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The Legislative Service Commission staff updates the Revised Code on an ongoing basis, as it completes its act review of enacted legislation. Updates may be slower during some times of the year, depending on the volume of enacted legislation.

Chapter 133 | Uniform Public Securities Law

Section 133.01 | Uniform public securities law definitions.

As used in this chapter, in sections 9.95, 9.96, and 2151.655 of the Revised Code, in other sections of the Revised Code that make reference to this chapter unless the context does not permit, and in related proceedings, unless otherwise expressly provided:

(A) "Acquisition" as applied to real or personal property includes, among other forms of acquisition, acquisition by exercise of a purchase option, and acquisition of interests in property, including, without limitation, easements and rights-of-way, and leasehold and other lease interests initially extending or extendable for a period of at least sixty months.

(B) "Anticipatory securities" means securities, including notes, issued in anticipation of the issuance of other securities.

(C) "Board of elections" means the county board of elections of the county in which the subdivision is located. If the subdivision is located in more than one county, "board of elections" means the county board of elections of the county that contains the largest portion of the population of the subdivision or that otherwise has jurisdiction in practice over and customarily handles election matters relating to the subdivision.

(D) "Bond retirement fund" means the bond retirement fund provided for in section 5705.09 of the Revised Code, and also means a sinking fund or any other special fund, regardless of the name applied to it, established by or pursuant to law or the proceedings for the payment of debt charges. Provision may be made in the applicable proceedings for the establishment in a bond retirement fund of separate accounts relating to debt charges on particular securities, or on securities payable from the same or common sources, and for the application of moneys in those accounts only to specified debt charges on specified securities or categories of securities. Subject to law and any provisions in the applicable proceedings, moneys in a bond retirement fund or separate account in a bond retirement fund may be transferred to other funds and accounts.

(E) "Capitalized interest" means all or a portion of the interest payable on securities from their date to a date stated or provided for in the applicable legislation, which interest is to be paid from the proceeds of the securities.

(F) "Chapter 133. securities" means securities authorized by or issued pursuant to or in accordance with this chapter.

(G) "County auditor" means the county auditor of the county in which the subdivision is located. If the subdivision is located in more than one county, "county auditor" means the county auditor of the county that contains the highest amount of the tax valuation of the subdivision or that otherwise has jurisdiction in practice over and customarily handles property tax matters relating to the subdivision. In the case of a county that has adopted a charter, "county auditor" means the officer who generally has the duties and functions provided in the Revised Code for a county auditor.

(H) "Credit enhancement facilities" means letters of credit, lines of credit, stand-by, contingent, or firm securities purchase agreements, insurance, or surety arrangements, guarantees, and other arrangements that provide for direct or contingent payment of debt charges, for security or additional security in the event of nonpayment or default in respect of securities, or for making payment of debt charges to and at the option and on demand of securities holders or at the option of the issuer or upon certain conditions occurring under put or similar arrangements, or for otherwise supporting the credit or liquidity of the securities, and includes credit, reimbursement, marketing, remarketing, indexing, carrying, interest rate hedge, and subrogation agreements, and other agreements and arrangements for payment and reimbursement of the person providing the credit enhancement facility and the security for that payment and reimbursement.

(I) "Current operating expenses" or "current expenses" means the lawful expenditures of a subdivision, except those for permanent improvements and for payments of debt charges of the subdivision.

(J) "Debt charges" means the principal, including any mandatory sinking fund deposits and mandatory redemption payments, interest, and any redemption premium, payable on securities as those payments come due and are payable. The use of "debt charges" for this purpose does not imply that any particular securities constitute debt within the meaning of the Ohio Constitution or other laws.

(K) "Financing costs" means all costs and expenses relating to the authorization, including any required election, issuance, sale, delivery, authentication, deposit, custody, clearing, registration, transfer, exchange, fractionalization, replacement, payment, and servicing of securities, including, without limitation, costs and expenses for or relating to publication and printing, postage, delivery, preliminary and final official statements, offering circulars, and informational statements, travel and transportation, underwriters, placement agents, investment bankers, paying agents, registrars, authenticating agents, remarketing agents, custodians, clearing agencies or corporations, securities depositories, financial advisory services, certifications, audits, federal or state regulatory agencies, accounting and computation services, legal services and obtaining approving legal opinions and other legal opinions, credit ratings, redemption premiums, and credit enhancement facilities. Financing costs may be paid from any moneys available for the purpose, including, unless otherwise provided in the proceedings, from the proceeds of the securities to which they relate and, as to future financing costs, from the same sources from which debt charges on the securities are paid and as though debt charges.

(L) "Fiscal officer" means the following, or, in the case of absence or vacancy in the office, a deputy or assistant authorized by law or charter to act in the place of the named officer, or if there is no such authorization then the deputy or assistant authorized by legislation to act in the place of the named officer for purposes of this chapter, in the case of the following subdivisions:

(1) A county, the county auditor;

(2) A municipal corporation, the city auditor or village clerk or clerk-treasurer, or the officer who, by virtue of a charter, has the duties and functions provided in the Revised Code for the city auditor or village clerk or clerk-treasurer;

(3) A school district, the treasurer of the board of education;

(4) A regional water and sewer district, the secretary of the board of trustees;

(5) A joint township hospital district, the treasurer of the district;

(6) A joint ambulance district, the clerk of the board of trustees;

(7) A joint recreation district, the person designated pursuant to section 755.15 of the Revised Code;

(8) A detention facility district or a district organized under section 2151.65 of the Revised Code or a combined district organized under sections 2152.41 and 2151.65 of the Revised Code, the county auditor of the county designated by law to act as the auditor of the district;

(9) A township, a fire district organized under division (C) of section 505.37 of the Revised Code, or a township police district, the fiscal officer of the township;

(10) A joint fire district, the clerk of the board of trustees of that district;

(11) A regional or county library district, the person responsible for the financial affairs of that district;

(12) A joint solid waste management district, the fiscal officer appointed by the board of directors of the district under section 343.01 of the Revised Code;

(13) A joint emergency medical services district, the person appointed as fiscal officer pursuant to division (D) of section 307.053 of the Revised Code;

(14) A fire and ambulance district, the person appointed as fiscal officer under division (B) of section 505.375 of the Revised Code;

(15) A subdivision described in division (MM)(20) of this section, the officer who is designated by law as or performs the functions of its chief fiscal officer;

(16) A joint police district, the treasurer of the district;

(17) A lake facilities authority, the fiscal officer designated under section 353.02 of the Revised Code;

(18) A regional transportation improvement project, the county auditor designated under section 5595.10 of the Revised Code.

(M) "Fiscal year" has the same meaning as in section 9.34 of the Revised Code.

(N) "Fractionalized interests in public obligations" means participations, certificates of participation, shares, or other instruments or agreements, separate from the public obligations themselves, evidencing ownership of interests in public obligations or of rights to receive payments of, or on account of, principal or interest or their equivalents payable by or on behalf of an obligor pursuant to public obligations.

(O) "Fully registered securities" means securities in certificated or uncertificated form, registered as to both principal and interest in the name of the owner.

(P) "Fund" means to provide for the payment of debt charges and expenses related to that payment at or prior to retirement by purchase, call for redemption, payment at maturity, or otherwise.

(Q) "General obligation" means securities to the payment of debt charges on which the full faith and credit and the general property taxing power, including taxes within the tax limitation if available to the subdivision, of the subdivision are pledged.

(R) "Interest" or "interest equivalent" means those payments or portions of payments, however denominated, that constitute or represent consideration for forbearing the collection of money, or for deferring the receipt of payment of money to a future time.

(S) "Internal Revenue Code" means the "Internal Revenue Code of 1986," 100 Stat. 2085, 26 U.S.C.A. 1 et seq., as amended, and includes any laws of the United States providing for application of that code.

(T) "Issuer" means any public issuer and any nonprofit corporation authorized to issue securities for or on behalf of any public issuer.

(U) "Legislation" means an ordinance or resolution passed by a majority affirmative vote of the then members of the taxing authority unless a different vote is required by charter provisions governing the passage of the particular legislation by the taxing authority.

(V) "Mandatory sinking fund redemption requirements" means amounts required by proceedings to be deposited in a bond retirement fund for the purpose of paying in any year or fiscal year by mandatory redemption prior to stated maturity the principal of securities that is due and payable, except for mandatory prior redemption requirements as provided in those proceedings, in a subsequent year or fiscal year.

(W) "Mandatory sinking fund requirements" means amounts required by proceedings to be deposited in a year or fiscal year in a bond retirement fund for the purpose of paying the principal of securities that is due and payable in a subsequent year or fiscal year.

(X) "Net indebtedness" has the same meaning as in division (A) of section 133.04 of the Revised Code.

(Y) "Obligor," in the case of securities or fractionalized interests in public obligations issued by another person the debt charges or their equivalents on which are payable from payments made by a public issuer, means that public issuer.

(Z) "One purpose" relating to permanent improvements means any one permanent improvement or group or category of permanent improvements for the same utility, enterprise, system, or project, development or redevelopment project, or for or devoted to the same general purpose, function, or use or for which self-supporting securities, based on the same or different sources of revenues, may be issued or for which special assessments may be levied by a single ordinance or resolution. "One purpose" includes, but is not limited to, in any case any off-street parking facilities relating to another permanent improvement, and:

(1) Any number of roads, highways, streets, bridges, sidewalks, and viaducts;

(2) Any number of off-street parking facilities;

(3) In the case of a county, any number of permanent improvements for courthouse, jail, county offices, and other county buildings, and related facilities;

(4) In the case of a school district, any number of facilities and buildings for school district purposes, and related facilities.

(AA) "Outstanding," referring to securities, means securities that have been issued, delivered, and paid for, except any of the following:

(1) Securities canceled upon surrender, exchange, or transfer, or upon payment or redemption;

(2) Securities in replacement of which or in exchange for which other securities have been issued;

(3) Securities for the payment, or redemption or purchase for cancellation prior to maturity, of which sufficient moneys or investments, in accordance with the applicable legislation or other proceedings or any applicable law, by mandatory sinking fund redemption requirements, mandatory sinking fund requirements, or otherwise, have been deposited, and credited for the purpose in a bond retirement fund or with a trustee or paying or escrow agent, whether at or prior to their maturity or redemption, and, in the case of securities to be redeemed prior to their stated maturity, notice of redemption has been given or satisfactory arrangements have been made for giving notice of that redemption, or waiver of that notice by or on behalf of the affected security holders has been filed with the subdivision or its agent for the purpose.

(BB) "Paying agent" means the one or more banks, trust companies, or other financial institutions or qualified persons, including an appropriate office or officer of the subdivision, designated as a paying agent or place of payment of debt charges on the particular securities.

(CC) "Permanent improvement" or "improvement" means any property, asset, or improvement certified by the fiscal officer, which certification is conclusive, as having an estimated life or period of usefulness of five years or more, and includes, but is not limited to, real estate, buildings, and personal property and interests in real estate, buildings, and personal property, equipment, furnishings, and site improvements, and reconstruction, rehabilitation, renovation, installation, improvement, enlargement, and extension of property, assets, or improvements so certified as having an estimated life or period of usefulness of five years or more. The acquisition of all the stock ownership of a corporation is the acquisition of a permanent improvement to the extent that the value of that stock is represented by permanent improvements. A permanent improvement for parking, highway, road, and street purposes includes resurfacing, but does not include ordinary repair.

(DD) "Person" has the same meaning as in section 1.59 of the Revised Code and also includes any federal, state, interstate, regional, or local governmental agency, any subdivision, and any combination of those persons.

(EE) "Proceedings" means the legislation, certifications, notices, orders, sale proceedings, trust agreement or indenture, mortgage, lease, lease-purchase agreement, assignment, credit enhancement facility agreements, and other agreements, instruments, and documents, as amended and supplemented, and any election proceedings, authorizing, or providing for the terms and conditions applicable to, or providing for the security or sale or award of, public obligations, and includes the provisions set forth or incorporated in those public obligations and proceedings.

(FF) "Public issuer" means any of the following that is authorized by law to issue securities or enter into public obligations:

(1) The state, including an agency, commission, officer, institution, board, authority, or other instrumentality of the state;

(2) A taxing authority, subdivision, district, or other local public or governmental entity, and any combination or consortium, or public division, district, commission, authority, department, board, officer, or institution, thereof;

(3) Any other body corporate and politic, or other public entity.

(GG) "Public obligations" means both of the following:

(1) Securities;

(2) Obligations of a public issuer to make payments under installment sale, lease, lease purchase, or similar agreements, which obligations may bear interest or interest equivalent.

(HH) "Refund" means to fund and retire outstanding securities, including advance refunding with or without payment or redemption prior to maturity.

(II) "Register" means the books kept and maintained by the registrar for registration, exchange, and transfer of registered securities.

(JJ) "Registrar" means the person responsible for keeping the register for the particular registered securities, designated by or pursuant to the proceedings.

(KK) "Securities" means bonds, notes, certificates of indebtedness, commercial paper, and other instruments in writing, including, unless the context does not admit, anticipatory securities, issued by an issuer to evidence its obligation to repay money borrowed, or to pay interest, by, or to pay at any future time other money obligations of, the issuer of the securities, but not including public obligations described in division (GG)(2) of this section.

(LL) "Self-supporting securities" means securities or portions of securities issued for the purpose of paying costs of permanent improvements to the extent that receipts of the subdivision, other than the proceeds of taxes levied by that subdivision, derived from or with respect to the improvements or the operation of the improvements being financed, or the enterprise, system, project, or category of improvements of which the improvements being financed are part, are estimated by the fiscal officer to be sufficient to pay the current expenses of that operation or of those improvements or enterprise, system, project, or categories of improvements and the debt charges payable from those receipts on securities issued for the purpose. Until such time as the improvements or increases in rates and charges have been in operation or effect for a period of at least six months, the receipts therefrom, for purposes of this definition, shall be those estimated by the fiscal officer, except that those receipts may include, without limitation, payments made and to be made to the subdivision under leases or agreements in effect at the time the estimate is made. In the case of an operation, improvements, or enterprise, system, project, or category of improvements without at least a six-month history of receipts, the estimate of receipts by the fiscal officer, other than those to be derived under leases and agreements then in effect, shall be confirmed by the taxing authority.

(MM) "Subdivision" means any of the following:

(1) A county, including a county that has adopted a charter under Article X, Ohio Constitution;

(2) A municipal corporation, including a municipal corporation that has adopted a charter under Article XVIII, Ohio Constitution;

(3) A school district;

(4) A regional water and sewer district organized under Chapter 6119. of the Revised Code;

(5) A joint township hospital district organized under section 513.07 of the Revised Code;

(6) A joint ambulance district organized under section 505.71 of the Revised Code;

(7) A joint recreation district organized under division (C) of section 755.14 of the Revised Code;

(8) A detention facility district organized under section 2152.41, a district organized under section 2151.65, or a combined district organized under sections 2152.41 and 2151.65 of the Revised Code;

(9) A township police district organized under section 505.48 of the Revised Code;

(10) A township;

(11) A joint fire district organized under section 505.371 of the Revised Code;

(12) A county library district created under section 3375.19 or a regional library district created under section 3375.28 of the Revised Code;

(13) A joint solid waste management district organized under section 343.01 or 343.012 of the Revised Code;

(14) A joint emergency medical services district organized under section 307.052 of the Revised Code;

(15) A fire and ambulance district organized under section 505.375 of the Revised Code;

(16) A fire district organized under division (C) of section 505.37 of the Revised Code;

(17) A joint police district organized under section 505.482 of the Revised Code;

(18) A lake facilities authority created under Chapter 353. of the Revised Code;

(19) A regional transportation improvement project created under Chapter 5595. of the Revised Code;

(20) Any other political subdivision or taxing district or other local public body or agency authorized by this chapter or other laws to issue Chapter 133. securities.

(NN) "Taxing authority" means in the case of the following subdivisions:

(1) A county, a county library district, or a regional library district, the board or boards of county commissioners, or other legislative authority of a county that has adopted a charter under Article X, Ohio Constitution, but with respect to such a library district acting solely as agent for the board of trustees of that district;

(2) A municipal corporation, the legislative authority;

(3) A school district, the board of education;

(4) A regional water and sewer district, a joint ambulance district, a joint recreation district, a fire and ambulance district, or a joint fire district, the board of trustees of the district;

(5) A joint township hospital district, the joint township hospital board;

(6) A detention facility district or a district organized under section 2151.65 of the Revised Code, a combined district organized under sections 2152.41 and 2151.65 of the Revised Code, or a joint emergency medical services district, the joint board of county commissioners;

(7) A township, a fire district organized under division (C) of section 505.37 of the Revised Code, or a township police district, the board of township trustees;

(8) A joint solid waste management district organized under section 343.01 or 343.012 of the Revised Code, the board of directors of the district;

(9) A subdivision described in division (MM)(20) of this section, the legislative or governing body or official;

(10) A joint police district, the joint police district board;

(11) A lake facilities authority, the board of directors;

(12) A regional transportation improvement project, the governing board.

(OO) "Tax limitation" means the "ten-mill limitation" as defined in section 5705.02 of the Revised Code without diminution by reason of section 5705.313 of the Revised Code or otherwise, or, in the case of a municipal corporation or county with a different charter limitation on property taxes levied to pay debt charges on unvoted securities, that charter limitation. Those limitations shall be respectively referred to as the "ten-mill limitation" and the "charter tax limitation."

(PP) "Tax valuation" means the aggregate of the valuations of property subject to ad valorem property taxation by the subdivision on the real property, personal property, and public utility property tax lists and duplicates most recently certified for collection, and shall be calculated without deductions of the valuations of otherwise taxable property exempt in whole or in part from taxation by reason of exemptions of certain amounts of taxable value under division (C) of section 5709.01, tax reductions under section 323.152 of the Revised Code, or similar laws now or in the future in effect.

For purposes of section 133.06 of the Revised Code, "tax valuation" shall not include the valuation of tangible personal property used in business, telephone or telegraph property, interexchange telecommunications company property, or personal property owned or leased by a railroad company and used in railroad operations listed under or described in section 5711.22, division (B) or (F) of section 5727.111, or section 5727.12 of the Revised Code.

(QQ) "Year" means the calendar year.

(RR) "Administrative agent," "agent," "commercial paper," "floating rate interest structure," "indexing agent," "interest rate hedge," "interest rate period," "put arrangement," and "remarketing agent" have the same meanings as in section 9.98 of the Revised Code.

(SS) "Sales tax supported" means obligations to the payment of debt charges on which an additional sales tax or additional sales taxes have been pledged by the taxing authority of a county pursuant to section 133.081 of the Revised Code.

(TT) "Tourism development district revenue supported" means obligations to the payment of debt charges on which tourism development district revenue has been pledged by the taxing authority of a municipal corporation or township under section 133.083 of the Revised Code.

Section 133.02 | Public securities are negotiable instruments.

(A) Securities lawfully authorized and issued by an issuer, and fractionalized interests in public obligations, subject to applicable provisions for registration or of the proceedings, are negotiable instruments and securities under Chapters 1303. and 1308. of the Revised Code, notwithstanding that the promise to pay debt charges on the particular securities or fractionalized interests may be limited to payment out of a particular fund or the proceeds from a particular source.

(B) Unless a judicial action or proceeding challenging the validity of public obligations or of fractionalized interests in public obligations is commenced by personal service on the chief executive officer or legal officer or fiscal officer of the issuer and, if applicable, the obligor, prior to the initial delivery of the public obligations or the fractionalized interests in public obligations, the public obligations or the fractionalized interests in them and the proceedings relating to them are incontestable and the public obligations or the fractionalized interests in them shall be conclusively considered to be and to have been issued, secured, entered into, payable, sold, executed, and delivered, and the proceedings relating to them taken, in conformity with all legal requirements if all of the following apply:

(1) They state that they are issued or entered into under or pursuant to authorizing provisions of law or of any applicable charter or the Ohio Constitution and comply on their face with those provisions.

(2) They are issued or entered into for a lawful purpose, as stated in the securities or the legislation authorizing their issuance, and within any limitations prescribed by law.

(3) Their purchase price, if any, has been paid in full.

(4) The transcript of the proceedings contains a statement by the officer having charge of the applicable records, or by the legal officer or fiscal officer, of the issuer and, if applicable, of the obligor that all the proceedings were held in compliance with law, which statement creates a conclusive presumption that the proceedings were held in compliance with all laws, including, as applicable, section 121.22 of the Revised Code, and rules.

(C) An individual as such, or as an officer, director, stockholder, or employee of or owner of any interest in an entity, or relatives or business associates of such individual, purchasing securities or fractionalized interests in public obligations as the original or subsequent purchaser, or providing a credit enhancement facility, or acting as a lessor, trustee, fiscal agent, financial adviser, paying agent, or registrar related thereto, shall not be deemed to be interested, either directly or indirectly, solely by reason of such purchase, provision, or relationship, in such purchase or sale or servicing or in the contract evidenced by the securities or the fractionalized interests in public obligations or the credit enhancement facility, for the purpose of any law of this state that prohibits a public officer, servant, or employee, or his relatives or business associates, from being interested in any contract of the particular issuer or obligor.

(D) As used in this division, "tax compliance payments" means any amounts determined or estimated as amounts required to be paid to the federal government in order to maintain the exclusion from gross income for federal income tax purposes of interest on those obligations, including any amounts computed at the time to represent the portion of investment income to be rebated, or amounts in lieu of or in addition to any rebate amount and any penalty or interest to be paid, for that purpose pursuant to the Internal Revenue Code; and "public obligations" includes any bond within the meaning of section 150(a) of the Internal Revenue Code.

Notwithstanding any other law, an issuer and an obligor may agree, in specific or general terms, to do or cause or require to be done all things necessary for, and not to do or permit or authorize to be done anything that would adversely affect, the exclusion of interest on public obligations or on fractionalized interests in public obligations from gross income for federal income tax purposes under the Internal Revenue Code, or the classification or qualification of the public obligations or the interest on the public obligations or fractionalized interests in public obligations for, or their exemption from, other treatment under the Internal Revenue Code, including compliance with the provisions for tax compliance payments to the United States in accordance with the Internal Revenue Code. Those actions and covenants and compliance therewith shall be valid, incontestable, final, and conclusive to the extent that they support that exclusion from gross income or those classifications, qualifications, or exemptions. The authorization in this division is solely for the purpose of satisfying such federal conditions or requirements, and is in addition to and not a limitation upon other authorization granted by or pursuant to law or the Ohio Constitution, and does not preclude or exclude any actions or covenants by the issuer or obligor, or its officer, to satisfy the federal conditions or requirements for the purpose, including actions and covenants previously taken or made. Subject to the terms of those covenants, compliance with covenants referred to in this division by the issuer or obligor and its officers are acts specifically enjoined by law as duties resulting from their office, trust, and station for purposes of section 2731.01 of the Revised Code. The issuer or obligor, and its officers, employees, and agents responsible in the circumstances, shall do all things necessary or appropriate to comply with such covenants and shall take all actions to account for, calculate, report, make available, and make tax compliance payments pursuant to the Internal Revenue Code to the extent required to comply with such covenants. In order to protect the tax exemption of interest or other qualification, classification, or exemption for tax purposes, and to reduce tax compliance payments:

(1) Moneys from the funds to which any such interest is credited, and from any fund that is generally available for the general purposes of the issuer or obligor, available for the purpose of the securities issue, or available for operating and maintenance expenses of any improvements financed or refinanced by that issue or of any system or enterprise of which those improvements are a part, shall be appropriated and are deemed appropriated for all purposes to the payment of such amounts pursuant to such covenant, and may be so appropriated in the absence of such a covenant. Subject to the provisions of the applicable proceedings and notwithstanding any statutory or administrative limitations on the use or transfer of those funds or receipts, the appropriate official of the issuer or obligor may:

(a) Withdraw or transfer tax compliance payments from the fund or funds designated by the issuer or obligor for the purpose, including any bond, improvement, or special fund, and any bond retirement fund after provision for current debt charges requirements, or direct the deposit from receipts, and deposit tax compliance payments in or credit them to the fund or account established for the purpose, which establishment is hereby authorized, and disburse moneys from that fund or account for that purpose.

