Section |
Section 3796.01 | Definitions.
March 22, 2020
Latest Legislation:
Senate Bill 229 - 132nd General Assembly
(A) As used in this chapter: (1) "Marijuana" means marihuana as defined in section 3719.01 of the Revised Code. (2) "Medical marijuana" means marijuana that is cultivated, processed, dispensed, tested, possessed, or used for a medical purpose. (3) "Academic medical center" has the same meaning as in section 4731.297 of the Revised Code. (4) "Drug database" means the database established and maintained by the state board of pharmacy pursuant to section 4729.75 of the Revised Code. (5) "Physician" means an individual authorized under Chapter 4731. of the Revised Code to practice medicine and surgery or osteopathic medicine and surgery. (6) "Qualifying medical condition" means any of the following: (a) Acquired immune deficiency syndrome; (b) Alzheimer's disease; (c) Amyotrophic lateral sclerosis; (d) Cancer; (e) Chronic traumatic encephalopathy; (f) Crohn's disease; (g) Epilepsy or another seizure disorder; (h) Fibromyalgia; (i) Glaucoma; (j) Hepatitis C; (k) Inflammatory bowel disease; (l) Multiple sclerosis; (m) Pain that is either of the following: (i) Chronic and severe; (ii) Intractable. (n) Parkinson's disease; (o) Positive status for HIV; (p) Post-traumatic stress disorder; (q) Sickle cell anemia; (r) Spinal cord disease or injury; (s) Tourette's syndrome; (t) Traumatic brain injury; (u) Ulcerative colitis; (v) Any other disease or condition added by the state medical board under section 4731.302 of the Revised Code. (7) "State university" has the same meaning as in section 3345.011 of the Revised Code. (B) Notwithstanding any conflicting provision of Chapter 3719. of the Revised Code or the rules adopted under it, for purposes of this chapter, medical marijuana is a schedule II controlled substance.
Section 3796.02 | Establishment.
October 3, 2023
Latest Legislation:
House Bill 33 - 135th General Assembly
There is hereby established a division of marijuana control in the department of commerce. The medical marijuana control program is hereby established in the division of marijuana control. The division shall provide for the licensure of medical marijuana cultivators, processors, retail dispensaries, and laboratories that test medical marijuana. The division shall also provide for the registration of patients and their caregivers. The division shall administer the medical marijuana control program.
Last updated September 7, 2023 at 3:24 PM
Section 3796.021 | Medical marijuana advisory committee.
September 8, 2016
Latest Legislation:
House Bill 523 - 131st General Assembly
(A) The medical marijuana advisory committee is hereby created in the state board of pharmacy. The committee shall consist of the following: (1) Two members who are practicing pharmacists, at least one of whom supports the use of marijuana for medical purposes and at least one of whom is a member of the board of pharmacy; (2) Two members who are practicing physicians, at least one of whom supports the use of marijuana for medical purposes and at least one of whom is a member of the state medical board; (3) A member who represents local law enforcement; (4) A member who represents employers; (5) A member who represents labor; (6) A member who represents persons involved in mental health treatment; (7) A member who is a nurse; (8) A member who represents caregivers; (9) A member who represents patients; (10) A member who represents agriculture; (11) A member who represents persons involved in the treatment of alcohol and drug addiction; (12) A member who engages in academic research. (B) The governor shall appoint the members described in divisions (A)(1), (2), (4), (10), (11), and (12) of this section. The senate president shall appoint the members described in divisions (A)(3) and (8) of this section. The minority leader of the senate shall appoint the member described in division (A)(7) of this section. The speaker of the house of representatives shall appoint the members described in divisions (A)(6) and (9) of this section. The minority leader of the house of representatives shall appoint the member described in division (A)(5) of this section. Not more than six members shall be of the same political party. (C) Appointments to the committee shall be made not later than thirty days after the effective date of this section. (D) Each member of the committee shall serve from the date of appointment until the committee ceases to exist, except that members serve at the pleasure of the appointing authority. Vacancies shall be filled in the same manner as original appointments. (E) The governor shall select a member of the committee to serve as its chairperson. (F) Each member of the committee shall receive a per diem compensation determined in accordance with division (J) of section 124.15 of the Revised Code. In addition, each member shall receive actual and necessary travel expenses in connection with committee meetings and business. (G) The committee shall hold its initial meeting not later than thirty days after the last member of the committee is appointed. The committee may develop and submit to the department of commerce, state board of pharmacy, and the state medical board any recommendations related to the medical marijuana control program and the implementation and enforcement of Chapter 3796. of the Revised Code. (H) The committee is not subject to sections 101.82 to 101.87 of the Revised Code. (I) The committee shall cease to exist on the date that occurs five years and thirty days after the effective date of this act September 8, 2016.
Section 3796.03 | Adoption of rules and standards.
