The Legislative Service Commission staff updates the Revised Code on an ongoing basis, as it completes its act review of enacted legislation.
Updates may be slower during some times of the year, depending on the volume of enacted legislation.
Section |
Section 4517.01 | Motor vehicle dealer, auction owner and salesperson definitions.
August 9, 2024
Latest Legislation:
House Bill 195 (GA 135), House Bill 33 (GA 135)
As used in sections 4517.01 to 4517.65 of the Revised Code: (A) "Persons" includes individuals, partnerships, associations, joint stock companies, corporations, sole proprietorships, limited liability companies, limited liability partnerships, business trusts, and any other legally recognized business entities or any combinations of individuals. (B) "Motor vehicle" means motor vehicle as defined in section 4501.01 of the Revised Code and also includes "all-purpose vehicle" and "off-highway motorcycle" as those terms are defined in section 4519.01 of the Revised Code. "Motor vehicle" does not include a snowmobile as defined in section 4519.01 of the Revised Code or manufactured and mobile homes. (C) "New motor vehicle" means a motor vehicle, the legal title to which has never been transferred by a manufacturer, remanufacturer, distributor, or dealer to an ultimate purchaser. (D) "Ultimate purchaser" means, with respect to any new motor vehicle, the first person, other than a dealer purchasing in the capacity of a dealer, who in good faith purchases such new motor vehicle for purposes other than resale. (E) "Business" includes any activities engaged in by any person for the object of gain, benefit, or advantage either direct or indirect, including activities conducted through the internet or another computer network. (F) "Engaging in business" means commencing, conducting, or continuing in business, or liquidating a business when the liquidator thereof holds self out to be conducting such business; making a casual sale or otherwise making transfers in the ordinary course of business when the transfers are made in connection with the disposition of all or substantially all of the transferor's assets is not engaging in business. (G) "Retail sale" or "selling at retail" means the act or attempted act of selling, bartering, exchanging, or otherwise disposing of a motor vehicle, including through use of the internet or another computer network, to an ultimate purchaser. (H) "Retail installment contract" includes any contract in the form of a note, chattel mortgage, conditional sales contract, lease, agreement, or other instrument payable in one or more installments over a period of time and arising out of the retail sale of a motor vehicle. (I) "Farm machinery" means all machines and tools used in the production, harvesting, and care of farm products. (J) "Dealer" or "motor vehicle dealer" means any new motor vehicle dealer, any motor vehicle leasing dealer, any adaptive mobility dealer, and any used motor vehicle dealer. (K) "New motor vehicle dealer" means any person engaged in the business of selling at retail, displaying, offering for sale, or dealing in new motor vehicles pursuant to a contract or agreement entered into with the manufacturer, remanufacturer, or distributor of the motor vehicles. (L) "Used motor vehicle dealer" means any person engaged in the business of selling, displaying, offering for sale, or dealing in used motor vehicles, at retail or wholesale, but does not mean any new motor vehicle dealer selling, displaying, offering for sale, or dealing in used motor vehicles incidentally to engaging in the business of selling, displaying, offering for sale, or dealing in new motor vehicles, any person engaged in the business of dismantling, salvaging, or rebuilding motor vehicles by means of using used parts, or any public officer performing official duties. (M) "Motor vehicle leasing dealer" means any person engaged in the business of regularly making available, offering to make available, or arranging for another person to use a motor vehicle pursuant to a bailment, lease, sublease, or other contractual arrangement under which a charge is made for its use at a periodic rate for a term of thirty days or more, and title to the motor vehicle is in and remains in the motor vehicle leasing dealer who originally leases it, irrespective of whether or not the motor vehicle is the subject of a later sublease, and not in the user, including any financial institution acting as a lessor for a lease or sublease. "Motor vehicle leasing dealer" does not include a new motor vehicle dealer that is not the lessor and that only assists in arranging a lease on the lessor's behalf or a manufacturer or its affiliate leasing to its employees or to dealers. (N) "Salesperson" means any person employed by a dealer to sell, display, and offer for sale, or deal in motor vehicles for a commission, compensation, or other valuable consideration, but does not mean any public officer performing official duties. (O) "Casual sale" means any transfer of a motor vehicle by a person other than a new motor vehicle dealer, used motor vehicle dealer, adaptive mobility dealer, motor vehicle salvage dealer, as defined in division (A) of section 4738.01 of the Revised Code, salesperson, motor vehicle auction owner, manufacturer, or distributor acting in the capacity of a dealer, salesperson, auction owner, manufacturer, or distributor, to a person who purchases the motor vehicle for use as a consumer. (P) "Motor vehicle auction owner" means any person who is engaged wholly or in part in the business of auctioning motor vehicles, but does not mean a construction equipment auctioneer or a construction equipment auction licensee. (Q) "Manufacturer" means a person who manufactures, assembles, or imports motor vehicles, including motor homes, but does not mean a person who only assembles or installs a body, special equipment unit, finishing trim, or accessories on a motor vehicle chassis supplied by a manufacturer or distributor. (R) "Tent-type fold-out camping trailer" means any vehicle intended to be used, when stationary, as a temporary shelter with living and sleeping facilities, and that is subject to the following properties and limitations: (1) A minimum of twenty-five per cent of the fold-out portion of the top and sidewalls combined must be constructed of canvas, vinyl, or other fabric, and form an integral part of the shelter. (2) When folded, the unit must not exceed: (a) Fifteen feet in length, exclusive of bumper and tongue; (b) Sixty inches in height from the point of contact with the ground; (c) Eight feet in width; (d) One ton gross weight at time of sale. (S) "Distributor" means any person authorized by a motor vehicle manufacturer to distribute new motor vehicles to licensed new motor vehicle dealers, but does not mean a person who only assembles or installs a body, special equipment unit, finishing trim, or accessories on a motor vehicle chassis supplied by a manufacturer or distributor. (T) "Flea market" means a market place, other than a dealer's location licensed under this chapter, where a space or location is provided for a fee or compensation to a seller to exhibit and offer for sale or trade, motor vehicles to the general public. (U) "Franchise" means any written agreement, contract, or understanding between any motor vehicle manufacturer or remanufacturer engaged in commerce and any new motor vehicle dealer that purports to fix the legal rights and liabilities of the parties to such agreement, contract, or understanding. (V) "Franchisee" means a person who receives new motor vehicles from the franchisor under a franchise agreement and who offers, sells, and provides service for such new motor vehicles to the general public. (W) "Franchisor" means a new motor vehicle manufacturer, remanufacturer, or distributor who supplies new motor vehicles under a franchise agreement to a franchisee. (X) "Dealer organization" means a state or local trade association the membership of which is comprised predominantly of new motor vehicle dealers. (Y) "Factory representative" means a representative employed by a manufacturer, remanufacturer, or by a factory branch primarily for the purpose of promoting the sale of its motor vehicles, parts, or accessories to dealers or for supervising or contacting its dealers or prospective dealers. (Z) "Administrative or executive management" means those individuals who are not subject to federal wage and hour laws. (AA) "Good faith" means honesty in the conduct or transaction concerned and the observance of reasonable commercial standards of fair dealing in the trade as is defined in section 1301.201 of the Revised Code, including, but not limited to, the duty to act in a fair and equitable manner so as to guarantee freedom from coercion, intimidation, or threats of coercion or intimidation; provided however, that recommendation, endorsement, exposition, persuasion, urging, or argument shall not be considered to constitute a lack of good faith. (BB) "Coerce" means to compel or attempt to compel by failing to act in good faith or by threat of economic harm, breach of contract, or other adverse consequences. Coerce does not mean to argue, urge, recommend, or persuade. (CC) "Relevant market area" means any area within a radius of ten miles from the site of a potential new dealership, except that for manufactured home or recreational vehicle dealerships the radius shall be twenty-five miles. The ten-mile radius shall be measured from the dealer's established place of business that is used exclusively for the purpose of selling, displaying, offering for sale, or dealing in motor vehicles. (DD) "Wholesale" or "at wholesale" means the act or attempted act of selling, bartering, exchanging, or otherwise disposing of a motor vehicle to a transferee for the purpose of resale and not for ultimate consumption by that transferee. (EE) "Motor vehicle wholesaler" means any person licensed as a dealer under the laws of another state and engaged in the business of selling, displaying, or offering for sale used motor vehicles, at wholesale, but does not mean any motor vehicle dealer as defined in this section. (FF)(1) "Remanufacturer" means a person who assembles or installs passenger seating, walls, a roof elevation, or a body extension on a conversion van with the motor vehicle chassis supplied by a manufacturer or distributor, a person who modifies a truck chassis supplied by a manufacturer or distributor for use as a public safety or public service vehicle, a person who modifies a motor vehicle chassis supplied by a manufacturer or distributor for use as a limousine or hearse, or a person who modifies an incomplete motor vehicle cab and chassis supplied by a new motor vehicle dealer or distributor for use as a tow truck, but does not mean either of the following: (a) A person who assembles or installs passenger seating, a roof elevation, or a body extension on a recreational vehicle as defined in division (Q) and referred to in division (B) of section 4501.01 of the Revised Code; (b) An adaptive mobility dealer. (2) For the purposes of division (FF)(1) of this section, "public safety vehicle or public service vehicle" means a fire truck, ambulance, school bus, street sweeper, garbage packing truck, or cement mixer, or a mobile self-contained facility vehicle. (3) For the purposes of division (FF)(1) of this section, "limousine" means a motor vehicle, designed only for the purpose of carrying nine or fewer passengers, that a person modifies by cutting the original chassis, lengthening the wheelbase by forty inches or more, and reinforcing the chassis in such a way that all modifications comply with all applicable federal motor vehicle safety standards. No person shall qualify as or be deemed to be a remanufacturer who produces limousines unless the person has a written agreement with the manufacturer of the chassis the person utilizes to produce the limousines to complete properly the remanufacture of the chassis into limousines. (4) For the purposes of division (FF)(1) of this section, "hearse" means a motor vehicle, designed only for the purpose of transporting a single casket, that is equipped with a compartment designed specifically to carry a single casket that a person modifies by cutting the original chassis, lengthening the wheelbase by ten inches or more, and reinforcing the chassis in such a way that all modifications comply with all applicable federal motor vehicle safety standards. No person shall qualify as or be deemed to be a remanufacturer who produces hearses unless the person has a written agreement with the manufacturer of the chassis the person utilizes to produce the hearses to complete properly the remanufacture of the chassis into hearses. (5) For the purposes of division (FF)(1) of this section, "mobile self-contained facility vehicle" means a mobile classroom vehicle, mobile laboratory vehicle, bookmobile, bloodmobile, testing laboratory, and mobile display vehicle, each of which is designed for purposes other than for passenger transportation and other than the transportation or displacement of cargo, freight, materials, or merchandise. A vehicle is remanufactured into a mobile self-contained facility vehicle in part by the addition of insulation to the body shell, and installation of all of the following: a generator, electrical wiring, plumbing, holding tanks, doors, windows, cabinets, shelving, and heating, ventilating, and air conditioning systems. (6) For the purposes of division (FF)(1) of this section, "tow truck" means both of the following: (a) An incomplete cab and chassis that are purchased by a remanufacturer from a new motor vehicle dealer or distributor of the cab and chassis and on which the remanufacturer then installs in a permanent manner a wrecker body it purchases from a manufacturer or distributor of wrecker bodies, installs an emergency flashing light pylon and emergency lights upon the mast of the wrecker body or rooftop, and installs such other related accessories and equipment, including push bumpers, front grille guards with pads and other custom-ordered items such as painting, special lettering, and safety striping so as to create a complete motor vehicle capable of lifting and towing another motor vehicle. (b) An incomplete cab and chassis that are purchased by a remanufacturer from a new motor vehicle dealer or distributor of the cab and chassis and on which the remanufacturer then installs in a permanent manner a car carrier body it purchases from a manufacturer or distributor of car carrier bodies, installs an emergency flashing light pylon and emergency lights upon the rooftop, and installs such other related accessories and equipment, including push bumpers, front grille guards with pads and other custom-ordered items such as painting, special lettering, and safety striping. As used in division (FF)(6)(b) of this section, "car carrier body" means a mechanical or hydraulic apparatus capable of lifting and holding a motor vehicle on a flat level surface so that one or more motor vehicles can be transported, once the car carrier is permanently installed upon an incomplete cab and chassis. (GG) "Operate as a new motor vehicle dealership" means engaging in activities such as displaying, offering for sale, and selling new motor vehicles at retail, operating a service facility to perform repairs and maintenance on motor vehicles, offering for sale and selling motor vehicle parts at retail, and conducting all other acts that are usual and customary to the operation of a new motor vehicle dealership. For the purposes of this chapter only, possession of either a valid new motor vehicle dealer franchise agreement or a new motor vehicle dealers license, or both of these items, is not evidence that a person is operating as a new motor vehicle dealership. (HH) "Outdoor power equipment" means garden and small utility tractors, walk-behind and riding mowers, chainsaws, and tillers. (II) "Remote service facility" means premises that are separate from a licensed new motor vehicle dealer's sales facility by not more than one mile and that are used by the dealer to perform repairs, warranty work, recall work, and maintenance on motor vehicles pursuant to a franchise agreement entered into with a manufacturer of motor vehicles. A remote service facility shall be deemed to be part of the franchise agreement and is subject to all the rights, duties, obligations, and requirements of Chapter 4517. of the Revised Code that relate to the performance of motor vehicle repairs, warranty work, recall work, and maintenance work by new motor vehicle dealers. (JJ) "Recreational vehicle" has the same meaning as in section 4501.01 of the Revised Code. (KK) "Construction equipment auctioneer" means a person who holds both a valid auction firm license issued under Chapter 4707. of the Revised Code and a valid construction equipment auction license issued under this chapter. (LL) "Large construction or transportation equipment" means vehicles having a gross vehicle weight rating of more than ten thousand pounds and includes road rollers, traction engines, power shovels, power cranes, commercial cars and trucks, or farm trucks, and other similar vehicles obtained primarily from the construction, mining, transportation or farming industries. (MM) "Local market conditions" includes, but is not limited to: (1) Demographics in the franchisee's area; (2) Geographical and market characteristics in the franchisee's area; (3) Local economic circumstances; (4) The proximity of other motor vehicle dealers of the same line-make; (5) The proximity of motor vehicle manufacturing facilities; (6) The buying patterns of motor vehicle purchasers; (7) Customer drive time and drive distance. (NN) "Established place of business" means a permanent, enclosed building or structure that meets all of the following requirements: (1) It is either owned, leased, or rented by the motor vehicle dealer. (2) It meets local zoning or municipal requirements. (3) It is regularly occupied by at least one person. (4) It is easily accessible to the public. (5) The records and files necessary to conduct the business are generally kept and maintained at the location or are readily accessible and available for reasonable inspection from the location. "Established place of business" does not mean a residence, tent, temporary stand, storage shed, lot, or any temporary quarters, unless authorized by the registrar of motor vehicles. (OO) "Adaptive mobility dealer" means any person engaged in the business of all of the following: (1) Selling at retail, displaying, offering for sale, delivering, and dealing in adaptive mobility vehicles; (2) Selling and installing adaptive mobility equipment, related accessories, and other goods and services to meet the automotive adaptive mobility needs of drivers and passengers with disabilities; (3) Providing maintenance and repair services for adaptive mobility vehicles and adaptive mobility equipment. (PP) "Adaptive mobility equipment" means the mechanical or electronic devices or parts that are designed to facilitate the use of a motor vehicle by a person who is aging or a person with disabilities, in accordance with 49 C.F.R. part 571, and that are permanently attached to or incorporated into the motor vehicle.
The Legislative Service Commission presents the text of this section as a composite of the section as amended by multiple acts of the General Assembly. This presentation recognizes the principle stated in R.C. 1.52(B) that amendments are to be harmonized if reasonably capable of simultaneous operation.
Last updated May 30, 2024 at 10:04 AM
Section 4517.011 | Construction of chapter.
September 14, 2016
Latest Legislation:
Senate Bill 242 - 131st General Assembly
(A) The distribution and sale of motor vehicles in this state vitally affects commerce, the economy, and the public interest, welfare, and safety. In order to promote the interests of this state, Chapter 4517. of the Revised Code shall be liberally construed in order to ensure a sound system for distributing and selling motor vehicles through all of the following: (1) Enforcing the comprehensive and uniform framework for licensing and regulating manufacturers, distributors, wholesalers, and dealers of motor vehicles; (2) Promoting the right of the public to post-sale mechanical and operational services between the buyer and seller that are necessary to ensure the safe operating condition of a motor vehicle and are expected and implied at the time of sale; (3) Enforcing Chapter 4517. of the Revised Code as to other persons to provide for compliance with the manufacturer's warranties and to prevent fraud, unfair practices, discrimination, or other abuses; (4) Maintaining full and fair competition among intra- brand and inter-brand dealers; (5) Maintaining strong and sound dealerships in order to provide continuing and necessary reliable services to the citizens of this state and to provide stable employment to the citizens of this state. (B) The distribution and sale of motor vehicles is a matter of general statewide interest that requires uniform statewide regulation and the provisions of the Revised Code governing such distribution and sale constitute a comprehensive plan with regard to such issues.
Section 4517.02 | License required to engage in motor vehicle or manufactured home business - remanufacturers.
