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The Legislative Service Commission staff updates the Revised Code on an ongoing basis, as it completes its act review of enacted legislation. Updates may be slower during some times of the year, depending on the volume of enacted legislation.

Chapter 3309 | Public School Employees Retirement System

Section 3309.01 | Public school employees retirement system definitions.

As used in this chapter:

(A) "Employer" or "public employer" means boards of education, school districts, joint vocational districts, governing authorities of community schools established under Chapter 3314. of the Revised Code, a science, technology, engineering, and mathematics school established under Chapter 3326. of the Revised Code, educational institutions, technical colleges, state, municipal, and community colleges, community college branches, universities, university branches, other educational institutions, or other agencies within the state by which an employee is employed and paid, including any organization using federal funds, provided the federal funds are disbursed by an employer as determined by the above. In all cases of doubt, the school employees retirement board shall determine whether any employer is an employer as defined in this chapter, and its decision shall be final.

(B) "Employee" means all of the following:

(1) Any person employed by a public employer in a position for which the person is not required to have a registration, certificate, or license issued pursuant to section 3301.28 or sections 3319.22 to 3319.31 of the Revised Code or a permit issued under section 3319.0812 of the Revised Code;

(2) Any person who performs a service common to the normal daily operation of an educational unit even though the person is employed and paid by one who has contracted with an employer to perform the service, and the contracting board or educational unit shall be the employer for the purposes of administering the provisions of this chapter;

(3) Any person, not a faculty member, employed in any school or college or other institution wholly controlled and managed, and wholly or partly supported by the state or any political subdivision thereof, the board of trustees, or other managing body of which shall accept the requirements and obligations of this chapter.

In all cases of doubt, the school employees retirement board shall determine whether any person is an employee, as defined in this division, and its decision is final.

(C) "Prior service" means all service rendered prior to September 1, 1937:

(1) As an employee as defined in division (B) of this section;

(2) As an employee in a capacity covered by the public employees retirement system or the state teachers retirement system;

(3) As an employee of an institution in another state, service credit for which was procured by a member under the provisions of section 3309.31 of the Revised Code.

Prior service, for service as an employee in a capacity covered by the public employees retirement system or the state teachers retirement system, shall be granted a member under qualifications identical to the laws and rules applicable to service credit in those systems.

Prior service shall not be granted any member for service rendered in a capacity covered by the public employees retirement system, the state teachers retirement system, and this system in the event the service credit has, in the respective systems, been received, waived by exemption, or forfeited by withdrawal of contributions, except as provided in this chapter.

If a member who has been granted prior service should, subsequent to September 16, 1957, and before retirement, establish three years of contributing service in the public employees retirement system, or one year in the state teachers retirement system, then the prior service granted shall become, at retirement, the liability of the other system, if the prior service or employment was in a capacity that is covered by that system.

The provisions of this division shall not cancel any prior service granted a member by the school employees retirement board prior to August 1, 1959.

(D) "Total service," "total service credit," or "Ohio service credit" means all contributing service of a member of the school employees retirement system, and all prior service, computed as provided in this chapter, and all service established pursuant to sections 3309.31, 3309.311, and 3309.33 of the Revised Code. In addition, "total service" includes any period, not in excess of three years, during which a member was out of service and receiving benefits from the state insurance fund, provided the injury or incapacitation was the direct result of school employment.

(E) "Member" means any employee, except an SERS retirant or other system retirant as defined in section 3309.341 of the Revised Code, who has established membership in the school employees retirement system. "Member" includes a disability benefit recipient.

(F) "Contributor" means any person who has an account in the employees' savings fund. When used in the sections listed in division (B) of section 3309.82 of the Revised Code, "contributor" includes any person participating in a plan established under section 3309.81 of the Revised Code.

(G) "Retirant" means any former member who retired and is receiving a retirement allowance under section 3309.36 or 3309.381 or former section 3309.38 of the Revised Code.

(H) "Beneficiary" or "beneficiaries" means the estate or a person or persons who, as the result of the death of a contributor or retirant, qualifies for or is receiving some right or benefit under this chapter.

(I) "Interest," as specified in division (E) of section 3309.60 of the Revised Code, means interest at the rates for the respective funds and accounts as the school employees retirement board may determine from time to time.

(J) "Accumulated contributions" means the sum of all amounts credited to a contributor's account in the employees' savings fund together with any regular interest credited thereon at the rates approved by the retirement board prior to retirement.

(K) "Final average salary" means the sum of the annual compensation for the three highest years of compensation for which contributions were made by the member, divided by three. If the member has a partial year of contributing service in the year in which the member terminates employment and the partial year is at a rate of compensation that is higher than the rate of compensation for any one of the highest three years of annual earnings, the board shall substitute the compensation earned for the partial year for the compensation earned for a similar fractional portion in the lowest of the three high years of annual compensation before dividing by three. If a member has less than three years of contributing membership, the final average salary shall be the total compensation divided by the total number of years, including any fraction of a year, of contributing service.

(L) "Annuity" means payments for life derived from contributions made by a contributor and paid from the annuity and pension reserve fund as provided in this chapter. All annuities shall be paid in twelve equal monthly installments.

(M)(1) "Pension" means annual payments for life derived from appropriations made by an employer and paid from the employers' trust fund or the annuity and pension reserve fund. All pensions shall be paid in twelve equal monthly installments.

(2) "Disability retirement" means retirement as provided in section 3309.40 of the Revised Code.

(N) "Retirement allowance" means the pension plus the annuity.

(O)(1) "Benefit" means a payment, other than a retirement allowance or the annuity paid under section 3309.344 of the Revised Code, payable from the accumulated contributions of the member or the employer, or both, under this chapter and includes a disability allowance or disability benefit.

(2) "Disability allowance" means an allowance paid on account of disability under section 3309.401 of the Revised Code.

(3) "Disability benefit" means a benefit paid as disability retirement under section 3309.40 of the Revised Code, as a disability allowance under section 3309.401 of the Revised Code, or as a disability benefit under section 3309.35 of the Revised Code.

(P) "Annuity reserve" means the present value, computed upon the basis of mortality tables adopted by the school employees retirement board, of all payments to be made on account of any annuity, or benefit in lieu of any annuity, granted to a retirant.

(Q) "Pension reserve" means the present value, computed upon the basis of mortality tables adopted by the school employees retirement board, of all payments to be made on account of any pension, or benefit in lieu of any pension, granted to a retirant or a beneficiary.

(R) "Year" means the year beginning the first day of July and ending with the thirtieth day of June next following.

(S) "Local district pension system" means any school employees' pension fund created in any school district of the state prior to September 1, 1937.

(T) "Employer contribution" means the amount paid by an employer as determined under section 3309.49 of the Revised Code.

(U) "Fiduciary" means a person who does any of the following:

(1) Exercises any discretionary authority or control with respect to the management of the system, or with respect to the management or disposition of its assets;

(2) Renders investment advice for a fee, direct or indirect, with respect to money or property of the system;

(3) Has any discretionary authority or responsibility in the administration of the system.

(V)(1) Except as otherwise provided in this division, "compensation" means all salary, wages, and other earnings paid to a contributor by reason of employment. The salary, wages, and other earnings shall be determined prior to determination of the amount required to be contributed to the employees' savings fund under section 3309.47 of the Revised Code and without regard to whether any of the salary, wages, or other earnings are treated as deferred income for federal income tax purposes.

(2) Compensation does not include any of the following:

(a) Payments for accrued but unused sick leave or personal leave, including payments made under a plan established pursuant to section 124.39 of the Revised Code or any other plan established by the employer;

(b) Payments made for accrued but unused vacation leave, including payments made pursuant to section 124.13 of the Revised Code or a plan established by the employer;

(c) Payments made for vacation pay covering concurrent periods for which other salary or compensation is also paid or during which benefits are paid under this chapter;

(d) Amounts paid by the employer to provide life insurance, sickness, accident, endowment, health, medical, hospital, dental, or surgical coverage, or other insurance for the contributor or the contributor's family, or amounts paid by the employer to the contributor in lieu of providing the insurance;

(e) Incidental benefits, including lodging, food, laundry, parking, or services furnished by the employer, use of the employer's property or equipment, and reimbursement for job-related expenses authorized by the employer, including moving and travel expenses and expenses related to professional development;

(f) Payments made to or on behalf of a contributor that are in excess of the annual compensation that may be taken into account by the retirement system under division (a)(17) of section 401 of the "Internal Revenue Code of 1986," 100 Stat. 2085, 26 U.S.C.A. 401(a)(17), as amended. For a contributor who first establishes membership before July 1, 1996, the annual compensation that may be taken into account by the retirement system shall be determined under division (d)(3) of section 13212 of the "Omnibus Budget Reconciliation Act of 1993," Pub. L. No. 103-66, 107 Stat. 472;

(g) Payments made under division (B), (C), or (E) of section 5923.05 of the Revised Code, Section 4 of Substitute Senate Bill No. 3 of the 119th general assembly, Section 3 of Amended Substitute Senate Bill No. 164 of the 124th general assembly, or Amended Substitute House Bill No. 405 of the 124th general assembly;

(h) Anything of value received by the contributor that is based on or attributable to retirement or an agreement to retire, except that payments made on or before January 1, 1989, that are based on or attributable to an agreement to retire shall be included in compensation if both of the following apply:

(i) The payments are made in accordance with contract provisions that were in effect prior to January 1, 1986.

(ii) The employer pays the retirement system an amount specified by the retirement board equal to the additional liability from the payments.

(3) The retirement board shall determine by rule whether any form of earnings not enumerated in this division is to be included in compensation, and its decision shall be final.

(W) "Disability benefit recipient" means a member who is receiving a disability benefit.

(X) "Actuary" means an individual who satisfies all of the following requirements:

(1) Is a member of the American academy of actuaries;

(2) Is an associate or fellow of the society of actuaries;

(3) Has a minimum of five years' experience in providing actuarial services to public retirement plans.

Last updated February 7, 2024 at 1:57 PM

Section 3309.011 | Exclusions from definition of employee.

"Employee" as defined in division (B) of section 3309.01 of the Revised Code, does not include any of the following:

(A) Any person having a license or registration issued pursuant to sections 3319.22 to 3319.31 of the Revised Code and employed in a public school in this state in an educational position, as determined by the department of education and workforce, under programs provided for by federal acts or regulations and financed in whole or in part from federal funds, but for which no licensure requirements for the position can be made under the provisions of such federal acts or regulations;

(B) Any person who participates in an alternative retirement plan established under Chapter 3305. of the Revised Code;

(C) Any person who elects to transfer from the school employees retirement system to the public employees retirement system under section 3309.312 of the Revised Code;

(D) Any person whose full-time employment by the university of Akron as a state university law enforcement officer pursuant to section 3345.04 of the Revised Code commences on or after September 16, 1998;

(E) Any person described in division (B) of section 3309.013 of the Revised Code;

(F) Any person described in division (D) of section 145.011 of the Revised Code;

(G) Any person described in division (B)(1)(b) or (g) of section 3307.01 of the Revised Code.

Last updated December 29, 2023 at 5:16 AM

Section 3309.012 | Board member to elect whether to become member of system.

As used in this section, "school board member" means a member of a city, local, exempted village, or joint vocational school district board of education and a "governing board member" means a member of an educational service center governing board.

(A) Within thirty days of a school board member's or a governing board member's initially taking office, the board member shall elect whether to become a member of the school employees retirement system for the particular period of holding office just commencing by filing an election in writing with the school board or governing board treasurer. The election shall be irrevocable while the board member continuously holds office. If the board member does not elect membership in the system, the person shall forever be barred from claiming or purchasing membership rights or credit for the particular period of holding office for which the election and notice was required. If the board member elects membership in the system, the treasurer shall file notice of the person's election with the school employees retirement board on a form provided by the retirement board. The person electing membership in the system shall have all rights, privileges, and obligations of membership in the system for the particular period for which the election was required.

Any board member failing to make the election required under this division shall be considered to have elected not to become a member of the system for the particular period for which the election was required.

(B) Within ninety days of November 23, 1995, each school or governing board member on the day immediately preceding that date shall elect, by filing an election in writing with the school board or governing board treasurer, whether to become a member of the school employees retirement system for the particular period commencing on the date on which the election under this division is filed with the treasurer and continuing as long as the person continuously holds office as a board member.

The treasurer shall file written notice of each board member's election under this division with the school employees retirement board on a form provided by the retirement board. The election shall be irrevocable while a board member continuously holds office. If a board member does not elect membership in the system, the person shall forever be barred from claiming or purchasing membership rights or credit for the particular period of holding office for which the election was required. If the board member elects membership in the system, the person shall have all rights, privileges, and obligations of membership in the system for the particular period for which the election was required. This period of membership shall be effective on the date on which the election is filed with the school board or governing board treasurer.

Any board member who elected membership in the system under this section prior to November 23, 1995, and who fails to make the election required under this division shall be considered to have elected to be a member of the system for the particular period for which the election was required. Any board member who elected not to be a member of the system under this section prior to November 23, 1995, and who fails to make the election required under this division shall be considered to have elected not to become a member of the system for the particular period for which the election was required.

Section 3309.013 | Exclusions from definition of employee under ORC section 3309.01.

(A) As used in this section, "operator" has the same meaning as in section 3314.02 of the Revised Code.

(B) "Employee," as defined in division (B) of section 3309.01 of the Revised Code, does not include either of the following:

(1) Any person initially employed on or after July 1, 2016, by a community school operator and for whom the operator withholds and pays employee and employer taxes pursuant to 26 U.S.C. 3101(a) and 3111(a) beginning with the first paycheck after commencing initial employment;

(2) Except as provided in division (C) of this section, any person who is a former employee of a community school operator who is reemployed on or after July 1, 2016, by that operator and for whom the operator withholds and pays employee and employer taxes pursuant to 26 U.S.C. 3101(a) and 3111(a) beginning with the first paycheck after commencing reemployment with that operator.

(C) Division (B)(2) of this section does not apply to any person who was employed by the same operator at any time within the period of July 1, 2015, to June 30, 2016, and whose date of reemployment is before July 1, 2017.

(D) This section applies only to a community school operator that was withholding and paying employee and employer taxes pursuant to 26 U.S.C. 3101(a) and 3111(a) on or before February 1, 2016, for persons employed in the school.

Section 3309.02 | Credit for military service.

(A) As used in this section, "armed forces" of the United States includes both:

(1) Army, navy, air force, marine corps, coast guard, auxiliary corps as established by congress, army nurse corps, navy nurse corps, red cross nurse serving with the army, navy, air force, or hospital service of the United States, full-time service with the American red cross in a combat zone, and such other service as is designated by congress as included therein;

(2) Personnel of the Ohio national guard, the Ohio military reserve, the Ohio naval militia, and the reserve components of the armed forces enumerated in division (A)(1) of this section who are called to active duty pursuant to an executive order issued by the president of the United States or an act of congress.

(B) Upon presentation of an honorable discharge or certificate of service, and subject to rules adopted by the school employees retirement board, any member of the school employees retirement system who was a member with not less than one year of unadjusted service credit prior to active service in the armed forces of the United States subsequent to October 31, 1965, and who returns to service as an employee or as an employee in a capacity covered by either the public employees retirement system or the state teachers retirement system within two years after receiving such discharge or release, and establishes one year of service credit, shall have such service considered as prior service, provided that the total amount of such service granted by the board shall not exceed ten years. This section shall not serve to cancel any military service credit earned or granted prior to November 1, 1965.

(C) A member of the school employees retirement system is ineligible to receive service credit under this section for any year of military service credit used in the calculation of any retirement benefit currently being paid to the member or payable in the future under any other retirement program, except social security, or used to obtain service credit pursuant to section 3309.021 or 3309.022 of the Revised Code. At the time such credit is requested, the member shall certify on a form supplied by the retirement board that the member does and will conform to this requirement. This division does not cancel any military service credit earned prior to March 15, 1979.

Section 3309.021 | Purchasing military service credit.

(A)(1) A member may purchase service credit that shall be considered as the equivalent of Ohio service for each year or portion of a year of service incurred by reason of having been on active duty as a member of the armed forces of the United States, as defined in section 3309.02 of the Revised Code.

(2) As used in division (A)(2) of this section, "reserves" means a reserve component of any of the armed forces of the United States enumerated in division (A)(1) of section 3309.02 of the Revised Code.

On presentation of documentation of the service and subject to school employees retirement board rules, a member may purchase service credit that shall be considered as the equivalent of Ohio service for each year or portion of a year of service incurred by reason of having been on active duty as a member of the Ohio national guard or reserves for which the member is not eligible to purchase credit under division (A)(1) of this section. For purposes of division (A)(2) of this section, active duty in the reserves or the Ohio national guard includes assembly for drill and instruction; training at encampments, maneuvers, outdoor target practice, or other exercises; and any training or duty in this state ordered by the governor.

(3) Credit shall not be granted for any period of duty during which the member was contributing to the retirement system.

All or part of the credit may be purchased at any time prior to receipt of a retirement allowance. The number of years purchased under this division shall not exceed five.

(B) For the purposes of this division, "prisoner of war" means any regularly appointed, enrolled, enlisted, or inducted member of the armed forces of the United States who was captured, separated, and incarcerated by an enemy of the United States.

A member may purchase service credit that shall be considered as the equivalent of Ohio service for each year of service such member was a prisoner of war. The number of years purchased under this division shall not exceed five. Service credit may be purchased under this division for the same years of service used to purchase service credit under division (A) of this section. The member may choose to purchase only part of such credit in any one payment, subject to board rules.

(C) The total number of years purchased under this section shall not exceed the member's total accumulated number of years of Ohio service.

(D)(1) For each year or portion of a year of service purchased under division (A)(1) or (B) of this section, the member shall pay to the school employees retirement system for credit to the member's accumulated account an amount determined by the member rate of contribution in effect at the time the military service began multiplied by the annual compensation for full-time employment during the first year of service covered by the school employees retirement system, public employees retirement system, or state teachers retirement system following termination of military service. If, however, a limit on maximum salary or maximum contribution was in effect at the time the military service began, the limit shall be applied to the salary received during the first year of service in Ohio to calculate the amount of payment. To this amount shall be added an amount equal to compound interest at a rate established by the school employees retirement board from the date of the member's first service covered by the school employees retirement system, public employees retirement system, or state teachers retirement system following termination of the military service to date of payment.

(2) For each year or portion of a year of service in the reserves or Ohio national guard purchased under division (A)(2) of this section, the member shall pay to the retirement system for credit to the member's individual account an amount equal to one hundred per cent of the additional liability resulting from the purchase of that year of service as determined by an actuary employed by the board. The retirement system shall calculate the number of years or portions of a year of credit the member is eligible to purchase under division (A)(2) of this section by dividing the number of days actually served by three hundred sixty-five.

(E) A member of the school employees retirement system is ineligible to purchase service credit under this section for any year of military service that was:

(1) Used in the calculation of any retirement benefit currently being paid to the member or payable in the future under any other retirement program, except for retired pay for nonregular service under Chapter 1223 of Section 1662 of Title XVI of the "National Defense Authorization Act for Fiscal Year 1995," 108 Stat. 2998 (1994), 10 U.S.C.A. 12731 to 12739, or social security;

(2) Used to obtain service credit pursuant to section 3309.02 or 3309.022 of the Revised Code.

At the time such credit is purchased, the member shall certify on a form furnished by the retirement board that the member does and will conform to this requirement.

(F) Credit purchased under this section may be combined pursuant to section 3309.35 of the Revised Code with credit for military service purchased under sections 145.301 and 3307.751 of the Revised Code, except that not more than an aggregate total of five years of credit purchased under division (A) of this section, division (B) of section 145.301, and division (A) of section 3307.751 of the Revised Code, and not more than an aggregate total of five years of credit purchased under division (B) of this section, division (C) of section 145.301, and division (B) of section 3307.751 of the Revised Code shall be used in determining retirement eligibility or calculating benefits under section 3309.35 of the Revised Code.