(b) Withdraw or transfer investment income from any bond or improvement fund, from any bond retirement fund after provision for current debt charges requirements, and from any other special fund established with respect to an issue of securities, and deposit that investment income in or credit that investment income to any other fund or account.

(2) An issuer or obligor may invest any proceeds or gross proceeds, as defined in the Internal Revenue Code, of public obligations or fractionalized interests in public obligations in tax-exempt bonds of any person authorized to issue tax-exempt bonds under the Internal Revenue Code, and in any regulated investment company, the investment in which is treated as an investment in tax-exempt bonds for purposes of provisions of section 148 of the Internal Revenue Code, and in any special series of obligations of the United States made available for purposes of compliance with provisions of section 148 of the Internal Revenue Code. The authority to invest proceeds under this division is in addition to and not restricted or conditioned by any other authority of an issuer to invest its moneys.

Nothing in this division or in other prior or current provisions of law requires that an issuer or obligor comply with provisions of federal tax law or regulations to exclude interest on its public obligations from gross income for federal income tax purposes or otherwise to have the public obligations or interest thereon treated in any particular way under federal tax laws, except to the extent, if any, that the issuer or obligor covenants to do so, and the validity of the public obligations shall not be adversely affected by the absence of that compliance or of compliance with any covenants made pursuant to this division.

This division applies to public obligations and fractionalized interests in public obligations, outstanding on or entered into prior to, or issued or entered into on or after, October 30, 1989.

(E) Notwithstanding any other law, the income from the investment of proceeds of public obligations or fractionalized interests in public obligations of a public issuer, or payments received by or on behalf of a public issuer under section 6341 of the Internal Revenue Code, 26 U.S.C. 6431, may be credited to the fund or account in which those proceeds are held, to the fund or account from which debt charges on those public obligations are paid, or to the general fund or other fund or account as the public issuer authorizes, and used for the purposes of that fund or account.

Section 133.022 | Issuance of school construction bonds; Allocations of state portions; Factors to be considered.

(A) As used in this section:

(1) "Large local educational agency" and "qualified school construction bond" have the same meaning as in section 54F of the Internal Revenue Code, 26 U.S.C. 54F.

(2) "National limit" means, as applicable, the limitation on the aggregate amount of qualified school construction bonds that may be issued by the states each calendar year under section 54F of the Internal Revenue Code.

(3) "State portion" means the portion of the national limit allocated to this state pursuant to section 54F of the Internal Revenue Code.

(B)(1) To provide for the orderly and prompt issuance of qualified school construction bonds, the Ohio facilities construction commission, in consultation with the director of budget and management, shall allocate the state portion among those issuers authorized to issue qualified school construction bonds. The Ohio facilities construction commission may also accept from any large local educational agency the allocation received by that agency under section 54F(d)(2) of the Internal Revenue Code and reallocate it to any issuer or issuers authorized to issue obligations, including any large local educational agency.

(2) The factors to be considered when making allocations of the state portion or reallocations of any amounts received by a large local educational agency include the following:

(a) The interests of the state with regard to education and economic development;

(b) The need and ability of each issuer to issue obligations.

(3) The Ohio facilities construction commission, in consultation with the director of budget and management, shall establish procedures for making allocations, including those from any carryover of the state portion, and shall adopt guidelines to carry out the purposes of this section.

Section 133.03 | Public securities are lawful investments.

(A) Chapter 133. securities are:

(1) Lawful investments for banks, savings and loan associations, credit union share guaranty corporations, trust companies, trustees, fiduciaries, insurance companies, including domestic for life and domestic not for life, trustees or other officers having charge of sinking and bond retirement or other funds of the state, subdivisions, and taxing districts, the commissioners of the sinking fund of the state, the administrator of workers' compensation, the state teachers, public employees, and school employees retirement systems, and the Ohio police and fire pension fund, notwithstanding any other provisions of the Revised Code or rules adopted pursuant to those provisions by any agency of the state with respect to investments by them;

(2) Eligible as security for the repayment of the deposit of public moneys.

(B) Section 9.96 of the Revised Code applies to Chapter 133. securities notwithstanding any other provision in this chapter.

(C) A subdivision may enter into an agreement with an agency, including a commission, officer, board, authority, or other instrumentality, of the state or of the federal government for the issuance and sale of Chapter 133. securities to that agency for purposes for which the subdivision is otherwise authorized to issue those securities, and may issue and sell those securities under procedures and having terms, other than those provided in other sections of this chapter, that comply with that agreement and the rules of that agency.

(D) A subdivision may not issue securities for the purpose of paying current expenses except for securities authorized to be issued for that purpose by this chapter or other laws.

(E) The purpose of Chapter 133. securities may be stated in general terms, such as "street improvements," or "park improvements," or "extension and improvement of the waterworks system," or "school improvements." Any legislation submitting to the electors the question of issuing securities and the published notice of that election, and the legislation specifically authorizing securities, shall generally identify the permanent improvements included in the purpose.

(F) Securities issued pursuant to section 133.13 of the Revised Code may include amounts to pay financing costs relating to those securities.

(G) As used in this chapter, with respect to public obligations:

(1) "Principal amount" means the aggregate of the amount as stated or provided for in the legislation authorizing the public obligations as the amount on which interest or interest equivalent is initially calculated.

(2) "Principal payments" means the payments of or on account of the principal amount as defined in division (G)(1) of this section.

(H) Interest or interest equivalent on public obligations may be paid or compounded at such time as shall be provided in the legislation authorizing the public obligations.

Section 133.04 | Net indebtedness of subdivision - certain securities not considered in calculation.

(A) As used in this chapter, "net indebtedness" means, as determined pursuant to this section, the principal amount of the outstanding securities of a subdivision less the amount held in a bond retirement fund to the extent such amount is not taken into account in determining the principal amount outstanding under division (AA) of section 133.01 of the Revised Code. For purposes of this definition, the principal amount of outstanding securities includes the principal amount of outstanding securities of another subdivision apportioned to the subdivision as a result of acquisition of territory, and excludes the principal amount of outstanding securities of the subdivision apportioned to another subdivision as a result of loss of territory and the payment or reimbursement obligations of the subdivision under credit enhancement facilities relating to outstanding securities.

(B) In calculating the net indebtedness of a subdivision, none of the following securities, including anticipatory securities issued in anticipation of their issuance, shall be considered:

(1) Securities issued in anticipation of the levy or collection of special assessments, either in original or refunded form;

(2) Securities issued in anticipation of the collection of current revenues for the fiscal year or other period not to exceed twelve consecutive months, or securities issued in anticipation of the collection of the proceeds from a specifically identified voter-approved tax levy;

(3) Securities issued for purposes described in section 133.12 of the Revised Code;

(4) Securities issued under Chapter 122., 140., 165., 725., or 761. or section 131.23 of the Revised Code;

(5) Securities issued to pay final judgments or court-approved settlements under authorizing laws and securities issued under section 2744.081 of the Revised Code;

(6) Securities issued to pay costs of permanent improvements to the extent they are issued in anticipation of the receipt of, and are payable as to principal from, federal or state grants or distributions for, or legally available for, that principal or for the costs of those permanent improvements;

(7) Securities issued to evidence loans from the state capital improvements fund pursuant to Chapter 164. of the Revised Code or from the state infrastructure bank pursuant to section 5531.09 of the Revised Code;

(8) That percentage of the principal amount of general obligation securities issued by a county, township, or municipal corporation to pay the costs of permanent improvements equal to the percentage of the debt charges on those securities payable during the current fiscal year that the fiscal officer estimates can be paid during the current fiscal year from payments in lieu of taxes under section 1728.11, 1728.111, 5709.42, 5709.46, 5709.74, or 5709.79 of the Revised Code, and that the legislation authorizing the issuance of the securities pledges or covenants will be used for the payment of those debt charges; provided that the amount excluded from consideration under division (B)(8) of this section shall not exceed the lesser of thirty million dollars or one-half per cent of the subdivision's tax valuation in the case of a county or township, or one and one-tenth per cent of the subdivision's tax valuation in the case of a municipal corporation;

(9) Securities issued in an amount equal to the property tax replacement payments received under section 5727.85 or 5727.86 of the Revised Code;

(10) Securities issued in an amount equal to the property tax replacement payments received under section 5751.21 or 5751.22 of the Revised Code;

(11) Other securities, including self-supporting securities, excepted by law from the calculation of net indebtedness or from the application of this chapter;

(12) Securities issued under section 133.083 of the Revised Code for the purpose of acquiring, constructing, improving, or equipping any permanent improvement to the extent that the legislation authorizing the issuance pledges tourism development district revenue to the payment of debt charges on the securities and contains a covenant to appropriate from tourism development district revenue a sufficient amount to cover debt charges or the financing costs related to the securities as they become due;

(13) Any other securities outstanding on October 30, 1989, and then excepted from the calculation of net indebtedness or from the application of this chapter, and securities issued at any time to fund or refund those securities.

Section 133.05 | Net indebtedness of municipal corporation - certain securities not considered in calculation.

(A) A municipal corporation shall not incur net indebtedness that exceeds an amount equal to ten and one-half per cent of its tax valuation, or incur without a vote of the electors net indebtedness that exceeds an amount equal to five and one-half per cent of that tax valuation.

(B) In calculating the net indebtedness of a municipal corporation, none of the following securities shall be considered:

(1) Self-supporting securities issued for any purposes including, without limitation, any of the following general purposes:

(a) Water systems or facilities;

(b) Sanitary sewerage systems or facilities, or surface and storm water drainage and sewerage systems or facilities, or a combination of those systems or facilities;

(c) Electric plants and facilities and steam or cogeneration facilities that generate or supply electricity, or steam and electrical or steam distribution systems and lines;

(d) Airports or landing fields or facilities;

(e) Railroads, rapid transit, and other mass transit systems;

(f) Off-street parking lots, facilities, or buildings, or on-street parking facilities, or any combination of off-street and on-street parking facilities;

(g) Facilities for the care or treatment of the sick or infirm, and for housing the persons providing such care or treatment and their families;

(h) Solid waste or hazardous waste collection or disposal facilities, or resource recovery and solid or hazardous waste recycling facilities, or any combination of those facilities;

(i) Urban redevelopment projects;

(j) Recreational, sports, convention, auditorium, museum, trade show, and other public attraction facilities;

(k) Facilities for natural resources exploration, development, recovery, use, and sale;

(l) Correctional and detention facilities, including multicounty-municipal jails, and related rehabilitation facilities.

(2) Securities issued for the purpose of purchasing, constructing, improving, or extending water or sanitary or surface and storm water sewerage systems or facilities, or a combination of those systems or facilities, to the extent that an agreement entered into with another subdivision requires the other subdivision to pay to the municipal corporation amounts equivalent to debt charges on the securities;

(3) Securities issued under order of the director of health or director of environmental protection under section 6109.18 of the Revised Code;

(4) Securities issued under Section 3, 10, or 12 of Article XVIII, Ohio Constitution;

(5) Securities that are not general obligations of the municipal corporation;

(6) Voted securities issued for the purposes of urban redevelopment to the extent that their principal amount does not exceed an amount equal to two per cent of the tax valuation of the municipal corporation;

(7) Unvoted general obligation securities to the extent that the legislation authorizing them includes covenants to appropriate annually from lawfully available municipal income taxes or other municipal excises or taxes, including taxes referred to in section 701.06 of the Revised Code but not including ad valorem property taxes, and to continue to levy and collect those municipal income taxes or other applicable excises or taxes in, amounts necessary to meet the debt charges on those securities, which covenants are hereby authorized;

(8) Self-supporting securities issued prior to July 1, 1977, under this chapter for the purpose of municipal university residence halls to the extent that revenues of the successor state university allocated to debt charges on those securities, from sources other than municipal excises and taxes, are sufficient to pay those debt charges;

(9) Securities issued for the purpose of acquiring or constructing roads, highways, bridges, or viaducts, for the purpose of acquiring or making other highway permanent improvements, or for the purpose of procuring and maintaining computer systems for the office of the clerk of the municipal court to the extent that the legislation authorizing the issuance of the securities includes a covenant to appropriate from money distributed to the municipal corporation pursuant to Chapter 4501., 4503., 4504., or 5735. of the Revised Code a sufficient amount to cover debt charges on and financing costs relating to the securities as they become due;

(10) Securities issued for the purpose of providing some or all of the funds required to satisfy the municipal corporation's obligation under an agreement with the board of trustees of the Ohio police and fire pension fund under section 742.30 of the Revised Code;

(11) Securities issued for the acquisition, construction, equipping, and improving of a municipal educational and cultural facility under division (B)(2) of section 307.672 of the Revised Code;

(12) Securities issued for energy conservation measures under section 717.02 of the Revised Code;

(13) Securities that are obligations issued to pay costs of a sports facility under section 307.673 of the Revised Code;

(14) Securities issued under section 133.083 of the Revised Code for the purpose of acquiring, constructing, improving, or equipping any permanent improvement to the extent that the legislation authorizing the issuance pledges tourism development district revenue to the payment of debt charges on the securities and contains a covenant to appropriate from tourism development district revenue a sufficient amount to cover debt charges or the financing costs related to the securities as they become due.

(C) In calculating the net indebtedness of a municipal corporation, no obligation incurred under section 749.081 of the Revised Code shall be considered.

Section 133.06 | Net indebtedness of school district.

(A) A school district shall not incur, without a vote of the electors, net indebtedness that exceeds an amount equal to one-tenth of one per cent of its tax valuation, except as provided in divisions (G) and (H) of this section and in division (D) of section 3313.372 of the Revised Code, or as prescribed in section 3318.052 or 3318.44 of the Revised Code, or as provided in division (J) of this section.

(B) Except as provided in divisions (E), (F), and (I) of this section, a school district shall not incur net indebtedness that exceeds an amount equal to nine per cent of its tax valuation.

(C) A school district shall not submit to a vote of the electors the question of the issuance of securities in an amount that will make the district's net indebtedness after the issuance of the securities exceed an amount equal to four per cent of its tax valuation, unless the director of education and workforce, acting under policies adopted by the department of education and workforce, and the tax commissioner, acting under written policies of the commissioner, consent to the submission. A request for the consents shall be made at least one hundred twenty days prior to the election at which the question is to be submitted.

The director of education and workforce shall certify to the district the director's and the tax commissioner's decisions within thirty days after receipt of the request for consents.

If the electors do not approve the issuance of securities at the election for which the director of education and workforce and tax commissioner consented to the submission of the question, the school district may submit the same question to the electors on the date that the next special election may be held under section 3501.01 of the Revised Code without submitting a new request for consent. If the school district seeks to submit the same question at any other subsequent election, the district shall first submit a new request for consent in accordance with this division.

(D) In calculating the net indebtedness of a school district, none of the following shall be considered:

(1) Securities issued to acquire school buses and other equipment used in transporting pupils or issued pursuant to division (D) of section 133.10 of the Revised Code;

(2) Securities issued under division (F) of this section and, to the extent in excess of the limitation stated in division (B) of this section, under division (E) of this section;

(3) Indebtedness resulting from the dissolution of a joint vocational school district under section 3311.217 of the Revised Code, evidenced by outstanding securities of that joint vocational school district;

(4) Loans, evidenced by any securities, received under sections 3313.483, 3317.0210, and 3317.0211 of the Revised Code;

(5) Debt incurred under section 3313.374 of the Revised Code;

(6) Debt incurred pursuant to division (B)(5) of section 3313.37 of the Revised Code to acquire computers and related hardware;

(7) Debt incurred under section 3318.042 of the Revised Code;

(8) Debt incurred under section 5705.2112 or 5705.2113 of the Revised Code by the fiscal board of a qualifying partnership of which the school district is a participating school district.

(E) A school district may become a special needs district as to certain securities as provided in division (E) of this section.

(1) A board of education, by resolution, may declare its school district to be a special needs district by determining both of the following:

(a) The student population is not being adequately serviced by the existing permanent improvements of the district.

(b) The district cannot obtain sufficient funds by the issuance of securities within the limitation of division (B) of this section to provide additional or improved needed permanent improvements in time to meet the needs.

(2) The board of education shall certify a copy of that resolution to the director of education and workforce with a statistical report showing all of the following:

(a) The history of and a projection of the growth of the tax valuation;

(b) The projected needs;

(c) The estimated cost of permanent improvements proposed to meet such projected needs.

(3) The director of education and workforce shall certify the district as an approved special needs district if the director finds both of the following:

(a) The district does not have available sufficient additional funds from state or federal sources to meet the projected needs.

(b) The projection of the potential average growth of tax valuation during the next five years, according to the information certified to the director and any other information the director obtains, indicates a likelihood of potential average growth of tax valuation of the district during the next five years of an average of not less than one and one-half per cent per year. The findings and certification of the director shall be conclusive.

(4) An approved special needs district may incur net indebtedness by the issuance of securities in accordance with the provisions of this chapter in an amount that does not exceed an amount equal to the greater of the following:

(a) Twelve per cent of the sum of its tax valuation plus an amount that is the product of multiplying that tax valuation by the percentage by which the tax valuation has increased over the tax valuation on the first day of the sixtieth month preceding the month in which its board determines to submit to the electors the question of issuing the proposed securities;

(b) Twelve per cent of the sum of its tax valuation plus an amount that is the product of multiplying that tax valuation by the percentage, determined by the director of education and workforce, by which that tax valuation is projected to increase during the next ten years.

(F) A school district may issue securities for emergency purposes, in a principal amount that does not exceed an amount equal to three per cent of its tax valuation, as provided in this division.

(1) A board of education, by resolution, may declare an emergency if it determines both of the following:

(a) School buildings or other necessary school facilities in the district have been wholly or partially destroyed, or condemned by a constituted public authority, or that such buildings or facilities are partially constructed, or so constructed or planned as to require additions and improvements to them before the buildings or facilities are usable for their intended purpose, or that corrections to permanent improvements are necessary to remove or prevent health or safety hazards.

(b) Existing fiscal and net indebtedness limitations make adequate replacement, additions, or improvements impossible.

(2) Upon the declaration of an emergency, the board of education may, by resolution, submit to the electors of the district pursuant to section 133.18 of the Revised Code the question of issuing securities for the purpose of paying the cost, in excess of any insurance or condemnation proceeds received by the district, of permanent improvements to respond to the emergency need.

(3) The procedures for the election shall be as provided in section 133.18 of the Revised Code, except that:

(a) The form of the ballot shall describe the emergency existing, refer to this division as the authority under which the emergency is declared, and state that the amount of the proposed securities exceeds the limitations prescribed by division (B) of this section;

(b) The resolution required by division (B) of section 133.18 of the Revised Code shall be certified to the county auditor and the board of elections at least one hundred days prior to the election;

(c) The county auditor shall advise and, not later than ninety-five days before the election, confirm that advice by certification to, the board of education of the information required by division (C) of section 133.18 of the Revised Code;

(d) The board of education shall then certify its resolution and the information required by division (D) of section 133.18 of the Revised Code to the board of elections not less than ninety days prior to the election.

(4) Notwithstanding division (B) of section 133.21 of the Revised Code, the first principal payment of securities issued under this division may be set at any date not later than sixty months after the earliest possible principal payment otherwise provided for in that division.

(G)(1) The board of education may contract with an architect, professional engineer, or other person experienced in the design and implementation of energy conservation measures for an analysis and recommendations pertaining to installations, modifications of installations, or remodeling that would significantly reduce energy consumption in buildings owned by the district. The report shall include estimates of all costs of such installations, modifications, or remodeling, including costs of design, engineering, installation, maintenance, repairs, measurement and verification of energy savings, and debt service, forgone residual value of materials or equipment replaced by the energy conservation measure, as defined by the Ohio facilities construction commission, a baseline analysis of actual energy consumption data for the preceding three years with the utility baseline based on only the actual energy consumption data for the preceding twelve months, and estimates of the amounts by which energy consumption and resultant operational and maintenance costs, as defined by the commission, would be reduced.

If the board finds after receiving the report that the amount of money the district would spend on such installations, modifications, or remodeling is not likely to exceed the amount of money it would save in energy and resultant operational and maintenance costs over the ensuing fifteen years, the board may submit to the commission a copy of its findings and a request for approval to incur indebtedness to finance the making or modification of installations or the remodeling of buildings for the purpose of significantly reducing energy consumption.

The facilities construction commission, in consultation with the auditor of state, may deny a request under division (G)(1) of this section by the board of education of any school district that is in a state of fiscal watch pursuant to division (A) of section 3316.03 of the Revised Code, if it determines that the expenditure of funds is not in the best interest of the school district.

No district board of education of a school district that is in a state of fiscal emergency pursuant to division (B) of section 3316.03 of the Revised Code shall submit a request without submitting evidence that the installations, modifications, or remodeling have been approved by the district's financial planning and supervision commission established under section 3316.05 of the Revised Code.

No board of education of a school district for which an academic distress commission has been established under section 3302.10 of the Revised Code shall submit a request without first receiving approval to incur indebtedness from the district's academic distress commission established under that section, for so long as such commission continues to be required for the district.

(2) The board of education may contract with a person experienced in the implementation of student transportation to produce a report that includes an analysis of and recommendations for the use of alternative fuel vehicles by school districts. The report shall include cost estimates detailing the return on investment over the life of the alternative fuel vehicles and environmental impact of alternative fuel vehicles. The report also shall include estimates of all costs associated with alternative fuel transportation, including facility modifications and vehicle purchase costs or conversion costs.

If the board finds after receiving the report that the amount of money the district would spend on purchasing alternative fuel vehicles or vehicle conversion is not likely to exceed the amount of money it would save in fuel and resultant operational and maintenance costs over the ensuing five years, the board may submit to the commission a copy of its findings and a request for approval to incur indebtedness to finance the purchase of new alternative fuel vehicles or vehicle conversions for the purpose of reducing fuel costs.

The facilities construction commission, in consultation with the auditor of state, may deny a request under division (G)(2) of this section by the board of education of any school district that is in a state of fiscal watch pursuant to division (A) of section 3316.03 of the Revised Code, if it determines that the expenditure of funds is not in the best interest of the school district.

No district board of education of a school district that is in a state of fiscal emergency pursuant to division (B) of section 3316.03 of the Revised Code shall submit a request without submitting evidence that the purchase or conversion of alternative fuel vehicles has been approved by the district's financial planning and supervision commission established under section 3316.05 of the Revised Code.

No board of education of a school district for which an academic distress commission has been established under section 3302.10 of the Revised Code shall submit a request without first receiving approval to incur indebtedness from the district's academic distress commission established under that section, for so long as such commission continues to be required for the district.

(3) The facilities construction commission shall approve the board's request provided that the following conditions are satisfied:

(a) The commission determines that the board's findings are reasonable.

(b) The request for approval is complete.

(c) If the request was submitted under division (G)(1) of this section, the installations, modifications, or remodeling are consistent with any project to construct or acquire classroom facilities, or to reconstruct or make additions to existing classroom facilities under sections 3318.01 to 3318.20 or sections 3318.40 to 3318.45 of the Revised Code.

Upon receipt of the commission's approval, the district may issue securities without a vote of the electors in a principal amount not to exceed nine-tenths of one per cent of its tax valuation for the purpose specified in division (G)(1) or (2) of this section, but the total net indebtedness of the district without a vote of the electors incurred under this and all other sections of the Revised Code, except section 3318.052 of the Revised Code, shall not exceed one per cent of the district's tax valuation.

(4)(a) So long as any securities issued under division (G)(1) of this section remain outstanding, the board of education shall monitor the energy consumption and resultant operational and maintenance costs of buildings in which installations or modifications have been made or remodeling has been done pursuant to that division. Except as provided in division (G)(4)(b) of this section, the board shall maintain and annually update a report in a form and manner prescribed by the facilities construction commission documenting the reductions in energy consumption and resultant operational and maintenance cost savings attributable to such installations, modifications, or remodeling. The resultant operational and maintenance cost savings shall be certified by the school district treasurer. The report shall be submitted annually to the commission.