August 9, 2024
Latest Legislation:
House Bill 195 - 135th General Assembly
(A) Except as otherwise provided in this section, no person shall do any of the following: (1) Engage in the business of displaying or selling at retail new motor vehicles or assume to engage in that business, unless the person is licensed as a new motor vehicle dealer under sections 4517.01 to 4517.45 of the Revised Code, or is a salesperson licensed under those sections and employed by a licensed new motor vehicle dealer; (2) Engage in the business of offering for sale, displaying for sale, or selling at retail or wholesale used motor vehicles or assume to engage in that business, unless the person is licensed as a new motor vehicle dealer, used motor vehicle dealer, or motor vehicle leasing dealer under sections 4517.01 to 4517.45 of the Revised Code, is a salesperson licensed under those sections and employed by a licensed used motor vehicle dealer or licensed new motor vehicle dealer, or the person holds a construction equipment auction license issued under section 4517.17 of the Revised Code; (3) Engage in the business of regularly making available, offering to make available, or arranging for another person to use a motor vehicle, in the manner described in division (M) of section 4517.01 of the Revised Code, unless the person is licensed as a motor vehicle leasing dealer under sections 4517.01 to 4517.45 of the Revised Code; (4) Engage in the business of motor vehicle auctioning or assume to engage in that business, unless the person is licensed as a motor vehicle auction owner under sections 4517.01 to 4517.45 of the Revised Code and the person uses an auctioneer who is licensed under Chapter 4707. of the Revised Code to conduct the motor vehicle auctions or the person holds a construction equipment auction license issued under section 4517.17 of the Revised Code; (5) Engage in the business of distributing motor vehicles or assume to engage in that business, unless the person is licensed as a distributor under sections 4517.01 to 4517.45 of the Revised Code; (6) Make more than five casual sales of motor vehicles in a twelve-month period, commencing with the day of the month in which the first such sale is made, nor provide a location or space for the sale of motor vehicles at a flea market, without obtaining a license as a dealer under sections 4517.01 to 4517.45 of the Revised Code, provided that nothing in this section shall be construed to prohibit the disposition without a license of a motor vehicle originally acquired and held for purposes other than sale, rental, or lease to an employee, retiree, officer, or director of the person making the disposition, to a corporation affiliated with the person making the disposition, or to a person licensed under sections 4517.01 to 4517.45 of the Revised Code; (7) Engage in the business of auctioning both large construction or transportation equipment and also motor vehicles incident thereto, unless the person is a construction equipment auctioneer or the person is licensed as a motor vehicle auction owner and the person uses an auctioneer who is licensed under Chapter 4707. of the Revised Code to conduct the auction; (8) Engage in the business of displaying or selling at retail adaptive mobility vehicles or assume to engage in that business, unless the person is licensed as an adaptive mobility dealer under sections 4517.01 to 4517.45 of the Revised Code, or is a salesperson licensed under those sections and employed by a licensed adaptive mobility dealer, except that a licensed new motor vehicle dealer may sell at retail a used adaptive mobility vehicle. (B) Nothing in this section shall be construed to require an auctioneer licensed under sections 4707.01 to 4707.19 of the Revised Code, to obtain a motor vehicle salesperson's license under sections 4517.01 to 4517.45 of the Revised Code when conducting an auction sale for a licensed motor vehicle dealer on the dealer's premises, or when conducting an auction sale for a licensed motor vehicle auction owner; nor shall such an auctioneer be required to obtain a motor vehicle auction owner's license under sections 4517.01 to 4517.45 of the Revised Code when engaged in auctioning for a licensed motor vehicle auction owner. The establishment of a construction equipment auction license by Am. Sub. H.B. 114 of the 129th general assembly shall not in any way modify, limit, or restrict in any manner the conduct of auctions by persons licensed under Chapter 4707. of the Revised Code who are acting in compliance with that chapter. (C) Sections 4517.01 to 4517.45 of the Revised Code do not apply to any of the following: (1) Persons engaging in the business of selling commercial tractors, trailers, or semitrailers incidentally to engaging primarily in business other than the selling or leasing of motor vehicles; (2) Mortgagees selling at retail only those motor vehicles that have come into their possession by a default in the terms of a mortgage contract; (3) The leasing, rental, and interchange of motor vehicles used directly in the rendition of a public utility service by regulated motor carriers. (D) When a partnership licensed under sections 4517.01 to 4517.45 of the Revised Code is dissolved by death, the surviving partners may operate under the license for a period of sixty days, and the heirs or representatives of deceased persons and receivers or trustees in bankruptcy appointed by any competent authority may operate under the license of the person succeeded in possession by that heir, representative, receiver, or trustee in bankruptcy. (E) No remanufacturer shall engage in the business of selling at retail any new motor vehicle without having written authority from the manufacturer or distributor of the vehicle to sell new motor vehicles and to perform repairs under the terms of the manufacturer's or distributor's new motor vehicle warranty, unless, at the time of the sale of the vehicle, each customer is furnished with a binding agreement ensuring that the customer has the right to have the vehicle serviced or repaired by a new motor vehicle dealer who is franchised to sell and service vehicles of the same line-make as the chassis of the remanufactured vehicle purchased by the customer and whose service or repair facility is located within either twenty miles of the remanufacturer's location and place of business or twenty miles of the customer's residence or place of business. If there is no such new motor vehicle dealer located within twenty miles of the remanufacturer's location and place of business or the customer's residence or place of business, the binding agreement furnished to the customer may be with the new motor vehicle dealer who is franchised to sell and service vehicles of the same line-make as the chassis of the remanufactured vehicle purchased by the customer and whose service or repair facility is located nearest to the remanufacturer's location and place of business or the customer's residence or place of business. Additionally, at the time of sale of any vehicle, each customer of the remanufacturer shall be furnished with a warranty issued by the remanufacturer for a term of at least one year. (F) No adaptive mobility dealer shall do any of the following: (1) Represent that the dealer is engaged in the business of selling new motor vehicles; (2) Sell, transfer, or offer to sell or transfer a new motor vehicle unless that new motor vehicle is purchased through a licensed new motor vehicle dealer; (3) Sell or offer to sell an adaptive mobility vehicle without written documentation proving that the vehicle was adapted or modified in accordance with 49 C.F.R. part 568 or 595. (G) Except as otherwise provided in this division, whoever violates this section is guilty of a minor misdemeanor and shall be subject to a mandatory fine of one hundred dollars. If the offender previously has been convicted of or pleaded guilty to a violation of this section, whoever violates this section is guilty of a misdemeanor of the first degree and shall be subject to a mandatory fine of one thousand dollars. (H) The offenses established under this section are strict liability offenses and section 2901.20 of the Revised Code does not apply. The designation of these offenses as strict liability offenses shall not be construed to imply that any other offense, for which there is no specified degree of culpability, is not a strict liability offense.
Last updated May 22, 2024 at 4:45 PM
Section 4517.021 | Rules governing auction of classic motor vehicles.
Latest Legislation:
House Bill 51 - 130th General Assembly
(A) Sections 4517.01, 4517.02, and 4517.03 to 4517.45 of the Revised Code do not apply to a person auctioning classic motor vehicles, provided all of the following apply: (1) The person is responsible for not more than four auctions of classic motor vehicles per year, with no auction lasting more than two days; (2) The person requests and receives permission for the auction from the registrar of motor vehicles by filing an application for each proposed auction of classic motor vehicles, at least thirty days before the auction, in a form prescribed by the registrar, signed and sworn to by the person, that contains all of the following: (a) The person's name and business address; (b) The location of the auction; (c) Evidence, sufficient to satisfy the registrar, that the person does not exclusively sell motor vehicles; (d) Any necessary, reasonable, and relevant information that the registrar may require to verify compliance with this section. (3) The person will be auctioning the classic motor vehicle to the general public for the legal owner of the vehicle, which ownership must be evidenced at the time of the auction by a valid certificate of title issued pursuant to Chapter 4505. of the Revised Code; (4) The person keeps a record of the following information for each classic motor vehicle offered for sale at auction, in a manner prescribed by the registrar: (a) The certificate of title number, county, and state of registration; (b) The year, make, model, and vehicle identification number; (c) The name and address of the person offering the vehicle for sale; (d) The name and address of any vehicle purchaser; (e) The date the vehicle is offered for sale; (f) Any purchase price; (g) The odometer reading at the time of the auction and an odometer statement from the person offering the vehicle for sale at auction that complies with 49 U.S.C. 32705. (5) The person allows reasonable inspection by the registrar of the person's records relating to each classic motor vehicle auction. (B) Any person that auctions classic motor vehicles under this section shall use the auction services of an auction firm to conduct the auction. (C) The registrar may refuse permission to hold an auction if the registrar finds that the person has not complied with division (A) of this section or has made a false statement of a material fact in the application filed under division (A)(2) of this section. (D) The registrar shall not authorize a person licensed under section 4707.072 of the Revised Code to offer auction services or act as an auctioneer in regard to an auction of classic motor vehicles pursuant to this section. (E) As used in this section: (1) "Auction firm" and "auction services" have the same meanings as in section 4707.01 of the Revised Code. (2) "Classic motor vehicle" means a motor vehicle that is over twenty-six years old.
Section 4517.03 | Established place of business restrictions.
August 9, 2024
Latest Legislation:
House Bill 195 - 135th General Assembly
(A) A place of business that is used for selling, displaying, offering for sale, or dealing in motor vehicles shall be considered as used exclusively for those purposes even though snowmobiles, farm machinery, outdoor power equipment, watercraft and related products, or products manufactured or distributed by a motor vehicle manufacturer with which the motor vehicle dealer has a franchise agreement are sold or displayed there, or if repair, accessory, gasoline and oil, storage, parts, service, or paint departments are maintained there, or such products or services are provided there, if the departments are operated or the products or services are provided for the business of selling, displaying, offering for sale, or dealing in motor vehicles. Places of business or departments in a place of business used to dismantle, salvage, or rebuild motor vehicles by means of using used parts, are not considered as being maintained for the purpose of assisting or furthering the selling, displaying, offering for sale, or dealing in motor vehicles. A place of business shall be considered as used exclusively for selling, displaying, offering for sale, or dealing in motor vehicles even though a business owned by a motor vehicle leasing dealer or a motor vehicle renting dealer is located at the place of business. (B)(1)(a) No new motor vehicle dealer shall sell, display, offer for sale, or deal in motor vehicles at any place except an established place of business that is used exclusively for the purpose of selling, displaying, offering for sale, or dealing in motor vehicles. The place of business shall have space, under roof, for the display of at least one new motor vehicle. The established place of business or, if the dealer operates a remote service facility, the dealer's remote service facility shall have facilities and space for the inspection, servicing, and repair of at least one motor vehicle. However a new motor vehicle dealer selling manufactured or mobile homes is exempt from the requirement that a place of business have space, under roof, for the display of at least one new motor vehicle and facilities and space for the inspection, servicing, and repair of at least one motor vehicle. (b) A new motor vehicle dealer does not violate division (B)(1) of this section if a customer of the new motor vehicle dealer executes purchase or lease documentation at a location other than the new motor vehicle dealer's established place of business. (c) A commercial transaction involving the sale or lease by a new motor vehicle dealer of a new or used heavy duty vehicle, as defined in 49 C.F.R. 523.6, is deemed to have taken place at the new motor vehicle dealer's established place of business if the sale or lease is negotiated and the documents are executed at the customer's business location. (2) A licensed new motor vehicle dealer may operate a remote service facility with the consent of the manufacturer and only to perform repairs, warranty work, recall work, and maintenance on motor vehicles as part of the dealer's franchised and licensed new motor vehicle dealership. The remote service facility shall be included on the new motor vehicle dealer's license and be deemed to be part of the dealer's licensed location. (3) No person shall use a remote service facility for selling, displaying, or offering for sale motor vehicles. (C) No used motor vehicle dealer shall sell, display, offer for sale, or deal in motor vehicles at any place except an established place of business that is used exclusively for the purpose of selling, displaying, offering for sale, or dealing in motor vehicles. A used motor vehicle dealer does not violate division (C) of this section if a customer of the used motor vehicle dealer executes purchase or lease documentation at a location other than the used motor vehicle dealer's established place of business. (D) No motor vehicle leasing dealer shall make a motor vehicle available for use by another, in the manner described in division (M) of section 4517.01 of the Revised Code, at any place except an established place of business that is used for leasing motor vehicles; except that a motor vehicle leasing dealer who is also a new motor vehicle dealer or used motor vehicle dealer may lease motor vehicles at the same place of business at which the dealer sells, offers for sale, or deals in new or used motor vehicles. (E) No motor vehicle leasing dealer or motor vehicle renting dealer shall sell a motor vehicle within ninety days after a certificate of title to the motor vehicle is issued to the dealer, except as follows: (1) A salvage certificate of title may be issued to replace the original certificate of title. (2) A motor vehicle leasing dealer may sell a motor vehicle to another motor vehicle leasing dealer at the end of a sublease pursuant to that sublease. (3) A motor vehicle leasing dealer may sell a motor vehicle previously titled to an ultimate purchaser to another licensed motor vehicle dealer. (4) A motor vehicle leasing dealer may sell a motor vehicle when the motor vehicle has been titled in the dealer's name or in the name of an entity affiliated with the dealer in this state or another state for a cumulative period of ninety days. (F) No distributor shall distribute new motor vehicles to new motor vehicle dealers at any place except an established place of business that is used exclusively for the purpose of distributing new motor vehicles to new motor vehicle dealers; except that a distributor who is also a new motor vehicle dealer may distribute new motor vehicles at the same place of business at which the distributor sells, displays, offers for sale, or deals in new motor vehicles. (G) No person, firm, or corporation that sells, displays, or offers for sale tent-type fold-out camping trailers is subject to the requirement that the person's, firm's, or corporation's place of business be used exclusively for the purpose of selling, displaying, offering for sale, or dealing in motor vehicles. No person, firm, or corporation that sells, displays, or offers for sale tent-type fold-out camping trailers, trailers, semitrailers, or park trailers is subject to the requirement that the place of business have space, under roof, for the display of at least one new motor vehicle and facilities and space for the inspection, servicing, and repair of at least one motor vehicle. (H) No adaptive mobility dealer shall sell, display, offer for sale, or deal in adaptive mobility vehicles or adaptive mobility equipment at any place except an established place of business that is used exclusively for the purpose of selling, displaying, offering for sale, or dealing in adaptive mobility vehicles or adaptive mobility equipment. The established place of business shall have space, under roof, for the display of at least one adaptive mobility vehicle. The established place of business also shall have facilities and space for the inspection, servicing, and repair of at least one adaptive mobility vehicle and any associated adaptive mobility equipment. It is not a violation of this section if the adaptive mobility dealer is also a remanufacturer or a motor vehicle leasing dealer. An adaptive mobility dealer does not violate division (H) of this section if a customer of the adaptive mobility dealer executes purchase or lease documentation at a location other than the adaptive mobility dealer's established place of business. (I) Nothing in this section shall be construed to prohibit persons licensed under this chapter from making sales calls. (J) Whoever violates this section is guilty of a misdemeanor of the fourth degree. (K) As used in this section: (1) "Motor vehicle leasing dealer" has the same meaning as in section 4517.01 of the Revised Code. (2) "Motor vehicle renting dealer" has the same meaning as in section 4549.65 of the Revised Code. (3) "Watercraft" has the same meaning as in section 1546.01 of the Revised Code.
Last updated May 22, 2024 at 4:46 PM
Section 4517.04 | Application for new motor vehicle dealer's license.
October 9, 2021
Latest Legislation:
House Bill 263 - 133rd General Assembly
Each person applying for a new motor vehicle dealer's license shall biennially make out and deliver to the registrar of motor vehicles, before the first day of April, and upon a blank to be furnished by the registrar for that purpose, a separate application for license for each county in which the business of selling new motor vehicles is to be conducted. The application shall be in the form prescribed by the registrar, shall be signed and sworn to by the applicant, and, in addition to any other information required by the registrar, shall include the following: (A) Name of applicant and location of principal place of business; (B) Name or style under which business is to be conducted and, if a corporation, the state of incorporation; (C) Name and address of each owner or partner and, if a corporation, the names of the officers and directors; (D) The county in which the business is to be conducted and the address of each place of business therein; (E) A statement of the previous history, record, and association of the applicant and of each owner, partner, officer, and director, that shall be sufficient to establish to the satisfaction of the registrar the reputation in business of the applicant; (F) A statement showing whether the applicant has previously applied for a motor vehicle dealer's license, motor vehicle leasing dealer's license, distributor's license, motor vehicle auction owner's license, or motor vehicle salesperson's license, and the result of the application, and whether the applicant has ever been the holder of any such license that was revoked or suspended; (G) If the applicant is a corporation or partnership, a statement showing whether any partner, employee, officer, or director has been refused a motor vehicle dealer's license, motor vehicle leasing dealer's license, distributor's license, motor vehicle auction owner's license, or motor vehicle salesperson's license, or has been the holder of any such license that was revoked or suspended; (H) A statement of the makes of new motor vehicles to be handled. The statement required by division (E) of this section shall indicate whether the applicant or, if applicable, any of the applicant's owners, partners, officers, or directors, individually, or as owner, partner, officer, or director of a business entity, has been convicted of, pleaded guilty, or pleaded no contest, in a criminal action, a disqualifying offense as determined under section 9.79 of the Revised Code, or had a judgment rendered against the person in a civil action for a violation of sections 4549.41 to 4549.46 of the Revised Code, of any substantively comparable provisions of the law of any other state, or of subchapter IV of the "Motor Vehicle Information and Cost Savings Act," 86 Stat. 961 (1972), 15 U.S.C. 1981. A true copy of the contract, agreement, or understanding the applicant has entered into or is about to enter into with the manufacturer or distributor of the new motor vehicles the applicant will handle shall be filed with the application. If the contract, agreement, or understanding is not in writing, a written statement of all the terms thereof shall be filed. Each such copy or statement shall bear a certificate signed by each party to the contract, agreement, or understanding, to the effect that the copy or statement is true and complete and contains all of the agreements made or about to be made between the parties. The application also shall be accompanied by a photograph, as prescribed by the registrar, of each place of business operated, or to be operated, by the applicant.
Last updated October 9, 2021 at 4:54 AM
Section 4517.041 | Application for adaptive mobility dealer's license.
August 9, 2024
Latest Legislation:
House Bill 195 - 135th General Assembly
(A) Each person applying for an adaptive mobility dealer's license shall biennially complete and deliver to the registrar of motor vehicles, before the first day of April, a separate license application for each county in which the business of dealing in adaptive mobility vehicles is to be conducted. The registrar shall prescribe the form of the application, which shall include all of the following: (1) The name of the applicant and location of the principal place of business; (2) The name or style under which the business is to be conducted and, if a corporation, the state of incorporation; (3) The name and address of each owner or partner and, if a corporation, the names of the officers and directors; (4) The county in which the business is to be conducted and the address of each place of business therein; (5) A statement of the previous history, record, and association of the applicant and of each owner, partner, officer, and director, that shall be sufficient to establish to the satisfaction of the registrar the applicant's business reputation; (6) A statement showing whether the applicant has previously applied for a motor vehicle dealer's license, motor vehicle leasing dealer's license, distributor's license, motor vehicle auction owner's license, or motor vehicle salesperson's license, and the result of the application, and whether the applicant has ever been the holder of any such license that was revoked or suspended; (7) If the applicant is a corporation or partnership, a statement showing whether any partner, employee, officer, or director has been denied a motor vehicle dealer's license, motor vehicle leasing dealer's license, distributor's license, motor vehicle auction owner's license, or motor vehicle salesperson's license, or has been the holder of any such license that was revoked or suspended; (8) A statement that each place of business operated by the applicant will either meet or exceed the accessibility guidelines of the "Americans with Disabilities Act of 1990," 42 U.S.C. 12101, et seq.; (9) A statement acknowledging that any new motor vehicle purchased by an adaptive mobility dealer shall be purchased through a new motor vehicle dealer. (10) Any other information required by the registrar. (B)(1) The applicant shall sign and swear to the application. (2) The application shall be accompanied by a photograph, as prescribed by the registrar, of each place of business operated, or to be operated, by the applicant. (C) The statement required by division (A)(5) of this section shall indicate whether the applicant or, if applicable, any of the applicant's owners, partners, officers, or directors, individually, or as owner, partner, officer, or director of a business entity, has been convicted of, pleaded guilty to, or pleaded no contest to, in a criminal action, a disqualifying offense as determined under section 9.79 of the Revised Code, or had a judgment rendered against the person in a civil action for a violation of sections 4549.41 to 4549.46 of the Revised Code, of any substantively comparable provisions of the law of any other state, or of subchapter IV of the "Motor Vehicle Information and Cost Savings Act," 86 Stat. 961 (1972), 15 U.S.C. 1981.
Last updated May 24, 2024 at 5:24 PM
Section 4517.05 | Application for used motor vehicle dealer's license; mandatory training.
