cent using a method that rounds up to the next cent whenever the third decimal place is greater than four. A vendor may elect to compute the tax due on a transaction on an item or an invoice basis. (B) In auditing a vendor, the tax commissioner shall consider the method prescribed by this section that was used by the vendor in determining and collecting the tax due under this chapter on taxable transactions. If the vendor correctly collects and remits the tax due under this chapter in accordance with the computation prescribed in division (A) of this section, the commissioner shall not assess any additional tax on those transactions. (C)(1) With respect to a sale of a fractional ownership program aircraft used primarily in a fractional aircraft ownership program, including all accessories attached to such aircraft, the tax shall be calculated pursuant to division (A) of this section, provided that the tax commissioner shall modify those calculations so that the maximum tax on each program aircraft is eight hundred dollars. In the case of a sale of a fractional interest that is less than one hundred per cent of the program aircraft, the tax charged on the transaction shall be eight hundred dollars multiplied by a fraction, the numerator of which is the percentage of ownership or possession in the aircraft being purchased in the transaction, and the denominator of which is one hundred per cent. (2) Notwithstanding any other provision of law to the contrary, the tax calculated under division (C)(1) of this section and paid with respect to the sale of a fractional ownership program aircraft used primarily in a fractional aircraft ownership program shall be credited to the general revenue fund.
Section 5739.026 | County sales tax for specific purposes.
October 17, 2019
Latest Legislation:
House Bill 166 - 133rd General Assembly
(A) A board of county commissioners may levy a tax on every retail sale in the county, except sales of watercraft and outboard motors required to be titled pursuant to Chapter 1548. of the Revised Code and sales of motor vehicles, at a rate of not more than one-half of one per cent and may increase the rate of an existing tax to not more than one-half of one per cent to pay the expenses of administering the tax and, except as provided in division (A)(6) of this section, for any one or more of the following purposes provided that the aggregate levy for all such purposes does not exceed one-half of one per cent: (1) To provide additional revenues for the payment of bonds or notes issued in anticipation of bonds issued by a convention facilities authority established by the board of county commissioners under Chapter 351. of the Revised Code and to provide additional operating revenues for the convention facilities authority; (2) To provide additional revenues for a transit authority operating in the county; (3) To provide additional revenue for the county's general fund; (4) To provide additional revenue for permanent improvements to be distributed by the community improvements board in accordance with section 307.283 and to pay principal, interest, and premium on bonds issued under section 307.284 of the Revised Code; (5) To provide additional revenue for the acquisition, construction, equipping, or repair of any specific permanent improvement or any class or group of permanent improvements, which improvement or class or group of improvements shall be enumerated in the resolution required by division (D) of this section, and to pay principal, interest, premium, and other costs associated with the issuance of bonds or notes in anticipation of bonds issued pursuant to Chapter 133. of the Revised Code for the acquisition, construction, equipping, or repair of the specific permanent improvement or class or group of permanent improvements; (6) To provide revenue for the implementation and operation of a 9-1-1 system in the county. If the tax is levied or the rate increased exclusively for such purpose, the tax shall not be levied or the rate increased for more than five years. At the end of the last year the tax is levied or the rate increased, any balance remaining in the special fund established for such purpose shall remain in that fund and be used exclusively for such purpose until the fund is completely expended, and, notwithstanding section 5705.16 of the Revised Code, the board of county commissioners shall not petition for the transfer of money from such special fund, and the tax commissioner shall not approve such a petition. If the tax is levied or the rate increased for such purpose for more than five years, the board of county commissioners also shall levy the tax or increase the rate of the tax for one or more of the purposes described in divisions (A)(1) to (5) of this section and shall prescribe the method for allocating the revenues from the tax each year in the manner required by division (C) of this section. (7) To provide additional revenue for the operation or maintenance of a detention facility, as that term is defined under division (F) of section 2921.01 of the Revised Code; (8) To provide revenue to finance the construction or renovation of a sports facility, but only if the tax is levied for that purpose in the manner prescribed by section 5739.028 of the Revised Code. As used in division (A)(8) of this section: (a) "Sports facility" means a facility intended to house major league professional athletic teams. (b) "Constructing" or "construction" includes providing fixtures, furnishings, and equipment. (9) To provide additional revenue for the acquisition of agricultural easements, as defined in section 5301.67 of the Revised Code; to pay principal, interest, and premium on bonds issued under section 133.60 of the Revised Code; and for the supervision and enforcement of agricultural easements held by the county; (10) To provide revenue for the provision of ambulance, paramedic, or other emergency medical services; (11) To provide revenue for the operation of a lake facilities authority and the remediation of an impacted watershed by a lake facilities authority, as provided in Chapter 353. of the Revised Code; (12) To provide additional revenue for a regional transportation improvement project under section 5595.06 of the Revised Code. Pursuant to section 755.171 of the Revised Code, a board of county commissioners may pledge and contribute revenue from a tax levied for the purpose of division (A)(5) of this section to the payment of debt charges on bonds issued under section 755.17 of the Revised Code. The rate of tax shall be a multiple of one-twentieth of one per cent, unless a portion of the rate of an existing tax levied under section 5739.023 of the Revised Code has been reduced, and the rate of tax levied under this section has been increased, pursuant to section 5739.028 of the Revised Code, in which case the aggregate of the rates of tax levied under this section and section 5739.023 of the Revised Code shall be a multiple of one-twentieth of one per cent. The tax shall be levied and the rate increased pursuant to a resolution adopted by a majority of the members of the board. The board shall deliver a certified copy of the resolution to the tax commissioner, not later than the sixty-fifth day prior to the date on which the tax is to become effective, which shall be the first day of a calendar quarter. Prior to the adoption of any resolution to levy the tax or to increase the rate of tax exclusively for the purpose set forth in division (A)(3) of this section, the board of county commissioners shall conduct two public hearings on the resolution, the second hearing to be no fewer than three nor more than ten days after the first. Notice of the date, time, and place of the hearings shall be given by publication in a newspaper of general circulation in the county, or as provided in section 7.16 of the Revised Code, once a week on the same day of the week for two consecutive weeks. The second publication shall be no fewer than ten nor more than thirty days prior to the first hearing. Except as provided in division (E) of this section, the resolution shall be subject to a referendum as provided in sections 305.31 to 305.41 of the Revised Code. If the resolution is adopted as an emergency measure necessary for the immediate preservation of the public peace, health, or safety, it must receive an affirmative vote of all of the members of the board of county commissioners and shall state the reasons for the necessity. If the tax is for more than one of the purposes set forth in divisions (A)(1) to (7), (9), (10), and (12) of this section, or is exclusively for one of the purposes set forth in division (A)(1), (2), (4), (5), (6), (7), (9), (10), or (12) of this section, the resolution shall not go into effect unless it is approved by a majority of the electors voting on the question of the tax. (B) The board of county commissioners shall adopt a resolution under section 351.02 of the Revised Code creating the convention facilities authority, or under section 307.283 of the Revised Code creating the community improvements board, before adopting a resolution levying a tax for the purpose of a convention facilities authority under division (A)(1) of this section or for the purpose of a community improvements board under division (A)(4) of this section. (C)(1) If the tax is to be used for more than one of the purposes set forth in divisions (A)(1) to (7), (9), (10), and (12) of this section, the board of county commissioners shall establish the method that will be used to determine the amount or proportion of the tax revenue received by the county during each year that will be distributed for each of those purposes, including, if applicable, provisions governing the reallocation of a convention facilities authority's allocation if the authority is dissolved while the tax is in effect. The allocation method may provide that different proportions or amounts of the tax shall be distributed among the purposes in different years, but it shall clearly describe the method that will be used for each year. Except as otherwise provided in division (C)(2) of this section, the allocation method established by the board is not subject to amendment during the life of the tax. (2) Subsequent to holding a public hearing on the proposed amendment, the board of county commissioners may amend the allocation method established under division (C)(1) of this section for any year, if the amendment is approved by the governing board of each entity whose allocation for the year would be reduced by the proposed amendment. In the case of a tax that is levied for a continuing period of time, the board may not so amend the allocation method for any year before the sixth year that the tax is in effect. (a) If the additional revenues provided to the convention facilities authority are pledged by the authority for the payment of convention facilities authority revenue bonds for as long as such bonds are outstanding, no reduction of the authority's allocation of the tax shall be made for any year except to the extent that the reduced authority allocation, when combined with the authority's other revenues pledged for that purpose, is sufficient to meet the debt service requirements for that year on such bonds. (b) If the additional revenues provided to the county are pledged by the county for the payment of bonds or notes described in division (A)(4) or (5) of this section, for as long as such bonds or notes are outstanding, no reduction of the county's or the community improvements board's allocation of the tax shall be made for any year, except to the extent that the reduced county or community improvements board allocation is sufficient to meet the debt service requirements for that year on such bonds or notes. (c) If the additional revenues provided to the transit authority are pledged by the authority for the payment of revenue bonds issued under section 306.37 of the Revised Code, for as long as such bonds are outstanding, no reduction of the authority's allocation of tax shall be made for any year, except to the extent that the authority's reduced allocation, when combined with the authority's other revenues pledged for that purpose, is sufficient to meet the debt service requirements for that year on such bonds. (d) If the additional revenues provided to the county are pledged by the county for the payment of bonds or notes issued under section 133.60 of the Revised Code, for so long as the bonds or notes are outstanding, no reduction of the county's allocation of the tax shall be made for any year, except to the extent that the reduced county allocation is sufficient to meet the debt service requirements for that year on the bonds or notes. (D)(1) The resolution levying the tax or increasing the rate of tax shall state the rate of the tax or the rate of the increase; the purpose or purposes for which it is to be levied; the number of years for which it is to be levied or that it is for a continuing period of time; the allocation method required by division (C) of this section; and if required to be submitted to the electors of the county under division (A) of this section, the date of the election at which the proposal shall be submitted to the electors of the county, which shall be not less than ninety days after the certification of a copy of the resolution to the board of elections and, if the tax is to be levied exclusively for the purpose set forth in division (A)(3) of this section, shall not occur in August of any year. Upon certification of the resolution to the board of elections, the board of county commissioners shall notify the tax commissioner in writing of the levy question to be submitted to the electors. If approved by a majority of the electors, the tax shall become effective on the first day of a calendar quarter next following the sixty-fifth day following the date the board of county commissioners and tax commissioner receive from the board of elections the certification of the results of the election, except as provided in division (E) of this section. (2)(a) A resolution specifying that the tax is to be used exclusively for the purpose set forth in division (A)(3) of this section that is not adopted as an emergency measure may direct the board of elections to submit the question of levying the tax or increasing the rate of the tax to the electors of the county at a special election held on the date specified by the board of county commissioners in the resolution, provided that the election occurs not less than ninety days after the resolution is certified to the board of elections and the election is not held in August of any year. Upon certification of the resolution to the board of elections, the board of county commissioners shall notify the tax commissioner in writing of the levy question to be submitted to the electors. No resolution adopted under division (D)(2)(a) of this section shall go into effect unless approved by a majority of those voting upon it and, except as provided in division (E) of this section, not until the first day of a calendar quarter following the expiration of sixty-five days from the date the tax commissioner receives notice from the board of elections of the affirmative vote. (b) A resolution specifying that the tax is to be used exclusively for the purpose set forth in division (A)(3) of this section that is adopted as an emergency measure shall become effective as provided in division (A) of this section, but may direct the board of elections to submit the question of repealing the tax or increase in the rate of the tax to the electors of the county at the next general election in the county occurring not less than ninety days after the resolution is certified to the board of elections. Upon certification of the resolution to the board of elections, the board of county commissioners shall notify the tax commissioner in writing of the levy question to be submitted to the electors. The ballot question shall be the same as that prescribed in section 5739.022 of the Revised Code. The board of elections shall notify the board of county commissioners and the tax commissioner of the result of the election immediately after the result has been declared. If a majority of the qualified electors voting on the question of repealing the tax or increase in the rate of the tax vote for repeal of the tax or repeal of the increase, the board of county commissioners, on the first day of a calendar quarter following the expiration of sixty-five days after the date the board and tax commissioner received notice of the result of the election, shall, in the case of a repeal of the tax, cease to levy the tax, or, in the case of a repeal of an increase in the rate of the tax, cease to levy the increased rate and levy the tax at the rate at which it was imposed immediately prior to the increase in rate. (c) A board of county commissioners, by resolution, may reduce the rate of a tax levied exclusively for the purpose set forth in division (A)(3) of this section to a lower rate authorized by this section. Any such reduction shall be made effective on the first day of the calendar quarter next following the sixty-fifth day after the tax commissioner receives a certified copy of the resolution from the board. (E) If a vendor makes a sale in this state by printed catalog and the consumer computed the tax on the sale based on local rates published in the catalog, any tax levied or repealed or rate changed under this section shall not apply to such a sale until the first day of a calendar quarter following the expiration of one hundred twenty days from the date of notice by the tax commissioner pursuant to division (G) of this section. (F) The tax levied pursuant to this section shall be in addition to the tax levied by section 5739.02 of the Revised Code and any tax levied pursuant to section 5739.021 or 5739.023 of the Revised Code. A county that levies a tax pursuant to this section shall levy a tax at the same rate pursuant to section 5741.023 of the Revised Code. The additional tax levied by the county shall be collected pursuant to section 5739.025 of the Revised Code. Any tax levied pursuant to this section is subject to the exemptions provided in section 5739.02 of the Revised Code and in addition shall not be applicable to sales not within the taxing power of a county under the Constitution of the United States or the Ohio Constitution. (G) Upon receipt from a board of county commissioners of a certified copy of a resolution required by division (A) of this section, or from the board of elections a notice of the results of an election required by division (D)(1), (2)(a), (b), or (c) of this section, the tax commissioner shall provide notice of a tax rate change in a manner that is reasonably accessible to all affected vendors. The commissioner shall provide this notice at least sixty days prior to the effective date of the rate change. The commissioner, by rule, may establish the method by which notice will be provided.
Section 5739.027 | Tax on watercraft or outboard motor purchased by nonresident.
Latest Legislation:
House Bill 567 - 134th General Assembly
(A) Notwithstanding sections 5739.02, 5739.021, 5739.023, 5739.026, 5741.02, 5741.021, 5741.022, and 5741.023 of the Revised Code, the tax due on the sale to a consumer who is a nonresident of this state of a watercraft or outboard motor required to be titled pursuant to Chapter 1548. of the Revised Code, or on the sale of a watercraft documented or to be documented with the United States coast guard, shall be the lesser of the combined tax rate in effect at the location of the vendor or the sales, use, or similar excise tax that the consumer would owe in the state of the consumer's intended titling, registration, or use of the watercraft or outboard motor, if all of the following apply: (1) The consumer immediately will remove the watercraft or outboard motor from this state for use outside this state; (2) The consumer will title or register the watercraft or outboard motor in another state, if such titling or registration is required; (3) The consumer will pay all applicable sales, use, or similar excise taxes due in the state of titling, registration, or use; (4) The state of titling, registration, or use grants a credit against its sales, use, or similar excise tax for tax paid to this state; (5) The consumer executes the affidavit specified in division (C) of this section. The vendor shall collect the tax and remit it to the state in the manner specified by the tax commissioner. (B) If all of the conditions specified in division (A) of this section exist, except that the state of titling, registration, or use does not grant a credit for sales or use tax paid to this state, or that the consumer's ownership or use of the watercraft or outboard motor is exempt or otherwise not taxable in such other state, the consumer may take title to and possession of the watercraft or outboard motor without payment of any sales or use tax to this state. (C) Every nonresident consumer who purchases a watercraft or outboard motor, as described in division (A) of this section, for immediate removal from this state shall execute an affidavit in duplicate, in such form as the tax commissioner specifies, affirming such facts and specifying the consumer's tax liability in the intended state of titling, registration, or use. The affidavit shall be given to the vendor. The vendor shall retain a copy of the affidavit and file another copy with the clerk of the court of common pleas if the vendor is procuring an Ohio title on behalf of the consumer. The original copy of the affidavit shall be filed with the tax commissioner in the manner prescribed by the tax commissioner. (D) If the vendor procures a title on behalf of the nonresident consumer from the clerk of the court of common pleas of the county where the vendor is located on the sale of a watercraft or outboard motor, the vendor shall file the affidavit specified in division (C) of this section with the clerk. The clerk shall issue the title without requiring payment of a sales or use tax. (E) If the watercraft or outboard motor is purchased by a corporation described in division (B)(6) of section 5739.01 of the Revised Code, for purposes of this section the state of residence of the consumer shall be the state of residence of the principal shareholder. (F) For purposes of this section, the consideration received for watercraft trailers not required to be titled pursuant to Chapter 4505. of the Revised Code and other accessories, which are transferred to a nonresident consumer with the watercraft or outboard motor, is part of the price of the watercraft or outboard motor, provided that such consideration is included in the price of the watercraft or outboard motor as reported by the vendor. Tangible personal property sold separately to the nonresident consumer shall be taxed as otherwise provided in this chapter and Chapter 5741. of the Revised Code. (G) A vendor who in good faith accepts an affidavit provided by a nonresident consumer pursuant to division (C) of this section may rely upon the representations made in the affidavit. (H) All provisions of this chapter and of Chapter 5741. of the Revised Code that are not inconsistent with this section apply to transactions described in this section. (I) Any vendor who makes sales described in this section shall file with the tax commissioner any supplemental report or return the tax commissioner considers necessary for the efficient administration and enforcement of this section.
Last updated February 16, 2023 at 2:36 PM
Section 5739.028 | Reducing tax for transit purposes - increasing tax for constructing or renovating sports facility.
March 27, 2020
Latest Legislation:
House Bill 197 - 133rd General Assembly
As used in this section "sports facility" and "constructing" have the same meanings as in division (A)(8) of section 5739.026 of the Revised Code. This section applies only to taxes levied pursuant to sections 5739.023 and 5741.022 of the Revised Code by a regional transit authority created under section 306.31 of the Revised Code for a continuing period of time and at an aggregate rate, on July 19, 1995, greater than one-half of one per cent on every retail sale made in the territory of the transit authority. The board of county commissioners of the most populous county in the territory of a regional transit authority levying a tax to which this section applies may adopt a resolution not later than one hundred eighty days after July 19, 1995, proposing to reduce the rate of such a tax and to increase by the same extent the rate of tax levied under sections 5739.026 and 5741.023 of the Revised Code for the purpose of constructing or renovating a sports facility. The total reduction in the rate of taxes levied by a transit authority and the increase in the rate of tax levied for the purpose of constructing or renovating a sports facility shall not exceed one-tenth of one per cent upon retail sales made in the territory of the transit authority; provided, the amount of taxes received by the county for the purpose of constructing or renovating a sports facility under this section shall not exceed four million five hundred thousand dollars in any calendar year. Any amounts received by a county in a calendar year in excess of four million five hundred thousand dollars pursuant to this section shall be paid to the transit authority by the county within forty-five days following receipt by the county. The resolution shall specify that the rate of tax levied by the transit authority will be reduced and that a tax will be levied at the same rate for the purpose of constructing or renovating a sports facility; the rate by which the tax levied by the transit authority will be reduced and by which the tax levied for the purpose of constructing or renovating a sports facility will be increased; the date the rates levied for those purposes will be reduced and increased, respectively; and the number of years the rate levied by a transit authority will be reduced and the rate levied for constructing or renovating a sports facility will be increased. The date the rate levied by the transit authority will be reduced and the rate levied for the purpose of constructing or renovating a sports facility will be increased shall not be earlier than the first day of the month that begins at least sixty days after the day the election on the question is conducted unless the board of county commissioners levies a tax under one or more of sections 307.697, 4301.421, 5743.024, and 5743.323 of the Revised Code on July 19, 1995, in which case the date the rate levied by the transit authority will be reduced and the rate levied for the purpose of constructing or renovating a sports facility will be increased shall not be earlier than the first day following the latest day on which any of the taxes levied under one of those sections on July 19, 1995, may be levied as prescribed by the resolution levying that tax. The number of years the rate of the existing tax may be reduced and the rate of tax may be levied for constructing or renovating a sports facility may be any number of years as specified in the resolution, or for a continuing period of time if so specified in the resolution. Before a resolution adopted under this section may take effect, the board of county commissioners shall submit the resolution to the approval of the electors of the county, and the resolution shall be approved by a majority of voters voting on the question. Upon adoption of the resolution, the board of county commissioners shall certify a copy of the resolution to the board of elections of the county and to the tax commissioner, and the board of elections shall submit the question at a special election held on the date specified by the board of county commissioners in the resolution, provided that the election occurs not less than seventy-five days after the resolution is certified to the board of elections and the election is not held in August of any year. The board of county commissioners shall certify the copy of the resolution to the board of elections in the manner prescribed under section 3505.071 of the Revised Code. The board of elections shall certify the results of the election to the board of county commissioners and to the tax commissioner. If the question is approved by a majority of electors voting on the question, the rate of tax imposed under sections 5739.023 and 5741.022 of the Revised Code shall be reduced, and the rate of tax levied for constructing or renovating a sports facility under sections 5739.026 and 5741.023 of the Revised Code shall be increased by the same amount, on the date specified in the resolution. If revenue from a tax levied under sections 5739.023 and 5741.022 of the Revised Code and subject to reduction under this section is pledged to the payment of bonds, notes, or notes in anticipation of bonds, the board of county commissioners adopting a resolution under this section shall provide sufficient revenue from the tax for the repayment of debt charges on those bonds or notes, unless an adequate substitute for payment of those charges is provided by the transit authority.
Section 5739.029 | Nonresident consumer motor vehicle sales tax.
Latest Legislation:
House Bill 567 - 134th General Assembly
(A) Notwithstanding sections 5739.02, 5739.021, 5739.023, 5739.026, 5741.02, 5741.021, 5741.022, and 5741.023 of the Revised Code, and except as otherwise provided in division (B) of this section, the tax due under this chapter on the sale of a motor vehicle required to be titled under Chapter 4505. of the Revised Code by a motor vehicle dealer to a consumer that is a nonresident of this state shall be the lesser of the amount of tax that would be due under this chapter and Chapter 5741. of the Revised Code if the total combined rate were six per cent, or the amount of tax that would be due to the state in which the consumer titles or registers the motor vehicle or to which the consumer removes the vehicle for use. (B) No tax is due under this section, any other section of this chapter, or Chapter 5741. of the Revised Code under any of the following circumstances: (1)(a) The consumer intends to immediately remove the motor vehicle from this state for use outside this state; (b) Upon removal of the motor vehicle from this state, the consumer intends to title or register the vehicle in another state if such titling or registration is required; (c) The consumer signs a statement as required under division (C) of this section certifying the consumer's intentions under divisions (B)(1)(a) and (b) of this section; and (d) The state in which the consumer titles or registers the motor vehicle or to which the consumer removes the vehicle for use provides an exemption under circumstances substantially similar to those described in division (B)(1) of this section. (2) The state in which the consumer titles or registers the motor vehicle or to which the consumer removes the vehicle for use does not provide a credit against its sales or use tax or similar excise tax for sales or use tax paid to this state. (3) The state in which the consumer titles or registers the motor vehicle or to which the consumer removes the vehicle for use does not impose a sales or use tax or similar excise tax on the ownership or use of motor vehicles. (C) Any nonresident consumer that purchases a motor vehicle from a motor vehicle dealer in this state under the circumstances described in divisions (B)(1)(a) and (b) of this section shall sign a statement certifying the intentions described in those divisions. The statement shall be in the form specified by the tax commissioner and either signed in duplicate if signed in a nonelectronic format or signed once if signed electronically. The statement shall be given to the motor vehicle dealer. A motor vehicle dealer that accepts in good faith a statement presented under this division by a nonresident consumer may rely upon the representations made in the statement. (D) A motor vehicle dealer making a sale subject to the tax under division (A) of this section shall collect the tax due unless the sale is subject to the exception under division (B) of this section or unless the sale is not otherwise subject to taxes levied under sections 5739.02, 5739.021, 5739.023, 5739.026, 5741.02, 5741.021, 5741.022, and 5741.023 of the Revised Code. In the case of a sale under the circumstances described in division (B)(1) of this section, the dealer shall either retain one copy of the statement and file the other copy with the clerk of the court of common pleas or, if the statement was electronically signed, submit the statement electronically to the clerk. If tax is due under division (A) of this section, the dealer shall remit the tax collected to the clerk at the time the dealer obtains the Ohio certificate of title in the name of the consumer as required under section 4505.06 of the Revised Code. The clerk shall forward the statement to the tax commissioner in the manner prescribed by the commissioner. Unless a sale is excepted from taxation under division (B) of this section, upon receipt of an application for certificate of title a clerk of the court of common pleas shall collect the sales tax due under division (A) of this section. The clerk shall remit the tax collected to the tax commissioner in the manner prescribed by the commissioner. (E) If a motor vehicle is purchased by a corporation described in division (B)(6) of section 5739.01 of the Revised Code, the state of residence of the consumer for the purposes of this section is the state of residence of the corporation's principal shareholder. (F) Any provision of this chapter or of Chapter 5741. of the Revised Code that is not inconsistent with this section applies to sales described in division (A) of this section. (G) As used in this section: (1) For the purposes of this section only, the sale or purchase of a motor vehicle does not include a lease or rental of a motor vehicle subject to division (A)(2) or (3) of section 5739.02 or division (A)(2) or (3) of section 5741.02 of the Revised Code; (2) "State," except in reference to "this state," means any state, district, commonwealth, or territory of the United States and any province of Canada.
Last updated February 16, 2023 at 2:36 PM
Section 5739.0210 | Retail sales tax on manufactured or mobile home.