October 3, 2023
Latest Legislation:
House Bill 33 - 135th General Assembly
(A) The division of marijuana control shall adopt rules establishing standards and procedures for the medical marijuana control program. All rules adopted under this section shall be adopted in accordance with Chapter 119. of the Revised Code. (B) The rules shall do all of the following: (1) Establish application procedures and fees for licenses it issues under this chapter; (2) Specify both of the following: (a) The conditions that must be met to be eligible for licensure; (b) In accordance with section 9.79 of the Revised Code, the criminal offenses for which an applicant will be disqualified from licensure pursuant to that section. (3) Establish, in accordance with section 3796.05 of the Revised Code, the number of cultivator licenses and retail dispensary licenses that will be permitted at any one time; (4) Establish a license renewal schedule, renewal procedures, and renewal fees; (5) Specify reasons for which a license may be suspended, including without prior hearing, revoked, or not be renewed or issued and the reasons for which a civil penalty may be imposed on a license holder; (6) Establish standards under which a license suspension may be lifted; (7) Establish procedures for registration of patients and caregivers and requirements that must be met to be eligible for registration; (8) Establish training requirements for employees of retail dispensaries; (9) Specify if a cultivator, processor, retail dispensary, or laboratory that is licensed under this chapter and that existed at a location before a school, church, public library, public playground, or public park became established within five hundred feet of the cultivator, processor, retail dispensary, or laboratory, may remain in operation or shall relocate or have its license revoked by the division; (10) Specify, by form and tetrahydrocannabinol content, a maximum ninety-day supply of medical marijuana that may be possessed; (11) Specify the paraphernalia or other accessories that may be used in the administration to a registered patient of medical marijuana; (12) Establish procedures for the issuance of patient or caregiver identification cards; (13) Specify the forms of or methods of using medical marijuana that are attractive to children; (14) Specify both of the following: (a) Subject to division (B)(14)(b) of this section, the criminal offenses for which a person will be disqualified from employment with a license holder; (b) Which of the criminal offenses specified pursuant to division (B)(14)(a) of this section will not disqualify a person from employment with a license holder if the person was convicted of or pleaded guilty to the offense more than five years before the date the employment begins. (15) Establish a program to assist patients who are veterans or indigent in obtaining medical marijuana in accordance with this chapter; (16) Establish, in accordance with section 3796.05 of the Revised Code, standards and procedures for the testing of medical marijuana by a laboratory licensed under this chapter. (C) In addition to the rules described in division (B) of this section, the division may adopt any other rules it considers necessary for the program's administration and the implementation and enforcement of this chapter. (D) When adopting rules under this section, the division shall consider standards and procedures that have been found to be best practices relative to the use and regulation of medical marijuana.
Last updated August 1, 2023 at 4:34 PM
Section 3796.031 | Closed-loop payment processing system.
September 8, 2016
Latest Legislation:
House Bill 523 - 131st General Assembly
(A) The director of commerce may, in accordance with Chapter 119. of the Revised Code, adopt rules that establish a closed-loop payment processing system under which the state creates accounts to be used only by registered patients and caregivers at licensed dispensaries as well as by all license holders under this chapter. The system may include record-keeping and accounting functions that identify all parties involved in those transactions. The purpose of the system is to prevent all of the following: (1) Revenue from the sale of marijuana from going to criminal enterprises, gangs, and cartels; (2) The diversion of marijuana from a state where it is legal in some form under that state's law to another state; (3) The distribution of marijuana to minors; (4) The use of state-authorized marijuana activity as a cover or pretext for the trafficking of other illegal drugs or for other illegal activity. (B) The information recorded by the system shall be fully accessible to the state board of pharmacy and all state and federal law enforcement agencies, including the United States department of the treasury's financial crimes enforcement network.
Section 3796.032 | Applicability to research and development institutions and organizations.
October 3, 2023
Latest Legislation:
House Bill 33 - 135th General Assembly
This chapter does not authorize the division of marijuana control to oversee or limit research conducted at a state university, academic medical center, or private research and development organization that is related to marijuana and is approved by an agency, board, center, department, or institute of the United States government, including any of the following: (A) The agency for health care research and quality; (B) The national institutes of health; (C) The national academy of sciences; (D) The centers for medicare and medicaid services; (E) The United States department of defense; (F) The centers for disease control and prevention; (G) The United States department of veterans affairs; (H) The drug enforcement administration; (I) The food and drug administration; (J) Any board recognized by the national institutes of health for the purpose of evaluating the medical value of health care services.
Last updated September 7, 2023 at 3:26 PM
Section 3796.05 | Number of cultivator and dispensary licenses; testing standards and procedures.
October 3, 2023
Latest Legislation:
House Bill 33 - 135th General Assembly
(A) When establishing the number of cultivator licenses that will be permitted at any one time, the division of marijuana control shall consider both of the following: (1) The population of this state; (2) The number of patients seeking to use medical marijuana. (B) When establishing the number of retail dispensary licenses that will be permitted at any one time, the division shall consider all of the following: (1) The population of this state; (2) The number of patients seeking to use medical marijuana; (3) The geographic distribution of dispensary sites in an effort to ensure patient access to medical marijuana. (C) When establishing standards and procedures for the testing of medical marijuana, the division shall do all of the following: (1) Specify when testing must be conducted; (2) Determine the minimum amount of medical marijuana that must be tested; (3) Specify the manner in which testing is to be conducted in an effort to ensure uniformity of medical marijuana products processed for and dispensed to patients; (4) Specify the manner in which test results are provided.
Last updated August 1, 2023 at 11:49 AM
Section 3796.06 | Forms of medical marijuana.
October 3, 2023
Latest Legislation:
House Bill 33 - 135th General Assembly
(A) Only the following forms of medical marijuana may be dispensed under this chapter: (1) Oils; (2) Tinctures; (3) Plant material; (4) Edibles; (5) Patches; (6) Any other form approved by the division of marijuana control under section 3796.061 of the Revised Code. (B) With respect to the methods of using medical marijuana, all of the following apply: (1) The smoking or combustion of medical marijuana is prohibited. (2) The vaporization of medical marijuana is permitted. (3) The division may approve additional methods of using medical marijuana, other than smoking or combustion, under section 3796.061 of the Revised Code. (C) Any form or method that is considered attractive to children, as specified in rules adopted by the division, is prohibited. (D) With respect to tetrahydrocannabinol content, all of the following apply: (1) Plant material shall have a tetrahydrocannabinol content of not more than thirty-five per cent. (2) Extracts shall have a tetrahydrocannabinol content of not more than seventy per cent.
Last updated August 1, 2023 at 11:51 AM
Section 3796.061 | Petition for form or method of use.