October 3, 2023
Latest Legislation:
House Bill 33 - 135th General Assembly
(A) Each person applying for a used motor vehicle dealer's license shall biennially, before the first day of April, make out and deliver to the registrar of motor vehicles, upon a blank to be furnished by the registrar for that purpose, a separate application for license for each county in which such business is to be conducted. The application shall be in the form prescribed by the registrar, shall be signed and sworn to by the applicant, and, in addition to such other information as is required by the registrar, shall include the information specified in divisions (A) to (H) of section 4517.04 of the Revised Code. The application shall be accompanied by a photograph, as prescribed by the registrar, of each place of business operated, or to be operated, by the applicant. An application for a used motor vehicle dealer's license by any person who is subject to division (B)(1) of this section shall be accompanied by documentation, as prescribed by the motor vehicle dealers board, showing that within the immediately preceding six months, an owner, officer, partner, or director of the business entity applying for the used motor vehicle dealer's license has successfully completed a used motor vehicle dealer training course. (B)(1) Except as provided in divisions (B)(2) and (3) of this section, an owner, officer, partner, or director of a business entity applying for a used motor vehicle dealer license ninety days or more after September 4, 2012, shall, within six months immediately preceding the date of applying for the license, successfully complete a used motor vehicle dealer training course that complies with the rules of the motor vehicle dealers board adopted under division (C) of this section. (2) No person applying for a used motor vehicle dealer's license shall be required to have an owner, officer, partner, or director of the business entity complete a used motor vehicle dealer training course if any owner, officer, partner, or director of the business entity held a used or new motor vehicle dealer's license within the two-year period immediately preceding the date of application and the previously held license was not revoked or suspended. (3) No person applying for a used motor vehicle dealer's license shall be required to have an owner, officer, partner, or director of the related business entity complete a used motor vehicle dealer training course if the person holds a salvage motor vehicle auction license pursuant to Chapter 4738. of the Revised Code or a motor vehicle auction owner license pursuant to Chapter 4517. of the Revised Code. (C)(1) In accordance with Chapter 119. of the Revised Code, the motor vehicle dealers board shall adopt rules governing used motor vehicle dealer training courses. The rules shall do all of the following: (a) Require a course provider to be an institution of higher education, as defined in section 3345.12 of the Revised Code, or a relevant professional or trade association that has been in existence for more than five years and has a majority of members who are motor vehicle dealers licensed in this state; (b) Establish any additional qualifications for course providers; (c) Establish the course curriculum, which shall include information on applicable federal and state law, including consumer protection laws, and shall require at least six hours but not more than twenty-four hours of instruction; (d) Prescribe the form for the certificate of completion, which shall require the course provider to attest that the person named on the certificate successfully completed at least six hours of used motor vehicle dealer training; (e) Establish any other reasonable requirements the board considers necessary. (2) The board shall maintain information received from any course provider concerning course location, content, length, and cost and shall provide the information to any person upon request. (3) The registrar shall not issue a used motor vehicle dealer license to any person subject to division (B)(1) of this section unless an owner, officer, partner, or director of a business entity applying for the used motor vehicle dealer license has successfully completed a used motor vehicle dealer training course that complies with the requirements of this division. (D)(1) Any person offering used motor vehicle dealer training courses shall do all of the following: (a) Conform the course to rules of the motor vehicle dealers board; (b) Establish reasonable fees for courses offered; (c) Issue, on a form prescribed by the board, a certificate of completion to each person who successfully completes a course of instruction; (d) Notify the board of the course location, content, length, and cost. (2) A course provider may use information and material from the bureau of motor vehicles and the attorney general. (E) Nothing in this section shall affect or apply to new motor vehicle dealer licensing.
Last updated September 25, 2023 at 10:05 AM
Section 4517.06 | Application for motor vehicle leasing dealer's license.
October 3, 2023
Latest Legislation:
House Bill 33 - 135th General Assembly
Each person applying for a motor vehicle leasing dealer's license shall biennially, before the first day of April, make out and deliver to the registrar of motor vehicles, upon a blank to be furnished by the registrar for that purpose, a separate application for license for each county in which the business of leasing motor vehicles, as described in division (M) of section 4517.01 of the Revised Code, is to be conducted. The application shall be in the form prescribed by the registrar, shall be signed and sworn to by the applicant, and, in addition to such other information as is required by the registrar, shall include the information specified in divisions (A) to (H) of section 4517.04 of the Revised Code. The application shall be accompanied by a photograph, as prescribed by the registrar, of each place of business operated, or to be operated, by the applicant.
Last updated September 25, 2023 at 10:06 AM
Section 4517.07 | Application for motor vehicle auction owner's license - records to be open for inspection.
October 3, 2023
Latest Legislation:
House Bill 33 - 135th General Assembly
Each person applying for a motor vehicle auction owner's license shall biennially, before the first day of April, make out and deliver to the registrar of motor vehicles, upon a blank to be furnished by the registrar for that purpose, a separate application for license for each county in which such business is to be conducted. The application shall be in the form prescribed by the registrar, shall be signed and sworn to by the applicant, and, in addition to such other information as is required by the registrar, shall include the information specified in divisions (A) to (H) of section 4517.04 of the Revised Code. The application shall be accompanied by a photograph, as prescribed by the registrar, of each place of business operated, or to be operated, by the applicant. The business records, relating to the auctioning of motor vehicles, of a licensed motor vehicle auction owner shall be open for reasonable inspection by the registrar or the registrar's authorized agent.
Last updated September 25, 2023 at 10:07 AM
Section 4517.08 | Application for distributor's license.
October 3, 2023
Latest Legislation:
House Bill 33 - 135th General Assembly
Each person applying for a distributor's license shall biennially, before the first day of April, make out and deliver to the registrar of motor vehicles, upon a blank to be furnished by the registrar for that purpose, a separate application for license for each place of business maintained. The application shall be in the form prescribed by the registrar, shall be signed and sworn to by the applicant, and, in addition to such other information as is required by the registrar, shall include: (A) Name of applicant and location of principal place of distribution; (B) The county or counties in which business is to be conducted; (C) A statement showing the makes of motor vehicles to be distributed; (D) The information specified in divisions (B), (C), (E), (F), (G), and (H) of section 4517.04 of the Revised Code. At the time of application, the applicant shall furnish to the registrar a true copy of the applicant's appointment as a distributor by a motor vehicle manufacturer. The appointment shall be signed and sworn to by the applicant. The application shall also be accompanied by a photograph, as prescribed by the registrar, of each place of business operated, or to be operated, by the applicant.
Last updated September 25, 2023 at 10:08 AM
Section 4517.09 | Application for salesperson's license.
October 9, 2021
Latest Legislation:
House Bill 263 - 133rd General Assembly
Each person applying for a salesperson's license shall biennially make out and deliver to the registrar of motor vehicles, before the first day of July and upon a blank to be furnished by the registrar for that purpose, an application for license. The application shall be in the form prescribed by the registrar, shall be signed and sworn to by the applicant, and, in addition to any other information required by the registrar, shall include the following: (A) Name and post-office address of the applicant; (B) Name and post-office address of the motor vehicle dealer for whom the applicant intends to act as salesperson; (C) A statement of the applicant's previous history, record, and association, that shall be sufficient to establish to the satisfaction of the registrar the applicant's reputation in business; (D) A statement as to whether the applicant intends to engage in any occupation or business other than that of a motor vehicle salesperson; (E) A statement as to whether the applicant has ever had any previous application refused, and whether the applicant has previously had a license revoked or suspended; (F) A statement as to whether the applicant was an employee of or salesperson for a dealer whose license was suspended or revoked; (G) A statement of the motor vehicle dealer named therein, designating the applicant as the dealer's salesperson. The statement required by division (C) of this section shall indicate whether the applicant individually, or as an owner, partner, officer, or director of a business entity, has been convicted of, or pleaded guilty to, in a criminal action, a disqualifying offense as determined under section 9.79 of the Revised Code, or had a judgment rendered against the applicant in a civil action for a violation of sections 4549.41 to 4549.46 of the Revised Code, of any substantively comparable provisions of the law of any other state, or of subchapter IV of the "Motor Vehicle Information and Cost Savings Act," 86 Stat. 961 (1972), 15 U.S.C. 1981.
Last updated February 5, 2025 at 4:01 PM
Section 4517.10 | Prescribed forms and fees for licenses.
Latest Legislation:
House Bill 53 - 131st General Assembly
At the time the registrar of motor vehicles grants the application of any person for a license as motor vehicle dealer, motor vehicle leasing dealer, distributor, motor vehicle auction owner, or motor vehicle salesperson, the registrar shall issue to the person a license. The registrar shall prescribe different forms for the licenses of motor vehicle dealers, motor vehicle leasing dealers, distributors, motor vehicle auction owners, and motor vehicle salespersons, and all licenses shall include the name and post-office address of the person licensed. The fee for a motor vehicle dealer's license and a motor vehicle leasing dealer's license shall be fifty dollars. In addition to the license fee, the registrar shall collect from each applicant for an initial motor vehicle dealer's license and motor vehicle leasing dealer's license a separate fee in an amount equal to the last assessment required by section 4505.181 of the Revised Code for all motor vehicle dealers and motor vehicle leasing dealers. The registrar shall deposit the separate fee into the state treasury to the credit of the title defect recision fund created in section 1345.52 of the Revised Code. The fee for a salesperson's license shall be ten dollars. The fee for a motor vehicle auction owner's license shall be one hundred dollars for each location. The fee for a distributor's license shall be one hundred dollars for each distributorship. In all cases, the fee shall accompany the application for license. The registrar may require each applicant for a license issued under this chapter to pay an additional fee, which shall be used by the registrar to pay the costs of obtaining a record of any arrests and convictions of the applicant from the Ohio bureau of identification and investigation. The amount of the fee shall be equal to that paid by the registrar to obtain such record. If a motor vehicle dealer or a motor vehicle leasing dealer has more than one place of business in the county, the dealer shall make application, in such form as the registrar prescribes, for a certified copy of the license issued to the dealer for each place of business operated. In the event of the loss, mutilation, or destruction of a license issued under sections 4517.01 to 4517.65 of the Revised Code, any licensee may make application to the registrar, in such form as the registrar prescribes, for a duplicate copy thereof. The fee for a certified or duplicate copy of a motor vehicle dealer's, motor vehicle leasing dealer's, distributor's, or auction owner's license, is two dollars, and the fee for a duplicate copy of a salesperson's license is one dollar. All fees for such copies shall accompany the applications. Beginning on September 16, 2004, all motor vehicle dealers' licenses, motor vehicle leasing dealers' licenses, distributors' licenses, auction owners' licenses, and all salespersons' licenses issued or renewed shall expire biennially on a day within the two-year cycle that is prescribed by the registrar, unless sooner suspended or revoked. Before the first day after the day prescribed by the registrar in the year that the license expires, each licensed motor vehicle dealer, motor vehicle leasing dealer, distributor, and auction owner and each licensed salesperson, in the year in which the license will expire, shall file an application, in such form as the registrar prescribes, for the renewal of such license. The fee for renewing a motor vehicle dealer's license and a motor vehicle leasing dealer's license shall be fifty dollars. The fee for renewing a salesperson's license shall be ten dollars. The fee for renewing a motor vehicle auction owner's license shall be one hundred dollars for each location. The fee for renewing a distributor's license shall be one hundred dollars for each distributorship. In all cases the license renewal fee shall accompany the renewal application. Any salesperson's license shall be suspended upon the termination, suspension, or revocation of the license of the motor vehicle dealer for whom the salesperson is acting, or upon the salesperson leaving the service of the motor vehicle dealer; provided that upon the termination, suspension, or revocation of the license of the motor vehicle dealer for whom the salesperson is acting, or upon the salesperson leaving the service of a licensed motor vehicle dealer, the licensed salesperson, upon entering the service of any other licensed motor vehicle dealer, shall make application to the registrar, in such form as the registrar prescribes, to have the salesperson's license reinstated, transferred, and registered as a salesperson for the other dealer. If the information contained in the application is satisfactory to the registrar, the registrar shall have the salesperson's license reinstated, transferred, and registered as a salesperson for the other dealer. The fee for the reinstatement and transfer of license shall be two dollars. No license issued to a motor vehicle dealer, motor vehicle leasing dealer, auction owner, or salesperson, under sections 4517.01 to 4517.65 of the Revised Code shall be transferable to any other person. Each motor vehicle dealer, motor vehicle leasing dealer, distributor, and auction owner shall keep the dealer's or auction owner's license or a certified copy thereof posted in a conspicuous place in each place of business. A dealer shall keep a current list of the dealer's licensed salespersons, showing the names, addresses, and serial numbers of their licenses and shall make the list available upon request. Each salesperson shall keep the salesperson's license or a certified copy thereof at the salesperson's place of business and shall provide such license or copy upon demand to any inspector of the bureau of motor vehicles, state highway patrol trooper, police officer, or person with whom the salesperson seeks to transact business as a motor vehicle salesperson. The notice of refusal to grant a license shall disclose the reason for refusal.
Section 4517.11 | License fees credited to pubilc safety - highway purposes fund.
Latest Legislation:
House Bill 26 - 132nd General Assembly
All license fees required by section 4517.10 of the Revised Code shall be paid to the registrar of motor vehicles, who shall pay the same into the state treasury to the credit of the public safety - highway purposes fund established by section 4501.06 of the Revised Code.
Section 4517.12 | Denial of license as motor vehicle dealer, motor vehicle leasing dealer, manufactured home broker, or motor vehicle auction owner.
Latest Legislation:
House Bill 281 - 134th General Assembly
(A) The registrar of motor vehicles shall deny the application of any person for a license as a motor vehicle dealer, motor vehicle leasing dealer, or motor vehicle auction owner and refuse to issue the license if the registrar finds that the applicant: (1) Has made any false statement of a material fact in the application; (2) Has not complied with sections 4517.01 to 4517.45 of the Revised Code; (3) Is of bad business repute or has habitually defaulted on financial obligations; (4) Is engaged or will engage in the business of selling at retail any new motor vehicles without having written authority from the manufacturer or distributor thereof to sell new motor vehicles and to perform repairs under the terms of the manufacturer's or distributor's new motor vehicle warranty, except as provided in division (C) of this section and except that a person who assembles or installs special equipment or accessories for persons with disabilities, as defined in section 4503.44 of the Revised Code, upon a motor vehicle chassis supplied by a manufacturer or distributor shall not be denied a license pursuant to division (A)(4) of this section; (5) Has been convicted of a disqualifying offense as determined in accordance with section 9.79 of the Revised Code; (6) Has entered into or is about to enter into a contract or agreement with a manufacturer or distributor of motor vehicles that is contrary to sections 4517.01 to 4517.45 of the Revised Code; (7) Is insolvent; (8) Is of insufficient responsibility to ensure the prompt payment of any final judgments that might reasonably be entered against the applicant because of the transaction of business as a motor vehicle dealer, motor vehicle leasing dealer, or motor vehicle auction owner during the period of the license applied for, or has failed to satisfy any such judgment; (9) Has no established place of business that, where applicable, is used or will be used for the purpose of selling, displaying, offering for sale, dealing in, or leasing motor vehicles at the location for which application is made; (10) Has, less than twelve months prior to making application, been denied a motor vehicle dealer's, motor vehicle leasing dealer's, or motor vehicle auction owner's license, or has any such license revoked; (11) Is a manufacturer, or a parent company, subsidiary, or affiliated entity of a manufacturer, applying for a license to sell or lease new or used motor vehicles at retail. Division (A)(11) of this section shall not serve as a basis for the termination, revocation, or nonrenewal of a license granted prior to September 4, 2014. Nothing in division (A)(11) of this section shall prohibit a manufacturer from doing either of the following: (a) Owning, operating, or controlling not more than three licensed motor vehicle dealerships if, as of January 1, 2014, the manufacturer was selling or otherwise distributing its motor vehicles at an established place of business in this state. Such ownership, operation, or control may continue unless the manufacturer's motor vehicle operations are sold or acquired or the manufacturer produces any motor vehicles other than all-electric motor vehicles. (b) Disposing of motor vehicles at wholesale at the termination of a consumer lease through a motor vehicle auction. (B) If the applicant is a corporation or partnership, the registrar may refuse to issue a license if any officer, director, or partner of the applicant has been guilty of any act or omission that would be cause for refusing or revoking a license issued to such officer, director, or partner as an individual. The registrar's finding may be based upon facts contained in the application or upon any other information the registrar may have. Immediately upon denying an application for any of the reasons in this section, the registrar shall enter a final order together with the registrar's findings and certify the same to the motor vehicle dealers' and salespersons' licensing board. (C) Notwithstanding division (A)(4) of this section, the registrar shall not deny the application of any person and refuse to issue a license if the registrar finds that the applicant is engaged or will engage in the business of selling at retail any new motor vehicles and demonstrates all of the following in the form prescribed by the registrar: (1) That the applicant has posted a bond, surety, or certificate of deposit with the registrar in an amount not less than one hundred thousand dollars for the protection and benefit of the applicant's customers except that a new motor vehicle dealer who is not exclusively engaged in the business of selling remanufactured vehicles shall not be required to post the bond, surety, or certificate of deposit otherwise required by division (C)(1) of this section; (2) That, at the time of the sale of the vehicle, each customer of the applicant will be furnished with a warranty issued by the remanufacturer for a term of at least one year; (3) That the applicant provides and maintains at the applicant's location and place of business a permanent facility with all of the following: (a) A showroom with space, under roof, for the display of at least one new motor vehicle; (b) A service and parts facility for remanufactured vehicles; (c) Full-time service and parts personnel with the proper training and technical expertise to service the remanufactured vehicles sold by the applicant.
Last updated March 10, 2023 at 12:36 PM
Section 4517.13 | Denial of distributor's license.
October 9, 2021
Latest Legislation:
House Bill 263 - 133rd General Assembly
The registrar of motor vehicles shall deny the application of any person for a license as a distributor and refuse to issue the license if the registrar finds that the applicant: (A) Has made any false statement of a material fact in the application; (B) Has not complied with sections 4517.01 to 4517.45 of the Revised Code; (C) Is of bad business repute or has habitually defaulted on financial obligations; (D) Is engaged or will engage in the business of distributing any new motor vehicle without having the authority of a contract with the manufacturer of the vehicle; (E) Has been convicted of a disqualifying offense as determined in accordance with section 9.79 of the Revised Code; (F) Has entered into or is about to enter into a contract or agreement with a manufacturer of motor vehicles that is contrary to sections 4517.01 to 4517.45 of the Revised Code; (G) Is insolvent; (H) Is of insufficient responsibility to ensure the prompt payment of any financial judgment that might reasonably be entered against the applicant because of the transaction of business as a distributor during the period of the license applied for, or has failed to satisfy any such judgment; (I) Has no established place of business that, where applicable, is used or will be used exclusively for the purpose of distributing new motor vehicles at the location for which application is made; (J) Has, less than twelve months prior to making application, been denied a distributor's, motor vehicle dealer's, motor vehicle leasing dealer's, or motor vehicle auction owner's license, or had any such license revoked. If the applicant is a corporation or partnership, the registrar may refuse to issue a license if any officer, director, employee, or partner of the applicant has been guilty of any act or omission that would be cause for refusing or revoking a license issued to such officer, director, employee, or partner as an individual. The registrar's finding may be based upon facts contained in the application or upon any other information the registrar may have. Immediately upon denying an application for any of the reasons in this section, the registrar shall enter a final order together with the registrar's findings and certify the same to the motor vehicle dealers board.
Last updated October 9, 2021 at 4:53 AM
Section 4517.14 | Denial of salesperson's license.
October 9, 2021
Latest Legislation:
House Bill 263 - 133rd General Assembly
The registrar of motor vehicles shall deny the application of any person for a license as a salesperson and refuse to issue the license if the registrar finds that the applicant: (A) Has made any false statement of a material fact in the application; (B) Has not complied with sections 4517.01 to 4517.45 of the Revised Code; (C) Is of bad business repute or has habitually defaulted on financial obligations; (D) Has been convicted of a disqualifying offense as determined in accordance with section 9.79 of the Revised Code; (E) Has not been designated to act as salesperson for a motor vehicle dealer licensed to do business in this state under section 4517.10 of the Revised Code, or intends to act as salesperson for more than one licensed motor vehicle dealer at the same time, except that a licensed salesperson may act as a salesperson at any licensed dealership owned or operated by the same company, regardless of the county in which the dealership's facility is located; (F) Holds a current motor vehicle dealer's license issued under section 4517.10 of the Revised Code, and intends to act as salesperson for another licensed motor vehicle dealer; (G) Has, less than twelve months prior to making application, been denied a salesperson's license or had a salesperson's license revoked. The registrar may refuse to issue a salesperson's license to an applicant who was salesperson for, or in the employ of, a motor vehicle dealer at the time the dealer's license was revoked. The registrar's finding may be based upon any statement contained in the application or upon any facts within the registrar's knowledge, and, immediately upon refusing to issue a salesperson's license, the registrar shall enter a final order and shall certify the final order together with his findings to the motor vehicle dealers board.
Last updated October 9, 2021 at 4:53 AM
Section 4517.15 | Appeal of denial of license to motor vehicle dealers board.
December 3, 1996
Latest Legislation:
Senate Bill 182 - 121st General Assembly
Any person who has been denied a license under section 4517.12, 4517.13, or 4517.14 of the Revised Code may appeal from the action of the registrar of motor vehicles to the motor vehicle dealers board in the manner provided in section 4517.33 of the Revised Code.
Section 4517.16 | Eligibility for construction equipment auction license.