Section 3309.022 | Purchasing uniformed services credit.

(A) As used in this section:

(1) "Service in the uniformed services" means the performance of duty on a voluntary or involuntary basis in a uniformed service under competent authority and includes active duty, active duty for training, initial active duty for training, inactive duty training, full-time national guard duty, and a period for which a person is absent from a position of employment for the purpose of an examination to determine the fitness of the person to perform any such duty.

(2) "Uniformed services" means the army, navy, air force, marine corps, coast guard, or any reserve components of such services; national guard; the commissioned corps of the United States public health service; service as a red cross nurse with the army, navy, air force, or hospital service of the United States, army nurse corps, navy nurse corps, or serving full-time with the American red cross in a combat zone; and any other category of persons designated by the president in time of war or emergency.

(B) On re-employment of a member with the same employer that employed the member prior to the member's service in the uniformed services, the member may apply to the school employees retirement system on a form provided by the system to purchase service credit for service in the uniformed services that shall be considered the equivalent of Ohio service credit. On receipt of the application, the retirement system shall request from the employer that employed the member prior to the military service a certification that the member was employed by the employer prior to, and returned to employment with the employer within three months of honorable discharge or release from, service in the uniformed services. If the employer can so certify, it shall do so and shall pay to the retirement system the employer's contribution required by this section. The service credit shall be granted the member if all of the following requirements are met:

(1) The member was a member of the school employees retirement system prior to the service in the uniformed services and has maintained membership without interruption;

(2) The member was out of active service as an employee by reason of service in the uniformed services;

(3) The member was honorably discharged or released from service in the uniformed services;

(4) The member pays contributions to the retirement system in accordance with this section.

(C) Credit may be purchased pursuant to this section at any time prior to receipt of a retirement allowance. The member may choose to purchase only part of the credit in any one payment, subject to board rules. The retirement system shall grant service credit under this section, not to exceed five years, for each period of service in the uniformed services for which contributions have been received.

(D) For service purchased under this section, the member and the member's employer, subject to board rules, shall pay to the retirement system for credit to the member's accumulated account an amount equal to the contributions that would have been paid pursuant to sections 3309.47, 3309.49, and 3309.491 of the Revised Code if the member had not been out of active service as an employee by reason of service in the uniformed services.

If a member pays all or any portion of the member's contributions required by section 3309.47 of the Revised Code later than the lesser of five years or a period that is three times the member's period of service in the uniformed services beginning from the later of the member's date of re-employment or the effective date of this section, an amount equal to compound interest at a rate established by the board from the later of the member's date of re-employment or the effective date of this section to the date of payment shall be added to the remaining amount to be paid by the member to purchase service credit under this section.

(E) This section does not cancel any military service credit or service in the uniformed services earned or granted under this chapter prior to the effective date of this section.

(F) If a member purchased service credit under section 3309.021 of the Revised Code prior to the effective date of this section, is not receiving a retirement allowance, and would have been eligible to obtain service credit pursuant to this section had it been in effect at the time of purchase, the retirement system shall refund the amounts paid by the member for the purchase if both of the following requirements are met:

(1) The member makes a written request for a refund on a form provided by the retirement system;

(2) The member pays to the retirement system the contributions required by this section.

(G) If the member meets the requirements of division (F) of this section, the employer shall pay to the retirement system the employer's contributions required by this section.

Section 3309.03 | School employees retirement system - board.

A school employees retirement system is hereby established for the employees as defined in section 3309.01 of the Revised Code, which shall include the several funds created and placed under the management of the school employees retirement board for the payment of retirement allowances and other benefits provided in Chapter 3309. of the Revised Code. The board may sue and be sued, plead and be impleaded, contract and be contracted with, and do all things necessary to carry out Chapter 3309. of the Revised Code. All of its business shall be transacted, all of its funds invested, all warrants for money drawn and payments made, and all of its cash, securities, and other property shall be held in the name of the board, or in the name of its nominee, provided that nominees are authorized by retirement board resolution for such purposes. The board may take all appropriate action to avoid payment by the system or its members of federal or state income taxes on contributions to the system or amounts earned on those contributions.

If the Ohio retirement study council establishes a uniform format for any report the board is required to submit to the council, the board shall submit the report in that format.

Section 3309.031 | System consists of plans established by chapter.

The school employees retirement system shall consist of the plans described in section 3309.18 to 3309.70 of the Revised Code and the plan or plans established under section 3309.81 of the Revised Code.

Section 3309.04 | General administration and management vested in board.

The general administration and management of the school employees retirement system and making effective Chapter 3309. of the Revised Code are hereby vested in the school employees retirement board which may adopt rules in accordance with section 111.15 of the Revised Code and may authorize its administrative officers, or committees composed of members of said board, to act for the board in accordance with such policies and subject to subsequent approval by the board.

Notice of proposed rules shall be given to interested parties and rules adopted by the board shall be published and otherwise made available. When it files a rule with the joint committee on agency rule review pursuant to section 111.15 of the Revised Code, the board shall submit to the Ohio retirement study council a copy of the full text of the rule, and if applicable, a copy of the rule summary and fiscal analysis required by division (B) of section 106.024 of the Revised Code.

All rules adopted pursuant to this chapter, prior to August 20, 1976, shall be published and made available to interested parties by January 1, 1977.

Section 3309.041 | Travel expense policies - bonus policy - budget.

The school employees retirement board shall do all of the following:

(A) In consultation with the Ohio ethics commission, review any existing policy regarding the travel and payment of travel expenses of members and employees of the school employees retirement board and adopt rules in accordance with section 3309.04 of the Revised Code establishing a new or revised policy regarding travel and payment of travel expenses. Not less than sixty days before adopting a new or revised policy, the board shall submit the policy to the Ohio retirement study council for review.

(B) If the board intends to award a bonus to any employee of the board, adopt rules in accordance with section 3309.04 of the Revised Code establishing a policy regarding employee bonuses;

(C) Provide copies of the rules adopted under divisions (A) and (B) of this section to each member of the Ohio retirement study council;

(D) Submit to the Ohio retirement study council a proposed operating budget, including an administrative budget for the board, for the next immediate fiscal year and adopt that budget not earlier than sixty days after it is submitted to the council;

(E) Submit to the council a plan describing how the board will improve the dissemination of public information pertaining to the board.

Section 3309.042 | Ethics policy - commission approval - ethics training.

The school employees retirement board shall, in consultation with the Ohio ethics commission, develop an ethics policy to govern board members and employees in the performance of their official duties. The board shall submit this policy to the commission for approval.

The commission shall review the policy and, if the commission determines that the policy is adequate, approve the policy. If the commission determines that the policy is inadequate, it shall specify the revisions to be made and the board shall submit a revised policy. If the commission approves the revised policy, the board shall adopt it. If not, the board shall make any further revisions required by the commission and adopt the policy. Not less than sixty days before adopting the policy, the board shall submit it to the Ohio retirement study council for review.

The board periodically shall provide ethics training to members and employees of the board. The training shall include training regarding the requirements and prohibitions of Chapter 102. of the Revised Code and sections 2921.42 and 2921.43 of the Revised Code and any other training the board considers appropriate.

The board shall establish a procedure to ensure that each employee of the board is informed of the procedure for filing a complaint alleging violation of Chapter 102. of the Revised Code or section 2921.42 or 2921.43 of the Revised Code with the Ohio ethics commission or the appropriate prosecuting attorney.

Section 3309.043 | Chief investment officer - supervision duties - monitoring of securities transactions.

(A) The school employees retirement board shall designate a person who is a licensed state retirement system investment officer to be the chief investment officer for the school employees retirement system. The board shall notify the division of securities of the department of commerce in writing of its designation and of any change in its designation within ten calendar days of the designation or change.

(B) The chief investment officer shall reasonably supervise the licensed state retirement system investment officers and other persons employed by the school employees retirement system with a view toward preventing violations of Chapter 1707. of the Revised Code, the "Commodity Exchange Act," 42 Stat. 998, 7 U.S.C. and following, the "Securities Act of 1933," 48 Stat. 74, 15 U.S.C. and following, and the "Securities Exchange Act of 1934," 48 Stat. 881, 15 U.S.C. 78a, and following, and the rules and regulations promulgated under those statutes. This duty of reasonable supervision shall include the adoption, implementation, and enforcement of written policies and procedures reasonably designed to prevent persons employed by the school employees retirement system from misusing material, nonpublic information in violation of those laws, rules, and regulations.

For purposes of this division, no chief investment officer shall be considered to have failed to satisfy the officer's duty of reasonable supervision if the officer has done all of the following:

(1) Adopted and implemented written procedures, and a system for applying the procedures, that would reasonably be expected to prevent and detect, insofar as practicable, any violation by its licensed investment officers and other persons employed by the school employees retirement system;

(2) Reasonably discharged the duties and obligations incumbent on the chief investment officer by reason of the established procedures and the system for applying the procedures when the officer had no reasonable cause to believe that there was a failure to comply with the procedures and systems;

(3) Reviewed, at least annually, the adequacy of the policies and procedures established pursuant to this section and the effectiveness of their implementation.

(C) The chief investment officer shall establish and maintain a policy to monitor and evaluate the effectiveness of securities transactions executed on behalf of the board.

No chief investment officer shall be considered to have failed to satisfy the officer's duty under this division if the officer has done both of the following:

(1) Implemented the policy adopted by the board under section 3309.157 of the Revised Code that outlines the criteria used to select agents that execute securities transactions on behalf of the school employees retirement system.

(2) Reviewed, at least annually, the performance of agents that execute securities transactions on behalf of the school employees retirement system.

Section 3309.044 | Selection of internal auditor.

The school employees retirement board shall appoint a committee to oversee the selection of an internal auditor. The committee shall select one or more persons for employment as an internal auditor. The board shall employ the person or persons selected by the committee.

The committee shall consist of the following board members: one retirant member, one employee member, and one other member. The committee shall annually prepare and submit to the Ohio retirement study council a report of its actions during the preceding year.

Section 3309.05 | Board membership.

(A) The school employees retirement board shall consist of the following members:

(1) One member, known as the treasurer of state's investment designee, who shall be appointed by the treasurer of state for a term of four years and who shall have the following qualifications:

(a) The member is a resident of this state.

(b) Within the three years immediately preceding the appointment, the member has not been employed by the public employees retirement system, police and fire pension fund, state teachers retirement system, school employees retirement system, or state highway patrol retirement system or by any person, partnership, or corporation that has provided to one of those retirement systems services of a financial or investment nature, including the management, analysis, supervision, or investment of assets.

(c) The member has direct experience in the management, analysis, supervision, or investment of assets.

(d) The member is not currently employed by the state or a political subdivision of the state.

(2) Four members, known as employee members, who shall be members of the school employees retirement system, and who shall be elected by ballot by the members of the system;

(3) Two members, known as the retirant members, who shall be former members of the retirement system who reside in this state and currently receive an age and service retirement benefit, a disability benefit, or benefits under a plan established under section 3309.81 of the Revised Code. The retirant members shall be elected by ballot by former members of the system who are currently receiving an age and service retirement benefit, a disability benefit, or benefits under a plan established under section 3309.81 of the Revised Code.

(4) Two members, known as the investment expert members, who shall be appointed to four-year terms. One investment expert member shall be appointed by the governor, and one investment expert member shall be jointly appointed by the speaker of the house of representatives and the president of the senate. Each investment expert member shall have the following qualifications:

(a) The member is a resident of this state;

(b) Within the three years immediately preceding the appointment, the member has not been employed by the public employees state retirement system, police and fire pension fund, state teachers retirement system, school employees retirement system, or state highway patrol retirement system or by any person, partnership, or corporation that has provided to one of those retirement systems services of a financial or investment nature, including the management, analysis, supervision, or investment of assets;

(c) The member has direct experience in the management, analysis, supervision, or investment of assets.

(B) Any member appointed under this section shall hold office until the later of the end of the term for which the member is appointed or the date the member's successor takes office.

Section 3309.051 | Orientation program required for new members - continuing education.

Each member of the school employees retirement board shall, not later than ninety days after commencing service as a board member, complete the orientation program component of the retirement board member education program established under section 171.50 of the Revised Code.

Each member of the board who has served a year or longer as a board member shall, not less than twice each year, attend one or more programs that are part of the continuing education component of the retirement board member education program established under section 171.50 of the Revised Code.

Section 3309.052 | Members with excessive travel expenses ineligible for another term.

A person who served as an elected or appointed member of the school employees retirement board for one or more entire fiscal years in fiscal years 2000, 2001, or 2002 is ineligible for re-election or reappointment to the board if the board paid travel-related expenses of the person or reimbursed the person for travel-related expenses that averaged more than ten thousand dollars annually for those fiscal years.

Section 3309.06 | Board elections.

(A) Elections for employee and retirant members of the school employees retirement board shall be held on the first Monday of March. Terms of office of the employee and retirant members of the board shall be for four years each, commencing on the first day of July following the election and ending on the thirtieth day of June. The initial terms of the first retirant member and the new employee member shall commence on July 1, 1984, and end on June 30, 1988.

(B) The initial election of the second retirant member shall be held at the first election that occurs later than ninety days after September 15, 2004. Subsequent elections shall be held each fourth year thereafter.

(C) Except as provided in division (E) of this section, if a vacancy occurs during the term of an elected member of the board, the remaining members of the board shall elect a successor member. On certification of the election results in accordance with rules adopted under section 3309.075 of the Revised Code, the successor member shall hold office until the first day of the new term that follows the next board election that occurs not less than ninety days after the successor member's election, or until the end of the term for which the successor member was elected, whichever is sooner. The successor member shall qualify for board membership under the same division of section 3309.05 of the Revised Code as the member's predecessor in office. Elections under this division shall be conducted in accordance with rules adopted under section 3309.075 of the Revised Code.

(D) Employee members or retirant members of the board who fail to attend the meetings of the board for four months or longer, without being excused, shall be considered as having resigned and successors shall be elected for their unexpired terms pursuant to division (C) of this section. If as a result of changed circumstances the retirant member would no longer qualify for membership on the board as a retirant member, the office shall be considered vacant, and a successor retirant member shall be elected pursuant to division (C) of this section.

(E) A successor member need not be elected under division (C) of this section for a vacancy that occurs on or after the first day of March of the year in which the vacated term ends.

Section 3309.061 | Disqualification of convicted member - misconduct in office - removal procedure.

(A) The office of a member of the school employees retirement board who is convicted of or pleads guilty to a felony, a theft offense as defined in section 2913.01 of the Revised Code, or a violation of section 102.02, 102.03, 102.04, 2921.02, 2921.11, 2921.13, 2921.31, 2921.41, 2921.42, 2921.43, or 2921.44 of the Revised Code shall be deemed vacant. A person who has pleaded guilty to or been convicted of an offense of that nature is ineligible for election or appointment to the school employees retirement board.

(B) A member of the school employees retirement board who willfully and flagrantly exercises authority or power not authorized by law, refuses or willfully neglects to enforce the law or to perform any official duty imposed by law, or is guilty of gross neglect of duty, gross immorality, drunkenness, misfeasance, malfeasance, or nonfeasance is guilty of misconduct in office. On complaint and hearing in the manner provided for in this section, the board member shall have judgment of forfeiture of the office with all its emoluments entered against the board member, creating in the office a vacancy to be filled as provided by law.

(C) Proceedings for removal of a board member on any of the grounds enumerated in division (B) of this section shall be commenced by filing with the court of common pleas of the county in which the board member resides a written complaint specifically setting forth the charge. The complaint shall be accepted if signed by the governor or signed as follows:

(1) If the complaint is against an employee member of the board, the complaint must be signed by a number of members of the retirement system that equals at least the following and must include signatures of at least twenty employee members residing in at least five different counties:

(a) If the employee member was most recently elected in accordance with division (B) of section 3309.07 of the Revised Code, ten per cent of the number of members of the system who voted in that election;

(b) If the employee member most recently became a member of the board pursuant to section 3309.06 of the Revised Code to fill a vacancy in the board or took office in accordance with section 3309.061 of the Revised Code, ten per cent of the number of members of the system who voted in the most recent election held in accordance with division (B) of section 3309.07 of the Revised Code for that employee member position on the board.

(2) If the complaint is against a retirant member of the board, the complaint must be signed by a number of system retirants that equals at least the following and must include signatures of at least twenty retirant members residing in at least five different counties:

(a) If the retirant member was most recently elected in accordance with division (C) of section 3309.07 of the Revised Code, ten per cent of the number of former members of the system who voted in that election;

(b) If the retirant member most recently became a member of the board pursuant to section 3309.06 of the Revised Code to fill a vacancy in the board or took office in accordance with section 3309.061 of the Revised Code, ten per cent of the number of former members of the system who voted in the most recent election held in accordance with division (C) of section 3309.07 of the Revised Code for that retirant member position on the board.

(D) The clerk of the court of common pleas in which a complaint against a board member is filed under division (C) of this section shall do both of the following with respect to the complaint:

(1) Submit the signatures obtained pursuant to division (C) of this section to the board for purposes of verifying the validity of the signatures. The board shall verify the validity of the signatures and report its findings to the court.

(2) Cause a copy of the complaint to be served on the board member at least ten days before the hearing on the complaint. The court shall hold a public hearing not later than thirty days after the filing of the complaint. The court may subpoena witnesses and compel their attendance in the same manner as in civil cases. Process shall be served by the sheriff of the county in which the witness resides. Witness fees and other fees in connection with the proceedings shall be the same as in civil cases. The court may suspend the board member pending the hearing.

If the court finds that one or more of the charges in the complaint are true, it shall make a finding for removal of the board member. The court's finding shall include a full, detailed statement of the reasons for the removal. The finding shall be filed with the clerk of the court and be made a matter of public record.

The board member has the right to appeal to the court of appeals.

(E) No individual who has been removed from the board pursuant to this section shall be eligible to fill an elective or appointed position as a member of the board.

Section 3309.07 | Electing employee and retirant members.

(A) All elections for employee or retirant members of the school employees retirement board shall be held under the direction of the board in accordance with rules adopted under section 3309.075 of the Revised Code.

(B) Any member of the school employees retirement system, other than a disability benefit recipient, shall be eligible to be nominated for election as an employee member of the board who has been nominated by a petition that is signed by at least five hundred members and certified in accordance with rules adopted under section 3309.075 of the Revised Code. The petition shall contain the signatures of not less than twenty members each from at least ten counties wherein such members are employed. The petition shall specify the term of office and position. The name of any member so nominated shall be placed upon the ballot by the board as a regular candidate. Other names of eligible candidates may at any election be substituted for the regular candidates by writing such names upon the ballot. The candidate receiving the highest number of votes for any term as member of the board shall be elected for such term on certification of the election results in accordance with rules adopted under section 3309.075 of the Revised Code. In any year in which two employee member or two retirant member positions must be filled, the candidates who receive the highest and second highest number of votes shall be elected to the offices on certification of the election results in accordance with rules adopted under section 3309.075 of the Revised Code.

(C) Any former member of the school employees retirement system described in division (A)(3) of section 3309.05 of the Revised Code is eligible for election as a retirant member of the board to represent former members currently receiving an age and service retirement benefit, a disability benefit, or benefits under a plan established under section 3309.81 of the Revised Code, provided that such person has been nominated by a petition that is certified in accordance with rules adopted under section 3309.075 of the Revised Code and signed by at least one hundred fifty former members of the system who are currently receiving an age and service retirement benefit, a disability benefit, or benefits under a plan established under section 3309.81 of the Revised Code. The petition shall contain the signatures of at least ten such recipients from each of at least five counties wherein recipients of benefits from this system reside. The petition shall specify the term of office and position. The name of any person so nominated shall be placed upon the ballot by the board as a regular candidate. Other names of eligible candidates may at any election be substituted for the regular candidates by writing such names upon the ballot. The candidate receiving the highest number of votes for any term as member of the board shall be elected for such term on certification of the election results in accordance with rules adopted under section 3309.075 of the Revised Code.