(b) If the facilities construction commission verifies that the certified annual reports submitted to the commission by a board of education under division (G)(4)(a) of this section fulfill the guarantee required under division (B) of section 3313.372 of the Revised Code for three consecutive years, the board of education shall no longer be subject to the annual reporting requirements of division (G)(4)(a) of this section.

(5) So long as any securities issued under division (G)(2) of this section remain outstanding, the board of education shall monitor the purchase of new alternative fuel vehicles or vehicle conversions pursuant to that division. The board shall maintain and annually update a report in a form and manner prescribed by the facilities construction commission documenting the purchase of new alternative fuel vehicles or vehicle conversions, the associated environmental impact, and return on investment. The resultant fuel and operational and maintenance cost savings shall be certified by the school district treasurer. The report shall be submitted annually to the commission.

(H) With the consent of the director of education and workforce, a school district may incur without a vote of the electors net indebtedness that exceeds the amounts stated in divisions (A) and (G) of this section for the purpose of paying costs of permanent improvements, if and to the extent that both of the following conditions are satisfied:

(1) The fiscal officer of the school district estimates that receipts of the school district from payments made under or pursuant to agreements entered into pursuant to section 725.02, 1728.10, 3735.671, 5709.081, 5709.082, 5709.40, 5709.41, 5709.45, 5709.57, 5709.62, 5709.63, 5709.632, 5709.73, 5709.78, or 5709.82 of the Revised Code, or distributions under division (C) of section 5709.43 or division (B) of section 5709.47 of the Revised Code, or any combination thereof, are, after accounting for any appropriate coverage requirements, sufficient in time and amount, and are committed by the proceedings, to pay the debt charges on the securities issued to evidence that indebtedness and payable from those receipts, and the taxing authority of the district confirms the fiscal officer's estimate, which confirmation is approved by the director of education and workforce;

(2) The fiscal officer of the school district certifies, and the taxing authority of the district confirms, that the district, at the time of the certification and confirmation, reasonably expects to have sufficient revenue available for the purpose of operating such permanent improvements for their intended purpose upon acquisition or completion thereof, and the director of education and workforce approves the taxing authority's confirmation.

The maximum maturity of securities issued under division (H) of this section shall be the lesser of twenty years or the maximum maturity calculated under section 133.20 of the Revised Code.

(I) A school district may incur net indebtedness by the issuance of securities in accordance with the provisions of this chapter in excess of the limit specified in division (B) or (C) of this section when necessary to raise the school district portion of the basic project cost and any additional funds necessary to participate in a project under Chapter 3318. of the Revised Code, including the cost of items designated by the facilities construction commission as required locally funded initiatives, the cost of other locally funded initiatives in an amount that does not exceed fifty per cent of the district's portion of the basic project cost, and the cost for site acquisition. A school district shall notify the director of education and workforce whenever that district will exceed either limit pursuant to this division.

(J) A school district whose portion of the basic project cost of its classroom facilities project under sections 3318.01 to 3318.20 of the Revised Code is greater than or equal to one hundred million dollars may incur without a vote of the electors net indebtedness in an amount up to two per cent of its tax valuation through the issuance of general obligation securities in order to generate all or part of the amount of its portion of the basic project cost if the controlling board has approved the facilities construction commission's conditional approval of the project under section 3318.04 of the Revised Code. The school district board and the Ohio facilities construction commission shall include the dedication of the proceeds of such securities in the agreement entered into under section 3318.08 of the Revised Code. No state moneys shall be released for a project to which this section applies until the proceeds of any bonds issued under this section that are dedicated for the payment of the school district portion of the project are first deposited into the school district's project construction fund.

Last updated September 24, 2024 at 9:06 PM

Section 133.061 | Net securities indebtedness of school district.

(A) This section applies only to a school district that satisfies all of the following conditions:

(1) The district, prior to June 30, 2007, undertook a classroom facilities project under section 3318.37 of the Revised Code.

(2) The district will undertake a subsequent classroom facilities project under section 3318.37 of the Revised Code that will consist of a single building housing grades six through twelve.

(3) The district's project described in division (A)(2) of this section will include locally funded initiatives that are not required by the Ohio facilities construction commission.

(4) The district's project described in division (A)(2) of this section will commence within two years after June 30, 2007.

(B) Notwithstanding any other provision of law to the contrary, a school district to which this section applies may incur net indebtedness by the issuance of securities in accordance with the provisions of this chapter in excess of the limit specified in division (B) or (C) of section 133.06 of the Revised Code when necessary to raise the school district portion of the basic project cost and any additional funds necessary to participate in the classroom facilities project described in division (A)(2) of this section, including the cost of items designated by the Ohio facilities construction commission as required locally funded initiatives, the cost for site acquisition, and the cost of the locally funded initiatives that are not required by the commission described in division (A)(3) of this section, as long as the district's total net indebtedness after the issuance of those securities does not exceed one hundred twenty-five per cent of the limit prescribed in division (B) of section 133.06 of the Revised Code and the electors of the district approve the issuance of those securities.

The facilities construction commission shall notify the director of education and workforce whenever a school district will exceed either limit pursuant to this section.

Last updated September 5, 2023 at 5:12 PM

Section 133.07 | Net indebtedness of county - certain securities not considered in calculation.

(A) A county shall not incur, without a vote of the electors, either of the following:

(1) Net indebtedness for all purposes that exceeds an amount equal to one per cent of its tax valuation;

(2) Net indebtedness for the purpose of paying the county's share of the cost of the construction, improvement, maintenance, or repair of state highways that exceeds an amount equal to one-half of one per cent of its tax valuation.

(B) A county shall not incur total net indebtedness that exceeds an amount equal to one of the following limitations that applies to the county:

(1) A county with a valuation not exceeding one hundred million dollars, three per cent of that tax valuation;

(2) A county with a tax valuation exceeding one hundred million dollars but not exceeding three hundred million dollars, three million dollars plus one and one-half per cent of that tax valuation in excess of one hundred million dollars;

(3) A county with a tax valuation exceeding three hundred million dollars, six million dollars plus two and one-half per cent of that tax valuation in excess of three hundred million dollars.

(C) In calculating the net indebtedness of a county, none of the following securities shall be considered:

(1) Securities described in section 307.201 of the Revised Code;

(2) Self-supporting securities issued for any purposes, including, but not limited to, any of the following general purposes:

(a) Water systems or facilities;

(b) Sanitary sewerage systems or facilities, or surface and storm water drainage and sewerage systems or facilities, or a combination of those systems or facilities;

(c) County or joint county scrap tire collection, storage, monocell, monofill, or recovery facilities, or any combination of those facilities;

(d) Off-street parking lots, facilities, or buildings, or on-street parking facilities, or any combination of off-street and on-street parking facilities;

(e) Facilities for the care or treatment of the sick or infirm, and for housing the persons providing that care or treatment and their families;

(f) Recreational, sports, convention, auditorium, museum, trade show, and other public attraction facilities;

(g) Facilities for natural resources exploration, development, recovery, use, and sale;

(h) Correctional and detention facilities and related rehabilitation facilities.

(3) Securities issued for the purpose of purchasing, constructing, improving, or extending water or sanitary or surface and storm water sewerage systems or facilities, or a combination of those systems or facilities, to the extent that an agreement entered into with another subdivision requires the other subdivision to pay to the county amounts equivalent to debt charges on the securities;

(4) Voted general obligation securities issued for the purpose of permanent improvements for sanitary sewerage or water systems or facilities to the extent that the total principal amount of voted securities outstanding for the purpose does not exceed an amount equal to two per cent of the county's tax valuation;

(5) Securities issued for permanent improvements to house agencies, departments, boards, or commissions of the county or of any municipal corporation located, in whole or in part, in the county, to the extent that the revenues, other than revenues from unvoted county property taxes, derived from leases or other agreements between the county and those agencies, departments, boards, commissions, or municipal corporations relating to the use of the permanent improvements are sufficient to cover the cost of all operating expenses of the permanent improvements paid by the county and debt charges on the securities;

(6) Securities issued pursuant to section 133.08 of the Revised Code;

(7) Securities issued for the purpose of acquiring or constructing roads, highways, bridges, or viaducts, for the purpose of acquiring or making other highway permanent improvements, or for the purpose of procuring and maintaining computer systems for the office of the clerk of any county-operated municipal court, for the office of the clerk of the court of common pleas, or for the office of the clerk of the probate, juvenile, or domestic relations division of the court of common pleas to the extent that the legislation authorizing the issuance of the securities includes a covenant to appropriate from moneys distributed to the county pursuant to division (B) of section 2101.162, 2151.541, 2153.081, 2301.031, or 2303.201 or Chapter 4501., 4503., 4504., or 5735. of the Revised Code a sufficient amount to cover debt charges on and financing costs relating to the securities as they become due;

(8) Securities issued for the purpose of acquiring, constructing, improving, and equipping a county, multicounty, or multicounty-municipal jail, workhouse, juvenile detention facility, or correctional facility;

(9) Securities issued for the acquisition, construction, equipping, or repair of any permanent improvement or any class or group of permanent improvements enumerated in a resolution adopted pursuant to division (D) of section 5739.026, or under division (J) or (T) of section 5739.09, of the Revised Code to the extent that the legislation authorizing the issuance of the securities includes a covenant to appropriate from moneys received from the taxes authorized under section 5739.023 and division (A)(5) of section 5739.026, or under division (J) or (T) of section 5739.09 of the Revised Code, respectively, an amount sufficient to pay debt charges on the securities and those moneys shall be pledged for that purpose;

(10) Securities issued for county or joint county solid waste or hazardous waste collection, transfer, or disposal facilities, or resource recovery and solid or hazardous waste recycling facilities, or any combination of those facilities;

(11) Securities issued for the acquisition, construction, and equipping of a port authority educational and cultural facility under section 307.671 of the Revised Code;

(12) Securities issued for the acquisition, construction, equipping, and improving of a municipal educational and cultural facility under division (B)(1) of section 307.672 of the Revised Code;

(13) Securities issued for energy conservation measures under section 307.041 of the Revised Code;

(14) Securities issued for the acquisition, construction, equipping, improving, or repair of a sports facility, including obligations issued to pay costs of a sports facility under section 307.673 of the Revised Code;

(15) Securities issued under section 755.17 of the Revised Code if the legislation authorizing issuance of the securities includes a covenant to appropriate from revenue received from a tax authorized under division (A)(5) of section 5739.026 and section 5741.023 of the Revised Code an amount sufficient to pay debt charges on the securities, and the board of county commissioners pledges that revenue for that purpose, pursuant to section 755.171 of the Revised Code;

(16) Sales tax supported bonds issued pursuant to section 133.081 of the Revised Code for the purpose of acquiring, constructing, improving, or equipping any permanent improvement to the extent that the legislation authorizing the issuance of the sales tax supported bonds pledges county sales taxes to the payment of debt charges on the sales tax supported bonds and contains a covenant to appropriate from county sales taxes a sufficient amount to cover debt charges or the financing costs related to the sales tax supported bonds as they become due;

(17) Bonds or notes issued under section 133.60 of the Revised Code if the legislation authorizing issuance of the bonds or notes includes a covenant to appropriate from revenue received from a tax authorized under division (A)(9) of section 5739.026 and section 5741.023 of the Revised Code an amount sufficient to pay the debt charges on the bonds or notes, and the board of county commissioners pledges that revenue for that purpose;

(18) Securities issued under section 3707.55 of the Revised Code for the acquisition of real property by a general health district;

(19) Securities issued under division (A)(3) of section 3313.37 of the Revised Code for the acquisition of real and personal property by an educational service center;

(20) Securities issued for the purpose of paying the costs of acquiring, constructing, reconstructing, renovating, rehabilitating, expanding, adding to, equipping, furnishing, or otherwise improving an arena, convention center, or a combination of an arena and convention center under section 307.695 of the Revised Code;

(21) Securities issued for the purpose of paying project costs under section 307.678 of the Revised Code;

(22) Securities issued for the purpose of paying project costs under section 307.679 of the Revised Code.

(D) In calculating the net indebtedness of a county, no obligation incurred under division (F) of section 339.06 of the Revised Code shall be considered.

Last updated August 15, 2023 at 1:14 PM

Section 133.08 | County revenue securities.

(A) In addition to any power to issue securities under other provisions of the Revised Code for the purposes, a county may issue revenue securities as authorized in this section.

(B) A county may issue revenue securities to fund or refund revenue securities previously issued, or for any purposes for which it could issue self-supporting securities and, without limitation, any of the following general purposes:

(1) For one or more established sewer districts, any of the purposes provided in divisions (C)(2)(a) and (b) of section 133.07 of the Revised Code, including sanitary facilities, drainage facilities, and prevention or replacement facilities as defined in section 6117.01 of the Revised Code. For purposes of this chapter, those sanitary facilities, drainage facilities, and prevention or replacement facilities are hereby determined to qualify as facilities described in Section 13 of Article VIII, Ohio Constitution.

(2) Hospital facilities as defined in division (E) of section 140.01 of the Revised Code;

(3) Facilities described in division (C)(10) of section 133.07 of the Revised Code;

(4) Off-street parking facilities pursuant to section 307.02 of the Revised Code;

(5) An arena, a convention center, or a combination of an arena and convention center under section 307.695 of the Revised Code.

(C) The county shall establish rates or charges for the use, availability, or rental of the facilities to which the financing relates, being the improvement, enterprise, system, project, or categories of improvements or the operation or function that the facilities serve, which rates or charges shall be designed to provide revenues to the county sufficient to pay the costs of all current expenses of the facilities payable by the county and to pay the debt charges on the securities and to establish and maintain any contractually required special funds relating to the securities or the facilities.

(D) Revenue securities issued under this section shall not be general obligations of the county. Revenue securities issued under this section shall be secured only by a pledge of and lien upon the revenues of the county, derived from its ownership or operation of the facilities, including those rates or charges or rents and any interest subsidies or debt charges, grants, or other payments by federal or state agencies available therefor, and the covenants of the county to maintain sufficient rentals, rates, and charges to produce revenues sufficient to pay all current expenses of the facilities payable by the county and to pay the debt charges on the securities and to establish and maintain any contractually required special funds relating to the securities or the facilities, and, if the securities are anticipatory securities, to issue the revenue securities in anticipation of the issuance of which the revenue securities are issued. Revenue securities may also be secured by a pledge of and lien on the proceeds of any securities issued to fund or refund those revenue securities.

(E) The county officers authorized by the county taxing authority shall execute the necessary documents, including but not limited to trust agreements and leases, to provide for the pledge, protection, and disposition of the pledged revenues from which debt charges and any special fund deposits are to be paid.

(F) As long as any of these revenue securities, in either original or refunded form, remain outstanding, except as otherwise provided in those documents, all parts of the facilities the revenues from which are pledged, shall remain under the control of the county taxing authority, whether any parts of the facilities are leased to or operated by others or are in or thereafter come within the boundaries of any municipal corporation, and the facilities shall remain subject to the power and duty of the taxing authority to fix and collect rates or charges or rents for the use of facilities.

(G) The authority to issue securities of the county under this section for permanent improvements described in division (B)(2) of this section or division (C)(2)(d) of section 133.07 of the Revised Code may separately and independently be exercised by a board of county hospital trustees established under section 339.02 of the Revised Code for those permanent improvements and related operations under the control of that board.

(H) Sections 9.98 to 9.983 of the Revised Code apply to securities issued under this section, notwithstanding any other provision in this chapter.

Section 133.081 | Issuing sales tax supported bonds of county.

(A) As used in this section:

(1) "Anticipation notes" means notes issued in anticipation of the sales tax supported bonds authorized by this section;

(2) "Authorizing proceedings" means the resolution, legislation, trust agreement, certification, and other agreements, instruments, and documents, as amended and supplemented, authorizing, or providing for the security or sale or award of, sales tax supported bonds, and includes the provisions set forth or incorporated in those bonds and proceedings;

(3) "County sales tax" means any sales tax levied by the taxing authority of a county pursuant to section 5739.021 or 5739.026 of the Revised Code, and any tax levied by that taxing authority upon storage, use, or consumption under section 5741.021 or 5741.023 of the Revised Code. However, "county sales tax" does not include a sales tax subject to referendum or a sales tax that was adopted as an emergency measure and is subject to initiative petition under section 5739.022 of the Revised Code.

(4) "Sales tax supported bonds" means the sales tax supported bonds authorized by this section, including anticipation notes;

(5) "Refunding bonds" means sales tax supported bonds issued to provide for the refunding of the sales tax supported bonds referred to in this section as refunded obligations.

(B) The taxing authority of a county which has levied a county sales tax for the purpose of providing additional general revenues of the county pursuant to Chapter 5739. of the Revised Code may anticipate the receipts of such tax and issue sales tax supported bonds of the county in the principal amount necessary to pay the costs of financing any permanent improvement as defined in division (CC) of section 133.01 of the Revised Code, or to refund any refunded obligations, provided that the taxing authority certifies that the annual debt charges on the sales tax supported bonds, or on the sales tax supported bonds being anticipated by anticipation notes, do not exceed the estimated annual county sales tax receipts. The maximum aggregate amount of sales tax supported bonds that may be outstanding at any time in accordance with their terms shall not exceed an amount which requires or is estimated to require payments from sales tax receipts of debt charges on the sales tax supported bonds, or, in the case of anticipation notes, projected debt charges on the sales tax supported bonds anticipated, in any calendar year in an amount exceeding the county sales tax in anticipation of which the bonds or anticipation notes are issued as estimated by the fiscal officer based on general sales tax receipts averaged for the prior two calendar years prior to the year in which the sales tax supported bonds are issued, and annualized for any increase in the county sales tax which may have been levied in part during such period or levied after such period. A taxing authority may at any time issue renewal anticipation notes, issue sales tax supported bonds to pay renewal anticipation notes, and, if it considers refunding expedient, issue refunding sales tax supported bonds whether the refunded obligations have or have not matured. The refunding sales tax supported bonds shall be sold and the proceeds needed for such purpose applied in the manner provided in the authorizing proceedings of the taxing authority. The maximum maturity of sales tax supported bonds shall be calculated by the fiscal officer in accordance with section 133.20 of the Revised Code, and such calculation shall be filed with the taxing authority of the county prior to passage of a bond authorizing resolution. If the county sales tax pledged to the payment of the sales tax supported bonds has a stated expiration date, the final principal maturity date of the sales tax supported bonds shall not extend beyond the final year of collection of the county sales tax pledged to the payment of the sales tax supported bonds.

(C) Every issue of sales tax supported bonds outstanding in accordance with their terms shall be payable out of the sales tax receipts received by the county or proceeds of sales tax supported bonds, renewal anticipation notes, or refunding sales tax supported bonds which may be pledged for such payment in the authorizing proceedings. The pledge shall be valid and binding from the time the pledge is made, and the county sales tax receipts and proceeds so pledged and thereafter received by the county shall immediately be subject to the lien of that pledge without any physical delivery of the county sales tax receipts or proceeds or further act. The lien of any pledge is valid and binding as against all parties having claims of any kind in tort, contract, or otherwise against the county, whether or not such parties have notice of the lien. Neither the resolution nor any trust agreement by which a pledge is created or further evidenced need be filed or recorded except in the records of the taxing authority.

(D) Sales tax supported bonds issued under this section do not constitute a general obligation debt, or a pledge of the full faith and credit, of the state, the county, or any other political subdivision of the state, and the holders or owners of the bonds have no right to have taxes levied by the general assembly or property taxes levied by the taxing authority of any political subdivision of the state, including the taxing authority of the county, for the payment of debt charges. Unless paid from other sources, sales tax supported bonds are payable from the sales tax receipts pledged for their payment as authorized by this section. All sales tax supported bonds shall contain on their face a statement to the effect that the sales tax supported bonds, as to debt charges, are not debts or obligations of the state and are not general obligation debts of any political subdivision of the state, but, unless paid from other sources, are payable from the sales tax receipts pledged for their payment. The utilization and pledge of the sales tax receipts and proceeds of sales tax supported bonds, renewal anticipation notes, or refunding sales tax supported bonds for the payment of debt charges is determined by the general assembly to create a special obligation.

(E) The sales tax supported bonds shall bear such date or dates, shall be executed in the manner, and shall mature at such time or times, in the case of any anticipation notes not exceeding ten years from the date of issue of the original anticipation notes and in the case of any sales tax supported bonds or of any refunding sales tax supported bonds, not exceeding the maximum maturity certified to the taxing authority pursuant to division (B) of this section, all as the authorizing proceedings may provide. The sales tax supported bonds shall bear interest at such rates, or at variable rate or rates changing from time to time, in accordance with provisions in the authorizing proceedings, be in such denominations and form, either coupon or registered, carry such registration privileges, be payable in such medium of payment and at such place or places, and be subject to such terms of redemption, as the taxing authority may authorize or provide. The sales tax supported bonds may be sold at public or private sale, and at, or at not less than, the price or prices as the taxing authority determines. If any officer whose signature or a facsimile of whose signature appears on any sales tax supported bonds or coupons ceases to be such officer before delivery of the sales tax supported bonds or anticipation notes, the signature or facsimile shall nevertheless be sufficient for all purposes as if that officer had remained in office until delivery of the sales tax supported bonds. Whether or not the sales tax supported bonds are of such form and character as to be negotiable instruments under Title XIII of the Revised Code, the sales tax supported bonds shall have all the qualities and incidents of negotiable instruments, subject only to any provisions for registration. Neither the members of the board of the taxing authority nor any person executing the sales tax supported bonds shall be liable personally on the sales tax supported bonds or be subject to any personal liability or accountability by reason of their issuance.

(F) Notwithstanding any other provision of this section, sections 9.98 to 9.983, 133.02, 133.70, and 5709.76, and division (A) of section 133.03 of the Revised Code apply to the sales tax supported bonds. Sales tax supported bonds issued under this section need not comply with any other law applicable to notes or bonds but the authorizing proceedings may provide that divisions (B) to (E) of section 133.25 of the Revised Code apply to the sales tax supported bonds or anticipation notes.

(G) Any authorized proceedings may contain provisions, subject to any agreements with holders as may then exist, which shall be a part of the contract with the holders, as to the pledging of any or all of the county's anticipated sales tax receipts to secure the payment of the sales tax supported bonds; the use and disposition of the sales tax receipts of the county; the crediting of the proceeds of the sale of sales tax supported bonds to and among the funds referred to or provided for in the authorizing proceedings; limitations on the purpose to which the proceeds of the sales tax supported bonds may be applied and the pledging of portions of such proceeds to secure the payment of the sales tax supported bonds or of anticipation notes; the agreement of the county to do all things necessary for the authorization, issuance, and sale of those notes anticipated in such amounts as may be necessary for the timely payment of debt charges on any anticipation notes; limitations on the issuance of additional sales tax supported bonds; the terms upon which additional sales tax supported bonds may be issued and secured; the refunding of refunded obligations; the procedure by which the terms of any contract with holders may be amended, and the manner in which any required consent to amend may be given; securing any sales tax supported bonds by a trust agreement or other agreement; and any other matters, of like or different character, that in any way affect the security or protection of the sales tax supported bonds or anticipation notes.

(H) The taxing authority of a county may not repeal, rescind, or reduce any portion of a county sales tax pledged to the payment of debt charges on sales tax supported bonds issued by the county while such sales tax supported bonds remain outstanding, and no portion of a county sales tax pledged to the payment of debt charges on sales tax supported bonds shall be subject to repeal or reduction by the electorate of the county or by the taxing authority of the county while such sales tax supported bonds are outstanding.

Section 133.082 | Securities issued in anticipation of taxes collected.