Latest Legislation:
House Bill 114 - 129th General Assembly
A person is eligible for a construction equipment auction license under section 4517.17 of the Revised Code if the person meets all of the following requirements: (A) Maintains a permanent auction site within this state that is at least ninety acres in size and maintains over sixty thousand square feet of total facility space; (B) Is engaged primarily in the business of selling large construction and transportation equipment at auction, receives more than one million dollars in gross annual sales in this state, and derives not more than ten per cent of the person's gross annual sales revenue in this state from the sale of motor vehicles having a gross vehicle weight rating of ten thousand pounds or less.
Section 4517.17 | Application for construction equipment auction license; expiration; form of license.
Latest Legislation:
House Bill 26 - 132nd General Assembly
(A) Each person applying for a construction equipment auction license shall make out and deliver an application to the registrar of motor vehicles, upon a form furnished by the registrar for that purpose. The application shall be signed and sworn to by the applicant and shall include such information as the registrar may require by rule. (B) The registrar shall issue a construction equipment auction license to any applicant who meets the requirements of this section and section 4517.16 of the Revised Code and pays the fee required by this section. (C) A construction equipment auction license shall expire five years after the date of issuance unless sooner revoked. The fee for a construction equipment auction license shall be seven thousand five hundred dollars and shall accompany the application. The registrar shall deposit all fees received under this section into the state treasury to the credit of the public safety - highway purposes fund established by section 4501.06 of the Revised Code. (D) In accordance with Chapter 119. of the Revised Code, the registrar shall adopt rules necessary for the regulation of construction equipment auction sales and licensees, which rules shall be specific to construction equipment auction sales and licensees, separate and distinct from any other rules adopted under this chapter. (E) At the time the registrar grants the application of any person for a construction equipment auction license, the registrar shall issue to the person a license, which shall include the name and post-office address of the person licensed. (F) The business records of a construction equipment auction licensee shall be open for reasonable inspection by the registrar or the registrar's authorized agent. (G) Each construction equipment auction licensee shall keep the license, or a certified copy of the license, posted in a conspicuous place in each place of its business.
Section 4517.171 | Denial or revocation of construction equipment auction license.
October 9, 2021
Latest Legislation:
House Bill 263 - 133rd General Assembly
(A) The registrar of motor vehicles shall, except as provided in division (B) of this section, deny the application of any person for a construction equipment auction license or may revoke a license previously issued if the registrar finds that the person: (1) Is not eligible for the license pursuant to section 4517.16 of the Revised Code; (2) Has made any false statement of a material fact in the application; (3) Is of bad business repute or has habitually defaulted on financial obligations; (4) Has been guilty of a fraudulent act in connection with selling or otherwise dealing in auctions, vehicles, or equipment; (5) Is insolvent; (6) Is of insufficient responsibility to ensure the prompt payment of any final judgments that might reasonably be entered against the applicant because of the transaction of the construction equipment auction business during the period of the license applied for, or has failed to satisfy any such judgment. (B) The registrar shall not refuse to issue a license to an applicant because of a conviction of or plea of guilty to an offense unless the refusal is in accordance with section 9.79 of the Revised Code. (C) Any person who has been denied a license or has had a license revoked under this section may appeal from the action of the registrar to the motor vehicle dealers board in the manner provided in section 4517.33 of the Revised Code.
Last updated October 9, 2021 at 4:53 AM
Section 4517.18 | Auction of large construction or transportation equipment; prohibited acts.
Latest Legislation:
House Bill 114 - 129th General Assembly
(A) A construction equipment auction licensee may sell at auction large construction or transportation equipment and shall do all of the following: (1) Have title present for all vehicles to be sold by auction; (2) Except as provided in division (B) of this section, sell, at auction, only vehicles with a gross vehicle weight rating of more than ten thousand pounds; (3) File with the bureau of motor vehicles on an annual basis a certification stating the gross proceeds generated from auctions held at the auction site during the prior calendar year and the gross proceeds generated from the sale of motor vehicles having a gross vehicle weight rating of ten thousand pounds or less during such year. (B) A construction equipment auctioneer may sell, at auction, motor vehicles having a gross vehicle weight rating of ten thousand pounds or less, only if the construction equipment auctioneer complies with all applicable provisions of Chapter 4505. of the Revised Code concerning the titling of such vehicles, Chapter 5739. of the Revised Code concerning the withholding and payment of sales taxes in connection with the sale of such motor vehicles, and Chapter 5751. of the Revised Code concerning the payment of commercial activity taxes on the sale of such motor vehicles in the same manner as a motor vehicle dealer, including transferring title to such vehicles to the licensee's name prior to the auction. (C) No construction equipment auction licensee shall do any of the following: (1) Sell vehicles with a manufacturer's statement of origin; (2) Hold any motor vehicle dealer licenses issued by this state at the same time as holding a construction equipment auction license, and the construction equipment auction license shall be separate and distinct from any other license issued under this chapter; (3) Sell at auction a motor vehicle having a gross vehicle weight rating of ten thousand pounds or less unless the owner of such motor vehicle also sells large construction or transportation equipment through the construction equipment auction licensee. (D) Whoever violates this section is guilty of a minor misdemeanor on a first offense and a misdemeanor of the fourth degree on subsequent offenses. In addition, the court shall impose on the offender a fine of up to ten thousand dollars.
Section 4517.19 | Motor vehicle wholesaler - prohibited acts.
January 1, 2004
Latest Legislation:
Senate Bill 123 - 124th General Assembly
(A) No motor vehicle wholesaler shall: (1) Sell, offer for sale, or display for sale at wholesale a motor vehicle, when the motor vehicle wholesaler has reasonable cause to believe that the odometer of the motor vehicle has been changed, tampered with, or disconnected to reflect a lesser mileage or use, unless the motor vehicle wholesaler first gives clear and unequivocal notice of the odometer's altered condition; (2) Sell or offer for sale at wholesale a motor vehicle unless the motor vehicle wholesaler is the legal owner of the motor vehicle; (3) Sell, offer for sale, or display for sale at wholesale a motor vehicle without making available an odometer disclosure statement that is signed by the owner of the motor vehicle as required by section 4505.06 of the Revised Code and that complies with subchapter IV of the "Motor Vehicle Information and Cost Savings Act," 86 Stat. 961 (1972), 15 U.S.C. 1981; (4) Fail, within ten days of acceptance of an offer for sale at wholesale, to deliver an Ohio certificate of title or the current certificate of title issued for the motor vehicle, and all title assignments that evidence the seller's ownership of the motor vehicle, to the purchaser of the motor vehicle. Failure to deliver title within ten days of acceptance of an offer for sale at wholesale is grounds for rescission of the agreement to buy. (B) Except as otherwise provided in this division, whoever violates this section is guilty of a misdemeanor of the second degree. If the offender previously has been convicted of or pleaded guilty to a violation of this section, whoever violates this section is guilty of a misdemeanor of the first degree.
Section 4517.20 | Motor vehicle dealer - prohibited acts.
January 1, 2004
Latest Legislation:
Senate Bill 123 - 124th General Assembly
(A) No motor vehicle dealer licensed under Chapter 4517. of the Revised Code shall do any of the following: (1) Directly or indirectly, solicit the sale of a motor vehicle through a pecuniarily interested person other than a salesperson licensed in the employ of a licensed dealer; (2) Pay any commission or compensation in any form to any person in connection with the sale of a motor vehicle unless the person is licensed as a salesperson in the employ of the dealer; (3) Fail to immediately notify the registrar of motor vehicles upon termination of the employment of any person licensed as a salesperson to sell, display, offer for sale, or deal in motor vehicles for the dealer; (4) Knowingly engage in any wholesale motor vehicle transaction with any person required to be licensed pursuant to Chapter 4517. of the Revised Code, if the person is not licensed pursuant to that chapter, if the person's license to operate as a dealer has been suspended or revoked, or if the person's application for a license to operate as a dealer has been denied. (B) Whoever violates this section is guilty of a misdemeanor of the fourth degree.
Section 4517.21 | Motor vehicle auction owner - prohibited acts.
December 30, 2008
Latest Legislation:
Senate Bill 129 - 127th General Assembly
(A) No motor vehicle auction owner licensed under Chapter 4517. of the Revised Code shall: (1) Engage in the sale of motor vehicles at retail from the same licensed location; (2) Knowingly permit the auctioning of a motor vehicle if the motor vehicle auction owner has reasonable cause to believe it is not being offered for sale by the legal owner of the motor vehicle; (3) Knowingly permit the sale of a motor vehicle to any person except the following: (a) A motor vehicle dealer licensed in this state or any other jurisdiction, or any other person licensed pursuant to Chapter 4517. of the Revised Code or a substantially similar statute of any other jurisdiction; (b) A person who purchases a motor vehicle from a licensed motor vehicle dealer at an auction of motor vehicles conducted at the licensed motor vehicle dealer's place of business in accordance with division (B) of this section; (c) A person who purchases a classic motor vehicle, as defined in section 4517.021 of the Revised Code, at an auction conducted at the established place of business of a licensed motor vehicle auction owner where only classic motor vehicles are being auctioned. (4) Knowingly permit the sale of a motor vehicle by any person who is not licensed pursuant to Chapter 4517. of the Revised Code, except by insurers and subrogees selling only those motor vehicles that have come into their possession through the operation of the terms of an insurance contract; (5) Knowingly permit any person to violate section 4517.19 of the Revised Code; (6) Deny reasonable inspection of the motor vehicle auction owner's business records, relating to the sale of motor vehicles, to the registrar of motor vehicles or the attorney general, when requested in writing to do so. The motor vehicle auction owner shall maintain for a period of six years from the date of the sale of a motor vehicle at least the following information: (a) The year, make, model and vehicle identification number of the motor vehicle; (b) The name and address of the selling dealer; (c) The name and address of the buying dealer; (d) The date of the sale; (e) The purchase price; (f) The odometer reading of the motor vehicle at the time of sale and an odometer disclosure statement from the seller that complies with subchapter IV of the "Motor Vehicle Information and Cost Savings Act," 86 Stat. 961 (1972), 15 U.S.C. 1981. A motor vehicle auction owner may supplement the required information with any additional information the motor vehicle auction owner considers appropriate. (7) Knowingly permit a dealer whose license has been suspended or revoked, or a person whose application for a license to operate as a dealer has been denied, to participate as a buyer or seller at the motor vehicle auction owner's auction after notification by the registrar of the suspension or revocation of a license, or denial of an application for a license. The registrar shall notify each auction owner by certified mail, return receipt requested, within five business days of the suspension or revocation of a license, or the denial of an application for license. Any motor vehicle auction owner who has knowledge of the presence at the motor vehicle auction owner's auction of a dealer whose license has been suspended or revoked, or of a person whose application for a license to operate as a dealer has been denied, shall immediately cause the removal of the person from the auction. (8) Knowingly accept a motor vehicle for sale or possible sale by a dealer whose license has been suspended or revoked, during the period of suspension or revocation, or by a person whose application for a license to operate as a dealer has been denied, after notification by the registrar, in accordance with division (G) of this section, of the suspension or revocation of the license, or denial of an application for a license. (9) Knowingly permit the auctioning of a motor vehicle whose ownership is not evidenced at the time of auctioning by a current certificate of title or a manufacturer's certificate of origin, and all title assignments that evidence the seller's ownership of the motor vehicle, without first giving clear and unequivocal notice of the lack of such evidence. (B) Notwithstanding any provision of Chapter 4517. of the Revised Code to the contrary, a licensed motor vehicle auction owner, in addition to engaging in the business of auctioning motor vehicles at the auction owner's established place of business, may engage in the business of auctioning a licensed motor vehicle dealer's motor vehicles at that licensed motor vehicle dealer's established place of business, provided such dealer's place of business is not owned, operated, or in any way managed by a motor vehicle auction owner or subsidiary. The motor vehicle auction owner is not required to obtain an additional license for each dealer's premises at which the motor vehicle auction owner is engaging in the business of auctioning motor vehicles, regardless of whether the dealer's premises are located in another county, but the motor vehicle auction owner is required to have a certified copy of the auction owner's license available for inspection when the auction owner is engaging in the business of auctioning motor vehicles at an established place of business of a licensed motor vehicle dealer. (C) Whoever violates this section is guilty of a misdemeanor of the fourth degree.
Section 4517.22 | Motor vehicle shows.
Latest Legislation:
House Bill 95 - 134th General Assembly
(A) As used in this section: (1) "General market area" means the contiguous geographical area established by a motor vehicle show sponsor that is based upon the size of the show and that does not unreasonably exclude any licensed new motor vehicle dealer. (2) "Gross vehicle weight rating" means the maximum weight while loaded at which a motor vehicle can safely operate as rated by its manufacturer. (3) "Livestock trailer" means a new or used trailer designed by its manufacturer to be used to transport horses or to transport animals generally used for food or in the production of food, including cattle, sheep, goats, rabbits, poultry, swine, and any other animals included by the director of agriculture in rules adopted under section 901.72 of the Revised Code. (4) "Major livestock show" means any show of livestock that is held at the Ohio state fairgrounds, is national in scope, and that continues for more than ten consecutive days. (5) "Motor vehicle show" means a display of new motor vehicles that lasts not more than ten days by more than one new motor vehicle dealer dealing in competitive types of motor vehicles and that is authorized by the registrar of motor vehicles primarily to allow the general public an opportunity to compare and inspect a variety of makes and models simultaneously, test drive vehicles, and gain an understanding of new technology and available features. (B) Any group of licensed new motor vehicle dealers may display motor vehicles at a motor vehicle show within the general market area assigned by the sponsor if, not less than thirty days before the planned opening date of the motor vehicle show, the sponsor executes and files with the registrar an affidavit, in a form prescribed by the registrar, that certifies that all requirements of this section have been or will be met, as applicable. If the registrar approves the affidavit, the registrar shall grant the sponsor permission to conduct the motor vehicle show. If the registrar determines that there is a deficiency in the affidavit, the registrar shall inform the sponsor of the deficiency as soon as possible after the registrar receives the affidavit so that the sponsor has the opportunity to remedy the deficiency. The registrar also shall describe with specificity the measures the sponsor is required to take in order to cure the deficiency. The sponsor shall return the corrected affidavit to the registrar not later than before the planned opening date of the motor vehicle show in order for the sponsor to be eligible to hold the show. If the registrar finds that the deficiency has been cured in the corrected affidavit, the registrar shall grant the sponsor permission to conduct the motor vehicle show. If the registrar finds that the deficiency has not been cured, the registrar shall deny the sponsor permission to conduct the motor vehicle show. (C) No contracts shall be signed, deposits taken, or sales consummated at the location of a motor vehicle show. (D) Any sponsor of a motor vehicle show or the sponsor's representative shall offer by mail an invitation to all new motor vehicle dealers dealing in competitive types of motor vehicles in the general market area to participate and display motor vehicles in the show. The sponsor or representative may offer a similar invitation to manufacturers or distributors. A copy of each invitation shall be retained by the sponsor for one year after the show. (E) A manufacturer or distributor may hold in any public place a motor vehicle show at which only one motor vehicle is displayed, but no such single unit show shall be held unless the manufacturer or distributor executes and files with the registrar not less than thirty days before the show an affidavit, in a form prescribed by the registrar, that certifies that all requirements of this section have been or will be met, as applicable, and subsequently receives approval of that affidavit from the registrar. (F) The registrar shall not grant permission for any motor vehicle show to be held, unless it is proven to the registrar's satisfaction that no attempt is being made to circumvent the provisions of sections 4517.01 to 4517.45 of the Revised Code. (G) Nothing contained in this section shall be construed as prohibiting the taking of orders for nonmotorized recreational vehicles as defined in section 4501.01 of the Revised Code at sports or camping shows. (H) No motor vehicle dealer, motor vehicle leasing dealer, motor vehicle auction owner, or distributor licensed under sections 4517.01 to 4517.45 of the Revised Code shall display a motor vehicle at any place except the dealer's, owner's, or distributor's licensed location, unless the dealer, owner, or distributor first obtains permission from the registrar and complies with the applicable rules of the motor vehicle dealers board or the display is authorized pursuant to section 4517.221 of the Revised Code. (I) Nothing contained in this section shall be construed as prohibiting the display of, the taking of orders for, or the sale of, livestock trailers at livestock and agricultural shows, including county fairs. Notwithstanding section 4517.03 of the Revised Code, livestock trailers may be sold at livestock and agricultural shows, including county fairs, as permitted by this division. (J) Notwithstanding any provision of this section to the contrary, for a period not to exceed thirty days, contracts may be signed, deposits taken, and sales consummated at the location of a motor vehicle show if all of the following apply: (1) The motor vehicles involved are horse trailers or motor vehicles that have a gross vehicle weight rating of six thousand eight hundred pounds or more. (2) The motor vehicle show is being held as part of or in connection with a major livestock show. (3) The licensed new motor vehicle dealers involved have complied with the applicable requirements of this section. (4) The registrar has granted permission for the motor vehicle show in accordance with division (F) of this section. (K)(1) Notwithstanding division (H) of this section, if, pursuant to division (B) of this section, the registrar has granted a show representative permission to hold a motor vehicle show at the annual fair of a county or independent agricultural society and if the society files a certification under division (K)(2) of this section, a new motor vehicle dealer may display motor vehicles at that annual fair even if no other new motor vehicle dealer displays competitive makes and models at the fair. (2) To obtain a waiver under division (K)(1) of this section, a county or independent agricultural society shall certify all of the following: (a) That an invitation was sent to all new motor vehicle dealers within the county where the fair is held; (b) That the terms of the invitation were reasonable and nondiscriminatory; (c) That only one new motor vehicle dealer accepted the invitation. (L)(1) Until six months after March 23, 2015, whoever violates this section or section 4517.221 of the Revised Code is guilty of a misdemeanor of the fourth degree. (2) The board shall adopt rules establishing the amount of a penalty for a violation of this section or section 4517.221 of the Revised Code, which shall not exceed one thousand dollars for each violation. (3) Beginning six months after March 23, 2015, after finding, pursuant to adjudication conducted in accordance with Chapter 119. of the Revised Code, that a person has violated this section or section 4517.221 of the Revised Code, the board may order the person to pay an administrative penalty described in division (L)(2) of this section for each violation in accordance with the rule adopted by the board. (4) For purposes of the administrative penalties described in divisions (L)(2) and (3) of this section, each sale that occurs in violation of this section or section 4517.221 of the Revised Code and each day that a violation occurs or continues to occur constitutes a separate violation. (5) All penalties collected pursuant to division (L)(3) of this section shall be paid to the title defect rescission fund established in section 1345.52 of the Revised Code.
Last updated April 20, 2022 at 11:15 AM
Section 4517.221 | Display of new motor vehicles at location other than dealership.