No employee member of the board who retires while a member of the board shall be eligible to become a retirant member of the board for three years after the date of the member's retirement.

Section 3309.071 | No election when only one nominee for employee or retirant member.

Notwithstanding sections 3309.05, 3309.06, and 3309.07 of the Revised Code, the school employees retirement board is not required to hold an election for a position on the board as an employee member or retirant member if only one candidate has been nominated for the position by petition in accordance with section 3309.07 of the Revised Code. The candidate shall take office as if elected. The term of office shall be four years beginning on the first day of July following the date the candidate was nominated.

Last updated May 7, 2024 at 10:26 AM

Section 3309.072 | Candidate campaign finance statements - donor statement of independent expenditures.

(A) As used in this section:

(1) "Campaign committee" means a candidate or a combination of two or more persons authorized by a candidate to receive contributions and in-kind contributions and make expenditures on behalf of the candidate.

(2) "Candidate" means an individual who has been nominated pursuant to section 3309.07 of the Revised Code for election to the school employees retirement board or who is seeking to be elected to fill a vacancy on the board pursuant to division (D) of section 3309.06 of the Revised Code.

(3) "Contribution" means a loan, gift, deposit, forgiveness of indebtedness, donation, advance, payment, transfer of funds or transfer of anything of value including a transfer of funds from an inter vivos or testamentary trust or decedent's estate, and the payment by any person other than the person to whom the services are rendered for the personal services of another person, which contribution is made, received, or used for the purpose of influencing the results of an election to the school employees retirement board under section 3309.07 of the Revised Code or the results of an election to fill a vacancy on the board pursuant to division (C) of section 3309.06 of the Revised Code. "Contribution" does not include:

(a) Services provided without compensation by individuals volunteering a portion or all of their time on behalf of a person;

(b) Ordinary home hospitality;

(c) The personal expenses of a volunteer paid for by that volunteer campaign worker.

(4) "Election day" means the following, as appropriate to the situation:

(a) The first Monday in March of a year for which section 3309.06 of the Revised Code specifies that an election for a member of the school employees retirement board be held;

(b) If, pursuant to section 3309.071 of the Revised Code, no election is held, the first Monday in March of a year that the election would have been held if not for section 3309.071 of the Revised Code.

(5) "Expenditure" means the disbursement or use of a contribution for the purpose of influencing the results of an election to the school employees retirement board under section 3309.07 of the Revised Code or the results of an election to fill a vacancy on the board pursuant to division (D) of section 3309.06 of the Revised Code.

(6) "Independent expenditure" means an expenditure by an individual, partnership, or other entity advocating the election or defeat of an identified candidate or candidates, that is not made with the consent of, in coordination, cooperation, or consultation with, or at the request or suggestion of any candidate or candidates or of the campaign committee or agent of the candidate or candidates. An independent expenditure shall not be construed as being a contribution. As used in division (A)(6) of this section:

(a) "Advocating" means any communication containing a message advocating election or defeat.

(b) "Identified candidate" means that the name of the candidate appears, a photograph or drawing of the candidate appears, or the identity of the candidate is otherwise apparent by unambiguous reference.

(c) "Made in coordination, cooperation, or consultation with, or at the request or suggestion of, any candidate or the campaign committee or agent of the candidate" means made pursuant to any arrangement, coordination, or direction by the candidate, the candidate's campaign committee, or the candidate's agent prior to the publication, distribution, display, or broadcast of the communication. An expenditure is presumed to be so made when it is any of the following:

(i) Based on information about the candidate's plans, projects, or needs provided to the person making the expenditure by the candidate, or by the candidate's campaign committee or agent, with a view toward having an expenditure made;

(ii) Made by or through any person who is, or has been, authorized to raise or expend funds, who is, or has been, an officer of the candidate's campaign committee, or who is, or has been, receiving any form of compensation or reimbursement from the candidate or the candidate's campaign committee or agent;

(iii) Made by a political party in support of a candidate, unless the expenditure is made by a political party to conduct voter registration or voter education efforts.

(d) "Agent" means any person who has actual oral or written authority, either express or implied, to make or to authorize the making of expenditures on behalf of a candidate, or means any person who has been placed in a position with the candidate's campaign committee or organization such that it would reasonably appear that in the ordinary course of campaign-related activities the person may authorize expenditures.

(7) "In-kind contribution" means anything of value other than money that is used to influence the results of an election to the school employees retirement board under section 3309.07 of the Revised Code or the results of an election to fill a vacancy on the board pursuant to division (C) of section 3309.06 of the Revised Code or is transferred to or used in support of or in opposition to a candidate and that is made with the consent of, in coordination, cooperation, or consultation with, or at the request or suggestion of the benefited candidate. The financing of the dissemination, distribution, or republication, in whole or part, of any broadcast or of any written, graphic, or other form of campaign materials prepared by the candidate, the candidate's campaign committee, or their authorized agents is an in-kind contribution to the candidate and an expenditure by the candidate.

(8) "Personal expenses" includes ordinary expenses for accommodations, clothing, food, personal motor vehicle or airplane, and home telephone.

(B) Except as otherwise provided in division (D) of this section, each candidate who, or whose campaign committee, receives contributions or in-kind contributions totaling one thousand dollars or more or has expenditures totaling one thousand dollars or more in connection with the candidate's efforts to be elected to the school employees retirement board under section 3309.07 of the Revised Code shall file with the secretary of state two complete, accurate, and itemized statements setting forth in detail the contributions, in-kind contributions, and expenditures. The statements shall be filed regardless of whether, pursuant to section 3309.071 of the Revised Code, no election is held. The statements shall be made on a form prescribed under section 111.30 of the Revised Code. Every expenditure in excess of twenty-five dollars shall be vouched for by a receipted bill, stating the purpose of the expenditures, that shall be filed with the statement; a canceled check with a notation of the purpose of the expenditure is a receipted bill for purposes of this division.

The first statement shall be filed not later than four p.m. on the day that is twelve days before election day. The second statement shall be filed not sooner than the day that is eight days after election day and not later than thirty-eight days after election day. The first statement shall reflect contributions and in-kind contributions received and expenditures made to the close of business on the twentieth day before election day. The second statement shall reflect contributions and in-kind contributions received and expenditures made during the period beginning on the nineteenth day before election day and ending on the close of business on the seventh day after election day.

(C) Each individual, partnership, or other entity who makes an independent expenditure in connection with the candidate's efforts to be elected to the school employees retirement board under section 3309.07 of the Revised Code shall file with the secretary of state two complete, accurate, and itemized statements setting forth in detail the independent expenditures. The statements shall be filed regardless of whether, pursuant to section 3309.071 of the Revised Code, no election is held. The statements shall be made on a form prescribed under section 111.30 of the Revised Code.

The first statement shall be filed not later than four p.m. on the day that is twelve days before election day. The second statement shall be filed not sooner than the day that is eight days after election day and not later than thirty-eight days after election day. The first statement shall reflect independent expenditures made to the close of business on the twentieth day before election day. The second statement shall reflect independent expenditures made during the period beginning on the nineteenth day before election day and ending on the close of business on the seventh day after election day.

(D) Each candidate who, or whose campaign committee, receives contributions or in-kind contributions totaling one thousand dollars or more or has expenditures totaling one thousand dollars or more in connection with the candidate's efforts to be elected to fill a vacancy in the school employees retirement board pursuant to division (C) of section 3309.06 of the Revised Code shall file with the secretary of state a complete, accurate, and itemized statement setting forth in detail the contributions, in-kind contributions, and expenditures. The statement shall be made on a form prescribed under section 111.30 of the Revised Code. Every expenditure in excess of twenty-five dollars shall be vouched for by a receipted bill, stating the purpose of the expenditures, that shall be filed with the statement; a canceled check with a notation of the purpose of the expenditure is a receipted bill for purposes of this division.

The statement shall be filed within thirty-eight days after the day the candidate takes office. The statement shall reflect contributions and in-kind contributions received and expenditures made to the close of business on the seventh day after the day the candidate takes office.

(E) Each individual, partnership, or other entity that makes an independent expenditure in connection with the candidate's efforts to be elected to fill a vacancy in the school employees retirement board under division (C) of section 3309.06 of the Revised Code shall file with the secretary of state a complete, accurate, and itemized statement setting forth in detail the independent expenditures. The statement shall be made on a form prescribed under section 111.30 of the Revised Code.

The statement shall be filed not later than thirty-eight days after the day the candidate takes office. The statement shall reflect independent expenditures made to the close of business on the seventh day after the day the candidate takes office.

Section 3309.073 | Filing of statements - prohibited campaign activities.

(A) No person shall knowingly fail to file a complete and accurate campaign finance statement or independent expenditure statement in accordance with section 3309.072 of the Revised Code.

(B) No person, during the course of a person seeking nomination for, and during any campaign for, election to the school employees retirement board, shall knowingly and with intent to affect the nomination or the outcome of the campaign do any of the following by means of campaign materials, an advertisement on radio or television or in a newspaper or periodical, a public speech, press release, or otherwise:

(1) With regard to a candidate, identify the candidate in a manner that implies that the candidate is a member of the board or use the term "re-elect" when the candidate is not currently a member of the board;

(2) Make a false statement concerning the formal schooling or training completed or attempted by a candidate; a degree, diploma, certificate, scholarship, grant, award, prize, or honor received, earned, or held by a candidate; or the period of time during which a candidate attended any school, college, community technical school, or institution;

(3) Make a false statement concerning the professional, occupational, or vocational licenses held by a candidate, or concerning any position the candidate held for which the candidate received a salary or wages;

(4) Make a false statement that a candidate or board member has been indicted or convicted of a theft offense, extortion, or other crime involving financial corruption or moral turpitude;

(5) Make a statement that a candidate has been indicted for any crime or has been the subject of a finding by the Ohio elections commission without disclosing the outcome of any legal proceedings resulting from the indictment or finding;

(6) Make a false statement that a candidate or board member has a record of treatment or confinement for mental disorder;

(7) Make a false statement that a candidate or board member has been subjected to military discipline for criminal misconduct or dishonorably discharged from the armed services;

(8) Falsely identify the source of a statement, issue statements under the name of another person without authorization, or falsely state the endorsement of or opposition to a candidate by a person or publication;

(9) Make a false statement concerning the voting record of a candidate or board member;

(10) Post, publish, circulate, distribute, or otherwise disseminate a false statement concerning a candidate, either knowing the same to be false or with reckless disregard of whether it was false or not, if the statement is designed to promote the election, nomination, or defeat of the candidate.

Section 3309.074 | Complaint alleging violation of RC 3309.073 - procedure - fine.

The secretary of state, or any person acting on personal knowledge and subject to the penalties of perjury, may file a complaint with the Ohio elections commission alleging a violation of section 3309.073 of the Revised Code. The complaint shall be made on a form prescribed and provided by the commission.

A complaint shall be filed not later than two years after the occurrence of the act or failure to act that is the subject of the complaint, except that if the act or failure to act involves fraud, concealment, or misrepresentation and was not discovered during that two-year period, a complaint may be filed not later than one year after discovery of the act or failure to act.

On receipt of a complaint under this section, the commission shall hold a hearing open to the public to determine whether the violation alleged in the complaint has occurred. The commission may administer oaths and issue subpoenas to any person in the state compelling the attendance of witnesses and the production of relevant papers, books, accounts, and reports. On the refusal of any person to obey a subpoena or to be sworn or to answer as a witness, the commission may apply to the court of common pleas of Franklin county under section 2705.03 of the Revised Code. The court shall hold contempt proceedings in accordance with Chapter 2705. of the Revised Code.

The commission shall provide the person accused of the violation at least seven days prior notice of the time, date, and place of the hearing. The accused may be represented by an attorney and shall have an opportunity to present evidence, call witnesses, and cross-examine witnesses.

At the hearing, the commission shall determine whether the violation alleged in the complaint has occurred. If the commission determines that a violation of division (A) of section 3309.073 of the Revised Code has occurred, the commission shall either impose a fine under section 3309.99 of the Revised Code or enter a finding that good cause has been shown not to impose the fine. If the commission determines that a violation of division (B) of section 3309.073 of the Revised Code has occurred, the commission shall impose the fine described in section 3309.99 of the Revised Code, refer the matter to the appropriate prosecutor, or enter a finding that good cause has been shown to not impose a fine or refer the matter to the appropriate prosecutor.

Section 3309.075 | Adoption of election rules - certification of nominating petitions and election results.

(A) The school employees retirement board, after consultation with the secretary of state, shall adopt rules in accordance with section 111.15 of the Revised Code, governing all of the following:

(1) The administration of elections of members of the board under section 3309.07 of the Revised Code and elections held under section 3309.06 of the Revised Code to fill vacancies on the board;

(2) Nominating petitions for the elections;

(3) Certification of the validity of nominating petitions for the elections;

(4) Certification of the results of the elections.

(B) The board may contract with the secretary of state or an independent firm to administer the elections, certify the validity of nominating petitions, and certify the results of the elections. The secretary of state and the independent firm shall perform these services in accordance with the rules adopted under division (A) of this section. Notwithstanding section 3309.22 of the Revised Code, the board shall provide information necessary for the secretary of state or the independent firm to certify the election. If the board contracts with an independent firm to administer an election, the secretary of state may audit the election.

Section 3309.08 | Oath of office.

Each member of the school employees retirement board upon appointment or election shall take an oath of office that he will support the constitution of the United States, the constitution of the state, and that he will diligently and honestly administer the affairs of the said board and that he will not knowingly violate or willfully permit to be violated any law applicable to Chapter 3309. of the Revised Code. Such oath shall be subscribed to by the member making it, and certified by the officer before whom it is taken, and shall be immediately filed in the office of the secretary of state.

Section 3309.09 | Quorum.

A majority of the members of the school employees retirement board constitutes a quorum for the transaction of any business. Any action taken by the board shall be approved by a majority of the members of the board. All meetings of the board shall be open to the public except executive sessions as set forth in division (G) of section 121.22 of the Revised Code, and any portions of any sessions discussing medical records or the degree of disability of a member excluded from public inspection by section 3309.22 of the Revised Code.

Section 3309.10 | Service on board; reimbursement for employer; expenses; liability insurance.

(A) No member of the school employees retirement board shall be subject to disciplinary action by an employer for absence from the member's regular employment for service to the board.

Members of the board shall serve without compensation from the retirement system, but an employer shall be reimbursed from the expense fund for any compensation paid to an employee member of the board or a retirant member employed by a public employer in accordance with section 3309.341 of the Revised Code for service to the board.

(B) The members of the board shall be reimbursed from the expense fund for all actual necessary expenses incurred while serving on the board.

(C) The board may secure insurance coverage designed to indemnify board members and employees for their actions or conduct in the performance of official duties, and may pay required premiums for such coverage from the expense fund.

(D) The board shall adopt rules in accordance with section 111.15 of the Revised Code establishing a policy for reimbursement of travel expenses incurred by board members in the performance of their official duties. As part of any audit performed under Chapter 117. of the Revised Code, an inquiry shall be made into whether board members have complied with these rules.

(E) No board member shall accept payment or reimbursement for travel expenses, other than for meals and other food and beverages provided to the member, from any source other than the expense fund. Except in the case of an emergency, no out-of-state travel expenses shall be reimbursed unless approved in advance by a majority of the board at a regular board meeting.

Section 3309.11 | Officers - executive director.

The school employees retirement board shall elect, from its membership, a chairperson, and shall employ an executive director who shall serve as secretary.

Section 3309.12 | Treasurer of state is custodian of funds.

The treasurer of state shall be the custodian of the funds of the school employees retirement system, and all disbursements therefrom shall be paid by the treasurer of state only upon instruments duly authorized by the school employees retirement board and bearing the signatures of the board; provided, that such instruments may bear the names of the board members printed thereon and the signatures of the president and secretary of the board. The signatures of the president and secretary may be affixed through the use of a mechanical check signing device.

The treasurer of state shall give a separate and additional bond in such amount as is fixed by the governor and with sureties selected by the board and approved by the governor, conditioned for the faithful performance of the duties of the treasurer of state as custodian of the funds of the system. Such bonds shall be deposited with the secretary of state and kept in the treasurer of state's office. The governor may require the treasurer of state to give other and additional bonds, as the funds of the system increase, in such amounts and at such times as are fixed by the governor, which additional bonds shall be conditioned, filed, and obtained as is provided for the original bond of the treasurer of state covering the funds of the system. The premium on all bonds shall be paid by the board.

The treasurer of state shall deposit any portion of the funds of the system not needed for immediate use in the same manner as state funds are deposited, and subject to all provisions of law with respect to the deposit of state funds, by the treasurer of state, and all interest earned by such portion of the retirement funds as may be deposited by the treasurer of state shall be collected by him and placed to the credit of the board.

The treasurer of the state shall furnish annually to the school employees retirement system a sworn statement of the amount of the funds in the treasurers' custody belonging to the school employees retirement system.

Last updated September 3, 2021 at 10:49 AM

Section 3309.13 | Legal adviser.

The attorney general shall be the legal adviser of the school employees retirement board.

Section 3309.14 | Technical and administrative employees - retirement applications.

The school employees retirement board shall secure the service of such technical and administrative employees as are necessary for the transaction of the business of the school employees retirement system.

Effective ninety days after the effective date of this amendment, the board may not employ a state retirement system investment officer, as defined in section 1707.01 of the Revised Code, who does not hold a valid state retirement system investment officer license issued by the division of securities in the department of commerce.

The compensation of all persons engaged by the board and all other expenses of the board necessary for the proper operation of the system shall be paid at such rates and in such amounts as the board approves. Every expense voucher of an employee, officer, or board member of the school employees retirement system shall itemize all purchases and expenditures.

The board shall receive and act upon all applications for retirement under Chapter 3309. of the Revised Code, and shall provide for the payment of all retirement allowances and other benefits and shall make other expenditures required or authorized by this chapter.

Section 3309.15 | Investment and fiduciary duties of board.

(A) The members of the school employees retirement board shall be the trustees of the funds created by section 3309.60 of the Revised Code. The board shall have full power to invest the funds. The board and other fiduciaries shall discharge their duties with respect to the funds solely in the interest of the participants and beneficiaries; for the exclusive purpose of providing benefits to participants and their beneficiaries and defraying reasonable expenses of administering the school employees retirement system; with care, skill, prudence, and diligence under the circumstances then prevailing that a prudent person acting in a like capacity and familiar with such matters would use in the conduct of an enterprise of a like character and with like aims; and by diversifying the investments of the system so as to minimize the risk of large losses, unless under the circumstances it is clearly prudent not to do so.

The board may establish a partnership, trust, limited liability company, corporation, including a corporation exempt from taxation under the Internal Revenue Code, 100 Stat. 2085, 26 U.S.C.A. 1, as amended, or any other legal entity authorized to transact business in this state.

(B) In exercising its fiduciary responsibility with respect to the investment of the funds, it shall be the intent of the board to give consideration to investments that enhance the general welfare of the state and its citizens where the investments offer quality, return, and safety comparable to other investments currently available to the board. In fulfilling this intent, equal consideration shall also be given to investments otherwise qualifying under this section that involve minority owned and controlled firms and firms owned and controlled by women, either alone or in joint venture with other firms.

The board shall adopt, in regular meeting, policies, objectives, or criteria for the operation of the investment program that include asset allocation targets and ranges, risk factors, asset class benchmarks, time horizons, total return objectives, and performance evaluation guidelines. In adopting policies and criteria for the selection of agents with whom the board may contract for the administration of the funds, the board shall comply with sections 3309.157 and 3309.159 of the Revised Code and shall also give equal consideration to minority owned and controlled firms, firms owned and controlled by women, and ventures involving minority owned and controlled firms and firms owned and controlled by women that otherwise meet the policies and criteria established by the board. Amendments and additions to the policies and criteria shall be adopted in regular meeting. The board shall publish its policies, objectives, and criteria under this provision no less often than annually and shall make copies available to interested parties.