October 3, 2023
Latest Legislation:
House Bill 33 - 135th General Assembly
(A) Any person may submit a petition to the state division of marijuana control requesting that a form of or method of using medical marijuana be approved for the purposes of section 3796.06 of the Revised Code. A petition shall be submitted to the division in a manner prescribed by the division. A petition shall not seek to approve a method of using medical marijuana that involves smoking or combustion. (B) On receipt of a petition, the division shall review it to determine whether to approve the form of or method of using medical marijuana described in the petition. The division may consolidate the review of petitions for the same or similar forms or methods. In making its determination, the division shall consult with one or more experts and review any relevant scientific evidence. (C) The division shall approve or deny the petition in accordance with any rules adopted by the division under this section. The division's decision is final. (D) The division may adopt rules as necessary to implement this section. The rules shall be adopted in accordance with Chapter 119. of the Revised Code.
Last updated August 1, 2023 at 11:54 AM
Section 3796.07 | Electronic database.
September 8, 2016
Latest Legislation:
House Bill 523 - 131st General Assembly
The department of commerce shall establish and maintain an electronic database to monitor medical marijuana from its seed source through its cultivation, processing, testing, and dispensing. The department may contract with a separate entity to establish and maintain all or any part of the electronic database on behalf of the department. The electronic database shall allow for information regarding medical marijuana to be updated instantaneously. Any cultivator, processor, retail dispensary, or laboratory licensed under this chapter shall submit to the department any information the department determines is necessary for maintaining the electronic database. The department and any entity under contract with the department shall not make public any information reported to or collected by the department under this division that identifies or would tend to identify any specific patient.
Section 3796.08 | Registration.
October 3, 2023
Latest Legislation:
House Bill 33 - 135th General Assembly
(A)(1) Until one hundred eighty days following the effective date of this amendment , a patient seeking to use medical marijuana or a caregiver seeking to assist a patient in the use or administration of medical marijuana shall apply to the state board of pharmacy for registration. On and after one hundred eighty days following the effective date of this amendment , a patient seeking to use medical marijuana or a caregiver seeking to assist a patient in the use or administration of medical marijuana shall apply to the division of marijuana control for registration. The physician who holds a certificate to recommend issued by the state medical board and is treating the patient or the physician's delegate shall submit the application on the patient's or caregiver's behalf in the manner established in rules adopted under section 3796.03 of the Revised Code. (2) The application shall include all of the following: (a) A statement from the physician certifying all of the following: (i) That a bona fide physician-patient relationship exists between the physician and patient; (ii) That the patient has been diagnosed with a qualifying medical condition; (iii) That the physician or physician delegate has requested from the drug database a report of information related to the patient that covers at least the twelve months immediately preceding the date of the report; (iv) That the physician has informed the patient of the risks and benefits of medical marijuana as it pertains to the patient's qualifying medical condition and medical history. (b) In the case of an application submitted on behalf of a patient, the name or names of the one or more caregivers that will assist the patient in the use or administration of medical marijuana; (c) In the case of an application submitted on behalf of a caregiver, the name of the patient or patients that the caregiver seeks to assist in the use or administration of medical marijuana. (3) If the application is complete and meets the requirements established in rules, the board or division, as applicable, shall register the patient or caregiver and issue to the patient or caregiver an identification card. (B) The board or division, as applicable, shall not make public any information reported to or collected by the board or division, as applicable, under this section that identifies or would tend to identify any specific patient. Information collected by the board or division, as applicable, pursuant to this section is confidential and not a public record. The board or division, as applicable, may share identifying information with a licensed retail dispensary for the purpose of confirming that a person has a valid registration. Information that does not identify a person may be released in summary, statistical, or aggregate form. (C) A registration expires according to the renewal schedule established in rules adopted under section 3796.03 of the Revised Code and may be renewed in accordance with procedures established in those rules.
Last updated August 1, 2023 at 11:56 AM
Section 3796.09 | License to cultivate, process or test medical marijuana.
October 9, 2021
Latest Legislation:
House Bill 263 - 133rd General Assembly
(A) An entity that seeks to cultivate or process medical marijuana or to conduct laboratory testing of medical marijuana shall file an application for licensure with the department of commerce. The entity shall file an application for each location from which it seeks to operate. Each application shall be submitted in accordance with rules adopted under section 3796.03 of the Revised Code. (B) The department shall issue a license to an applicant if all of the following conditions are met: (1) The report of the criminal records check conducted pursuant to section 3796.12 of the Revised Code with respect to the application demonstrates that the person subject to the criminal records check requirement has not been convicted of or pleaded guilty to any of the disqualifying offenses specified in rules adopted under section 9.79 and division (B)(2)(b) of section 3796.03 of the Revised Code. (2) The applicant demonstrates that it does not have an ownership or investment interest in or compensation arrangement with any of the following: (a) A laboratory licensed under this chapter; (b) An applicant for a license to conduct laboratory testing. (3) The applicant demonstrates that it does not share any corporate officers or employees with any of the following: (a) A laboratory licensed under this chapter; (b) An applicant for a license to conduct laboratory testing. (4) The applicant demonstrates that it will not be located within five hundred feet of a school, church, public library, public playground, or public park. (5) The information provided to the department pursuant to section 3796.11 of the Revised Code demonstrates that the applicant is in compliance with the applicable tax laws of this state. (6) The applicant meets all other licensure eligibility conditions established in rules adopted under section 3796.03 of the Revised Code. (C) The department shall issue not less than fifteen per cent of cultivator, processor, or laboratory licenses to entities that are owned and controlled by United States citizens who are residents of this state and are members of one of the following economically disadvantaged groups: Blacks or African Americans, American Indians, Hispanics or Latinos, and Asians. If no applications or an insufficient number of applications are submitted by such entities that meet the conditions set forth in division (B) of this section, the licenses shall be issued according to usual procedures. As used in this division, "owned and controlled" means that at least fifty-one per cent of the business, including corporate stock if a corporation, is owned by persons who belong to one or more of the groups set forth in this division, and that those owners have control over the management and day-to-day operations of the business and an interest in the capital, assets, and profits and losses of the business proportionate to their percentage of ownership. (D) A license expires according to the renewal schedule established in rules adopted under section 3796.03 of the Revised Code and may be renewed in accordance with the procedures established in those rules.