March 23, 2015
Latest Legislation:
House Bill 318 - 130th General Assembly
(A) As used in this section: (1) "Charitable or civic purpose" means either of the following: (a) A purpose described in section 501(c)(3) of the Internal Revenue Code; (b) A benevolent, philanthropic, patriotic, educational, humane, scientific, public health, environmental conservation, or civic objective, or any objective that benefits law enforcement personnel, firefighters, or other persons who protect the public safety. "Charitable or civic purpose" is not limited to those purposes for which contributions are tax deductible under section 170 of the Internal Revenue Code. (2) "Internal Revenue Code" means the "Internal Revenue Code of 1986," 100 Stat. 2085, 26 U.S.C. 1 et seq., as amended. (B)(1) Notwithstanding any provision of section 4517.22 of the Revised Code to the contrary and except as provided in division (B)(2) of this section, a licensed new motor vehicle dealer that satisfies the requirements of this section may display new motor vehicles at a location other than the dealer's established place of business to provide the general public an opportunity to review and inspect the dealer's product line, including safety features and new technology. (2) No licensed motor vehicle dealer shall display new motor vehicles at the annual fair sponsored by a county or agricultural society unless the sponsor complies with the provisions of division (B) of section 4517.22 of the Revised Code. (C) For a display under this section by a licensed new motor vehicle dealer within the area of responsibility assigned to that dealer by a manufacturer, the dealer shall satisfy the following conditions: (1) The purpose of the display is to promote or benefit a charitable or civic purpose. (2) The dealer displays not more than six vehicles that may be available for test drive during the display. (3) The dealer files both of the following with the registrar of motor vehicles within three business days prior to the display and in a form prescribed by the registrar: (a) Evidence of the area of responsibility assigned to the dealer by the manufacturer; (b) An affidavit that affirms all of the following: (i) That the location of the display is within the area of responsibility assigned to the dealer by a manufacturer; (ii) The beginning and end date of the display; (iii) That not more than six vehicles will be displayed; (iv) That to the best of the dealer's knowledge, no other dealer will display a vehicle at the location during the dates of the display; (v) That no contracts will be signed, deposits taken, or sales consummated at the location of the display; (vi) The charitable or civic purpose promoted or benefited by the display. (D) For a display under this section by a new motor vehicle dealer outside the area of responsibility assigned to that dealer by a manufacturer, the dealer shall satisfy the following conditions: (1) The purpose of the display is to promote or benefit a charitable or civic purpose. (2) The dealer displays not more than six vehicles. (3) The dealer files an affidavit with the registrar in a form prescribed by the registrar and within three business days prior to the display that affirms all of the following: (a) That the location of the display is not within the area of responsibility assigned to the dealer by a manufacturer; (b) That the dealer has provided every dealer selling the same line-make within the area of responsibility where the display will occur with notice of the dealer's intent to display and each of those dealers has agreed to allow the display to occur; (c) The beginning and end date of the display; (d) That not more than six vehicles will be on display; (e) That no test drives will occur and the vehicles will remain stationary; (f) That to the best of the dealer's knowledge, no other dealer will display a vehicle at the location during the dates of the display; (g) That the dealer has not displayed a vehicle pursuant to division (D) of this section for more than six days during the calendar year and that the current display will not result in the dealer exceeding the six-day maximum; (h) That no contracts will be signed, deposits taken, or sales consummated at the location of the display. (E) No licensed new motor vehicle dealer shall display for more than six days per calendar year outside the area of responsibility assigned to that dealer by a manufacturer. (F)(1) No licensed new motor vehicle dealer shall display outside the area of responsibility assigned to that dealer by a manufacturer if a dealer handling the same line-make within the area of responsibility objects to the display. (2) A licensed motor vehicle dealer who displays outside the area of responsibility assigned to that dealer by a manufacturer bears the burden of proving that no dealer of the same line-make within the area objected to the display. (3) A licensed motor vehicle dealer who files an affidavit under division (D) of this section shall maintain any documentation that is evidence of consent to display in that area for one year following the last day of the display. (G) A licensed new motor vehicle dealer who files an affidavit under division (C) or (D) of this section shall maintain a copy of that affidavit for one year following the last day of the display. (H) Delivery of a previously ordered vehicle does not constitute a display under this section.
Section 4517.23 | Notifying registrar of changes of status.
September 29, 2011
Latest Legislation:
House Bill 153 - 129th General Assembly
(A) Any licensed motor vehicle dealer, motor vehicle leasing dealer, or distributor shall notify the registrar of motor vehicles concerning any change in status as a dealer, motor vehicle leasing dealer, or distributor during the period for which the dealer, or distributor is licensed, if the change of status concerns any of the following: (1) Personnel of owners, partners, officers, or directors; (2) Location of office or principal place of business; (3) In the case of a motor vehicle dealer, any contract or agreement with any manufacturer or distributor; and in the case of a distributor, any contract or agreement with any manufacturer. (B) The notification required by division (A) of this section shall be made by filing with the registrar, within fifteen days after the change of status, a supplemental statement in a form prescribed by the registrar showing in what respect the status has been changed. If the change involves a change in any contract or agreement between any manufacturer or distributor, and dealer, or any manufacturer and distributor, the supplemental statement shall be accompanied by such copies of contracts, statements, and certificates as would have been required by sections 4517.01 to 4517.45 of the Revised Code if the change had occurred prior to the licensee's application for license. The motor vehicle dealers board may adopt a rule exempting from the notification requirement of division (A)(1) of this section any dealer if stock in the dealer or its parent company is publicly traded and if there are public records with state or federal agencies that provide the information required by division (A)(1) of this section. (C) Whoever violates this section is guilty of a misdemeanor of the fourth degree.
Section 4517.24 | Two or more dealers at same location.
September 29, 2011
Latest Legislation:
House Bill 153 - 129th General Assembly
(A) No two motor vehicle dealers shall engage in business at the same location, unless they agree to be jointly, severally, and personally liable for any liability arising from their engaging in business at the same location. The agreement shall be filed with the motor vehicle dealers board, and shall also be made a part of the articles of incorporation of each such dealer filed with the secretary of state. Whenever the board has reason to believe that a dealer who has entered into such an agreement has revoked the agreement but continues to engage in business at the same location, the board shall revoke the dealer's license. (B) Whoever violates this section is guilty of a misdemeanor of the fourth degree.
Section 4517.25 | Mileage disclosure statement.
January 1, 2004
Latest Legislation:
Senate Bill 123 - 124th General Assembly
(A) Every dealer shall maintain a mileage disclosure statement from the previous owner of each motor vehicle the dealer sells, purchases, or receives as a trade on another motor vehicle. The mileage disclosure statement shall be in such form and include such information as the motor vehicle dealers board requires by rule. (B) Whoever violates this section is guilty of a misdemeanor of the fourth degree.
Section 4517.26 | Written agreement to precede sale.
January 1, 2004
Latest Legislation:
Senate Bill 123 - 124th General Assembly
(A) Every retail and wholesale sale of a motor vehicle shall be preceded by a written instrument or contract that shall contain all of the agreements of the parties and shall be signed by the buyer and the seller. The seller, upon execution of the agreement or contract and before the delivery of the motor vehicle, shall deliver to the buyer a copy of the agreement or contract that shall clearly describe the motor vehicle sold to the buyer, including, where applicable, its vehicle identification number and the mileage appearing on the odometer of the vehicle at the time of sale and whether the mileage is accurate; the sale price of the vehicle, and, if applicable, the amount paid down by the buyer; the amount credited to the buyer for any trade-in, and a description thereof; the amount of any finance charge; the amount charged for any motor vehicle insurance, and a statement of the types of insurance provided by the policy or policies; the amount of any other charge, and a specification of its purpose; the net balance due from the buyer; and the terms of the payment of the net balance. This section does not apply to a casual sale of a motor vehicle. (B) Whoever violates this section is guilty of a misdemeanor of the fourth degree.
Section 4517.261 | Documentary service charge for sale or lease.
October 24, 2024
Latest Legislation:
Senate Bill 94 - 135th General Assembly
(A) For the purposes of this section, "consumer price index" means the index, as prepared by the United States bureau of labor statistics (U.S. city average for urban wage earners and clerical workers: all items) or, if that index is no longer published, a generally available comparable index as determined by the registrar of motor vehicles. (B) A motor vehicle dealer may contract for and receive a documentary service charge for a retail or wholesale sale or lease of a motor vehicle. A documentary service charge shall be specified in writing without itemization of the individual services provided. A documentary service charge shall be not more than the lesser of the following: (1) The amount allowed in a retail installment sale, adjusted as required by division (C) of this section; (2) Ten per cent of the amount the buyer or lessee is required to pay pursuant to the contract, excluding tax, title, and registration fees, and any negative equity adjustment. (C)(1) On the effective date of this amendment, and on the last day of each September that begins thereafter, the registrar of motor vehicles shall adjust the documentary service charge allowed under division (B)(1) of this section in connection with the sale or lease of a motor vehicle by adding two hundred fifty dollars to the product of two hundred fifty dollars times the cumulative percentage change in the consumer price index since July 1, 2006, based on the most recently published data, and rounding to the nearest one-dollar increment. (2) Subject to division (C)(3) of this section, the adjusted documentary service charge computed under division (C)(1) of this section applies as follows: (a) For the first adjustment required by division (C)(1) of this section, from the effective date of this amendment until the last day of December following the second adjustment required by that division; (b) For the second and all subsequent adjustments required by division (C)(1) of this section, for the full calendar year following the date of the adjustment. (3) If the adjustment required by division (C)(1) of this section results in an amount less than the documentary service charge allowed at the time the adjustment is made, then the maximum documentary service charge per sale at the time the adjustment is made applies for the following calendar year. (4) The registrar shall publish the adjusted documentary service charge amount and the dates to which it applies on a web site maintained by the department of public safety. (5) The adjusted documentary service charge determined under division (C) of this section applies only with respect to the sale or lease of a motor vehicle by a motor vehicle dealer, and only if the adjusted documentary service charge does not exceed the amount described in division (B)(2) of this section.
Last updated August 27, 2024 at 3:55 PM
Section 4517.262 | Dealer liability for third-party motor vehicle history reports.
Latest Legislation:
House Bill 23 - 135th General Assembly
(A) As used in this section: (1) "Motor vehicle dealer" includes any owner, partner, shareholder, officer, member, trustee, employee, or agent of the motor vehicle dealership. (2) "Third-party motor vehicle history report" means any formal or informal report prepared by a person other than a motor vehicle dealer that relates to one or more of the following: (a) A motor vehicle's current ownership or a motor vehicle's certificate of title transfer history; (b) A brand on a motor vehicle's certificate of title; (c) A lien on a motor vehicle; (d) A motor vehicle's service, maintenance, or repair history; (e) A motor vehicle's condition; (f) A motor vehicle's accident or collision history; (g) A motor vehicle's mileage. (B) When a motor vehicle dealer provides or otherwise makes available to a motor vehicle purchaser, lessee, or any other person a third-party motor vehicle history report in conjunction with the actual or potential sale or lease of a motor vehicle, the motor vehicle dealer is not liable for the accuracy of information that was provided by another entity.
Last updated May 3, 2023 at 12:43 PM
Section 4517.30 | Motor vehicle dealers board.
Latest Legislation:
House Bill 1 - 128th General Assembly
The motor vehicle dealers board shall consist of eleven members. The registrar of motor vehicles or the registrar's designee shall be a member of the board, and the other ten members shall be appointed by the governor with the advice and consent of the senate. Not more than five of the ten members other than the registrar shall be of any one political party, and of the ten: (A) Three shall represent the public and shall not have engaged in the business of selling motor vehicles at retail in this state; (B) Five shall have been engaged in the business of selling motor vehicles at retail in this state for at least five years and have been engaged in such business within two years prior to the date of their appointment. Of these five: (1) Three shall have been engaged in the sale of new motor vehicles; (2) One shall have been engaged in the business of selling recreational vehicles at retail; (3) One shall have been engaged in the sale of used motor vehicles. (C) Two shall have been engaged in the leasing of motor vehicles. Terms of office of the ten members appointed by the governor shall be for three years, commencing on the fifth day of October and ending on the fourth day of October. Each member shall hold office from the date of the member's appointment until the end of the term for which the member was appointed. Any member appointed to fill a vacancy occurring prior to the expiration of the term for which the member's predecessor was appointed shall hold office for the remainder of such term. Any appointed member shall continue in office subsequent to the expiration date of the member's term until a successor takes office, or until a period of sixty days has elapsed, whichever occurs first. Annually the board shall organize by selecting from its members a president. Each appointed member of the board shall receive an amount fixed in accordance with division (J) of section 124.15 of the Revised Code, and shall be reimbursed for the actual and necessary expenses incurred in the discharge of the member's official duties.
Section 4517.31 | Board to be part of department of public safety.
November 12, 1992
Latest Legislation:
Senate Bill 98 - 119th General Assembly
The motor vehicle dealers board shall be a part of the department of public safety for administrative purposes in the following respects: (A) The registrar of motor vehicles shall be ex officio secretary and executive officer of the board, but he may designate any employee of the bureau of motor vehicles as acting secretary to perform the duties and exercise the powers of the secretary of the board. (B) All clerical, inspection, and other agencies for the execution of the powers and duties vested in the board shall be in the bureau of motor vehicles, which shall provide the necessary employees as authorized by section 4501.02 of the Revised Code.
Section 4517.32 | Powers and duties of board.
October 3, 2023
Latest Legislation:
House Bill 33 - 135th General Assembly
Subject to sections 119.01 to 119.12 and section 4517.35 of the Revised Code, the motor vehicle dealers board may make such reasonable rules as are necessary to carry out and effect its duties under this chapter, including such rules as are necessary relating to the time, place, and manner of conducting hearings on the issuance, suspension, or revocation of licenses, and on protests filed under sections 4517.50, 4517.52, 4517.53, 4517.54, and 4517.56 of the Revised Code. The board may hear testimony in matters relating to the duties imposed upon it and the president and the secretary of the board may administer oaths. The board may require any proof it considers advisable and may require the attendance of such witnesses and the production of such books, records, and papers as it desires at any hearing before it or relating to any matter that it has authority to investigate. The board may, through its secretary, issue a subpoena for any witness, or a subpoena duces tecum for the production of any books, records, and papers, directed to the sheriff of the county where such witness resides or is found, which subpoena shall be served and returned in the same manner as a subpoena in a criminal case. The fees of the sheriff shall be the same as that allowed in the court of common pleas in criminal cases. Witnesses shall be paid the fees and mileage provided for under section 119.094 of the Revised Code. The fees and mileage shall be paid in the same manner as other expenses of the board. Depositions of witnesses residing within or without the state may be taken by the board in the manner prescribed for like depositions in civil actions in the court of common pleas. In any case of disobedience to or neglect of any subpoena served on any person, or the refusal of any witness to testify to any matter regarding which the witness may lawfully be interrogated, the court of common pleas of any county where such disobedience, neglect, or refusal occurs, or any judge thereof on application of the secretary of the board, shall compel obedience by attachment proceedings for contempt as in the case of disobedience of a subpoena issued from such court or a refusal to testify therein.
Last updated September 25, 2023 at 10:09 AM
Section 4517.33 | Appeals - rules for suspension or revocation.
March 22, 2013
Latest Legislation:
Senate Bill 114 - 129th General Assembly
The motor vehicle dealers board shall hear appeals which may be taken from an order of the registrar of motor vehicles, refusing to issue a license. All appeals from any order of the registrar refusing to issue any license upon proper application must be taken within thirty days from the date of the order, or the order is final and conclusive. All appeals from orders of the registrar must be by petition in writing and verified under oath by the applicant whose application for license has been denied, and must set forth the reason for the appeal and the reason why, in the petitioner's opinion, the order of the registrar is not correct. In such appeals the board may make investigation to determine the correctness and legality of the order of the registrar. The board may make rules governing its actions relative to the suspension and revocation of dealers', motor vehicle leasing dealers', distributors', auction owners', salespersons', and construction equipment auction licenses, and may, upon its own motion, and shall, upon the verified complaint in writing of any person, investigate the conduct of any licensee under sections 4517.01 to 4517.65 of the Revised Code. The board shall suspend or revoke or notify the registrar to refuse to renew any dealer's, motor vehicle leasing dealer's, distributor's, auction owner's, salesperson's, or construction equipment auction license, if any ground existed upon which the license might have been refused, or if a ground exists that would be cause for refusal to issue a license. The board may suspend or revoke any license if the licensee has in any manner violated the rules issued pursuant to sections 4517.01 to 4517.65 of the Revised Code, or has violated section 4501.02 of the Revised Code, or has been convicted of committing a felony or violating any law that in any way relates to the selling, taxing, licensing, or regulation of sales of motor vehicles. Within ten days after receipt of an abstract from a county court judge, mayor of a mayor's court, or clerk of a court of record indicating a violation of division (D) of section 4513.241 of the Revised Code, the board shall determine whether the person named in the abstract is licensed under this chapter and, if the person is so licensed, shall further determine whether the person previously has been convicted of or pleaded guilty to a violation of that section. If the person previously has been convicted of or pleaded guilty to a violation of that section, the board, in accordance with Chapter 119. of the Revised Code but without a prior hearing, shall suspend the person's license for a period of not more than one hundred eighty days.
Section 4517.34 | Assistance by officials.
March 14, 1980
Latest Legislation:
Senate Bill 206 - 113th General Assembly
The attorney general and the prosecuting attorneys of the several counties shall assist the registrar of motor vehicles upon his request, and shall assist the motor vehicle dealers board, upon its request, in enforcing sections 4517.01 to 4517.65 of the Revised Code, and in prosecuting and defending preceedings under such sections.
Section 4517.35 | Motor vehicle dealers board electronic meetings.
October 3, 2023
Latest Legislation:
House Bill 33 - 135th General Assembly
(A) Members of the motor vehicle dealers board may hold and attend meetings and may conduct and attend hearings by means of teleconference, video conference, or any other similar electronic technology, and all of the following apply: (1) Any decision, resolution, rule, or formal action of any kind has the same effect as if it occurred during an open meeting or hearing of the board in which members are present in person. (2) Notwithstanding division (C) of section 121.22 of the Revised Code, members of the board who attend meetings or hearings by means of teleconference, video conference, or any other similar electronic technology, shall be considered present as if in person at the meeting or hearing, shall be permitted to vote, and shall be counted for purposes of determining whether a quorum is present at the meeting or hearing. (3) The board shall provide notification of meetings and hearings held under this section to the public, to the media that have requested notification of a meeting, and to the parties required to be notified of a hearing, at least twenty-four hours in advance of the meeting or hearing by reasonable methods by which any person may determine the time, location, and the manner by which the meeting or hearing will be conducted, except in the event of an emergency requiring immediate official action. In the event of an emergency, the board shall immediately notify the news media that have requested notification or the parties required to be notified of a hearing of the time, place, and purpose of the meeting or hearing. (4) The board shall provide the public access to a meeting held under this section, and to any hearing held under this section that the public would otherwise be entitled to attend, commensurate with the method in which the meeting or hearing is being conducted, including examples such as livestreaming by means of the internet, local radio, television, cable, or public access channels, call in information for a teleconference, or by means of any other similar electronic technology. The board shall ensure that the public can observe, when applicable, and hear the discussions and deliberations of all the members of the board, whether the member is participating in person or electronically. (5) Individuals subject to board business, including licensees, representatives, witnesses, or subject matter experts must attend the meeting in person. (B) When members of the motor vehicle dealers board conduct a hearing by means of teleconference, video conference, or any other similar electronic technology, the board shall establish a means, through the use of electronic equipment that is widely available to the general public, to converse with witnesses and to receive documentary testimony and physical evidence. (C) The authority granted in this section applies notwithstanding any conflicting provision of the Revised Code. Nothing in this section shall be construed to negate any provision of section 121.22 of the Revised Code, Chapter 119. of the Revised Code, or other section of the Revised Code, that is not in conflict with this section.
Last updated September 26, 2023 at 5:45 PM
Section 4517.40 | Restricting retail installment contract sales.
January 1, 2004
Latest Legislation:
Senate Bill 123 - 124th General Assembly
(A) No person who is engaged in or about to engage in the business of selling motor vehicles at retail shall enter into any contract, agreement, or understanding, express or implied, with any manufacturer or distributor of motor vehicles, that the person will sell only to a designated person or class of persons all or any part of the retail installment contracts arising out of the sale by the person of motor vehicles, or that the person will refuse to sell such retail installment contracts to any designated person or class of persons. Any such contract, agreement, or understanding is void. (B) Whoever violates this section is guilty of a misdemeanor of the fourth degree.
Section 4517.41 | Coercing restriction of retail installment contract sales.
January 1, 2004
Latest Legislation:
Senate Bill 123 - 124th General Assembly
(A) No manufacturer or distributor of motor vehicles, or the officer, agent, or representative of such manufacturer or distributor, shall induce or coerce, or attempt to induce or coerce, any retail motor vehicle dealer or prospective retail motor vehicle dealer to sell or refuse to sell all or any portion of the dealer's or prospective dealer's retail installment contracts to any person or class of persons designated by the manufacturer or distributor, by means of any statement, suggestion, promise, or threat, made directly or indirectly, that the manufacturer or distributor will in any manner injure or benefit the dealer, or by means of any act of the manufacturer or distributor that has benefited or injured the dealer, or by means of any statement or representation, made directly or indirectly, that the dealer is under any obligation to make or refuse to make such sale. (B) Whoever violates this section is guilty of a misdemeanor of the fourth degree.