If the board contracts with a person, including an agent or investment manager, for the management or investment of the funds, the board shall require the person to comply with the global investment performance standards established by the chartered financial analyst institute, or a successor organization, when reporting on the performance of investments.

(C) All evidences of title of investments purchased by the board under this section shall be delivered to the treasurer of state, who is hereby designated as custodian thereof, or to the treasurer of state's authorized agent, and the treasurer of state or the agent shall collect principal, interest, dividends, and distributions that become due and payable and place the same when so collected into the custodial funds. Evidences of title of the investments may be deposited by the treasurer of state for safekeeping with an authorized agent, selected by the treasurer of state, who is a qualified trustee under section 135.18 of the Revised Code. The treasurer of state shall pay for the investments purchased by the board pending receipt of the evidence of title of the investments by the treasurer of state or to the treasurer of state's authorized agent, and on receipt of written or electronic instructions from the board or the board's designated agent authorizing the purchase. The board may sell any investments held by the board, and the treasurer of state or the treasurer of state's authorized agent shall accept payment from the purchaser and deliver evidence of title of the investment to the purchaser on receipt of written or electronic instructions from the board or the board's designated agent authorizing the sale, and pending receipt of the moneys for the investments. The amount received shall be placed into the custodial funds. The board and the treasurer of state may enter into agreements to establish procedures for the purchase and sale of investments under this division and the custody of the investment.

(D) No purchase or sale of any investment shall be made under this section except as authorized by the school employees retirement board.

(E) Any statement of financial position distributed by the board shall include the fair value, as of the statement date, of all investments held by the board under this section.

Section 3309.155 | Prohibited business transactions.

The school employees retirement system shall make no investments through, purchases from, or otherwise do any business with any individual who is, or any partnership, association, or corporation that is owned or controlled by, a person who within the preceding three years was employed by, a board member of, or an officer of the system, or in which a person who within the preceding three years was employed by, a board member of, or an officer of the system holds a fiduciary, administrative, supervisory or trust position, or any other position in which such person would be involved, on behalf of his employer, in decisions or recommendations affecting the investment policy of the school employees retirement system, and in which such person would benefit by any monetary gain.

Section 3309.156 | Restrictions on fiduciaries.

(A) Except as provided in division (B) of this section, a fiduciary shall not cause the school employees retirement system to engage in a transaction, if he knows or should know that such transaction constitutes a direct or indirect:

(1) Sale or exchange, or leasing, of any property between the system and a party in interest;

(2) Lending of money or other extension of credit between the system and a party in interest;

(3) Furnishing of goods, services, or facilities between the system and a party in interest;

(4) Transfer to, or use by or for the benefit of a party in interest, of any assets of the system; or

(5) Acquisition, on behalf of the system, of any employer security or employer real property.

(B) Nothing in this section shall prohibit any transaction between the school employees retirement system and any fiduciary or party in interest if:

(1) All the terms and conditions of the transaction are comparable to the terms and conditions which might reasonably be expected in a similar transaction between similar parties who are not parties in interest; and

(2) The transaction is consistent with the fiduciary duties described in Chapter 3309. of the Revised Code.

(C) A fiduciary shall not:

(1) Deal with the assets of the system in his own interest or for his own account;

(2) In his individual or in any other capacity act in any transaction involving the system on behalf of a party (or represent a party) whose interests are adverse to the interests of the system or the interests of its participants or beneficiaries; or

(3) Receive any consideration for his own personal account from any party dealing with such system in connection with a transaction involving the assets of the system.

(D) In addition to any liability which he may have under any other provision, a fiduciary with respect to the system shall be liable for a breach of fiduciary responsibility of any fiduciary with respect to the system in the following circumstances:

(1) If he participates knowingly in, or knowingly undertakes to conceal, an act or omission of such other fiduciary, knowing such act or omission is a breach;

(2) If, by his failure to comply with Chapter 3309. of the Revised Code, he has enabled such other fiduciary to commit a breach; or

(3) If he has knowledge of a breach by such other fiduciary, unless he makes reasonable efforts under the circumstances to remedy the breach.

(E) Every fiduciary of the system shall be bonded or insured to an amount of not less than one million dollars for loss by reason of acts of fraud or dishonesty.

Section 3309.157 | Designation of Ohio-qualified agents - selection policy - utilization - annual report.

(A) As used in this section and in section 3309.159 of the Revised Code:

(1) "Agent" means a dealer, as defined in section 1707.01 of the Revised Code, who is licensed under sections 1707.01 to 1707.50 of the Revised Code or under comparable laws of another state or of the United States.

(2) "Minority business enterprise" has the same meaning as in section 122.71 of the Revised Code.

(3) "Ohio-qualified agent" means an agent designated as such by the school employees retirement board.

(4) "Ohio-qualified investment manager" means an investment manager designated as such by the school employees retirement board.

(5) "Principal place of business" means an office in which the agent regularly provides securities or investment advisory services and solicits, meets with, or otherwise communicates with clients.

(B) The school employees retirement board shall, for the purposes of this section, designate an agent as an Ohio-qualified agent if the agent meets all of the following requirements:

(1) The agent is subject to taxation under Chapter 5725., 5726., 5733., 5747., or 5751. of the Revised Code.

(2) The agent is authorized to conduct business in this state.

(3) The agent maintains a principal place of business in this state and employs at least five residents of this state.

(C) The school employees retirement board shall adopt and implement a written policy to establish criteria and procedures used to select agents to execute securities transactions on behalf of the retirement system. The policy shall address each of the following:

(1) Commissions charged by the agent, both in the aggregate and on a per share basis;

(2) The execution speed and trade settlement capabilities of the agent;

(3) The responsiveness, reliability, and integrity of the agent;

(4) The nature and value of research provided by the agent;

(5) Any special capabilities of the agent.

(D)(1) The board shall, at least annually, establish a policy with the goal to increase utilization by the board of Ohio-qualified agents for the execution of domestic equity and fixed income trades on behalf of the retirement system, when an Ohio-qualified agent offers quality, services, and safety comparable to other agents otherwise available to the board and meets the criteria established under division (C) of this section.

(2) The board shall review, at least annually, the performance of the agents that execute securities transactions on behalf of the board.

(3) The board shall determine whether an agent is an Ohio-qualified agent, meets the criteria established by the board pursuant to division (C) of this section, and offers quality, services, and safety comparable to other agents otherwise available to the board. The board's determination shall be final.

Section 3309.158 | Annual disclosures to Ohio Ethics Commission.

(A) The school employees retirement system shall disclose the following to the Ohio ethics commission:

(1) Anything of value received by the system from an agent and anything of value given on behalf of the system by an agent;

(2) The name of any employee of the system with authority over the investment of retirement system funds or any board member of the system who deals with an agent regarding amounts described in division (A)(1) of this section.

(B) The disclosures required by this section shall be made annually in a report submitted by a date prescribed by the Ohio ethics commission.

Section 3309.159 | Designation of Ohio-qualified investment managers - utilization - annual report.

(A) The school employees retirement board shall, for the purposes of this section, designate an investment manager as an Ohio-qualified investment manager if the investment manager meets all of the following requirements:

(1) The investment manager is subject to taxation under Chapter 5725., 5726., 5733., 5747., or 5751. of the Revised Code.

(2) The investment manager meets one of the following requirements:

(a) Has its corporate headquarters or principal place of business in this state;

(b) Employs at least five hundred individuals in this state;

(c) Has a principal place of business in this state and employs at least twenty residents of this state.

(B)(1) The board shall, at least annually, establish a policy with the goal to increase utilization by the board of Ohio-qualified investment managers, when an Ohio-qualified investment manager offers quality, services, and safety comparable to other investment managers otherwise available to the board. The policy shall also provide for the following:

(a) A process whereby the board can develop a list of Ohio-qualified investment managers and their investment products;

(b) A process whereby the board can give public notice to Ohio-qualified investment managers of the board's search for an investment manager that includes the board's search criteria.

(2) The board shall determine whether an investment manager is an Ohio-qualified investment manager and whether the investment manager offers quality, services, and safety comparable to other investment managers otherwise available to the board. The board's determination shall be final.

Section 3309.16 | Denomination or consolidation of bonds.

Bonds purchased from any taxing district of the state shall be in the denomination required by the school employees retirement board in its resolution of purchase, or the board may by its resolution require that all bonds of any series of bonds purchased by it from any taxing district be consolidated and issued as one bond, the principal amount of which shall be equal to the aggregate amount of all the bonds of said series, which principal together with the interest thereon shall be paid in installments evidenced by and payable upon the surrender of combined principal and interest coupons attached thereto, which coupons shall each separately state the amounts of principal and interest included therein.

Section 3309.17 | Record of proceedings between board and taxing district.

The proper officers of each taxing district issuing the bonds provided for in section 3309.16 of the Revised Code shall, without additional procedure or legislation on their part, comply with this chapter, except that the proper accounting officer of such taxing district and the secretary of its sinking fund shall make and keep a detailed record of any such changes required by the school employees retirement board. The board shall not change the date of maturity of any part of the principal or interest of any bond issue, nor shall it require a bond of any issue to be of a larger denomination, nor any partial payment of principal to be of greater amount than the aggregate amount of such issue falling due at any date.

Section 3309.18 | Interest credited annually.

Interest deposited in the guarantee fund created by section 3309.60 of the Revised Code shall be credited annually to the various funds, except the expense fund.

Section 3309.19 | Trustee or employee of board shall have no interest in profits nor borrow funds.

No trustee and no employee of the school employees retirement board shall have any interest, direct or indirect, in the gains or profits of any investment made by the board nor as such, directly or indirectly, receive any pay or emolument for his services. No trustee or employee of the said board, directly or indirectly, for himself or as an agent or partner of others, shall borrow any of its funds or deposits or use the same except to make such current and necessary payments as are authorized by the board; nor shall any member or employee of said board become an indorser or surety or become in any manner an obligor for moneys loaned by or borrowed from the board.

Section 3309.20 | Maintenance of individual account.

The school employees retirement board shall provide for the maintenance of an individual account with each contributor showing the amount of his contributions and the interest accumulations thereon. It shall collect and keep in convenient form such data as is necessary for the preparation of the required mortality and service tables, and for the compilation of such other information as is required for the actuarial valuation of the assets and liabilities of the various funds created by section 3309.60 of the Revised Code. Upon the basis of the mortality and service experience of the members, retirants, and beneficiaries of the school employees retirement system, or SERS retirants and other system retirants as defined in section 3309.341 of the Revised Code, the board shall adopt the tables to be used for valuation purposes and for determining the amount of annuities to be allowed on the basis of the contributions.

Section 3309.21 | Actuarial valuation of pension assets, liabilities, and funding requirements.

(A) The school employees retirement board shall have prepared annually by or under the supervision of an actuary an actuarial valuation of the pension assets, liabilities, and funding requirements of the school employees retirement system as established pursuant to this chapter. The actuary shall complete the valuation in accordance with actuarial standards of practice promulgated by the actuarial standards board of the American academy of actuaries and prepare a report of the valuation. The report shall include all of the following:

(1) A summary of the benefit provisions evaluated;

(2) A summary of the census data and financial information used in the valuation;

(3) A description of the actuarial assumptions, actuarial cost method, and asset valuation method used in the valuation, including a statement of the assumed rate of payroll growth and assumed rate of growth or decline in the number of members contributing to the retirement system;

(4) A summary of findings that includes a statement of the actuarial accrued pension liabilities and unfunded actuarial accrued pension liabilities;

(5) A schedule showing the effect of any changes in the benefit provisions, actuarial assumptions, or cost methods since the last annual actuarial valuation;

(6) A statement of whether contributions to the retirement system are expected to be sufficient to satisfy the funding objectives established by the board.

The board shall submit the report to the Ohio retirement study council, the director of budget and management, and the standing committees of the house of representatives and the senate with primary responsibility for retirement legislation immediately upon its availability and not later than the first day of May following the year for which the valuation was made.

(B) At such times as the school employees retirement board determines, and at least once in each quinquennial period, the board shall have prepared by or under the supervision of an actuary an actuarial investigation of the mortality, service, and other experience of the members, retirants, and beneficiaries of the retirement system, and SERS retirants and other system retirants as defined in section 3309.341 of the Revised Code to update the actuarial assumptions used in the actuarial valuation required by division (A) of this section. The actuary shall prepare a report of the actuarial investigation. The report shall be prepared and any recommended changes in actuarial assumptions shall be made in accordance with the actuarial standards of practice promulgated by the actuarial standards board of the American academy of actuaries. The report shall include all of the following:

(1) A summary of relevant decrement and economic assumption experience observed over the period of the investigation;

(2) Recommended changes in actuarial assumptions to be used in subsequent actuarial valuations required by division (A) of this section;

(3) A measurement of the financial effect of the recommended changes in actuarial assumptions.

The board shall submit the report to the Ohio retirement study council and the standing committees of the house of representatives and the senate with primary responsibility for retirement legislation not later than the first day of May following the last fiscal year of the period the report covers.

(C) The board may at any time request the actuary to make any studies or actuarial valuations to determine the adequacy of the rates of contribution as provided by section 3309.49 of the Revised Code, and those rates may be adjusted by the board, as recommended by the actuary, effective as of the first of any year thereafter.

(D) The board shall have prepared by or under the supervision of an actuary an actuarial analysis of any introduced legislation expected to have a measurable financial impact on the retirement system. The actuarial analysis shall be completed in accordance with the actuarial standards of practice promulgated by the actuarial standards board of the American academy of actuaries. The actuary shall prepare a report of the actuarial analysis, which shall include all of the following:

(1) A summary of the statutory changes that are being evaluated;

(2) A description of or reference to the actuarial assumptions and actuarial cost method used in the report;

(3) A description of the participant group or groups included in the report;

(4) A statement of the financial impact of the legislation, including the resulting increase, if any, in the employer normal cost percentage; the increase, if any, in actuarial accrued liabilities; and the per cent of payroll that would be required to amortize the increase in actuarial accrued liabilities as a level per cent of covered payroll for all active members over a period not to exceed thirty years;

(5) A statement of whether the scheduled contributions to the system after the proposed change is enacted are expected to be sufficient to satisfy the funding objectives established by the board.

Not later than sixty days from the date of introduction of the legislation, the board shall submit a copy of the actuarial analysis to the legislative service commission, the standing committees of the house of representatives and the senate with primary responsibility for retirement legislation, and the Ohio retirement study council.

(E) The board shall have prepared annually a report giving a full accounting of the revenues and costs relating to the provision of benefits under sections 3309.375 and 3309.69 of the Revised Code. The report shall be made as of June 30, 1997, and the thirtieth day of June of each year thereafter. The report shall include the following:

(1) A description of the statutory authority for the benefits provided;

(2) A summary of the benefits;

(3) A summary of the eligibility requirements for the benefits;

(4) A statement of the number of participants eligible for the benefits;

(5) A description of the accounting, asset valuation, and funding method used to provide the benefits;

(6) A statement of the net assets available for the provision of the benefits as of the last day of the fiscal year;

(7) A statement of any changes in the net assets available for the provision of benefits, including participant and employer contributions, net investment income, administrative expenses, and benefits provided to participants, as of the last day of the fiscal year;

(8) For the last six consecutive fiscal years, a schedule of the net assets available for the benefits, the annual cost of benefits, administrative expenses incurred, and annual employer contributions allocated for the provision of benefits;

(9) A description of any significant changes that affect the comparability of the report required under this division;

(10) A statement of the amount paid under division (E) of section 3309.69 of the Revised Code.

The board shall submit the report to the Ohio retirement study council, the director of budget and management, and the standing committees of the house of representatives and the senate with primary responsibility for retirement legislation immediately upon its availability and not later than the thirty-first day of December following the year for which the report was made.

Section 3309.211 | Amortizing unfunded actuarial accrued pension liability.

The school employees retirement board shall establish a period of not more than thirty years to amortize the school employees retirement system's unfunded actuarial accrued pension liability. The board shall adopt a plan that specifies how it proposes to meet the thirty-year amortization period not later than June 30, 2007. If in any year the period necessary to amortize the unfunded actuarial accrued pension liability exceeds thirty years, as determined by the annual actuarial valuation required by section 3309.21 of the Revised Code, the board, not later than ninety days after receipt of the valuation, shall prepare and submit to the Ohio retirement study commission and the standing committees of the house of representatives and the senate with primary responsibility for retirement legislation a report that includes the following information:

(A) The number of years needed to amortize the unfunded actuarial accrued pension liability as determined by the annual actuarial valuation;

(B) A plan approved by the board that indicates how the board will reduce the amortization period of the unfunded actuarial accrued pension liability to not more than thirty years;

(C) Whether the board has made any progress in meeting the thirty-year amortization period.

Section 3309.212 | Study to determine percentage of electing employee's compensation to be contributed by public institution of higher education.

(A) As used in this section:

(1) "Compensation" has the same meaning as in section 3309.01 of the Revised Code except that in the case of an electing employee, "compensation" means the amount that would be the electing employee's compensation if the electing employee was a member of the retirement system.

( 2) "Compensation ratio" means the ratio for the most recent full fiscal year for which the information is available of the total compensation of all electing employees to the sum of the total compensation of all the retirement system's members in the system's defined benefit plan and the total compensation of all electing employees.

(3) "Electing employee" means a participant in an alternative retirement plan provided pursuant to Chapter 3305. of the Revised Code who would otherwise be a member of the retirement system.

(4) "Historical liability" means the portion of the retirement system's total unfunded actuarial accrued pension liability attributed to the difference between the following:

(a) The cumulative contributions received under division (D) of section 3305.06 of the Revised Code on behalf of electing employees since the establishment of the alternative retirement plan;

(b) The cumulative contributions toward the unfunded actuarial accrued liability of the retirement system that would have been made if the electing employees had been members of the retirement system in the system's defined benefit plan.

(B) The school employees retirement board shall contract with an independent actuary to complete an actuarial study to determine the percentage of an electing employee's compensation to be contributed by a public institution of higher education under division (D) of section 3305.06 of the Revised Code. The initial study must be completed and submitted by the board to the department of higher education not later than December 31, 2016. A subsequent study must be completed and submitted not later than the last day of December of every fifth year thereafter.

(C) For the initial study required under this section, the actuary shall determine the percentage described in division (B) of this section as follows:

(1) The actuary shall calculate a percentage necessary to amortize the historical liability over an indefinite period.

(2) The actuary shall calculate a percentage necessary to amortize over a thirty-year period the amount resulting from multiplying the compensation ratio by the difference between the following:

(a) The unfunded actuarial accrued pension liability of the defined benefit plan;

(b) The historical liability.

(3) The percentage to be contributed under division (D) of section 3305.06 of the Revised Code shall be one-fourth of the sum of the percentages calculated under divisions (C)(1) and (2) of this section, not to exceed four and one-half per cent.

(4) To make the calculations and determinations required under divisions (C)(1) and (2) of this section, the actuary shall use the most recent annual actuarial valuation under section 3309.21 of the Revised Code that is available at the time the study is conducted.

(D) For any study conducted after the initial study required under this section, the actuary shall determine the percentage described in division (B) of this section as follows:

(1) The actuary shall calculate a percentage necessary to amortize over a thirty-year period the amount resulting from m ultiplying the compensation ratio by the difference between the following:

(a) The unfunded actuarial accrued pension liability of the retirement system's defined benefit plan under the annual actuarial valuation under section 3309.21 of the Revised Code that is most recent at the time the study is conducted;

(b) The historical liability determined under division (C) of this section.

(2) The percentage to be contributed under division (D) of section 3305.06 of the Revised Code shall be one-fourth of the sum of the percentages calculated under divisions (C)(1) and (D) (1) of this section but not less than one-fourth of the percentage determined under division (C)(1) of this section, except that the percentage shall not exceed four and one-half per cent.

Section 3309.22 | Annual statement of funds.