Last updated October 9, 2021 at 5:14 AM
Section 3796.10 | Application to dispense.
October 3, 2023
Latest Legislation:
House Bill 33 - 135th General Assembly
(A) An entity that seeks to dispense at retail medical marijuana shall file an application for licensure with the division of marijuana control. The entity shall file an application for each location from which it seeks to operate. Each application shall be submitted in accordance with rules adopted under section 3796.03 of the Revised Code. (B) The division shall issue a license to an applicant if all of the following conditions are met: (1) The report of the criminal records check conducted pursuant to section 3796.12 of the Revised Code with respect to the application demonstrates that the person subject to the criminal records check requirement has not been convicted of or pleaded guilty to any of the disqualifying offenses specified in rules adopted under section 9.79 and division (B)(2)(b) of section 3796.03 of the Revised Code. (2) The applicant demonstrates that it does not have an ownership or investment interest in or compensation arrangement with any of the following: (a) A laboratory licensed under this chapter; (b) An applicant for a license to conduct laboratory testing. (3) The applicant demonstrates that it does not share any corporate officers or employees with any of the following: (a) A laboratory licensed under this chapter; (b) An applicant for a license to conduct laboratory testing. (4) The applicant demonstrates that it will not be located within five hundred feet of a school, church, public library, public playground, or public park. (5) The information provided to the division pursuant to section 3796.11 of the Revised Code demonstrates that the applicant is in compliance with the applicable tax laws of this state. (6) The applicant meets all other licensure eligibility conditions established in rules adopted under section 3796.03 of the Revised Code. (C) The division shall issue not less than fifteen per cent of retail dispensary licenses to entities that are owned and controlled by United States citizens who are residents of this state and are members of one of the following economically disadvantaged groups: Blacks or African Americans, American Indians, Hispanics or Latinos, and Asians. If no applications or an insufficient number of applications are submitted by such entities that meet the conditions set forth in division (B) of this section, the licenses shall be issued according to usual procedures. As used in this division, "owned and controlled" means that at least fifty-one per cent of the business, including corporate stock if a corporation, is owned by persons who belong to one or more of the groups set forth in this division, and that those owners have control over the management and day-to-day operations of the business and an interest in the capital, assets, and profits and losses of the business proportionate to their percentage of ownership. (D) A license expires according to the renewal schedule established in rules adopted under section 3796.03 of the Revised Code and may be renewed in accordance with the procedures established in those rules.
Last updated August 1, 2023 at 12:02 PM
Section 3796.11 | Information provided by department of taxation.
October 3, 2023
Latest Legislation:
House Bill 33 - 135th General Assembly
(A)(1) Notwithstanding section 149.43 of the Revised Code or any other public records law to the contrary or any law relating to the confidentiality of tax return information, upon the request of the division of marijuana control, the department of taxation shall provide to the division all of the following information: (a) Whether an applicant for licensure under this chapter is in compliance with the applicable tax laws of this state; (b) Any past or pending violation by the applicant of those tax laws, and any penalty imposed on the applicant for such a violation. (2) The division shall request the information only as it pertains to an application for licensure that the division, as applicable, is reviewing. (3) The department of taxation may charge the division a reasonable fee to cover the administrative cost of providing the information. (B) Information received under this section is confidential. Except as otherwise permitted by other state law or federal law, the division shall not make the information available to any person other than the applicant for licensure to whom the information applies.
Last updated August 1, 2023 at 12:04 PM
Section 3796.12 | Criminal records check.
October 3, 2023
Latest Legislation:
House Bill 33 - 135th General Assembly
(A) As used in this section, "criminal records check" has the same meaning as in section 109.572 of the Revised Code. (B)(1) As part of the application process for a license issued under this chapter, the division of marijuana control shall require each of the following to complete a criminal records check: (a) An administrator or other person responsible for the daily operation of the entity seeking the license; (b) An owner or prospective owner, officer or prospective officer, or board member or prospective board member of the entity seeking the license. (2) If a person subject to the criminal records check requirement does not present proof of having been a resident of this state for the five-year period immediately prior to the date the criminal records check is requested or provide evidence that within that five-year period the superintendent of the bureau of criminal identification and investigation has requested information about the person from the federal bureau of investigation in a criminal records check, the division shall request that the person obtain through the superintendent a criminal records request from the federal bureau of investigation as part of the criminal records check of the person. Even if a person presents proof of having been a resident of this state for the five-year period, the division may request that the person obtain information through the superintendent from the federal bureau of investigation in the criminal records check. (C) The division shall provide the following to each person who is subject to the criminal records check requirement: (1) Information about accessing, completing, and forwarding to the superintendent of the bureau of criminal identification and investigation the form prescribed pursuant to division (C)(1) of section 109.572 of the Revised Code and the standard impression sheet to obtain fingerprint impressions prescribed pursuant to division (C)(2) of that section; (2) Written notification that the person is to instruct the superintendent to submit the completed report of the criminal records check directly to the division. (D) Each person who is subject to the criminal records check requirement shall pay to the bureau of criminal identification and investigation the fee prescribed pursuant to division (C)(3) of section 109.572 of the Revised Code for the criminal records check conducted of the person. (E) The report of any criminal records check conducted by the bureau of criminal identification and investigation in accordance with section 109.572 of the Revised Code and pursuant to a request made under this section is not a public record for the purposes of section 149.43 of the Revised Code and shall not be made available to any person other than the following: (1) The person who is the subject of the criminal records check or the person's representative; (2) The members and staff of the division; (3) A court, hearing officer, or other necessary individual involved in a case dealing with either of the following: (a) A license denial resulting from the criminal records check; (b) A civil or criminal action regarding the medical marijuana control program or any violation of this chapter. (F) The division shall deny a license if, after receiving the information and notification required by this section, a person subject to the criminal records check requirement fails to do either of the following: (1) Access, complete, or forward to the superintendent of the bureau of criminal identification and investigation the form prescribed pursuant to division (C)(1) of section 109.572 of the Revised Code or the standard impression sheet prescribed pursuant to division (C)(2) of that section; (2) Instruct the superintendent to submit the completed report of the criminal records check directly to the division.