Latest Legislation:
House Bill 672 - 123rd General Assembly
(A) As used in this section and section 5739.02 of the Revised Code: (1) "Manufactured home" has the same meaning as in division (C)(4) of section 3781.06 of the Revised Code and includes all skirting, awnings, interior cabinetry, and other accessories and attachments that are permanently attached to and incorporated as part of the home, but does not include any furniture not permanently affixed to the home. (2) "Manufacturer," "remanufacturer," and "distributor" means a manufacturer, remanufacturer, or distributor of manufactured homes or mobile homes. (3) "Mobile home" has the same meaning as in division (O) of section 4501.01 of the Revised Code and includes all skirting, awnings, interior cabinetry, and other accessories and attachments that are permanently attached to and incorporated as part of the home, but does not include any furniture not permanently affixed to the home. (4) "New manufactured home" and "new mobile home" means a manufactured or mobile home the legal title to which has never been transferred by a manufacturer, remanufacturer, distributor, or new motor vehicle dealer to a purchaser in this state who is not a manufacturer, remanufacturer, distributor, or new motor vehicle dealer. (5) "New motor vehicle dealer" has the same meaning as in section 4517.01 of the Revised Code. (6) "Used manufactured home" and "used mobile home" means a manufactured or mobile home the legal title to which is being transferred or previously has been transferred by an owner other than a new motor vehicle dealer. (B) Notwithstanding other sections of this chapter or Chapter 5741. of the Revised Code, the tax levied under such chapters on the retail sales of manufactured homes and mobile homes sold on or after January 1, 2000, shall be reported and paid as provided in this section. For purposes of this chapter and Chapter 5741. of the Revised Code, a manufactured home or a mobile home sold on or after January 1, 2000, shall not be considered a motor vehicle. (C)(1) The transfer of a used manufactured home or used mobile home on which the transfer tax imposed by section 322.06 of the Revised Code has been paid shall not be considered a sale for purposes of this chapter or Chapter 5741. of the Revised Code and no tax required by this chapter or Chapter 5741. of the Revised Code shall be paid on such transfer. (2) The taxes imposed by this chapter and Chapter 5741. of the Revised Code do not apply to a new manufactured home or new mobile home that a dealer sells to the United States government or to this state or any of its political subdivisions. (D) New motor vehicle dealers that purchase new manufactured homes or new mobile homes from a manufacturer, remanufacturer, distributor, or another dealer shall not pay the tax imposed by this chapter to the seller or vendor at the time of purchase. (E) When a new motor vehicle dealer sells a new manufactured home or new mobile home to a purchaser, other than another new motor vehicle dealer purchasing such home for subsequent sale by the dealer, the new motor vehicle dealer shall be the consumer of such sale and shall remit the tax required by this chapter and Chapter 5741. of the Revised Code. The price on which the tax shall be paid is the aggregate value in money of anything previously paid or delivered, or promised to be paid or delivered, by the new motor vehicle dealer for that dealer's previous purchase of the new manufactured or mobile home from a manufacturer, remanufacturer, distributor, or other new motor vehicle dealer. The price on which the tax shall be paid does not include any amount paid by a new motor vehicle dealer as a refundable deposit for wheels and axles that are used to transfer a new manufactured home or new mobile home to the dealer and to the person who purchases the home from the new motor vehicle dealer to the extent the deposit actually is refunded to the dealer, provided that the amount of the deposit is stated separately from the consideration paid or delivered, or promised to be paid or delivered, for the purchase of the home by the dealer. The separate statement shall appear on the sales agreement or the initial invoice or billing rendered by the manufacturer, remanufacturer, distributor, or other new motor vehicle dealer to the new motor vehicle dealer that is the consumer of the home for the purposes of this division. The tax applies and shall be due from the dealer on the date the new manufactured home or new mobile home is delivered to the purchaser, the date the purchaser remits the full price for the manufactured home or new mobile home to the dealer, or, in the case of a dealer-financed transaction, the date the purchaser completely executes the financing for the new manufactured home or new mobile home, whichever date occurs first. The tax shall be paid at the rate in effect in the county where the new manufactured home or new mobile home is to be titled to the purchaser. (F) A new motor vehicle dealer shall not charge a tax under this chapter or Chapter 5741. of the Revised Code to the purchaser of a new manufactured home or a new mobile home, but may pass the tax through to the purchaser as part of the dealer's cost of the new manufactured home or new mobile home. (G) A person performing repairs or improvements to a manufactured home or a mobile home shall be considered the consumer of all property used in the performance of the repairs or improvements and shall not be considered to be making sales of the repairs or improvements.
Section 5739.03 | Consumer to pay tax - report of tax - exemption certificates.
October 3, 2023
Latest Legislation:
House Bill 33 - 135th General Assembly
(A) Except as provided in section 5739.05 or section 5739.051 of the Revised Code, the tax imposed by or pursuant to section 5739.02, 5739.021, 5739.023, or 5739.026 of the Revised Code shall be paid by the consumer to the vendor, and each vendor shall collect from the consumer, as a trustee for the state of Ohio, the full and exact amount of the tax payable on each taxable sale, in the manner and at the times provided as follows: (1) If the price is, at or prior to the provision of the service or the delivery of possession of the thing sold to the consumer, paid in currency passed from hand to hand by the consumer or the consumer's agent to the vendor or the vendor's agent, the vendor or the vendor's agent shall collect the tax with and at the same time as the price; (2) If the price is otherwise paid or to be paid, the vendor or the vendor's agent shall, at or prior to the provision of the service or the delivery of possession of the thing sold to the consumer, charge the tax imposed by or pursuant to section 5739.02, 5739.021, 5739.023, or 5739.026 of the Revised Code to the account of the consumer, which amount shall be collected by the vendor from the consumer in addition to the price. Such sale shall be reported on and the amount of the tax applicable thereto shall be remitted with the return for the period in which the sale is made, and the amount of the tax shall become a legal charge in favor of the vendor and against the consumer. (B)(1)(a) If any sale is claimed to be exempt under division (E) of section 5739.01 of the Revised Code or under section 5739.02 of the Revised Code, with the exception of divisions (B)(1) to (11), (28), (48), (55), (59), or (66) of section 5739.02 of the Revised Code, the consumer must provide to the vendor, and the vendor must obtain from the consumer, a certificate specifying the reason that the sale is not legally subject to the tax. The certificate shall be in such form, and shall be provided either in a hard copy form or electronic form, as the tax commissioner prescribes. (b) A vendor that obtains a fully completed exemption certificate from a consumer is relieved of liability for collecting and remitting tax on any sale covered by that certificate. If it is determined the exemption was improperly claimed, the consumer shall be liable for any tax due on that sale under section 5739.02, 5739.021, 5739.023, or 5739.026 or Chapter 5741. of the Revised Code. Relief under this division from liability does not apply to any of the following: (i) A vendor that fraudulently fails to collect tax; (ii) A vendor that solicits consumers to participate in the unlawful claim of an exemption; (iii) A vendor that accepts an exemption certificate from a consumer that claims an exemption based on who purchases or who sells property or a service, when the subject of the transaction sought to be covered by the exemption certificate is actually received by the consumer at a location operated by the vendor in this state, and this state has posted to its web site an exemption certificate form that clearly and affirmatively indicates that the claimed exemption is not available in this state; (iv) A vendor that accepts an exemption certificate from a consumer who claims a multiple points of use exemption under division (D) of section 5739.033 of the Revised Code, if the item purchased is tangible personal property, other than prewritten computer software. (2) The vendor shall maintain records, including exemption certificates, of all sales on which a consumer has claimed an exemption, and provide them to the tax commissioner on request. (3) The tax commissioner may establish an identification system whereby the commissioner issues an identification number to a consumer that is exempt from payment of the tax. The consumer must present the number to the vendor, if any sale is claimed to be exempt as provided in this section. (4) If no certificate is provided or obtained within ninety days after the date on which such sale is consummated, it shall be presumed that the tax applies. Failure to have so provided or obtained a certificate shall not preclude a vendor, within one hundred twenty days after the tax commissioner gives written notice of intent to levy an assessment, from either establishing that the sale is not subject to the tax, or obtaining, in good faith, a fully completed exemption certificate. (5) Certificates need not be obtained nor provided where the identity of the consumer is such that the transaction is never subject to the tax imposed or where the item of tangible personal property sold or the service provided is never subject to the tax imposed, regardless of use, or when the sale is in interstate commerce. (6) If a transaction is claimed to be exempt under division (B)(13) of section 5739.02 of the Revised Code, the contractor shall obtain certification of the claimed exemption from the contractee. This certification shall be in addition to an exemption certificate provided by the contractor to the vendor. A contractee that provides a certification under this division shall be deemed to be the consumer of all items purchased by the contractor under the claim of exemption, if it is subsequently determined that the exemption is not properly claimed. The certification shall be in such form as the tax commissioner prescribes. (C) As used in this division, "contractee" means a person who seeks to enter or enters into a contract or agreement with a contractor or vendor for the construction of real property or for the sale and installation onto real property of tangible personal property. Any contractor or vendor may request from any contractee a certification of what portion of the property to be transferred under such contract or agreement is to be incorporated into the realty and what portion will retain its status as tangible personal property after installation is completed. The contractor or vendor shall request the certification by certified mail delivered to the contractee, return receipt requested. Upon receipt of such request and prior to entering into the contract or agreement, the contractee shall provide to the contractor or vendor a certification sufficiently detailed to enable the contractor or vendor to ascertain the resulting classification of all materials purchased or fabricated by the contractor or vendor and transferred to the contractee. This requirement applies to a contractee regardless of whether the contractee holds a direct payment permit under section 5739.031 of the Revised Code or provides to the contractor or vendor an exemption certificate as provided under this section. For the purposes of the taxes levied by this chapter and Chapter 5741. of the Revised Code, the contractor or vendor may in good faith rely on the contractee's certification. Notwithstanding division (B) of section 5739.01 of the Revised Code, if the tax commissioner determines that certain property certified by the contractee as tangible personal property pursuant to this division is, in fact, real property, the contractee shall be considered to be the consumer of all materials so incorporated into that real property and shall be liable for the applicable tax, and the contractor or vendor shall be excused from any liability on those materials. If a contractee fails to provide such certification upon the request of the contractor or vendor, the contractor or vendor shall comply with the provisions of this chapter and Chapter 5741. of the Revised Code without the certification. If the tax commissioner determines that such compliance has been performed in good faith and that certain property treated as tangible personal property by the contractor or vendor is, in fact, real property, the contractee shall be considered to be the consumer of all materials so incorporated into that real property and shall be liable for the applicable tax, and the construction contractor or vendor shall be excused from any liability on those materials. This division does not apply to any contract or agreement where the tax commissioner determines as a fact that a certification under this division was made solely on the decision or advice of the contractor or vendor. (D) Notwithstanding division (B) of section 5739.01 of the Revised Code, whenever the total rate of tax imposed under this chapter is increased after the date after a construction contract is entered into, the contractee shall reimburse the construction contractor for any additional tax paid on tangible property consumed or services received pursuant to the contract. (E) A vendor who files a petition for reassessment contesting the assessment of tax on sales for which the vendor obtained no valid exemption certificates and for which the vendor failed to establish that the sales were properly not subject to the tax during the one-hundred-twenty-day period allowed under division (B) of this section, may present to the tax commissioner additional evidence to prove that the sales were properly subject to a claim of exception or exemption. The vendor shall file such evidence within ninety days of the receipt by the vendor of the notice of assessment, except that, upon application and for reasonable cause, the period for submitting such evidence shall be extended thirty days. The commissioner shall consider such additional evidence in reaching the final determination on the assessment and petition for reassessment. (F) Whenever a vendor refunds the price, minus any separately stated delivery charge, of an item of tangible personal property on which the tax imposed under this chapter has been paid, the vendor shall also refund the amount of tax paid, minus the amount of tax attributable to the delivery charge.
Last updated July 31, 2023 at 4:45 PM
Section 5739.031 | Direct payment permits.
October 3, 2023
Latest Legislation:
House Bill 33 - 135th General Assembly
(A) Upon application, the tax commissioner may issue a direct payment permit that authorizes a consumer to pay the sales tax levied by or pursuant to section 5739.02, 5739.021, 5739.023, or 5739.026 of the Revised Code or the use tax levied by or pursuant to section 5741.02, 5741.021, 5741.022, or 5741.023 of the Revised Code directly to the state and waives the collection of the tax by the vendor or seller if payment directly to the state would improve compliance and increase the efficiency of the administration of the tax. The commissioner may adopt rules establishing the criteria for the issuance of such permits. (B) Each permit holder, on or before the twenty-third day of each month, shall make and file with the tax commissioner a return for the preceding month in such form as is prescribed by the commissioner and shall pay the tax shown on the return to be due. The return shall show the sum of the prices of taxable merchandise used and taxable services received, the amount of tax due from the permit holder, and such other information as the commissioner deems necessary. The commissioner, upon written request by the permit holder, may extend the time for making and filing returns and paying the tax. If the commissioner determines that a permit holder's tax liability is not such as to merit monthly filing, the commissioner may authorize the permit holder to file returns and pay the tax at less frequent intervals. Any permit holder required to file a return and pay the tax under this section whose total payment for any calendar year equals or exceeds the amount shown in section 5739.032 of the Revised Code shall make each payment required by this section in the second ensuing and each succeeding year electronically as prescribed by, and on or before the dates specified in, section 5739.032 of the Revised Code, except as otherwise prescribed by that section. (C) For purposes of reporting and remitting the tax, the price of tangible personal property or services purchased by, or of tangible personal property produced by, the permit holder shall be determined under division (G) of section 5741.01 of the Revised Code. Except as otherwise provided in division (E) of section 5739.033 of the Revised Code, the situs of any purchase transaction made by the permit holder is the location where the tangible personal property or service is received by the permit holder. (D) It shall be the duty of every permit holder required to make a return and pay its tax under this section to keep and preserve suitable records of purchases together with invoices of purchases, bills of lading, asset ledgers, depreciation schedules, transfer journals, and such other primary and secondary records and documents in such form as the commissioner requires. All such records and other documents shall be open during business hours to the inspection of the tax commissioner, and shall be preserved for a period of four years, unless the commissioner, in writing, has authorized their destruction or disposal at an earlier date, or by order or by reason of a waiver of the four-year time limitation pursuant to section 5739.16 of the Revised Code requires that they be kept longer. (E) A permit granted pursuant to this section shall continue to be valid until surrendered by the holder or canceled for cause by the tax commissioner. (F) Persons who hold a direct payment permit that has not been canceled shall not be required to issue exemption certificates and shall not be required to pay the tax as prescribed in sections 5739.03, 5739.033, and 5741.12 of the Revised Code. Such persons shall notify vendors and sellers from whom purchases of tangible personal property or services are made, of their direct payment permit number and that the tax is being paid directly to the state. Upon receipt of such notice, such vendor or seller shall be absolved from all duties and liabilities imposed by section 5739.03 or 5741.04 of the Revised Code with respect to sales of tangible personal property or services to such permit holder. Vendors and sellers who make sales upon which the tax is not collected by reason of the provisions of this section shall maintain records in such manner that the amount involved and identity of the purchaser may be ascertained. The receipts from such sales shall not be subject to the tax levied in section 5739.10 of the Revised Code. Upon the cancellation or surrender of a direct payment permit, the provisions of sections 5739.03, 5741.04, and 5741.12 of the Revised Code shall immediately apply to all purchases made subsequent to such cancellation or surrender by the person who previously held such permit, and such person shall so notify vendors and sellers from whom purchases of tangible personal property or services are made, in writing, prior to or at the time of the first purchase after such cancellation or surrender. Upon receipt of such notice, the vendor shall be subject to the provisions of sections 5739.03 and 5739.10 of the Revised Code and the seller shall be subject to the provisions of section 5741.04 of the Revised Code, with respect to all sales subsequently made to such person. Failure of any such person to notify vendors or sellers from whom purchases of tangible personal property or services are made of the cancellation or surrender of a direct payment permit shall be considered as a refusal to pay the tax by the person required to issue such notice.
Last updated September 6, 2023 at 3:30 PM
Section 5739.032 | Permit holder tax payments by electronic funds transfer.
October 3, 2023
Latest Legislation:
House Bill 33 - 135th General Assembly
(A) If the total amount of tax required to be paid by a permit holder under section 5739.031 of the Revised Code for any calendar year equals or exceeds seventy-five thousand dollars, the permit holder shall remit each monthly tax payment in the second ensuing and each succeeding year electronically as prescribed by division (B) of this section. If a permit holder's tax payment for each of two consecutive years is less than seventy-five thousand dollars, the permit holder is relieved of the requirement to remit taxes electronically for the year that next follows the second of the consecutive years in which the tax payment is less than that amount, and is relieved of that requirement for each succeeding year, unless the tax payment in a subsequent year equals or exceeds seventy-five thousand dollars. Failure by the tax commissioner to notify a permit holder subject to this section to remit taxes electronically does not relieve the permit holder of its obligation to remit taxes in that manner. (B) Permit holders required by division (A) of this section to remit payments electronically shall remit such payments by using the Ohio business gateway, as defined in section 718.01 of the Revised Code, or another means of electronic payment, and as follows: (1) On or before the twenty-third day of each month, a permit holder shall remit an amount equal to seventy-five per cent of the anticipated tax liability for that month. (2) On or before the twenty-third day of each month, a permit holder shall report the taxes due for the previous month and shall remit that amount, less any amounts paid for that month as required by division (B)(1) of this section. The electronic payment of taxes does not affect a permit holder's obligation to file the monthly return as required under section 5739.031 of the Revised Code. (C)(1)(a) If a permit holder that is required to remit payments under division (B) of this section fails to make a payment, or makes a payment under division (B)(1) of this section that is less than seventy-five per cent of the actual liability for that month, the commissioner may impose an additional charge not to exceed five per cent of that unpaid amount. (b) Division (C)(1)(a) of this section does not apply if the permit holder's payment under division (B)(1) of this section is equal to or greater than seventy-five per cent of the permit holder's reported liability for the same month in the immediately preceding calendar year. (2) If a permit holder required by this section to remit taxes electronically remits those taxes by some means other than electronically as prescribed by this section and the tax commissioner determines that such failure was not due to reasonable cause or was due to willful neglect, the commissioner may impose an additional charge not to exceed the lesser of five per cent of the amount of the taxes required to be paid electronically or five thousand dollars. (3) Any additional charge imposed under division (C)(1) or (2) of this section is in addition to any other penalty or charge imposed under this chapter, and shall be considered as revenue arising from taxes imposed under this chapter. An additional charge may be collected by assessment in the manner prescribed by section 5739.13 of the Revised Code. The tax commissioner may waive all or a portion of such a charge and may adopt rules governing such waiver. No additional charge shall be imposed under division (C)(2) of this section against a permit holder that has been notified of its obligation to remit taxes electronically under this section and that remits its first two tax payments after such notification by some other means. The additional charge may be imposed upon the remittance of any subsequent tax payment that the permit holder remits by some means other than electronically.
Last updated September 6, 2023 at 3:32 PM
Section 5739.033 | Location of sale.
September 29, 2017
Latest Legislation:
House Bill 49 - 132nd General Assembly
(A) The amount of tax due pursuant to sections 5739.02, 5739.021, 5739.023, and 5739.026 of the Revised Code is the sum of the taxes imposed pursuant to those sections at the sourcing location of the sale as determined under this section or, if applicable, under division (C) of section 5739.031 or section 5739.034 of the Revised Code. This section applies only to a vendor's or seller's obligation to collect and remit sales taxes under section 5739.02, 5739.021, 5739.023, or 5739.026 of the Revised Code or use taxes under section 5741.02, 5741.021, 5741.022, or 5741.023 of the Revised Code. Division (A) of this section does not apply in determining the jurisdiction for which sellers are required to collect the use tax under section 5741.05 of the Revised Code. This section does not affect the obligation of a consumer to remit use taxes on the storage, use, or other consumption of tangible personal property or on the benefit realized of any service provided, to the jurisdiction of that storage, use, or consumption, or benefit realized. (B)(1) Beginning January 1, 2010, retail sales, excluding the lease or rental, of tangible personal property or digital goods shall be sourced to the location where the vendor receives an order for the sale of such property or goods if: (a) The vendor receives the order in this state and the consumer receives the property or goods in this state; (b) The location where the consumer receives the property or goods is determined under division (C)(2), (3), or (4) of this section; and (c) The record-keeping system used by the vendor to calculate the tax imposed captures the location where the order is received at the time the order is received. (2) A consumer has no additional liability to this state under this chapter or Chapter 5741. of the Revised Code for tax, penalty, or interest on a sale for which the consumer remits tax to the vendor in the amount invoiced by the vendor if the invoice amount is calculated at either the rate applicable to the location where the consumer receives the property or digital good or at the rate applicable to the location where the order is received by the vendor. A consumer may rely on a written representation by the vendor as to the location where the order for the sale was received by the vendor. If the consumer does not have a written representation by the vendor as to the location where the order was received by the vendor, the consumer may use a location indicated by a business address for the vendor that is available from records that are maintained in the ordinary course of the consumer's business to determine the rate applicable to the location where the order was received. (3) For the purposes of division (B) of this section, the location where an order is received by or on behalf of a vendor means the physical location of the vendor or a third party such as an established outlet, office location, or automated order receipt system operated by or on behalf of the vendor, where an order is initially received by or on behalf of the vendor, and not where the order may be subsequently accepted, completed, or fulfilled. An order is received when all necessary information to determine whether the order can be accepted has been received by or on behalf of the vendor. The location from which the property or digital good is shipped shall not be used to determine the location where the order is received by the vendor. (4) For the purposes of division (B) of this section, if services subject to taxation under this chapter or Chapter 5741. of the Revised Code are sold with tangible personal property or digital goods pursuant to a single contract or in the same transaction, the services are billed on the same billing statement or invoice, and, because of the application of division (B) of this section, the transaction would be sourced to more than one jurisdiction, the situs of the transaction shall be the location where the order is received by or on behalf of the vendor. (C) Except for sales, other than leases, of titled motor vehicles, titled watercraft, or titled outboard motors as provided in section 5741.05 of the Revised Code, or as otherwise provided in this section and section 5739.034 of the Revised Code, all sales shall be sourced as follows: (1) If the consumer or a donee designated by the consumer receives tangible personal property or a service at a vendor's place of business, the sale shall be sourced to that place of business. (2) When the tangible personal property or service is not received at a vendor's place of business, the sale shall be sourced to the location known to the vendor where the consumer or the donee designated by the consumer receives the tangible personal property or service, including the location indicated by instructions for delivery to the consumer or the consumer's donee. (3) If divisions (C)(1) and (2) of this section do not apply, the sale shall be sourced to the location indicated by an address for the consumer that is available from the vendor's business records that are maintained in the ordinary course of the vendor's business, when use of that address does not constitute bad faith. (4) If divisions (C)(1), (2), and (3) of this section do not apply, the sale shall be sourced to the location indicated by an address for the consumer obtained during the consummation of the sale, including the address associated with the consumer's payment instrument, if no other address is available, when use of that address does not constitute bad faith. (5) If divisions (C)(1), (2), (3), and (4) of this section do not apply, including in the circumstance where the vendor is without sufficient information to apply any of those divisions, the sale shall be sourced to the address from which tangible personal property was shipped, or from which the service was provided, disregarding any location that merely provided the electronic transfer of the property sold or service provided. (6) As used in division (C) of this section, "receive" means taking possession of tangible personal property or making first use of a service. "Receive" does not include possession by a shipping company on behalf of a consumer. (D)(1)(a) Notwithstanding divisions (C)(1) to (5) of this section, a business consumer that is not a holder of a direct payment permit granted under section 5739.031 of the Revised Code, that purchases a digital good, computer software, except computer software received in person by a business consumer at a vendor's place of business, or a service, and that knows at the time of purchase that such digital good, software, or service will be concurrently available for use in more than one taxing jurisdiction shall deliver to the vendor in conjunction with its purchase an exemption certificate claiming multiple points of use, or shall meet the requirements of division (D)(2) of this section. On receipt of the exemption certificate claiming multiple points of use, the vendor is relieved of its obligation to collect, pay, or remit the tax due, and the business consumer must pay the tax directly to the state. (b) A business consumer that delivers the exemption certificate claiming multiple points of use to a vendor may use any reasonable, consistent, and uniform method of apportioning the tax due on the digital good, computer software, or service that is supported by the consumer's business records as they existed at the time of the sale. The business consumer shall report and pay the appropriate tax to each jurisdiction where concurrent use occurs. The tax due shall be calculated as if the apportioned amount of the digital good, computer software, or service had been delivered to each jurisdiction to which the sale is apportioned under this division. (c) The exemption certificate claiming multiple points of use shall remain in effect for all future sales by the vendor to the business consumer until it is revoked in writing by the business consumer, except as to the business consumer's specific apportionment of a subsequent sale under division (D)(1)(b) of this section and the facts existing at the time of the sale. (2) When the vendor knows that a digital good, computer software, or service sold will be concurrently available for use by the business consumer in more than one jurisdiction, but the business consumer does not provide an exemption certificate claiming multiple points of use as required by division (D)(1) of this section, the vendor may work with the business consumer to produce the correct apportionment. Governed by the principles of division (D)(1)(b) of this section, the vendor and business consumer may use any reasonable, but consistent and uniform, method of apportionment that is supported by the vendor's and business consumer's books and records as they exist at the time the sale is reported for purposes of the taxes levied under this chapter. If the business consumer certifies to the accuracy of the apportionment and the vendor accepts the certification, the vendor shall collect and remit the tax accordingly. In the absence of bad faith, the vendor is relieved of any further obligation to collect tax on any transaction where the vendor has collected tax pursuant to the information certified by the business consumer. (3) When the vendor knows that the digital good, computer software, or service will be concurrently available for use in more than one jurisdiction, and the business consumer does not have a direct pay permit and does not provide to the vendor an exemption certificate claiming multiple points of use as required in division (D)(1) of this section, or certification pursuant to division (D)(2) of this section, the vendor shall collect and remit the tax based on division (C) of this section. (4) Nothing in this section shall limit a person's obligation for sales or use tax to any state in which a digital good, computer software, or service is concurrently available for use, nor limit a person's ability under local, state, or federal law, to claim a credit for sales or use taxes legally due and paid to other jurisdictions. (E) A person who holds a direct payment permit issued under section 5739.031 of the Revised Code is not required to deliver an exemption certificate claiming multiple points of use to a vendor. But such permit holder shall comply with division (D)(2) of this section in apportioning the tax due on a digital good, computer software, or a service for use in business that will be concurrently available for use in more than one taxing jurisdiction. (F)(1)(a) Notwithstanding divisions (C)(1) to (5) of this section, the consumer of advertising and promotional direct mail or other direct mail that is not a holder of a direct payment permit may provide to the vendor in conjunction with the sale a fully completed exemption certificate claiming direct mail prescribed by the tax commissioner, or, if the direct mail is advertising and promotional direct mail, information to show the jurisdictions to which that direct mail is delivered to recipients. (b) In the absence of bad faith, upon receipt of such an exemption certificate, the vendor is relieved of all obligations to collect, pay, or remit the applicable tax and the consumer is obligated to pay that tax on a direct pay basis. An exemption certificate claiming direct mail shall remain in effect for all future sales of direct mail by the vendor to the consumer until it is revoked in writing. (c) Upon receipt of information from the consumer showing the jurisdictions to which advertising and promotional direct mail is delivered to recipients, the vendor shall collect the tax according to the delivery information provided by the consumer. In the absence of bad faith, the vendor is relieved of any further obligation to collect tax on any transaction where the vendor has collected tax pursuant to the delivery information provided by the consumer. (d) If the consumer of advertising and promotional direct mail or other direct mail does not have a direct payment permit and does not provide the vendor with either an exemption certificate claiming direct mail or, if applicable, delivery information as required by division (F)(1)(a) of this section, the vendor shall collect the tax according to division (C)(5) of this section in the case of advertising and promotional direct mail or division (C)(3) of this section in the case of other direct mail. Nothing in division (F)(1)(d) of this section shall limit a consumer's obligation to pay sales or use tax to any state to which the direct mail is delivered. (e) If a consumer of advertising and promotional direct mail or other direct mail provides the vendor with documentation of direct payment authority, the consumer shall not be required to provide an exemption certificate claiming direct mail or, if applicable, delivery information to the vendor. (2) As used in division (F) of this section: (a) "Direct mail" means printed material delivered or distributed by United States mail or other delivery service to a mass audience or to addressees on a mailing list provided by the consumer or at the direction of the consumer when the cost of the items are not billed directly to the recipients. "Direct mail" includes tangible personal property supplied directly or indirectly by the consumer to the direct mail vendor for inclusion in the package containing the printed material. "Direct mail" does not include multiple items of printed material delivered to a single address. (b) "Advertising and promotional direct mail" means direct mail, the primary purpose of which is to attract public attention to a product, person, business, or organization, or to attempt to sell, popularize, or secure financial support for a product, person, business, or organization. As used in division (F)(2)(b) of this section, "product" means tangible personal property, whether transferred electronically or otherwise, or a service. (c) "Other direct mail" means direct mail that is not advertising and promotional direct mail, regardless of whether advertising and promotional direct mail is included in the same mailing. "Other direct mail" includes all of the following: (i) Transactional direct mail that contains personal information specific to the addressee, including invoices, bills, statements of account, and payroll advices; (ii) Any legally required mailings, including privacy notices, tax reports, and stockholder reports; (iii) Other nonpromotional direct mail delivered to existing or former shareholders, customers, employees, or agents, including newsletter and informational pieces. "Other direct mail" does not include the development of billing information or the provision of any data processing service that is more than incidental. (G) If the vendor provides lodging to transient guests as specified in division (B)(2) of section 5739.01 of the Revised Code, the sale shall be sourced to the location where the lodging is located. (H)(1) As used in this division and division (I) of this section, "transportation equipment" means any of the following: (a) Locomotives and railcars that are utilized for the carriage of persons or property in interstate commerce. (b) Trucks and truck-tractors with a gross vehicle weight rating of greater than ten thousand pounds, trailers, semi-trailers, or passenger buses that are registered through the international registration plan and are operated under authority of a carrier authorized and certificated by the United States department of transportation or another federal authority to engage in the carriage of persons or property in interstate commerce. (c) Aircraft that are operated by air carriers authorized and certificated by the United States department of transportation or another federal authority to engage in the carriage of persons or property in interstate or foreign commerce. (d) Containers designed for use on and component parts attached to or secured on the items set forth in division (H)(1)(a), (b), or (c) of this section. (2) A sale, lease, or rental of transportation equipment shall be sourced pursuant to division (C) of this section. (I)(1) A lease or rental of tangible personal property that does not require recurring periodic payments shall be sourced pursuant to division (C) of this section. (2) A lease or rental of tangible personal property that requires recurring periodic payments shall be sourced as follows: (a) In the case of a motor vehicle, other than a motor vehicle that is transportation equipment, or an aircraft, other than an aircraft that is transportation equipment, such lease or rental shall be sourced as follows: (i) An accelerated tax payment on a lease or rental taxed pursuant to division (A)(2) of section 5739.02 of the Revised Code shall be sourced to the primary property location at the time the lease or rental is consummated. Any subsequent taxable charges on the lease or rental shall be sourced to the primary property location for the period in which the charges are incurred. (ii) For a lease or rental taxed pursuant to division (A)(3) of section 5739.02 of the Revised Code, each lease or rental installment shall be sourced to the primary property location for the period covered by the installment. (b) In the case of a lease or rental of all other tangible personal property, other than transportation equipment, such lease or rental shall be sourced as follows: (i) An accelerated tax payment on a lease or rental that is taxed pursuant to division (A)(2) of section 5739.02 of the Revised Code shall be sourced pursuant to division (C) of this section at the time the lease or rental is consummated. Any subsequent taxable charges on the lease or rental shall be sourced to the primary property location for the period in which the charges are incurred. (ii) For a lease or rental that is taxed pursuant to division (A)(3) of section 5739.02 of the Revised Code, the initial lease or rental installment shall be sourced pursuant to division (C) of this section. Each subsequent installment shall be sourced to the primary property location for the period covered by the installment. (3) As used in division (I) of this section, "primary property location" means an address for tangible personal property provided by the lessee or renter that is available to the lessor or owner from its records maintained in the ordinary course of business, when use of that address does not constitute bad faith. (J) If the vendor provides a service specified in division (B)(11) of section 5739.01 of the Revised Code, the situs of the sale is the location of the enrollee for whom a medicaid health insurance corporation receives managed care premiums. Such sales shall be sourced to the locations of the enrollees in the same proportion as the managed care premiums received by the medicaid health insuring corporation on behalf of enrollees located in a particular taxing jurisdiction in Ohio as compared to all managed care premiums received by the medicaid health insuring corporation.