(A)(1) As used in this division, "personal history record" means information maintained in any format by the board on an individual who is a member, former member, contributor, former contributor, retirant, or beneficiary that includes the address, electronic mail address, telephone number, social security number, record of contributions, correspondence with the system, and other information the board determines to be confidential.

(2) The records of the board shall be open to public inspection and may be made available in printed or electronic format, except for the following, which shall be excluded, except with the written authorization of the individual concerned:

(a) The individual's statement of previous service and other information as provided for in section 3309.28 of the Revised Code;

(b) Any information identifying by name and address the amount of a monthly allowance or benefit paid to the individual;

(c) The individual's personal history record.

(B) All medical reports and recommendations required by the system are privileged except as follows:

(1) Copies of medical reports or recommendations shall be made available to the following:

(a) The individual concerned, on written request;

(b) The personal physician, attorney, or authorized agent of the individual concerned on written release received from the individual or the individual's agent;

(c) The board assigned physician.

(2) Documentation required by section 2929.193 of the Revised Code shall be provided to a court holding a hearing under that section.

(C) Any person who is a contributor of the system shall be furnished, on written request, with a statement of the amount to the credit of the person's account. The board need not answer more than one such request of a person in any one year.

(D) Notwithstanding the exceptions to public inspection in division (A)(2) of this section, the board may furnish the following information:

(1) If a member, former member, contributor, former contributor, or retirant is subject to an order issued under section 2907.15 of the Revised Code or an order issued under division (A) or (B) of section 2929.192 of the Revised Code or is convicted of or pleads guilty to a violation of section 2921.41 of the Revised Code, on written request of a prosecutor as defined in section 2935.01 of the Revised Code, the board shall furnish to the prosecutor the information requested from the individual's personal history record.

(2) Pursuant to a court or administrative order issued under section 3119.80, 3119.81, 3121.02, 3121.03, or 3123.06 of the Revised Code, the board shall furnish to a court or child support enforcement agency the information required under that section.

(3) At the written request of any person, the board shall provide to the person a list of the names and addresses of members, former members, retirants, contributors, former contributors, or beneficiaries. The costs of compiling, copying, and mailing the list shall be paid by such person.

(4) Within fourteen days after receiving from the director of job and family services a list of the names and social security numbers of recipients of public assistance pursuant to section 5101.181 of the Revised Code, the board shall inform the auditor of state of the name, current or most recent employer address, and social security number of each contributor whose name and social security number are the same as that of a person whose name or social security number was submitted by the director. The board and its employees shall, except for purposes of furnishing the auditor of state with information required by this section, preserve the confidentiality of recipients of public assistance in compliance with section 5101.181 of the Revised Code.

(5) The system shall comply with orders issued under section 3105.87 of the Revised Code.

On the written request of an alternate payee, as defined in section 3105.80 of the Revised Code, the system shall furnish to the alternate payee information on the amount and status of any amounts payable to the alternate payee under an order issued under section 3105.171 or 3105.65 of the Revised Code.

(6) At the request of any person, the board shall make available to the person copies of all documents, including resumes, in the board's possession regarding filling a vacancy of an employee member or retirant member of the board. The person who made the request shall pay the cost of compiling, copying, and mailing the documents. The information described in this division is a public record.

(7) The system shall provide the notice required by section 3309.673 of the Revised Code to the prosecutor assigned to the case.

(8) The system may provide information requested by the United States social security administration, United States centers for medicare and medicaid services, Ohio public employees deferred compensation program, Ohio police and fire pension fund, state teachers retirement system, public employees retirement system, state highway patrol retirement system, Cincinnati retirement system, or a third party that the school employees retirement board has contracted with for the purpose of administering any part of this chapter.

(E) A statement that contains information obtained from the system's records that is signed by an officer of the retirement system and to which the system's official seal is affixed, or copies of the system's records to which the signature and seal are attached, shall be received as true copies of the system's records in any court or before any officer of this state.

Section 3309.23 | Contributors to school employees retirement system.

(A) Except as provided in division (B) of this section, the following shall be contributors to the school employees retirement system:

(1) All employees, as defined in division (B) of section 3309.01 of the Revised Code;

(2) The employees of an existing or newly created employer unit as defined in division (A) of section 3309.01 of the Revised Code, supported in whole or in part by the state or any political subdivision thereof and wholly controlled and managed by the state or any subdivision thereof. Such employees shall become contributors on the same terms and conditions as provided by this chapter, provided the board of trustees or other managing body of such school, college, or other institution, if such institution is now in existence or if in existence on such date, shall agree by formal resolution to accept all the requirements and obligations imposed by this chapter upon employers. A certified copy of the resolution shall be filed with the school employees retirement board. When such resolution has been adopted and a copy of it filed with the school employees retirement board, it shall not later be subject to rescission or abrogation. Service in such schools, colleges, or other institutions shall be then considered in every way the same as service in the public schools.

(3) All other individuals who become members.

(B) The following individuals may choose to be exempt from compulsory membership by filing a written application for exemption with the employer within the first month after being employed:

(1) A student who is not a member at the time of employment and who is employed by the school, college, or university in which the student is enrolled and regularly attending classes;

(2) An emergency employee serving on a temporary basis in case of fire, snow, earthquake, flood, or other similar emergency;

(3) An individual employed in a program established pursuant to the "Workforce Innovation and Opportunity Act," 29 U.S.C. 3101 et seq., or any other federal job training program.

(C) A member may elect to have employment by the school, college, or university at which the member is enrolled and regularly attending classes exempted from contribution to the retirement system by filing a written application with the member's employer within the first month after being so employed.

(D) In all cases of doubt pertaining to contributors on an individual or group basis or the status of existing or newly created employer units, the decision shall be made by the retirement board, and such decision shall be final.

Section 3309.24 | Members of local district pension system excluded from membership - membership by petition.

Members of a local district pension system maintained under the laws of the state from appropriations or contributions made wholly or in part by any employer and existing on July 14, 1937, are hereby excluded from membership in the school employees retirement system. If a majority of all employees participating in any such local district pension system apply for membership in the school employees retirement system by a petition duly signed and verified, approved by their employer, and filed with the school employees retirement board, all employees included in the membership of such local district pension system shall become members of the school employees retirement system at such time within three months after the filing of such petition and the compliance with sections 3309.63 to 3309.65, inclusive, of the Revised Code, relative to the dissolution and discontinuance of such local district pension system as the board designates.

Section 3309.25 | Information to new employees.

On receipt of notice under section 3309.55 of the Revised Code of the employment of a new employee, the school employees retirement system shall inform the employee of the requirements of section 3309.251 of the Revised Code.

Section 3309.251 | Electing defined benefit or defined contribution plan.

(A) Except as provided in division (D) of this section, an individual who becomes a member of the school employees retirement system on or after the date on which the school employees retirement board establishes a plan under section 3309.81 of the Revised Code shall make an election under this section. Not later than one hundred eighty days after the date on which employment begins, the individual shall elect to participate either in the plan described in sections 3309.18 to 3309.70 of the Revised Code or one of the plans established under section 3309.81 of the Revised Code. If a form evidencing an election under this section is not on file with the employer at the end of the one-hundred-eighty-day period, the individual is deemed to have elected to participate in the plan described in sections 3309.18 to 3309.70 of the Revised Code.

(B) An election under this section shall be made in writing on a form provided by the retirement system and filed with the employer's personnel officer. Not later than ten days after receiving the form evidencing the election, the employer shall transmit to the system a copy that includes a statement certifying that it is a true and accurate copy of the original.

(C) An election under this section shall take effect on the date employment began and is irrevocable on receipt by the employer.

(D) An individual is ineligible to make an election under this section if either of the following applies:

(1) At the time employment begins, the individual is already a member or contributor participating in the plan described in sections 3309.18 to 3309.70 of the Revised Code or an SERS retirant, as defined in section 3309.341 of the Revised Code.

(2) An election to participate in an alternative retirement plan under section 3305.05 or 3305.051 of the Revised Code is in effect for employment covered by the system.

Section 3309.252 | Employee with less than 5 years of service electing to participate in defined contribution plan.

(A) A member of the school employees retirement system, who, as of the last day of the month immediately preceding the date on which the system establishes a plan under section 3309.81 of the Revised Code, has less than five years of total service credit is eligible to make an election under this section.

Not later than one hundred eighty days after the day the board first establishes one or more plans under section 3309.81 of the Revised Code, an eligible member may elect to participate in a plan established under that section. If an election is not made, a member to whom this section applies is deemed to have elected to continue participating in the plan described in sections 3309.18 to 3309.70 of the Revised Code.

(B) An election under this section shall be made in writing on a form provided by the system and filed with the system.

(C) On receipt of an election under this section, the system shall do both of the following:

(1) Credit to the account of the member in the defined contribution fund the accumulated contributions standing to the member's credit in the employees' savings fund;

(2) Cancel all service credit and eligibility for any payment, benefit, or right under the plan described in sections 3309.18 to 3309.70 of the Revised Code.

(D) An election under this section shall be irrevocable on receipt by the system.

Section 3309.253 | Effect of electing defined contribution plan.

A member of the school employees retirement system who elects to participate in a plan established under section 3309.81 of the Revised Code shall be ineligible for any benefit or payment under sections 3309.18 to 3309.70 of the Revised Code and shall be forever barred from claiming or purchasing service credit with any state retirement system, as defined in section 145.30 of the Revised Code, for service covered by the election.

Section 3309.26 | Restoring service credit.

(A) The membership of any person in the school employees retirement system shall terminate if the person withdraws the person's accumulated contributions, retires on a retirement allowance as provided in sections 3309.36 and 3309.381 of the Revised Code, or dies, unless otherwise provided in Chapter 3309. of the Revised Code.

(B) A former member with an account in the employees' savings fund who formerly lost membership shall be reinstated as a member with all the rights, privileges, and obligations as provided in Chapter 3309. of the Revised Code.

(C)(1) Except as provided in this section, a member or former member of the school employees retirement system with at least one and one-half years of contributing service credit in this system, the public employees retirement system, the state teachers retirement system, the Ohio police and fire pension fund, or the state highway patrol retirement system, subsequent to the withdrawal of contributions and cancellation of service credit in this system may restore such service credit by redepositing in the employees' savings fund the amount withdrawn with interest at a rate to be determined by the board, compounded annually, from the first of the month of withdrawal to and including the month of redeposit.

(2) If the accumulated contributions were withdrawn under section 3309.43 of the Revised Code, service credit may be restored only if the member or former member accrued one and one-half years of service credit after the withdrawal of the accumulated contributions.

(D) A member may choose to purchase only part of such credit in any one payment, subject to board rules. The total payment to restore cancelled service credit, plus any interest credited thereto, shall be considered as accumulated contributions of the member. If a former member is eligible to buy the service credit as a member of the Ohio police and fire pension fund, the state highway patrol retirement system, or the city of Cincinnati retirement system, the former member is ineligible to restore that service credit under this section.

Section 3309.261 | Payroll deduction plans - restoring PERS or STERS credit.

(A) A member of the school employees retirement system who has at least eighteen months of contributing service credit in the system, the Ohio police and fire pension fund, public employees retirement system, state teachers retirement system, or state highway patrol retirement system, and is a former member of or no longer contributing to the public employees retirement system or state teachers retirement system may restore service credit under section 145.31 or 3307.71 of the Revised Code by making payments pursuant to this section through a payroll deduction plan established under section 3309.27 of the Revised Code. A member seeking to restore service credit shall notify the school employees retirement system on a form approved by the school employees retirement board. After receiving the notice, the school employees retirement system shall request that the former retirement system calculate under section 145.312 or 3307.712 of the Revised Code the cost to the member to restore service credit for each year or portion of a year of service for which the member seeks to restore the service credit. The amount the former retirement system certifies as the cost of restoring the service credit, plus interest described in division (B) of this section, is the cost to the member of restoring the service credit. On receiving the certification from the former retirement system, the school employees retirement system shall notify the member of the cost.

(B) For each year or portion of a year of service credit restored under section 145.31 or 3307.71 of the Revised Code, a member shall pay to the school employees retirement system the amount certified by the former retirement system plus interest at a rate specified by the former retirement system under section 145.312 or 3307.712 of the Revised Code for the period during which deductions are made under section 3309.27 of the Revised Code.

(C) The school employees retirement board shall at least annually transmit to the former retirement system notice and any payments made to restore service credit under section 145.31 or 3307.71 of the Revised Code. The former retirement system shall restore the service credit for the year or portion of a year for which the payment was made.

(D) The board shall adopt rules to implement this section.

Section 3309.262 | Proceedings on request for restoration of service credit.

After receiving a request from the public employees retirement system under division (A) of section 145.311 or the state teachers retirement system under division (A) of section 3307.711 of the Revised Code, the school employees retirement system shall do both of the following:

(A) Calculate and certify to the requesting retirement system the cost to a former member to restore service credit under section 3309.26 of the Revised Code for each year or portion of a year for which the former member seeks to purchase service credit under that section.

(B) Inform the requesting retirement system of the rate of interest charged to a member under a payroll deduction plan authorized under section 3309.27 of the Revised Code.

Section 3309.27 | Payroll deduction plans.

(A) The school employees retirement board may establish by rule payroll deduction plans for payment of the following:

(1) The cost of restoring service credit under section 3309.26 or 3309.261 of the Revised Code or purchasing any service credit members of the school employees retirement system are eligible to purchase under this chapter;

(2) Charges for participation in programs established under section 3309.691 of the Revised Code;

(3) Deposits under section 3309.692 of the Revised Code and any charges for participating in the program established under that section.

(B) In addition to any other matter considered relevant by the board, the rules adopted under this section shall specify all of the following:

(1) The types of service credit that may be paid for through payroll deduction, including the section of the Revised Code that authorizes the purchase of each type of service credit for which payment may be made by payroll deduction;

(2) The procedure for informing the member's employer and the system that the member wishes to use payroll deduction to purchase service credit or pay for participation in programs established under section 3309.691 of the Revised Code;

(3) The procedure to be followed by the system and employers to determine for each request the amount to be deducted, the number of deductions to be made, and the interval at which deductions will be made. The rules may provide for a minimum amount for each deduction or a maximum number of deductions for the purchase of any type of service credit.

(4) The procedure to be followed by employers in transmitting amounts deducted from the compensation of their employees to the system;

(5) The procedure to be followed by the system in crediting service credit to members who choose to purchase it through payroll deduction.

(C) If the board establishes a payroll deduction plan under this section, it shall certify to the member's employer, for each member for whom deductions are to be made, the amount of each deduction and the payrolls from which deductions are to be made. The employer shall make the deductions as certified and transmit the amounts deducted in accordance with the rules established by the board under this section.

(D) Rules adopted under this section shall not affect any right to purchase service credit conferred by any other section of the Revised Code, including the right of a member under any such section to purchase only part of the service credit the member is eligible to purchase.

(E) No payroll deduction made pursuant to this section may exceed the amount of a member's net compensation after all other deductions and withholdings required by law.

Section 3309.28 | Statement to be filed by employee member.

Not later than thirty days after an employee begins employment, the employer shall file with the school employees retirement system a detailed statement of the employee's personal information and such other information as the school employees retirement board requires for the proper operation of the school employees retirement system.

Section 3309.29 | Verifying termination of active service.

To the extent to which it is used in determining the liability of any fund created by section 3309.60 of the Revised Code, the school employees retirement board shall verify the statement required by section 3309.28 of the Revised Code by the best evidence it can obtain. If official records are not available as to the length of service, compensation, or other information required, the board may use its discretion as to the evidence to be accepted.

Section 3309.30 | Service credit.

For service subsequent to June 30, 1955, the retirement board shall credit a year of service credit to any member employed on a full-time basis for nine or more months of service within a year. For contributing and prior service before July 1, 1955 only eight or more months of service on a full-time basis within a year will be necessary for a year of service credit. Effective July 1, 1977, full-time service is defined as one hundred twenty or more days of school service during the school year. If less than one hundred twenty days, such service shall be prorated on the basis of one hundred eighty days. The board shall adopt rules as necessary to carry out the intent of this section. The board shall credit not more than one year for all service rendered in any year.

Section 3309.301 | Purchase of service credit for period of self-exemption.

(A) As used in this section, "paying system" and "transferring system" have the same meanings as in section 3309.35 of the Revised Code.

(B)(1) Except as provided in division (B)(2) of this section, a member of the school employees retirement system with at least eighteen months of contributing service in the system, the public employees retirement system, or the state teachers retirement system who exempted self from membership in one or more of the systems pursuant to section 145.03 or 3309.23 of the Revised Code, or former section 3307.25 or 3309.25 of the Revised Code, or was exempt under section 3307.24 of the Revised Code, may purchase credit for each year or portion of a year of service for which the member was exempted.

(2) A member may not purchase credit under this section for service that was exempted from contribution under section 3309.23 of the Revised Code and subject to the tax on wages imposed by the "Federal Insurance Contributions Act," 68A Stat. 415 (1954), 26 U.S.C.A. 3101, as amended.

(C) Upon receipt of a request from a member eligible to purchase credit under this section and certification of the member's service and compensation from the employer for which the exempt service was performed, the school employees retirement system shall determine the amount of credit the member is eligible to purchase in accordance with divisions (C)(1) and (2) of this section.

(1) If the credit to be purchased is for service exempted under section 3309.23 or former section 3309.25 of the Revised Code, determine the amount of credit that would have been earned had the service not been exempt.

(2) If the credit to be purchased is for service exempted under section 145.03 or 3307.24, or former section 3307.25 of the Revised Code, request certification from the applicable retirement system that the service was exempt and the amount of service credit that would have been earned had the service not been exempt.

(D) For each year or portion of a year of credit purchased under this section, a member shall pay to the retirement system an amount determined by multiplying the member's compensation for the twelve months of contributing service preceding the month in which the member applies to purchase the credit by a percentage rate established by rule of the school employees retirement board adopted under division (H) of this section.

(E) Subject to board rules, a member may purchase all or part of the credit the member is eligible to purchase under this section in one or more payments. If the member purchases the credit in more than one payment, compound interest at a rate specified by rule of the board shall be charged on the balance remaining after the first payment is made.

(F) Credit purchasable under this section shall not exceed one year of service for any twelve-month period. If the period of service for which credit is purchasable under this section is concurrent with a period of service that will be used to calculate a retirement benefit from this system, the public employees retirement system, or the state teachers retirement system, the amount of the credit shall be adjusted in accordance with rules adopted by the school employees retirement board.

A member who is also a member of the public employees retirement system or the state teachers retirement system shall purchase credit for any service for which the member exempted self under section 145.03 or 3309.23 of the Revised Code, or former section 3307.25 or 3309.25 of the Revised Code, or was exempt under section 3307.24 of the Revised Code, from the retirement system in which the member has the greatest number of years of service credit. If the member receives benefits under section 3309.35 of the Revised Code, the state retirement system that is the paying system under that section shall receive from the system or systems that are the transferring systems the amounts paid by the member for purchase of credit for exempt service plus interest at the actuarial assumption rate of the transferring system. The interest shall be for the period beginning on the date of the member's last payment for purchase of the credit and ending on the date of the member's retirement.

(G) If a member dies or withdraws from service, any payment made by the member under this section shall be considered as accumulated contributions of the member.

(H) The retirement board shall adopt rules to implement this section.

Section 3309.31 | Credit for prior service - comparable public position.

Service credit purchased under this section shall be included in the member's total service credit. Credit may be purchased for the following:

(A) School service in a public or private school, college, or university of this or another state, and for school service in any school or entity operated by or for the United States government. Credit purchased under this section for school service shall be limited to service rendered in schools, colleges, or universities chartered or accredited by the appropriate governmental agency.

(B) Public service with another state or the United States government, provided that such credit shall be limited to service that would have been covered by the state teachers retirement system, the Ohio police and fire pension fund, the state highway patrol retirement system, or the public employees retirement system if served in a comparable public position in this state.