Last updated August 1, 2023 at 12:07 PM
Section 3796.13 | Employment.
October 3, 2023
Latest Legislation:
House Bill 33 - 135th General Assembly
(A) Each person seeking employment with an entity licensed under this chapter shall comply with sections 4776.01 to 4776.04 of the Revised Code. Except as provided in division (B) of this section, such an entity shall not employ the person unless the person has submitted a criminal records check under those sections. The report of the resulting criminal records check shall demonstrate that the person has not been convicted of or pleaded guilty to any of the disqualifying offenses specified in rules adopted under division (B)(14)(a) of section 3796.03 of the Revised Code if the person is seeking employment with an entity licensed by the division of marijuana control under this chapter. (B) An entity is not prohibited by division (A) of this section from employing a person if the disqualifying offense the person was convicted of or pleaded guilty to is one of the offenses specified in rules adopted under division (B)(14)(b) of section 3796.03 of the Revised Code and the person was convicted of or pleaded guilty to the offense more than five years before the date the employment begins.
Last updated August 1, 2023 at 12:09 PM
Section 3796.14 | Authority of department of commerce.
October 3, 2023
Latest Legislation:
House Bill 33 - 135th General Assembly
(A) The division of marijuana control may do any of the following for any reason specified in rules adopted under section 3796.03 of the Revised Code: (1) Suspend, suspend without prior hearing, revoke, or refuse to renew a license it issued under this chapter or a license or a registration the state board of pharmacy issued prior to the transfer of regulatory authority over the medical marijuana control program to the division; (2) Refuse to issue a license; (3) Impose on a license holder a civil penalty in an amount to be determined by the division. (4) With respect to a suspension of a retail dispensary license without prior hearing, the division may utilize a telephone conference call to review the allegations and take a vote. The division shall suspend a license without prior hearing only if it finds clear and convincing evidence that continued distribution of medical marijuana by the license holder presents a danger of immediate and serious harm to others. The suspension shall remain in effect, unless lifted by the division, until the division issues its final adjudication order. If the division does not issue the order within ninety days after the adjudication hearing, the suspension shall be lifted on the ninety-first day following the hearing. The division's actions under division (A) of this section shall be taken in accordance with Chapter 119. of the Revised Code. (B) The division may inspect all of the following for any reason specified in rules adopted under section 3796.03 of the Revised Code without prior notice to the applicant or license holder: (1) The premises of an applicant for licensure or holder of a current, valid cultivator, processor, retail dispensary, or laboratory license issued under this chapter; (2) All records maintained pursuant to this chapter by a holder of a current license. (C) Whenever it appears to the division, from its files, upon complaint, or otherwise, that any person or entity has engaged in, is engaged in, or is about to engage in any practice declared to be illegal or prohibited by this chapter or the rules adopted under this chapter, or when the division believes it to be in the best interest of the public or patients, the division may do any of the following: (1) Investigate the person or entity as authorized pursuant to this chapter or the rules adopted under this chapter; (2) Issue subpoenas to any person or entity for the purpose of compelling either of the following: (a) The attendance and testimony of witnesses; (b) The production of books, accounts, papers, records, or documents. (D) If a person or entity fails to comply with any order of the division or a subpoena issued by the division pursuant to this section, a judge of the court of common pleas of the county in which the person resides or the entity may be served, on application of the division, shall compel obedience by attachment proceedings as for contempt, as in the case of disobedience with respect to the requirements of a subpoena issued from such court or a refusal to testify in such court.
Last updated August 1, 2023 at 12:14 PM
Section 3796.15 | Enforcement by state board of pharmacy.
October 3, 2023
Latest Legislation:
House Bill 33 - 135th General Assembly
(A) The division of marijuana control shall enforce this chapter, or cause it to be enforced. If the division has information that this chapter or any rule adopted under this chapter has been violated, it shall investigate the matter and take any action as it considers appropriate. (B) Nothing in this chapter shall be construed to require the division to enforce minor violations if the division determines that the public interest is adequately served by a notice or warning to the alleged offender. (C) If the division suspends, revokes, or refuses to renew any license or registration issued under this chapter and determines that there is clear and convincing evidence of a danger of immediate and serious harm to any person, the division may place under seal all medical marijuana owned by or in the possession, custody, or control of the affected license holder or registrant. Except as provided in this division, the division of marijuana control shall not dispose of the medical marijuana sealed under this division until the license holder or registrant exhausts all of the holder's or registrant's appeal rights under Chapter 119. of the Revised Code. The court involved in such an appeal may order the division, during the pendency of the appeal, to sell medical marijuana that is perishable. The division shall deposit the proceeds of the sale with the court.
Last updated August 1, 2023 at 12:16 PM
Section 3796.16 | Reciprocity agreements.