(A) A board of county commissioners of a county in which a county land reutilization corporation is organized under Chapter 1724. of the Revised Code, upon the written request of the county treasurer, may issue securities in anticipation of the collection of the current taxes that are not paid on or before the last day on which such taxes may be paid without penalty or that have become delinquent. The aggregate principal amount of such securities shall not exceed ninety per cent of the difference between the following amounts:

(1) The amount of the current taxes that constitutes current year unpaid taxes or current year delinquent taxes on the date securities under this section are issued;

(2) To the extent ascertainable by the county treasurer, the amount of current year unpaid taxes or current year delinquent taxes that have been collected during the period commencing on the day immediately following the last day the current year unpaid taxes or current year delinquent taxes could have been paid without penalty and ending with the business day immediately preceding the day on which an agreement for the sale of the securities is executed.

(B) Securities issued under this section shall be issued not later than the first day of December of the year in which such current taxes were not paid when due, and shall mature not later than the thirty-first day of December of the third year following the year in which the current taxes were not paid when due.

(C) Proceeds from the sale of the securities not applied to the payment of any financing costs shall be disbursed by the county treasurer to the taxing authorities that levied the taxes in the same manner as such taxes would have been disbursed had such taxes been paid when due.

(D) The county officers authorized by the county taxing authority shall execute the necessary documents, including, but not limited to, trust agreements and other agreements and certifications, to provide for the pledge, protection, and disposition of the pledged revenues from which debt charges on the securities issued under this section are to be paid.

(E) Anticipation securities issued under this section shall not be general obligations of the county. Anticipation securities issued under this section shall be secured only by a pledge of and lien upon the delinquent real property taxes and assessments, the collection of which is being anticipated by the issuance of the securities in accordance with this section, and any securities issued to fund or refund those securities. The pledge shall be valid and binding from the time the pledge is made, and the tax receipts and proceeds pledged and thereafter received by the county treasurer shall immediately be subject to the lien of that pledge without any physical delivery of those tax receipts or proceeds or further act. The lien of any pledge is valid and binding as against all parties having claims of any kind in tort, contract, or otherwise against the county, whether or not such parties have notice of the lien. Neither the resolution nor any trust agreement by which a pledge is created or further evidenced need be filed or recorded except in the records of the county taxing authority.

(F) As long as any securities issued under this section, in either original or refunded form, remain outstanding, except as otherwise provided in those documents, the delinquent real property taxes and assessments pledged to the payment of debt charges on the securities shall remain under the control of the county taxing authority and shall not be appropriated other than in accordance with division (H) of this section.

(G) Sections 9.98 to 9.983 of the Revised Code apply to securities issued under this section, notwithstanding any other provision in this chapter.

(H) The amounts from the collection of the delinquent real property taxes and assessments anticipated by the securities and needed to pay debt charges on the securities issued under this section shall be considered appropriated for that purpose, and other appropriations from those sources by the county taxing authority shall be limited to the balance available after deducting the amount needed to pay those debt charges. The portions of those amounts as received and to be applied to those debt charges shall be deposited and set aside in an account for that purpose in the bond retirement fund in the amounts and at the times required to pay those debt charges as provided for by the authorizing legislation, or as otherwise provided by law.

(I) As used in this section, "current taxes" has the same meaning as in section 323.01 of the Revised Code, and "current year unpaid taxes" and "current year delinquent taxes" have the same meanings as in section 321.341 of the Revised Code.

Section 133.083 | Tourism development district revenue supported bonds.

(A) As used in this section:

(1) "Anticipation notes" means notes issued in anticipation of the tourism development district revenue supported bonds authorized by this section.

(2) "Authorizing proceedings" means the resolution, legislation, trust agreement, certification, and other agreements, instruments, and documents, as amended and supplemented, authorizing, or providing for the security or sale or award of, tourism development district revenue supported bonds, and includes the provisions set forth or incorporated in those bonds and proceedings.

(3) "Tourism development district revenue" means revenue received by the taxing authority of a municipal corporation or township under section 5739.213 of the Revised Code or from a tax levied pursuant to section 503.57 or 5739.101 of the Revised Code, from fees imposed pursuant to division (C) of section 503.56 or division (C) of section 715.014 of the Revised Code, and, in the case of a municipal corporation, a tax levied on amounts received for admission to any place to the extent of the revenue therefrom is required to be used to foster and develop tourism in a tourism development district.

(4) "Tourism development district revenue supported bonds" means the tourism development district revenue supported bonds authorized by this section, including anticipation notes.

(5) "Refunding bonds" means tourism development district revenue supported bonds issued to provide for the refunding of the tourism development district revenue supported bonds referred to in this section as refunded obligations.

(6) "Tourism development district" means an area designated by a township or municipal corporation under section 503.56 or 715.014 of the Revised Code.

(B) The taxing authority of a municipal corporation or township that is receiving tourism development district revenue, for the purpose of fostering and developing tourism within the tourism development district, may anticipate such revenue and issue tourism development district revenue supported bonds of the municipal corporation or township in the principal amount necessary to pay the costs of financing any permanent improvement, or to refund any refunded obligations, provided that the taxing authority certifies that the annual debt charges on the tourism development district revenue supported bonds, or on the tourism development district revenue supported bonds being anticipated by anticipation notes, do not exceed the estimated annual tourism development district revenue. The maximum aggregate amount of tourism development district revenue supported bonds that may be outstanding at any time in accordance with their terms shall not exceed an amount which requires or is estimated to require payments from tourism development district revenue of debt charges on the tourism development district revenue supported bonds, or, in the case of anticipation notes, projected debt charges on the tourism development district revenue supported bonds anticipated, in any calendar year in an amount exceeding tourism development district revenue in anticipation of which the bonds or anticipation notes are issued as estimated by the fiscal officer based on tourism development district revenue averaged for the two calendar years prior to the year in which the tourism development district revenue supported bonds are issued, and annualized for any increase in any tax levied pursuant to section 505.57 or 5739.101 of the Revised Code during such period or levied after such period. A taxing authority may at any time issue renewal anticipation notes, issue tourism development district revenue supported bonds to pay renewal anticipation notes, and, if it considers refunding expedient, issue refunding tourism development district revenue supported bonds whether the refunded obligations have or have not matured. The refunding tourism development district revenue supported bonds shall be sold and the proceeds needed for such purpose applied in the manner provided in the authorizing proceedings of the taxing authority.

The maximum maturity of tourism development district revenue supported bonds shall be calculated by the fiscal officer in accordance with section 133.20 of the Revised Code, and that calculation shall be filed with the taxing authority before adoption of the ordinance or resolution authorizing the issuance. If the tourism development district revenue pledged to the payment of the tourism development district revenue supported bonds has a stated expiration date, the final principal maturity date of the tourism development district revenue supported bonds shall not extend beyond the final year of collection of the tourism development district revenue pledged to the payment of the tourism development district revenue supported bonds.

(C) Every issue of tourism development district revenue supported bonds outstanding in accordance with their terms shall be payable out of the tourism development district revenue received by the municipal corporation or township or proceeds of tourism development district revenue supported bonds, renewal anticipation notes, or refunding tourism development district revenue supported bonds that may be pledged for such payment in the authorizing proceedings. The pledge shall be valid and binding from the time the pledge is made, and the tourism development district revenue so pledged and thereafter received by the municipal corporation or township shall immediately be subject to the lien of that pledge without any physical delivery of the tourism development district revenue or proceeds or further act. The lien of any pledge is valid and binding as against all parties having claims of any kind in tort, contract, or otherwise against the municipal corporation or township, whether or not such parties have notice of the lien. Neither the resolution nor any trust agreement by which a pledge is created or further evidenced need be filed or recorded except in the records of the taxing authority.

(D) Tourism development district revenue supported bonds issued under this section do not constitute a general obligation debt, or a pledge of the full faith and credit, of the state, or any political subdivision of the state, and the holders or owners of the bonds have no right to have taxes levied by the general assembly or property taxes levied by the taxing authority of any political subdivision of the state for the payment of debt charges. Unless paid from other sources, tourism development district revenue supported bonds are payable from the tourism development district revenue pledged for their payment as authorized by this section. All tourism development district revenue supported bonds shall contain on their face a statement to the effect that the tourism development district revenue supported bonds, as to debt charges, are not debts or obligations of the state and are not general obligation debts of any political subdivision of the state, but, unless paid from other sources, are payable from the tourism development district revenue pledged for their payment. The utilization and pledge of the tourism development district revenue and proceeds of tourism development district revenue supported bonds, renewal anticipation notes, or refunding tourism development district revenue supported bonds for the payment of debt charges is determined by the general assembly to create a special obligation.

(E) The tourism development district revenue supported bonds shall bear such date or dates, shall be executed in the manner, and shall mature at such time or times, in the case of any anticipation notes not exceeding ten years from the date of issue of the original anticipation notes and in the case of any tourism development district revenue supported bonds or of any refunding tourism development district revenue supported bonds, not exceeding the maximum maturity certified to the taxing authority pursuant to division (B) of this section, all as the authorizing proceedings may provide. The tourism development district revenue supported bonds shall bear interest at such rates, or at variable rate or rates changing from time to time, in accordance with provisions in the authorizing proceedings, be in such denominations and form, either coupon or registered, carry such registration privileges, be payable in such medium of payment and at such place or places, and be subject to such terms of redemption, as the taxing authority may authorize or provide. The tourism development district revenue supported bonds may be sold at public or private sale, and at, or at not less than, the price or prices as the taxing authority determines. If any officer whose signature or a facsimile of whose signature appears on any tourism development district revenue supported bonds or coupons ceases to be such officer before delivery of the tourism development district revenue supported bonds or anticipation notes, the signature or facsimile shall nevertheless be sufficient for all purposes as if that officer had remained in office until delivery of the tourism development district revenue supported bonds. Whether or not the tourism development district revenue supported bonds are of such form and character as to be negotiable instruments under Title XIII of the Revised Code, the tourism development district revenue supported bonds shall have all the qualities and incidents of negotiable instruments, subject only to any provisions for registration. Neither the members of the taxing authority nor any person executing the tourism development district revenue supported bonds shall be liable personally on the tourism development district revenue supported bonds or be subject to any personal liability or accountability by reason of their issuance.

(F) Notwithstanding any other provision of this section, sections 9.98 to 9.983, 133.02, 133.70, and 5709.76, and division (A) of section 133.03 of the Revised Code apply to the tourism development district revenue supported bonds. Tourism development district revenue supported bonds issued under this section need not comply with any other law applicable to notes or bonds but the authorizing proceedings may provide that divisions (B) to (E) of section 133.25 of the Revised Code apply to the tourism development district revenue supported bonds or anticipation notes.

(G) Any authorized proceedings may contain provisions, subject to any agreements with holders as may then exist, which shall be a part of the contract with the holders, as to the pledging of any or all of the municipal corporation's or township's anticipated tourism development district revenue to secure the payment of the tourism development district revenue supported bonds; the use and disposition of the tourism development district revenue; the crediting of the proceeds of the sale of tourism development district revenue supported bonds to and among the funds referred to or provided for in the authorizing proceedings; limitations on the purpose to which the proceeds of the tourism development district revenue supported bonds may be applied and the pledging of portions of such proceeds to secure the payment of the tourism development district revenue supported bonds or of anticipation notes; the agreement of the municipal corporation or township to do all things necessary for the authorization, issuance, and sale of those notes anticipated in such amounts as may be necessary for the timely payment of debt charges on any anticipation notes; limitations on the issuance of additional tourism development district revenue supported bonds; the terms upon which additional tourism development district revenue supported bonds may be issued and secured; the refunding of refunded obligations; the procedure by which the terms of any contract with holders may be amended, and the manner in which any required consent to amend may be given; securing any tourism development district revenue supported bonds by a trust agreement or other agreement; and any other matters, of like or different character, that in any way affect the security or protection of the tourism development district revenue supported bonds or anticipation notes.

(H) The taxing authority of a municipal corporation or township may not repeal, rescind, or reduce any portion of a tax pledged to the payment of debt charges on tourism development district revenue supported bonds while such bonds remain outstanding, and no portion of tourism development district revenue pledged to the payment of debt charges on such bonds shall be subject to repeal or reduction by the electorate of the taxing authority while the bonds are outstanding.

Section 133.09 | Net indebtedness of township - certain securities not considered in calculation.

(A) Unless it is a township that has adopted a limited home rule government under Chapter 504. of the Revised Code, a township shall not incur net indebtedness that exceeds an amount equal to five per cent of its tax valuation and, except as specifically authorized by section 505.262 of the Revised Code or other laws, shall not incur any net indebtedness unless authorized by vote of the electors.

(B) A township that has adopted a limited home rule government under Chapter 504. of the Revised Code shall not incur net indebtedness that exceeds an amount equal to ten and one-half per cent of its tax valuation, or incur without a vote of the electors net indebtedness that exceeds an amount equal to five and one-half per cent of that tax valuation. In calculating the net indebtedness of a township that has adopted a limited home rule government, none of the following securities shall be considered:

(1) Self-supporting securities issued for any purpose;

(2) Securities issued for the purpose of purchasing, constructing, improving, or extending water or sanitary or surface and storm water sewerage systems or facilities, or a combination of those systems or facilities, to the extent that an agreement entered into with another subdivision requires the other subdivision to pay to the township amounts equivalent to debt charges on the securities;

(3) Securities that are not general obligations of the township;

(4) Voted securities issued for the purposes of redevelopment to the extent that their principal amount does not exceed an amount equal to two per cent of the tax valuation of the township;

(5) Securities issued for the purpose of acquiring or constructing roads, highways, bridges, or viaducts, or for the purpose of acquiring or making other highway permanent improvements, to the extent that the resolution of the board of township trustees authorizing the issuance of the securities includes a covenant to appropriate from money distributed to the township under Chapter 4501., 4503., 4504., or 5735. of the Revised Code a sufficient amount to cover debt charges on and financing costs relating to the securities as they become due;

(6) Securities issued for energy conservation measures under section 505.264 of the Revised Code.

(C) In calculating the net indebtedness of any township, no obligation incurred under division (B) of section 513.17 or under section 505.261, 505.264, 505.265, 505.267, or 505.37 of the Revised Code, or in connection with a project undertaken pursuant to Section 515.03 of H.B. 66 of the 126th general assembly, Section 555.10 of H.B. 67 of the 127th general assembly, or Section 755.20 of H.B. 153 of the 129th general assembly shall be considered.

Section 133.10 | Anticipation securities.

(A) In anticipation of the collection of current property tax revenues in and for any fiscal year, the taxing authority of any subdivision may issue securities, but the aggregate principal amount of such securities shall not exceed one-half of the amount that the budget commission estimates the subdivision will receive from property taxes in that fiscal year and prior to the last day of the sixth month following the month in which the securities are issued, other than taxes to be received for the payment of debt charges or allocated to debt charges on securities issued pursuant to division (C) of this section, and less all advances. When a partial, semiannual, or final property tax settlement is delayed, securities may also be issued in anticipation of the receipt of property taxes levied or collected for debt charges to the extent necessary to meet such debt charges but not in excess of such estimated receipts, less all advances. The securities issued pursuant to this division (A) shall mature not later than the last day of the sixth month following the month in which the securities are issued and in any case not later than the last day of the fiscal year in which they are issued.

(B) In anticipation of the collection of current revenues in and for any fiscal year from any source or combination of sources, including distributions of any federal or state moneys, other than the proceeds of property taxes levied by the subdivision, the taxing authority of any subdivision may issue securities, but the aggregate principal amount of such securities shall not exceed one-half of the amount estimated by the fiscal officer to be received by the subdivision from such sources during the remainder of such fiscal year, less advances and prior collections.

(C) In anticipation of the collection of current property tax revenues in and for any fiscal year, the taxing authority of a county, municipal corporation, township, or school district may issue securities, but the aggregate principal amount of those securities and of any securities issued pursuant to division (A) of this section outstanding at the time of issuance shall not exceed one-half of the amount that the budget commission estimates the subdivision will receive from all property taxes that are to be distributed to the subdivision from all settlements of taxes that are to be made in the remainder of that fiscal year, other than taxes to be received for the payment of debt charges, and less all advances.

(D) When the tax settlement scheduled under division (B) of section 321.24 of the Revised Code is delayed pursuant to division (E) of that section, the taxing authority of a school district may issue property tax anticipation securities against the taxes to be included in that settlement, but the aggregate principal amount of all securities outstanding against those taxes shall not exceed ninety per cent of the amount estimated to be received from that settlement by the budget commission, other than taxes to be received for the payment of debt charges, and less all advances. The securities issued pursuant to this division (D) shall mature on or before the next ensuing thirty-first day of August.

(E) This division applies to all securities authorized by this section.

(1) The amounts from the sources anticipated needed to pay debt charges and financing costs shall be considered appropriated for that purpose, and other appropriations from those sources by the taxing authority shall be limited to the balance available after deducting the amount to pay those debt charges and financing costs. The portions of those amounts as received and to be applied to those debt charges shall be deposited and set aside in an account for the purpose in the bond retirement fund in the amounts and at the times required to pay those debt charges as provided for by the authorizing legislation or otherwise provided by law.

(2) Except as otherwise provided in division (H) of this section, the securities shall not be issued prior to the first day and, except as otherwise provided in divisions (A) and (D) of this section, shall mature not later than the last day of the fiscal year for which the revenues are anticipated.

(3) The proceeds of the principal amount of the securities shall be used only for the purposes for which the amounts anticipated were levied, collected, distributed, and appropriated, and for financing costs related to those securities.

(4) Property taxes include distributions from the state in payment of credits against or partial exemptions from, or reduction of, property taxes.

(5) If for any reason debt charges on securities authorized by this section are not paid by the subdivision in the fiscal year when due, the taxing authority of the subdivision shall include in its next annual appropriation measure an amount sufficient to pay those debt charges, and the county auditor and county treasurer shall withhold, in a custodial account, amounts due the subdivision from the sources anticipated until such amount is accumulated by those officers and they directly pay or provide, through the paying agent or otherwise, for the payment of those debt charges.

(F) The authority to issue securities under divisions (A) and (B) of this section may be exercised by any board of library trustees of a public library, or board of park commissioners of a township, to which the budget commission has allotted a share of the local government fund under section 5747.51 of the Revised Code or of the public library fund under section 5747.48 of the Revised Code.

(G) The taxing authority of a school district issuing securities under division (A), (C), or (D) of this section shall in the legislation authorizing the securities affirm the levy of, or covenant to levy, the anticipated property taxes to be collected in the following year.

(H) The taxing authority of a school district may issue securities authorized by this section on or after the tenth day preceding the first day of the fiscal year for which the revenues are anticipated; provided, that if the taxing authority of a school district issues securities authorized by this section prior to the first day of the fiscal year for which the revenues are anticipated:

(1) None of the proceeds received by the school district from the sale of the securities shall be considered available for appropriation prior to the first day of the fiscal year for which the revenues are anticipated; and

(2) None of the proceeds received by the school district from the sale of the securities shall be expended prior to the first day of the fiscal year for which the revenues are anticipated.

Section 133.11 | Issuing general obligation securities of county.

If the taxing authority of a county determines that the funds allocated for current expenses of the county are insufficient to pay those current expenses for the current fiscal year and the cost of the county auditor's assessment of real estate required by section 5713.01 of the Revised Code, the taxing authority may issue general obligation securities of the county in an amount necessary to pay the total estimated cost of that assessment. The proceeds of the principal of those securities shall be appropriated only for the cost of the assessment and financing costs. The last maturity of those securities shall not be later than seventy-two months from the date of initial issuance of securities for the purpose.

Section 133.12 | Issuing general obligation securities to meet emergencies.

(A) If the tax commissioner determines that funds are not otherwise available for the purpose, the taxing authority of a subdivision having general property taxing power may issue general obligation securities in case of any of the following:

(1) An epidemic or threatened epidemic, or during an unusual prevalence of a dangerous communicable disease, to defray those expenses that the board of health having jurisdiction within the subdivision considers necessary to prevent the spread of the epidemic or disease;

(2) The destruction of an essential permanent improvement by fire, flood, or extraordinary catastrophe, to provide temporary necessary facilities in place of that permanent improvement;

(3) A special election called after the adoption of the annual appropriation measure, to pay the costs of that election payable by the subdivision;

(4) Within a quarantined area, the outbreak or infestation of the pest for which the quarantined area was established, to defray those expenses that the subdivision considers necessary to combat the pest, including removal or complete destruction of plants that are dead or dying from the pest.

(B) One-half of the principal amount of the securities issued under this section prior to the effective date of this amendment shall mature on the first day of June next following the next February tax settlement at which, in accordance with the statutory tax budget procedure, a property tax to pay the debt charges on the securities can be included in the budget, and the other one-half of the principal amount shall mature on the next following first day of December. The last maturity of the securities issued under this section on and after the effective date of this amendment shall be not later than the last day of December of the tenth year following the year in which the securities are first issued. A property tax shall be levied to pay debt charges on any of those securities.

(C) As used in this section:

(1) "Pest" has the same meaning as in section 927.51 of the Revised Code.

(2) "Quarantined area" has the same meaning as in section 927.39 of the Revise Code.

Section 133.13 | Issuing securities in anticipation of levy or collection of special assessments to pay costs of lighting, sprinkling, sweeping, cleaning, providing related or similar services.

If the special assessments are to be paid in one annual installment, the taxing authority of a subdivision may issue securities in anticipation of its levy or collection of special assessments to pay the costs of the subdivision's broadband funding gap portion for an eligible project under sections 122.40 to 122.4077 of the Revised Code, lighting, sprinkling, sweeping, cleaning, providing related or similar services or the services described in section 727.011 of the Revised Code, or of removing snow, ice, and debris from, or treating the surface of, streets, alleys, and public ways and places.

Such securities shall not be general obligations of the issuing subdivision, and shall not pledge to the payment of debt charges any receipts other than the special assessments anticipated, except that a municipal corporation, without incurring debt subject to direct or indirect debt limitations, may also pledge and apply proceeds of its municipal income tax to pay those debt charges. No property tax shall be levied or pledged for the payment of debt charges on the securities. The securities shall mature no later than the last day of December of the year in which the special assessments anticipated are scheduled to be collected.

The legislation authorizing the securities shall appropriate the special assessments anticipated, and such special assessments shall be deemed to be pledged and appropriated, first to the payment of the debt charges on the securities. After provision has been made for the payment in full of those debt charges, the balance of the special assessments may be appropriated and applied for the purposes for which they were levied.

Last updated June 9, 2021 at 10:45 AM

Section 133.14 | Issuance of securities to pay final judgment.

(A) The taxing authority of a subdivision may issue securities for the purpose of providing funds with which to pay one or more final judgments rendered against the subdivision, including settlements of claims approved by a court, if the fiscal officer of the subdivision certifies to the taxing authority that the subdivision is unable, within the limits of its other funds that have been appropriated and are available for the purpose, to pay the final judgment or judgments. The principal amount of the securities issued may not exceed the aggregate of the judgments plus interest on the judgments to the approximate date on which the proceeds of the securities will become available, costs and expenses assessed or taxed against and defense costs of the subdivision, and other costs, including financing costs, permitted by this chapter to be paid from the proceeds of securities.

(B) Securities issued under division (A) of this section may as determined by the taxing authority be either:

(1) General obligation securities;

(2) Special obligation securities that are payable only out of the particular taxes and revenues pledged, other than ad valorem property taxes, and that are not general obligations of the subdivision.

(C) The last maturity of bonds issued pursuant to this section shall be not later than the last day of December of the twenty-fifth year following the year in which securities for the purpose are first issued.

Section 133.15 | Issuance of securities to pay for permanent improvements.

(A) The taxing authority of any subdivision may issue securities of the subdivision for the purpose of paying all or any portion of the costs of any permanent improvement that the subdivision is authorized, alone or in cooperation with other persons, to acquire, improve, or construct.