Section 5739.034 | Telecommunications services definitions.
March 27, 2020
Latest Legislation:
House Bill 197 - 133rd General Assembly
(A) As used in this section: (1) "Air-to-ground radiotelephone service" means a radio service, as defined in 47 C.F.R. 22.99, in which common carriers are authorized to offer and provide radio telecommunications service for hire to subscribers in aircraft. (2) "Call-by-call basis" means any method of charging for telecommunications services where the price is measured by individual calls. (3) "Customer" means the person or entity that contracts with a seller of telecommunications service. If the end user of telecommunications service is not the contracting party, the end user of the telecommunications service is the customer of the telecommunications service. "Customer" does not include a reseller of telecommunications service or of mobile telecommunications service of a serving carrier under an agreement to serve the customer outside the home service provider's licensed service area. (4) "End user" means the person who utilizes the telecommunications service. In the case of a person other than an individual, "end user" means the individual who utilizes the service on behalf of the person. (5) "Home service provider" has the same meaning as in the "Mobile Telecommunications Sourcing Act," Pub. L. No. 106-252, 114 Stat. 631 (2000), 4 U.S.C. 124(5), as amended. (6) "Place of primary use" means the street address representative of where the customer's use of the telecommunications service primarily occurs, which must be the residential street address or the primary business street address of the customer. In the case of mobile telecommunications services, "place of primary use" must be within the licensed service area of the home service provider. (7) "Post-paid calling service" means the telecommunications service obtained by making a payment on a call-by-call basis either through the use of a credit card or payment mechanism such as a bank card, travel card, credit card, or debit card, or by charge made to a telephone number that is not associated with the origination or termination of the telecommunications service. "Post-paid calling service" includes a telecommunications service, except a prepaid wireless calling service, that would be a prepaid calling service, but for the fact that it is not exclusively a telecommunications service. (8) "Service address" means: (a) The location of the telecommunications equipment to which a customer's call is charged and from which the call originates or terminates, regardless of where the call is billed or paid. (b) If the location in division (A)(8)(a) of this section is not known, "service address" means the origination point of the signal of the telecommunications service first identified by either the seller's telecommunications system or in information received by the seller from its service provider, where the system used to transport such signals is not that of the seller. (c) If the locations in divisions (A)(8)(a) and (b) of this section are not known, "service address" means the location of the customer's place of primary use. (9) "Private communication service" means a telecommunications service that entitles a customer to exclusive or priority use of a communications channel or group of channels between or among termination points, regardless of the manner in which the channel or channels are connected, and includes switching capacity, extension lines, stations, and any other associated services that are provided in connection with the use of such channel or channels. (B) The amount of tax due pursuant to sections 5739.02, 5739.021, 5739.023, and 5739.026 of the Revised Code on sales of telecommunications service, information service, or mobile telecommunications service, is the sum of the taxes imposed pursuant to those sections at the sourcing location of the sale as determined under this section. (C) Except for the telecommunications services described in division (E) of this section, the sale of telecommunications service sold on a call-by-call basis shall be sourced to each level of taxing jurisdiction where the call originates and terminates in that jurisdiction, or each level of taxing jurisdiction where the call either originates or terminates and in which the service address also is located. (D) Except for the telecommunications services described in division (E) of this section, a sale of telecommunications services sold on a basis other than a call-by-call basis shall be sourced to the customer's place of primary use. (E) The sale of the following telecommunications services shall be sourced to each level of taxing jurisdiction, as follows: (1) A sale of mobile telecommunications service, other than air-to-ground radiotelephone service and prepaid calling service, shall be sourced to the customer's place of primary use as required by the Mobile Telecommunications Sourcing Act. (2) A sale of post-paid calling service shall be sourced to the origination point of the telecommunications signal as first identified by the service provider's telecommunications system, or information received by the seller from its service provider, where the system used to transport such signals is not that of the seller. (3) A sale of prepaid calling service or prepaid wireless calling service shall be sourced under division (C) of section 5739.033 of the Revised Code. But in the case of prepaid wireless calling service, in lieu of sourcing the sale of the service under division (C)(5) of section 5739.033 of the Revised Code, the service provider may elect to source the sale to the location associated with the mobile telephone number. (4) A sale of a private communication service shall be sourced as follows: (a) Service for a separate charge related to a customer channel termination point shall be sourced to each level of jurisdiction in which the customer channel termination point is located; (b) Service where all customer channel termination points are located entirely within one jurisdiction or level of jurisdiction shall be sourced in the jurisdiction in which the customer channel termination points are located; (c) Service for segments of a channel between two customer channel termination points located in different jurisdictions and which segments of a channel are separately charged shall be sourced fifty per cent in each level of jurisdiction in which the customer channel termination points are located; (d) Service for segments of a channel located in more than one jurisdiction or level of jurisdiction and which segments are not separately billed shall be sourced in each jurisdiction based on the percentage determined by dividing the number of customer channel termination points in the jurisdiction by the total number of customer channel termination points.
Section 5739.04 | Notification of change in county or transit authority boundaries.
September 6, 2012
Latest Legislation:
House Bill 508 - 129th General Assembly
If modification of a county's jurisdictional boundaries or a transit authority's territory results in a change in the tax rate levied under section 5739.021, 5739.023, or 5739.026 of the Revised Code, the tax commissioner, within thirty days of such change, shall notify any vendor or the vendor's certified service provider, if the vendor has selected one, of such change. The rate change shall not apply to sales made by such vendor until the first day of a calendar quarter following the expiration of sixty days from the date of notice by the commissioner.
Section 5739.05 | Powers and duties of tax commissioner - payment by vendor on predetermined basis.
October 3, 2023
Latest Legislation:
House Bill 33 - 135th General Assembly
(A)(1) The tax commissioner shall enforce and administer sections 5739.01 to 5739.31 of the Revised Code, which are hereby declared to be sections which the commissioner is required to administer within the meaning of sections 5703.17 to 5703.37, 5703.39, 5703.41, and 5703.45 of the Revised Code. The commissioner may adopt and promulgate, in accordance with sections 119.01 to 119.13 of the Revised Code, such rules as the commissioner deems necessary to administer sections 5739.01 to 5739.31 of the Revised Code. (2) On or before the first day of May of each year, the commissioner shall make available to vendors a notice explaining the three-day exemption period required under division (B)(55) of section 5739.02 of the Revised Code. (B) Upon application, the commissioner may authorize a vendor to pay on a predetermined basis the tax levied by or pursuant to section 5739.02, 5739.021, 5739.023, or 5739.026 of the Revised Code upon sales of things produced or distributed or services provided by such vendor, and the commissioner may waive the collection of the tax from the consumer. The commissioner shall not grant such authority unless the commissioner finds that the granting of the authority would improve compliance and increase the efficiency of the administration of the tax. The person to whom such authority is granted shall post a notice, if required by the commissioner, at the location where the product is offered for sale that the tax is included in the selling price. The commissioner may adopt rules to administer this division. (C) Upon application, the commissioner may authorize a vendor to remit, on the basis of a prearranged agreement under this division, the tax levied by section 5739.02 or pursuant to section 5739.021, 5739.023, or 5739.026 of the Revised Code. The proportions and ratios in a prearranged agreement shall be determined either by a test check conducted by the commissioner under terms and conditions agreed to by the commissioner and the vendor or by any other method agreed upon by the vendor and the commissioner. If the parties are unable to agree to the terms and conditions of the test check or other method, the application shall be denied. If used, the test check shall determine the proportion that taxable retail sales bear to all of the vendor's retail sales and the ratio which the tax required to be collected under sections 5739.02, 5739.021, 5739.023, and 5739.026 of the Revised Code bears to the receipts from the vendor's taxable retail sales. The vendor's liability for remitting the tax shall be based solely upon the proportions and ratios established in the agreement until such time that the vendor or the commissioner believes that the nature of the vendor's business has so changed as to make the agreement no longer representative. The commissioner may give notice to the vendor at any time that the authorization is revoked or the vendor may notify the commissioner that the vendor no longer elects to report under the authorization. Such notice shall be delivered to the other party in the manner provided in section 5703.37 of the Revised Code. The revocation or cancellation is effective the last day of the month in which the vendor or the commissioner receives the notice.
Last updated July 31, 2023 at 4:46 PM
Section 5739.051 | Medicaid health insuring corporation; direct payments; returns.
Latest Legislation:
House Bill 1 - 128th General Assembly
(A) The tax commissioner shall issue a direct payment permit to a medicaid health insuring corporation that authorizes the medicaid health insuring corporation to pay all taxes due on sales described in division (B)(11) of section 5739.01 of the Revised Code directly to the state. Each medicaid health insuring corporation shall pay pursuant to such direct payment authority all sales tax levied on such sales by sections 5739.02, 5739.021, 5739.023, and 5739.026 of the Revised Code and all use tax levied on such sales pursuant to sections 5741.02, 5741.021, 5741.022, and 5741.023 of the Revised Code, unless division (B)(11)(b) of section 5739.01 of the Revised Code applies. (B) Each medicaid health insuring corporation shall, on or before the twenty-third day of each month, file a return for the preceding month on a form prescribed by the tax commissioner and shall pay the tax shown on the return to be due, unless division (B)(11)(b) of section 5739.01 of the Revised Code applies. The return shall show the amount of tax due from the medicaid health care insuring corporation for the period covered by the return and other such information as the commissioner deems necessary. Upon written request, the commissioner may extend the time for filing the return and paying the tax. The commissioner may require each medicaid health insuring corporation to file returns and remit payment by electronic means as provided in section 5739.032 of the Revised Code.
Section 5739.06 | Monetary allowance granted under streamlined sales and use tax agreement.
Latest Legislation:
Senate Bill 143 - 124th General Assembly
(A) As used in this section, "certified automated system" has the same meaning as in section 5740.01 of the Revised Code. (B) If the tax commissioner enters into the streamlined sales and use tax agreement under section 5740.03 of the Revised Code, the commissioner shall provide a monetary allowance from the taxes collected to each of the following: (1) A certified service provider, in accordance with the agreement and under the terms of the contract signed with the provider; (2) Any vendor registered under the agreement that selects a certified automated system to perform part of its sales or use tax functions; (3) Any vendor registered under the agreement that uses a proprietary system to calculate taxes due and has entered into a performance agreement with states that are members to the streamlined sales and use tax agreement. (C) The monetary allowance provided for in division (B)(2) or (3) of this section shall be given to the vendor for the period established by, and at the rate set in, the streamlined sales and use tax agreement entered into under section 5740.03 of the Revised Code. Such allowance shall be in addition to any discount to which the vendor is entitled under section 5739.12 of the Revised Code.
Section 5739.061 | Vendor compensation for complying with origin based sourcing requirements.
April 18, 2008
Latest Legislation:
House Bill 429 - 127th General Assembly
(A) As used in this section, "origin-based sourcing requirements" means the manner in which intrastate sales are to be sourced under division (B)(1) of section 5739.033 of the Revised Code. (B) On and after July 1, 2009, a vendor that received temporary compensation under section 5739.123 of the Revised Code as that section existed before its repeal by H.B. 429 of the 127th general assembly may apply for compensation to assist the vendor in complying with the origin-based sourcing requirements. The vendor shall file an application in accordance with division (C) of this section. The compensation shall be a one-time payment equal to the actual total costs the vendor incurred in complying with the origin-based sourcing requirements, not to exceed one thousand dollars for vendors that were required to comply with divisions (C) to (I) of section 5739.033 of the Revised Code before the effective date of this section, and six hundred dollars for vendors that irrevocably elected to comply with divisions (C) to (I) of that section before the effective date of this section. In no event shall a vendor receive compensation that exceeds its total cost of complying with the origin-based sourcing requirements. (C) To be considered for compensation under this section, a vendor shall file an application with the tax commissioner on a form prescribed by the commissioner. The commissioner shall determine the amount of compensation to which the vendor is entitled, and if that amount is equal to or greater than the amount claimed on the application, the commissioner shall certify that amount to the director of budget and management and the treasurer of state for payment from the general revenue fund. If the commissioner determines that the amount of compensation to which the vendor is entitled is less than the amount claimed on the vendor's application, the commissioner shall proceed in accordance with section 5703.70 of the Revised Code. (D) The compensation provided under this section shall not reduce the amount required to be returned to counties and transit authorities under section 5739.21 of the Revised Code.
Section 5739.07 | Vendor or consumer refunds.
October 3, 2023
Latest Legislation:
House Bill 33 - 135th General Assembly
(A) When, pursuant to this chapter, a vendor has paid taxes to the tax commissioner or the commissioner's agent, the commissioner shall refund to the vendor the amount of taxes paid, and any penalties assessed with respect to such taxes, if the vendor has refunded to the consumer the full amount of taxes the consumer paid illegally or erroneously or if the vendor has illegally or erroneously billed the consumer but has not collected the taxes from the consumer. (B) When, pursuant to this chapter, a consumer has paid taxes directly to the tax commissioner or the commissioner's agent, and the payment or assessment was illegal or erroneous, the commissioner shall refund to the consumer the full amount of illegal or erroneous taxes paid and any penalties assessed with respect to such taxes. (C) The commissioner shall refund to the consumer amounts paid illegally or erroneously to a vendor only if: (1) The commissioner has not refunded the tax to the vendor and the vendor has not refunded the tax to the consumer; or (2) The consumer has received a refund from a manufacturer or other person, other than the vendor, of the full purchase price, but not the tax, paid to the vendor in settlement of a complaint by the consumer about the property or service purchased. The commissioner may require the consumer to obtain or the vendor to provide a written statement confirming that the vendor has not refunded the tax to the consumer and has not filed an application for refund of the tax with the commissioner. (D) Subject to division (E) of this section, an application for refund shall be filed with the tax commissioner on the form prescribed by the commissioner within four years from the date of the illegal or erroneous payment, unless the vendor or consumer waives the time limitation under division (A)(3) of section 5739.16 of the Revised Code. If the time limitation is waived, the refund application period shall be extended for the same period as the waiver. (E) An application for refund shall be filed in accordance with division (D) of this section unless a person is subject to an assessment that is subject to the time limit of division (B) of section 5703.58 of the Revised Code for amounts not reported and paid between the four-year time limit described in division (D) of this section and the seven-year limit described in division (B) of section 5703.58 of the Revised Code, in which case the person may file an application within six months after the date the assessment is issued. Any refund allowed under this division shall not exceed the amount of the assessment due for the same period. (F) On the filing of an application for a refund, the commissioner shall determine the amount of refund to which the applicant is entitled. If the amount is not less than that claimed, the commissioner shall certify that amount to the director of budget and management and the treasurer of state for payment from the tax refund fund created by section 5703.052 of the Revised Code. If the amount is less than that claimed, the commissioner shall proceed in accordance with section 5703.70 of the Revised Code. (G) When a refund is granted under this section, it shall include interest thereon as provided by section 5739.132 of the Revised Code.
Last updated September 6, 2023 at 3:33 PM
Section 5739.071 | Partial refund for providers of electronic information services.
Latest Legislation:
House Bill 152 - 120th General Assembly
(A) The tax commissioner shall refund to a provider of electronic information services twenty-five per cent of the tax it pays pursuant to this chapter or Chapter 5741. of the Revised Code on purchases made on or after July 1, 1993, of computers, computer peripherals, software, telecommunications equipment, and similar tangible personal property, primarily used to acquire, process, or store information for use by business customers or to transmit or disseminate such information to such customers, the services of installing or repairing such property, and agreements to repair or maintain such property. Applications for a refund shall be made in the same manner and subject to the same time limitations as provided in sections 5739.07 and 5741.10 of the Revised Code. (B) An electronic information service provider that maintains direct payment authority under section 5739.031 of the Revised Code may list on the return and pay tax on seventy-five per cent of the price of equipment, services, and agreements described under division (A) of this section in lieu of seeking a refund as provided in that division.
Section 5739.072 | Refund may be applied in satisfaction of debt due state.
September 29, 1997
Latest Legislation:
House Bill 215 - 122nd General Assembly
In the event any person who is entitled to a refund under this chapter is indebted to the state for any tax or fee administered by the tax commissioner that is paid to the state or to the clerk of courts pursuant to section 4505.06 of the Revised Code, or any charge, penalty, or interest arising from such a tax or fee, the amount refundable may be applied in satisfaction of the debt. If the amount refundable is less than the amount of the debt, it may be applied in partial satisfaction of the debt. If the amount refundable is greater than the amount of the debt, the amount remaining after satisfaction of the debt shall be refunded. If the person has more than one such debt, any debt subject to section 5739.33 or division (G) of section 5747.07 of the Revised Code shall be satisfied first. This section applies only to debts that have become final.
Section 5739.08 | Municipal or township excise lodging taxes.
October 3, 2023
Latest Legislation:
House Bill 33 - 135th General Assembly
(A) A municipal corporation or township may levy an excise tax for any lawful purpose not to exceed three per cent on transactions by which lodging by a hotel is or is to be furnished to transient guests in addition to the tax levied by section 5739.02 of the Revised Code. If a municipal corporation or township repeals a tax imposed under division (A) of this section, and a county in which the municipal corporation or township has territory has a tax imposed under division (M) of section 5739.09 of the Revised Code in effect, the municipal corporation or township may not reimpose its tax as long as that county tax remains in effect. A municipal corporation or township in which a tax is levied under division (B)(2) of section 351.021 of the Revised Code may not increase the rate of its tax levied under division (A) of this section to any rate that would cause the total taxes levied under both of those divisions to exceed three per cent on any lodging transaction within the municipal corporation or township. (B) The legislative authority of a municipal corporation or the board of trustees of a township that is not wholly or partly located in a county that has in effect a resolution levying an excise tax pursuant to division (A) of section 5739.09 of the Revised Code may, by ordinance or resolution, levy an additional excise tax not to exceed three per cent on transactions by which lodging by a hotel is or is to be furnished to transient guests. The legislative authority of the municipal corporation or the board of trustees of the township shall deposit at least fifty per cent of the revenue from the tax levied pursuant to this division into a separate fund, which shall be spent solely to make contributions to convention and visitors' bureaus operating within the county in which the municipal corporation or township is wholly or partly located, and the balance of that revenue shall be deposited in the general fund. The municipal corporation or township shall establish all regulations necessary to provide for the administration and allocation of the tax. The regulations may prescribe the time for payment of the tax, and may provide for the imposition of a penalty or interest, or both, for late payments, provided that the penalty does not exceed ten per cent of the amount of tax due, and the rate at which interest accrues does not exceed the rate per annum prescribed pursuant to section 5703.47 of the Revised Code. The levy of a tax under this division is in addition to any tax imposed on the same transaction by a municipal corporation or a township under division (A) of this section. (C)(1) As used in division (C) of this section, "cost" has the same meaning as in section 351.01 of the Revised Code, and "convention center" has the same meaning as in section 307.695 of the Revised Code. (2) The legislative authority of the most populous municipal corporation located wholly or partly in a county in which the board of county commissioners has levied a tax under division (D) of section 5739.09 of the Revised Code may amend, on or before September 30, 2002, that municipal corporation's ordinance or resolution that levies an excise tax on transactions by which lodging by a hotel is or is to be furnished to transient guests, to provide for all of the following: (a) That the rate of the tax shall be increased by not more than an additional one per cent on each transaction; (b) That all of the revenue from the increase in rate shall be pledged and contributed to a convention facilities authority established by the board of county commissioners under Chapter 351. of the Revised Code on or before May 15, 2002, and be used to pay costs of constructing, expanding, maintaining, operating, or promoting a convention center in the county, including paying bonds, or notes issued in anticipation of bonds, as provided by that chapter; (c) That the increase in rate shall not be subject to diminution by initiative or referendum or by law while any bonds, or notes in anticipation of bonds, issued by the authority under Chapter 351. of the Revised Code to which the revenue is pledged, remain outstanding in accordance with their terms, unless provision is made by law, by the board of county commissioners, or by the legislative authority, for an adequate substitute therefor that is satisfactory to the trustee if a trust agreement secures the bonds. (3) The legislative authority of a municipal corporation that, pursuant to division (C)(2) of this section, has amended its ordinance or resolution to increase the rate of the tax authorized by division (B) of this section may further amend the ordinance or resolution to provide that the revenue referred to in division (C)(2)(b) of this section shall be pledged and contributed both to a convention facilities authority to pay the costs of constructing, expanding, maintaining, or operating one or more convention centers in the county, including paying bonds, or notes issued in anticipation of bonds, as provided in Chapter 351. of the Revised Code, and to a convention and visitors' bureau to pay the costs of promoting one or more convention centers in the county. (D) As used in division (D) of this section, "eligible municipal corporation" means a municipal corporation that, on September 29, 2017, levied a tax under division (B) of this section at a rate of three per cent and that is located in a county that, on that date, levied a tax under division (A) of section 5739.09 of the Revised Code at a rate of three per cent and that has, according to the most recent federal decennial census, a population exceeding three hundred thousand but not greater than three hundred fifty thousand. The legislative authority of an eligible municipal corporation may amend, on or before December 31, 2017, that municipal corporation's ordinance or resolution that levies an excise tax on transactions by which lodging by a hotel is or is to be furnished to transient guests, to provide for the following: (1) That the rate of the tax shall be increased by not more than an additional three per cent on each transaction; (2) That all of the revenue from the increase in rate shall be used by the municipal corporation for economic development and tourism-related purposes. (E)(1) As used in division (E) of this section, "cost" and "facility" have the same meanings as in section 351.01 of the Revised Code, except that "facility" does not include a "sports facility," as that term is defined in that section, other than a facility intended to house a major league soccer team. (2) The legislative authority of a municipal corporation that has a population exceeding three hundred thousand but less than three hundred fifty thousand and that has adopted a resolution or ordinance levying a tax authorized by division (A) of this section may amend the resolution or ordinance to provide that all or a portion of the revenue referred to in division (A) of this section may be pledged and contributed to a convention facilities authority or a port authority to pay the costs of acquiring, constructing, renovating, expanding, maintaining, or operating one or more facilities in the county, including paying bonds, or notes issued in anticipation of bonds, or paying the expenses of maintaining, operating, or promoting one or more facilities. (3) The legislative authority of any municipal corporation that, pursuant to division (C)(2) of this section, has amended a resolution or ordinance levying the tax authorized by division (D) of section 5739.09 of the Revised Code may further amend the resolution or ordinance to provide that all or a portion of the revenue referred to in division (C)(2)(b) of this section may be pledged and contributed to an issuing authority, as defined in section 5739.093 of the Revised Code, to pay the costs of acquiring, constructing, renovating, expanding, maintaining, or operating one or more facilities in the county, including paying bonds, or notes issued in anticipation of bonds, or paying the expenses of maintaining, operating, or promoting one or more facilities.