October 3, 2023
Latest Legislation:
House Bill 33 - 135th General Assembly
(A)(1) The division of marijuana control shall attempt in good faith to negotiate and enter into a reciprocity agreement with any other state under which a medical marijuana registry identification card or equivalent authorization that is issued by the other state is recognized in this state, if the division determines that both of the following apply: (a) The eligibility requirements imposed by the other state for that authorization are substantially comparable to the eligibility requirements for a patient or caregiver registration and identification card issued under this chapter. (b) The other state recognizes a patient or caregiver registration and identification card issued under this chapter. (2) The division shall not negotiate any agreement with any other state under which an authorization issued by the other state is recognized in this state other than as provided in division (A)(1) of this section. (B) If a reciprocity agreement is entered into in accordance with division (A) of this section, the authorization issued by the other state shall be recognized in this state, shall be accepted and valid in this state, and grants the patient or caregiver the same right to use, possess, obtain, or administer medical marijuana in this state as a patient or caregiver who was registered and issued an identification card under this chapter. (C) The division may adopt any rules as necessary to implement this section.
Last updated August 1, 2023 at 12:17 PM
Section 3796.17 | Toll-free telephone line.
October 3, 2023
Latest Legislation:
House Bill 33 - 135th General Assembly
The division of marijuana control shall establish a toll-free telephone line to respond to inquiries from patients, caregivers, and health professionals regarding adverse reactions to medical marijuana and to provide information about available services and assistance. The division may contract with a separate entity to establish and maintain the telephone line on behalf of the division.
Last updated August 1, 2023 at 12:18 PM
Section 3796.18 | Cultivator license.
September 8, 2016
Latest Legislation:
House Bill 523 - 131st General Assembly
(A) Notwithstanding any conflicting provision of the Revised Code and except as provided in division (B) of this section, the holder of a current, valid cultivator license issued under this chapter may do either of the following: (1) Cultivate medical marijuana; (2) Deliver or sell medical marijuana to one or more licensed processors. (B) A cultivator license holder shall not cultivate medical marijuana for personal, family, or household use or on any public land, including a state park as defined in section 154.01 of the Revised Code.
Section 3796.19 | Processor license.
October 3, 2023
Latest Legislation:
House Bill 33 - 135th General Assembly
(A) Notwithstanding any conflicting provision of the Revised Code, the holder of a current, valid processor license issued under this chapter may do any of the following: (1) Obtain medical marijuana from one or more licensed cultivators; (2) Subject to division (B) of this section, process medical marijuana obtained from one or more licensed cultivators into a form described in section 3796.06 of the Revised Code; (3) Deliver or sell processed medical marijuana to one or more licensed retail dispensaries. (B) When processing medical marijuana, a licensed processor shall do both of the following: (1) Package the medical marijuana in accordance with child-resistant effectiveness standards described in 16 C.F.R. 1700.15(b) on September 8, 2016; (2) Label the medical marijuana packaging with the product's tetrahydrocannabinol and cannabidiol content; (3) Comply with any packaging or labeling requirements established in rules adopted by the division of marijuana control under section 3796.03 of the Revised Code.
Last updated July 31, 2023 at 4:57 PM
Section 3796.20 | Dispensary license.
October 3, 2023
Latest Legislation:
House Bill 33 - 135th General Assembly
(A) Notwithstanding any conflicting provision of the Revised Code, the holder of a current, valid retail dispensary license issued under this chapter, or previously issued by the state board of pharmacy, may do both of the following: (1) Obtain medical marijuana from one or more processors; (2) Dispense or sell medical marijuana in accordance with division (B) of this section. (B) When dispensing or selling medical marijuana, a licensed retail dispensary shall do all of the following: (1) Dispense or sell only upon a showing of a current, valid identification card and in accordance with a written recommendation issued by a physician holding a certificate to recommend issued by the state medical board under section 4731.30 of the Revised Code; (2) Report to the drug database the information required by section 4729.771 of the Revised Code; (3) Label the package containing medical marijuana with the following information: (a) The name and address of the licensed processor and retail dispensary; (b) The name of the patient and caregiver, if any; (c) The name of the physician who recommended treatment with medical marijuana; (d) The directions for use, if any, as recommended by the physician; (e) The date on which the medical marijuana was dispensed; (f) The quantity, strength, kind, or form of medical marijuana contained in the package. (C) When operating a licensed retail dispensary, both of the following apply: (1) A dispensary shall use only employees who have met the training requirements established in rules adopted under section 3796.03 of the Revised Code. (2) A dispensary shall not make public any information it collects that identifies or would tend to identify any specific patient.
Last updated July 31, 2023 at 4:58 PM
Section 3796.21 | Rights of current laboratory license holders.
September 8, 2016
Latest Legislation:
House Bill 523 - 131st General Assembly
(A) Notwithstanding any conflicting provision of the Revised Code, the holder of a current, valid laboratory license issued under this chapter may do both of the following: (1) Obtain medical marijuana from one or more cultivators, processors, and retail dispensaries licensed under this chapter; (2) Conduct medical marijuana testing in the manner specified in rules adopted under section 3796.03 of the Revised Code. (B) When testing medical marijuana, a licensed laboratory shall do both of the following: (1) Test the marijuana for potency, homogeneity, and contamination; (2) Prepare a report of the test results.
Section 3796.22 | Rights of registered patient.