Securities may be issued prior to the completion of any proceedings required to authorize the permanent improvement or the expenditure of the proceeds of the securities. In addition, proceedings for the issuance of securities for any permanent improvement for which special assessments are not to be levied and collected may authorize the improvement and the expenditure of the proceeds of the securities and any other funds available and appropriated for the improvement, without the prior or subsequent necessity of instituting or completing any other proceedings that other provisions of the Revised Code that contemplate that special assessments may be levied and collected for that type of improvement otherwise might require before an authorization of that type.

(B) Costs of permanent improvements that may be financed with, and paid from the proceeds of, securities include, without limitation as to other costs properly allocable to the permanent improvement, the costs of: acquiring, constructing, reconstructing, rehabilitating, installing, remodeling, renovating, enlarging, equipping, furnishing, or otherwise improving permanent improvements; site clearance, improvement, and preparation; acquisition of real or personal property; indemnity and surety bonds and premiums on insurance; all related direct administrative expenses and allocable portions of direct costs of the subdivision; engineering, architectural, legal, and other consulting and professional services; designs, plans, specifications, feasibility or rate studies, appraisals, surveys, and estimates of cost; interest or interest equivalent on the securities, whether capitalized or not; financing costs; title work and title commitment, insurance, and guaranties; amounts necessary to establish any debt service reserve or other reserves as required by the proceedings for the securities; audits; the reimbursement of moneys advanced or applied by or borrowed from any person, whether to or by the subdivision or others, from whatever source provided, for the payment of any item or items of cost of the permanent improvements; and all other expenses necessary or incidental to planning or determining feasibility or practicability with respect to permanent improvements or necessary or incidental to the acquisition, construction, reconstruction, rehabilitation, installation, remodeling, renovating, enlargement, equipping, furnishing, or other improvement of the permanent improvements, the financing of the permanent improvements, and the placing of the permanent improvements in condition for use and operation, and all like or related costs, including any one, part, or combination of, or the subdivision's share of, those costs and expenses.

Section 133.151 | Issuing self-supporting securities.

(A) A county or township may issue, for itself or on behalf of any other county or township or in a joint exercise of their powers, self-supporting securities for either or both of the following purposes:

(1) Paying the costs of any permanent improvements that it is authorized to acquire, improve, or construct;

(2) Making loans or otherwise providing, by cooperative action, financial assistance to one or more counties or townships to assist such other counties or townships in paying the costs of permanent improvements.

(B) Self-supporting securities issued under this section shall not be general obligations of the issuer, but shall be secured by any of the following:

(1) A pledge of and a lien upon the revenues of the issuer, derived from ownership or operation of the permanent improvements, including those rates, charges, or rents and any interest subsidies or debt charges, grants, or other payments by federal or state agencies therefor, and the covenants of the issuer to maintain sufficient rates, charges, and rentals to produce revenues sufficient to pay all current expenses of the permanent improvements payable by the issuer, and to pay debt service charges on the securities and establish and maintain any contractually required special funds relating to the securities, and, if the securities are anticipatory securities, to issue the self-supporting securities for which the anticipatory securities are issued;

(2) Amounts received from other counties or townships as repayment of loans or other cooperative financial assistance made to them from the proceeds of such self-supporting securities;

(3) A pledge of and lien on the proceeds of any securities issued to fund or refund those self-supporting securities.

(C) A county or township issuing self-supporting securities under this section shall do so by resolution, and such resolution shall set forth the terms of the securities, the date of the securities, the amount to be issued, and the maximum rate of interest. The securities shall mature at such times not exceeding the maximum limits specified for general obligations in section 133.20 of the Revised Code, and shall be executed in such manner as the resolution provides. The securities shall be negotiable, bear interest at such rate or rates, be in such denominations, be in such form, carry such registration privileges, be payable in such medium of payment at such place or places, and be subject to such terms of redemption as the issuer may authorize. The securities may be sold at public or private sale.

(D) Self-supporting securities issued under this section, their transfer, and any income therefrom, including any profit made on the sale thereof, shall at all times be free from taxation within the state.

(E) Costs of permanent improvements that may be financed with, and paid from the proceeds of, self-supporting securities issued under this section include, without limitation as to other costs properly allocable to the permanent improvements, the costs of: acquiring, constructing, reconstructing, rehabilitating, installing, remodeling, renovating, enlarging, equipping, furnishing, or otherwise improving permanent improvements; site clearance, improvement, and preparation; acquisition of real or personal property; indemnity and surety bonds and premiums on insurance; all related direct administrative expenses and allocable portions of direct costs of the issuer; engineering, architectural, legal, and other consulting and professional services; designs, plans, specifications, feasibility or rate studies, appraisals, surveys, and estimates of cost; interest or interest equivalent on the securities, whether capitalized or not; financing costs; title work and title commitment, insurance, and guaranties; amounts necessary to establish any debt service reserve or other reserves as required by the proceedings for the securities; audits; the reimbursement of moneys advanced or applied by or borrowed from any person, whether to or by the issuer or others, from whatever source provided, for the payment of any item or items of cost of the permanent improvements; and all other expenses necessary or incidental to planning or determining feasibility or practicability with respect to permanent improvements or necessary or incidental to the acquisition, construction, reconstruction, rehabilitation, installation, remodeling, renovation, enlargement, equipping, furnishing, or other improvement of the permanent improvements, the financing of the permanent improvements, and the placing of the permanent improvements in condition for use and operation, and all like or related costs, including any one, part, or combination of, or the issuer's share of, those costs and expenses.

Section 133.152 | Issuance of securities to pay for joint county juvenile detention facility improvements.

(A) The taxing authority of a detention facility district, of a district organized under section 2151.65 of the Revised Code, or of a combined district organized under sections 2152.41 and 2151.65 of the Revised Code that has entered into an agreement under division (C) of section 2151.655 of the Revised Code may issue self-supporting securities to pay the cost of permanent improvements of the district. Costs of permanent improvements that may be financed with, and paid from the proceeds of, self-supporting securities issued under this section include, without limitation as to other costs properly allocable to the permanent improvements, the costs of: acquiring, constructing, reconstructing, rehabilitating, installing, remodeling, renovating, enlarging, equipping, furnishing, or otherwise improving permanent improvements; site clearance, improvement, and preparation; acquisition of real or personal property; indemnity and surety bonds and premiums on insurance; all related direct administrative expenses and allocable portions of direct costs of the taxing authority; engineering, architectural, legal, and other consulting and professional services; designs, plans, specifications, feasibility or rate studies, appraisals, surveys, and estimates of cost; interest or interest equivalent on the securities, whether capitalized or not; financing costs; title work and title commitment, insurance, and guaranties; amounts necessary to establish any debt service reserve or other reserves as required by the proceedings for the securities; audits; the reimbursement of moneys advanced or applied by or borrowed from any person, whether to or by the taxing authority or others, from whatever source provided, for the payment of any item or items of cost of the permanent improvements; and all other expenses necessary or incidental to planning or determining feasibility or practicability with respect to permanent improvements or necessary or incidental to the acquisition, construction, reconstruction, rehabilitation, installation, remodeling, renovation, enlargement, equipping, furnishing, or other improvement of the permanent improvements, the financing of the permanent improvements, and the placing of the permanent improvements in condition for use and operation, and all like or related costs, including any one, part, or combination of, or the taxing authority's share of, those costs and expenses.

The total of the principal of and interest on all securities issued by the taxing authority of a district under this section and outstanding at any time shall not exceed such an amount that the debt charges on the outstanding securities due in any fiscal year exceed three per cent of the operating expenses of the district for that year.

(B) Self-supporting securities issued under this section are not general obligations of the district or of the counties composing the district. Self-supporting securities issued under this section shall be secured by a pledge of and a lien on the payments due from counties under the agreement entered into under division (C) of section 2151.655 of the Revised Code or the revenue, if any, of the district derived from ownership or operation of the district's permanent improvements, including rates, charges, or rents. If any such rates, charges, or rents are levied, the securities shall further be secured by covenants of the taxing authority to maintain sufficient rates, charges, or rents to pay debt charges on the securities to the extent those debt charges are not payable from other funds of the district or to the extent other funds of the district are not pledged to the payment of the debt charges. If any securities are issued to fund or refund any self-supporting securities issued under this section, the self-supporting securities shall be secured by a pledge of and lien on the proceeds of such funding or refunding securities.

(C) A joint board of county commissioners issuing self-supporting securities under this section shall do so by resolution, and such resolution shall set forth the terms of the securities, the date of the securities, the amount to be issued, and the maximum rate of interest. The securities shall mature at such times not exceeding the maximum limits specified for general obligations in section 133.20 of the Revised Code, and shall be executed in such manner as the resolution provides. The securities shall be negotiable, bear interest at such rate or rates, be in such denominations, be in such form, carry such registration privileges, be payable in such medium of payment at such place or places, and be subject to such terms of redemption as the taxing authority may authorize. The securities may be sold at public or private sale.

(D) Self-supporting securities issued under this section, their transfer, and any income therefrom, including any profit made on the sale thereof, shall at all times be free from taxation within the state.

Section 133.16 | Capitalized interest may be included in the principal amount of securities.

(A) Capitalized interest may be included in the principal amount of Chapter 133. securities to pay the interest that the fiscal officer or taxing authority estimates will become due and payable on the securities prior to the receipt of sufficient taxes, special assessments, or other revenues or receipts from which the interest is generally to be paid. Capitalized interest shall be deposited, as determined by the taxing authority or the fiscal officer, in the bond retirement fund or in a separate account in the special improvement or construction fund, and applied to interest on those securities. The amount of capitalized interest may not exceed an amount estimated by the fiscal officer to be twenty-four months' interest on the securities, except:

(1) In the case of securities issued in anticipation of the levy or of the collection of special assessments, the amount of capitalized interest may not exceed the greater of twenty-four months' interest on the securities or the interest that the fiscal officer or taxing authority estimates will become due and payable on those securities prior to the receipt by the subdivision of the first installment of those special assessments.

(2) In the case of securities issued for or relating to the purpose of permanent improvements described in division (B)(1) of section 133.05, in division (C) of section 133.07, or in section 133.08 of the Revised Code, the amount of capitalized interest may not exceed the interest that the fiscal officer or the taxing authority estimates will become due and payable on those securities during the period of construction of the permanent improvement plus one year or during three years, whichever is longer.

(B) Whenever any part of the principal amount of an issue of Chapter 133. securities deposited in a special improvement or construction fund, other than an amount for capitalized interest, is used for the payment of interest on the securities, the amount so used, which amount, together with any amount of any capitalized interest, may not exceed the amount of capitalized interest permitted under division (A) of this section, at the direction of the taxing authority or the fiscal officer may be repaid into that special fund from moneys available for the purpose, including the proceeds of any taxes or special assessments otherwise levied and collected to pay the debt charges on the securities, and the taxing authority may levy and collect those taxes or special assessments for that purpose.

(C) The amount of capitalized interest authorized by this section to be included in the principal amount of an issue of Chapter 133. securities shall be reduced by the amount of any capitalized interest included in any prior issue of securities, whether anticipatory securities or otherwise, that is to be or was retired by the issuance of the securities or prior securities.

Section 133.17 | Anticipation securities for special assessments.

(A) The taxing authority of a subdivision may issue securities in anticipation of the collection of unpaid special assessments in an amount sufficient to pay that portion of the cost of the permanent improvement or service for which the special assessments have been levied. Proceeds of the annual collections of the special assessments shall be applied first to pay the debt charges on the securities payable from those special assessments and then, after the payment in full of those debt charges, to pay any other permitted costs.

(B) The taxing authority of a subdivision may issue anticipatory securities in anticipation of the levy of special assessments and of the issuance of securities under division (A) of this section. The anticipatory securities shall mature not later than the last day of December of the fifth year following the year in which the first such anticipatory securities are issued, except that the anticipatory securities may be renewed thereafter from time to time until the final disposition of any litigation that prevents or delays the delivery of the securities to be issued under division (A) of this section. The principal amount of those anticipatory securities issued shall not exceed that portion of the estimated cost of the permanent improvement for which the special assessments are to be levied. When anticipatory securities are issued, the proceeds of any securities thereafter issued in anticipation of the levy or of the collection of the same special assessments and all of the special assessments collected for the purpose shall be applied first to the extent necessary to the payment of the debt charges on the anticipatory securities. After the debt charges on the anticipatory securities have been paid or provided for in full, all of the special assessments shall be applied first to the payment of the debt charges on subsequent outstanding securities.

(C) In addition to authority for combination in other provisions of this chapter, securities authorized to be issued under either division (A) or (B) of this section may be combined for all purposes of this chapter in a single issue composed of securities issued under the applicable division (A) or (B) of this section and of securities to pay the subdivision's share of the cost of the permanent improvements for which the special assessment securities are issued, which combined issue shall be considered to be for one purpose.

(D) Securities issued under this section in anticipation of the levy or of the collection of special assessments are general obligations of the issuing subdivision.

Section 133.18 | Submission of question of issuance of general obligation bonds to electors.

(A) The taxing authority of a subdivision may by legislation submit to the electors of the subdivision the question of issuing any general obligation bonds, for one purpose, that the subdivision has power or authority to issue.

(B) When the taxing authority of a subdivision desires or is required by law to submit the question of a bond issue to the electors, it shall pass legislation that does all of the following:

(1) Declares the necessity and purpose of the bond issue;

(2) States the date of the authorized election at which the question shall be submitted to the electors;

(3) States the amount, approximate date, estimated net average rate of interest, and maximum number of years over which the principal of the bonds may be paid;

(4) Declares the necessity of levying a tax outside the tax limitation to pay the debt charges on the bonds and any anticipatory securities.

The estimated net average interest rate shall be determined by the taxing authority based on, among other factors, then existing market conditions, and may reflect adjustments for any anticipated direct payments expected to be received by the taxing authority from the government of the United States relating to the bonds and the effect of any federal tax credits anticipated to be available to owners of all or a portion of the bonds. The estimated net average rate of interest, and any statutory or charter limit on interest rates that may then be in effect and that is subsequently amended, shall not be a limitation on the actual interest rate or rates on the securities when issued.

(C) The taxing authority shall certify a copy of the legislation passed under division (B) of this section to the county auditor. The county auditor shall promptly calculate and advise and, not later than ninety days before the election, confirm that advice by certification to the taxing authority the estimated average annual property tax levy, expressed in dollars for each one hundred thousand dollars of the county auditor's appraised value and in mills for each one dollar of taxable value, that the county auditor estimates to be required throughout the stated maturity of the bonds to pay the debt charges on the bonds. In calculating the estimated average annual property tax levy for this purpose, the county auditor shall assume that the bonds are issued in one series bearing interest and maturing in substantially equal principal amounts in each year over the maximum number of years over which the principal of the bonds may be paid as stated in that legislation, and that the amount of the tax valuation of the subdivision for the current year remains the same throughout the maturity of the bonds. If the tax valuation for the current year is not determined, the county auditor shall base the calculation on the estimated amount of the tax valuation submitted by the county auditor to the county budget commission. If the subdivision is located in more than one county, the county auditor shall obtain the assistance of the county auditors of the other counties, and those county auditors shall provide assistance, in establishing the tax valuation of the subdivision for purposes of certifying the estimated average annual property tax levy.

(D) After receiving the county auditor's advice under division (C) of this section, the taxing authority by legislation may determine to proceed with submitting the question of the issue of securities, and shall, not later than the ninetieth day before the day of the election, file the following with the board of elections:

(1) Copies of the legislation provided for in divisions (B) and (D) of this section;

(2) The amount of the estimated average annual property tax levy, expressed in dollars for each one hundred thousand dollars of the county auditor's appraised value and in mills for each one dollar of taxable value, as estimated and certified to the taxing authority by the county auditor.

(E)(1) The board of elections shall prepare the ballots and make other necessary arrangements for the submission of the question to the electors of the subdivision. If the subdivision is located in more than one county, the board shall inform the boards of elections of the other counties of the filings with it, and those other boards shall if appropriate make the other necessary arrangements for the election in their counties. The election shall be conducted, canvassed, and certified in the manner provided in Title XXXV of the Revised Code.

(2) The election shall be held at the regular places for voting in the subdivision. If the electors of only a part of a precinct are qualified to vote at the election the board of elections may assign the electors in that part to an adjoining precinct, including an adjoining precinct in another county if the board of elections of the other county consents to and approves the assignment. Each elector so assigned shall be notified of that fact prior to the election by notice mailed by the board of elections, in such manner as it determines, prior to the election.

(3) The board of elections shall publish a notice of the election once in a newspaper of general circulation in the subdivision, no later than ten days prior to the election. The notice shall state all of the following:

(a) The principal amount of the proposed bond issue;

(b) The stated purpose for which the bonds are to be issued;

(c) The maximum number of years over which the principal of the bonds may be paid;

(d) The estimated additional average annual property tax levy, expressed in dollars for each one hundred thousand dollars of the county auditor's appraised value and in mills for each one dollar of taxable value, to be levied outside the tax limitation, as estimated and certified to the taxing authority by the county auditor;

(e) The first calendar year in which the tax is expected to be due.

(F) The form of the ballot to be used at the election shall be substantially either of the following, as applicable:

(1) "Shall bonds be issued by the ____________ (name of subdivision) for the purpose of ___________ (purpose of the bond issue) in the principal amount of $__________ (principal amount of the bond issue), to be repaid annually over a maximum period of __________ (the maximum number of years over which the principal of the bonds may be paid) years, and an annual levy of property taxes be made outside the __________ (as applicable, "ten-mill" or "___charter tax") limitation, estimated by the county auditor to average over the repayment period of the bond issue __________ mills for each $1 of taxable value, which amounts to $__________ for each $100,000 of the county auditor's appraised value, commencing in __________ (first year the tax will be levied), first due in calendar year __________ (first calendar year in which the tax shall be due), to pay the annual debt charges on the bonds, and to pay debt charges on any notes issued in anticipation of those bonds?

For the bond issue
Against the bond issue"

(2) In the case of an election held pursuant to legislation adopted under section 3375.43 or 3375.431 of the Revised Code:

"Shall bonds be issued for __________ (name of library) for the purpose of __________ (purpose of the bond issue), in the principal amount of $__________ (amount of the bond issue) by __________ (the name of the subdivision that is to issue the bonds and levy the tax) as the issuer of the bonds, to be repaid annually over a maximum period of __________ (the maximum number of years over which the principal of the bonds may be paid) years, and an annual levy of property taxes be made outside the ten-mill limitation, estimated by the county auditor to average over the repayment period of the bond issue __________ mills for each $1 of taxable value, which amounts to $__________ for each $100,000 of the county auditor's appraised value, commencing in __________ (first year the tax will be levied), first due in calendar year __________ (first calendar year in which the tax shall be due), to pay the annual debt charges on the bonds, and to pay debt charges on any notes issued in anticipation of those bonds?

For the bond issue
Against the bond issue"

(G) The board of elections shall promptly certify the results of the election to the tax commissioner, the county auditor of each county in which any part of the subdivision is located, and the fiscal officer of the subdivision. The election, including the proceedings for and result of the election, is incontestable other than in a contest filed under section 3515.09 of the Revised Code in which the plaintiff prevails.

(H) If a majority of the electors voting upon the question vote for it, the taxing authority of the subdivision may proceed under sections 133.21 to 133.33 of the Revised Code with the issuance of the securities and with the levy and collection of a property tax outside the tax limitation during the period the securities are outstanding sufficient in amount to pay the debt charges on the securities, including debt charges on any anticipatory securities required to be paid from that tax. If legislation passed under section 133.22 or 133.23 of the Revised Code authorizing those securities is filed with the county auditor on or before the last day of November, the amount of the voted property tax levy required to pay debt charges or estimated debt charges on the securities payable in the following year shall if requested by the taxing authority be included in the taxes levied for collection in the following year under section 319.30 of the Revised Code.

(I)(1) If, before any securities authorized at an election under this section are issued, the net indebtedness of the subdivision exceeds that applicable to that subdivision or those securities, then and so long as that is the case none of the securities may be issued.

(2) No securities authorized at an election under this section may be initially issued after the first day of the sixth January following the election, but this period of limitation shall not run for any time during which any part of the permanent improvement for which the securities have been authorized, or the issuing or validity of any part of the securities issued or to be issued, or the related proceedings, is involved or questioned before a court or a commission or other tribunal, administrative agency, or board.

(3) Securities representing a portion of the amount authorized at an election that are issued within the applicable limitation on net indebtedness are valid and in no manner affected by the fact that the balance of the securities authorized cannot be issued by reason of the net indebtedness limitation or lapse of time.

(4) Nothing in this division (I) shall be interpreted or applied to prevent the issuance of securities in an amount to fund or refund anticipatory securities lawfully issued.

(5) The limitations of divisions (I)(1) and (2) of this section do not apply to any securities authorized at an election under this section if at least ten per cent of the principal amount of the securities, including anticipatory securities, authorized has theretofore been issued, or if the securities are to be issued for the purpose of participating in any federally or state-assisted program.

(6) The certificate of the fiscal officer of the subdivision is conclusive proof of the facts referred to in this division.

(J) As used in this section, "the county auditor's appraised value" has the same meaning as in section 5705.01 of the Revised Code.

Last updated July 15, 2022 at 8:33 AM

Section 133.19 | Fiscal officer of subdivision to certify estimate of maximum maturity.

(A) Before the taxing authority passes the initial legislation under section 133.22 or 133.23 of the Revised Code providing for the issuance of Chapter 133. securities for purposes of permanent improvements, and any subsequent legislation for the purpose if the certification is changed, the fiscal officer of the subdivision shall certify to the taxing authority the estimate of the maximum maturity of the bonds, and, if applicable, of anticipatory securities, calculated in accordance with section 133.20 and division (C) of section 133.22 of the Revised Code, and that all the permanent improvements have an estimated life or period of usefulness of at least five years.

(B) The taxing authority may not authorize or issue securities:

(1) With maximum maturities extending beyond the maturities as thus certified by the fiscal officer, whose estimate and certification is conclusive;

(2) In the case of bonds approved at an election under section 133.18 of the Revised Code, bonds with a latest maturity exceeding the maximum number of years over which principal of the bonds may be paid as approved at that election;

(3) In the case of acquisition of property by lease or of permanent improvements to leased property, with maximum maturities extending beyond the term of the lease or the estimated life or period of usefulness of the permanent improvement being financed, whichever is shorter.

(C) If the proposed securities are subject to division (D) of section 133.20 of the Revised Code, the fiscal officer's certification shall also contain a schedule of the respective amounts of proceeds of the proposed securities that are to be used for permanent improvements included under categories set forth in either or both of divisions (B) and (C) of that section. The amount expended from the proceeds of the securities for any permanent improvements falling within any such category shall not exceed the amount allotted in the schedule to permanent improvements falling within that category. The taxing authority may, whenever it considers it to be necessary for carrying out the purpose of the securities issue, expend any unexpended portion of the amount previously allotted to any permanent improvements within any of those categories for any permanent improvements having a longer maturity under those categories. No expenditure may be made of amounts allotted to permanent improvements within any category for permanent improvements within another category having a shorter maturity.

Section 133.20 | Maximum maturity.

(A) This section applies to bonds that are general obligation Chapter 133. securities. If the bonds are payable as to principal by provision for annual installments, the period of limitations on their last maturity, referred to as their maximum maturity, shall be measured from a date twelve months prior to the first date on which provision for payment of principal is made. If the bonds are payable as to principal by provision for semiannual installments, the period of limitations on their last maturity shall be measured from a date six months prior to the first date on which provision for payment of principal is made.

(B) Bonds issued for the following permanent improvements or for permanent improvements for the following purposes shall have maximum maturities not exceeding the number of years stated:

(1) Fifty years:

(a) The clearance and preparation of real property for redevelopment as an urban redevelopment project;

(b) Acquiring, constructing, widening, relocating, enlarging, extending, and improving a publicly owned railroad or line of railway or a light or heavy rail rapid transit system, including related bridges, overpasses, underpasses, and tunnels, but not including rolling stock or equipment;

(c) Pursuant to section 307.675 of the Revised Code, constructing or repairing a bridge using long life expectancy material for the bridge deck, and purchasing, installing, and maintaining any performance equipment to monitor the physical condition of a bridge so constructed or repaired. Additionally, the average maturity of the bonds shall not exceed the expected useful life of the bridge deck as determined by the county engineer under that section.