Last updated July 31, 2023 at 4:46 PM
Section 5739.081 | Tax return information provided to convention and visitors' bureau.
October 29, 2018
Latest Legislation:
House Bill 18 - 132nd General Assembly
A county auditor, the fiscal officer of a municipal corporation, or an employee of either shall, upon request, provide to the executive director of a convention and visitors' bureau operating in the county the tax return information of a hotel subject to a lodging tax levied by the county or municipal corporation pursuant to section 5739.08 or 5739.09 of the Revised Code.
Section 5739.09 | Administration and allocation of lodging tax.
October 3, 2023
Latest Legislation:
House Bill 33 - 135th General Assembly
(A)(1) A board of county commissioners may, by resolution adopted by a majority of the members of the board, levy an excise tax not to exceed three per cent on transactions by which lodging by a hotel is or is to be furnished to transient guests. The board shall establish all regulations necessary to provide for the administration and allocation of the tax. The regulations may prescribe the time for payment of the tax, and may provide for the imposition of a penalty or interest, or both, for late payments, provided that the penalty does not exceed ten per cent of the amount of tax due, and the rate at which interest accrues does not exceed the rate per annum prescribed pursuant to section 5703.47 of the Revised Code. Except as otherwise provided in this section, the regulations shall provide, after deducting the real and actual costs of administering the tax, for the return to each municipal corporation or township that does not levy an excise tax on the transactions, a uniform percentage of the tax collected in the municipal corporation or in the unincorporated portion of the township from each transaction, not to exceed thirty-three and one-third per cent. Except as provided in this section, the remainder of the revenue arising from the tax shall be deposited in a separate fund and shall be spent either (a) to make contributions to the convention and visitors' bureau operating within the county, including a pledge and contribution of any portion of the remainder pursuant to an agreement authorized by section 307.678 or 307.695 of the Revised Code or (b) to pay, if authorized in the regulations, for public safety services in a resort area designated under section 5739.101 of the Revised Code. (2) If the board of county commissioners of an eligible county as defined in section 307.678 or 307.695 of the Revised Code adopts a resolution amending a resolution levying a tax under division (A) of this section to provide that revenue from the tax shall be used by the board as described in either division (D) of section 307.678 or division (H) of section 307.695 of the Revised Code, the remainder of the revenue shall be used as described in the resolution making that amendment. (3) Except as provided in division (B), (C), (D), (E), (F), (G), (H), (I), (J), (K), or (Q) of this section, on and after May 10, 1994, a board of county commissioners may not levy an excise tax pursuant to division (A) of this section in any municipal corporation or township located wholly or partly within the county that has in effect an ordinance or resolution levying an excise tax pursuant to division (B) of section 5739.08 of the Revised Code. (4) The board of a county that has levied a tax under division (M) of this section may, by resolution adopted within ninety days after July 15, 1985, by a majority of the members of the board, amend the resolution levying a tax under division (A) of this section to provide for a portion of that tax to be pledged and contributed in accordance with an agreement entered into under section 307.695 of the Revised Code. A tax, any revenue from which is pledged pursuant to such an agreement, shall remain in effect at the rate at which it is imposed for the duration of the period for which the revenue from the tax has been so pledged. (5) The board of county commissioners of an eligible county as defined in section 307.695 of the Revised Code may, by resolution adopted by a majority of the members of the board, amend a resolution levying a tax under division (A) of this section to provide that the revenue from the tax shall be used by the board as described in division (H) of section 307.695 of the Revised Code, in which case the tax shall remain in effect at the rate at which it was imposed for the duration of any agreement entered into by the board under section 307.695 of the Revised Code, the duration during which any securities issued by the board under that section are outstanding, or the duration of the period during which the board owns a project as defined in section 307.695 of the Revised Code, whichever duration is longest. (6) The board of county commissioners of an eligible county as defined in section 307.678 of the Revised Code may, by resolution, amend a resolution levying a tax under division (A) of this section to provide that revenue from the tax, not to exceed five hundred thousand dollars each year, may be used as described in division (E) of section 307.678 of the Revised Code. (7) Notwithstanding division (A) of this section, the board of county commissioners of a county described in division (H)(1) of this section may, by resolution, amend a resolution levying a tax under division (A) of this section to provide that all or a portion of the revenue from the tax, including any revenue otherwise required to be returned to townships or municipal corporations under that division, may be used or pledged for the payment of debt service on securities issued to pay the costs of constructing, operating, and maintaining sports facilities described in division (H)(2) of this section. (8) The board of county commissioners of a county described in division (I) of this section may, by resolution, amend a resolution levying a tax under division (A) of this section to provide that all or a portion of the revenue from the tax may be used for the purposes described in section 307.679 of the Revised Code. (B) A board of county commissioners that levies an excise tax under division (A) of this section on June 30, 1997, at a rate of three per cent, and that has pledged revenue from the tax to an agreement entered into under section 307.695 of the Revised Code or, in the case of the board of county commissioners of an eligible county as defined in section 307.695 of the Revised Code, has amended a resolution levying a tax under division (M) of this section to provide that proceeds from the tax shall be used by the board as described in division (H) of section 307.695 of the Revised Code, may, at any time by a resolution adopted by a majority of the members of the board, amend the resolution levying a tax under division (A) of this section to provide for an increase in the rate of that tax up to seven per cent on each transaction; to provide that revenue from the increase in the rate shall be used as described in division (H) of section 307.695 of the Revised Code or be spent solely to make contributions to the convention and visitors' bureau operating within the county to be used specifically for promotion, advertising, and marketing of the region in which the county is located; and to provide that the rate in excess of the three per cent levied under division (A) of this section shall remain in effect at the rate at which it is imposed for the duration of the period during which any agreement is in effect that was entered into under section 307.695 of the Revised Code by the board of county commissioners levying a tax under division (A) of this section, the duration of the period during which any securities issued by the board under division (I) of section 307.695 of the Revised Code are outstanding, or the duration of the period during which the board owns a project as defined in section 307.695 of the Revised Code, whichever duration is longest. The amendment also shall provide that no portion of that revenue need be returned to townships or municipal corporations as would otherwise be required under division (A) of this section. (C)(1) As used in division (C) of this section, "cost" and "facility" have the same meanings as in section 351.01 of the Revised Code, and "convention center" has the same meaning as in section 307.695 of the Revised Code. (2) A board of county commissioners that levies a tax under division (A) of this section on March 18, 1999, at a rate of three per cent may, by resolution adopted not later than forty-five days after March 18, 1999, amend the resolution levying the tax to provide for all of the following: (a) That the rate of the tax shall be increased by not more than an additional four per cent on each transaction; (b) That all of the revenue from the increase in the rate shall be pledged and contributed to a convention facilities authority established by the board of county commissioners under Chapter 351. of the Revised Code on or before November 15, 1998, and used to pay costs of constructing, maintaining, operating, and promoting a facility in the county, including paying bonds, or notes issued in anticipation of bonds, as provided by that chapter; (c) That no portion of the revenue arising from the increase in rate need be returned to municipal corporations or townships as otherwise required under division (A) of this section; (d) That the increase in rate shall not be subject to diminution by initiative or referendum or by law while any bonds, or notes in anticipation of bonds, issued by the authority under Chapter 351. of the Revised Code to which the revenue is pledged, remain outstanding in accordance with their terms, unless provision is made by law or by the board of county commissioners for an adequate substitute therefor that is satisfactory to the trustee if a trust agreement secures the bonds. (3) Division (C) of this section does not apply to the board of county commissioners of any county in which a convention center or facility exists or is being constructed on November 15, 1998, or of any county in which a convention facilities authority levies a tax pursuant to section 351.021 of the Revised Code on that date. (D)(1) As used in division (D) of this section, "cost" has the same meaning as in section 351.01 of the Revised Code, and "convention center" has the same meaning as in section 307.695 of the Revised Code. (2) A board of county commissioners that levies a tax under division (A) of this section on June 30, 2002, at a rate of three per cent may, by resolution adopted not later than September 30, 2002, amend the resolution levying the tax to provide for all of the following: (a) That the rate of the tax shall be increased by not more than an additional three and one-half per cent on each transaction; (b) That all of the revenue from the increase in rate shall be pledged and contributed to a convention facilities authority established by the board of county commissioners under Chapter 351. of the Revised Code on or before May 15, 2002, and be used to pay costs of constructing, expanding, maintaining, operating, or promoting a convention center in the county, including paying bonds, or notes issued in anticipation of bonds, as provided by that chapter; (c) That no portion of the revenue arising from the increase in rate need be returned to municipal corporations or townships as otherwise required under division (A) of this section; (d) That the increase in rate shall not be subject to diminution by initiative or referendum or by law while any bonds, or notes in anticipation of bonds, issued by the authority under Chapter 351. of the Revised Code to which the revenue is pledged, remain outstanding in accordance with their terms, unless provision is made by law or by the board of county commissioners for an adequate substitute therefor that is satisfactory to the trustee if a trust agreement secures the bonds. (3) Any board of county commissioners that, pursuant to division (D)(2) of this section, has amended a resolution levying the tax authorized by division (A) of this section may further amend the resolution to provide that the revenue referred to in division (D)(2)(b) of this section shall be pledged and contributed both to a convention facilities authority to pay the costs of constructing, expanding, maintaining, or operating one or more convention centers in the county, including paying bonds, or notes issued in anticipation of bonds, as provided in Chapter 351. of the Revised Code, and to a convention and visitors' bureau to pay the costs of promoting one or more convention centers in the county. (E)(1) As used in division (E) of this section: (a) "Port authority" means a port authority created under Chapter 4582. of the Revised Code. (b) "Port authority military-use facility" means port authority facilities on which or adjacent to which is located an installation of the armed forces of the United States, a reserve component thereof, or the national guard and at least part of which is made available for use, for consideration, by the armed forces of the United States, a reserve component thereof, or the national guard. (2) For the purpose of contributing revenue to pay operating expenses of a port authority that operates a port authority military-use facility, the board of county commissioners of a county that created, participated in the creation of, or has joined such a port authority may do one or both of the following: (a) Amend a resolution previously adopted under division (A) of this section to designate some or all of the revenue from the tax levied under the resolution to be used for that purpose, notwithstanding that division; (b) Amend a resolution previously adopted under division (A) of this section to increase the rate of the tax by not more than an additional two per cent and use the revenue from the increase exclusively for that purpose. (3) If a board of county commissioners amends a resolution to increase the rate of a tax as authorized in division (E)(2)(b) of this section, the board also may amend the resolution to specify that the increase in rate of the tax does not apply to "hotels," as otherwise defined in section 5739.01 of the Revised Code, having fewer rooms used for the accommodation of guests than a number of rooms specified by the board. (F)(1) A board of county commissioners of a county organized under a county charter adopted pursuant to Article X, Section 3, Ohio Constitution, and that levies an excise tax under division (A) of this section at a rate of three per cent and levies an additional excise tax under division (O) of this section at a rate of one and one-half per cent may, by resolution adopted not later than January 1, 2008, by a majority of the members of the board, amend the resolution levying a tax under division (A) of this section to provide for an increase in the rate of that tax by not more than an additional one per cent on transactions by which lodging by a hotel is or is to be furnished to transient guests. Notwithstanding divisions (A) and (O) of this section, the resolution shall provide that all of the revenue from the increase in rate, after deducting the real and actual costs of administering the tax, shall be used to pay the costs of improving, expanding, equipping, financing, or operating a convention center by a convention and visitors' bureau in the county. (2) The increase in rate shall remain in effect for the period specified in the resolution, not to exceed ten years, and may be extended for an additional period of time not to exceed ten years thereafter by a resolution adopted by a majority of the members of the board. (3) The increase in rate shall be subject to the regulations adopted under division (A) of this section, except that the resolution may provide that no portion of the revenue from the increase in the rate shall be returned to townships or municipal corporations as would otherwise be required under that division. (G)(1) Division (G) of this section applies only to a county with a population greater than sixty-five thousand and less than seventy thousand according to the most recent federal decennial census and in which, on December 31, 2006, an excise tax is levied under division (A) of this section at a rate not less than and not greater than three per cent, and in which the most recent increase in the rate of that tax was enacted or took effect in November 1984. (2) The board of county commissioners of a county to which division (G) of this section applies, by resolution adopted by a majority of the members of the board, may increase the rate of the tax by not more than one per cent on transactions by which lodging by a hotel is or is to be furnished to transient guests. The increase in rate shall be for the purpose of paying expenses deemed necessary by the convention and visitors' bureau operating in the county to promote travel and tourism. (3) The increase in rate shall remain in effect for the period specified in the resolution, not to exceed twenty years, provided that the increase in rate may not continue beyond the time when the purpose for which the increase is levied ceases to exist. If revenue from the increase in rate is pledged to the payment of debt charges on securities, the increase in rate is not subject to diminution by initiative or referendum or by law for so long as the securities are outstanding, unless provision is made by law or by the board of county commissioners for an adequate substitute for that revenue that is satisfactory to the trustee if a trust agreement secures payment of the debt charges. (4) The increase in rate shall be subject to the regulations adopted under division (A) of this section, except that the resolution may provide that no portion of the revenue from the increase in the rate shall be returned to townships or municipal corporations as would otherwise be required under division (A) of this section. (5) A resolution adopted under division (G) of this section is subject to referendum under sections 305.31 to 305.99 of the Revised Code. (H)(1) Division (H) of this section applies only to a county satisfying all of the following: (a) The population of the county is greater than one hundred seventy-five thousand and less than two hundred twenty-five thousand according to the most recent federal decennial census. (b) An amusement park with an average yearly attendance in excess of two million guests is located in the county. (c) On December 31, 2014, an excise tax was levied in the county under division (A) of this section at a rate of three per cent. (2) The board of county commissioners of a county to which division (H) of this section applies, by resolution adopted by a majority of the members of the board, may increase the rate of the tax by not more than one per cent on transactions by which lodging by a hotel is or is to be furnished to transient guests. The increase in rate shall be used to pay the costs of constructing and maintaining facilities owned by the county or by a port authority created under Chapter 4582. of the Revised Code, and designed to host sporting events and expenses deemed necessary by the convention and visitors' bureau operating in the county to promote travel and tourism with reference to the sports facilities, and to pay or pledge to the payment of debt service on securities issued to pay the costs of constructing, operating, and maintaining the sports facilities. (3) The increase in rate shall remain in effect for the period specified in the resolution. If revenue from the increase in rate is pledged to the payment of debt charges on securities, the increase in rate is not subject to diminution by initiative or referendum or by law for so long as the securities are outstanding, unless provision is made by law or by the board of county commissioners for an adequate substitute for that revenue that is satisfactory to the trustee if a trust agreement secures payment of the debt charges. (4) The increase in rate shall be subject to the regulations adopted under division (A) of this section, except that the resolution may provide that no portion of the revenue from the increase in the rate shall be returned to townships or municipal corporations as would otherwise be required under division (A) of this section. (I)(1) The board of county commissioners of a county with a population greater than seventy-five thousand and less than seventy-eight thousand, by resolution adopted by a majority of the members of the board not later than October 15, 2015, may increase the rate of the tax by not more than one per cent on transactions by which lodging by a hotel is or is to be furnished to transient guests. The increase in rate shall be for the purposes described in section 307.679 of the Revised Code or for the promotion of travel and tourism in the county, including travel and tourism to sports facilities. (2) The increase in rate shall remain in effect for the period specified in the resolution and as necessary to fulfill the county's obligations under a cooperative agreement entered into under section 307.679 of the Revised Code. If the resolution is adopted by the board before September 29, 2015, but after that enactment becomes law, the increase in rate shall become effective beginning on September 29, 2015. If revenue from the increase in rate is pledged to the payment of debt charges on securities, or to substitute for other revenues pledged to the payment of such debt, the increase in rate is not subject to diminution by initiative or referendum or by law for so long as the securities are outstanding, unless provision is made by law or by the board of county commissioners for an adequate substitute for that revenue that is satisfactory to the trustee if a trust agreement secures payment of the debt charges. (3) The increase in rate shall be subject to the regulations adopted under division (A) of this section, except that no portion of the revenue from the increase in the rate shall be returned to townships or municipal corporations as would otherwise be required under division (A) of this section. (J)(1) Division (J) of this section applies only to counties satisfying either of the following: (a) A county that, on July 1, 2015, does not levy an excise tax under division (A) of this section and that has a population of at least thirty-nine thousand but not more than forty thousand according to the 2010 federal decennial census; (b) A county that, on July 1, 2015, levies an excise tax under division (A) of this section at a rate of three per cent and that has a population of at least seventy-one thousand but not more than seventy-five thousand according to 2010 federal decennial census. (2) The board of county commissioners of a county to which division (J) of this section applies, by resolution adopted by a majority of the members of the board, may levy an excise tax at a rate not to exceed three per cent on transactions by which lodging by a hotel is or is to be furnished to transient guests for the purpose of acquiring, constructing, equipping, or repairing permanent improvements, as defined in section 133.01 of the Revised Code. (3) If the board does not levy a tax under division (A) of this section, the board shall establish regulations necessary to provide for the administration of the tax, which may prescribe the time for payment of the tax and the imposition of penalty or interest subject to the limitations on penalty and interest provided in division (A) of this section. No portion of the revenue shall be returned to townships or municipal corporations in the county unless otherwise provided by resolution of the board. (4) The tax shall apply throughout the territory of the county, including in any township or municipal corporation levying an excise tax under division (A) or (B) of section 5739.08 of the Revised Code. The levy of the tax is subject to referendum as provided under section 305.31 of the Revised Code. (5) The tax shall remain in effect for the period specified in the resolution. If revenue from the increase in rate is pledged to the payment of debt charges on securities, the increase in rate is not subject to diminution by initiative or referendum or by law for so long as the securities are outstanding unless provision is made by law or by the board for an adequate substitute for that revenue that is satisfactory to the trustee if a trust agreement secures payment of the debt charges. (K)(1) The board of county commissioners of an eligible county, as defined in section 307.678 of the Revised Code, that levies an excise tax under division (A) of this section on July 1, 2017, at a rate of three per cent may, by resolution adopted by a majority of the members of the board, amend the resolution levying the tax to increase the rate of the tax by not more than an additional three per cent on each transaction. (2) No portion of the revenue shall be returned to townships or municipal corporations in the county unless otherwise provided by resolution of the board. Otherwise, the revenue from the increase in the rate shall be distributed and used in the same manner described under division (A) of this section or distributed or used to provide credit enhancement facilities as authorized under section 307.678 of the Revised Code. (3) The increase in rate shall remain in effect for the period specified in the resolution. If revenue from the increase in rate is pledged to the payment of debt charges on securities, the increase in rate is not subject to diminution by initiative or referendum or by law for so long as the securities are outstanding unless provision is made by law or by the board for an adequate substitute for that revenue that is satisfactory to the trustee if a trust agreement secures payment of the debt charges. (L)(1) As used in division (L) of this section: (a) "Eligible county" means a county that has a population greater than one hundred ninety thousand and less than two hundred thousand according to the 2010 federal decennial census and that levies an excise tax under division (A) of this section at a rate of three per cent. (b) "Professional sports facility" means a sports facility that is intended to house major or minor league professional athletic teams, including a stadium, together with all parking facilities, walkways, and other auxiliary facilities, real and personal property, property rights, easements, and interests that may be appropriate for, or used in connection with, the operation of the facility. (2) Subject to division (L)(3) of this section, the board of county commissioners of an eligible county, by resolution adopted by a majority of the members of the board, may increase the rate of the tax by not more than one per cent on transactions by which lodging by a hotel is or is to be furnished to transient guests. Revenue from the increase in rate shall be used for the purposes of paying the costs of constructing, improving, and maintaining a professional sports facility in the county and paying expenses considered necessary by the convention and visitors' bureau operating in the county to promote travel and tourism with respect to that professional sports facility. The tax shall take effect only after the convention and visitors' bureau enters into a contract for the construction, improvement, or maintenance of a professional sports facility that is or will be located on property acquired, in whole or in part, with revenue from the increased rate, and thereafter shall remain in effect for the period specified in the resolution. If revenue from the increase in rate is pledged to the payment of debt charges on securities, the increase in rate is not subject to diminution by initiative or referendum or by law for so long as the securities are outstanding, unless a provision is made by law or by the board of county commissioners for an adequate substitute for that revenue that is satisfactory to the trustee if a trust agreement secures payment of the debt charges. The increase in rate shall be subject to the regulations adopted under division (A) of this section, except that the resolution may provide that no portion of the revenue from the increase in the rate shall be returned to townships or municipal corporations as would otherwise be required under division (A) of this section. (3) If, on December 31, 2019, the convention and visitors' bureau has not entered into a contract for the construction, improvement, or maintenance of a professional sports facility that is or will be located on property acquired, in whole or in part, with revenue from the increased rate, the authority to levy the tax under division (L)(2) of this section is hereby repealed on that date. (M)(1) For the purposes described in section 307.695 of the Revised Code and to cover the costs of administering the tax, a board of county commissioners of a county where a tax imposed under division (A) of this section is in effect may, by resolution adopted within ninety days after July 15, 1985, by a majority of the members of the board, levy an additional excise tax not to exceed three per cent on transactions by which lodging by a hotel is or is to be furnished to transient guests. The tax authorized by division (M) of this section shall be in addition to any tax that is levied pursuant to divisions (A) to (L) of this section, but it shall not apply to transactions subject to a tax levied by a municipal corporation or township pursuant to section 5739.08 of the Revised Code. (2) The board shall establish all regulations necessary to provide for the administration and allocation of the tax. The regulations may prescribe the time for payment of the tax, and may provide for the imposition of a penalty or interest, or both, for late payments, provided that the penalty does not exceed ten per cent of the amount of tax due, and the rate at which interest accrues does not exceed the rate per annum prescribed pursuant to section 5703.47 of the Revised Code. (3) All revenues arising from the tax shall be expended in accordance with section 307.695 of the Revised Code. The board of county commissioners of an eligible county as defined in section 307.695 of the Revised Code may, by resolution adopted by a majority of the members of the board, amend the resolution levying a tax under this division to provide that the revenue from the tax shall be used by the board as described in division (H) of section 307.695 of the Revised Code. (4) A tax imposed under this division shall remain in effect at the rate at which it is imposed for the duration of the period during which any agreement entered into by the board under section 307.695 of the Revised Code is in effect, the duration of the period during which any securities issued by the board under division (I) of section 307.695 of the Revised Code are outstanding, or the duration of the period during which the board owns a project as defined in section 307.695 of the Revised Code, whichever duration is longest. (N)(1) For the purpose of providing contributions under division (B)(1) of section 307.671 of the Revised Code to enable the acquisition, construction, and equipping of a port authority educational and cultural facility in the county and, to the extent provided for in the cooperative agreement authorized by that section, for the purpose of paying debt service charges on bonds, or notes in anticipation of bonds, described in division (B)(1)(b) of that section, a board of county commissioners, by resolution adopted within ninety days after December 22, 1992, by a majority of the members of the board, may levy an additional excise tax not to exceed one and one-half per cent on transactions by which lodging by a hotel is or is to be furnished to transient guests. The excise tax authorized by division (N) of this section shall be in addition to any tax that is levied pursuant to divisions (A) to (M) of this section, to any excise tax levied pursuant to section 5739.08 of the Revised Code, and to any excise tax levied pursuant to section 351.021 of the Revised Code. (2) The board of county commissioners shall establish all regulations necessary to provide for the administration and allocation of the tax that are not inconsistent with this section or section 307.671 of the Revised Code. The regulations may prescribe the time for payment of the tax, and may provide for the imposition of a penalty or interest, or both, for late payments, provided that the penalty does not exceed ten per cent of the amount of tax due, and the rate at which interest accrues does not exceed the rate per annum prescribed pursuant to section 5703.47 of the Revised Code. (3) All revenues arising from the tax shall be expended in accordance with section 307.671 of the Revised Code and division (N) of this section. The levy of a tax imposed under division (N) of this section may not commence prior to the first day of the month next following the execution of the cooperative agreement authorized by section 307.671 of the Revised Code by all parties to that agreement. (4) The tax shall remain in effect at the rate at which it is imposed for the period of time described in division (C) of section 307.671 of the Revised Code for which the revenue from the tax has been pledged by the county to the corporation pursuant to that section, but, to any extent provided for in the cooperative agreement, for no lesser period than the period of time required for payment of the debt service charges on bonds, or notes in anticipation of bonds, described in division (B)(1)(b) of that section. (O)(1) For the purpose of paying the costs of acquiring, constructing, equipping, and improving a municipal educational and cultural facility, including debt service charges on bonds provided for in division (B) of section 307.672 of the Revised Code, and for any additional purposes determined by the county in the resolution levying the tax or amendments to the resolution, including subsequent amendments providing for paying costs of acquiring, constructing, renovating, rehabilitating, equipping, and improving a port authority educational and cultural performing arts facility, as defined in section 307.674 of the Revised Code, and including debt service charges on bonds provided for in division (B) of section 307.674 of the Revised Code, the legislative authority of a county, by resolution adopted within ninety days after June 30, 1993, by a majority of the members of the legislative authority, may levy an additional excise tax not to exceed one and one-half per cent on transactions by which lodging by a hotel is or is to be furnished to transient guests. The excise tax authorized by division (O) of this section shall be in addition to any tax that is levied pursuant to divisions (A) to (N) of this section, to any excise tax levied pursuant to section 5739.08 of the Revised Code, and to any excise tax levied pursuant to section 351.021 of the Revised Code. (2) The legislative authority of the county shall establish all regulations necessary to provide for the administration and allocation of the tax. The regulations may prescribe the time for payment of the tax, and may provide for the imposition of a penalty or interest, or both, for late payments, provided that the penalty does not exceed ten per cent of the amount of tax due, and the rate at which interest accrues does not exceed the rate per annum prescribed pursuant to section 5703.47 of the Revised Code. (3) All revenues arising from the tax shall be expended in accordance with section 307.672 of the Revised Code and this division. The levy of a tax imposed under this division shall not commence prior to the first day of the month next following the execution of the cooperative agreement authorized by section 307.672 of the Revised Code by all parties to that agreement. The tax shall remain in effect at the rate at which it is imposed for the period of time determined by the legislative authority of the county. That period of time shall not exceed fifteen years, except that the legislative authority of a county with a population of less than two hundred fifty thousand according to the most recent federal decennial census, by resolution adopted by a majority of its members before the original tax expires, may extend the duration of the tax for an additional period of time. The additional period of time by which a legislative authority extends a tax levied under division (O) of this section shall not exceed fifteen years. (P)(1) The legislative authority of a county that has levied a tax under division (O) of this section may, by resolution adopted within one hundred eighty days after January 4, 2001, by a majority of the members of the legislative authority, amend the resolution levying a tax under that division to provide for the use of the proceeds of that tax, to the extent that it is no longer needed for its original purpose as determined by the parties to a cooperative agreement amendment pursuant to division (D) of section 307.672 of the Revised Code, to pay costs of acquiring, constructing, renovating, rehabilitating, equipping, and improving a port authority educational and cultural performing arts facility, including debt service charges on bonds provided for in division (B) of section 307.674 of the Revised Code, and to pay all obligations under any guaranty agreements, reimbursement agreements, or other credit enhancement agreements described in division (C) of section 307.674 of the Revised Code. (2) The resolution may also provide for the extension of the tax at the same rate for the longer of the period of time determined by the legislative authority of the county, but not to exceed an additional twenty-five years, or the period of time required to pay all debt service charges on bonds provided for in division (B) of section 307.672 of the Revised Code and on port authority revenue bonds provided for in division (B) of section 307.674 of the Revised Code. (3) All revenues arising from the amendment and extension of the tax shall be expended in accordance with section 307.674 of the Revised Code and divisions (O) and (P) of this section. (Q)(1) As used in division (Q) of this section: (a) "Convention facilities authority" has the same meaning as in section 351.01 of the Revised Code. (b) "Convention center" has the same meaning as in section 307.695 of the Revised Code. (2) Notwithstanding any contrary provision of division (N) of this section, the legislative authority of a county with a population of one million or more according to the most recent federal decennial census that has levied a tax under division (N) of this section may, by resolution adopted by a majority of the members of the legislative authority, provide for the extension of such levy and may provide that the proceeds of that tax, to the extent that they are no longer needed for their original purpose as defined by a cooperative agreement entered into under section 307.671 of the Revised Code, shall be deposited into the county general revenue fund. The resolution shall provide for the extension of the tax at a rate not to exceed the rate specified in division (N) of this section for a period of time determined by the legislative authority of the county, but not to exceed an additional forty years. (3) The legislative authority of a county with a population of one million or more that has levied a tax under division (A) of this section may, by resolution adopted by a majority of the members of the legislative authority, increase the rate of the tax levied by such county under division (A) of this section to a rate not to exceed five per cent on transactions by which lodging by a hotel is or is to be furnished to transient guests. Notwithstanding any contrary provision of division (A) of this section, the resolution may provide that all collections resulting from the rate levied in excess of three per cent, after deducting the real and actual costs of administering the tax, shall be deposited in the county general fund. (4) The legislative authority of a county with a population of one million or more that has levied a tax under division (A) of this section may, by resolution adopted on or before August 30, 2004, by a majority of the members of the legislative authority, provide that all or a portion of the proceeds of the tax levied under division (A) of this section, after deducting the real and actual costs of administering the tax and the amounts required to be returned to townships and municipal corporations with respect to the first three per cent levied under division (A) of this section, shall be deposited in the county general fund, provided that such proceeds shall be used to satisfy any pledges made in connection with an agreement entered into under section 307.695 of the Revised Code. (5) No amount collected from a tax levied, extended, or required to be deposited in the county general fund under division (Q) of this section shall be contributed to a convention facilities authority, corporation, or other entity created after July 1, 2003, for the principal purpose of constructing, improving, expanding, equipping, financing, or operating a convention center unless the mayor of the municipal corporation in which the convention center is to be operated by that convention facilities authority, corporation, or other entity has consented to the creation of that convention facilities authority, corporation, or entity. Notwithstanding any contrary provision of section 351.04 of the Revised Code, if a tax is levied by a county under division (Q) of this section, the board of county commissioners of that county may determine the manner of selection, the qualifications, the number, and terms of office of the members of the board of directors of any convention facilities authority, corporation, or other entity described in division (Q)(5) of this section. (6)(a) No amount collected from a tax levied, extended, or required to be deposited in the county general fund under division (Q) of this section may be used for any purpose other than paying the direct and indirect costs of constructing, improving, expanding, equipping, financing, or operating a convention center and for the real and actual costs of administering the tax, unless, prior to the adoption of the resolution of the legislative authority of the county authorizing the levy, extension, increase, or deposit, the county and the mayor of the most populous municipal corporation in that county have entered into an agreement as to the use of such amounts, provided that such agreement has been approved by a majority of the mayors of the other municipal corporations in that county. The agreement shall provide that the amounts to be used for purposes other than paying the convention center or administrative costs described in division (Q)(6)(a) of this section be used only for the direct and indirect costs of capital improvements, including the financing of capital improvements, except that the agreement may subsequently be amended by the parties that have entered into that agreement to authorize such amounts to instead be used for any costs related to the promotion or support of tourism or tourism-related programs. (b) If the county in which the tax is levied has an association of mayors and city managers, the approval of that association of an agreement described in division (Q)(6)(a) of this section shall be considered to be the approval of the majority of the mayors of the other municipal corporations for purposes of that division. (7) Each year, the auditor of state shall conduct an audit of the uses of any amounts collected from taxes levied, extended, or deposited under division (Q) of this section and shall prepare a report of the auditor of state's findings. The auditor of state shall submit the report to the legislative authority of the county that has levied, extended, or deposited the tax, the speaker of the house of representatives, the president of the senate, and the leaders of the minority parties of the house of representatives and the senate. (R)(1) As used in division (R) of this section: (a) "Convention facilities authority" has the same meaning as in section 351.01 of the Revised Code. (b) "Convention center" has the same meaning as in section 307.695 of the Revised Code. (2) Notwithstanding any contrary provision of division (N) of this section, the legislative authority of a county with a population of one million two hundred thousand or more according to the most recent federal decennial census or the most recent annual population estimate published or released by the United States census bureau at the time the resolution is adopted placing the levy on the ballot, that has levied a tax under division (N) of this section may, by resolution adopted by a majority of the members of the legislative authority, provide for the extension of such levy and may provide that the proceeds of that tax, to the extent that the proceeds are no longer needed for their original purpose as defined by a cooperative agreement entered into under section 307.671 of the Revised Code and after deducting the real and actual costs of administering the tax, shall be used for paying the direct and indirect costs of constructing, improving, expanding, equipping, financing, or operating a convention center. The resolution shall provide for the extension of the tax at a rate not to exceed the rate specified in division (N) of this section for a period of time determined by the legislative authority of the county, but not to exceed an additional forty years. (3) The legislative authority of a county with a population of one million two hundred thousand or more that has levied a tax under division (A) of this section may, by resolution adopted by a majority of the members of the legislative authority, increase the rate of the tax levied by such county under division (A) of this section to a rate not to exceed five per cent on transactions by which lodging by a hotel is or is to be furnished to transient guests. Notwithstanding any contrary provision of division (A) of this section, the resolution shall provide that all collections resulting from the rate levied in excess of three per cent, after deducting the real and actual costs of administering the tax, shall be used for paying the direct and indirect costs of constructing, improving, expanding, equipping, financing, or operating a convention center. (4) The legislative authority of a county with a population of one million two hundred thousand or more that has levied a tax under division (A) of this section may, by resolution adopted on or before July 1, 2008, by a majority of the members of the legislative authority, provide that all or a portion of the proceeds of the tax levied under division (A) of this section, after deducting the real and actual costs of administering the tax and the amounts required to be returned to townships and municipal corporations with respect to the first three per cent levied under division (A) of this section, shall be used to satisfy any pledges made in connection with an agreement entered into under section 307.695 of the Revised Code or shall otherwise be used for paying the direct and indirect costs of constructing, improving, expanding, equipping, financing, or operating a convention center. (5) Any amount collected from a tax levied or extended under division (R) of this section may be contributed to a convention facilities authority created before July 1, 2005, but no amount collected from a tax levied or extended under division (R) of this section may be contributed to a convention facilities authority, corporation, or other entity created after July 1, 2005, unless the mayor of the municipal corporation in which the convention center is to be operated by that convention facilities authority, corporation, or other entity has consented to the creation of that convention facilities authority, corporation, or entity. (S) As used in division (S) of this section, "soldiers' memorial" means a memorial constructed and funded under Chapter 345. of the Revised Code. The board of county commissioners of a county with a population between one hundred three thousand and one hundred seven thousand according to the most recent federal decennial census, by resolution adopted by a majority of the members of the board within six months after September 15, 2014, may levy a tax not to exceed three per cent on transactions by which a hotel is or is to be furnished to transient guests. The purpose of the tax shall be to pay the costs of expanding, maintaining, or operating a soldiers' memorial and the costs of administering the tax. All revenue arising from the tax shall be credited to one or more special funds in the county treasury and shall be spent solely for the purposes of paying those costs. The board of county commissioners shall adopt all rules necessary to provide for the administration of the tax subject to the same limitations on imposing penalty or interest under division (A) of this section. (T) As used in division (T) of this section: (1) "Eligible county" means a county in which a county agricultural society or independent agricultural society is organized under section 1711.01 or 1711.02 of the Revised Code, provided the agricultural society owns a facility or site in the county at which an annual harness horse race is conducted where one-day attendance equals at least forty thousand attendees. (2) "Permanent improvements," "debt charges," and "financing costs" have the same meanings as in section 133.01 of the Revised Code. (3) "Costs of permanent improvements" include all costs allowed in section 133.15 of the Revised Code. A board of county commissioners of an eligible county, by resolution adopted by a majority of the members of the board, may levy an excise tax at the rate of up to three per cent on transactions by which lodging by a hotel is or is to be furnished to transient guests for the purpose of paying the costs of permanent improvements at sites at which one or more agricultural societies conduct fairs or exhibits, including paying financing costs and debt charges on bonds, or notes in anticipation of bonds, paying the costs of maintaining or operating such permanent improvements, and paying the costs of administering the tax. A resolution adopted under division (T) of this section, other than a resolution that only extends the period of time for which the tax is levied, shall direct the board of elections to submit the question of the proposed lodging tax to the electors of the county at a special election held on the date specified by the board in the resolution, provided that the election occurs not less than ninety days after a certified copy of the resolution is transmitted to the board of elections. A resolution submitted to the electors under division (T) of this section shall not go into effect unless it is approved by a majority of those voting upon it. The resolution takes effect on the date the board of county commissioners receives notification from the board of elections of an affirmative vote. The tax shall remain in effect for the period specified in the resolution, not to exceed five years, and may be extended for an additional period of years that is at least the number of years required for payment of the debt charges on bonds or notes in anticipation of bonds authorized under this division but not in excess of fifteen years thereafter by a resolution adopted by a majority of the members of the board. A resolution extending the period of time for which the tax is in effect is not subject to approval of the electors of the county, but is subject to referendum under sections 305.31 to 305.99 of the Revised Code. All revenue arising from the tax shall be credited to one or more special funds in the county treasury and shall be spent solely for the purposes of paying the costs of such permanent improvements, including paying financing costs and debt charges on bonds, or notes in anticipation of bonds, and maintaining or operating the improvements. Revenue allocated for the use of a county agricultural society may be credited to the county agricultural society fund created in section 1711.16 of the Revised Code upon appropriation by the board. If revenue is credited to that fund, it shall be expended only as provided in that section. The board of county commissioners shall adopt all rules necessary to provide for the administration of the tax. The rules may prescribe the time for payment of the tax, and may provide for the imposition or penalty or interest, or both, for late payments, provided that the penalty does not exceed ten per cent of the amount of tax due, and the rate at which interest accrues does not exceed the rate per annum prescribed in section 5703.47 of the Revised Code. The board of county commissioners may issue bonds, or notes in anticipation thereof, pursuant to Chapter 133. of the Revised Code, for the purpose of paying the costs of permanent improvements as authorized in this division and pledge the revenue arising from the tax for that purpose. The board of county commissioners may pledge or contribute the revenue arising from the tax levied under this division to a port authority created under Chapter 4582. of the Revised Code, and the port authority may issue bonds, or notes in anticipation thereof, pursuant to that chapter, for the purpose of paying the costs of permanent improvements as authorized in this division. (U) As used in division (U) of this section, "eligible county" means a county in which a tax is levied under division (A) of this section at a rate of three per cent and whose territory includes a part of Lake Erie the shoreline of which represents at least fifty per cent of the linear length of the county's border with other counties of this state. The board of county commissioners of an eligible county that has entered into an agreement with a port authority in the county under section 4582.56 of the Revised Code may levy an additional lodging tax on transactions by which lodging by a hotel is or is to be furnished to transient guests for the purpose of financing lakeshore improvement projects constructed or financed by the port authority under that section. The resolution levying the tax shall specify the purpose of the tax, the rate of the tax, which shall not exceed two per cent, and the number of years the tax will be levied or that it will be levied for a continuing period of time. The tax shall be administered pursuant to the regulations adopted by the board under division (A) of this section, except that all the proceeds of the tax levied under this division shall be pledged to the payment of the costs, including debt charges, of lakeshore improvements undertaken by a port authority pursuant to the agreement under section 4582.56 of the Revised Code. No revenue from the tax may be used to pay the current expenses of the port authority. A resolution levying a tax under division (U) of this section is subject to referendum under sections 305.31 to 305.41 and 305.99 of the Revised Code. (V)(1) As used in division (V) of this section: (a) "Tourism development district" means a district designated by a municipal corporation under section 715.014 of the Revised Code or by a township under section 503.56 of the Revised Code. (b) "Lodging tax" means a tax levied pursuant to this section or section 5739.08 of the Revised Code. (c) "Tourism development district lodging tax proceeds" means all proceeds of a lodging tax derived from transactions by which lodging by a hotel located in a tourism development district is or is to be provided to transient guests. (d) "Eligible county" has the same meaning as in section 307.678 of the Revised Code. (2)(a) Notwithstanding division (A) of this section, the board of county commissioners, board of township trustees, or legislative authority of any county, township, or municipal corporation that levies a lodging tax on September 29, 2017, and in which any part of a tourism development district is located on or after that date shall amend the ordinance or resolution levying the tax to require either of the following: (i) In the case of a tax levied by a county, that all tourism development district lodging tax proceeds from that tax be used exclusively to foster and develop tourism in the tourism development district; (ii) In the case of a tax levied by a township or municipal corporation, that all tourism development district lodging tax proceeds from that tax be used exclusively to foster and develop tourism in the tourism development district. (b) Notwithstanding division (A) of this section, any ordinance or resolution levying a lodging tax adopted on or after September 29, 2017, by a county, township, or municipal corporation in which any part of a tourism development district is located on or after that date shall require that all tourism development district lodging tax proceeds from that tax be used exclusively to foster and develop tourism in the tourism development district. (c) A county shall not use any of the proceeds described in division (V)(2)(a)(i) or (V)(2)(b) of this section unless the convention and visitors' bureau operating within the county approves the manner in which such proceeds are used to foster and develop tourism in the tourism development district. Upon obtaining such approval, the county may pay such proceeds to the bureau to use for the agreed-upon purpose. A municipal corporation or township shall not use any of the proceeds described in division (V)(2)(a)(ii) or (V)(2)(b) of this section unless the convention and visitors' bureau operating within the municipal corporation or township approves the manner in which such proceeds are used to foster and develop tourism in the tourism development district. Upon obtaining such approval, the municipal corporation or township may pay such proceeds to the bureau to use for the agreed-upon purpose. (3)(a) Notwithstanding division (A) of this section, the board of county commissioners of an eligible county that levies a lodging tax on March 23, 2018, may amend the resolution levying that tax to require that all or a portion of the proceeds of that tax otherwise required to be spent solely to make contributions to the convention and visitors' bureau operating within the county shall be used to foster and develop tourism in a tourism development district. (b) Notwithstanding division (A) of this section, the board of county commissioners of an eligible county that adopts a resolution levying a lodging tax on or after March 23, 2018, may require that all or a portion of the proceeds of that tax otherwise required to be spent solely to make contributions to the convention and visitors' bureau operating within the county pursuant to division (A) of this section shall be used to foster and develop tourism in a tourism development district. (c) A county shall not use any of the proceeds in the manner described in division (V)(3)(a) or (b) of this section unless the convention and visitors' bureau operating within the county approves the manner in which such proceeds are used to foster and develop tourism in the tourism development district. Upon obtaining such approval, the county may pay such proceeds to the bureau to use for the agreed upon purpose. (W)(1) As used in division (W) of this section: (a) "Eligible county" means a county with a population greater than three hundred thousand and less than three hundred fifty thousand that levies a tax under division (A) of this section at a rate of three per cent; (b) "Cost" and "facility" have the same meanings as in section 351.01 of the Revised Code. (2) A board of county commissioners of an eligible county, by resolution adopted by a majority of the members of the board, may levy an excise tax at the rate of up to three per cent on transactions by which lodging by a hotel is or is to be furnished to transient guests. All of the revenue from the tax shall be used to pay the costs of administering the tax or pledged and contributed to a convention facilities authority established by the board of county commissioners under Chapter 351. of the Revised Code and used by the authority to pay the cost of constructing a facility in the county, including paying bonds, or notes issued in anticipation of bonds, as provided by that chapter, or paying the expenses of maintaining, operating, or promoting such a facility. No portion of the revenue arising from the tax need be returned to municipal corporations or townships as required for taxes levied under division (A) of this section. (3) A resolution adopted under division (W) of this section shall direct the board of elections to submit the question of the proposed lodging tax to the electors of the county at a special election held on the date specified by the board in the resolution, provided that the election occurs not less than ninety days after a certified copy of the resolution is transmitted to the board of elections. A resolution submitted to the electors under division (W) of this section shall not go into effect unless it is approved by a majority of those voting upon it. The resolution takes effect on the date the board of county commissioners receives notification from the board of elections of an affirmative vote. (4) Once the tax is approved by the electors of the county pursuant to division (W)(3) of this section, it shall not be subject to diminution by initiative or referendum or by law while any bonds, or notes in anticipation of bonds, issued by the authority under Chapter 351. of the Revised Code to which the revenue is pledged, remain outstanding in accordance with their terms, unless provision is made by law or by the board of county commissioners for an adequate substitute therefore that is satisfactory to the trustee if a trust agreement secures the bonds. (5) The tax authorized by division (W) of this section shall be in addition to any other tax that is levied pursuant to this section. (X)(1) As used in division (X) of this section: (a) "Convention facilities authority," "cost," and "facility" have the same meanings as in section 351.01 of the Revised Code, except that "facility" does not include a "sports facility," as that term is defined in that section, other than a facility intended to house a major league soccer team. (b) "Eligible county" means a county with a population greater than eight hundred thousand but less than one million that levies a tax under division (A) of this section. (c) "Port authority" means a port authority created under Chapter 4582. of the Revised Code. (2) A board of county commissioners or the legislative authority of an eligible county may, by resolution adopted by a majority of the members of the board or legislative authority, levy an excise tax at a rate not to exceed one per cent on transactions by which lodging by a hotel is or is to be furnished to transient guests. All revenue arising from the tax shall be used to pay the costs of administering the tax or pledged and contributed to the convention and visitors' bureau operating within the applicable eligible county, a convention facilities authority within the applicable eligible county, or a port authority and used by the convention and visitors' bureau, the convention facilities authority, or the port authority to pay the cost of acquiring, constructing, renovating, expanding, maintaining, or operating one or more facilities in the county, including paying bonds, or notes issued in anticipation of bonds, or paying the expenses of maintaining, operating, or promoting one or more facilities. No portion of the revenue arising from the tax need be returned to municipal corporations or townships as required for taxes levied under division (A) of this section. (3) The tax authorized by division (X) of this section shall be in addition to any other tax that is levied pursuant to this section. (4) Any board of county commissioners of an eligible county that, pursuant to division (D)(2) of this section, has amended a resolution levying the tax authorized by division (A) of this section may further amend the resolution to provide that all or a portion of the revenue referred to in division (D)(2)(b) of this section and division (A) of this section may be pledged and contributed to pay the costs of acquiring, constructing, renovating, expanding, maintaining, or operating one or more facilities in the county, including paying bonds, or notes issued in anticipation of bonds, or paying the expenses of maintaining, operating, or promoting one or more facilities.
Last updated July 31, 2023 at 4:47 PM
Section 5739.091 | Expansion of definition of hotel.
March 27, 2020
Latest Legislation:
House Bill 197 - 133rd General Assembly
(A) For the purposes of a tax levied by a county, township, or municipal corporation under section 5739.08 or 5739.09 of the Revised Code, a board of county commissioners, board of township trustees, or the legislative authority of a municipal corporation may adopt a resolution or ordinance at any time specifying that "hotel," as otherwise defined in section 5739.01 of the Revised Code, includes the following: (1) Establishments in which fewer than five rooms are used for the accommodation of guests; (2) Establishments at which rooms are used for the accommodation of guests regardless of whether each room is accessible through its own keyed entry or several rooms are accessible through the same keyed entry; and, in determining the number of rooms, all rooms are included regardless of the number of structures in which the rooms are situated or the number of parcels of land on which the structures are located if the structures are under the same ownership and the structures are not identified in advertisements of the accommodations as distinct establishments. For the purposes of division (A)(2) of this section, two or more structures are under the same ownership if they are owned by the same person, or if they are owned by two or more persons the majority of the ownership interests of which are owned by the same person. (B) The resolution or ordinance may apply to a tax imposed pursuant to section 5739.08 or 5739.09 of the Revised Code prior to the adoption of the resolution or ordinance if the resolution or ordinance so states, but the tax shall not apply to transactions by which lodging by such an establishment is provided to transient guests prior to the adoption of the resolution or ordinance.
Section 5739.092 | Use of funds distributed to convention and visitors' bureau.
March 27, 2020
Latest Legislation:
House Bill 197 - 133rd General Assembly
(A) Except as provided in division (B) of this section, money collected by a county and distributed under section 5739.09 of the Revised Code to a convention and visitors' bureau in existence as of June 30, 2013, except for any such money pledged, as of that date, to the payment of debt service charges on bonds, notes, securities, or lease agreements, shall be used solely for tourism sales, marketing and promotion, and their associated costs, including operational and administrative costs of the bureau, sales and marketing, and maintenance of the physical bureau structure. (B) A convention and visitors' bureau that has entered into an agreement under section 307.678 of the Revised Code may use revenue it receives from a tax levied under division (A) of section 5739.09 of the Revised Code as described in division (E) of section 307.678 of the Revised Code.
Section 5739.093 | Exemption and diversion of revenue for headquarters hotel.