October 3, 2023
Latest Legislation:
House Bill 33 - 135th General Assembly
(A) Notwithstanding any conflicting provision of the Revised Code, a patient registered under this chapter who obtains medical marijuana from a retail dispensary licensed under this chapter may do both of the following: (1) Use medical marijuana; (2) Possess medical marijuana, subject to division (B) of this section; (3) Possess any paraphernalia or accessories specified in rules adopted under section 3796.03 of the Revised Code. (B) The amount of medical marijuana possessed by a registered patient shall not exceed a ninety-day supply, as specified in rules adopted under section 3796.03 of the Revised Code. (C) A registered patient shall not be subject to arrest or criminal prosecution for doing any of the following in accordance with this chapter: (1) Obtaining, using, or possessing medical marijuana; (2) Possessing any paraphernalia or accessories specified in rules adopted under section 3796.03 of the Revised Code. (D) This section does not authorize a registered patient to operate a vehicle, streetcar, trackless trolley, watercraft, or aircraft while under the influence of medical marijuana.
Last updated July 31, 2023 at 4:58 PM
Section 3796.23 | Rights of caregiver.
October 3, 2023
Latest Legislation:
House Bill 33 - 135th General Assembly
(A) Notwithstanding any conflicting provision of the Revised Code, a caregiver registered under this chapter who obtains medical marijuana from a retail dispensary licensed under this chapter may do both of the following: (1) Possess medical marijuana on behalf of a registered patient under the caregiver's care, subject to division (B) of this section; (2) Assist a registered patient under the caregiver's care in the use or administration of medical marijuana; (3) Possess any paraphernalia or accessories specified in rules adopted under section 3796.03 of the Revised Code. (B) The amount of medical marijuana possessed by a registered caregiver on behalf of a registered patient shall not exceed a ninety-day supply, as specified in rules adopted under section 3796.03 of the Revised Code. If a caregiver provides care to more than one registered patient, the caregiver shall maintain separate inventories of medical marijuana for each patient. (C) A registered caregiver shall not be subject to arrest or criminal prosecution for doing any of following in accordance with this chapter: (1) Obtaining or possessing medical marijuana on behalf of a registered patient; (2) Assisting a registered patient in the use or administration of medical marijuana; (3) Possessing any paraphernalia or accessories specified in rules adopted under section 3796.03 of the Revised Code. (D) This section does not permit a registered caregiver to personally use medical marijuana, unless the caregiver is also a registered patient.
Last updated July 31, 2023 at 4:59 PM
Section 3796.24 | Liability.
September 8, 2016
Latest Legislation:
House Bill 523 - 131st General Assembly
(A) The holder of a license, as defined in section 4776.01 of the Revised Code, is not subject to professional disciplinary action solely for engaging in professional or occupational activities related to medical marijuana. (B) Unless there is clear and convincing evidence that a child is unsafe, the use, possession, or administration of medical marijuana in accordance with this chapter shall not be the sole or primary basis for any of the following: (1) An adjudication under section 2151.28 of the Revised Code determining that a child is an abused, neglected, or dependent child; (2) An allocation of parental rights and responsibilities under section 3109.04 of the Revised Code; (3) A parenting time order under section 3109.051 or 3109.12 of the Revised Code. (C) Notwithstanding any conflicting provision of the Revised Code, the use or possession of medical marijuana in accordance with this chapter shall not be used as a reason for disqualifying a patient from medical care or from including a patient on a transplant waiting list. (D) Notwithstanding any conflicting provision of the Revised Code, the use, possession, administration, cultivation, processing, testing, or dispensing of medical marijuana in accordance with this chapter shall not be used as the sole or primary reason for taking action under any criminal or civil statute in the forfeiture or seizure of any property or asset. (E) Notwithstanding any conflicting provision of the Revised Code, a person's status as a registered patient or caregiver is not a sufficient basis for conducting a field sobriety test on the person or for suspending the person's driver's license. To conduct any field sobriety test, a law enforcement officer must have an independent, factual basis giving reasonable suspicion that the person is operating a vehicle under the influence of marijuana or with a prohibited concentration of marijuana in the person's whole blood, blood serum, plasma, breath, or urine. (F) Notwithstanding any conflicting provision of the Revised Code, a person's status as a registered patient or caregiver shall not be used as the sole or primary basis for rejecting the person as a tenant unless the rejection is required by federal law. (G) This chapter does not do any of the following: (1) Require a physician to recommend that a patient use medical marijuana to treat a qualifying medical condition; (2) Permit the use, possession, or administration of medical marijuana other than as authorized by this chapter; (3) Permit the use, possession, or administration of medical marijuana on federal land located in this state; (4) Require any public place to accommodate a registered patient's use of medical marijuana; (5) Prohibit any public place from accommodating a registered patient's use of medical marijuana; (6) Restrict research related to marijuana conducted at a state university, academic medical center, or private research and development organization as part of a research protocol approved by an institutional review board or equivalent entity.
Section 3796.27 | Financial institutions.
October 3, 2023
Latest Legislation:
House Bill 33 - 135th General Assembly
(A) As used in this section: (1) "Financial institution" means any of the following: (a) Any bank, trust company, savings and loan association, savings bank, or credit union or any affiliate, agent, or employee of a bank, trust company, savings and loan association, savings bank, or credit union; (b) Any money transmitter licensed under sections 1315.01 to 1315.18 of the Revised Code or any affiliate, agent, or employee of such a licensee. (2) "Financial services" means services that a financial institution is authorized to provide under Title XI, sections 1315.01 to 1315.18, or Chapter 1733. of the Revised Code, as applicable. (B) A financial institution that provides financial services to any cultivator, processor, retail dispensary, or laboratory licensed under this chapter shall be exempt from any criminal law of this state an element of which may be proven by substantiating that a person provides financial services to a person who possesses, delivers, or manufactures marijuana or marijuana derived products, including section 2925.05 of the Revised Code and sections 2923.01 and 2923.03 of the Revised Code as those sections apply to violations of Chapter 2925. of the Revised Code, if the cultivator, processor, retail dispensary, or laboratory is in compliance with this chapter and the applicable tax laws of this state. (C)(1) Notwithstanding section 149.43 of the Revised Code or any other public records law to the contrary, upon the request of a financial institution, the division of marijuana control shall provide to the financial institution all of the following information: (a) Whether a person with whom the financial institution is seeking to do business is a cultivator, processor, retail dispensary, or laboratory licensed under this chapter; (b) The name of any other business or individual affiliated with the person; (c) An unredacted copy of the application for a license under this chapter, and any supporting documentation, that was submitted by the person; (d) If applicable, information relating to sales and volume of product sold by the person; (e) Whether the person is in compliance with this chapter; (f) Any past or pending violation by the person of this chapter, and any penalty imposed on the person for such a violation. (2) The division may charge a financial institution a reasonable fee to cover the administrative cost of providing the information. (D) Information received by a financial institution under division (C) of this section is confidential. Except as otherwise permitted by other state law or federal law, a financial institution shall not make the information available to any person other than the customer to whom the information applies and any trustee, conservator, guardian, personal representative, or agent of that customer.