(2) Forty years:

(a) General waterworks or water system permanent improvements, including buildings, water mains, or other structures and facilities in connection therewith;

(b) Sewers or sewage treatment or disposal works or facilities, including fireproof buildings or other structures in connection therewith;

(c) Storm water drainage, surface water, and flood prevention facilities.

(3) Thirty-five years:

(a) An arena, a convention center, or a combination of an arena and convention center under section 307.695 of the Revised Code;

(b) Sports facilities.

(4) Thirty years:

(a) Municipal recreation, excluding recreational equipment;

(b) Urban redevelopment projects;

(c) Acquisition of real property, except as provided in division (F) of this section;

(d) Street or alley lighting purposes or relocating overhead wires, cables, and appurtenant equipment underground.

(5) Twenty years: constructing, reconstructing, widening, opening, improving, grading, draining, paving, extending, or changing the line of roads, highways, expressways, freeways, streets, sidewalks, alleys, or curbs and gutters, and related bridges, viaducts, overpasses, underpasses, grade crossing eliminations, service and access highways, and tunnels.

(6) Fifteen years:

(a) Resurfacing roads, highways, streets, or alleys;

(b) Alarm, telegraph, or other communications systems for police or fire departments or other emergency services;

(c) Passenger buses used for mass transportation;

(d) Energy conservation measures as authorized by section 133.06 of the Revised Code.

(7) Ten years:

(a) Water meters;

(b) Fire department apparatus and equipment;

(c) Road rollers and other road construction and servicing vehicles;

(d) Furniture, equipment, and furnishings;

(e) Landscape planting and other site improvements;

(f) Playground, athletic, and recreational equipment and apparatus;

(g) Energy conservation measures as authorized by section 505.264 of the Revised Code.

(8) Five years: New motor vehicles other than those described in any other division of this section and those for which provision is made in other provisions of the Revised Code.

(C) Bonds issued for any permanent improvements not within the categories set forth in division (B) of this section shall have maximum maturities of from five to thirty years as the fiscal officer estimates is the estimated life or period of usefulness of those permanent improvements. Bonds issued under section 133.51 of the Revised Code for purposes other than permanent improvements shall have the maturities, not to exceed forty years, that the taxing authority shall specify. Bonds issued for energy conservation measures under section 307.041 of the Revised Code shall have maximum maturities not exceeding the lesser of the average life of the energy conservation measures as detailed in the energy conservation report prepared under that section or thirty years.

(D) Securities issued under section 505.265 of the Revised Code shall mature not later than December 31, 2035.

(E) A securities issue for one purpose may include permanent improvements within two or more categories under divisions (B) and (C) of this section. The maximum maturity of such a bond issue shall not exceed the average number of years of life or period of usefulness of the permanent improvements as measured by the weighted average of the amounts expended or proposed to be expended for the categories of permanent improvements.

(F) Securities issued by a school district or county to acquire or construct real property shall have a maximum maturity longer than thirty years, but not longer than forty years, if the fiscal officer of the school district or county estimates the real property's useful life to be longer than thirty years, and certifies that estimate to the board of education or board of county commissioners, respectively.

Section 133.21 | Paying principal amount of securities in installments.

(A) Except as provided in divisions (B) and (C) of this section, the principal amount of securities issued by any subdivision shall be payable in semiannual or annual installments, as serial securities or by mandatory sinking fund or mandatory sinking fund redemption requirements, in:

(1) Substantially equal principal installments; or

(2) In such principal installments that the total principal and interest payments on those securities in any fiscal year in which principal is payable is:

(a) Not more than three times the amount of those payments in any other fiscal year; or

(b) Substantially equal; or

(c) In the case of self-supporting securities, those payments on the securities and on other securities, except anticipatory securities, issued for the self-supporting purpose, substantially equal.

(B) Except for refunding securities issued pursuant to section 133.34 of the Revised Code, and except for securities issued to fund or refund anticipatory securities to the extent required to comply with division (C)(2) or (3) of section 133.22 of the Revised Code, the first principal payment of securities issued with semiannual payments shall not be later than the first day of the second February following the fifteenth day of July next following the passage of the legislation that authorized the issue of the securities and of securities issued with annual payments shall not be later than the first day of the third August next following the fifteenth day of July next following such passage.

(C) Divisions (A) and (B) of this section do not apply to any of the following:

(1) Anticipatory securities;

(2) Securities that are not general obligation securities;

(3) General obligation securities issued for the purpose of the acquisition of real property and the clearance and preparation thereof for redevelopment as an urban development project, which may mature or be payable in annual or semiannual installments and in such amounts as may be determined by the taxing authority of the municipal corporation issuing the securities, and which may have a first principal payment date set at any date not later than sixty months from the date the securities are issued.

(D) For purposes of this section, payments of principal, in the case of principal payable in accordance with mandatory sinking fund or mandatory sinking fund redemption requirements, means the sinking fund deposits on account of principal; and, in the case of securities issued in multiple installments or series for the same purpose, the principal payment requirement of division (A) of this section may be met either with respect to each installment or series of the securities or with respect to all installments or series on a consolidated basis.

Section 133.22 | Authorizing anticipatory securities.

(A) The taxing authority of a subdivision having legal authority and desiring to issue anticipatory securities that are Chapter 133. securities may pass legislation, and if anticipatory securities are outstanding and are to be paid in whole or in part at their maturity from the proceeds of renewal anticipatory securities, the taxing authority shall pass legislation that does all of the following:

(1) With respect to the bonds anticipated:

(a) Declares the necessity of the bond issue and states its purpose, which shall be for one purpose, and the principal amount or maximum principal amount of the bonds and an estimated principal payment schedule for and an estimated or maximum average annual interest rate on the bonds;

(b) If the issuance of the bonds has been approved by a vote of the electors, identifies the election at which approved;

(c) Identifies the source or sources of payment of debt charges on the bonds as provided in division (C) of section 133.23 of the Revised Code.

(2) With respect to anticipatory securities:

(a) States the principal amount or maximum principal amount of the anticipatory securities to be issued and outstanding, not to exceed the amount of the bond issue;

(b) Provides for, or provides for the method for from time to time establishing or determining, the rate or rates of interest or the maximum rate or rates of interest to be paid on the anticipatory securities, the date or dates of the anticipatory securities, and the maturity or maturities or the maximum maturity of the anticipatory securities subject to division (C) of this section;

(c) Establishes provisions, if any, for redemption or prepayment of the anticipatory securities in whole or in part before maturity;

(d) If the bonds anticipated are payable from a property tax, provides for the levy of a property tax during the years the anticipatory securities are outstanding, not less than the tax that would have been levied if the bonds anticipated had been issued without the prior issuance of the anticipatory securities.

(B) The fiscal officer of the subdivision shall file a copy of the legislation passed under division (A) of this section with the county auditor of each county in which any part of the subdivision is located.

(C) Subject to division (B) of section 133.17 of the Revised Code as to anticipatory securities anticipating the levy of special assessments or the issuance of securities under division (A) of that section, any anticipatory securities issued with a latest maturity of less than two hundred forty months may be renewed from time to time until the expiration of two hundred forty months from the date of issuance of the original anticipatory securities, or, if later, until the final disposition of any litigation that prevents the sale or issuance of the bonds anticipated. If any of the anticipatory securities are outstanding later than the last day of December of the fifth year following the year of issuance of the original anticipatory securities, the following apply:

(1) There shall be deducted from the latest permitted maturity of the bonds anticipated, as determined under sections 133.19 and 133.20 of the Revised Code, the period in excess of those five years during which the anticipatory securities are outstanding.

(2) After the five-year period, a portion of the principal of the anticipatory securities shall be paid in each year in annual amounts at least equal to, and payable not later than the payment dates of, the amounts of principal that would have been paid if bonds payable, as determined by the taxing authority in the legislation passed pursuant to division (A) of this section, as provided in division (A)(1) or (2) of section 133.21 of the Revised Code, had been issued at the expiration of the initial five-year period.

(3) The latest maturity of anticipatory securities may not in any case exceed the maximum maturity of the bonds anticipated plus five years. Anticipatory securities issued with a maturity or latest maturity meeting the maximum maturity limitation of the preceding sentence shall not be issued as anticipatory securities in anticipation of bonds but shall be payable and paid from other sources.

(D)(1) Notwithstanding any other provision of this chapter, but subject to the provisions of this division (D), sections 9.98 to 9.983 of the Revised Code apply to anticipatory securities issued under this section to the extent made applicable by the taxing authority in its legislation.

(2) Terms used in this division that are defined in section 9.98 of the Revised Code have the meanings stated in that section.

(3) The taxing authority shall in the proceedings set one or more maximum rates of interest for the anticipatory securities.

(4) The taxing authority may reserve the right to replace any remarketing agent and indexing agent at any time after notice of replacement is given and, as to anticipatory securities with a floating rate interest structure or put arrangement, effective at the end of an interest rate period or after a designated put date, upon determination by the taxing authority or by an officer of the subdivision as provided for in the proceedings.

(5) Changes in interest rate, interest rate period, or put dates shall be authorized by the taxing authority or by an officer of the subdivision as provided for in the proceedings.

(6) Proceedings for anticipatory securities having a put arrangement may provide for redemption, with or without premium, at the option of the subdivision at any time, and shall provide for optional redemption as of any put date that is at least six months subsequent to the last previous put date as of which optional redemption could have been exercised by the subdivision.

(7) Proceedings for commercial paper, subject to the limitations set forth in those proceedings, may authorize successive issues of commercial paper in such amounts and with such interest rates and maturity dates as are approved from time to time by an officer of the subdivision and in the manner as provided for in the proceedings, which approvals may be by oral communication prior to delivery of an issue of commercial paper and subsequently confirmed in writing.

(8) Proceedings for anticipatory securities with a floating rate interest structure and for commercial paper shall set forth the estimated interest rate, based upon then current financial market conditions, that would be borne by the bonds anticipated by the anticipatory securities if these bonds were sold at the time of original authorization of those anticipatory securities. That estimated interest rate shall be confirmed or reestimated in each measure making the annual appropriations of the subdivision unless it has been confirmed or redetermined for that fiscal year prior to the adoption of the annual appropriation measure.

(9) The maximum interest rates set under division (D)(3) of this section shall not exceed the estimated average annual interest rate on the bonds anticipated by the anticipatory securities, unless:

(a) Pursuant to the proceedings for those anticipatory securities and in the annual appropriation measures of the subdivision, if necessary, provision is made whereby payment of the additional interest under any such higher maximum interest rate in excess of the estimated average annual interest rate on the bonds or in excess of the maximum interest rate payable by a person under an interest rate swap arrangement referred to in division (D)(9)(b) of this section, if higher, will be provided for adequately without necessity for the levy of any property tax for the purpose, by:

(i) Capitalized interest, if any, together with;

(ii) Amounts temporarily set aside in the bond retirement fund from moneys in the bond retirement fund not required by law or contract to be used to pay debt charges on any other securities and in excess of other requirements of the bond retirement fund for the current fiscal year, or temporarily advanced for the purpose from any special fund of the subdivision to which the purpose of the anticipatory securities relates, or from the general fund of the subdivision; or

(iii) Any combination of the foregoing; or

(b) There is currently in effect an interest rate swap arrangement between the subdivision and another person, the obligations of which person are rated in one of the two highest rating categories of a national rating agency, pursuant to which interest rate swap arrangement such other person has undertaken to pay interest on the anticipatory securities in excess of such effective interest rate on the bonds.

(10) Provision shall be made in the tax budgets and annual appropriation measures of the subdivision for the amounts and from sources referred to in division (D)(9)(a)(ii) of this section and no tax levy shall be provided for such amounts. Amounts so provided pursuant to division (D)(9)(a)(ii) of this section shall lapse as of the last day of each fiscal year following the fiscal year of the original issuance of the anticipatory securities, and be returned to the fund or account from which they were provided. In the event of failure of the taxing authority to make the appropriation necessary to meet the provision of division (D)(9)(a)(ii) of this section, the anticipatory securities shall be redeemed on or before the last day of the second calendar month of the fiscal year for which the annual appropriations measure adopted fails to make such provisions and in such circumstances the anticipatory securities shall be subject to redemption, at not to exceed their par value.

(E) Renewal anticipatory securities or bonds to pay debt charges on anticipatory securities issued pursuant to this section or section 133.17 or 133.23 of the Revised Code may be issued at an interest rate or rates determined or authorized by the taxing authority, notwithstanding any statutory or charter limitation on interest rates payable on any securities.

Section 133.23 | Legislation authorizing issuance of anticipatory securities.

(A) If the taxing authority has not determined to issue anticipatory securities in anticipation of bonds under section 133.22 of the Revised Code the taxing authority may, and if the taxing authority has issued such anticipatory securities and they are to be paid in whole or in part at their maturity from the proceeds of bonds the taxing authority shall, pass legislation that:

(1) Declares the necessity of the bond issue, and determines whether the bonds are to be issued in one lot or in installments;

(2) States the principal amount or maximum principal amount of the bonds to be issued;

(3) States the purpose of the bond issue, which shall be for one purpose, except as otherwise authorized in division (B) of section 133.30 of the Revised Code;

(4) States or provides for the date of, and the dates and amounts or maximum amounts of maturities or principal payments on, the bonds, which need not be the same as those stated in any prior legislation;

(5) States any provisions for a mandatory sinking fund or mandatory sinking fund redemption or for redemption prior to maturity;

(6) Provides for the rate or rates of interest or maximum rate or rates of interest or, if otherwise authorized, the method for from time to time establishing or determining the rate or rates of interest, to be paid on the bonds;

(7) If the issuance of the bonds has been approved by a vote of the electors, identifies the election at which approved; and

(8) States any provision for a designated officer of the subdivision to determine any of the specific terms required to be stated or provided for in divisions (A)(4) to (6) of this section, subject to any limitations stated in the legislation.

(B) If the taxing authority determines to issue bonds in installments, it shall pass similar legislation whenever a new installment of those bonds is to be issued.

(C) Legislation passed under this section shall identify the source or sources of payment of debt charges on the bonds, which may be any moneys of the subdivision required by law to be used, or lawfully available, for the purpose. If the bonds are general obligations of the subdivision or a property tax is otherwise required to be levied for the purpose, the legislation shall provide for the levying of a property tax sufficient in amount to pay the debt charges on the bonds issued under the legislation, but the amount of that tax to be levied or collected in any year may be reduced by the amount to be available for the purpose from lawfully available special assessments, revenues and surplus funds of public utilities, any surplus in the funds from which such bonds are to be retired, or other moneys specifically assigned by law or by legislation of the taxing authority for payment of such debt charges.

(D) The fiscal officer of the subdivision shall file a copy of the legislation with the county auditor of each county in which any part of the subdivision is located.

Section 133.24 | Tax anticipation notes anticipating collection of proceeds of voted property tax levy.

(A) This section applies to tax anticipation notes authorized by the law applying to the particular levy and issued in anticipation of the collection of the proceeds of a voted property tax levy. Those notes are Chapter 133. securities.

(B) After approval of the levy by the electors, the taxing authority may anticipate that portion of the proceeds of the levy and issue tax anticipation notes, either from time to time during the life of the levy or prior to the time when the first collection and distribution from the levy can be made, as provided in the law applying to that levy. The aggregate outstanding principal amount of tax anticipation notes may not exceed the amount of the levy proceeds that may be anticipated, as provided in that applicable law by a statement of percentage or by a limitation on the amount of annual maturities. Tax anticipation notes shall mature no later than the last day of December of the last year authorized by the applicable law or of the last year of collection of the anticipated tax levy, whichever is earlier.

(C) As a supplemental procedure to, and unless and to the extent expressly prohibited in, the law applying to the particular levy, tax anticipation notes may be authorized, issued, and sold at public or private sale, may mature or be payable, and the proceeds shall be deposited and applied, as provided in division (A)(1) or (2)(b) of section 133.21, division (A) of section 133.22 to the extent applicable, section 133.27, divisions (A) and (C) of section 133.30, and sections 133.31 and 133.33 of the Revised Code. The proceeds of the notes, if authorized in the legislation, may be applied to pay related financing costs.

(D) Except for capitalized interest, debt charges on tax anticipation notes shall be payable only from the proceeds of the tax levy anticipated. The amount necessary to pay debt charges on the notes in a particular year or fiscal year shall be deemed appropriated for that purpose from the proceeds in that year of the levy anticipated, and appropriations from the proceeds of that levy by the subdivision in each fiscal year shall be limited to the balance available after deducting the amount to be applied to pay those debt charges. The amount to be applied to those debt charges shall be deposited, to an account for the purpose in the bond retirement fund, from collections and distributions of the tax levy to the taxing authority, in the amounts and at the times required to pay those debt charges as provided in the legislation authorizing the tax anticipation notes. Any amount so deposited and not needed for the purpose in the particular fiscal year may, without compliance with any other law or approval by any other agency, be transferred to the special fund established for the proceeds of the tax levy.

Section 133.25 | Levying property tax to debt charges on securities payable from property taxes.

(A) After the issuance of general obligation securities or of securities to which section 133.24 of the Revised Code applies, the taxing authority of the subdivision shall include in its annual tax budget, and levy a property tax in a sufficient amount, with any other moneys available for the purpose, to pay the debt charges on the securities payable from property taxes. The necessary property tax rate shall be included in the fiscal year tax budget that is certified by the subdivision to the county budget commission, and, if within the ten-mill limitation, shall be without diminution by reason of section 5705.313 of the Revised Code or any similar provisions.

(B) If the taxing authority determines it to be necessary or appropriate, and if not prohibited by other law, legislation relating to Chapter 133. securities may, or that legislation may provide for proceedings that may, contain or provide for any one or more or combination of the following:

(1) The pledge to the payment of debt charges of, and related covenants to levy, charge, collect, deposit, and apply, receipts of the subdivision lawfully available for the purpose, referred to in this division (B) as pledged receipts, including, without limitation, ad valorem property taxes as permitted by law, income taxes, excises, utility and service revenues, local government fund, school foundation, and moneys described in Section 5a of Article XII, Ohio Constitution, and any other receipts from taxes, excises, permits, licenses, fines, or other sources of revenue of or of revenue distributions to the subdivision, and covenants for the establishment, investment, segregation, and maintenance of any funds or reserves in connection with the securities. No pledge or covenant may be made that impairs the express contract rights of the holders of outstanding securities of the subdivision.

(2) Designation of a bank or trust company authorized to exercise corporate trust powers in this state as a fiscal agent for the securities, which fiscal agent may be a purchaser of any securities and fiscal agent for any other securities of the subdivision, and provision for the periodic deposit of pledged receipts in one or more separate bank accounts, funds, or other accounts established with the fiscal agent, including provision for pledged receipts collected or paid by the state or another subdivision to be transferred, by the appropriate officer of the state or other subdivision having charge of the distribution of the pledged receipts to the subdivision, directly to the fiscal agent for such deposit, which officers shall transfer such pledged receipts in accordance with this division and the legislation. The fiscal agent shall disburse moneys so held in accordance with the legislation, including the transfer of moneys to paying agents or to persons providing credit enhancement facilities at the times and in the amounts required. Until needed for that purpose, and subject to any limitations in the legislation, the fiscal agent shall either deposit such moneys on behalf of the subdivision in an institution that is eligible to become a public depository pursuant to section 135.03 of the Revised Code or invest the moneys on behalf of the subdivision in obligations that are under applicable law lawful for the investment of the particular moneys. Divisions (D), (E), and (G) of section 135.04 and sections 135.08 and 135.09 of the Revised Code do not apply to any such deposits or investments. Amounts so held and received by a fiscal agent shall be accounted for in the appropriate special funds of the subdivision as if held in the treasury of the subdivision, and the fiscal agent shall provide such information to the subdivision and to the auditor of state as is necessary for the purpose.

(3) Covenants of the subdivision and other provisions to protect and safeguard the security and rights of the holders of the securities and of the providers of any credit enhancement facilities and provisions for defeasance, including, without limiting the generality of the foregoing, such covenants and provisions as to:

(a) Establishment and maintenance of the funds to be held by a fiscal agent as provided in this division, the times, amounts, and levels for deposit to such funds, and the obligations in which the proceeds of such funds may be invested pending their use, subject to limitations on investment of public funds otherwise provided for by law or charter or by the legislation;

(b) The appointment, rights, powers, and duties of the fiscal agent, and vesting in the fiscal agent all or any of those rights, powers, and duties in trust;

(c) Compliance with the provisions of this chapter and other laws applicable to the payment of debt charges on securities of the subdivision, including Chapter 5705. of the Revised Code;

(d) Conditions that would give rise to an event of default under the terms of the legislation, and actions and remedies that any fiscal agent may take or assert on behalf of the holders of the securities.

(4) As rights and remedies of the holders of securities, in addition to any other rights and remedies under law, but subject to the terms of the legislation and of any credit enhancement facility, provision that if the subdivision defaults in the payment of debt charges on the securities and such default continues for a period of thirty days, or if the subdivision fails or refuses to comply with the requirements of this chapter or the applicable proceedings, or defaults in any contract made with the holders of those securities, the holders of not less than twenty-five per cent in principal amount of the outstanding securities of that issue may appoint a trustee, who may be the fiscal agent, to represent those holders for the purposes provided in this division (B)(4). That trustee may, and upon written request of the holders of not less than twenty-five per cent in principal amount of those securities then outstanding shall, in its own name exercise all or any of the powers of such holders under division (B)(3) of this section and in addition may:

(a) Bring action for payment of any debt charges then due on the securities;

(b) By mandamus or other action or proceeding enforce all rights of the holders of the securities, including any right to require the subdivision to assess, levy, charge, collect, and apply pledged receipts adequate to carry out the provisions of the legislation and any agreement with those holders and to perform its duties under the legislation and this chapter;

(c) Bring action upon the securities;

(d) By action, require the subdivision to account as if it were the trustee of an express trust for the holders of the securities;

(e) By action, enjoin any acts or things that may be unlawful or in violation of the rights of the holders of those securities;

(f) Except in the case of securities payable from a property tax, declare all securities of the issue due and payable, and if all defaults are subsequently corrected, then, with the consent of the holders of not less than ten per cent in principal amount of those securities then outstanding, rescind and annul that declaration and its consequences.

In addition to the foregoing, the trustee shall have all of the powers necessary or appropriate for the exercise of any functions specifically set forth in this section or the legislation or incident to the general representation of the holders of those securities in the enforcement and protection of their rights.

(5) Contracts or other arrangements for credit enhancement facilities, which may be with a fiscal agent. The costs of or under credit enhancement facilities may be paid from any moneys of the subdivision lawfully available for the purpose. The credit enhancement facility may be for the benefit of holders of the particular securities and of any other securities of the subdivision. Any such benefit conferred with respect to other securities shall not be deemed to restrict, preclude, or otherwise impair any rights that those holders otherwise may assert.

(C) Unless otherwise provided in the proceedings, the holders of not less than ten per cent in principal amount of the particular securities at the time outstanding, whether or not then due and payable or reduced to judgment and either on their own behalf or on behalf of all persons similarly situated, may:

(1) By mandamus, mandatory or other injunction, or any other order, writ, process, or decree, or by any other action or proceeding, enforce all contractual or other rights of such holders, including any right to require the subdivision to assess, levy, charge, collect, and apply the pledged receipts pledged to carry out the provisions of any agreement with such holders and perform its duties under the legislation and this chapter;

(2) In the case of default in payment of debt charges on their securities, commence an action upon their securities to require the subdivision to account as if it were the trustee of an express trust for those holders or to enjoin any acts or things that may be unlawful or in violation of the rights of those holders.