October 3, 2023
Latest Legislation:
House Bill 33 - 135th General Assembly
(A) As used in this section: (1) "Convention center" has the same meaning as in section 307.695 of the Revised Code. (2) "Convention center headquarters hotel" means a hotel designated as such in authorizing legislation. (3) "Convention center headquarters hotel facilities" means a convention center headquarters hotel, the convention center associated with the convention center headquarters hotel, and any improvements, buildings, outdoor space, infrastructure, and parking lots or garages directly adjacent to or associated with the convention center headquarters hotel and convention center. (4) "Eligible convention facilities authority" means a convention facilities authority created within an eligible county under Chapter 351. of the Revised Code. (5) "Cost" and "facility" have the same meanings as in section 351.01 of the Revised Code. (6) "Eligible county" means a county with a population greater than eight hundred thousand that levies a tax under division (A) of section 5739.09 of the Revised Code and in which one or more convention centers are located. (7) "Eligible municipal corporation" means a municipal corporation that is located in an eligible county, that levies a tax under section 5739.08 of the Revised Code, and in which one or more convention centers are located. (8) "Qualifying lodging tax" means, for authorizing legislation adopted by the legislative authority of an eligible municipal corporation, a tax levied by that municipal corporation under section 5739.08 of the Revised Code or, for authorizing legislation adopted by the legislative authority of an eligible county, a tax levied by that county under section 5739.09 of the Revised Code. (9) "Eligible port authority" means a port authority created within an eligible county under Chapter 4582. of the Revised Code or a port authority created under Chapter 4582. of the Revised Code in a different county and that is partnering with a port authority located within an eligible county. (10) "Issuing authority" means an eligible municipal corporation, an eligible county, an eligible convention facilities authority, or an eligible port authority. (11) "Qualifying vendor" means the person responsible for collecting and remitting qualifying lodging taxes from a convention center headquarters hotel. (12) "Authorizing legislation" means an ordinance or resolution adopted under division (B) of this section. (13) "Eligible township" means a township that levies a tax under section 5739.08 of the Revised Code that applies to transactions for lodging at a convention center headquarters hotel. (14) "Eligible convention and visitors' bureau" means a convention and visitors' bureau that receives revenue from a tax levied under section 5739.09 of the Revised Code that applies to transactions for lodging at a convention center headquarters hotel. (15) "Minimum payment obligation" is an obligation, including a contingent obligation, for a qualifying vendor to make a payment to an eligible municipal corporation, eligible county, or eligible port authority to ensure sufficient funds to finance the expenditures authorized under division (D)(2) of this section. (B) The legislative authority of an eligible county or eligible municipal corporation, by ordinance or resolution, may declare all of the following: (1) A hotel within that county or municipal corporation is designated as a convention center headquarters hotel; (2) The name of the convention center that the hotel is associated with; (3) That that hotel and any convention center headquarters hotel facilities associated with it are for a public purpose; (4) That transactions by which lodging by the hotel is to be furnished to transient guests shall be wholly or partially exempt from the applicable qualifying lodging tax for a period not to exceed thirty years from the date the exemption begins; (5) The date the exemption begins, which shall be the first day of a month; (6) If the exemption is a partial exemption, the percentage of the qualifying lodging tax that is subject to exemption; (7) Whether payments are to be required under division (D)(1) of this section and, if so, the issuing authority to which those payments are to be pledged. Not more than one convention center headquarters hotel may be designated by the legislative authority of an eligible county or eligible municipal corporation for each convention center located in the county or municipal corporation. (C) Not later than fourteen days before adopting authorizing legislation, the eligible municipal corporation shall give notice of the proposed authorizing legislation to the eligible county, eligible convention and visitors' bureau, and any eligible township. Not later than thirty days after adopting authorizing legislation, the municipal corporation shall deliver a copy of the authorizing legislation to the eligible county, eligible convention and visitors' bureau, and eligible township, as applicable. Not later than fourteen days before adopting authorizing legislation, the eligible county shall give notice of the proposed authorizing legislation to the eligible convention and visitors' bureau and any eligible municipal corporation or eligible township. Not later than thirty days after adopting authorizing legislation, the county shall deliver a copy of the authorizing legislation to the eligible convention and visitors' bureau and eligible municipal corporation or eligible township, as applicable. An exemption granted pursuant to authorizing legislation commences on the date specified in the authorizing legislation. (D)(1) An eligible municipal corporation or eligible county that has adopted authorizing legislation may require the convention center headquarters hotel's qualifying vendor to make monthly payments in lieu of qualifying lodging taxes on or before the final dates for payment of such taxes. Each such payment shall be charged and collected in the same amount as the exempted qualifying lodging tax. The vendor shall remit all payments to the eligible municipal corporation or eligible county that adopted the authorizing legislation or, if applicable, to the issuing authority or agent designated under division (F) of this section. Such payments shall be used for the purpose of paying the cost of acquiring, constructing, renovating, or maintaining convention center headquarters hotel facilities located in the eligible county. (2) An eligible municipal corporation or eligible county that adopts authorizing legislation shall establish a lodging tax equivalent fund into which shall be deposited all payments required under division (D)(1) of this section and all payments of minimum payment obligations made under agreements authorized pursuant to division (E) of this section. Money in the lodging tax equivalent fund shall be pledged and contributed to the issuing authority designated in the authorizing legislation, or agent thereof, to pay the costs described in division (D)(1) of this section, including paying bonds or notes issued in anticipation of the issuance of bonds, or paying the expenses of maintaining, operating, or promoting one or more convention center headquarters facilities. If approved by the applicable issuing authority, money in the lodging tax equivalent fund may also be used by the eligible municipal corporation or eligible county, as applicable, for any other purpose the municipal corporation's or county's tax levied under section 5739.08 or 5739.09 of the Revised Code, respectively, may be used for. The eligible municipal corporation or eligible county also may deposit or permit to be deposited into the lodging tax equivalent fund other money or taxes levied under section 5739.08 or 5739.09 of the Revised Code and lawfully available for those purposes as determined by the municipal corporation or county. (3) A lodging tax equivalent fund established under division (D)(2) of this section may be held by and pledged by the eligible municipal corporation or eligible county to a trustee for bonds or notes issued by an issuing authority. (4) Any incidental surplus remaining in the lodging tax equivalent fund, upon dissolution of the fund, shall be transferred to the general fund of the eligible municipal corporation or eligible county to be used for any purpose for which the municipal corporation's or county's tax levied under section 5739.08 or 5739.09 of the Revised Code, respectively, may be used. (E) An eligible municipal corporation, eligible county, or eligible port authority may enter into an agreement with a qualifying vendor to make payments of minimum payment obligations for deposit into the lodging tax equivalent fund established under division (D)(2) of this section. An agreement entered into under this division is binding and enforceable against all subsequent qualifying vendors for a convention center headquarters hotel without the necessity of a written assignment of the agreement. (F) Payments required under division (D)(1) of this section and minimum payment obligations shall be collected and enforced by the eligible municipal corporation or eligible county. The municipal corporation or county may delegate this authority to the issuing authority designated in the authorizing legislation, or to an agent thereof, by including this delegation in the authorizing legislation or adopting a separate ordinance or resolution. Such issuing authority or agent shall be subject to any regulations or restrictions imposed upon the municipal corporation or county in collecting and enforcing qualifying lodging tax. (G) A qualifying vendor may charge a consumer for any payments required under division (D)(1) of this section in the same amount as the consumer would have paid in qualifying lodging taxes had such taxes not been exempted, provided that the charges shall be separately stated on the invoice, bill of sale, or similar document given to the consumer. Any charges paid by the consumer shall be considered taxes described in division (H)(1)(c)(iii) of section 5739.01 of the Revised Code. (H) The adoption of authorizing legislation under this section for a hotel in which lodging has not been furnished to transient guests prior to the adoption of the legislation shall not be considered to be a diminution of the rate of taxation or of the revenue generated by the taxes under section 5739.08 or 5739.09 of the Revised Code.
Last updated August 31, 2023 at 5:05 PM
Section 5739.094 | Liens for unpaid lodging taxes.
Latest Legislation:
House Bill 496 - 135th General Assembly
As used in this section, "eligible county" has the same meaning as in division (X) of section 5739.09 of the Revised Code. When a tax levied pursuant to section 5739.09 of the Revised Code by an eligible county is not paid when due, the eligible county may certify the delinquency, together with any applicable penalties and interest, to the county auditor of the eligible county. The county auditor shall place the certified amount on the tax list against the property on which the hotel is established. The amount placed on the tax list shall be a lien on the property and shall be collected in the same manner as property taxes, except that, notwithstanding section 323.15 of the Revised Code, a county treasurer shall accept a payment in such amount when separately tendered as payment for the full amount of such delinquent amounts. The lien shall be released immediately upon payment in full of the certified amount. Any amounts collected under this division shall be immediately disbursed to the eligible county and shall be used in the same manner as revenue from the tax that was the basis for the delinquency.
Last updated February 25, 2025 at 3:17 PM
Section 5739.10 | Excise tax on vendor's receipts.
Latest Legislation:
House Bill 59 - 130th General Assembly
(A) In addition to the tax levied by section 5739.02 of the Revised Code and any tax levied pursuant to section 5739.021, 5739.023, or 5739.026 of the Revised Code, and to secure the same objectives specified in those sections, there is hereby levied upon the privilege of engaging in the business of making retail sales, an excise tax equal to the tax levied by section 5739.02 of the Revised Code, or, in the case of retail sales subject to a tax levied pursuant to section 5739.021, 5739.023, or 5739.026 of the Revised Code, a percentage equal to the aggregate rate of such taxes and the tax levied by section 5739.02 of the Revised Code of the receipts derived from all retail sales, except those to which the excise tax imposed by section 5739.02 of the Revised Code is made inapplicable by division (B) of that section. (B) For the purpose of this section, no vendor shall be required to maintain records of sales of food for human consumption off the premises where sold, and no assessment shall be made against any vendor for sales of food for human consumption off the premises where sold, solely because the vendor has no records of, or has inadequate records of, such sales; provided that where a vendor does not have adequate records of receipts from the vendor's sales of food for human consumption on the premises where sold, the tax commissioner may refuse to accept the vendor's return and, upon the basis of test checks of the vendor's business for a representative period, and other information relating to the sales made by such vendor, determine the proportion that taxable retail sales bear to all of the vendor's retail sales. The tax imposed by this section shall be determined by deducting from the sum representing five and three-fourths per cent, as applicable under division (A) of this section, or, in the case of retail sales subject to a tax levied pursuant to section 5739.021, 5739.023, or 5739.026 of the Revised Code, a percentage equal to the aggregate rate of such taxes and the tax levied by section 5739.02 of the Revised Code of the receipts from such retail sales, the amount of tax paid to the state or to a clerk of a court of common pleas. The section does not affect any duty of the vendor under sections 5739.01 to 5739.19 and 5739.26 to 5739.31 of the Revised Code, nor the liability of any consumer to pay any tax imposed by or pursuant to section 5739.02, 5739.021, 5739.023, or 5739.026 of the Revised Code.
Section 5739.101 | Declaration of resort area.
October 17, 2019
Latest Legislation:
House Bill 166 - 133rd General Assembly
(A) The legislative authority of a municipal corporation, by ordinance or resolution, or of a township, by resolution, may declare the municipal corporation or township to be a resort area for the purposes of this section, if all of the following criteria are met: (1) According to statistics published by the federal government based on data compiled during the most recent decennial census of the United States, at least sixty-two per cent of total housing units in the municipal corporation or township are classified as "for seasonal, recreational, or occasional use"; (2) Entertainment and recreation facilities are provided within the municipal corporation or township that are primarily intended to provide seasonal leisure time activities for persons other than permanent residents of the municipal corporation or township; (3) The municipal corporation or township experiences seasonal peaks of employment and demand for government services as a direct result of the seasonal population increase. (B) For the purpose of providing revenue for its general fund, the legislative authority of a municipal corporation or township, in its ordinance or resolution declaring itself a resort area under this section, may levy a tax on the privilege of engaging in the business of either of the following: (1) Making sales in the municipal corporation or township, whether wholesale or retail, but including sales of food only to the extent such sales are subject to the tax levied under section 5739.02 of the Revised Code; (2) Intrastate transportation of passengers or property primarily to or from the municipal corporation or township by a railroad, watercraft, or motor vehicle subject to regulation by the public utilities commission, except not including transportation of passengers as part of a tour or cruise in which the passengers will stay in the municipal corporation or township for no more than one hour. The tax is imposed upon and shall be paid by the person making the sales or transporting the passengers or property. The rate of the tax shall be one-half, one, or one and one-half per cent of the person's gross receipts derived from making the sales or transporting the passengers or property to or from the municipal corporation or township. (C) For the purpose of fostering and developing tourism in a tourism development district designated under section 503.56 or 715.014 of the Revised Code, the legislative authority of a municipal corporation or township, by ordinance or resolution adopted on or before December 31, 2020, may levy a tax on the privilege of engaging in the business of making sales in the tourism development district, whether wholesale or retail, but including sales of food only to the extent such sales are subject to the tax levied under section 5739.02 of the Revised Code. The tax is imposed upon and shall be paid by the person making the sales. The rate of the tax shall be one-half, one, one and one-half, or two per cent of the person's gross receipts derived from making the sales in the tourism development district. (D) A tax levied under division (B) or (C) of this section shall take effect on the first day of the month that begins at least sixty days after the effective date of the ordinance or resolution by which it is levied. The legislative authority shall certify copies of the ordinance or resolution to the tax commissioner and treasurer of state within five days after its adoption. In addition, one time each week during the two weeks following the adoption of the ordinance or resolution, the legislative authority shall cause to be published in a newspaper of general circulation in the municipal corporation or township, or as provided in section 7.16 of the Revised Code, a notice explaining the tax and stating the rate of the tax, the date it will take effect, and that persons subject to the tax must register with the tax commissioner under section 5739.103 of the Revised Code. (E) No more than once a year, and subject to the rates prescribed in division (B) or (C) of this section, the legislative authority of the municipal corporation or township, by ordinance or resolution, may increase or decrease the rate of a tax levied under this section. The legislative authority, by ordinance or resolution, at any time may repeal such a tax. The legislative authority shall certify to the tax commissioner and treasurer of state copies of the ordinance or resolution repealing or changing the rate of the tax within five days after its adoption. In addition, one time each week during the two weeks following the adoption of the ordinance or resolution, the legislative authority shall cause to be published in a newspaper of general circulation in the municipal corporation or township, or as provided in section 7.16 of the Revised Code, notice of the repeal or change. (F) A person may separately or proportionately bill or invoice a tax levied pursuant to division (B) or (C) of this section to another person.
Section 5739.102 | Remitting tax - resort area excise tax fund.
September 29, 2015
Latest Legislation:
House Bill 64 - 131st General Assembly
A person who is liable for a tax levied under section 5739.101 of the Revised Code shall file a return with the tax commissioner showing the person's taxable gross receipts from sales described under division (B)(1) or (2) or (C) of that section. The tax commissioner shall prescribe the form of the return, and the six- or twelve-month reporting period. The person shall file the return on or before the last day of the month following the end of the reporting period prescribed by the commissioner, and shall include with the return payment of the tax for the period. The remittance shall be made payable to the treasurer of state. Upon receipt of a return, the tax commissioner shall credit any money included with it to the resort area excise tax fund, which is hereby created. Within forty-five days after the end of each month, the commissioner shall provide for the distribution of all money paid during that month into the resort area excise tax fund to the appropriate municipal corporations and townships, after first subtracting and crediting to the general revenue fund one per cent to cover the costs of administering the excise tax. If a person liable for the tax fails to file a return or pay the tax as required under this section and the rules of the tax commissioner, the person shall pay an additional charge of the greater of fifty dollars or ten per cent of the tax due for the return period. The additional charge shall be considered revenue arising from the tax levied under section 5739.101 of the Revised Code, and may be collected by assessment in the manner provided in section 5739.13 of the Revised Code. The tax commissioner may remit all or a portion of the charge.
Section 5739.103 | Registration with tax commissioner.
September 29, 2015
Latest Legislation:
House Bill 64 - 131st General Assembly
No person shall exercise the privilege of engaging in a business described under division (B)(1) or (2) or (C) of section 5739.101 of the Revised Code in a municipal corporation or township that has imposed a tax under division (B) or (C) of that section without first registering with the tax commissioner. The tax commissioner shall prescribe the form of the registration.
Section 5739.104 | Refunds.
Latest Legislation:
House Bill 66 - 134th General Assembly
The tax commissioner shall refund to a person subject to a tax under section 5739.101 of the Revised Code amounts paid illegally or erroneously or paid on an illegal or erroneous assessment. Applications for a refund shall be filed with the commissioner, on a form prescribed by the commissioner, within four years from the date of the illegal or erroneous payment, except where the person subject to the tax waives the time limitation under division (C) of section 5739.16 of the Revised Code, in which case the four-year refund limitation shall be extended for the same period of time as the waiver. On the filing of an application for a refund, the commissioner shall determine the amount of refund to which the applicant is entitled. If the amount is not less than that claimed, the commissioner shall certify the amount to the treasurer of state for payment from the current resort area excise tax receipts of the municipal corporation or township from which the refund is due. If the amount is less than that claimed, the commissioner shall proceed in accordance with section 5703.70 of the Revised Code. If a refund is granted for payment of an illegal or erroneous assessment issued by the commissioner, the refund shall include interest computed at the rate per annum prescribed under section 5703.47 of the Revised Code.
Last updated March 9, 2023 at 2:01 PM
Section 5739.11 | Records open to inspection - exemption certificate.
October 21, 2003
Latest Legislation:
Senate Bill 37 - 125th General Assembly
As used in this section, "food service operator" means a vendor who conducts a food service operation under Chapter 3717. of the Revised Code. Each vendor shall keep complete and accurate records of sales, together with a record of the tax collected on the sales, which shall be the amount due under sections 5739.01 to 5739.31 of the Revised Code, and shall keep all invoices, bills of lading, and other such pertinent documents. Alternatively, any food service operator who has not been convicted under section 5739.99 of the Revised Code, with respect to the vendor's food service operation, may keep a sample of primary sales records. Such sample shall consist of all sales invoices, guest checks, cash register tapes, and other such documents for each of fourteen days in every calendar quarter. The specific days to be included in the sample shall be determined by the tax commissioner and entered in the commissioner's journal within ten days after the close of every calendar quarter. The tax commissioner shall notify each such operator registered pursuant to section 5739.17 of the Revised Code who requests such notification of the days to be included in each sample by the last day of the month following the close of each calendar quarter. The notice also shall contain a statement that destruction of primary records for time periods other than the specified sample period is optional, and that some operators may wish to keep all such records for four full years so as to be able to clearly demonstrate that they have fully complied with this chapter and Chapter 5741. of the Revised Code. The tax commissioner shall further make such determination known through a general news release. Each vendor shall keep exemption certificates required to be obtained under section 5739.03 of the Revised Code. If the vendor makes sales not subject to the tax and not required to be evidenced by an exemption certificate, the vendor's records shall show the identity of the purchaser, if the sale was exempted by reason of such identity, or the nature of the transaction, if exempted for any other reason. Vendors are not required to differentiate in record-keeping between sales that are exempt from taxation under division (B)(2) of section 5739.02 of the Revised Code and those that are exempt under division (B)(16) of that section. Such records and other documents required to be kept by this section shall be open during business hours to the inspection of the tax commissioner, and shall be preserved for a period of four years, unless the commissioner, in writing, consents to their destruction within that period, or by order requires that they be kept longer.
Section 5739.12 | Monthly return by vendor - reconciliation return.
March 23, 2015
Latest Legislation:
House Bill 5 - 130th General Assembly
(A)(1) Each person who has or is required to have a vendor's license, on or before the twenty-third day of each month, shall make and file a return for the preceding month in the form prescribed by the tax commissioner, and shall pay the tax shown on the return to be due. The return shall be filed electronically using the Ohio business gateway, as defined in section 718.01 of the Revised Code, the Ohio telefile system, or any other electronic means prescribed by the commissioner. Payment of the tax shown on the return to be due shall be made electronically in a manner approved by the commissioner. The commissioner may require a vendor that operates from multiple locations or has multiple vendor's licenses to report all tax liabilities on one consolidated return. The return shall show the amount of tax due from the vendor to the state for the period covered by the return and such other information as the commissioner deems necessary for the proper administration of this chapter. The commissioner may extend the time for making and filing returns and paying the tax, and may require that the return for the last month of any annual or semiannual period, as determined by the commissioner, be a reconciliation return detailing the vendor's sales activity for the preceding annual or semiannual period. The reconciliation return shall be filed by the last day of the month following the last month of the annual or semiannual period. The commissioner may remit all or any part of amounts or penalties that may become due under this chapter and may adopt rules relating thereto. Such return shall be filed electronically as directed by the tax commissioner, and payment of the amount of tax shown to be due thereon, after deduction of any discount provided for under this section, shall be made electronically in a manner approved by the tax commissioner. (2) Any person required to file returns and make payments electronically under division (A)(1) of this section may apply to the tax commissioner on a form prescribed by the commissioner to be excused from that requirement. For good cause shown, the commissioner may excuse the person from that requirement and may permit the person to file the returns and make the payments required by this section by nonelectronic means. (B)(1) If the return is filed and the amount of tax shown thereon to be due is paid on or before the date such return is required to be filed, the vendor shall be entitled to a discount of three-fourths of one per cent of the amount shown to be due on the return. (2) A vendor that has selected a certified service provider as its agent shall not be entitled to the discount if the certified service provider receives a monetary allowance pursuant to section 5739.06 of the Revised Code for performing the vendor's sales and use tax functions in this state. Amounts paid to the clerk of courts pursuant to section 4505.06 of the Revised Code shall be subject to the applicable discount. The discount shall be in consideration for prompt payment to the clerk of courts and for other services performed by the vendor in the collection of the tax. (C)(1) Upon application to the tax commissioner, a vendor who is required to file monthly returns may be relieved of the requirement to report and pay the actual tax due, provided that the vendor agrees to remit to the commissioner payment of not less than an amount determined by the commissioner to be the average monthly tax liability of the vendor, based upon a review of the returns or other information pertaining to such vendor for a period of not less than six months nor more than two years immediately preceding the filing of the application. Vendors who agree to the above conditions shall make and file an annual or semiannual reconciliation return, as prescribed by the commissioner. The reconciliation return shall be filed electronically as directed by the tax commissioner, and payment of the amount of tax shown to be due thereon, after deduction of any discount provided in this section, shall be made electronically in a manner approved by the commissioner. Failure of a vendor to comply with any of the above conditions may result in immediate reinstatement of the requirement of reporting and paying the actual tax liability on each monthly return, and the commissioner may at the commissioner's discretion deny the vendor the right to report and pay based upon the average monthly liability for a period not to exceed two years. The amount ascertained by the commissioner to be the average monthly tax liability of a vendor may be adjusted, based upon a review of the returns or other information pertaining to the vendor for a period of not less than six months nor more than two years preceding such adjustment. (2) The commissioner may authorize vendors whose tax liability is not such as to merit monthly returns, as ascertained by the commissioner upon the basis of administrative costs to the state, to make and file returns at less frequent intervals. When returns are filed at less frequent intervals in accordance with such authorization, the vendor shall be allowed the discount provided in this section in consideration for prompt payment with the return, provided the return is filed and payment is made of the amount of tax shown to be due thereon, at the time specified by the commissioner, but a vendor that has selected a certified service provider as its agent shall not be entitled to the discount. (D) Any vendor who fails to file a return or to pay the full amount of the tax shown on the return to be due in the manner prescribed under this section and the rules of the commissioner may, for each such return, be required to forfeit and pay into the state treasury an additional charge not exceeding fifty dollars or ten per cent of the tax required to be paid for the reporting period, whichever is greater, as revenue arising from the tax imposed by this chapter, and such sum may be collected by assessment in the manner provided in section 5739.13 of the Revised Code. The commissioner may remit all or a portion of the additional charge and may adopt rules relating to the imposition and remission of the additional charge. (E) If the amount required to be collected by a vendor from consumers is in excess of the applicable percentage of the vendor's receipts from sales that are taxable under section 5739.02 of the Revised Code, or in the case of sales subject to a tax levied pursuant to section 5739.021, 5739.023, or 5739.026 of the Revised Code, in excess of the percentage equal to the aggregate rate of such taxes and the tax levied by section 5739.02 of the Revised Code, such excess shall be remitted along with the remittance of the amount of tax due under section 5739.10 of the Revised Code. (F) The commissioner, if the commissioner deems it necessary in order to insure the payment of the tax imposed by this chapter, may require returns and payments to be made for other than monthly periods. (G) Any vendor required to file a return and pay the tax under this section whose total payment for a year equals or exceeds the amount shown in division (A) of section 5739.122 of the Revised Code is subject to the accelerated tax payment requirements in divisions (B) and (C) of that section. For a vendor that operates from multiple locations or has multiple vendor's licenses, in determining whether the vendor's total payment equals or exceeds the amount shown in division (A) of that section, the vendor's total payment amount shall be the amount of the vendor's total tax liability for the previous calendar year for all of the vendor's locations or licenses.
Section 5739.121 | Bad debt deduction.