Section 4517.42 | Circumstances prohibiting purchase of retail installment contract.
January 1, 2004
Latest Legislation:
Senate Bill 123 - 124th General Assembly
(A) No person engaged in the business of buying retail installment contracts from motor vehicle dealers in this state, and no officer, agent, or representative of such person, shall purchase or attempt to purchase any such retail installment contract from any motor vehicle dealer in this state in the following circumstances: (1) When the dealer in consequence of any contract, agreement, or arrangement between such person and a manufacturer or distributor supplying motor vehicles to the dealer has been induced or coerced to sell the retail installment contract by means of any statement, suggestion, promise, or threat, made directly or indirectly, that the manufacturer or distributor supplying motor vehicles to the dealer would in any manner injure or benefit the dealer, or by means of any act of the manufacturer or distributor that has benefited or injured the dealer, or by means of any statement or representation, made directly or indirectly, that the dealer is under any obligation to make such sale; (2) When such person has received or has contracted to receive from any manufacturer or distributor supplying motor vehicles to the dealer, or has given or contracted to give to the manufacturer or distributor, any subsidy or thing of service or value, where the effect of the giving or receiving of the subsidy or thing of service or value may be to lessen or eliminate competition in the business of purchasing retail installment contracts from motor vehicle dealers or may tend to grant an unfair trade advantage or to create a monopoly in such person. (B) Whoever violates this section is guilty of a misdemeanor of the fourth degree.
Section 4517.43 | Confidentiality of applications.
Latest Legislation:
House Bill 1 - 128th General Assembly
(A) The applications for licenses and the copies of contracts required by sections 4517.04, 4517.05, 4517.051, 4517.06, 4517.07, 4517.08, and 4517.09 of the Revised Code are not part of the public records but are confidential information for the use of the registrar of motor vehicles and the motor vehicle dealers board. No person shall divulge any information contained in such applications and acquired by the person in the person's capacity as an official or employee of the bureau of motor vehicles or of the board, except in a report to the registrar, to the board, or when called upon to testify in any court or proceeding. (B) Whoever violates this section is guilty of a minor misdemeanor.
Section 4517.44 | Record maintenance.
September 29, 2011
Latest Legislation:
House Bill 153 - 129th General Assembly
(A) No manufacturer or distributor of motor vehicles, dealer in motor vehicles, nor any owner, proprietor, person in control, or keeper of any garage, stable, shop, or other place of business, shall fail to keep or cause to be kept any record required by law. (B) Whoever violates this section is guilty of a minor misdemeanor.
Section 4517.45 | Damage to body or trim of vehicle by dealer affixing placard or tag.
January 1, 2004
Latest Legislation:
Senate Bill 123 - 124th General Assembly
(A) No dealer licensed to sell motor vehicles at retail in this state under Chapter 4517. of the Revised Code shall attach to any motor vehicle offered for sale by the dealer any tag or placard bearing the dealer's name, or the name of the dealer's place of business, whenever the method of attachment involves drilling or otherwise creating holes in any part of the body or trim of the vehicle, unless the purchaser consents in writing to such method of attachment. Any damage to the body or trim of a motor vehicle that results from a violation of this section shall, at the request of the purchaser of the vehicle, be repaired by the dealer in a manner acceptable to the purchaser, and at no cost to the purchaser. (B) Whoever violates this section is guilty of a minor misdemeanor.
Section 4517.49 | Excepting manufactured homes.
September 20, 1984
Latest Legislation:
Senate Bill 231 - 115th General Assembly
Nothing in sections 4517.50 to 4517.65 of the Revised Code shall be construed to apply to manufacturers or dealers of manufactured homes as defined in and manufactured pursuant to the "National Manufactured Housing Construction and Safety Standards Act of 1974," 94 Stat. 1641, 42 U.S.C.A. 5401, as amended.
Section 4517.50 | Notice of establishment of new dealer or relocation.
October 12, 1994
Latest Legislation:
House Bill 687 - 120th General Assembly
(A) Except as provided in division (C) of this section, when a franchisor seeks to enter into a franchise to establish an additional new motor vehicle dealer in, or relocate an existing new motor vehicle dealer at a location in, a relevant market area where the same line-make of motor vehicle is then represented, the franchisor shall first give notice in writing, by certified mail, to the motor vehicle dealers board and to each franchisee of such line-make in the relevant market area of the franchisor's intention to establish an additional new motor vehicle dealer in, or relocate an existing new motor vehicle dealer at a location in, that relevant market area. Each notice shall set forth the specific grounds for the proposed establishment of an additional motor vehicle dealer or relocation of an existing motor vehicle dealer. Within fifteen days after receiving the notice, or within fifteen days after the conclusion of any appeal procedure provided by the franchisor, whichever is later, the franchisee of the same line-make may file with the board a protest against the establishment or relocation of the proposed new motor vehicle dealer. When such a protest has been filed, the board shall inform the franchisor that a timely protest has been filed and that a hearing is required pursuant to section 4517.57 of the Revised Code. When more than one protest is filed against the establishment or relocation of the same dealer, the board may consolidate the hearings to expedite disposition of the issue. (B) No franchisor shall establish an additional new motor vehicle dealer or relocate an existing new motor vehicle dealer before giving notice as required in division (A) of this section or before the holding of a hearing on any protest filed under this section, and no franchisor shall establish or relocate such a dealership after the hearing if the board determines that there is good cause for not permitting the new motor vehicle dealer to be established or relocated. (C) Division (A) of this section does not apply to any of the following: (1) The relocation of an existing new motor vehicle dealer within one mile from the existing location; (2) The sale or transfer of an existing new motor vehicle dealer where the transferee proposes to engage in business at the same location; (3) The relocation of an existing new motor vehicle dealer that relocates further from an existing line-make new motor vehicle dealer although the relocation is within the same line-make new motor vehicle dealer's relevant market area. (D)(1) Except as provided in division (D)(2) of this section, for purposes of this section, the reopening in a relevant market area of a new motor vehicle dealership that has ceased to operate as a new motor vehicle dealership for a period of forty-five days or longer, irrespective of whether the cessation was voluntary or involuntary, shall be considered to be the establishment of an additional new motor vehicle dealership. (2) If a new motor vehicle dealership has ceased to operate as a new motor vehicle dealership due to fire, flood, or other natural disaster, the reopening in a relevant market area of the new motor vehicle dealership by the same owner within one year of the date on which the dealership ceased to operate shall not be considered to be the establishment of an additional new motor vehicle dealership.
Section 4517.51 | Determination of good cause for establishment of new dealer or relocation.
October 22, 1987
Latest Legislation:
House Bill 232 - 117th General Assembly
In determining whether good cause has been established by the franchisor to establish an additional new motor vehicle dealer or to relocate an existing new motor vehicle dealer as provided in section 4517.50 of the Revised Code, the motor vehicle dealers board shall take into consideration the existing circumstances, including, but not limited to, all of the following: (A) The effect of an additional or relocated dealer upon the existing new motor vehicle dealer of the same line-make in the relevant market area to be served by the additional franchisee or relocated dealer; (B) Whether it is injurious or beneficial to the public interest for the dealer to be established or relocated; (C) Whether the franchisees of the same line-make in the relevant market area are: (1) Providing adequate competition and convenient consumer care for the motor vehicles of the same line-make in the relevant market area, which shall include the adequacy of motor vehicle sales and service facilities, equipment, supply of vehicle parts, and qualified sales and service personnel; (2) Providing adequate market penetration and representation. (D) Whether the franchisor has complied with the requirements of this chapter.
Section 4517.52 | Fulfillment and compensation for warranty and recall obligations.
September 14, 2016
Latest Legislation:
Senate Bill 242 - 131st General Assembly
(A) Each franchisor shall fulfill warranty and recall obligations of repairing and servicing motor vehicles, including all parts and components manufactured for installation in any motor vehicle. (B) Each franchisor shall compensate each of its franchisees for labor and parts used to fulfill warranty and recall obligations of repair and servicing at rates not less than the rates charged by the franchisee to its retail customers for warranty-like labor and parts for nonwarranty work. A franchisee, other than a franchisee that deals in recreational vehicles, may establish rates of compensation for labor performed and parts used by the franchisee for purposes of this section if all of the following apply: (1) The franchisee submits to the franchisor either of the following : (a) One hundred sequential nonwarranty service repair orders for warranty-like repairs that have been paid by a customer and closed by the time of submission; (b) All service repair orders for warranty-like repairs, that have been paid by a customer and closed by the time of submission, for a period of ninety consecutive days. A franchisee either may submit a set of repair orders for purposes of calculating both its retail labor rate and its retail parts markup percentage, or may submit separate sets of repair orders for purposes of calculating its retail labor rate and its retail parts markup percentage separately. The repair orders submitted under division (B)(1)(a) or (b) of this section must be from a period occurring not more than one hundred eighty days before the submission. Subject to division (C)(3) of this section, if a franchisor determines from any set of repair orders submitted under this section that the retail labor rate or parts markup percentage calculated under division (B)(2) or (3) of this section is substantially higher or lower than the rate currently on record with the franchisor for labor or parts, the franchisor may request additional documentation for a period of either ninety days prior to or ninety days subsequent to the time period for which the repair orders were submitted for purposes of an alteration. (2) The franchisee calculates its retail labor rate by determining the franchisee's total labor sales from the service repair orders submitted under division (B)(1) of this section and dividing that amount by the total number of labor hours that generated those sales. (3) The franchisee calculates its retail parts markup percentage by determining the franchisee's total parts sales from the service repair orders submitted under division (B)(1) of this section and dividing that amount by the franchisee's total cost for the purchase of those parts, subtracting one from that amount, and then multiplying the amount by one hundred. (4) In calculating the retail labor rate in division (B) (2) of this section and the retail parts markup percentage in division (B)(3) of this section, the franchisee omits charges f or any of the following from the calculation: (a) Manufacturer or distributor special events, specials, or promotional discounts for retail customer repairs; (b) Parts sold, or repairs performed, at wholesale; (c) Routine maintenance that is not covered under a retail customer warranty, including the replacement of fluids, filters, and belts that are not provided in the course of other repairs; (d) Items that do not have individual part numbers, such as nuts, bolts, and fasteners; (e) Vehicle reconditioning; (f) Accessories; ( g) Repairs of damage caused by a collision, a road hazard, the force of the elements, vandalism, theft, or operator negligence; ( h) Parts sold or repairs performed for insurance carriers ; ( i) Vehicle emission or safety inspections required by law; ( j) Goodwill or policy repairs or replacements; (k) Repairs for which volume discounts have been negotiated with government agencies or insurance carriers; (l) Repairs performed on vehicles from a different line- make; (m) Replacement of tires or related elements. (5) The franchisee provides notice of its retail labor rate and retail parts markup percentage calculated in accordance with this section to the franchisor. (C) (1) A franchisor may contest the retail labor rate or retail parts markup percentage that was calculated by the franchisee under division (B) of this section within thirty days after receiving notice from the franchisee. If the franchisor seeks to contest the retail labor rate or retail parts markup percentage, the franchisor shall notify the franchisee that the franchisor believes the rate or markup percentage is materially inaccurate or substantially different than that of other similarly situated, same l ine-make new motor vehicle dealers in the vicinity, provide a full explanation of the reasons the franchisor disagrees with the rate or markup percentage, provide evidence substantiating the franchisor's position, and propose an adjustment of the contested rate or markup percentage. The franchisor shall not modify its notice to the franchisee or its grounds for contesting the rate or markup percentage after submitting a notice to the franchisee under division (C)(1) of this section. (2) If the franchisor does not contest the rate or markup percentage that was calculated by the franchisee under division (B) of this section within thirty days after receiving notice of the rate or markup percentage from the franchisee, the uncontested rate or markup percentage takes effect. The franchisor then shall use the rate and markup percentage to determine compensation for any warranty and recall work and service performed by the franchisee until the rate or markup percentage is modified. (3) If the franchisor contests a rate or markup percentage established by the franchisee under division (B) of this section, the franchisor and franchisee shall resolve the disagreement through the franchisor's internal dispute resolution process. However, the franchisee may appeal a determination made as part of the dispute resolution process to a court of competent jurisdiction. Any rate or markup percentage established either through an internal dispute resolution process or by a court as part of an appeal under this section shall be applied retroactively to govern reimbursement for labor or parts, as applicable, beginning thirty days after the date the franchisee submitted the disputed rate or markup percentage under division (B) of this section. (4) A franchisee shall not establish or modify a retail labor rate or retail parts markup percentage more frequently than once per calendar year. (D) When calculating the compensation that must be provided to a franchisee for labor and parts used to fulfill warranty and recall obligations under this section, all of the following apply: (1) The franchisor shall use time allowances for the diagnosis and performance of the warranty and recall work and service that are reasonable and adequate for the work or services to be performed by a qualified technician. (2) The franchisor shall use any retail labor rate and any retail parts markup percentage established in accordance with this section in calculating the compensation. (3) If the franchisor provided a part or component to the franchisee at no cost to use in performing repairs under a recall, campaign service action, or warranty repair, the franchisor shall provide to the franchisee an amount equal to the retail parts markup for that part or component, which shall be calculated by multiplying the dealer cost for the part or component as listed in the franchisor's price schedule by the retail parts markup percentage. (4) A franchisor shall not assess penalties, surcharges, or similar costs to a franchisee, transfer or shift any costs to a franchisee, limit allocation of vehicles or parts to a franchisee, or otherwise take retaliatory action against a franchisee based on any franchisee's exercise of its rights under this section. It is the burden of the franchisee to prove any claims under division (D)(4) of this section by a preponderance of the evidence. Nothing in this section prohibits a franchisor from increasing the price of a vehicle or part in the normal course of business. ( E) A franchisor shall not require a franchisee to establish a retail labor rate or retail parts markup percentage using any method that is unduly burdensome or time consuming, or require the use of information that is unduly burdensome or time consuming to obtain, including part-by-part or transaction-by- transaction calculations or utilization of the franchisee's financial statement. Further, no franchisor shall unilaterally calculate a retail labor rate or retail parts markup percentage for a franchisee. Divisions (A), (C), (D), and (E) of this section do not apply to franchisors or franchisees who deal in recreational vehicles.
Section 4517.53 | Written delivery and preparation obligations of franchisees.
March 14, 1980
Latest Legislation:
Senate Bill 206 - 113th General Assembly
(A) Each franchisor shall specify to its franchisees in writing the delivery and preparation obligations of the franchisees prior to the delivery of new motor vehicles to retail buyers. A copy of the delivery and preparation obligations, which shall constitute the franchisee's only responsibility for product liability between the franchisee and the franchisor, and a schedule of compensation to be paid franchisees for the work and services they are required to perform in connection with the delivery and preparation obligations, shall be filed by the franchisor with the motor vehicle dealers board and shall constitute the compensation as set forth on the schedule. The schedule of compensation shall be reasonable with respect to the time and compensation allowed. The reasonableness of the schedule shall be subject to the determination of the board, when a franchisee or dealer organization files a notice of protest with the board. In determining the reasonableness of the schedule, the board shall consider all relevant circumstances; except that the board shall determine to be unreasonable any schedule that does not compensate the franchisee at the franchisee's customary retail labor rate for the actual time required by a technician of ordinary skill to perform each function that the franchisee is obligated to perform. (B) Upon delivery of a new motor vehicle, the franchisee shall give to the purchaser a copy of the delivery and preparation obligations and a written certification that the franchisee has fulfilled these obligations.
Section 4517.54 | Notice of intent to terminate or discontinue.
September 10, 2010
Latest Legislation:
Senate Bill 204 - 128th General Assembly
(A) Notwithstanding the terms, provisions, or conditions of an existing franchise, no franchisor shall terminate, cancel, or fail to continue or renew a franchise except for good cause. This section governs any action or intent to terminate, cancel, discontinue, or not renew a franchise whether the franchise was entered into prior to or after the effective date of this amendment. (B) Except as otherwise provided in section 4517.541 of the Revised Code, each franchisor proposing to terminate, cancel, discontinue, or not renew a franchise shall send written notice by certified mail of the proposed action to the franchisee at such time as may be necessary to ensure that the notice is received no later than ninety days before the effective date of the proposed action, or no later than fifteen days before the effective date of the proposed action when the proposed action is based upon any of the following: (1) Insolvency of the franchisee, or filing of any petition by or against the franchisee under any bankruptcy or receivership law; (2) Any unlawful business practice after written warning thereof; (3) The franchisee has ceased business operations. Each notice shall set forth the specific grounds for the proposed termination, cancellation, or refusal to continue or renew. (C) Prior to the effective date of the proposed action, a franchisee receiving written notice from a franchisor proposing to terminate, cancel, discontinue, or not renew a franchise may file a protest with the board against the franchisor's proposed action. When such a protest has been filed, the board shall inform the franchisor that a timely protest has been filed and that a hearing is required pursuant to section 4517.57 of the Revised Code. (D) A franchisor shall not terminate, cancel, discontinue, or fail to renew a franchise before the holding of a hearing on any protest filed under this section, or after the hearing, if the board determines that good cause does not exist to terminate, cancel, discontinue, or not renew the franchise.
Section 4517.541 | Termination of franchise; notice.
September 10, 2010
Latest Legislation:
Senate Bill 204 - 128th General Assembly
(A) Each franchisor proposing to terminate, cancel, discontinue, or not renew a franchise based upon any of the following shall send written notice by certified mail of the proposed action to the franchisee at such time as may be necessary to ensure that the notice is received not later than twelve months before the effective date of the proposed action, unless prohibited by law or regulation: (1) As a result of any change in ownership, operation, or control of all or any part of the business of the manufacturer, factory branch, distributor, or distributor branch, whether by sale or transfer of assets, corporate stock or other equity interest, or by assignment, merger, consolidation, combination, joint venture, redemption, operation of law, or otherwise; (2) The termination, suspension, or cessation of a part or all of the business operations of the manufacturer, factory branch, distributor, or distributor branch; (3) Discontinuance of the sale of a line-make, series, brand or class of vehicles or a change in distribution system by the manufacturer, whether through a change in distributors or the manufacturer's decision to cease conducting business through a distributor altogether. (B) Each notice described in division (A) of this section shall set forth the specific grounds for the proposed termination, cancellation, or refusal to continue or renew a franchise. (C) This section shall not apply to franchisors or franchisees who deal in recreational vehicles.
Section 4517.542 | Termination of franchise; compensation.