Last updated July 31, 2023 at 5:00 PM
Section 3796.28 | Rights of employer.
September 30, 2021
Latest Legislation:
House Bill 110 - 134th General Assembly
(A) Nothing in this chapter does any of the following: (1) Requires an employer to permit or accommodate an employee's use, possession, or distribution of medical marijuana; (2) Prohibits an employer from refusing to hire, discharging, disciplining, or otherwise taking an adverse employment action against a person with respect to hire, tenure, terms, conditions, or privileges of employment because of that person's use, possession, or distribution of medical marijuana; (3) Prohibits an employer from establishing and enforcing a drug testing policy, drug-free workplace policy, or zero-tolerance drug policy; (4) Interferes with any federal restrictions on employment, including the regulations adopted by the United States department of transportation in Title 49 of the Code of Federal Regulations, as amended; (5) Permits a person to commence a cause of action against an employer for refusing to hire, discharging, disciplining, discriminating, retaliating, or otherwise taking an adverse employment action against a person with respect to hire, tenure, terms, conditions, or privileges of employment related to medical marijuana; (6) Affects the authority of the administrator of workers' compensation to grant rebates or discounts on premium rates to employers that participate in a drug-free workplace program established in accordance with rules adopted by the administrator under Chapter 4123. of the Revised Code. (B) A person who is discharged from employment because of that person's use of medical marijuana shall be considered to have been discharged for just cause for purposes of division (D) of section 4141.29 of the Revised Code if the person's use of medical marijuana was in violation of an employer's drug-free workplace policy, zero-tolerance policy, or other formal program or policy regulating the use of medical marijuana. (C) It is not a violation of division (A), (D), or (E) of section 4112.02 of the Revised Code if an employer discharges, refuses to hire, or otherwise discriminates against a person because of that person's use of medical marijuana if the person's use of medical marijuana is in violation of the employer's drug-free workplace policy, zero-tolerance policy, or other formal program or policy regulating the use of medical marijuana.
Last updated July 23, 2021 at 8:13 AM
Section 3796.29 | Limitations on number of. cultivators, processors, or retail dispensaries by localities.
September 8, 2016
Latest Legislation:
House Bill 523 - 131st General Assembly
The legislative authority of a municipal corporation may adopt an ordinance, or a board of township trustees may adopt a resolution, to prohibit, or limit the number of, cultivators, processors, or retail dispensaries licensed under this chapter within the municipal corporation or within the unincorporated territory of the township, respectively. This section does not authorize the legislative authority of a municipal corporation or a board of township trustees to adopt an ordinance or resolution limiting research related to marijuana conducted at a state university, academic medical center, or private research and development organization as part of a research protocol approved by an institutional review board or equivalent entity.
Section 3796.30 | Activities prohibited near schools, churches, libraries, playgrounds or parks.
October 3, 2023
Latest Legislation:
House Bill 33 - 135th General Assembly
(A) Except as provided in division (B) of this section, no medical marijuana cultivator, processor, retail dispensary, or laboratory that tests medical marijuana shall be located within five hundred feet of the boundaries of a parcel of real estate having situated on it a school, church, public library, public playground, or public park. If the relocation of a cultivator, processor, retail dispensary, or laboratory licensed under this chapter results in the cultivator, processor, retail dispensary, or laboratory being located within five hundred feet of the boundaries of a parcel of real estate having situated on it a school, church, public library, public playground, or public park, the division of marijuana control shall revoke the license it previously issued to the cultivator, processor, retail dispensary, or laboratory. (B) This section does not apply to research related to marijuana conducted at a state university, academic medical center, or private research and development organization as part of a research protocol approved by an institutional review board or equivalent entity. (C) As used in this section and sections 3796.03 and 3796.12 of the Revised Code: "Church" has the meaning defined in section 1710.01 of the Revised Code. "Public library" means a library provided for under Chapter 3375. of the Revised Code. "Public park" means a park established by the state or a political subdivision of the state including a county, township, municipal corporation, or park district. "Public playground" means a playground established by the state or a political subdivision of the state including a county, township, municipal corporation, or park district. "School" means a child care center as defined under section 5104.01 of the Revised Code, a preschool as defined under section 2950.034 of the Revised Code, or a public or nonpublic primary school or secondary school.
Last updated August 28, 2023 at 10:16 AM
Section 3796.31 | Prohibition on local taxes, fees.
September 30, 2021
Latest Legislation:
House Bill 110 - 134th General Assembly
Except as otherwise authorized in the Revised Code, no political subdivision shall levy any tax or fee on cultivators, processors, or dispensaries that is based on those businesses' gross receipts or that is the same as or similar to any tax or fee imposed by the state.
Last updated August 24, 2021 at 12:49 PM