March 23, 2023
Latest Legislation:
House Bill 223 - 134th General Assembly
(A) As used in this section: (1) "Bad debt" means any debt that has become worthless or uncollectible in the time period between a vendor's preceding return and the present return, has been uncollected for at least six months, and that may be claimed as a deduction pursuant to the "Internal Revenue Code of 1954," 68A Stat. 50, 26 U.S.C. 166, as amended, and regulations adopted pursuant thereto, or that could be claimed as such a deduction if the vendor kept accounts on an accrual basis. "Bad debt" does not include any interest or sales tax on the purchase price, uncollectible amounts on property that remains in the possession of the vendor until the full purchase price is paid, expenses incurred in attempting to collect any account receivable or for any portion of the debt recovered, and repossessed property. (2) "Lender" means a person or an affiliate, assignee, or transferee of a person that owns a private label credit account, or an interest in a private label credit account receivable, provided that interest was any of the following: (a) Transferred from a third party; (b) Purchased directly from a vendor that remitted tax imposed under this chapter or from an affiliate of the vendor; (c) Originated according to a written agreement between the person and a vendor that remitted tax imposed under this chapter or an affiliate of the vendor. (3) "Private label credit account" means a credit account that carries, refers to, or is branded with the name of a vendor and for which the lender, when establishing the consumer's credit limit, complied with all applicable Ohio and federal laws that are intended to protect consumers, including all of the following: (a) The "Credit Card Accountability Responsibility and Disclosure Act of 2009," 15 U.S.C. 1601 et seq.; (b) The "Equal Credit Opportunity Act," 15 U.S.C. 1691 et seq.; (c) The "Fair Credit Reporting Act," 15 U.S.C. 1681. (4) "Accounts or receivables bad debt" means the unpaid balance on private label credit accounts or private label credit account receivables that are bad debt and are charged off as uncollectible on the books of a lender on or after July 1, 2023, and against which a deduction has not previously been taken under this section. For the purposes of division (A)(4) of this section only, "bad debt" shall be determined without regard to when the debt has become worthless or uncollectible relative to the period between a vendor's returns, and the deductibility of the debt for federal income tax purposes shall be determined with respect to the lender instead of the vendor. (5) "Affiliate" means any person that is a member of an affiliated group or that would be a member of an affiliated group if the person was a corporation. (6) "Affiliated group" has the same meaning as in section 1504 of the Internal Revenue Code. (B) In computing taxable receipts for purposes of this chapter, a vendor may deduct the amount of bad debts. Except as provided in division (F) of this section, the amount deducted must be charged off as uncollectible on the books of the vendor. A deduction may be claimed only with respect to bad debts on which the taxes pursuant to sections 5739.10 and 5739.12 of the Revised Code were paid in a preceding tax period. If the vendor's business consists of taxable and nontaxable transactions, the deduction shall equal the full amount of the debt if the debt is documented as a taxable transaction in the vendor's records. If no such documentation is available, the maximum deduction on any bad debt shall equal the amount of the bad debt multiplied by the quotient obtained by dividing the sales taxed pursuant to this chapter during the preceding calendar year by all sales during the preceding calendar year, whether taxed or not. If a consumer or other person pays all or part of a bad debt with respect to which a vendor claimed a deduction under this section, the vendor shall be liable for the amount of taxes deducted in connection with that portion of the debt for which payment is received and shall remit such taxes in the vendor's next payment to the tax commissioner. (C) Any claim for a bad debt deduction under this section shall be supported by such evidence as the tax commissioner by rule requires. The commissioner shall review any change in the rate of taxation applicable to any taxable sales by a vendor claiming a deduction pursuant to this section and adopt rules for altering the deduction in the event of such a change in order to ensure that the deduction on any bad debt does not result in the vendor claiming the deduction recovering any more or less than the taxes imposed on the sale that constitutes the bad debt. (D) In any reporting period in which the amount of bad debt other than the accounts or receivables bad debt exceeds the amount of taxable sales for the period, the vendor may file a refund claim for any tax collected on the bad debt in excess of the tax reported on the return. The refund claim shall be filed in the manner provided in section 5739.07 of the Revised Code, except that the claim may be filed within four years of the due date of the return on which the bad debt first could have been claimed. (E) When the filing responsibilities of a vendor have been assumed by a certified service provider, the certified service provider shall claim the bad debt allowance provided by this section on behalf of the vendor. The certified service provider shall credit or refund to the vendor the full amount of any bad debt allowance or refund. (F)(1) A vendor may deduct on a return accounts or receivables bad debt. A vendor taking a deduction under division (F)(1) of this section shall include all credit sale transactions outstanding in the account or receivable at the time the account or receivable is charged off as uncollectible on the books of a lender in calculating the deduction, regardless of the date on which the credit sale transaction occurs. (2) The deduction authorized under division (F)(1) of this section may be taken by the vendor only on the basis of accounts or receivables bad debt from purchases from the vendor whose name is carried, referred to, or branded on the private label credit account or from purchases from any of the vendor's affiliates or franchisees. (3) A vendor taking a deduction under division (F)(1) of this section shall maintain books, records, or other documents verifying the accounts or receivables bad debt, which shall be open to inspection by the commissioner upon request. (4) If the lender collects in whole or part any accounts or receivables bad debt on the basis of which the vendor took a deduction under division (F) of this section, the vendor shall include the amount collected in the vendor's first return filed after the collection and pay tax on the portion of that amount with respect to which the vendor took the deduction. (5) If the total amount of accounts or receivables bad debt for a month exceeds a vendor's taxable sales for that month, the vendor may carry forward and deduct the excess on succeeding tax returns until the total amount of accounts or receivables bad debt has been deducted. (6) Unless otherwise agreed to by the lender and vendor, the economic benefit of the deduction permitted under division (F)(1) of this section shall inure to the benefit of the party that suffered the economic burden of the accounts or receivables bad debt. (G) The tax commissioner may adopt rules necessary to administer this section.
Last updated January 18, 2023 at 4:10 PM
Section 5739.122 | Vendor tax payments by electronic funds transfer.
January 1, 2009
Latest Legislation:
House Bill 562 - 127th General Assembly
(A) If the total amount of tax required to be paid by a vendor under section 5739.12 of the Revised Code for any calendar year equals or exceeds seventy-five thousand dollars, the vendor shall remit each monthly tax payment in the second ensuing and each succeeding tax year on an accelerated basis as prescribed by divisions (B) and (C) of this section. If a vendor's tax payment for each of two consecutive years is less than seventy-five thousand dollars, the vendor is relieved of the requirement to remit taxes in the manner prescribed by this section for the year that next follows the second of the consecutive years in which the tax payment is less than that amount, and is relieved of that requirement for each succeeding year, unless the tax payment in a subsequent year equals or exceeds seventy-five thousand dollars. The tax commissioner shall notify each vendor required to make accelerated tax payments of the vendor's obligation to do so and shall maintain an updated list of those vendors. Failure by the tax commissioner to notify a vendor subject to this section to remit taxes on an accelerated basis does not relieve the vendor of its obligation to remit taxes as provided under division (B) of this section. (B) Vendors required by division (A) of this section to make accelerated tax payments shall electronically remit such payments to the tax commissioner in a manner approved by the commissioner, as follows: (1) On or before the twenty-third day of each month, a vendor shall remit an amount equal to seventy-five per cent of the anticipated tax liability for that month. (2) On or before the twenty-third day of each month, a vendor shall report the taxes collected for the previous month and shall remit that amount, less any amounts paid for that month as required by division (B)(1) of this section. The payment of taxes on an accelerated basis under this section does not affect a vendor's obligation to file returns and pay the tax shown on the returns to be due as required under section 5739.12 of the Revised Code. (C) A vendor required by this section to remit taxes on an accelerated basis may apply to the tax commissioner, in the manner prescribed by the commissioner, to be excused from that requirement. The commissioner may excuse the vendor from remittance on an accelerated basis for good cause shown for the period of time requested by the vendor or for a portion of that period. (D)(1)(a) If a vendor that is required to remit payments under division (B) of this section fails to make a payment required under division (B)(1) of this section, or makes a payment under division (B)(1) of this section that is less than seventy-five per cent of the actual liability for that month, the commissioner may impose an additional charge not to exceed five per cent of that unpaid amount. (b) Division (D)(1)(a) of this section does not apply if the vendor's payment under division (B)(1) of this section is equal to or greater than seventy-five per cent of the vendor's reported liability for the same month in the immediately preceding calendar year. (2) Any additional charge imposed under division (D)(1) of this section is in addition to any other penalty or charge imposed under this chapter, and shall be considered as revenue arising from taxes imposed under this chapter. An additional charge may be collected by assessment in the manner prescribed by section 5739.13 of the Revised Code. The tax commissioner may waive all or a portion of such a charge and may adopt rules governing such waiver.
Section 5739.124 | Returns of taxpayers using electronic funds transfer.
March 23, 2015
Latest Legislation:
House Bill 5 - 130th General Assembly
(A) If required by the tax commissioner, a permit holder required to make payments under section 5739.032 of the Revised Code shall file all returns and reports electronically. The commissioner may require the permit holder to use the Ohio business gateway, as defined in section 718.01 of the Revised Code, or any other electronic means approved by the commissioner, to file the returns and reports, or to remit the tax, in lieu of the manner prescribed under section 5739.032 of the Revised Code. (B) A person required under this section to file reports and returns electronically may apply to the tax commissioner to be excused from that requirement. Applications shall be made on a form prescribed by the commissioner. The commissioner may approve the application for good cause. (C)(1) If a person required to file a report or return electronically under this section fails to do so, the tax commissioner may impose an additional charge not to exceed the following: (a) For each of the first two failures, five per cent of the amount required to be reported on the report or return; (b) For the third and any subsequent failure, ten per cent of the amount required to be reported on the report or return. (2) The charges authorized under division (C)(1) of this section are in addition to any other charge or penalty authorized under this chapter, and shall be considered as revenue arising from taxes imposed under this chapter. An additional charge may be collected by assessment in the manner prescribed by section 5739.13 of the Revised Code. The commissioner may waive all or a portion of such a charge and may adopt rules governing such waiver.
Section 5739.13 | Liability of vendor and consumer - assessment - petition for reassessment - penalties - appeal - judgment - execution.
September 29, 2013
Latest Legislation:
House Bill 59 - 130th General Assembly
(A) If any vendor collects the tax imposed by or pursuant to section 5739.02, 5739.021, 5739.023, or 5739.026 of the Revised Code, and fails to remit the tax to the state as prescribed, or on the sale of a motor vehicle, watercraft, or outboard motor required to be titled, fails to remit payment to a clerk of a court of common pleas as provided in section 1548.06 or 4505.06 of the Revised Code, the vendor shall be personally liable for any tax collected and not remitted. The tax commissioner may make an assessment against such vendor based upon any information in the commissioner's possession. If any vendor fails to collect the tax or any consumer fails to pay the tax imposed by or pursuant to section 5739.02, 5739.021, 5739.023, or 5739.026 of the Revised Code, on any transaction subject to the tax, the vendor or consumer shall be personally liable for the amount of the tax applicable to the transaction. The commissioner may make an assessment against either the vendor or consumer, as the facts may require, based upon any information in the commissioner's possession. An assessment against a vendor when the tax imposed by or pursuant to section 5739.02, 5739.021, 5739.023, or 5739.026 of the Revised Code has not been collected or paid, shall not discharge the purchaser's or consumer's liability to reimburse the vendor for the tax applicable to such transaction. An assessment issued against either, pursuant to this section, shall not be considered an election of remedies, nor a bar to an assessment against the other for the tax applicable to the same transaction, provided that no assessment shall be issued against any person for the tax due on a particular transaction if the tax on that transaction actually has been paid by another. The commissioner may make an assessment against any vendor who fails to file a return or remit the proper amount of tax required by this chapter, or against any consumer who fails to pay the proper amount of tax required by this chapter. When information in the possession of the commissioner indicates that the amount required to be collected or paid under this chapter is greater than the amount remitted by the vendor or paid by the consumer, the commissioner may audit a sample of the vendor's sales or the consumer's purchases for a representative period, to ascertain the per cent of exempt or taxable transactions or the effective tax rate and may issue an assessment based on the audit. The commissioner shall make a good faith effort to reach agreement with the vendor or consumer in selecting a representative sample. The commissioner may make an assessment, based on any information in the commissioner's possession, against any person who fails to file a return or remit the proper amount of tax required by section 5739.102 of the Revised Code. The commissioner may issue an assessment on any transaction for which any tax imposed under this chapter or Chapter 5741. of the Revised Code was due and unpaid on the date the vendor or consumer was informed by an agent of the tax commissioner of an investigation or audit. If the vendor or consumer remits any payment of the tax for the period covered by the assessment after the vendor or consumer was informed of the investigation or audit, the payment shall be credited against the amount of the assessment. The commissioner shall give the party assessed written notice of the assessment in the manner provided in section 5703.37 of the Revised Code. With the notice, the commissioner shall provide instructions on how to petition for reassessment and request a hearing on the petition. (B) Unless the party assessed files with the commissioner within sixty days after service of the notice of assessment, either personally or by certified mail, a written petition for reassessment, signed by the party assessed or that party's authorized agent having knowledge of the facts, the assessment becomes final and the amount of the assessment is due from the party assessed and payable to the treasurer of state and remitted to the tax commissioner. The petition shall indicate the objections of the party assessed, but additional objections may be raised in writing if received by the commissioner prior to the date shown on the final determination. If the petition has been properly filed, the commissioner shall proceed under section 5703.60 of the Revised Code. (C) After an assessment becomes final, if any portion of the assessment remains unpaid, including accrued interest, a certified copy of the commissioner's entry making the assessment final may be filed in the office of the clerk of the court of common pleas in the county in which the place of business of the party assessed is located or the county in which the party assessed resides. If the party assessed maintains no place of business in this state and is not a resident of this state, the certified copy of the entry may be filed in the office of the clerk of the court of common pleas of Franklin county. Immediately upon the filing of the entry, the clerk shall enter a judgment for the state against the party assessed in the amount shown on the entry. The judgment may be filed by the clerk in a loose-leaf book entitled "special judgments for state, county, and transit authority retail sales tax" or, if appropriate, "special judgments for resort area excise tax," and shall have the same effect as other judgments. Execution shall issue upon the judgment upon the request of the tax commissioner, and all laws applicable to sales on execution shall apply to sales made under the judgment except as otherwise provided in this chapter. If the assessment is not paid in its entirety within sixty days after the date the assessment was issued, the portion of the assessment consisting of tax due shall bear interest at the rate per annum prescribed by section 5703.47 of the Revised Code from the day the tax commissioner issues the assessment until the assessment is paid or until it is certified to the attorney general for collection under section 131.02 of the Revised Code, whichever comes first. If the unpaid portion of the assessment is certified to the attorney general for collection, the entire unpaid portion of the assessment shall bear interest at the rate per annum prescribed by section 5703.47 of the Revised Code from the date of certification until the date it is paid in its entirety. Interest shall be paid in the same manner as the tax and may be collected by issuing an assessment under this section. (D) All money collected by the tax commissioner under this section shall be paid to the treasurer of state, and when paid shall be considered as revenue arising from the taxes imposed by or pursuant to sections 5739.01 to 5739.31 of the Revised Code.
Section 5739.131 | Service of process or notice to nonresident.
October 16, 2009
Latest Legislation:
House Bill 1 - 128th General Assembly
Any nonresident of this state who accepts the privilege extended by the laws of this state to nonresidents of engaging in the business of selling in this state, as defined in section 5741.01 of the Revised Code, and any resident of this state who is required by sections 5739.17 and 5739.31 of the Revised Code to have a vendor's license and subsequently becomes a nonresident or conceals the person's whereabouts, makes the secretary of state the person's agent for the service of process or notice in any assessment, action, or proceedings instituted in this state against such person under sections 5739.01 to 5739.31 and 5741.01 to 5741.22 of the Revised Code. Such process or notice shall be served as provided under section 5703.37 of the Revised Code.
Section 5739.132 | Interest on unpaid tax, fee, or charge; interest on refund.
September 29, 2017
Latest Legislation:
House Bill 49 - 132nd General Assembly
(A) If a tax, fee, or charge due under this chapter or Chapter 128. or 5741. of the Revised Code is not paid on or before the day the payment is required to be paid, interest shall accrue on the unpaid tax, fee, or charge at the rate per annum prescribed by section 5703.47 of the Revised Code from the day the tax, fee, or charge was required to be paid until the tax, fee, or charge is paid or until the day an assessment is issued under section 5739.13 or 5739.15 of the Revised Code, whichever occurs first. Interest shall be paid in the same manner as the tax, fee, or charge, and may be collected by assessment. (B) Interest shall be allowed and paid on any refund granted pursuant to section 128.47, 5739.07, or 5741.10 of the Revised Code from the date of the overpayment. The interest shall be computed at the rate per annum prescribed by section 5703.47 of the Revised Code.
Section 5739.133 | Penalties for failure to remit - preassessment interest.
September 29, 2000
Latest Legislation:
House Bill 612 - 123rd General Assembly
(A) A penalty may be added to every amount assessed under section 5739.13 or 5739.15 of the Revised Code as follows: (1) In the case of an assessment against a person who fails to collect and remit the tax required by this chapter or Chapter 5741. of the Revised Code, up to fifty per cent of the amount assessed; (2) In the case of a person whom the tax commissioner believes has collected the tax but failed to remit it to the state as required by this chapter or Chapter 5741. of the Revised Code, up to fifty per cent of the amount assessed; (3) In the case of all other assessments, up to fifteen per cent of the amount assessed. No amount assessed under section 5739.13 or 5739.15 of the Revised Code shall be subject to a penalty under this section in excess of fifty per cent of the amount assessed. (B) All assessments issued under section 5739.13 and 5739.15 of the Revised Code shall include preassessment interest computed at the rate per annum prescribed by section 5703.47 of the Revised Code. Beginning January 1, 1988, preassessment interest shall begin to accrue on the first day of January of the year following the date on which the person assessed was required to report and pay the tax under this chapter or Chapter 5741. of the Revised Code, and shall run until the date of the notice of assessment. If an assessment is issued within the first twelve months after the interest begins to accrue, no preassessment interest shall be assessed. With respect to taxes required to be paid under this chapter or Chapter 5741. of the Revised Code on or after January 1, 1998, interest shall accrue as prescribed in division (A) of section 5739.132 of the Revised Code. (C) The commissioner may adopt rules providing for the imposition and remission of any penalty provided for under this section.
Section 5739.14 | Sale of entire business - successor liable for taxes and penalties due.
December 12, 1967
Latest Legislation:
House Bill 919 - 107th General Assembly
If any person liable for the taxes levied by or pursuant to sections 5739.01 to 5739.31, inclusive, of the Revised Code, sells his business or stock of merchandise, or quits his business, the taxes and interest or penalty imposed by or pursuant to such sections on sales made prior to that time shall become due and payable immediately, and such person shall make a final return within fifteen days after the date of selling or quitting business. His successor shall withhold a sufficient amount of the purchase money to cover the amount of such taxes, interest, and penalties due and unpaid until the former owner produces a receipt from the tax commissioner showing that the taxes, interest, and penalties have been paid, or a certificate indicating that no taxes are due. If the purchaser of the business or stock of goods fails to withhold purchase money, he shall be personally liable for the payment of the taxes, interest, and penalties accrued and unpaid during the operation of the business by the former owner.
Section 5739.15 | Jeopardy assessment.
Latest Legislation:
House Bill 241 - 126th General Assembly
(A) If the tax commissioner finds that a vendor, consumer, or officer, employee, or trustee of a corporation or business trust who is liable for any tax or charge levied by this chapter or Chapter 5741. of the Revised Code is about to depart from the state, remove the person's property from the state, conceal the person's self or property, or do any other act tending to prejudice, obstruct, or render wholly or partly ineffectual proceedings to collect the tax unless the proceedings are commenced without delay, or if the commissioner believes that the collection of the amount due from any vendor, consumer, or officer, employee, or trustee of a corporation or business trust will be jeopardized by delay, the commissioner may issue a jeopardy assessment against the person for the amount of the tax or charge plus a penalty as provided by section 5739.133 of the Revised Code. Upon issuance of a jeopardy assessment under this division, the total amount assessed shall immediately be due and payable unless security is provided pursuant to division (C) of this section. Any assessment issued under this section shall bear interest as prescribed by section 5739.13 of the Revised Code. (B) The commissioner immediately shall file an entry with the clerk of the court of common pleas in the same manner and with the same effect as provided in section 5739.13 of the Revised Code. Notice of the jeopardy assessment shall be served on the person assessed or the person's legal representative, as provided in section 5703.37 of the Revised Code, within five days of the filing of the entry. The person assessed may petition for reassessment within sixty days of receipt of the notice of jeopardy assessment in the same manner as provided in section 5739.13 of the Revised Code. Full or partial payment of the assessment shall not prejudice the commissioner's consideration of the merits of the assessment as contested by the petition for reassessment. Upon notification of the existence of the judgment filed pursuant to this division, any public official having control or custody of any funds or property of the person assessed immediately shall pay or deliver the funds or property to the commissioner as full or partial satisfaction of the jeopardy assessment. However, funds or property needed as evidence in criminal proceedings or that is expected to be forfeited pursuant to Chapter 2981. of the Revised Code, need not be relinquished by the public official. Upon disposition of criminal and forfeiture proceedings, funds and property not needed as evidence and not forfeited shall be delivered to the commissioner. (C) If the person subject to a jeopardy assessment files a petition for reassessment and posts security satisfactory to the commissioner in an amount sufficient to satisfy the unpaid balance of the assessment, execution on the judgment shall be stayed pending disposition of the petition for reassessment and all appeals resulting from the petition. If the security is sufficient to satisfy the full amount of the assessment, the commissioner shall return any funds or property of the person previously seized. Upon satisfaction of the assessment, the commissioner shall order the security released and the judgment vacated.
Section 5739.16 | Four-year limitation for assessments - exceptions.
January 1, 2006
Latest Legislation:
House Bill 66 - 126th General Assembly
(A) Except as otherwise provided in this section, no assessment shall be made or issued against a vendor or consumer for any tax imposed by or pursuant to section 5739.02, 5739.021, 5739.023, 5739.026, or 5739.10 of the Revised Code more than four years after the return date for the period in which the sale or purchase was made, or more than four years after the return for such period is filed, whichever is later. A consumer who provides a fully completed exemption certificate pursuant to division (B) of section 5739.03 of the Revised Code may be assessed any tax imposed by or pursuant to section 5739.02, 5739.021, 5739.023, or 5739.026 of the Revised Code that results from denial of the claimed exemption within the later of a period otherwise allowed by this section or one year after the date the certificate was provided. This division does not bar an assessment: (1) When the tax commissioner has substantial evidence of amounts of taxes collected by a vendor from consumers on retail sales, which were not returned to the state; (2) When the vendor assessed failed to file a return as required by section 5739.12 of the Revised Code; (3) When the vendor or consumer and the commissioner waive in writing the time limitation. (B) No assessment shall be made or issued against a vendor or consumer for any tax imposed by or pursuant to section 5739.02, 5739.021, 5739.023, 5739.026, or 5739.10 of the Revised Code for any period during which there was in full force and effect a rule of the tax commissioner under or by virtue of which the collection or payment of any such tax was not required. This division does not bar an assessment when the tax commissioner has substantial evidence of amounts of taxes collected by a vendor from consumers on retail sales which were not returned to the state. (C) No assessment shall be made or issued against a person for any tax imposed pursuant to section 5739.101 of the Revised Code more than four years after the return date for the period in which the tax is imposed on the person's gross receipts, or more than four years after the return for such period is filed, whichever is later. This division does not bar an assessment when the person assessed failed to file a return as required under section 5739.102 of the Revised Code, or when the person and the commissioner waive in writing the time limitation.
Section 5739.17 | Vendor's license.
September 6, 2012
Latest Legislation:
House Bill 508 - 129th General Assembly
(A) No person shall engage in making retail sales subject to a tax imposed by or pursuant to section 5739.02, 5739.021, 5739.023, or 5739.026 of the Revised Code as a business without having a license therefor, except as otherwise provided in divisions (A)(1), (2), and (3) of this section. (1) In the dissolution of a partnership by death, the surviving partner may operate under the license of the partnership for a period of sixty days. (2) The heirs or legal representatives of deceased persons, and receivers and trustees in bankruptcy, appointed by any competent authority, may operate under the license of the person so succeeded in possession. (3) Two or more persons who are not partners may operate a single place of business under one license. In such case neither the retirement of any such person from business at that place of business, nor the entrance of any person, under an existing arrangement, shall affect the license or require the issuance of a new license, unless the person retiring from the business is the individual named on the vendor's license. Except as otherwise provided in this section, each applicant for a license shall make out and deliver to the county auditor of each county in which the applicant desires to engage in business, upon a blank to be furnished by such auditor for that purpose, a statement showing the name of the applicant, each place of business in the county where the applicant will make retail sales, the nature of the business, and any other information the tax commissioner reasonably prescribes in the form of a statement prescribed by the commissioner. At the time of making the application, the applicant shall pay into the county treasury a license fee in the sum of twenty-five dollars for each fixed place of business in the county that will be the situs of retail sales. Upon receipt of the application and exhibition of the county treasurer's receipt, showing the payment of the license fee, the county auditor shall issue to the applicant a license for each fixed place of business designated in the application, authorizing the applicant to engage in business at that location. (B) If a vendor's identity changes, the vendor shall apply for a new license. If a vendor wishes to move an existing fixed place of business to a new location within the same county, the vendor shall obtain a new vendor's license or submit a request to the commissioner to transfer the existing vendor's license to the new location. When the new location has been verified as being within the same county, the commissioner shall authorize the transfer and notify the county auditor of the change of location. If a vendor wishes to move an existing fixed place of business to another county, the vendor's license shall not transfer and the vendor shall obtain a new vendor's license from the county in which the business is to be located. The form of the license shall be prescribed by the commissioner. The fees collected shall be credited to the general fund of the county. If a vendor fails to notify the commissioner of a change of location of its fixed place of business or that its business has closed, the commissioner may cancel the vendor's license if ordinary mail sent to the location shown on the license is returned because of an undeliverable address. (C) The commissioner may establish or participate in a registration system whereby any vendor may obtain a vendor's license by submitting to the commissioner a vendor's license application and a license fee of twenty-five dollars for each fixed place of business at which the vendor intends to make retail sales. Under this registration system, the commissioner shall issue a vendor's license to the applicant on behalf of the county auditor of the county in which the applicant desires to engage in business, and shall forward a copy of the application and license fee to that county. All such license fees received by the commissioner for the issuance of vendor's licenses shall be deposited into the vendor's license application fund, which is hereby created in the state treasury. The commissioner shall certify to the director of budget and management within ten business days after the close of a month the license fees to be transmitted to each county from the vendor's license application fund for vendor's license applications received by the commissioner during that month. License fees transmitted to a county for which payment was not received by the commissioner may be netted against a future distribution to that county, including distributions made pursuant to section 5739.21 of the Revised Code. A vendor that makes retail sales subject to tax under Chapter 5739. of the Revised Code pursuant to a permit issued by the division of liquor control shall obtain a vendor's license in the identical name and for the identical address as shown on the permit. Except as otherwise provided in this section, if a vendor has no fixed place of business and sells from a vehicle, each vehicle intended to be used within a county constitutes a place of business for the purpose of this section. (D) As used in this section, "transient vendor" means any person who makes sales of tangible personal property from vending machines located on land owned by others, who leases titled motor vehicles, titled watercraft, or titled outboard motors, who effectuates leases that are taxed according to division (A)(2) of section 5739.02 of the Revised Code, or who, in the usual course of the person's business, transports inventory, stock of goods, or similar tangible personal property to a temporary place of business or temporary exhibition, show, fair, flea market, or similar event in a county in which the person has no fixed place of business, for the purpose of making retail sales of such property. A "temporary place of business" means any public or quasi-public place including, but not limited to, a hotel, rooming house, storeroom, building, part of a building, tent, vacant lot, railroad car, or motor vehicle that is temporarily occupied for the purpose of making retail sales of goods to the public. A place of business is not temporary if the same person conducted business at the place continuously for more than six months or occupied the premises as the person's permanent residence for more than six months, or if the person intends it to be a fixed place of business. Any transient vendor, in lieu of obtaining a vendor's license under division (A) of this section for counties in which the transient vendor has no fixed place of business, may apply to the tax commissioner, on a form prescribed by the commissioner, for a transient vendor's license. The transient vendor's license authorizes the transient vendor to make retail sales in any county in which the transient vendor does not maintain a fixed place of business. Any holder of a transient vendor's license shall not be required to obtain a separate vendor's license from the county auditor in that county. Upon the commissioner's determination that an applicant is a transient vendor, the applicant shall pay a license fee in the amount of twenty-five dollars, at which time the tax commissioner shall issue the license. The tax commissioner may require a vendor to be licensed as a transient vendor if, in the opinion of the commissioner, such licensing is necessary for the efficient administration of the tax. Any holder of a valid transient vendor's license may make retail sales at a temporary place of business or temporary exhibition, show, fair, flea market, or similar event, held anywhere in the state without complying with any provision of section 311.37 of the Revised Code. Any holder of a valid vendor's license may make retail sales as a transient vendor at a temporary place of business or temporary exhibition, show, fair, flea market, or similar event held in any county in which the vendor maintains a fixed place of business for which the vendor holds a vendor's license without obtaining a transient vendor's license. (E) Any vendor who is issued a license pursuant to this section shall display the license or a copy of it prominently, in plain view, at every place of business of the vendor. (F) No owner, organizer, or promoter who operates a fair, flea market, show, exhibition, convention, or similar event at which transient vendors are present shall fail to keep a comprehensive record of all such vendors, listing the vendor's name, permanent address, vendor's license number, and the type of goods sold. Such records shall be kept for four years and shall be open to inspection by the commissioner. (G) The commissioner may issue additional types of licenses if required to efficiently administer the tax imposed by this chapter.