September 10, 2010
Latest Legislation:
Senate Bill 204 - 128th General Assembly
(A) Except as provided in division (A)(6)(c) of this section, upon the termination, cancellation, discontinuance, or nonrenewal of any franchise by the franchisor pursuant to section 4517.541 of the Revised Code, the manufacturer shall pay fair and reasonable compensation to the new motor vehicle dealer for at least the following: (1)(a) The franchisee's net acquisition cost for any new, undamaged, unaltered, and unsold vehicle in the franchisee's inventory of the current model year or the model year preceding the current model year, purchased from the franchisor or another franchisee of the same line-make in the ordinary course of business prior to receipt of a notice of termination, cancellation, discontinuance, or nonrenewal, provided the vehicle has less than five hundred miles registered on the odometer, including mileage incurred in delivery from the franchisor or in transporting the vehicle between new motor vehicle dealers for sale; (b) Notwithstanding division (A)(1)(a) of this section, a vehicle damaged prior to delivery to the franchisee by the manufacturer or its agent shall be eligible for repurchase in accordance with this section; (c) The franchisor shall pay the fair and reasonable compensation for the items described in division (A)(1) of this section, including the franchisee's costs of handling, packing, loading, and transporting an item for return to the franchisor, within thirty days after the effective date of the termination, cancellation, discontinuance, or nonrenewal so long as the franchisee can provide evidence of good and clear title upon return of the items to the franchisor. If there is a lien on the property, the franchisor may make payment jointly to the franchisee and any party having a security interest or ownership interest in the property. (2) The franchisee's net acquisition cost of each new, unused, undamaged, and unsold part or accessory purchased from the manufacturer or a source recommended or approved by the franchisor if the part or accessory is in the current parts catalog. In the case of sheet metal, a comparable substitute for the original package may be used. If the part or accessory was purchased by the franchisee from an outgoing authorized franchisee, the franchisor shall purchase the part or accessory at the depreciated value price or the price in the current parts catalog, whichever is less. (3) The franchisee's net acquisition cost of each undamaged sign if the sign bears a common name, trade name, or trademark of the manufacturer, the manufacturer required the new motor vehicle dealer to acquire the sign, and the sign was acquired by the new motor vehicle dealer from the manufacturer or a source approved by the manufacturer. A manufacturer shall purchase from the new motor vehicle dealer at fair market price poles or other hardware used to erect a sign if the manufacturer required the sign to be free standing and not include a trademark or trade name other than that of the manufacturer. For purposes of division (A)(3) of this section, fair market price is equal to the new motor vehicle dealer's original cost, reduced by one-tenth of the original cost for each year of ownership. (4) The franchisee's net acquisition cost of all equipment, special tools, automotive service equipment, and other items bearing the manufacturer's trademark that were required by the manufacturer or distributor, and purchased from the manufacturer or a source recommended or approved by the manufacturer. The net acquisition cost shall be reduced over a period of five years at a rate of twenty per cent per year. (5) The franchisor shall pay the fair and reasonable compensation for the items described in divisions (A)(2), (3), and (4) of this section, including the cost of handling, packing, loading, and transporting an item for return to the franchisor, within sixty days after the effective date of termination, cancellation, discontinuance, or nonrenewal, so long as the franchisee is able to provide evidence of good and clear title upon return of the items to the franchisor. The franchisor may make payment jointly to the franchisee and any party having a security interest or ownership interest in the property. (6)(a) Subject to division (A)(6)(b) of this section, fair market value of the franchise that is at least equivalent to the fair market value of the franchise on the day before the manufacturer announces the action that results in termination, cancellation, discontinuance, or nonrenewal. (b) If the termination, cancellation, discontinuance, or nonrenewal is due to a manufacturer's change in distributors, the manufacturer may avoid paying fair market value to the new motor vehicle dealer if the new distributor or the manufacturer offers the new motor vehicle dealer a franchise agreement with terms substantially similar to terms offered to other same line-make new motor vehicle dealers. (c) The manufacturer is only required to pay fair market value of the franchise if the termination, cancellation, discontinuance, or nonrenewal of the franchise agreement is the result of an action described in division (A) of section 4517.541 of the Revised Code. (B) In the event the franchisor does not pay the franchisee the amounts specified within the time required by this section for an involuntary termination, the manufacturer shall pay or reimburse the new motor vehicle dealer for any costs of storing, insuring, and floor planning any of the property described in this section from the effective date of termination, cancellation, discontinuance, or nonrenewal until the date the franchisee is paid and the property is transported, in addition to transportation charges associated with the manufacturer's repurchase obligations. The manufacturer shall not charge the new motor vehicle dealer any handling, restocking, or other similar costs or fees associated with items repurchased by the manufacturer under division (A) of this section. (C) Dealership facilities assistance shall be paid as follows: (1) If the new motor vehicle dealer is leasing the dealership facilities from the manufacturer or a subsidiary of the manufacturer, the manufacturer or subsidiary shall forgive any future lease obligations. (2) Subject to division (C)(4) of this section, if the new motor vehicle dealer is leasing the dealership facilities from a lessor other than the manufacturer, the manufacturer shall pay the new motor vehicle dealer a sum equivalent to the rent for the unexpired term of the lease or twelve months' rent, whichever is less. (3) Subject to division (C)(4) of this section, if the new motor vehicle dealer owns the dealership facilities, the manufacturer shall pay the new motor vehicle dealer a sum equivalent to the reasonable rental value of the dealership facilities for twelve months. (4) In order to be entitled to facilities assistance from the manufacturer as provided in divisions (C)(2) and (3) of this section, the new motor vehicle dealer shall mitigate damages by listing the dealership facilities for lease or sublease with a licensed real estate agent or retail industry broker within thirty days after the effective date of the termination, cancellation, discontinuance, or nonrenewal of the franchise and thereafter by reasonably cooperating with the real estate agent or retail industry broker in the performance of the agent's or broker's duties. If the new motor vehicle dealer is able to lease or sublease the dealership facilities, the new motor vehicle dealer shall pay the manufacturer the net revenue received from the mitigation up to the total amount of facilities assistance that the new motor vehicle dealer has received from the manufacturer pursuant to division (C)(2) or (3) of this section. (5) If the termination, cancellation, discontinuance, or nonrenewal relates to fewer than all of the franchises operated by the new motor vehicle dealer at a single location, the amount of facilities assistance that the manufacturer is required to pay the new motor vehicle dealer under division (C) of this section shall be based on the percentage of total square footage attributed to the line-make being terminated, canceled, discontinued, or not renewed. (6) The manufacturer shall pay the dealership facilities assistance under division (C) of this section within sixty days after the effective date of termination, cancellation, discontinuance, or nonrenewal. The franchisor may make payment jointly to the franchisee and any party having a security interest or ownership interest in the property. (7) The manufacturer is not required to pay dealership facilities assistance if the termination, cancellation, discontinuance, or nonrenewal of the franchise agreement is the result of insolvency of the franchisee or the filing of any petition by or against the franchisee under any bankruptcy or receivership law, is the result of any unlawful business practice after written warning thereof, is the result of the franchisee ceasing business operations, or is the result of the voluntary act of the new motor vehicle dealer. (D) This section and section 4517.541 of the Revised Code shall not apply to a termination, cancellation, discontinuance, or nonrenewal of a franchise that results from the sale of the assets or stock of the motor vehicle dealership from a franchisee to a franchisee or prospective franchisee. (E) This section shall not apply to any noncoerced voluntary termination. A franchisee that voluntarily terminates the franchise agreement remains eligible for any termination assistance provided for voluntary terminations in the franchisee's franchise agreement with the franchisor. (F) A franchise shall continue in full force and operation notwithstanding a change, in whole or in part, of an established plan of distribution or system of distribution of the motor vehicles offered for sale under the franchise. The appointment of a new manufacturer, factory branch, distributor, or distributor branch for motor vehicles offered for sale under the franchise agreement shall be considered to be a change of an established plan of distribution or system of distribution. (G) Disputes arising between a manufacturer or distributor and a new motor vehicle dealer under this section and section 4517.541 of the Revised Code shall be resolved by submitting the dispute to the manufacturer's internal dispute resolution process if one is available. If no such process exists, the dispute shall be submitted to a court of competent jurisdiction. Either party may appeal the decision of the manufacturer's internal dispute resolution process to a court of competent jurisdiction. (H) Nothing in this section or section 4517.541 of the Revised Code shall be construed as prohibiting a manufacturer or distributor from changing, adding or deleting models, specifications, model names, numbers or identifying marks, or similar characteristics of the new vehicles it markets, provided that the change, addition, or deletion does not result in the termination or discontinuance of a line-make, series, brand, or class of new vehicle. (I) This section shall not apply to franchisors or franchisees who deal in recreational vehicles. (J) As used in this section: (1) "Net acquisition cost" means the franchised dealer cost for a new and unsold motor vehicle in a dealer's inventory plus any charges by the manufacturer or distributor for destination, distribution, or delivery, and taxes, less all allowances paid or credited to the franchised dealer by the manufacturer or distributor. (2) "Line-make" means a collection of models, series, or groups of motor vehicles manufactured by or for a particular manufacturer, distributor, or importer that are offered for sale, lease, or distribution pursuant to a common brand name or mark. Multiple brand names or marks may constitute a single line-make, but only when included in a common dealer agreement and when the manufacturer, distributor, or importer offers such vehicles bearing the multiple names or marks together, and not separately, to its authorized dealers.
Section 4517.55 | Determination of good cause to terminate franchise.
September 14, 2016
Latest Legislation:
Senate Bill 242 - 131st General Assembly
(A) In determining whether good cause has been established by the franchisor for terminating, cancelling, or failing to continue or renew a franchise, the motor vehicle dealers board shall take into consideration the existing circumstances, including, but not limited to: (1) The amount of retail sales transacted by the franchisee during a five-year period immediately preceding such notice as compared to the business available to the franchisee; (2) The investment necessarily made and obligations incurred by the franchisee to perform its part of the franchise; (3) The permanency of the franchisee's investment; (4) Whether it is injurious or beneficial to the public interest for the franchise to be modified or replaced, or the business of the franchisee disrupted; (5) Whether the franchisee has adequate motor vehicle sales and service facilities, equipment, vehicle parts, and qualified service personnel to reasonably provide for the needs of the consumers for the motor vehicles handled by the franchisee, and is rendering adequate service to the public; (6) Whether the franchisee fails to fulfill the warranty obligations of the franchisor required to be performed by the franchisee; (7) The extent and materiality of the franchisee's failure to comply with the terms of the franchise and the reasonableness and fairness of the franchise terms; (8) Whether the owners of the new motor vehicle dealer had actual knowledge of the facts and circumstances upon which termination, cancellation, discontinuance, or nonrenewal is based; (9) Whether the proposed termination, cancellation, discontinuance, or nonrenewal constitutes discriminatory enforcement of the franchise agreement. (B) Notwithstanding the terms, conditions, or provisions of any franchise or waiver, the following do not constitute sufficient good cause for terminating, cancelling, or failing to continue or renew a franchise: (1) Refusal by the franchisee to purchase or accept delivery of any new motor vehicle, parts, accessories, or any other commodity or service not ordered by the franchisee; (2) The fact that the franchisee or the owner of any interest therein, owns, has an investment in, participates in the management of, or holds a license for the sale of the same or any other line-make of new motor vehicle; (3) The sale, transfer, or issuance of any equity or debenture issue, or the transfer or issuance of any security or shares of stock in a new motor vehicle dealer to any person, whenever the sale, issuance, or transfer does not result in a change in the controlling ownership of the dealership; (4) A change by the franchisee in the administrative or executive management of the dealership; (5) Failure of the franchisee to achieve any unreasonable or discriminatory performance criteria; (6) A loss of trust by the franchisor absent circumstances or facts that would be a material breach of the franchise agreement and that material breach is known and ratified by the owners of the new motor vehicle dealer; (7) The failure of a franchisee to maintain a motor vehicle floor plan line of credit, unless the franchisee fails to maintain a floor plan line of credit for one hundred twenty days or longer; (8) The export of new motor vehicles to a foreign country, unless division (A)(20)(b) of section 4517.59 of the Revised Code applies. (C) Prior to a final determination by a franchisor that a franchisee has failed to achieve any performance criteria for purposes of any action under this section, the franchisor shall give the franchisee a reasonable opportunity to present evidence demons trating the effect of local market conditions that materially and adversely affected the franchisee's performance. If a franchisor makes a final decision related to performance criteria without allowing the franchisee the reasonable opportunity to present evidence, or does not consider the effect of the local market conditions on the franchisee's performance, the performance criteria is deemed unreasonable under division (B)(5) of this section. (D) Divisions (B)(6) to (8) and (C) of this section shall not apply to franchisors or franchisees who deal in recreational vehicles.
Section 4517.56 | Proposed transfer of franchise.
October 22, 1987
Latest Legislation:
House Bill 232 - 117th General Assembly
(A) If the sale or transfer of the business and assets or all or a controlling interest in the capital stock of a new motor vehicle dealer contemplates or is conditioned upon a continuation of the franchise relationship with the franchisor, and the proposed transferee has indicated a willingness to comply with all of the requirements of the franchise then in effect, the franchisee shall notify the franchisor of such intention by written notice setting forth the prospective transferee's name and address and the names and addresses of the transferee's prospective management personnel. The franchisee and prospective transferee shall also supply the franchisor with such other information regarding the transferee's character, business experience, and financial ability as may be reasonably requested by the franchisor to enable it to evaluate the transferee's qualifications and ability to comply with the requirements of the franchise then in effect. The franchisor shall evaluate the prospective transferee and the transferee's prospective management personnel on the basis of reasonable and objective criteria fairly and objectively applied. (B) The franchisor shall provide the franchisee and the prospective transferee with written notice by certified mail of any refusal to approve a sale or transfer of the business and assets or all the business and assets or a controlling interest in the capital stock of a new motor vehicle dealer within thirty days of receipt of the written notice advising of the proposed transfer. The notice shall specify the objective criteria used to evaluate the prospective transferee and the criteria which the transferee failed to meet. (C) Within ninety days after receipt of a notice of refusal as provided in division (B) of this section, the franchisee or prospective transferee may file a protest with the board against the franchisor's failure to approve the proposed sale or transfer. When such a protest has been filed, the board shall inform the franchisor that a timely protest has been filed and that a hearing is required pursuant to section 4517.57 of the Revised Code. (D) A franchisor shall not fail or refuse to approve the sale or transfer of the business and assets or all or a controlling interest of a new motor vehicle dealer to, or refuse to continue the franchise relationship with, the prospective transferee after the holding of a hearing on any protest if the board determines that good cause does not exist for the franchisor to fail or refuse to approve such a sale or transfer. (E) Notwithstanding the terms, conditions, or provisions of a franchise or the date such franchise was executed, the following do not constitute sufficient good cause for failing to approve a sale or transfer to, or refusing to continue the franchise relationship with, a prospective transferee, although the board may consider these circumstances among others in determining whether good cause does not exist for the franchisor to fail or refuse to approve such a sale or transfer: (1) The fact that the prospective transferee or any prospective management personnel do not reside within the relevant market area of the affected dealership; (2) The fact that the prospective transferee does not intend to be employed full time in the dealership operation; (3) The fact that the prospective transferee, or the owner of any interest therein, owns, has an investment in, participates in the management of, or holds a license for the sale of another make or line of new motor vehicle or for the sale of the same make of new motor vehicle at another location; (4) The fact that the franchisor has previously determined to discontinue the franchise relationship with the transferor; (5) The fact that the proposed transferee proposes to relocate the business of the transferor, provided that the relocation facility meets the franchisor's facility standards. (F) No franchisor shall impose any conditions upon approval of a proposed transfer other than the transferee's compliance with the requirements of the franchise agreement between the franchisor and the transferor. (G) Any owner of a new motor vehicle dealer may appoint, by will or other written instrument, a designated family member to succeed in the ownership interest of a new motor vehicle dealer.
Section 4517.57 | Hearing procedure for protest.
October 22, 1987
Latest Legislation:
House Bill 232 - 117th General Assembly
(A) Upon receiving a notice of protest pursuant to section 4517.50, 4517.53, 4517.54, or 4517.56 of the Revised Code, the motor vehicle dealers board shall set a time, which shall be within one hundred eighty days of such order, and place of hearing and send by certified mail a copy of the order to the franchisor, the protesting franchisee or dealer organization, and all individuals and groups that have requested notification by the board of protests to and decisions of the board. Subject to sections 119.01 to 119.13 of the Revised Code, the board shall designate an attorney at law as a hearing officer, who shall hear and consider the oral and documented evidence introduced by the parties and other interested individuals and groups, and issue his findings and recommendations to the board within thirty days following the close of the hearing. (B) The parties may engage in discovery, prior to the hearing, in accordance with the Rules of Civil Procedure. The hearing examiner may continue the hearing date, beyond one hundred eighty days of the board's order, by agreement of the parties, or upon a finding of good cause, including but not limited to the failure of either party to allow relevant discovery. (C) In any hearing on a protest filed pursuant to section 4517.50, 4517.53, 4517.54, or 4517.56 of the Revised Code, the franchisor shall have the burden of going forward and of persuasion to establish that there is good cause for the franchisor: to establish or relocate an additional motor vehicle dealer; to terminate, discontinue, or not renew a franchise; to fail or refuse to approve a sale or transfer of all or a controlling interest in a franchise; or that recall reimbursement schedules or formulas or the schedules of compensation are reasonable. (D) Only the public members of the board and the hearing officer designated by the board shall participate in, deliberate on, hear, consider, or decide any matter filed pursuant to section 4517.50, 4517.53, 4517.54, or 4517.56 of the Revised Code. The public members shall act by majority vote. (E) In any hearing filed under section 4517.50, 4517.53, 4517.54, or 4517.56 of the Revised Code, the hearing officer shall permit the parties of cross examination.
Section 4517.58 | Board decision.
March 14, 1980
Latest Legislation:
Senate Bill 206 - 113th General Assembly
The decision of the motor vehicle dealers board on any matter heard under section 4517.57 of the Revised Code shall be in writing and shall contain findings of fact and a determination of the issues presented. If the board fails to act within thirty days after the board receives a proposed decision from the hearing officer or within any longer period mutually agreed upon by the parties, the proposed decision shall be considered approved. Copies of the decision shall be delivered to the parties personally or by registered mail and shall also be delivered to all individuals and groups that have requested notification by the board of protests to and decisions of the board. The decision shall be final upon its delivery or mailing, except that any person adversely affected by the decision may appeal in the manner provided by sections 119.01 to 119.13 of the Revised Code.
Section 4517.59 | Prohibited acts.