(D) The state pledges to and agrees with the holders of Chapter 133. securities that the state will not, by enacting any law or adopting any rule, repeal, revoke, repudiate, limit, alter, stay, suspend, or otherwise reduce, rescind, or impair the power or duty of a subdivision to exercise, perform, carry out, and fulfill its responsibilities or covenants under this chapter or legislation or agreements as to its Chapter 133. securities, including a credit enhancement facility, passed or entered into pursuant to this chapter, or repeal, revoke, repudiate, limit, alter, stay, suspend, or otherwise reduce, rescind, or impair the rights and remedies of any such holders fully to enforce such responsibilities, covenants, and agreements or to enforce the pledge and agreement of the state contained in this division, or otherwise exercise any sovereign power materially impairing or materially inconsistent with the provisions of such legislation, covenants, and agreements. The general assembly determines and declares that the provisions of this chapter and the powers and duties of subdivisions authorized and imposed under this chapter are proper, reasonable, and appropriate means by which the state can and should exercise and has exercised its duties and powers under the Ohio Constitution, and that those provisions are necessary and in the public interest and a proper means to better provide for the security for, and market reception for the purchase of, those securities. This pledge and agreement shall be of no force and effect as to securities that are not outstanding. This pledge and agreement by the state may be temporarily suspended upon the declaration of martial law in the subdivision in the event of circumstances deriving directly out of a natural disaster, such as an earthquake or major conflagration or flood but not a snowstorm or civil disturbance, or out of military invasions or civil insurrections, but not strikes or crises created by financial or economic events. Payment for securities by the original and subsequent holders shall be deemed conclusive evidence of valuable consideration received by the state and subdivision for this pledge and agreement, and any action by the state contrary to or inconsistent with this division is void as applied to those securities. The state hereby grants any such benefited holder the right to sue the state and enforce this pledge and agreement, and waives all rights of defense based on sovereign immunity or sovereign power in such an action or suit, it being expressly determined and declared that the continued integrity of the contract of any such holder is essential to the continued right of the subdivision to issue and pay debt charges on securities as a subdivision of the state. Nothing in this division requires the state to continue any particular level of appropriations of moneys, or precludes the state from authorizing the subdivision to exercise, or the subdivision from exercising, subject to approval of the tax commissioner, any power provided by law to seek application of laws then in effect under the bankruptcy provisions of the United States Constitution but in any case providing for debt charges as provided in section 133.36 of the Revised Code, or to preclude the state from further exercise of any of its powers and responsibilities under the Ohio Constitution.

(E) Moneys and investments held by the subdivision or a paying agent or a fiscal agent, and all receipts of the subdivision, needed and allocated to payment of debt charges or payments by the subdivision under credit enhancement facilities, are property of the subdivision devoted to essential governmental purposes and accordingly shall not be applied to any purpose other than as provided in this chapter and in the legislation, and shall not be subject to any order, judgment, lien, execution, attachment, setoff, or counterclaim by any creditor or judgment creditor, as a result of a tort judgment or otherwise, of the subdivision other than the holders of the securities or the provider of the credit enhancement facility who are entitled thereto pursuant to this chapter and the legislation.

Section 133.26 | Securities to contain statement of purposes and authorization.

(A) Securities issued by a subdivision shall state on their face the purposes, stated in summary terms, for which, and identify the legislation under which, they are issued. They shall bear interest at a rate or rates as provided for in that legislation.

In the case of voted general obligation bonds to be payable from sources other than property taxes or special assessments pursuant to provision for payment from such other sources made by covenant or otherwise in the legislation authorizing the bonds, the interest may be determined as a variable rate or rates, which may change from time to time in accordance with a base, formula, or standard, including determination at whatever rate is required to sell the securities on the open market at par, or other floating rate interest structure, identified or approved by the taxing authority.

(B) The taxing authority of a subdivision may issue Chapter 133. securities subject to call or redemption prior to maturity at par, or at a premium or premiums as determined by the taxing authority.

Section 133.27 | Signing securities.

(A) Chapter 133. securities shall be signed on behalf of the subdivision as follows:

(1) In the case of a municipal corporation, by the mayor or other chief executive officer and by the fiscal officer, or by any other officers who are designated to sign by the charter or legislation of its taxing authority;

(2) In the case of a county, by at least two members of its taxing authority and by the county auditor, or, in the case of a charter county, by those officers of the county who are designated to sign by the charter or legislation of its taxing authority;

(3) In the case of a school district, by the president or vice-president of the board of education and by its fiscal officer;

(4) In the case of a township, by at least two township trustees and by the township fiscal officer;

(5) In the case of a subdivision not referred to in divisions (B)(1) to (4) of this section, by the officer of the subdivision or taxing authority designated to sign by other law or, if there is no other law designating an officer, by the legislation authorizing the securities.

(B) If an officer designated to sign securities or interest coupons pursuant to division (A) or (E) of this section is for any reason unable or unavailable to so sign, another officer of the subdivision or taxing authority, designated by legislation passed by the taxing authority, may sign instead of that officer.

(C) All signatures required by this section may be facsimile signatures as provided for by sections 9.10, 9.11, and 9.96 of the Revised Code, unless the securities are issued in other than fully registered form, in which case at least one signature shall be a manual signature.

(D) If an officer who has signed, manually or by facsimile signature, any securities of a subdivision ceases to be such officer before the securities so signed have been actually delivered, the securities may nevertheless be issued and delivered as though the person who has so signed the securities had not ceased to be such officer. Any securities may be signed as provided in this section, on behalf of the subdivision, by an officer who is the proper officer of the subdivision or taxing authority on the actual date of signing of the securities, notwithstanding the fact that at the date of the securities or on the date of delivery of the securities that person was or is not the proper officer of the subdivision.

(E) Securities, other than fully registered securities, may, in the discretion of the taxing authority, have interest coupons attached or otherwise appertaining. The interest coupons shall be signed on behalf of the subdivision by the manual or facsimile signature of its fiscal officer.

Section 133.29 | Offering of securities to officers of bond investment fund or treasury investment board.

(A) Before a taxing authority sells any securities of the subdivision to others, the taxing authority may offer the securities at their purchase price and accrued interest to the officer or officers who have charge of the bond retirement fund of the subdivision, or in the case of a municipal corporation to the treasury investment board for investment under section 731.56 of the Revised Code, or an officer or similar treasury investment board having the authority under a charter.

(B) Any securities sold under this section shall bear interest at a rate or rates that is a fair market rate or rates for such securities at the time of the sale, and a certificate of the fiscal officer that the interest rate or rates borne by the securities is the fair market rate or rates is binding and conclusive as to the statements set forth.

Section 133.30 | Sale of securities.

(A) As determined by the taxing authority, Chapter 133. securities may be sold by competitive bid on the best bid, or at private sale in a manner determined or authorized by the taxing authority, and at not less than ninety-seven per cent of their principal amount, plus accrued interest, and at an interest rate or rates not exceeding that determined by the taxing authority.

(B) As provided in this division, the taxing authority, or the fiscal officer if authorized by the taxing authority, may combine securities that are payable from property taxes and that are authorized for different permanent improvement purposes under separate legislation, each dealing with one purpose, into a single consolidated issue of securities for purposes of their sale as a single issue. A consolidated securities issue shall contain a summary statement of purposes encompassing the purposes stated in the separate legislation, and shall have maturities or principal payments consistent with the aggregate of the separate periodic maturities or principal payments if such maturities or payments are provided in the separate legislation. If the periodic maturities or principal payments are not provided in the separate legislation, a consolidated securities issue shall have maturities or principal payments as provided in the legislation authorizing the consolidated issue, consistent with the aggregate of the separate periodic maturities or principal payments determined in accordance with this chapter. Securities payable from property taxes to be levied outside the tax limitation and securities payable from property taxes subject to the tax limitation, and securities that are general obligations and securities that are not general obligations, may not be combined for sale in a consolidated issue of securities. The proceeds from the sale of a consolidated issue of securities shall be apportioned, deposited, and credited in accordance with section 133.32 of the Revised Code to the respective purposes and funds in accordance with the amount of securities authorized by the separate legislation for each different one purpose. If there are additional proceeds from the sale, they shall be apportioned, deposited, and credited as provided in the legislation authorizing the consolidated issue. To the extent a consolidated issue funds or refunds two or more issues of anticipatory securities authorized by separate legislation, each dealing with one purpose, all provisions for the consolidated issue may be included or provided for in a single piece of legislation, notwithstanding other provisions of this chapter or of other law.

(C) As used in this division (C), "bid" means bid or proposal. If to be sold by competitive bid on the best bid advertisement for bids shall be in a newspaper of general circulation in the county where the securities are issued, or in a financial journal, or by distribution of a request for bids, or otherwise, in the manner and at the time or times determined by the taxing authority or by an officer of the subdivision authorized by the taxing authority to make that determination, and as provided in this division (C). A copy of the advertisement shall be provided at least ten days before the day for receipt of bids to the Ohio municipal advisory council, provided that failure to do so shall not affect the validity of the sale or of the securities.

(1) Any advertisement for competitive bids shall state all of the following pertaining to the securities:

(a) The total or maximum principal amount;

(b) The amount or amounts, and date or dates, of principal payments, or how and by whom they shall be determined, including any mandatory sinking fund requirements, and any provisions for call or redemption prior to maturity, including any mandatory sinking fund redemption requirements;

(c) The maximum rate or rates of interest if any, any other limitations on interest or interest rates or the manner of determining the interest rate or rates, and any maximum permitted discount;

(d) The dates of payment of interest;

(e) The general purpose or purposes and the source or sources of payment;

(f) The day, hour, and place, which place need not be in the subdivision, for receipt of bids, and the manner in which bids may be presented;

(g) The basis on which the best bid will be determined, including, with respect to interest cost, the basis for determining interest cost if other than net interest cost determined by computing the interest payable to the stated maturity date or dates, plus any discount or minus any premium bid;

(h) The bid security, if any, as determined by the taxing authority, to be submitted with or otherwise provided or evidenced in connection with a bid;

(i) Any other information, or terms of sale determined or confirmed by the taxing authority or by its authorized officer, pertinent to the sale.

(2) A prospective bidder may present a bid for the securities, based upon their bearing interest that does not exceed the maximum rate or rates of interest, if any, specified in the advertisement or request. Every bidder shall submit or otherwise provide or evidence in connection with its bid any bid security in the form and amount specified in the advertisement or request. Any bid security of the best bidder shall be retained or not released pending delivery of the securities to the best bidder. After the award of the securities to the best bidder, the subdivision shall return or release any bid security of other bidders.

(3) The taxing authority may itself by legislation, or by the officer expressly authorized by and subject to any maximum or maximum average interest rate or rates stated in legislation, accept a bid, or the best bid determined in the manner prescribed by the taxing authority or advertisement, that is presented by a responsible bidder. The taxing authority or authorized officer may determine to reject any or all bids received and to waive any informality, irregularity, or defect.

(D) If not stated in the legislation filed with the county auditor, the fiscal officer shall in writing promptly advise the county auditor of each county in which any part of the subdivision is located of the interest rate or rates on all general obligation securities and other securities payable from property taxes maturing in more than one year from date of issuance.

Section 133.31 | Delivering securities.

(A) Unless otherwise provided in the proceedings, a subdivision that sells an issue of securities shall deliver the securities for payment within the state to the purchaser, or to a bank or trust company or other agent of the purchaser designated by the purchaser, without charge to the purchaser. The subdivision may agree to deliver the securities to any other place at the request of the purchaser, at the expense of the purchaser unless otherwise provided in the proceedings for sale. The expense of delivery to be paid by the subdivision shall not be considered in determining the best bid for securities sold at public sale.

(B) The subdivision or its paying agent or registrar shall not deduct any amount from the debt charges payable on any securities as any registration, transfer, exchange, collection, payment, or other service charge.

Section 133.32 | Depositing proceeds from sale.

Unless otherwise provided by law or in proceedings authorized by law, proceeds from the sale of Chapter 133. securities shall be deposited and credited as follows:

(A) An amount equal to the principal amount of or the discount purchase price of the securities, and if determined by the taxing authority or the fiscal officer any amount for capitalized interest, shall be credited to the fund or funds for the purposes of which the securities are issued and shall be deemed appropriated for and used for the purpose set forth in the legislation.

(B) Any amount received as payment of premium and accrued interest, and if determined by the taxing authority or the fiscal officer any amount for capitalized interest, and in the case of securities maturing over five or more years any amount provided for in the proceedings as a reserve for debt charges, not exceeding the highest debt charges on the securities in any fiscal year, shall be paid into the bond retirement fund and credited to accounts as provided in the legislation.

(C) If anticipatory securities have been issued, the moneys remaining from the proceeds of sale of the anticipatory securities, unless and to the extent those moneys remain to be applied pursuant to division (A) of this section, and the moneys received from the sale of the securities anticipated, shall to the extent needed to pay debt charges on the anticipatory securities be deposited in the bond retirement fund and used for that purpose.

Section 133.33 | Furnishing of transcript of proceedings to purchaser.

(A) The officer having charge of the minutes of the taxing authority or other public issuer shall prepare and certify, and if requested by the original purchaser of the securities or of the fractionalized interests in its public obligations furnish to that original purchaser, a true transcript of proceedings pertaining to the securities or to the public obligations. The transcript shall include all of the following:

(1) A statement of the character of the meetings of the taxing authority or other public issuer at which the proceedings were had;

(2) The number of members present;

(3) A statement that all such proceedings were held in compliance with the law, which statement creates a conclusive presumption that the proceedings were held and taken in compliance with all laws and all legislation and rules and any charter of the taxing authority or other public issuer, including, as applicable, section 121.22 of the Revised Code and related legislation and rules of the taxing authority or other public issuer, unless an action or proceeding challenging the validity of the securities or the public obligations is commenced prior to delivery of the securities or the fractionalized interests in public obligations as provided in division (B) of section 133.02 of the Revised Code;

(4) Such other information from the records of the public issuer as is necessary to evidence or determine the regularity and validity of the authorization of the securities or public obligations, and of the issuance and sale of the securities.

(B) The fiscal officer of the subdivision shall certify and include in the transcript relating to general obligation securities a true and correct statement of the indebtedness represented by outstanding general obligation securities of the subdivision and of the tax valuation of the subdivision, and such other information as will permit a determination that the issue of securities is within any net indebtedness or other direct or indirect debt limitation imposed by the Ohio Constitution or law.

(C) No officer, or any of his deputies or subordinates, shall knowingly make or certify a false transcript or statement in respect to any of the matters set forth in this section.

Section 133.34 | Refunding securities.

(A) Upon the determination of the taxing authority that such funding or refunding will be in the subdivision's best interest, the subdivision may:

(1) Issue general obligation securities to fund or refund any outstanding revenue or mortgage revenue, sales tax supported, or other special obligation securities previously issued by it for permanent improvements pursuant to authorization by law or the Ohio Constitution. Any general obligation bonds issued pursuant to this division (A)(1) shall be payable as to principal at such times and in such installments as determined by the taxing authority consistent with section 133.21 of the Revised Code. The last maturity of the refunding securities shall not be later than the later of:

(a) Thirty years from the date of issuance of the original securities issued for the original purpose; or

(b) The year of the last maturity that would have been permitted for the original securities if they had been issued as general obligation securities and the law as to the maximum maturity of general obligation securities issued for the original purpose were the same at the time the original securities were issued as the law existing at the time the refunding securities are issued.

(2) Issue revenue or mortgage revenue securities, if authorized by other law or the Ohio Constitution to issue such securities for the original purpose, to fund or refund any outstanding general obligation or sales tax supported securities previously issued by it pursuant to authorization by law. The taxing authority shall establish the maturity date or dates, the interest payable, and other terms of such securities as it considers necessary or appropriate for their issuance.

(3) Issue general obligation securities to fund or refund outstanding general obligation bonds issued in one or more issues for any purpose or purposes. General obligation securities issued pursuant to this division (A)(3) shall be payable as to principal at such times and in such installments as determined by the taxing authority. Section 133.21 of the Revised Code is not applicable to these refunding securities, but the last maturity of these refunding securities shall not be later than the year of last maturity permitted by law for the general obligation bonds refunded. Tax levies for debt charges on the refunding general obligation securities shall be considered to have the same status with respect to the provisions of the applicable tax limitation as the levies for debt charges on, and the refunding general obligation securities shall be considered to have the same status with respect to net indebtedness limitations as, the general obligation bonds that are refunded.

(4) Issue sales tax supported or other special obligation securities to fund or refund any outstanding general obligation securities, or revenue or mortgage revenue, sales tax supported, or other special obligation securities previously issued by it for permanent improvements pursuant to authorization by law or the Ohio Constitution. Any sales tax supported bonds issued pursuant to this division (A)(4) shall be payable as to principal at such times and in such installments as determined by the taxing authority consistent with division (E) of section 133.081 of the Revised Code, but their last maturity shall be consistent with division (B) of section 133.081 of the Revised Code. Other special obligation securities issued under this division (A)(4) shall be payable as to principal at such times and in such installments as determined by the taxing authority, and are not subject to section 133.21 of the Revised Code. The last maturity of these refunding securities shall be not later than the year of last maturity permitted by law for the obligations refunded.

(5) Apply moneys from other sources to fund any outstanding securities or public obligations issued by the taxing authority pursuant to authorization by law or the Ohio Constitution, including the funding of any mandatory sinking fund redemption requirements.

(6) Issue tourism development district revenue supported bonds to fund or refund any outstanding revenue or mortgage revenue or general obligation or other special obligation securities previously issued by it for permanent improvements pursuant to authorization by law or the Ohio Constitution. Any tourism development district revenue supported bonds issued pursuant to division (A)(6) of this section shall be payable as to principal at such times and in such installments as determined by the taxing authority consistent with division (E) of section 133.083 of the Revised Code, but their last maturity shall be consistent with division (B) of section 133.083 of the Revised Code.

(B) Securities issued pursuant to this section shall be considered to be issued for the same purpose or purposes as the securities that they are issued to fund or refund, and their proceeds shall be used as determined by the taxing authority consistent with their purpose. That use may include the payment of the outstanding principal amount of, any redemption premium on, and any interest to redemption or maturity on, the securities being funded or refunded, and any expenses relating to the funding or refunding or the issuance of the refunding bonds, including financing costs, all as determined by the taxing authority. Proceeds of securities issued pursuant to this section may also be used to provide additional money for the purpose or purposes for which the securities being funded or refunded, or which they funded or refunded, were issued, but section 133.21 of the Revised Code is applicable to any such portion of general obligation securities.

(C) Securities may be issued and other moneys may be applied pursuant to this section to fund or refund all or any portion of the outstanding securities, and whether or not the securities to be funded or refunded were issued subject to call or redemption prior to maturity or are the original securities or are themselves refunding securities.

(D) Moneys derived from the proceeds of securities issued pursuant to this section to fund or refund general obligation bonds, or moneys from other sources, and required for the purpose shall, under an escrow agreement or otherwise, to the extent required by the legislation be placed in an escrow fund, which may be in the bond retirement fund in the case of the funded or refunded bonds being payable within ninety days of issuance of the refunding securities, and other moneys applied pursuant to this section to fund general obligation bonds shall, under an escrow agreement or otherwise, to the extent required by the legislation, be placed in an escrow fund that may be in the sinking fund or bond retirement fund, and in either case are pledged for the purpose of funding or refunding the refunded general obligation bonds and shall be used, together with any other available funds as provided in this section, for that purpose. Pending that use, the moneys in escrow shall be held in cash or, if and to the extent authorized by the taxing authority, invested in whole or in part in direct obligations of or obligations guaranteed as to payment by the United States that mature or are subject to redemption by and at the option of the holder not later than the date or dates when the moneys invested, together with interest or other investment income accrued on those moneys, and any moneys held in cash and not invested will be required for that use. Any moneys in the escrow fund derived from the issuance of revenue or mortgage revenue, sales tax supported, or other special obligation securities that will not be needed to pay debt charges on the funded or refunded general obligation bonds may be used for and pledged to the payment of debt charges on the refunding securities and on any securities issued on a parity with the refunding securities. Any moneys in the escrow fund derived from the proceeds of refunding general obligation securities and that will not be needed to pay debt charges on the refunded general obligation bonds shall be transferred to the bond retirement fund. When the subdivision has placed in escrow moneys, derived from proceeds of refunding obligations or otherwise, or those direct or guaranteed obligations of the United States, or a combination of both, determined by an independent public accounting firm to be sufficient, with the interest or other investment income accruing on those direct or guaranteed obligations, for the payment of debt charges on the funded or refunded general obligation bonds, the funded or refunded general obligation bonds shall no longer be considered to be outstanding, shall not be considered for purposes of determining any limitation, direct or indirect, on the indebtedness or net indebtedness of the subdivision, and the levy of taxes or other charges for the payment of debt charges on the funded or refunded general obligation bonds under this chapter, Chapter 5705., or other provisions of the Revised Code, shall not be required. For purposes of this division, "direct obligations of or obligations guaranteed as to payment by the United States" includes rights to receive payment or portions of payments of the principal of or interest or other investment income on:

(1) Those obligations; and

(2) Other obligations fully secured as to payment by those obligations and the interest or other investment income on those obligations.

(E) The authority granted by this section is in addition to and not a limitation on any other authorizations granted by or pursuant to law or the Ohio Constitution for the same or similar purposes, and does not limit or restrict the authority of municipal corporations to issue, under authority of Article XVIII, Ohio Constitution, revenue or mortgage revenue securities to fund or refund either general obligation securities or other revenue or mortgage revenue securities.

Section 133.35 | Exchange of securities in depositories.

If a refunding or plan of refunding of the indebtedness of any subdivision includes securities which are deposited with the treasurer of state or superintendent of insurance under any law, and such officer determines that it is in the public interest to refund such securities and exchange them for refunding securities to be issued pursuant to any such refunding or plan of refunding under this chapter or complementary sections of the Revised Code, such officer may, with the consent of such depositor, or of its conservator if one has been appointed, or of the superintendent of banks if he has taken possession of the business and property of such depositor, and any supervising authority of the state, consent to such refunding or plan of refunding, and exchange such securities for such refunding securities which need not bear the same rate of interest as the securities to be exchanged, and may waive overdue interest, including interest upon any overdue interest upon such securities, whether represented by coupons or otherwise, if the plan of refunding so provides. Such officer shall hold such refunding securities under the same terms as the original securities.

Section 133.36 | Refunding of securities under bankruptcy act.

For the purpose of enabling subdivisions to take advantage of the act of congress entitled "An act to establish a uniform system of bankruptcy throughout the United States," approved July 1, 1898, including acts amendatory thereof and supplementary thereto, and for that purpose only, and notwithstanding any statutes of this state to the contrary, particularly this chapter, the taxing authority of any subdivision provided for in the act and acts amendatory thereof and supplementary thereto, upon approval of the tax commissioner, may file a petition stating that the subdivision is insolvent or unable to meet its debts as they mature, and that it desires to effect a plan for the composition or readjustment of its debts, and to take such further proceedings as are set forth in the act of congress and acts amendatory thereof and supplementary thereto as they relate to any such subdivision. The taxing authority of any subdivision provided for in the act, at any time such acts are in force and applicable, may upon like approval refund its outstanding securities, whether matured or unmatured, and exchange refunding bonds for the securities being refunded. In its order approving such refunding, or in any amendment thereof, the tax commissioner shall fix the maturities of the bonds to be issued, which need not be subject to sections 133.20 and 133.21 of the Revised Code, or any other sections of the Revised Code limiting the maturities thereof. Such refunding bonds may bear different rates of interest for different periods of time during their life. No such bonds shall mature in more than thirty years. The debt charges thereon shall have the same status with respect to the limitations imposed by Section 2 of Article XII, Ohio Constitution, as the debt charges on the securities which are refunded. No taxing subdivision shall be permitted, in availing itself of such acts of congress, to scale down, cut down, or reduce the principal sum of its securities, except that interest thereon may be reduced in whole or in part.

Section 133.37 | Refunding special assessment bonds.