(C) Service for which contributions were made by the member or on the member's behalf to a municipal retirement system in this state, except that if the conditions specified in section 3309.74 of the Revised Code are met, service credit for this service shall be purchased only in accordance with section 3309.75 of the Revised Code.

The number of years of service purchased under this section shall not exceed the lesser of five years or the member's total accumulated number of years of Ohio service.

For each year of service purchased under this section, a member shall pay to the school employees retirement system for credit to the member's accumulated account an amount equal to the member's retirement contribution for full-time employment for the first year of Ohio service following termination of the service to be purchased. To this amount shall be added an amount equal to compound interest at a rate established by the school employees retirement board from the date of membership in the school employees retirement system to date of payment. A member may choose to purchase only part of such credit in any one payment, subject to board rules.

A member is ineligible to purchase under this section service that is used in the calculation of any retirement benefit currently being paid or payable in the future to the member under any other retirement program, except social security. At the time the credit is purchased, the member shall certify on a form furnished by the retirement board that the member does and will conform to this requirement.

(D) Credit purchased under this section may be combined pursuant to section 3309.35 of the Revised Code with credit purchased under sections 145.293 and 3307.74 of the Revised Code, except that not more than an aggregate total of five years' service credit purchased under this section and sections 145.293 and 3307.74 of the Revised Code shall be used in determining retirement eligibility or calculating benefits under section 3309.35 of the Revised Code.

(E) The retirement board shall establish a policy to determine eligibility to purchase credit under this section, and its decision shall be final.

Section 3309.311 | Purchasing credit for service as school board member.

As used in this section, "school board member" means a member of a city, local, exempted village, or joint vocational school district board of education and a "governing board member" means a member of an educational service center governing board.

(A) A member of the school employees retirement system who does both of the following may purchase credit for service as a school board or governing board member if the member is eligible to retire under this chapter or will become eligible to retire as a result of purchasing the credit:

(1) Agrees to retire within ninety days after receiving notice of the additional liability under division (C) of this section;

(2) Provides evidence satisfactory to the retirement board of service as a school board or governing board member during the years for which the member wishes to purchase credit.

(B) Credit may be purchased under division (A) of this section for service as a school board or governing board member between September 1, 1937, and June 30, 1991. A member is eligible to purchase one-quarter of a year's credit for each year of service as a school board or governing board member.

(C) On receipt of a request from a member eligible to purchase credit under this section, the system shall obtain from its actuary a certification of the additional liability to the system for each quarter year of credit the member is eligible to purchase. Any portion of the credit a member is eligible to purchase may be purchased in quarter-year increments. For each quarter year of credit purchased, the member shall pay to the system an amount equal to the additional liability to the system resulting from the purchase. Payment shall be made in full at the time of purchase.

(D) The school employees retirement board shall adopt rules in accordance with section 111.15 of the Revised Code concerning the purchase of credit under this section. In addition to any other matters considered relevant by the retirement board, the rules shall specify the procedure to be followed by a member to inform the system of a desire to purchase credit for service as a school board or governing board member.

(E) If the member does not retire within ninety days after purchasing credit under this section, the system shall withdraw the credit and refund the amount paid by the member.

Section 3309.312 | University of Akron law enforcement officers electing transfer to public employees retirement system.

(A) Not later than ninety days after September 16, 1998, a member who, on September 16, 1998, is employed full time pursuant to section 3345.04 of the Revised Code by the university of Akron as a state university law enforcement officer may elect to transfer to the public employees retirement system in accordance with this section. An election shall be made by giving notice to the school employees retirement system on a form provided by the school employees retirement board and shall be irrevocable.

(B) When a member makes the election described in this section, the school employees retirement system shall notify the public employees retirement system. The school employees retirement system shall transfer all of the member's service credit to the public employees retirement system and shall certify to the public employees retirement system a copy of the member's records of service and contributions. For each year or portion of a year of credit, the school employees retirement system shall transfer to the public employees retirement system all of the following:

(1) An amount equal to the accumulated contributions standing to the member's credit;

(2) An amount equal to the total employer contributions paid on behalf of the member;

(3) Any amount paid by the member or employer to the school employees retirement system for the purchase of service credit.

At the request of the public employees retirement system, the employer of a member who makes an election under this section shall certify to the public employees retirement system the member's salary.

(C) A member who elects to transfer to the public employees retirement system under this section shall make contributions and receive benefits in accordance with section 145.332 of the Revised Code.

(D) A member who fails to make an election in accordance with this section shall remain a member of the school employees retirement system.

Last updated February 17, 2022 at 2:50 PM

Section 3309.32 | Prior service credit.

Any employee who becomes a member and establishes one year of contributing service credit shall be granted prior service credit unless the employee is otherwise required to establish additional contributing service credit under the provisions of this chapter. Provided, however, that any employee who became a contributing member prior to September 1, 1938, shall be granted prior service credit as of the date of establishing contributing membership.

Section 3309.33 | Retirement incentive plan.

(A) An employer may establish a retirement incentive plan for its employees who are members of the school employees retirement system. The plan shall provide for purchase by the employer of service credit for eligible employees who choose to participate in the plan and for payment by the employer of the entire cost of such service credit. A plan established under this section shall remain in effect until terminated by the employer, except that, once established, the plan must remain in effect for at least one year.

(B) An employee who is a member of the school employees retirement system shall be eligible to participate in a retirement incentive plan established by the employer if the employee has attained fifty-seven years of age and agrees to retire and retires under section 3309.36 of the Revised Code effective within ninety days after receiving notice from the school employees retirement system that service credit has been purchased for the employee under this section.

(C) Participation in the plan shall be available to all eligible employees except that the employer may limit the number of persons for whom it purchases credit in any calendar year to a specified percentage of its employees who are members of the school employees retirement system on the first day of January of that year. The percentage shall not be less than five per cent of such employees. If participation is limited, employees with a greater length of service with the employer have the right to elect to have credit purchased before employees with a lesser length of service with the employer.

(D) The amount of service credit purchased for any participant shall be uniformly determined but shall not exceed the lesser of the following:

(1) Five years of service credit;

(2) An amount of service credit equal to one-fifth of the total service credited to the participant under Chapter 3309. of the Revised Code.

For each year of service credit purchased under this section, the employer shall pay an amount specified by the school employees retirement board equal to the additional liability resulting from the purchase of that year of service credit as determined by an actuary employed by the board. Payments shall be made in accordance with rules adopted by the board, and the board shall notify each member when the member is credited with service purchased under this section.

No payment made to the school employees retirement system under this section shall affect any payment required by section 3309.49 of the Revised Code.

Section 3309.34 | Eligibility for service retirement.

(A)(1)(a) A member of the school employees retirement system is eligible for service retirement before August 1, 2017, if the member:

(i) Has at least five years of total service credit and has attained sixty years of age;

(ii) Has at least thirty years of total service credit at any age;

(iii) Has at least twenty-five years of total service credit and has attained fifty-five years of age.

(b) A member who has at least twenty-five years of total service credit on or before August 1, 2017, is eligible for retirement under division (A)(1)(a)(ii) or (iii) of this section.

(c) A member is eligible for retirement under division (A)(1)(a) of this section if as of August 1, 2017, the member will have less than twenty-five years of total service credit but, not later than that date, pays to the retirement system an amount equal to the additional liability to the system resulting from the member's retirement under this division.

(2)(a) Except as provided in division (A)(1)(c) of this section, a member who on August 1, 2017, has less than twenty-five years of total service credit is eligible for service retirement under this division if the member:

(i) Has earned at least ten years of total service credit and has attained sixty-two years of age;

(ii) Has earned at least twenty-five years of total service credit and has attained sixty years of age;

(iii) Has earned at least thirty years of total service credit and has attained fifty-seven years of age.

(b) The board, by rule adopted under division (D) of this section, may adjust the retirement eligibility requirements of division (A)(2)(a) of this section if the board's actuary, in its evaluation under division (C) of this section, determines that an adjustment is necessary to ensure that the retirement system meets the thirty-year amortization period requirement of section 3309.211 of the Revised Code.

(B) A member may retire by filing an application for retirement with the school employees retirement board on a form provided by the board. The board shall not retire the member sooner than the first day of the month next following the later of:

(1) The last day of employment for which compensation was paid;

(2) The attainment of minimum age and service credit eligibility for service or commuted service retirement.

(C) In each five-year period, the board shall direct its actuary to evaluate the retirement eligibility requirements of this section.

(D) The board, in consultation with its actuary, shall adopt rules to implement this section.

Section 3309.341 | Employment of retirant.

(A) As used in this section and section 3309.344 of the Revised Code:

(1) "SERS retirant" means any person who is receiving a retirement allowance from the school employees retirement system under section 3309.36 or 3309.381 or former section 3309.38 of the Revised Code or any benefit paid under a plan established under section 3309.81 of the Revised Code.

(2) "Other system retirant" means a member or former member of the public employees retirement system, Ohio police and fire pension fund, state teachers retirement system, state highway patrol retirement system, or Cincinnati retirement system who is receiving age and service or commuted age and service retirement, or a disability benefit from a system of which the retirant is a member or former member.

(B)(1) Subject to this section and section 3309.345 of the Revised Code, an SERS retirant or other system retirant may be employed by a public employer. If so employed, the SERS retirant or other system retirant shall contribute to the school employees retirement system in accordance with section 3309.47 of the Revised Code, and the employer shall make contributions in accordance with section 3309.49 of the Revised Code.

(2) An employer that employs an SERS retirant or other system retirant shall notify the retirement board of the employment not later than the end of the month in which the employment commences. On receipt of notice from an employer that a person who is an other system retirant has been employed, the school employees retirement system shall notify the state retirement system of which the other system retirant was a member of such employment.

(C) An SERS retirant or other system retirant who has received a retirement allowance or disability benefit for less than two months when employment subject to this section commences shall forfeit the retirement allowance or disability benefit for any month the SERS retirant or other system retirant is employed prior to the expiration of the two-month period. Service and contributions for that period shall not be included in the calculation of any benefits payable to the SERS retirant or other system retirant, and those contributions shall be refunded on death or termination of the employment. Contributions made on compensation earned after the expiration of such period shall be used in the calculation of the benefit or payment due under section 3309.344 of the Revised Code.

(D) On receipt of notice from the Ohio police and fire pension fund, public employees retirement system, or state teachers retirement system of the re-employment of an SERS retirant, the school employees retirement system shall not pay, or if paid shall recover, the amount to be forfeited by the SERS retirant in accordance with section 145.38, 742.26, or 3307.35 of the Revised Code.

(E) An SERS retirant or other system retirant subject to this section is not a member of the school employees retirement system; does not have any of the rights, privileges, or obligations of membership, except as specified in this section; and is not eligible to receive health, medical, hospital, or surgical benefits under section 3309.69 of the Revised Code for employment subject to this section.

(F) If the disability benefit of an other system retirant employed under this section is terminated, the retirant shall become a member of the school employees retirement system, effective on the first day of the month next following the termination, with all the rights, privileges, and obligations of membership. If the retirant, after the termination of the disability benefit, earns two years of service credit under this retirement system or under the public employees retirement system, Ohio police and fire pension fund, state teachers retirement system, or state highway patrol retirement system, the retirant's prior contributions as an other system retirant under this section shall be included in the retirant's total service credit as a school employees retirement system member, and the retirant shall forfeit all rights and benefits of this section. Not more than one year of credit may be given for any period of twelve months.

(G) This section does not affect the receipt of benefits by or eligibility for benefits of any person who on August 29, 1976, was receiving a disability benefit or service retirement pension or allowance from a state or municipal retirement system in Ohio and was a member of any other state or municipal retirement system of this state.

(H) The school employees retirement board may adopt rules to carry out this section.

Section 3309.343 | Continuing contributions to state system after retirement.

(A) As used in this section:

(1) In addition to the meaning in section 3309.01 of the Revised Code, when appropriate "compensation" has the same meaning as in section 3307.01 of the Revised Code.

(2) "Earnable salary" has the same meaning as in section 145.01 of the Revised Code.

(3) "SERS position" means a position for which a member of the school employees retirement system is making contributions to the system.

(4) "Other state retirement system" means the public employees retirement system or the state teachers retirement system.

(5) "State retirement system" means the public employees retirement system, state teachers retirement system, or the school employees retirement system.

(B)(1) A member of the school employees retirement system who holds two or more SERS positions may retire under section 3309.35, 3309.36, or 3309.46 of the Revised Code from the position for which the annual compensation at the time of retirement is highest and continue to contribute to the retirement system for the other SERS position or positions.

(2) A member of the school employees retirement system who also holds one or more other positions covered by the other state retirement systems may retire under section 3309.35, 3309.36, or 3309.46 of the Revised Code from the SERS position and continue contributing to the other state retirement systems if the annual compensation for the SERS position at the time of retirement is greater than annual compensation or earnable salary for the position, or any of the positions, covered by the other state retirement systems.

(3) A member of the school employees retirement system who holds two or more SERS positions and at least one other position covered by one of the other state retirement systems may retire under section 3309.35, 3309.36, or 3309.46 of the Revised Code from one of the SERS positions and continue contributing to the school employees retirement system and the other state retirement system if the annual compensation for the SERS position from which the member is retiring is, at the time of retirement, greater than the annual compensation or earnable salary for any of the positions for which the member is continuing to make contributions.

(4) A member of the school employees retirement system who has retired as provided in division (B)(2) or (3) of section 145.383 or division (B)(2) or (3) of section 3307.351 of the Revised Code may continue to contribute to the school employees retirement system for an SERS position if the member held the position at the time of retirement from the other state retirement system.

(5) A member who contributes to the school employees retirement system in accordance with division (B)(1), (3), or (4) of this section shall contribute in accordance with section 3309.47 of the Revised Code. The member's employer shall contribute as provided in section 3309.49 of the Revised Code. Neither the member nor the member's survivors are eligible for any benefits based on those contributions other than those provided under section 145.384, 3307.352, or 3309.344 of the Revised Code.

(C)(1) In determining retirement eligibility and the annual retirement allowance of a member who retires as provided in division (B)(1), (2), or (3) of this section, the following shall be used to the date of retirement:

(a) The member's earnable salary and compensation for all positions covered by a state retirement system;

(b) Total service credit in any state retirement system, except that the credit shall not exceed one year of credit for any period of twelve months;

(c) The member's accumulated contributions.

(2) A member who retires as provided in division (B)(1), (2), or (3) of this section is a retirant for all purposes of this chapter, except that the member is not subject to section 3309.341 of the Revised Code for a position or positions for which contributions continue under those divisions or division (B)(4) of this section.

(D) A retired member receiving a benefit under section 3309.344 of the Revised Code based on employment subject to this section is not a member of the school employees retirement system and does not have any rights, privileges, or obligations of membership. The retired member is an SERS retirant for purposes of section 3309.341 of the Revised Code.

(E) The school employees retirement board may adopt rules to carry out this section.

Section 3309.344 | Retirant may apply for monthly annuity or lump sum payment.

For purposes of this section, "SERS retirant" includes a member who retired under section 3309.343 of the Revised Code.

(A) Except as provided in division (B)(3) of this section, an SERS retirant or other system retirant who has made contributions under section 3309.341 or 3309.343 of the Revised Code may file an application with the school employees retirement system for a benefit consisting of a single life annuity. The annuity shall have a reserve equal to the amount of the retirant's accumulated contributions for the period of employment, other than the contributions excluded pursuant to division (C) of section 3309.341 of the Revised Code, and an amount of the employer's contributions determined by the board, plus interest credited to the date of retirement at a rate determined by the board. The SERS retirant or other system retirant shall elect either to receive the benefit as a monthly annuity for life or a lump sum payment discounted to the present value using a rate of interest determined by the board, except that if the monthly annuity would be less than twenty-five dollars per month, the retirant shall receive a lump sum payment.

A benefit payable under this division shall commence on the first day of the month after the latest of the following:

(1) The last day for which compensation for all employment subject to sections 3309.341 and 3309.343 of the Revised Code was paid;

(2) Attainment by the SERS retirant or other system retirant of age sixty-five;

(3) If the SERS retirant or other system retirant was previously employed under section 3309.341 or 3309.343 of the Revised Code and is receiving or previously received a benefit under this division, completion of a period of twelve months since the effective date of that benefit.

(B)(1) An SERS or other system retirant under age sixty-five who has made contributions under section 3309.341 or 3309.343 of the Revised Code may file an application with the school employees retirement system for a return of those contributions if both of the following conditions are met:

(a) The retirant has terminated, for any reason other than death, the employment for which the contributions were made.

(b) If the retirant received a return of contributions under this division for a previous period of employment under section 3309.341 or 3309.343 of the Revised Code, twelve months have passed since the date the retirement system returned the contributions.

(2) A return of contributions under this division shall consist of all of the contributions the SERS or other system retirant made under section 3309.341 or 3309.343 of the Revised Code.

(3) Payment of a return of contributions under this division cancels the SERS or other system retirant's right to a benefit under division (A) of this section for the service for which the contributions were made.

(C)(1) If an SERS retirant or other system retirant who made contributions under section 3309.341 or 3309.343 of the Revised Code dies before receiving a benefit under division (A) of this section or a return of contributions under division (B) of this section, a lump sum payment shall be paid to the beneficiary under division (D) of this section. The lump sum shall be calculated in accordance with division (A) of this section.

(2) If at the time of death an SERS retirant or other system retirant receiving a monthly annuity under division (A) of this section has received less than the retirant would have received as a lump sum payment, the difference between the amount received and the amount that would have been received as a lump sum payment shall be paid to the retirant's beneficiary under division (D) of this section.

(D) An SERS retirant or other system retirant employed under section 3309.341 or 3309.343 of the Revised Code may designate one or more persons as beneficiary to receive any benefits payable under this section due to death. The designation shall be in writing duly executed on a form provided by the school employees retirement board, signed by the SERS retirant or other system retirant, and filed with the board prior to death. The last designation of a beneficiary revokes all previous designations. The SERS retirant's or other system retirant's marriage, divorce, marriage dissolution, legal separation, withdrawal of account, birth of the retirant's child, or adoption of a child revokes all previous designations. If there is no designated beneficiary, the beneficiary is the beneficiary designated under division (D) of section 3309.44 of the Revised Code. If any benefit payable under this section due to the death of an SERS retirant or other system retirant is not claimed by a beneficiary within five years after the death, the amount payable shall be transferred to the guarantee fund and thereafter paid to the beneficiary or the estate of the SERS retirant or other system retirant on application to the board.

(E) No amount received under this section shall be included in determining an additional benefit under section 3309.374 of the Revised Code or any other post-retirement benefit increases.

Section 3309.345 | Reemployed superannuate or rehire in position filled by vote of members of board or commission.

(A) This section applies in the case of a person who is or most recently has been employed by an employer in a position that is customarily filled by a vote of members of a board or commission.

(B) Except as otherwise provided in this section, a board or commission that proposes to continue the employment as a reemployed retirant or rehire as a reemployed retirant to the same position an individual described in division (A) of this section shall do both of the following in accordance with rules adopted under division (E) of this section:

(1) Not less than sixty days before the employment as a reemployed retirant is to begin, give public notice that the person is or will be retired and is seeking employment with the employer;

(2) Between fifteen and thirty days before the employment as a reemployed retirant is to begin, hold a public meeting on the issue of the person being employed by the employer.

The notice regarding division (B)(1) of this section shall include the time, date, and location at which the public meeting is to take place.

(C) A board or commission that proposes to continue a person's employment or rehire the person as a reemployed retirant to a position that the board or commission has urgent reasons to fill in an expedited manner shall give thirty days notice under division (B)(1) of this section. The board or commission shall include an explanation in the notice of the urgent reasons requiring the position to be filled in an expedited manner.

(D) A board or commission is not required to give notice under division (B)(1) of this section if the person has been retired for at least one year before the person's employment as a reemployed retirant is to begin.

(E) The school employees retirement board shall adopt rules as necessary to implement this section.