Section 5739.18 | System for issuing vendor's licenses.
September 29, 2017
Latest Legislation:
House Bill 49 - 132nd General Assembly
The tax commissioner shall provide and maintain a system that will allow county auditors to issue vendor's licenses. County auditors shall use that system to issue vendor's licenses. The commissioner shall publish lists of the following information on the department of taxation's web site: (A) The name, account number, and business address of each holder of a vendor's license issued under section 5739.17 of the Revised Code, and information regarding the active or inactive status of the license; (B) The name, account number, and business address of each holder of a direct payment permit issued under section 5739.031 of the Revised Code and information regarding the active or inactive status of the permit; (C) The name, account number, and business address of each seller that has registered with the commissioner under section 5741.17 of the Revised Code and information regarding the active or inactive status of the registration.
Section 5739.19 | Revocation of license.
October 3, 2023
Latest Legislation:
House Bill 33 - 135th General Assembly
The tax commissioner may revoke any retail vendor's license upon ascertaining that the vendor has no need for the license because the vendor is not engaged in making taxable retail sales. Notice of the revocation shall be delivered to the vendor in the manner provided in section 5703.37 of the Revised Code. The revocation shall be effective on the first day of the month following the expiration of fifteen days after the vendor received the notice of the revocation. The revocation of the vendor's license shall be stayed if, within fifteen days after receiving notice of the revocation, the vendor objects, in writing, to the revocation. The commissioner shall consider the written objections of the vendor and issue a final determination on the revocation of the vendor's license. The commissioner's final determination may be appealed to the board of tax appeals pursuant to section 5717.02 of the Revised Code. The revocation shall be effective on the first day of the month following the expiration of all time limits for appeal.
Last updated July 31, 2023 at 4:48 PM
Section 5739.21 | Crediting of funds.
March 27, 2020
Latest Legislation:
House Bill 197 - 133rd General Assembly
(A) One hundred per cent of all money deposited into the state treasury under sections 5739.01 to 5739.31 of the Revised Code that is not required to be distributed as provided in section 5739.102 of the Revised Code or division (B) of this section shall be credited to the general revenue fund. (B)(1) In any case where any county or transit authority has levied a tax or taxes pursuant to section 5739.021, 5739.023, or 5739.026 of the Revised Code, the tax commissioner shall, within forty-five days after the end of each month, determine and certify to the director of budget and management the amount of the proceeds of such tax or taxes received during that month from billings and assessments, or associated with tax returns or reports filed during that month, to be returned to the county or transit authority levying the tax or taxes. The amount to be returned to each county and transit authority shall be a fraction of the aggregate amount of money collected with respect to each area in which one or more of such taxes are concurrently in effect with the tax levied by section 5739.02 of the Revised Code. The numerator of the fraction is the rate of the tax levied by the county or transit authority and the denominator of the fraction is the aggregate rate of such taxes applicable to such area. The amount to be returned to each county or transit authority shall be reduced by the amount of any refunds of county or transit authority tax paid pursuant to section 5739.07 of the Revised Code during the same month, or transfers made pursuant to division (B)(2) of section 5703.052 of the Revised Code. (2) On a periodic basis, using the best information available, the tax commissioner shall distribute any amount of a county or transit authority tax that cannot be distributed under division (B)(1) of this section. Through audit or other means, the commissioner shall attempt to obtain the information necessary to make the distribution as provided under that division and, on receipt of that information, shall make adjustments to distributions previously made under this division. (3) Eight and thirty-three one-hundredths of one per cent of the revenue collected from the tax due under division (A) of section 5739.029 of the Revised Code shall be distributed to the county where the sale of the motor vehicle is sitused under section 5739.033 of the Revised Code. The amount to be so distributed to the county shall be apportioned on the basis of the rates of taxes the county levies pursuant to sections 5739.021 and 5739.026 of the Revised Code, as applicable, and shall be credited to the funds of the county as provided in divisions (A) and (B) of section 5739.211 of the Revised Code. (C) The aggregate amount to be returned to any county or transit authority shall be reduced by one per cent, which shall be certified directly to the credit of the local sales tax administrative fund, which is hereby created in the state treasury. For the purpose of determining the amount to be returned to a county and transit authority in which the rate of tax imposed by the transit authority has been reduced under section 5739.028 of the Revised Code, the tax commissioner shall use the respective rates of tax imposed by the county or transit authority that results from the change in the rates authorized under that section. (D) The director of budget and management shall transfer, from the same funds and in the same proportions specified in division (A) of this section, to the permissive tax distribution fund created by division (B)(1) of section 4301.423 of the Revised Code and to the local sales tax administrative fund, the amounts certified by the tax commissioner. The tax commissioner shall then, on or before the twentieth day of the month in which such certification is made, provide for payment of such respective amounts to the county treasurer and to the fiscal officer of the transit authority levying the tax or taxes. The amount transferred to the local sales tax administrative fund is for use by the tax commissioner in defraying costs incurred in administering such taxes levied by a county or transit authority.
Section 5739.211 | Use and allocation of county sales tax funds.
Latest Legislation:
House Bill 530 - 126th General Assembly
(A) The moneys received by a county levying an additional sales tax pursuant to section 5739.021 of the Revised Code shall be deposited in the county general fund to be expended for any purpose for which general fund moneys of the county may be used, including the acquisition or construction of permanent improvements or to make payments in accordance with section 333.06 or 333.07 of the Revised Code, or in the bond retirement fund for the payment of debt service charges on notes or bonds of the county issued for the acquisition or construction of permanent improvements. The amounts to be deposited in each of such funds shall be determined by the board of county commissioners. (B) The moneys received by a county levying an additional sales tax pursuant to section 5739.026 of the Revised Code shall be deposited in a separate fund, which shall be allocated and distributed in accordance with the resolution adopted under such section. Moneys allocated for the purpose of division (A)(4) of section 5739.026 of the Revised Code shall be transferred to and disbursed from the community improvements fund in the county treasury. Notwithstanding section 135.351 of the Revised Code, if an allocation of moneys to a convention facilities authority or a transit authority is required pursuant to division (C) of section 5739.026 of the Revised Code, the county shall pay and distribute each authority's share of any such moneys to its fiscal officer within five business days of the date of their receipt by the county. If the moneys allocated under such division are not so paid, the county shall pay to such authority any interest that the county has received or will receive on such moneys that accrues from the date the county received the moneys, together with the principal amount of such moneys. (C) The moneys received by a transit authority levying an additional sales tax pursuant to section 5739.023 of the Revised Code shall be deposited in such fund or funds of the transit authority as determined by the legislative authority of the transit authority to be expended for any purpose for which a county transit board or the board of county commissioners operating a county transit system, in the case of a county, or the board of trustees of a regional transit authority, in the case of a regional transit authority, may expend moneys under their control, including the purchase, acquisition, construction, replacement, improvement, extension, or enlargement of permanent improvements and for the payment of debt service charges on notes or bonds of the transit authority.
Section 5739.213 | Payments from tourism development district.
March 23, 2018
Latest Legislation:
Senate Bill 8 - 132nd General Assembly
(A) As used in this section: (1) "Tourism development district" means a tourism development district designated by a township or municipal corporation under section 503.56 or 715.014 of the Revised Code, respectively. (2) "Incremental sales tax growth" means one of the following: (a) For a county, the amount of revenue from a tax levied under section 5739.021 or 5739.026 of the Revised Code, except for a tax levied under section 5739.021 of the Revised Code for the purpose of supporting criminal and administrative justice services, and received by the county under division (B) of section 5739.21 of the Revised Code from vendors located within a tourism development district during the preceding calendar year minus the amount of such revenue so received by the county during the calendar year ending immediately before the date the district is designated; (b) For a transit authority, the amount of revenue from a tax levied under section 5739.023 of the Revised Code received by the transit authority under division (B) of section 5739.21 of the Revised Code from vendors located within a tourism development district during the preceding calendar year minus the amount of such revenue so received by the transit authority during the calendar year ending immediately before the date the district is designated. (3) The "fiscal officer" of a municipal corporation means the city auditor, village clerk, or other municipal officer having the duties and functions of a city auditor or village clerk. (B)(1) The legislative authority of a municipal corporation or board of trustees of a township that has designated a tourism development district may adopt a resolution or ordinance expressing the legislative authority's or board's intent to receive annual payments from the county or transit authority whose territory overlaps with the territory of that district equal to the incremental sales tax growth from vendors located in the district. The legislative authority or board shall certify the ordinance or resolution to the board of county commissioners or transit authority. The resolution shall specify the municipal corporation's or township's intent to receive such payments and describe the boundaries of the tourism development district. That description shall include sufficient information for the county or transit authority to determine if the address of a vendor is within the boundaries of the district. (2) The board of county commissioners, within thirty days after receiving a certification under division (B)(1) of this section, may adopt and certify to that municipal corporation or township a resolution requiring the county to make payments to the municipal corporation or township under division (B)(4) of this section. The resolution shall prescribe the date by which the county annually shall make such payments, including the year of the first such payment. The resolution may prescribe a date or a period of time after which no such payments shall be made. (3) The transit authority, within thirty days after receiving a certification under division (B)(1) of this section, may adopt and certify to that municipal corporation or township a resolution requiring the transit authority to make payments to the municipal corporation or township under division (B)(4) of this section. The resolution shall prescribe the date by which the transit authority annually shall make such payments, including the year of the first such payment. (4) A county or transit authority certifying a resolution under division (B)(2) or (3) of this section, respectively, shall annually pay from its general fund to the municipal corporation or township that designated the tourism development district an amount equal to the county's or transit authority's incremental sales tax growth from vendors located in the tourism development district. Payments made by a county shall not be made after the date or period of time prescribed in the resolution for ending those payments if such a date or period is so prescribed. (C) A municipal corporation or township shall use revenue received under this section exclusively for fostering and developing tourism in the tourism development district. (D) On or before the annual date prescribed in a resolution adopted under division (B)(2) or (3) of this section, the fiscal officer of a municipal corporation or township receiving revenue from a county or transit authority under this section shall certify a list of vendors located within the tourism development district to the county or transit authority, which shall include the name, address, and vendor's license number for each vendor. The board of county commissioners or transit authority required to make payments under this section may require vendors located within the tourism development district to report their taxable sales and other necessary information to the county or transit authority for the purposes of calculating incremental sales tax growth. (E) If a municipal corporation or township receiving revenue under this section increases the territory of a tourism development district, the legislative authority of the municipal corporation or board of township trustees shall certify a copy of the resolution or ordinance expanding the territory of the district to the county or transit authority making payments under this section. That ordinance or resolution shall describe the boundaries of the tourism development district with sufficient information for the county or transit authority to determine if the address of a vendor is within the boundaries of the district. Upon receipt of such an ordinance or resolution, the county or transit authority shall recalculate its payments to the municipal corporation or township under division (B) of this section, except that "incremental sales tax growth" shall mean, in the context of the additional territory added to the tourism development district, the amount of revenue from taxes levied under sections 5739.021 and 5739.026 or section 5739.023 of the Revised Code received by the county or transit authority under division (B) of section 5739.21 of the Revised Code from vendors located within the tourism development district during the preceding calendar year minus the amount of such revenue so received by the county or transit authority ending before the date the territory is added to an existing district.
Section 5739.26 | Tax paid by consumer - prohibition against false certificates.
October 1, 1953
Latest Legislation:
House Bill 1 - 100th General Assembly
No consumer shall refuse to pay the full and exact tax as required by sections 5739.01 to 5739.31, inclusive, of the Revised Code, or refuse to comply with such sections and the rules and regulations of the tax commissioner, or present to the vendor a false certificate indicating that the sale is not subject to the tax.
Section 5739.29 | Vendor to collect tax - prohibition against rebate.
Latest Legislation:
Senate Bill 376 - 103rd General Assembly
No vendor shall fail to collect the full and exact tax as required by sections 5739.01 to 5739.31, inclusive, of the Revised Code, or fail to comply with such sections and the rules and regulations of the tax commissioner or, except as expressly authorized by such sections, refund, remit, or rebate, to a consumer, either directly or indirectly and, by whatsoever means, any of the tax levied by sections 5739.01 to 5739.31, inclusive, of the Revised Code, or make in any form of advertising, verbal or otherwise, any statements which might imply that he is absorbing the tax, or paying the tax for the consumer by an adjustment of prices, or selling at a price including the tax, or rebating the tax in any other manner.
Section 5739.30 | Return or report must be filed - prohibitions - actions by tax commissioner.
October 3, 2023
Latest Legislation:
House Bill 33 - 135th General Assembly
(A) No person, including any officer, employee, or trustee of a corporation or business trust, shall fail to file any return or report required to be filed by this chapter, or file or cause to be filed any incomplete, false or fraudulent return, report, or statement, or aid or abet another in the filing of any false or fraudulent return, report, or statement. (B) If any vendor required to file monthly returns under section 5739.12 of the Revised Code fails, on two consecutive months or on three or more months within a twelve-month period, to file such returns when due or to pay the tax thereon, or if any vendor authorized by the tax commissioner to file semiannual returns fails on two or more occasions within a twenty-four month period, to file such returns when due or to pay the tax due thereon, the commissioner may do any of the following: (1) Require the vendor to furnish security in an amount equal to the average tax liability of the vendor for a period of one year, as determined by the commissioner from a review of returns or other information pertaining to the vendor, which amount shall in no event be less than one thousand dollars. The security may be in the form of a corporate surety bond, satisfactory to the commissioner, conditioned upon payment of the tax due with the returns from the vendor. The security shall be filed within ten days following the vendor's receipt of the notice from the commissioner of its requirements. (2) Suspend the license issued to the vendor pursuant to section 5739.17 of the Revised Code. The suspension shall be effective ten days after service of written notice to the vendor of the commissioner's intention to do so. The notice shall be served upon the vendor in the manner provided in section 5703.37 of the Revised Code. On the first day of the suspension, the commissioner shall cause to be posted, at every public entrance of the vendor's premises, a notice identifying the vendor and the location and informing the public that the vendor's license is under suspension and that no retail sales may be transacted at that location. No person, other than the commissioner or the commissioner's agent or employee, shall remove, cover, or deface the posted notice. No license which has been suspended under this section shall be reinstated, and no posted notice shall be removed, until the vendor has filed complete and correct returns under this chapter and section 5747.07 of the Revised Code for all periods in which no return had been filed and has paid the full amount of the tax, penalties, or other charges due. A corporate surety bond filed under this section shall be returned to the vendor if, for a period of twelve consecutive months following the date the bond was filed, the vendor has filed all returns and remitted payment with them within the time prescribed in section 5739.12 of the Revised Code. (C) The tax commissioner may suspend a license issued to a vendor pursuant to section 5739.17 of the Revised Code if the vendor is required, as an employer, to file returns or make payments under section 5747.07 of the Revised Code and the vendor fails to do either of the following: (1) File such returns when due on two consecutive occasions or on three or more occasions within a twelve-month period; (2) Pay the undeposited taxes when due on two consecutive occasions or on three or more occasions within a twelve-month period. Any such suspension shall comply with the provisions of division (B)(2) of this section. (D) If a vendor whose license has been suspended under division (B)(2) of this section fails to file returns or make payments under section 5747.07 of the Revised Code during such suspension, the license may not be reinstated, and the notice required by that division shall not be removed, until the vendor files complete and correct returns and pays the amounts due, plus any penalties and other related charges, under section 5747.07 of the Revised Code for all periods for which the vendor failed to file such returns and make such payments.
Last updated September 13, 2023 at 2:54 PM
Section 5739.31 | Vendor or transient vendor's license - prohibitions upon license suspension.
September 6, 2002
Latest Legislation:
Senate Bill 200, Senate Bill 143 - 124th General Assembly
(A)(1) No person shall engage in the business of selling at retail or sell at retail incidental to any other regularly conducted business without having a license therefor, as required by sections 5739.01 to 5739.31 of the Revised Code. (2) No person shall engage in the business of selling at retail as a transient vendor, as defined in section 5739.17 of the Revised Code, without first having obtained a license as required by that section. (B) No person shall continue to engage in the business of selling at retail or sell at retail incidental to any other regularly conducted business after the license issued to that person pursuant to section 5739.17 of the Revised Code has been suspended by the tax commissioner under division (B)(2) of section 5739.30 of the Revised Code, nor shall any person obtain a new license from the county auditor or the tax commissioner while such suspension is in effect. If a corporation's license has been suspended, none of its officers, or employees having control or supervision of or charged with the responsibility of filing returns and making payments of tax due, shall obtain a license from the county auditor or the tax commissioner during the period of such suspension.
The Legislative Service Commission presents the text of this section as a composite of the section as amended by multiple acts of the General Assembly. This presentation recognizes the principle stated in R.C. 1.52(B) that amendments are to be harmonized if reasonably capable of simultaneous operation.
Section 5739.32 | Withholding tax funds to insure compliance by local officials.
October 11, 1976
Latest Legislation:
House Bill 920 - 111th General Assembly
If any public official fails to maintain the records required by sections 5739.01 to 5739.31 of the Revised Code, or by the regulations issued by the tax commissioner or the treasurer of state, pursuant to said sections, or fails to comply with any law relating to the enforcement of said sections, the funds allocated to that county shall be withheld until such time as the public official has complied with such sections or such law and the regulations issued pursuant thereto.
Section 5739.33 | Personal liability for tax.
Latest Legislation:
House Bill 95 - 125th General Assembly
If any corporation, limited liability company, or business trust required to file returns and to remit tax due to the state under this chapter, including a holder of a direct payment permit under section 5739.031 of the Revised Code, fails for any reason to make the filing or payment, any of its employees having control or supervision of or charged with the responsibility of filing returns and making payments, or any of its officers, members, managers, or trustees who are responsible for the execution of the corporation's, limited liability company's, or business trust's fiscal responsibilities, shall be personally liable for the failure. The dissolution, termination, or bankruptcy of a corporation, limited liability company, or business trust shall not discharge a responsible officer's, member's, manager's, employee's, or trustee's liability for a failure of the corporation, limited liability company, or business trust to file returns or remit tax due. The sum due for the liability may be collected by assessment in the manner provided in section 5739.13 of the Revised Code.
Section 5739.34 | No preememption.
February 20, 1986
Latest Legislation:
House Bill 583 - 116th General Assembly
The levy of any excise, income, or property tax by the state or any political subdivision thereof shall not be construed as preempting the power of a county or transit authority to levy an additional sales tax pursuant to section 5739.021, 5739.023, or 5739.026 of the Revised Code. No tax levied by a board of county commissioners pursuant to section 5739.023 of the Revised Code shall become effective at any time while a tax levied by the board of trustees of a regional transit authority pursuant to such section is in effect in any part of such county.
Section 5739.35 | Delegation of investigative powers.
December 2, 1996
Latest Legislation:
House Bill 670 - 121st General Assembly
For purposes of enforcing this chapter, the tax commissioner, in accordance with section 5743.45 of the Revised Code, may delegate any investigation powers of the commissioner to any employee of the department of taxation who has been certified by the Ohio peace officer training commission and who is engaged in the enforcement of this chapter. Upon such a delegation in accordance with that section, the provisions of that section relative to the powers and authority of the employee and the suspension or revocation of the delegation apply. No employee of the department shall divulge any information acquired as a result of any investigation pursuant to this chapter, except as may be required by the commissioner or a court. The department shall cooperate with the attorney general, local law enforcement officials, and the appropriate agencies of the federal government and other states in the investigation and prosecution of violations of this chapter.
Section 5739.36 | Report of tax revenue by industry classification.
September 29, 2005
Latest Legislation:
House Bill 66 - 126th General Assembly
(A) For the purpose of tracking the growth and overall economic impact of the travel and tourism industry in this state, the tax commissioner shall prepare a report summarizing the amount of tax revenue collected during each semiannual period ending on the last day of June or December, annually. The commissioner shall prepare the report by industry classification using business activity codes. The report shall include the combined total statewide collections from the taxes levied under sections 5739.02, 5739.021, 5739.023, 5739.026, 5741.02, 5741.021, 5741.022, and 5741.023 of the Revised Code as reported by taxpayers with respect to collections during the semiannual period. The report shall reflect all industries included in the industrial classification system used by the commissioner the activities of which relate in any way to travel and tourism, including, but not limited to, industries such as bars and restaurants; hotels, motels, and other lodging establishments; and other industries related to travel and tourism. The first report shall be for the semiannual period ending December 31, 2005. (B) The tax commissioner shall file a copy of the report required under this section with the governor, the president of the senate, the speaker of the house of representatives, and the legislative service commission. The reports shall be filed on or before the first day of May or November, annually, that immediately follows the semiannual period to which the report relates. A copy of the commissioner's most recent report shall be made available to the public through the department of taxation's official internet web site. (C) The commissioner shall adopt rules that are necessary to administer this section.
Section 5739.41 | Sales tax holiday designation.
October 3, 2023
Latest Legislation:
House Bill 33 - 135th General Assembly
If the director of budget and management makes a certification to the tax commissioner under division (B) of section 131.44 of the Revised Code in a fiscal year, the commissioner shall designate the dates on which a sales tax holiday will be held in the following fiscal year. If the sales tax holiday will be held for three days, the commissioner shall designate the period that includes the first Friday of August and the following Saturday and Sunday of that fiscal year. If the sales tax holiday will be held for more than three days, the commissioner shall designate the three dates during that period and, as necessary, additional consecutive dates that either precede or follow that period. The commissioner shall notify vendors of the dates on which a sales tax holiday will be held not later than the first day of June preceding the holiday.
Last updated September 13, 2023 at 5:39 PM
Section 5739.99 | Penalty.
September 6, 2002
Latest Legislation:
Senate Bill 200, Senate Bill 143 - 124th General Assembly
(A) Whoever violates section 5739.26 or 5739.29 of the Revised Code shall be fined not less than twenty-five nor more than one hundred dollars for a first offense; for each subsequent offense such person shall, if a corporation, be fined not less than one hundred nor more than five hundred dollars, or if an individual, or a member of a partnership, firm, or association, be fined not less than twenty-five nor more than one hundred dollars, or imprisoned not more than sixty days, or both. (B) Whoever violates division (A) of section 5739.30 of the Revised Code shall be fined not less than one hundred nor more than one thousand dollars, or imprisoned not more than sixty days, or both. (C)(1) Whoever violates division (A)(1) of section 5739.31 of the Revised Code shall be fined not less than twenty-five nor more than one hundred dollars. If the offender previously has been convicted of a violation of division (A)(1) of section 5739.31 of the Revised Code, the offender is guilty of a felony of the fourth degree. (2) Whoever violates division (A)(2) of section 5739.31 of the Revised Code shall be fined not less than one hundred dollars nor more than five hundred dollars, or imprisoned for not more than ten days, or both, for the first offense; for each subsequent offense, each such person shall be fined not less than one thousand dollars nor more than twenty-five hundred dollars, or imprisoned not more than thirty days, or both. The motor vehicles and goods of any person charged with violating division (A)(2) of section 5739.31 of the Revised Code may be impounded and held pending the disposition of the charge, and may be sold at auction by the county sheriff in the manner prescribed by law to satisfy any fine imposed by this division. (3) Whoever violates division (B) of section 5739.31 of the Revised Code is guilty of a felony of the fourth degree. Each day that business is conducted while a vendor's license is suspended constitutes a separate offense. (D) Except as otherwise provided in this section, whoever violates sections 5739.01 to 5739.31 of the Revised Code, or any lawful rule promulgated by the department of taxation under authority of such sections, shall be fined not less than twenty-five nor more than one hundred dollars. (E) Whoever violates section 5739.12 of the Revised Code by failing to remit to the state the tax collected under section 5739.02, 5739.021, 5739.023, or 5739.026 of the Revised Code is guilty of a felony of the fourth degree and shall suffer the loss of the person's vendor's license as required by section 5739.17 of the Revised Code. A person shall not be eligible for a vendor's license for two years following conviction. (F) Whoever violates division (E) of section 5739.17 of the Revised Code is guilty of failure to display a transient vendor's license, a minor misdemeanor. A sheriff or police officer in a municipal corporation may enforce this division. The prosecuting attorney of a county shall inform the tax commissioner of any instance when a complaint is brought against a transient vendor pursuant to this division. (G) Whoever violates section 5739.103 of the Revised Code shall be fined not less than twenty-five nor more than one hundred dollars. If the offender previously has been convicted of violating that section, the offender is guilty of a felony of the fourth degree. (H) The penalties provided in this section are in addition to any penalties imposed by the tax commissioner under section 5739.133 of the Revised Code.
The Legislative Service Commission presents the text of this section as a composite of the section as amended by multiple acts of the General Assembly. This presentation recognizes the principle stated in R.C. 1.52(B) that amendments are to be harmonized if reasonably capable of simultaneous operation.