With the approval of the tax commissioner, the taxing authority of any subdivision at any time may refund any outstanding bonds of the subdivision which have matured or which are about to mature and which were issued in anticipation of the collection of special assessments, together with the amount of the interest coupons due or to become due on such bonds. The commissioner shall approve such issue only to any extent it is found that no other method of payment in whole or in part exists or will exist prior to the maturity date of such bonds which are about to mature from the collection of special assessments in anticipation of which such bonds were issued or from other funds in the bond retirement fund of the subdivision, excluding securities held in the bond retirement fund only when the commissioner finds that the sale of such securities in order to meet the debt charges thereon would necessitate an unwarranted sacrifice of the securities so held, thereby impairing the ability to meet other debt charges in the future. In the order approving such issue, the commissioner shall fix the maturities of the bonds to be issued, which need not be subject to sections 133.20 and 133.21 of the Revised Code. No such bonds shall mature in more than ten years. The debt charges thereon shall have the same status with respect to the limitations imposed by Section 2 of Article XII, Ohio Constitution, as the debt charges which are refunded.

The proceeds derived from the sale of such refunding bonds shall be transferred to the bond retirement fund of the subdivision, and shall be used only for the purpose of meeting the debt charges on the bonds to be refunded.

This section supplements section 133.34 of the Revised Code.

Section 133.38 | Proceedings when anticipatory securities remain unsold.

(A) If Chapter 133. securities authorized to fund or refund anticipatory securities remain unsold after being offered at public or private sale under section 133.30 of the Revised Code, the taxing authority may, with the consent of the holder of any of the anticipatory securities, by legislation renew or extend the maturity of any of such anticipatory securities with interest at the same or a new rate or rates, for not to exceed one year, to be evidenced by notation on the anticipatory securities or by the issuance of replacement securities. The taxing authority may also exchange the securities anticipated for such anticipatory securities upon terms prescribed by legislation. Legislation passed under this division shall be certified by the fiscal officer to the county auditor of each county in which any part of the subdivision is located.

(B) If Chapter 133. securities that have been authorized for the purpose of funding or refunding outstanding anticipatory securities remain unsold after being offered at public or private sale, the taxing authority may by legislation approve the exchange of the securities for any of the securities to be funded or refunded. The holder of the outstanding securities may exchange the securities held for a lesser or like amount of the new securities at not less than the principal amount of the new securities plus accrued interest. Any excess or deficiency in principal amount of the outstanding securities, new securities, or such anticipatory securities shall be paid to the other by the security holder or the subdivision, as the case may be. The fiscal officer shall determine the amount of cash and the amount of new securities to be given to such security holders, which determination shall be based upon the amount of cash in the bond retirement fund or other special fund available for such payment. The fiscal officer shall certify that determination to the taxing authority and the taxing authority shall approve the determination by legislation before any such securities are exchanged.

(C) A subdivision that has issued anticipatory securities may issue securities in a principal amount greater than the cost of the permanent improvement or of the amount of unpaid special assessments levied to pay the cost of the permanent improvement and with such maximum maturities as would have been required had no special assessments matured, if the tax commissioner certifies that no other funds are available and applicable to the payment of debt charges on the anticipatory securities at maturity. The principal amount of the new securities shall not exceed the principal amount of the maturing anticipatory securities.

Section 133.39 | Issuance of duplicate security, check or warrant - alternative.

(A) The taxing authority of a subdivision may authorize, by specific legislation or by general legislation authorizing the fiscal officer or registrar to act for it, the issuance of a duplicate security to the holder or owner of any lost, stolen, mutilated, or destroyed security, including any appertaining coupons, as provided in section 1308.41 of the Revised Code, or any check or warrant issued in payment of debt charges, which duplicate shall be in the same general form and contain the same terms, and be signed, as required for the original instrument. The instrument so issued shall plainly show upon its face that it is a duplicate.

(B) In lieu of the issuance of a duplicate of a security that has matured, the taxing authority may authorize the fiscal officer to pay the debt charges that are due on the security, with appropriate recording of and receipt for payment.

(C) The taxing authority may require, before the issuance of such a duplicate or the making of such payment, all of the following:

(1) Proof of the loss, theft, mutilation, or destruction;

(2) Payment by the holder or owner of the reasonable expense of issuing the duplicate or making the payment, including administrative and legal expenses and any printing costs;

(3) A bond of indemnity or other type of surety, satisfactory to the fiscal officer, securing the subdivision, its officers, the paying agent, and the registrar against all loss or liability for or on account of the instrument replaced or payment made.

Section 133.40 | Exchange procedures for securities.

(A) A subdivision may, if authorized by the taxing authority and upon the request of and at the expense of the original purchaser, in the case of initial delivery of securities, or holder of coupon securities, issue fully registered securities in lieu of or in exchange for coupon securities in a principal amount not exceeding the unpaid principal amount of the coupon securities. Such fully registered securities shall have the same terms, except manner of payment, as the coupon securities, and shall be of such denominations as the original purchaser or the holder of the coupon securities requests and as the fiscal officer approves.

(B) A subdivision may, if authorized by the taxing authority and upon the request of and at the expense of an owner or holder of any fully registered securities originally issued prior to January 1, 1983, issue coupon securities in exchange for the registered securities in a principal amount not exceeding the unpaid principal amount of the registered securities offered in exchange. The coupon securities shall have the same terms, except manner of payment, as the registered securities, and shall be of the same denominations as the original coupon securities in lieu of or in exchange for which the registered securities were issued.

(C) No securities shall be issued under division (A) or (B) of this section until the securities offered in exchange, including coupons if coupon securities, have been delivered to the subdivision or its agent for the purpose. The prior securities may be held in safekeeping for reissuance purposes, or canceled and destroyed.

(D) The subdivision or its agent for the purpose may charge the owner or holder with the reasonable expense of making the exchange authorized by this section, including administrative and legal expenses and any printing costs.

Section 133.41 | Register of fully registered securities - payment of debt charges - transfers.

(A) A subdivision shall keep or cause to be kept a register for the purpose of effecting the exchange, transfer, and payment of fully registered securities, which shall show the date, series, denomination, and owner of such fully registered securities and, if the case, the number and series of the coupon securities for which they were exchanged.

(B) A subdivision shall pay or cause to be paid the debt charges on fully registered securities only to or on the order of the person appearing by the register to be the owner of the securities, unless otherwise provided in an applicable credit enhancement facility.

(C) Subject to any applicable provisions of the proceedings, registered securities may be transferred or exchanged on the register by the registered owner in person or by a person authorized by the registered owner to do so by a power of attorney.

Section 133.42 | Registration of coupon securities - transfer.

(A) A subdivision may register any coupon security registrable as to principal upon the request of the owner or holder. The officer in charge of the bond retirement fund or, if there is no such officer, the fiscal officer of the subdivision shall note the registration on the security. Thereafter, no transfer shall be valid unless the transfer is entered on the records of the subdivision and similarly noted on the security, and the security may be discharged from registration by being in like manner transferred to bearer and thereupon the security may be transferred by delivery.

(B) Registration of a coupon security as to principal does not affect the negotiability of the appertaining coupons. A negotiable coupon is transferable by delivery whether or not the principal of the security to which it appertains is registered.

(C) The responsible officers of the subdivision may charge a reasonable fee as compensation for the expense of such registration.

Section 133.50 | Delivery of bonds.

When any officers, boards, or commissions have consented to any exchange or plan of exchange as provided in section 133.49 of the Revised Code, any officer having possession of any notes or bonds to be exchanged for refunding bonds shall deliver them pursuant to such exchange or plan and he shall receive the bonds to be issued in exchange therefor, together with any cash to be paid pursuant to such plan.

Section 133.51 | Issuing public obligations for housing purposes.

Any county, municipal corporation, or township may issue or incur public obligations, including general obligations, to provide, or assist in providing, housing pursuant to Section 16 of Article VIII, Ohio Constitution.

Section 133.52 | Public obligations for conservation/revitalization purposes.

A county, municipal corporation, or township may issue or incur public obligations, including general obligations, to provide, or assist in providing, grants, loans, loan guarantees, or contributions for conservation and revitalization purposes pursuant to Sections 2o and 2q of Article VIII, Ohio Constitution.

Section 133.54 | Refunding serial bonds - reassessment - taxpaying period - rate of interest.

Whenever bonds issued in anticipation of the collection of special assessments are refunded, as authorized by section 133.37 of the Revised Code, the taxing authority may reassess against each lot or parcel of land upon which the original assessments were levied and are due and unpaid, the due and unpaid part of the installments of such assessments with interest. Whenever, irrespective of the issuance of any refunding bonds, any annual assessment installment certified to the county auditor for collection has become due and remains unpaid, and the political subdivision has paid all of the annual or semiannual serial bond maturities which are due and which were issued in anticipation of the collection of said special assessment, the taxing authority may reassess against each lot or parcel, upon which the original assessments were levied and are due and unpaid, the due and unpaid part of the installments of such assessments. The amount so reassessed against each lot or parcel shall be equal to the amount due and unpaid on the principal sum of the original assessment or installment of assessments so reassessed, and shall include in addition any interest included in or accrued upon such installments, but shall not include any penalties or any interest chargeable under section 323.121 of the Revised Code, which shall thereupon be remitted. When reassessed to pay refunding bonds, such total amount shall be payable in substantially equal annual or semiannual installments which may commence at the taxpaying period immediately following the taxpaying period at which the last installment of the original assessment will be due and payable over the period of years for which said refunding bonds are issued, and shall bear interest at the same rate as is borne by such refunding bonds. When otherwise reassessed, such total amount shall be payable in substantially equal annual or semiannual installments which may commence at the taxpaying period immediately following the taxpaying period at which the last installment of the original assessment will be due, and ending not more than fifteen years from the date of the reassessment, and shall bear interest at such a rate as the taxing authority fixes in its assessing measure. Such reassessments shall not be subject to the limitations of section 727.03 of the Revised Code or to any other statutory limit on the amount of assessments.

Section 133.55 | Notice of reassessment - tax duplicate - objections - hearing.

Before adopting any reassessment provided for in section 133.54 of the Revised Code, the fiscal officer shall prepare and file for public inspection a list containing the names of the owners, a tax duplicate description of each parcel of land on which the reassessment will be levied, and the total amount to be reassessed, separately stated as to each parcel, and the taxing authority shall publish notice for two consecutive weeks in a newspaper of general circulation in the political subdivision, or as provided in section 7.16 of the Revised Code, that such reassessment has been prepared by the fiscal officer and that it is on file in the fiscal officer's office for the inspection and examination of the persons interested therein. Sections 727.13, 727.15, and 727.16 of the Revised Code do not apply to any such assessments, but any person may file objections in writing with the fiscal officer within one week after the expiration of such notice and the taxing authority shall hear and determine any such objections at its next meeting. Such objections shall be limited solely to matters of description of parcels and owners and of computations of amounts, and no matters concluded by any proceedings on the original assessments shall form the basis for any such objections. When the reassessment list is confirmed by the taxing authority, it shall be complete and final and shall be recorded in the office of the fiscal officer.

Section 133.56 | Levy - certification - payment and collection of reassessments - exception.

After the taxing authority has approved the assessments provided for in section 133.54 of the Revised Code, like proceedings shall be had for the levy, certification, payment, and collection of said assessments as apply to the levy, certification, payment, and collection of original assessments, and all laws relating to the levy, certification, payment, and collection of original assessments, except as otherwise set forth in sections 133.54 to 133.57 of the Revised Code, shall govern the levy, certification, payment, and collection of such reassessments. Such certification shall distinctly state the fact that it is a reassessment, and shall specify the original assessments for which it is substituted. Upon certification of the first installment of such reassessment for collection to the county auditor, and to the county recorder when registered title is involved, the auditor, and also the recorder in case of registered lands, shall cancel the installments of original assessments so reassessed against the lots or parcels on which the reassessment has been made and the interest and penalty thereon, as the same stand on the tax list and duplicate and on the original certificate of title. Any special assessments reassessed as provided in this section shall not again be reassessed.

Section 133.57 | Pending suits - lien of reassessment to attach to land in hands of purchaser at judicial sale - order of court.

Whenever a political subdivision has started proceedings under section 133.54 of the Revised Code to reassess any original assessment installments against any lot or parcel of land, and there is pending, or prior to the cancellation of the original assessment installments there is commenced, a suit in any manner involving the lien of such original assessment or assessment installments, the lien of any such reassessment shall attach to such parcel of land in the hands of the purchaser at judicial sale in the same manner as though such reassessment were an original assessment levy by the subdivision, but only for the total amount due and unpaid with interest accrued on such original assessment installments after a distribution of funds applicable to such original assessment lien in said suit. Upon determination of the total amount paid in such distribution to the subdivision, the fiscal officer thereof shall revise and recertify such reassessment against said parcel for the proper amount. Any party in any such suit may at any time before the entry of the order of sale inform the court of the pendency or conclusion of such reassessment proceedings and upon hearing the court shall, if such proceedings are concluded, take account of and give effect to such change of assessment lien in its order of sale. If such proceedings are not concluded, the court may make such order as it deems proper to protect the rights of the parties and the subdivisions interested in said assessment.

Section 133.60 | Issuing bonds to acquire agricultural easements.

(A) As used in this section and in section 133.61 of the Revised Code:

(1) "Agricultural easement" has the same meaning as in section 5301.67 of the Revised Code.

(2) "Bonds" means notes or bonds.

(B) The board of county commissioners of a county may issue bonds for the purpose of acquiring agricultural easements. The issuance of the bonds is subject to this chapter, except that their maturity shall not extend beyond the expiration of the tax imposed under section 5739.026 of the Revised Code. The bonds do not constitute general obligations of the county, and they shall not pledge the full faith and credit or revenue of the county, except revenues from the taxes levied under sections 5739.026 and 5741.023 of the Revised Code. The resolution authorizing the bonds shall appropriate the proceeds of those taxes first to the payment of debt charges on the bonds, and other appropriations from the proceeds of those taxes shall be limited to any balance that remains after paying in full the debt charges on the bonds.

All moneys raised by the issuance of bonds under this section, after payment of the costs of issuance and financing costs, shall be used exclusively for the acquisition of agricultural easements.

Section 133.61 | Issuing general obligation bonds to acquire agricultural easements.

The legislative authority of a municipal corporation, board of county commissioners of a county, or board of township trustees of a township may issue general obligation bonds for the purpose of acquiring agricultural easements. The bonds shall be issued in the manner provided in section 133.18 of the Revised Code and pursuant to this chapter.

All moneys raised by the issuance of bonds under this section, after payment of the costs of issuance and financing costs, shall be used exclusively for the acquisition of agricultural easements.

Section 133.70 | Complaint for validation of authority to issue or enter into securities.

(A) As used in this section, supplementing the definitions of the terms contained in section 133.01 of the Revised Code:

(1) "Issuer" also includes any person issuing fractionalized interests in public obligations, an obligor, and, in the case of public obligations, the public issuer.

(2) "Securities" also includes public obligations as defined in division (GG)(2) of section 133.01 of the Revised Code and fractionalized interests in public obligations, both referred to in this section as "division (A)(2) securities."

(B)(1) An issuer, at any time prior to its issuance or entering into of securities, may file a complaint for validation and thereby commence an action for the purpose of obtaining an adjudication of its authority to issue or enter into and the validity of, and security for and source of payment of, the securities, and of the validity of all proceedings taken and proposed to be taken in connection therewith, including, but not limited to, any of the following:

(a) The levy of taxes or special assessments levied or to be levied;

(b) The lien of those taxes or special assessments;

(c) The levy or charge of rates, charges, rentals, lease payments, or tolls;

(d) Any underlying public obligation;

(e) The proceedings and remedies for the collection of the taxes, special assessments, rates, charges, rentals, lease payments, or tolls, or payments by an obligor.

(2) No such action shall be commenced except upon determination of its necessity by the taxing authority or other authority empowered to adopt the legislation or order for the issuance of the securities or, in the case of division (A)(2) securities, the obligor.

(3) Except as provided in division (B)(4) of this section, the action shall be commenced in the court of common pleas of the county in which the issuer, or in the case of division (A)(2) securities, the obligor, is located in whole or in part or has its or a principal office. The tax commissioner and the county auditor of the county in which the action is commenced shall be named as party defendants. Service of summons shall, unless waived, be made upon such parties in the manner provided for service of summons by the Rules of Civil Procedure. The property owners, taxpayers, and citizens of the issuer, or in the case of division (A)(2) securities, the obligor, nonresident owners of property subject to taxation or special assessment for payment of debt charges on the securities by the issuer or obligor, and all other persons affected by or interested in the issuance of the securities, shall be deemed joined as defendants without service to the same extent as if individually named in the complaint.

(4) If the issuer of the securities, or, in the case of division (A)(2) securities, the obligor, is the state or any state agency, such action shall be commenced in the court of common pleas of Franklin county. The tax commissioner shall be named as party defendant, and the taxpayers, property owners, and citizens of the state, nonresident owners of property subject to taxation or special assessment for payment of debt charges on the securities by the issuer or obligor, and all other persons affected by or interested in the issuance of the securities, shall be deemed joined as defendants without service to the same extent as if individually named in the complaint.

(C) The complaint for validation shall contain that which is required by the Civil Rules including, without limitation, in ordinary and precise language and by references or exhibits, statements or descriptions of all of the following:

(1) The issuer's existence and authority for issuing the securities;

(2) The holding and result of any required election relating to the securities;

(3) If already passed or issued, the legislation, order, or proceeding authorizing the issuance of the securities and evidence of its passage or issuance;

(4) All other essential proceedings taken and proposed to be taken in connection with the securities;

(5) If not set forth in legislation, order, or proceeding already passed or issued, the approximate amount and general proposed terms of the securities;

(6) The county or counties in which the proceeds of the securities, or any part thereof, are to be expended;

(7) If the securities are division (A)(2) securities, the same information referred to in divisions (C)(1) to (4) of this section as to the obligor and its obligations, including any public obligations, relating to the division (A)(2) securities;

(8) Any other pertinent matters.

(D) Except as otherwise provided in this section, all proceedings pursuant to this section shall be governed by, as applicable, the Rules of Civil Procedure and the Rules of Appellate Procedure.

(E) Upon the filing of the complaint, the court shall issue an order in general terms in the form of a notice directed to the state and to "all property owners, taxpayers, citizens, and others having or claiming any right, title, or interest in any property or funds to be affected" by the issuance or entering into of the securities or "affected in any way thereby," requiring the state through the attorney general and all such persons to appear and be heard before the court at a time to be designated in the order, and show cause why the prayer of the complaint should not be granted and the proceedings and the securities validated and confirmed as therein prayed.

(F) At least twenty days before the time fixed in the order for hearing, a copy of the complaint and order, unless waived in writing by the receiving attorney, shall be served upon the prosecuting attorney of the county in which the action is commenced, the prosecuting attorney of each county in which it is proposed to expend ten per cent or more of the proceeds of the sale of the securities, and the attorney general. No more than one copy of the complaint and order need be served upon any one prosecuting attorney. Each such attorney shall carefully examine the complaint and if it appears, or there is reason to believe, that the complaint is defective, insufficient, or untrue, or if in the opinion of the attorney the issuance of the securities or, if the case, the entering into of the public obligation, is not lawful or they have not been duly authorized, the attorney may enter an appearance for the county, or the state in the case of the attorney general, and assert any defense to the complaint that the attorney considers proper. The attorney may enter an appearance and assert any support for the complaint that the attorney considers proper.

(G) The clerk of the court in which the action is commenced shall cause a copy of the order to be published once a week for two consecutive calendar weeks, in a newspaper of general circulation in that county and in each other county the prosecuting attorney of which is required to be served under division (F) of this section. The first publication in each county shall be made not less than fourteen nor more than twenty-one days prior to the date set for hearing. Upon the last publication of the order, service upon all property owners, taxpayers, citizens, or others having or claiming any right, title, or interest in or against the plaintiff or property subject to taxation or special assessment for payment of debt charges on the securities or otherwise affected by or interested in the issuance or entering into of the securities described in the complaint is complete, and the court has jurisdiction of them to the same extent as if such defendants were individually named in the complaint and personally served.

(H) The attorneys referred to in division (F) of this section, and any other person made a defendant or his counsel, shall, subject to laws restricting public access to certain records, have reasonable access to all records and proceedings of the issuer and, if division (A)(2) securities are involved, the obligor, which pertain to the matters described in the complaint. Any officer, agent, or employee of the issuer, and in the case of division (A)(2) securities the obligor, who has charge, possession, custody, or control of any of those records and proceedings shall, on request of that person, make available for examination those records and proceedings and shall furnish such authenticated copies of them as the person requests and at that person's expense.

(I) Upon motion of the issuer, whether before or after the date set for hearing as provided in division (E) of this section, the court may enjoin any person from commencing any other action or proceeding contesting the same or related matters as described in the complaint, as the complaint may from time to time be amended. The court may order a joint hearing or trial before it of all such related issues then pending in any action or proceeding in any court in the state, and may order any such action or proceeding consolidated with the validation complaint pending before it, and may make such order as may be necessary or proper to effect that consolidation and as may tend to avoid unnecessary costs or delays or multiplicity of suits. That order is not appealable.

(J) Any property owner, taxpayer, citizen, or person affected by or interested in the issuance or entering into of the securities may become a named party to the action by pleading to the complaint at or before the time set for the hearing provided in division (E) of this section, or thereafter by intervention upon leave of court.

(K) At the time designated in the order for hearing, the court shall proceed to hear and determine all questions of law and fact in the action and may make such interlocutory orders and adjournments as will enable it properly to try and determine the action and to render a final judgment with the least possible delay.

(L) Any party to the action may appeal from a final judgment of a court of common pleas under division (K) of this section to the court of appeals. The notice of appeal must be filed within ten days of the entry of final judgment by the court of common pleas. The appeal shall take priority over all other civil cases therein pending, except habeas corpus. No oral argument shall be permitted on appeal except at the request of the court on its own motion.

(M) All of the following apply to a final judgment of the court of common pleas, as finally affirmed or modified in any appeal, that determines that the issuer has authority to issue the securities upon the general terms set forth in the complaint for validation and that adjudicates the legality of all proceedings taken and proposed to be taken in connection with the securities and any underlying public obligation:

(1) The final judgment is forever binding and conclusive, as to all matters adjudicated, against the issuer, any obligor, and all other parties to the action, and those in privity with them, whether named in the action or included in the description in the notice provided for in division (E) of this section.

(2) If all procedural steps required to be taken for the completion of the authorization, issuance, sale, and delivery of the securities, and for entering into any underlying public obligation, after the date of the final judgment, are properly taken in accordance with the applicable provisions of law and the terms of the final judgment, the final judgment constitutes a permanent injunction against any person's contesting, by any action or proceeding, any of the following:

(a) The validity of the securities and of any underlying public obligation generally described in the complaint;

(b) The validity of the taxes, special assessments, tolls, charges, rates, or other levies, or lease payments, or payments by an obligor, authorized, contracted, or covenanted to be imposed, made, or collected for the payment of the debt charges on the securities or of payment obligations under the public obligation;

(c) The validity of any pledge of or lien on revenue or property to secure the payment of the debt charges or payment obligations on the securities.

(3) A final judgment does not permanently enjoin any person not a named party to the action from raising a claim or defense seeking relief in whole or in part from any levy of taxes or special assessments, made or to be made or collected or to be collected against property owned by that person, authorized for the payment of any debt charges or payment obligations on the securities described in the complaint if the claim or defense is based upon a right that such person may have only in his individual capacity as an owner of the property subject to the tax or special assessment, including but not limited to any rights under sections 727.02, 727.15, 727.16, and 727.17 of the Revised Code.

(N) The costs of each action under this section shall be paid by the plaintiff and may be paid from the proceeds of the securities, except that if a taxpayer, citizen, or other person has contested, intervened in, or appealed the action the court may tax the whole or such part of the costs against that person as is equitable and just.

Section 133.99 | Penalty.

Whoever violates division (C) of section 133.33 of the Revised Code is guilty of a misdemeanor of the first degree.