Last updated August 15, 2024 at 4:41 PM

Section 3309.35 | Coordinating and integrating membership in state retirement systems.

(A) As used in this section:

(1) "State retirement system" means the public employees retirement system, state teachers retirement system, or school employees retirement system.

(2) "Total service credit" means all service credit earned in all state retirement systems, except credit for service subject to section 3309.341 of the Revised Code. Total service credit shall not exceed one year of credit for any twelve-month period.

(3) In addition to the meaning given in division (O) of section 3309.01 of the Revised Code, "disability benefit" means "disability benefit" as defined in sections 145.01 and 3307.01 of the Revised Code.

(4) "Paying system" means the state retirement system in which the member has the greatest service credit, without adjustment or, if a member who has equal service credit in two or more retirement systems, the retirement system in which the member has the greatest total contributions.

(5) "Transferring system" means the state retirement system transferring a member's contributions and service credit in that system to the paying system.

(6) "Retention percentage" means five per cent, or a percentage determined under division (E) of this section, of a member's earnable salary in the case of a member of the public employees retirement system or five per cent, or a percentage determined under division (E) of this section, of a member's compensation in the case of a member of the state teachers retirement system or school employees retirement system.

(B) To coordinate and integrate membership in the state retirement systems, at the option of a member, total contributions and service credit in all state retirement systems, including amounts paid to restore service credit under sections 145.311, 3307.711, and 3309.261 of the Revised Code, shall be used in determining the eligibility and total retirement or disability benefit payable. When total contributions and service credit are so combined, the following provisions apply:

(1) Service and commuted service retirement or a disability benefit is effective no sooner than the first day of the month next following the last day of employment for which compensation was paid. If the application is filed after that date, the board may retire the member on the first day of the month next following the last day of employment for which compensation was paid.

(2) The board of the paying system shall do both of the following:

(a) Determine a member's eligibility for a retirement or disability benefit;

(b) Calculate and pay the member's retirement or disability benefit.

(3)(a) Each transferring system in which the member has service credit shall certify to the paying system all of the following:

(i) The service credit earned by the member in the transferring system;

(ii) The beginning and ending dates of the service credit period covered by the transferring system;

(iii) Any breaks in service by the member, excluding school breaks;

(iv) If available, a statement listing the member's monthly contributions and service credit earned, obtained, or purchased in the transferring system.

(b) The certification under division (B)(3)(a) of this section may be reviewed by both the transferring system and paying system.

(4) In determining the total credit to be used in calculating a retirement allowance or disability benefit, credit shall not be reduced below that certified by the system or systems transferring credit, except as follows:

(a) Not more than one year of credit may be certified by the transferring system for any one "year" as defined in the law of the transferring system.

(b) The paying system may reduce any credit certified by the transferring system that is concurrent with any period of service credit the member earned from the paying system.

(c) The paying system may reduce any credit certified by the transferring system if the amount certified, when added to the paying system's service credit for any one "year" as defined in the law of the paying system, exceeds one year.

(5)(a) The paying system shall receive from the transferring system or systems all of the following for each year of service:

(i) The amount contributed by the member, or, in the case of service credit purchased by the member, paid by the member, that is attributable to the year of service;

(ii) An amount equal to the lesser of the employer's contributions made on behalf of the member to the transferring system for that year of service less the retention percentage or the amount that would have been contributed by the employer for the service had the member been a member of the school employees retirement system at the time the credit was earned less the retention percentage;

(iii) If applicable, an amount equal to the amount paid on behalf of the member by an employer under section 145.483 of the Revised Code;

(iv) Interest compounded annually on the amounts specified in divisions (B)(5)(a)(i), (ii), and (iii) of this section at the lesser of the actuarial assumption rate for that year of the paying system or the transferring system or systems.

(b) The annuity rates and mortality tables of the paying system shall be exclusively applicable.

(c) Deposits made for the purchase of an additional annuity, and including guaranteed interest, upon the request of the member, shall be transferred to the paying system. The return upon such deposits shall be that offered by the paying system.

(C) A former member receiving a retirement or disability benefit under this section, who accepts employment amenable to coverage in any state retirement system that participated in the member's combined benefit, shall be subject to the applicable provisions of law governing such re-employment. If a former member should be paid any amount in a retirement allowance, to which the former member is not entitled under the applicable provisions of law governing such re-employment, such amount shall be recovered by the paying system by utilizing any recovery procedure available under the paying system's re-employment provisions.

(D) An SERS retirant or other system retirant, as defined in section 3309.341 of the Revised Code, is not eligible to receive any benefit under this section for service subject to section 3309.341 of the Revised Code.

(E) The retention percentage used in the calculation under division (B)(5)(a)(ii) of this section shall be reviewed by the state retirement systems not less than once every five years beginning after the effective date of this amendment or on request of any of the systems. If the retirement systems agree, the retention percentage may be changed if any of the system's employer contribution rate increases or decreases or the systems agree that a change is in the interest of one or more of the systems.

Section 3309.353 | Increase in benefits established prior to 2/1/1983.

As used in this section, "benefit" means any allowance, pension, or other benefit to which an individual is entitled and that the individual receives pursuant to section 3309.36, 3309.40, 3309.45, or 3309.46 or former section 3309.38 of the Revised Code.

The annual amount of each benefit for which eligibility was established prior to February 1, 1983, shall, after the adjustment required by section 3309.374 of the Revised Code, be increased by five per cent.

Last updated February 17, 2022 at 2:52 PM

Section 3309.354 | Increase in benefits where eligibility established prior to 9-9-88.

As used in this section, "benefit" means any allowance, pension, or other benefit to which an individual is entitled and that he receives pursuant to section 3309.35, 3309.36, 3309.40, 3309.45, or 3309.46 or former section 3309.38 of the Revised Code.

Effective the first day of the month following September 9, 1988, the annual amount of benefits shall be increased as follows:

(A) The annual amount of each benefit for which eligibility was established prior to February 1, 1983, shall, after all adjustments required by this chapter, be increased by two per cent;

(B) The annual amount of each benefit for which eligibility was established on or after February 1, 1983, but prior to September 9, 1988, shall, after all adjustments required by this chapter, be increased by five per cent.

Section 3309.36 | Allowances for service retirement.

(A) A member of the school employees retirement system who retires on service retirement shall be granted a retirement allowance consisting of the lesser of the sum of the following amounts or the limit established by section 415 of the "Internal Revenue Code of 1986," 100 Stat. 2085, 26 U.S.C. 415, as amended:

(1) An annuity having a reserve equal to the amount of the employee's accumulated contributions at that time;

(2) A pension of equivalent amount;

(3) For members who have ten or more years of service credit accumulated prior to October 1, 1956, a basic annual pension equal to one hundred eighty dollars, except that such basic annual pension shall not exceed the sum of the total annual benefits provided by divisions (A)(1) and (2) of this section.

(B)(1)(a) When a member retires on service retirement under division (A)(1) of section 3309.34 of the Revised Code, the member's allowance when computed as an annual single lifetime allowance as provided in division (A) of this section, based upon attained age sixty-five or thirty years of total service credit, shall be not less than the greater of the amounts determined by multiplying the member's total service credit by the following:

(i) Eighty-six dollars;

(ii) Two and two-tenths per cent of the member's final average salary for each of the first thirty years of service credit or fraction thereof plus two and one-half per cent of the member's final average salary for each subsequent year of service credit or fraction thereof.

(b) When a member retires on service retirement under division (A)(2) of section 3309.34 of the Revised Code, the member's allowance when computed as an annual single lifetime allowance as provided in division (A) of this section, based on attained age sixty-seven or thirty years of total service credit, shall be not less than the greater of the amounts determined by multiplying the member's total service credit by the following:

(i) Eighty-six dollars;

(ii) Two and two-tenths per cent of the member's final average salary for each of the first thirty years of service credit or fraction thereof plus two and one-half per cent of the member's final average salary for each subsequent year of service credit or fraction thereof.

(2) For a member who retires under division (A)(1) of section 3309.34 of the Revised Code, the annual single lifetime allowance determined under division (B)(1)(a) of this section shall be adjusted by the greater percentage shown in the following schedule opposite the member's attained age or years of Ohio service credit:

AttainedorYears of Ohio Service CreditPer Cent of Base Amount
58 2575%
59 2680
60 2785
61 88
62 91
63 94
64 97
65 30 or more100

For a member who retires under division (A)(1) of section 3309.34 of the Revised Code, the right to a benefit shall vest in accordance with the following schedule, based on the member's attained age by September 1, 1976:

Attained AgePer Cent of Base Amount
70 or more110

(3) For a member who retires under division (A)(2) of section 3309.34 of the Revised Code, the annual single lifetime allowance determined under division (B)(1)(b) of this section shall be adjusted to be the actuarial equivalent of the member's retirement allowance, as determined by the retirement board's actuary, had the member retired at age sixty-seven or with thirty years of service credit, except that the retirement allowance shall not be less than the following:

Years of Service CreditPer Cent of Base Amount

(4) The annual single lifetime allowance which a retirant shall receive under this division shall not exceed the lesser of one hundred per cent of the member's final average salary or the limit established by section 415 of the "Internal Revenue Code of 1986," 100 Stat. 2085, 26 U.S.C.A. 415, as amended.

(C) Retirement allowances determined under this section shall be paid as provided in section 3309.46 of the Revised Code.

(D) At least once every five years, the school employees retirement board shall direct its actuary to evaluate the actuarial equivalents in division (B)(3) of this section to determine their appropriateness. The board may adjust the actuarial equivalents in accordance with the actuary's recommendations.

Section 3309.361 | Annual lifetime benefit.

On and after the effective date of this section, the allowances of retirants receiving benefits based on an award from the school employees retirement system made on or after June 30, 1955, and before 1971, shall have the benefit recalculated by the school employees retirement system so that each such person shall receive an annual single lifetime benefit or its actuarial equivalent of not less than eighty-six dollars for each year of the member's total service credit, multiplied by the total number of years of service credit, except that service credit exceeding thirty-two years shall not be used in the recalculation, and a final average salary limitation shall not be applied.

If the amount of the benefit recalculated under this section is less than the amount that is payable before the effective date of this section, then the greater benefit shall be continued.

Section 3309.362 | Increase in annual amount of benefit effective 7-1-81.

As used in this section, "benefit" means any allowance, pension, or other benefit to which an individual is entitled and that the individual receives under section 3309.35, 3309.36, 3309.40, 3309.45, or 3309.46 or former section 3309.38 of the Revised Code.

Effective July 1, 1981:

(A) The annual amount of each benefit for which eligibility was established prior to January 1, 1977, shall, after the adjustment required by section 3309.374 of the Revised Code, be increased by six per cent or six hundred dollars, whichever is less.

(B) The annual amount of each benefit for which eligibility was established on or after January 1, 1977, but prior to January 1, 1980, shall, after the adjustment required by section 3309.374 of the Revised Code, be increased by four per cent or four hundred dollars, whichever is less.

Section 3309.363 | Contribution based benefit cap.

(A) As used in this section:

(1) "Retirement allowance" means any of the following as appropriate:

(a) An allowance calculated under section 3309.36 of the Revised Code before any reduction for early retirement or election under section 3309.46 of the Revised Code of a plan of payment;

(b) An allowance calculated under division (A) of section 3309.45 of the Revised Code;

(c) An allowance calculated under division (B)(1)(a) of section 3309.381 of the Revised Code.

(2) "CBBC" means the contribution based benefit cap, which is a limit established by the school employees retirement board on the retirement allowance a member may receive.

(B) Based on the advice of an actuary appointed by the board, the board shall designate a number as the CBBC factor. The board may, from time to time, revise the factor pursuant to advice from an actuary appointed by the board.

(C) Beginning on and after August 1, 2024, before paying a retirement allowance, the board shall make all of the following calculations:

(1) Determine an amount equal to the value of the member's accumulated contributions, including any contributions used to fund a disability benefit under section 3309.40 of the Revised Code and a portion of any amounts paid by an employer under section 3309.33 of the Revised Code, as determined by an actuary appointed by the board;

(2) Determine the amount of a single life annuity that is the actuarial equivalent of the amount determined under division (C)(1) of this section, adjusted for the age of the member at the time of retirement or, when appropriate, the age at the time of the member's death;

(3) Multiply the annuity amount determined under division (C)(2) of this section by the CBBC factor.

(D) The amount determined under division (C)(3) of this section is the member's CBBC. Beginning on and after August 1, 2024, if the retirement allowance the member would receive exceeds the member's CBBC, the board shall reduce the retirement allowance to an amount equal to the member's CBBC.

(E) If a member's retirement allowance is reduced under this section, the reduced retirement allowance is the member's single lifetime allowance for purposes of sections 3309.36, 3309.381, and 3309.45 of the Revised Code.

(F) The board may adopt rules to implement this section.

Last updated August 31, 2023 at 3:18 PM

Section 3309.374 | Cost of living increase.

(A) Until December 31, 2017, the school employees retirement board shall annually increase each allowance, pension, or benefit payable under this chapter by three per cent.

(B) Effective January 1, 2018, the retirement board may annually increase each allowance, pension, or benefit payable under this chapter by the percentage increase, if any, in the consumer price index, not to exceed two and one -half per cent, as determined by the United States bureau of labor statistics (U.S. city average for urban wage earners and clerical workers: "all items 1982-84=100") for the twelve-month period ending on the thirtieth day of June of the immediately preceding calendar year. No increase shall be made for a period in which the consumer price index did not increase.

(C) The first increase is payable to all persons becoming eligible after June 30, 1971, upon such persons receiving an allowance, pension, or benefit for twelve months, except that a recipient of an allowance, pension, or benefit that commences on or after January 1, 2018, is eligible for an increase under division (B) of this section on and after the number of anniversaries of the allowance, pension, or benefit determined by the retirement board.

The increased amount is payable for the ensuing twelve-month period or until the next increase is granted under this section, whichever is later. Subsequent increases shall be determined from the date of the first increase paid to the former member in the case of an allowance being paid a beneficiary under an option, or from the date of the first increase to the survivor first receiving an allowance or benefit in the case of an allowance or benefit being paid to the subsequent survivors of the former member.

The date of the first increase under this section becomes the anniversary date for any future increases.

(D) The allowance or benefit used in the first calculation of an increase under this section shall remain as the base for all future increases, unless a new base is established. Any increase resulting from payment of a recalculated benefit under Section 3 of Substitute Senate Bill No. 270 of the 123rd general assembly shall be included in the calculation of future increases under this section.

(E) If payment of a portion of a benefit is made to an alternate payee under section 3309.671 of the Revised Code, increases under this section granted while the order is in effect shall be apportioned between the alternate payee and the retirant or disability benefit recipient in the same proportion that the amount being paid to the alternate payee bears to the amount paid to the retirant or disability benefit recipient.

If payment of a portion of a benefit is made to one or more beneficiaries under "plan F" under division (B)(3)(e) of section 3309.46 of the Revised Code, each increase under this section granted while the plan of payment is in effect shall be divided among the designated beneficiaries in accordance with the portion each beneficiary has been allocated.

(F) No allowance, pension, or benefit payable under this chapter shall exceed the limit established by section 415 of the "Internal Revenue Code of 1986," 100 Stat. 2085, 26 U.S.C. 415, as amended.

(G) Before granting an increase under division (B) of this section, the retirement board may adjust the percentage of any increase if the board's actuary, in its annual actuarial valuation required by section 3309.21 of the Revised Code, or in other evaluations conducted under that section, determines that an adjustment does not materially impair the fiscal integrity of the retirement system or is necessary to preserve the fiscal integrity of the retirement system.

(H) The retirement board shall make all rules necessary to carry out this section.

Section 3309.375 | Benefits equivalent to medicare.

(A) Except as otherwise provided in division (B) of this section, the board of the school employees retirement system shall make available to each retirant or disability benefit recipient receiving a monthly allowance or benefit on or after January 1, 1968, who has attained the age of sixty-five years, and who is not eligible to receive hospital insurance benefits under the federal old age, survivors, and disability insurance program, hospital insurance coverage substantially equivalent to the federal hospital insurance benefits, "Social Security Amendments of 1965," 79 Stat. 291, 42 U.S.C.A. 1395c, as amended. This coverage shall also be made available to the spouse, widow, or widower of such retirant or disability benefit recipient provided such spouse, widow, or widower has attained age sixty-five and is not eligible to receive hospital insurance benefits under the federal old age, survivors, and disability insurance program. The widow or widower of a retirant or disability benefit recipient shall be eligible for such coverage only if he or she is the recipient of a monthly allowance or benefit from this system. Not less than twenty-five per cent of the cost for such coverage shall be paid from the appropriate funds of the school employees retirement system and the remainder by the recipient of the allowance or benefit.

The cost of such coverage, paid from the funds of the system, shall be included in the employer's rate provided by sections 3309.49 and 3309.51 of the Revised Code. The retirement board is authorized to make all necessary rules pursuant to the purpose and intent of this section, and shall contract for such coverage as provided in section 3309.69 of the Revised Code.

Notwithstanding sections 3309.49 and 3309.51 of the Revised Code, the employer's contribution rate shall not be increased until July 1, 1969, or later to reflect the increased costs created by this section.

(B) The board need not make the hospital insurance coverage described in division (A) of this section available to any person for whom it is prohibited by section 3309.69 of the Revised Code from paying or reimbursing the cost of such insurance.

Section 3309.376 | Additional monthly payment as of 12-31-71.

On and after December 31, 1971, all persons who retired and were eligible to receive a pension that was payable prior to July 1, 1968, pursuant to section 3309.36 or 3309.40 or former section 3309.38 of the Revised Code, or in the event of the death of such persons, the person designated by the deceased to receive payments under section 3309.46 of the Revised Code, shall receive an additional monthly payment of two dollars for each year between the member's effective date of retirement or disability and December 31, 1971, or an additional fifty dollars, whichever is less.

Section 3309.377 | Additional monthly payment where member died prior to 7-1-68.

Each person receiving benefits under section 3309.45 of the Revised Code who became eligible to receive such benefits under section 3309.44 of the Revised Code by virtue of the death of a member prior to July 1, 1968, shall receive an additional monthly payment of two dollars for each year between the date of such member's death and December 31, 1972, or an additional fifty dollars, whichever is less.

Section 3309.378 | Additional monthly payment as of 12-19-73.

On and after the effective date of this section, any person who retired or his beneficiary , who was eligible to receive an allowance that was first payable on or after July 1, 1968 and prior to July 1, 1971, and the beneficiary of a member who died before service retirement on or after July 1, 1968 and prior to July 1, 1971, receiving an allowance or benefit pursuant to sections 3309.35, 3309.36, 3309.38, 3309.40, 3309.45, or 3309.46 of the Revised Code, shall receive an additional monthly payment of two dollars for each year between the member's effective date of retirement, disability or death and July 1, 1973.

Section 3309.379 | Recalculating benefits.

(A) On and after the first day of the month following the effective date of this section, each person eligible to receive an allowance, pension, or benefit, pursuant to sections 3309.35, 3309.36, 3309.40, division (A) of section 3309.45, and section 3309.46 and former section 3309.38 of the Revised Code, that was based upon an award made effective before June 30, 1955, shall have the allowance, pension, or benefit payable as of September 30, 1974, recalculated by the school employees retirement board so that each such person shall receive an annual single lifetime allowance, pension, or benefit or its actuarial equivalent of not less than one hundred forty dollars for each year of the member's total service credit, except that service credit exceeding thirty-two years shall not be used in the recalculation, and a final average salary limitation shall not be applied.

If the amount of the allowance, pension, or benefit recalculated under this division is less than the amount that is payable on the effective date of this section, then the greater allowance, pension, or benefit shall be continued.