September 14, 2016
Latest Legislation:
Senate Bill 242 - 131st General Assembly
(A) Notwithstanding the terms, provisions, or conditions of any agreement, franchise, or waiver, no franchisor shall: (1) In acting or purporting to act under the terms, provisions, or conditions of a franchise or in terminating, canceling, or failing to renew a franchise, fail to act in good faith; (2) Prevent a franchisee from changing administrative or executive management, provided such personnel satisfy reasonable and objective standards formulated and objectively applied by the franchisor; (3) Restrict the sale of any equity or debenture issue or the transfer of any securities in a dealership, or in any way prevent or attempt to prevent the transfer, sale, or issuance of shares of stock or debentures to any person, if the basic financial requirements of the franchisor have been equalled at the time of the execution of the franchise agreement and continued in effect, and if the sale, transfer, or issuance does not have the effect of accomplishing a sale of a controlling interest in the dealership; (4) Coerce or threaten any franchisee by refusing or failing to renew or extend a lease of premises where the fee or right of possession is in the absolute control of the franchisor and the franchisee upon request or demand of the franchisor fails to expand its facilities, increase sales personnel, purchase more parts or accept programs for sales and operation of the franchisee's business, when such demand is not reasonable, fair, and equitable under all circumstances, or tends to depreciate the franchisee's equity; (5) Sell, lease, or rent goods or motor vehicles, or render any service normally performed and required of franchisees under the franchise agreement with the franchisor, in unfair competition with the franchisee, except that this division does not apply to a sale, lease, or rental to, or service performed for, an agency of federal, state, or local government; (6) Do any of the following: (a) Coerce, or attempt to coerce, any franchisee to accept delivery of any motor vehicle, parts, accessories, or any other commodities connected therewith which are not ordered by said franchisee; (b) Withhold or delay delivery of motor vehicles out of the ordinary course of business; (c) Discriminate against any franchisee in the allocation or through the withholding from delivery of certain models of motor vehicles ordered by a franchisee out of the ordinary course of business; (d) Unfairly change or amend unilaterally a franchisee's allotment of motor vehicles or quota, sales expectancy, sales penetration, or geographic area of responsibility without reasonable cause. Prior to changing or amending a franchisee's geographic area of responsibility, the franchisor shall give the franchisee, other than a franchisee who deals in recreational vehicles, a reasonable opportunity to present relevant evidence demonstrating the effect of local market conditions that may materially and adversely affect the franchisee's proposed new geographic area of responsibility. Any final decision made by the franchisor without considering such local market conditions shall be considered unreasonable. (e) Coerce a franchisee by any means to participate or contribute to any local or national advertising fund; (f) Employ any coercive techniques for any other purposes such as obtaining franchisee participation in contests, "giveaways," or sales devices. Division (A)(6) of this section does not authorize a franchisee that is located outside of the relevant market area, as defined in section 4517.01 of the Revised Code, to challenge the establishment or relocation of a franchise location. (7) Coerce, or attempt to coerce, a franchisee by threatening to award an additional franchise or agreement to another person for the sale of its same product in the same area of influence for the purposes of compelling such franchisee to yield to demands of the franchisor for increased sales of the franchisor's products, parts, expansion of facilities and improvement of operations inconsistent with good business practices of the franchisee; (8) Fail or refuse to make equally available to its same line-make franchisees all motor vehicles, motor vehicle parts, or other products manufactured for that line-make at the same actual price, or to utilize any device including, but not limited to, sales promotion plans or programs that result in such lesser actual price. Division (A)(8) of this section shall not apply to sales to a franchisee for resale to any unit of government or donation or use by a franchisee in a driver education program. Division (A)(8) of this section shall not prohibit the offering of incentive programs or other discounts so long as such incentives or discounts are reasonably available to all franchisees in this state on a proportionately equal basis and are based on the sale of individual vehicles and not increased for meeting a performance standard unless the standard is reasonable considering all existing circumstances. A franchisor has not made a motor vehicle, motor vehicle part, or other product available to all line-make franchisees if the franchisor does any of the following: (a) Requires a franchisee to remodel, renovate, or recondition the new motor vehicle dealer's existing dealership facilities as a prerequisite to receiving the model, part, or product, unless reasonably necessary to accommodate the adequate sale and service of a vehicle based on the technology of that vehicle. As used in division (A)(8) of this section, "remodel, renovate, and recondition" includes the requirement that a franchisee purchase or lease unreasonably expensive advertising or promotional displays or other similar materials. (b) Requires a franchisee to pay an additional fee to receive any model, part, or product within a franchisor's line-make; (c) Requires a franchisee to accept additional inventory to receive any model, part, or product within a franchisor's line-make. (9) Fail to either return a part to the franchisee, at the franchisor's expense, or reimburse the franchisee for the franchisee's cost of the part where a franchisor does not approve a franchisee's claim for a defective part; (10) Fail to approve or disapprove any warranty or recall claim submitted by a franchisee within forty-five days after receipt from the franchisee. If a claim is not approved, the franchisor shall immediately so notify in writing the franchisee who submitted the claim and shall include in the notice the specific grounds upon which the disapproval is based. (11) Fail to pay a franchisee within thirty days after approval by the franchisor of any claim by a franchisee for labor and parts made under division (B) of section 4517.52 and section 4517.53 of the Revised Code. Any failure of a franchisor to act on or pay a claim within the time limits specified by this section that results from causes beyond the franchisor's reasonable control does not constitute a violation of this section. (12) Disclaim an otherwise valid warranty or recall claim because the franchisee fails to submit or resubmit the claim within a period of less than six months from the date on which the service was rendered or parts supplied; (13) Unless otherwise authorized or required by the "National Traffic and Motor Vehicle Safety Act," 49 U.S.C. 30101, et seq. or any regulation adopted thereunder, the "Transportation Recall, Enhancement, Accountability, and Documentation Act," 49 U.S.C. 30123, et seq. or any regulation adopted thereunder, or any other federal law or regulation, provide reimbursement to any individual or entity that is not a franchisee for labor and parts used to fulfill warranty and recall work, unless the work is required for emergency service, or is performed by a service center owned by the manufacturer on employee- or company-owned vehicles only, or the work is warranty service by employees of a fleet operator on its own vehicles. Nothing in division (A)(13) of this section shall prohibit a manufacturer from reimbursing a franchisee of another line-make of the same manufacturer for labor and parts used to fulfill warranty and recall work. (14) Refuse to disclose to any new motor vehicle dealer who handles the same line-make, the manner and mode of distribution of that line-make within the same county, or if a line-make is allocated among new motor vehicle dealers, refuse to disclose to any new motor vehicle dealer that handles the same line-make the system of allocation, including, but not limited to, a complete breakdown by model, color, equipment, other items or terms, and a concise listing of dealerships with an explanation of the derivation of the allocation system including its mathematical formula in a clear and comprehensible form; (15) Engage in any predatory practice or discriminate against any new motor vehicle dealer including discriminating against a franchisee, as compared to a same line-make franchisee, with regard to motor vehicle allocation, motor vehicle sales expectations, motor vehicle market penetration, motor vehicle planning volume requirements, customer service satisfaction requirements, dealership facility requirements, or dealer capitalization requirements; (16) Prohibit a franchisee from acquiring a line-make of new motor vehicles solely because it owns or operates a franchise of the same line-make in a contiguous market; (17) Use any financial services company or leasing company owned in whole or part or controlled by the manufacturer or distributor to accomplish what would otherwise be illegal conduct on the part of the manufacturer or distributor pursuant to this section. This section does not limit the right of the financial services or leasing company to otherwise engage in regular financial services or leasing business practices. (18) Initiate a charge back without an audit or perform an audit to confirm a warranty or recall repair, sales incentive, service incentive, other form of incentive compensation, or rebate more than twelve months after the date of submission by the franchisee, provided that these limitations shall not be effective in the case of a fraudulent claim. Division (A)(18) of this section does not preclude a charge back for any fraudulent claim that was previously paid. (19) Refuse to pay a franchisee for sales incentives, service incentives, rebates, or other forms of incentive compensation within thirty days after their approval by the manufacturer. The franchisor shall either approve or disapprove each claim by the franchisee within thirty days after receipt of the claim in a proper form generally used by the franchisor. Any claims not specifically disapproved in writing within thirty days after receipt shall be considered to be approved. (20) Reduce the amount to be paid to a new motor vehicle dealer, assess any penalty, impose a charge back, or take any other adverse action against a new motor vehicle dealer subsequent to and in relation to the payment of any claim related to a warranty repair or recall reimbursement, sales incentive or rebate, service incentive, or other form of incentive compensation unless either of the following applies: (a) The manufacturer shows that the claim lacks material documentation or is false, fraudulent, or a misrepresentation. A franchisor may not deny a claim based solely on a new motor vehicle dealer's incidental failure to comply with a specific claim processing requirement, such as a clerical error, that does not put into question the legitimacy of the claim. (b) The new motor vehicle dealer knew or should have known a new motor vehicle was sold for export to a foreign country. There shall exist a rebuttable presumption that a new motor vehicle dealer did not know, or should not have known, that a vehicle was sold for export to a foreign country if the motor vehicle is titled in the United States. Unless the manufacturer establishes that the new motor vehicle dealer knew or should have known of information that should have caused the new motor vehicle dealer to know that the new motor vehicle was purchased for export, the new motor vehicle dealer is presumed not to have known that the new motor vehicle was purchased for export if all of the following apply: (i) The new motor vehicle was titled in the United States. (ii) The new motor vehicle was exported not sooner than twelve months after the date of purchase of the motor vehicle. (iii) The purchaser's information was not on a franchisor's written list of known or suspected exporters received by the new motor vehicle dealer at least five days prior to the date of the sale of the motor vehicle. No refusal to pay warranty repair or recall reimbursements, sales incentives, service incentives, rebates, or other forms of incentive compensation, no reduction in the amount to be paid to the new motor vehicle dealer, and no charge back subsequent to the payment of a claim may be made until the new motor vehicle dealer has had notice and an opportunity to participate in all franchisor internal appeal processes as well as all available legal processes. If a charge back is the subject of adjudication, internal appeal, mediation, or arbitration, no charge back shall be made until, in the case of an adjudication or legal action, a final appealable order has been issued. At the time submitted, the claim shall act as an immediate automatic credit against future billings. Any ambiguity or inconsistency in submission guidelines shall be construed against the drafter. Any failure by a new motor vehicle dealer to exercise its rights to reimbursement under this section does not create a waiver of these rights. Any unreasonable denial, delay, or restriction of a valid reimbursement claim shall subject the manufacturer to interest in accordance with division (A) of section 1343.03 of the Revised Code until paid. (21) Prevent, attempt to prevent, prohibit, coerce, or attempt to coerce, any new motor vehicle dealer from charging any consumer any fee allowed to be charged by the dealer under Ohio law; (22) Require, coerce, or attempt to coerce any new motor vehicle dealer in this state to change the capital structure of the new motor vehicle dealer or the means by or through which the new motor vehicle dealer finances the operation of the dealership provided that: (a) The new motor vehicle dealer at all times shall meet any reasonable capital standards determined by the manufacturer in accordance with uniformly applied criteria. (b) No change in the capital structure shall cause a change in the principal management or have the effect of a sale of the franchise without the consent of the manufacturer or distributor, and further provided that the manufacturer or distributor shall not unreasonably withhold consent. (23)(a) Require, coerce, or attempt to coerce any new motor vehicle dealer in this state to change the location of the dealership, or to make any substantial alterations to the dealership premises or facilities, if any of the following apply: (i) The proposed change or alteration would be unreasonable in light of the current market and economic conditions. (ii) The change or alteration is proposed without a written estimation of a sufficient supply of new motor vehicles so as to justify the location change or alterations in light of the current market and economic conditions. (iii) The change or alteration is proposed within seven years after the dealership premises was constructed or altered, as approved by the franchisor unless the change or alteration is necessary to comply with a health or safety law, or a technology requirement that is essential to the sale or service of a motor vehicle that the new motor vehicle dealer is authorized by the franchisor to sell or service. (b) The seven-year time period set forth under division (A)(23)(a)(iii) of this section continues with regard to the successor to the new motor vehicle dealer if the successor was approved by the franchisor in the franchise agreement. (c) As used in division (A)(23)(a) of this section, "substantial alteration" means an alteration that has a major impact on the architectural features, characteristics, or integrity of a structure or lot. "Substantial alteration" does not include routine maintenance, such as interior painting, that is reasonably necessary to keep the dealership facility in an attractive condition. (d) Division (A)(23) of this section does not prohibit a franchisor from taking any of the following actions: (i) Continuing, renewing, or modifying a facility improvement program that involves more than one new motor vehicle dealer in this state and that was in effect prior to the effective date of this amendment ; (ii) Providing payments to assist a new motor vehicle dealer in making any facility improvement, including construction, remodeling, or installing signage or franchisor image elements; (iii) Providing reimbursement to a new motor vehicle dealer for a portion of the costs that the new motor vehicle dealer incurs in making any facility improvement. (24) Establish any performance standard or program for measuring franchisee performance that may have a material impact on a franchisee that is not fair, reasonable, and equitable, or apply any such standard or program to a franchisee in a manner that is not fair, reasonable, and equitable; (25) Use the failure of a franchisee to meet a performance standard as the basis to prevent or deny the franchisee the opportunity to name a successor or otherwise engage in succession planning, provided, however, that any designated successor shall meet the manufacturer's written and uniformly applied requirements to be a franchisee at the time of succession; (26) Use the inability of a franchisee to meet a performance standard as a justification to exclude the franchisee from programs offered by the franchisor if the failure to meet the performance standard was based on whether the franchisee is selling an adequate number of vehicles and the franchisee can demonstrate that it was unable to purchase enough vehicles from the franchisor due to the actions of the franchisor; (27) Unreasonably require a franchisee to establish or maintain exclusive sales facilities, sales display space, personnel, service, parts, or administrative facilities for a line-make, unless such exclusivity is reasonable and otherwise justified by reasonable business considerations. In making that determination, the franchisor shall take into consideration the franchisee's satisfaction of facility requirements as required by the franchise agreement. The franchisor shall have the burden of proving that reasonable business considerations justify exclusivity. (28) Unreasonably require or coerce a franchisee to lease or purchase a good or service from a specified vendor for purposes of expanding, constructing, or significantly modifying a facility without allowing the franchisee to choose a vendor that provides a good or service of a substantially similar quality and general appearance and that is approved by the franchisor. No franchisor shall unreasonably withhold approval of a vendor under division (A)(28) of this section. Division (A)(28) of this section does not do either of the following: (a) Allow a franchisee or vendor to eliminate or impair the franchisor's intellectual property rights, including with regard to a trademark; (b) Permit a franchisee to erect or maintain signs that do not conform to the intellectual property usage guidelines of the franchisor. (29) Require a franchisee to conduct research on prospective vehicle purchasers. (30) Require or request a franchisee to waive any requirements of this section. (B)(1) No franchisor shall discriminate among the franchisor's dealers in any program that provides assistance to the franchisor's dealers, including internet listings, sales leads, warranty policy adjustments, marketing programs, and dealer recognition programs. (2) The franchisor shall not require or coerce a franchisee to provide its customer lists, service files, or other nonpublic personal information concerning any consumer or concerning any customer of the franchisee to the franchisor, unless necessary for the sale and delivery of a motor vehicle to a consumer, to validate and pay consumer or dealer incentives, or for the submission to the franchisor for any services supplied by the franchisee for any claim for warranty parts or repairs. Nothing in this division shall limit the franchisor's ability to require or use customer information to satisfy any safety or recall notice obligation. (3) No franchisor shall fail to comply with the requirements of any state or federal law that pertains to the use or disclosure of information, including the "Gramm-Leach-Bliley Act," 113 Stat. 1338 (1999), 15 U.S.C. 6801 et seq. (4) No franchisor shall fail, upon demand, to indemnify any existing or former franchisee and the successors and assigns of the franchisee from all damages that result from or relate to any claim made by a third party against the franchisee or successor if the claim results directly from the improper use or disclosure of nonpublic personal information by the manufacturer, distributor, or any third party to whom information was provided by the manufacturer or distributor. The franchisor shall pay attorney's fees and other expenses reasonably incurred by the franchisee or successor in relation to such a claim. (C) No franchise agreement shall require the franchisee to pay the attorney's fees of a franchisor, waive any remedy or defense available to the franchisee, require a motor vehicle dealer to submit to arbitration or mediation to resolve a controversy before the controversy arises, or waive any other provisions of this chapter. Nothing in this division shall preclude the parties from entering into a voluntary agreement to arbitrate or mediate a controversy after it arises unless otherwise precluded by law. Such an agreement shall require that the dispute be heard in this state and that the arbitrator or mediator apply the law of this state in resolving the controversy. Either party may appeal a decision of an arbitrator in the court of common pleas of Franklin county on the grounds that the arbitrator failed to apply the law of this state. (D) This section applies to any franchise whether entered into prior to or after October 22, 1987. Divisions (A)(8), (13), (16) to (27), (29), (B), and (C) of this section shall not apply to franchisors or franchisees who deal in recreational vehicles.
Last updated December 5, 2024 at 2:42 PM
Section 4517.60 | Indemnification and holding harmless of franchisee.
October 22, 1987
Latest Legislation:
House Bill 232 - 117th General Assembly
Notwithstanding the terms, conditions, or provisions of any franchise, or the date such franchise was executed, each franchisor shall indemnify and hold harmless its franchisees against any losses, including, but not limited to, court costs and attorney fees reasonably incurred, or damages arising out of complaints, claims, or suits, whether or not meritorious, relating in whole or in part to claims under section 1345.72 of the Revised Code, or to the manufacture, assembly, or design of motor vehicles, parts, or accessories, to damage corrected by the franchisor prior to receipt of a motor vehicle by the franchisee, or relating to other functions of the franchisor beyond the control of the franchisee, including, but not limited to, the selection by the franchisor of parts or components for the motor vehicle and any damage to merchandise occurring in transit to the franchisee where the carrier is designated by the franchisor. The franchisee shall give notice to the franchisor within twenty-eight days of service of summons on the franchisee of pending suits in which allegations are made that come within this section and shall cooperate with the franchisor in the defense of such suits.
Section 4517.61 | Franchisor's damage disclosure statement.
March 14, 1980
Latest Legislation:
Senate Bill 206 - 113th General Assembly
Each franchisor shall disclose to its franchisees in writing prior to or at the time of delivery of any new motor vehicle any damage to the motor vehicle that has been corrected after completion of the manufacturing process and exceeds six per cent of the franchisor's suggested retail price of the motor vehicle, as measured by retail repair costs. Each franchisee shall provide the purchaser of any such repaired motor vehicle with a copy of the franchisor's damage disclosure statement. Damage to glass, tires and bumpers is excluded from the six per cent when replaced by identical manufacturer's original equipment.
Section 4517.62 | Franchisee's duties to franchisor and public.
March 14, 1980
Latest Legislation:
Senate Bill 206 - 113th General Assembly
A franchisee having a franchise shall maintain adequate physical facilities and personnel so that the franchisor's product is at all times properly represented in the franchisee's sales area so that the reputation and trade mark of the franchisor shall be protected and so that the general public will receive adequate servicing of the franchisor's products, and said franchisee shall act at all times in good faith.
Section 4517.63 | Writing required for certain actions.
March 14, 1980
Latest Legislation:
Senate Bill 206 - 113th General Assembly
All actions of the franchisor or its officers, agents, or employees with respect to the creation, modification, interpretation, or termination of the franchise, or failure to renew or extend the franchise or the original investment or the increasing or supplementing of the investment by the franchisee in the franchise and its stipulations as to facilities, purchases of goods, vehicles, accessories, parts, or commodities by the franchisee from the franchisor, the sufficiency of the franchisee's performance as a franchisee, advertising and promotional activity by the franchisee, and the franchisee's right to sell, assign, or transfer, or otherwise dispose of his business, shall be in writing and signed by the authorized representative of the franchisor.
Section 4517.64 | Duties of franchisor.
January 1, 2004
Latest Legislation:
Senate Bill 123 - 124th General Assembly
(A) No franchisor shall do any of the following: (1) Fail to obey a requirement or order made by the motor vehicle dealers board, or the order of any court upon application of the board; (2) Fail to perform a duty imposed upon it by sections 4517.50 to 4517.65 of the Revised Code or do any act prohibited by those sections. (B) No franchisee or prospective transferee shall fail to perform a duty imposed upon it by sections 4517.50 to 4517.65 of the Revised Code or do any act prohibited by those sections. (C) Whoever violates division (A) or (B) of this section is guilty of a misdemeanor of the fourth degree.
Section 4517.65 | Liability of franchisor.
October 22, 1987
Latest Legislation:
House Bill 232 - 117th General Assembly
(A) When a franchisor does, causes, or permits to be done anything prohibited by this chapter, or fails to perform any duty imposed upon it by this chapter, the franchisor shall be liable to the franchisee in double the amount of actual damages sustained, plus court costs and reasonable attorney fees. (B) When a franchisor terminates, cancels, or fails to renew a franchise without the prior consent of the franchisee, or refuses to approve the sale or transfer of the business or a controlling interest in a franchisee for other than good cause, the franchisee or prospective transferee may, in lieu of filing a protest with the motor vehicle dealers board, recover damages under division (A) of this section. (C) The franchisor shall be liable to the franchisee or prospective transferee for reasonable attorney fees, witness fees, and any other costs incurred by the franchisee or prospective transferee in any protest filed under section 4517.50, 4517.53, 4517.54, or 4517.56 of the Revised Code in which the motor vehicle dealers board finds in favor of the protesting franchisee or prospective transferee. (D) The burden of proof to establish the franchisor's good cause shall be on the franchisor in protests and actions instituted under this section and sections 4517.50, 4517.54, and 4517.56 of the Revised Code. (E) Nothing in this chapter shall be construed or applied to prohibit a franchisor from implementing in good faith any lawful affirmative action program designed to provide business opportunities for women and minorities.
Section 4517.99 | Penalty.
January 1, 2004
Latest Legislation:
Senate Bill 123 - 124th General Assembly
Whoever violates any provision of sections 4517.01 to 4517.65 of the Revised Code for which no penalty otherwise is provided in the section that contains the provision violated, or any rule promulgated by the registrar of motor vehicles or the motor vehicle dealers board under sections 4517.01 to 4517.45 of the Revised Code, is guilty of a misdemeanor of the fourth degree.