(B) On and after the first day of the month following the effective date of this section, each person receiving an allowance, pension, or benefit, pursuant to sections 3309.35, 3309.36, 3309.40, division (A) of section 3309.45, and section 3309.46 and former section 3309.38 of the Revised Code, that was first effective on and after June 30, 1955, through June 30, 1971, shall be paid an increased allowance, pension, or benefit as follows:

Effective Date of the Member's Allowance, Pension, or Benefit:Per Cent of Increase:
June 30, 1955 through June 29, 195933
June 30, 1959, through October 31, 196521
November 1, 1965, through June 30, 196814
July 1, 1968, through June 30, 19715

The increase shall be applied to the allowance, pension, or benefit payable on the effective date of this section.

(C) On and after the first day of the month following the effective date of this section, each person receiving or qualified to receive an allowance, pension, or benefit, pursuant to division (B) of section 3309.45 of the Revised Code, that was effective on and after June 14, 1951, through August 26, 1970, shall receive an increase in such allowance, pension, or benefit in the amount of twenty per cent.

Section 3309.3710 | Increase in monthly allowance, pension or benefit effective 7-1-81.

(A) Effective July 1, 1981, each person eligible to receive an allowance, pension, or benefit pursuant to sections 3309.35, 3309.36, 3309.40, division (A) of section 3309.45, and section 3309.46 and former section 3309.38 of the Revised Code that was based upon an award made effective before July 1, 1974, shall have the person's monthly allowance, pension, or benefit increased by five per cent, except that the twelve-month sum of such increases shall not exceed five per cent of the first five thousand dollars of the annual allowance, pension, or benefit.

(B) Effective July 1, 1981, each person receiving or qualified to receive a benefit, pursuant to division (B) of section 3309.45 of the Revised Code, that was effective on and after June 14, 1951, through August 26, 1970, shall receive an increase in such benefit of five per cent.

(C) The increases provided in divisions (A) and (B) of this section shall be applied to the benefit payable on and after July 1, 1981.

(D) The increase in the monthly allowance, pension, or benefit provided in divisions (A) and (B) of this section shall be included in the calculation of additional benefits to recipients under section 3309.374 of the Revised Code.

(E) The benefits provided in divisions (A) and (B) of this section are a continuation of those first provided in Am. Sub. H.B. 204 as passed by the 113th general assembly.

Section 3309.3711 | Increasing pension, benefit, or allowance when limits of 26 USC 415 are raised.

Whenever the limits established by section 415 of the "Internal Revenue Code of 1986," 100 Stat. 2085, 26 U.S.C.A. 415, as amended, are raised, the school employees retirement board shall increase the amount of the pension, benefit, or allowance of any person whose pension, benefit, or allowance payable under section 3309.36, 3309.374, 3309.381, 3309.40, or 3309.401 or former section 3309.38 of the Revised Code was limited by the application of section 415. The amount of the increased pension, benefit, or allowance shall not exceed the lesser of the amount the person would have received if the limits established by section 415 had not been applied or the amount the person is eligible to receive subject to the new limits established by section 415.

Section 3309.3712 | Establishing and maintaining qualified governmental excess benefit arrangement.

The school employees retirement board may establish and maintain a qualified governmental excess benefit arrangement that meets the requirements of division (m) of section 415 of the "Internal Revenue Code of 1986," 100 Stat. 2085, 26 U.S.C.A. 415, as amended, and any regulations adopted thereunder. If established, the arrangement shall be a separate portion of the school employees retirement system and be maintained solely for the purpose of providing to retired members that part of a benefit otherwise payable under this chapter that exceeds the limits established by section 415 of the "Internal Revenue Code of 1986," as amended.

Members participating in an arrangement established under this section shall not be permitted to elect to defer compensation to the arrangement. Contributions to and benefits paid under an arrangement shall not be payable from a trust that is part of the system unless the trust is maintained solely for the purpose of providing such benefits.

The board shall adopt rules to administer an arrangement established under this section.

Section 3309.381 | Disability allowance recipient applying for service retirement.

(A) A recipient of a disability allowance under section 3309.401 of the Revised Code who is subject to division (C)(3) of that section may make application for retirement under this section. Retirement shall be effective on the first day of the first month following the last day for which the disability allowance is paid.

(B) The annual allowance payable under this section shall consist of the sum of the amounts determined under divisions (B)(1) and (2) of this section:

(1) The greater of the following:

(a) An allowance calculated as follows, excluding any period during which the applicant received a disability benefit under section 3309.401 of the Revised Code:

(i) For an applicant who would be eligible to retire under division (A)(1) of section 3309.34 of the Revised Code, the allowance shall be calculated under divisions (B)(1)(a) and (B)(2) of section 3309.36 of the Revised Code;

(ii) For an applicant who would be eligible to retire under division (A)(2) of section 3309.34 of the Revised Code, the allowance shall be calculated under divisions (B)(1)(b) and (B)(3) of section 3309.36 of the Revised Code.

(b) An allowance calculated by multiplying the applicant's total service credit, including service credit for the last continuous period during which the applicant received a disability benefit under section 3309.401 of the Revised Code, by two and two-tenths per cent of the applicant's final average salary, except that the allowance shall not exceed forty-five per cent of the applicant's final average salary.

(2) An amount equal to the additional allowance the recipient would receive under section 3309.374 of the Revised Code, plus any other additional amount the recipient would receive under this chapter, had the recipient retired under section 3309.36 of the Revised Code effective on the effective date of the recipient's most recent continuous period of receipt of a disability benefit under section 3309.401 of the Revised Code.

(C) The allowance calculated under division (B) of this section, exclusive of any amount added under division (B)(2) of this section based on section 3309.374 of the Revised Code, shall be the base for all future additional allowances under section 3309.374 of the Revised Code.

The anniversary date for future additional allowances under section 3309.374 of the Revised Code shall be the effective date of the recipient's most recent continuous period of receipt of a disability benefit under section 3309.401 of the Revised Code.

(D) The retirement allowance determined under this section shall be paid as provided in section 3309.46 of the Revised Code.

Section 3309.39 | Providing disability coverage for on-duty illness or injury.

(A) The school employees retirement system shall provide disability coverage to each member who has at least five years of total service credit.

Not later than October 16, 1992, the school employees retirement board shall give each person who is a member on July 29, 1992, the opportunity to elect disability coverage either under section 3309.40 of the Revised Code or under section 3309.401 of the Revised Code. The board shall mail notice of the election, accompanied by an explanation of the coverage under each of the Revised Code sections and a form on which the election is to be made, to each member at the member's last known address. The board shall also provide the explanation and form to any member at the member's request.

Regardless of whether the member actually receives notice of the right to make an election, a member who fails to file a valid election under this section shall be considered to have elected disability coverage under section 3309.40 of the Revised Code. To be valid, an election must be made on the form provided by the board, signed by the member, and filed with the board not later than one hundred eighty days after the date the notice was mailed, or, in the case of a form provided at the request of a member, a date specified by rule of the board. Once made, an election is irrevocable, but if the member ceases to be a member of the system, the election is void. If a person who makes an election under this section also makes an election under section 145.35 or 3307.62 of the Revised Code, the election made for the system that pays a disability benefit to that person shall govern the benefit.

Disability coverage shall be provided under section 3309.401 of the Revised Code for persons who become members after July 29, 1992, and for members who elect under this division to be covered under section 3309.401 of the Revised Code.

The board may adopt rules governing elections made under this division.

(B)(1) Application for a disability benefit may be made by a member, by a person acting in the member's behalf, or by the member's employer, if the member meets all of the following conditions:

(a) Has at least five years of total service credit;

(b) Has disability coverage under section 3309.40 or 3309.401 of the Revised Code;

(c) Is not receiving a disability benefit under this chapter or Chapter 145., 742., 3305., 3307., or 5505. of the Revised Code, or the Cincinnati retirement system;

(d) Is not applying for the disability benefit based on a disabling condition that the system determines was caused by commission of either of the following:

(i) A felony the member was convicted of, pled guilty to, or was found not guilty of by reason of insanity;

(ii) An act for which the member was adjudicated a delinquent child, that if committed by an adult, would be a felony.

(2) The application for a disability benefit shall be made on a form provided by the board. The benefit payable to any member who is approved for a disability benefit shall become effective on the first day of the month next following the later of the following:

(a) The last day for which compensation was paid;

(b) The date on which the member's most recent application for a disability benefit was filed.

(C) Medical examination of a member who has applied for a disability benefit shall be conducted by a competent disinterested physician or physicians selected by the board to determine whether the member is mentally or physically incapacitated for the performance of the member's last assigned primary duty as an employee by a disabling condition either permanent or presumed to be permanent for twelve continuous months following the filing of an application. Such disability must have occurred before termination of the member's contributing service and since last becoming a member or have increased since last becoming a member to such extent as to make the disability permanent or presumed to be permanent for twelve continuous months following the filing of an application.

(D) Application for a disability benefit must be made within two years from the date the member's contributing service terminated, unless the board determines that the member's medical records demonstrate conclusively that at the time the two-year period expired, the member was physically or mentally incapacitated for duty as an employee and unable to make application. Application may not be made by any person receiving a service retirement allowance or commuted service retirement allowance under section 3309.36 or 3309.381 or former section 3309.38 of the Revised Code or any person who, pursuant to section 3309.42 of the Revised Code, has been paid the accumulated contributions standing to the credit of the person's individual account in the employees' savings fund.

(E) If the physician or physicians determine that the member qualifies for a disability benefit, the board concurs with the determination, and the member agrees to any recommended medical treatment and vocational rehabilitation as specified in divisions (F) and (G) of this section, the member shall receive a disability benefit under section 3309.40 or 3309.401 of the Revised Code. The action of the board shall be final.

(F) The board shall adopt rules requiring a disability benefit recipient, as a condition of continuing to receive a disability benefit, to agree in writing to obtain any medical treatment recommended by the board's physician and submit medical reports regarding the treatment. If the board determines that a disability benefit recipient is not obtaining the medical treatment or the board does not receive a required medical report, the disability benefit shall be suspended until the treatment is obtained, the report is received by the board, or the board's physician certifies that the treatment is no longer helpful or advisable. Should the recipient's failure to obtain treatment or submit a medical report continue for one year, the recipient's right to the disability benefit shall be terminated as of the effective date of the original suspension.

(G)(1) A disability benefit recipient shall obtain any vocational rehabilitation recommended by the board's physician or other consultant and submit reports regarding the rehabilitation. If the board determines that a recipient is not obtaining the rehabilitation or the board does not receive a required report, the disability benefit shall be suspended until the rehabilitation is obtained, the report is received by the board, or the board's physician or consultant certifies that rehabilitation is no longer helpful or advisable. If the recipient's failure to obtain rehabilitation or submit a required report continues for one year, the recipient's right to the disability benefit shall be terminated as of the effective date of the original suspension.

(2) The board shall adopt rules to implement this division.

(H) In the event an employer files an application for a disability benefit as a result of a member having been separated from service because the member is considered to be mentally or physically incapacitated for the performance of the member's last assigned primary duty as an employee, and the physician or physicians selected by the board report to the board that the member is physically and mentally capable of performing service similar to that from which the member was separated, and the board concurs in such report, then the board shall so certify to the employer and the employer shall restore the member to the member's previous position and salary or to a similar position and salary.

Section 3309.391 | Annual report disability retirement experience of each employer.

Not later than September 1, 2000, and each first day of September thereafter, the school employees retirement board shall make and submit a report for the preceding fiscal year of the disability retirement experience of each employer. The report shall specify the total number of disability applications submitted, the status of each application as of the last day of the fiscal year, total applications granted or denied, and the percentage of disability benefit recipients to the total number of the employer's employees who are members of the school employees retirement system. The report shall be submitted to the governor, the Ohio retirement study council, and the chairpersons of the standing committees and subcommittees of the senate and house of representatives with primary responsibility for retirement legislation.

Section 3309.392 | Social security disability insurance benefits.

(A) A recipient of a disability benefit granted under this chapter on or after January 7, 2013, but before the effective date of this amendment, who is enrolled in health care coverage under section 3309.69 of the Revised Code shall apply for social security disability insurance benefit payments under 42 U.S.C. 423 if the recipient meets the requirements of divisions (a)(1)(A), (B), and (C) of that section.

(B) A recipient of a disability benefit granted under this chapter on or after the effective date of this amendment who is enrolled in health care coverage under section 3309.69 of the Revised Code shall apply for both of the following:

(1) Social security disability insurance benefit payments under 42 U.S.C. 423 if the recipient meets the requirements of divisions (a)(1)(A), (B), and (C) of that section;

(2) Hospital insurance benefits under 42 U.S.C. 426(b), if both of the following are the case:

(a) The recipient had medicare qualified government employment, as defined in 42 U.S.C. 410(p).

(b) The recipient would have met the requirements of divisions (a)(1)(A), (B), and (C) of 42 U.S.C. 423 if the medicare qualified government employment was treated as employment under 42 U.S.C. 410(a).

(C) Unless the school employees retirement system determines that good cause exists to exempt the recipient from the requirements of this section, a recipient who is subject to division (A) or (B) of this section shall file the applications required by those divisions as follows:

(1) For a recipient who on the effective date of this amendment is enrolled in health care coverage under section 3309.69 of the Revised Code, not later than one hundred eighty days after the effective date of this amendment;

(2) For a recipient who enrolls in health care coverage under section 3309.69 of the Revised Code on or after the effective date of this amendment, not later than ninety days after enrolling.

(D) The recipient shall file a copy of each completed application and a copy of the social security administration's acknowledgement of receipt of the application with the retirement system. The system shall accept the copy and acknowledgement as evidence of the recipient's application.

The recipient shall file with the system a copy of the social security administration's final action on the recipient's application for social security disability insurance benefit payments or hospital insurance benefits, as applicable.

(E)(1) Unless an exemption is granted under division (C) of this section:

(a) A recipient subject to division (A) or (B) of this section who fails without just cause to apply for social security disability insurance benefit payments or to comply with division (D) of this section shall have the recipient's disability benefit suspended until the recipient applies for the payments and complies with division (D) of this section.

(b) A recipient subject to division (B) of this section who fails without just cause to apply for hospital insurance benefits or to comply with division (D) of this section shall have the recipient's disability benefit suspended until the recipient applies for the benefits and complies with division (D) of this section.

(2) A recipient subject to division (B) of this section whose application for hospital insurance benefits is approved by the social security administration shall enroll in coverage for those benefits. A recipient who fails to enroll in coverage for hospital insurance benefits is not eligible for health care coverage under section 3309.69 of the Revised Code until the recipient enrolls in the coverage for hospital insurance benefits.

(F) The school employees retirement board may adopt rules as it considers necessary to implement this section.

Section 3309.40 | Benefits upon disability retirement.

A member who has elected disability coverage under this section, has not attained age sixty, and is determined by the school employees retirement board under section 3309.39 of the Revised Code to qualify for a disability benefit shall be retired on disability under this section.

Upon disability retirement, a member shall receive an annual amount that shall consist of:

(A) An annuity having a reserve equal to the amount of the member's accumulated contributions;

(B) A pension that shall be the difference between the member's annuity and an annual amount determined by multiplying the total service credit of such member, and in addition thereto, the number of years and fractions thereof between the effective date of the member's disability retirement and attained age sixty, assuming continuous service, by eighty-six dollars, or by two and two-tenths per cent of the member's final average salary, whichever is greater.

Where the member is not receiving a disability benefit under section 3309.35 of the Revised Code and is receiving a disability benefit from either the public employees retirement system or the state teachers retirement system, then such member shall not be eligible for service credit based upon the number of years and fractions thereof between the effective date of disability and attained age sixty as provided for in this division.

Such disability retirement shall not be less than thirty per cent nor more than seventy-five per cent of the member's final average salary, except that it shall not exceed any limit to which the retirement system is subject under section 415 of the "Internal Revenue Code of 1986," 100 Stat. 2085, 26 U.S.C.A. 415, as amended.

The school employees retirement board is the final authority in determining the eligibility of a member for such form of retirement.

Section 3309.401 | Annual amount of disability allowance.

(A) A member with disability coverage under this section who is determined by the school employees retirement board under section 3309.39 of the Revised Code to qualify for a disability benefit shall receive a disability allowance under this section. The allowance shall be an annual amount equal to the greater of the following:

(1) Forty-five per cent of the member's final average salary;

(2) The member's total service credit multiplied by two and two-tenths per cent of the member's final average salary, not exceeding sixty per cent of the member's final average salary.

(B) Sufficient reserves for payment of the disability allowance shall be transferred to the annuity and pension reserve fund from the employers' accumulation fund. The accumulated contributions of the member shall remain in the employees' savings fund. No part of the allowance paid under this section shall be charged against the member's accumulated contributions.

(C) A disability allowance paid under this section shall terminate at the earliest of the following:

(1) The effective date of service retirement under section 3309.35 or 3309.36 of the Revised Code;

(2) The date the allowance is terminated under section 3309.41 of the Revised Code;

(3) The later of the last day of the month in which the recipient attains age sixty-five, or the last day of the month in which the benefit period ends as follows:

Attained Age at Effective Date
of Disability AllowanceBenefit Period
60 or 6160 months
62 or 6348 months
64 or 6536 months
66, 67, or 6824 months
69 or older12 months

Section 3309.41 | Disability benefit recipient to retain membership status.

(A) Notwithstanding any contrary provisions in Chapter 124. or 3319. of the Revised Code:

(1) A disability benefit recipient whose benefit effective date was before the effective date of this amendment shall retain membership status and shall be considered on leave of absence from employment during the first five years following the effective date of a disability benefit.

(2) A disability benefit recipient whose benefit effective date is on or after the effective date of this amendment shall retain membership status and shall be considered on leave of absence from employment during the first three years following the effective date of a disability benefit, except that, if the school employees retirement board has recommended medical treatment or vocational rehabilitation and the member is receiving treatment or rehabilitation acceptable to a physician or consultant selected by the board, the board may permit the recipient to retain membership status and be considered on leave of absence from employment for up to five years following the effective date of a disability benefit.

(B) The board shall require a disability benefit recipient to undergo an annual medical examination, except that the board may waive the medical examination if the board's physician or physicians certify that the recipient's disability is ongoing. Should any disability benefit recipient refuse to submit to a medical examination, the recipient's disability benefit shall be suspended until withdrawal of the refusal. Should the refusal continue for one year, all the recipient's rights in and to the disability benefit shall be terminated as of the effective date of the original suspension.

(C) On completion of the examination by an examining physician or physicians selected by the board, the physician or physicians shall report and certify to the board whether the disability benefit recipient meets the applicable standard for termination of a disability benefit. If the recipient's benefit effective date is before the effective date of this amendment or the benefit effective date is after the effective date of this amendment and the recipient is considered on a leave of absence under division (A)(2) of this section, the standard for termination is that the recipient is no longer physically and mentally incapable of resuming the service from which the recipient was found disabled. If the recipient's benefit effective date is on or after the effective date of this amendment and the recipient is not considered on a leave of absence under division (A)(2) of this section, the standard is that the recipient is not physically or mentally incapable of performing the duties of a position that meets all of the following criteria:

(1) Replaces not less than seventy-five per cent of the member's final average salary, adjusted each year by the actual average increase in the consumer price index prepared by the United States bureau of labor statistics (U.S. City Average for Urban Wage Earners and Clerical Workers: "All Items 1982-84=100");

(2) Is reasonably to be found in the member's regional job market;

(3) Is one that the member is qualified for by experience or education.

If the board concurs in the report that the disability benefit recipient meets the applicable standard for termination of a disability benefit, the payment of the disability benefit shall be terminated not later than three months after the date of the board's concurrence or upon employment as an employee. If the leave of absence has not expired, the retirement board shall certify to the disability benefit recipient's last employer before being found disabled that the recipient is no longer physically and mentally incapable of resuming service that is the same or similar to that from which the recipient was found disabled. The employer shall restore the recipient to the recipient's previous position and salary or to a position and salary similar thereto not later than the first day of the first month following termination of the disability benefit, unless the recipient was dismissed or resigned in lieu of dismissal for dishonesty, misfeasance, malfeasance, or conviction of a felony.

(D) Each disability benefit recipient shall file with the board an annual statement of earnings, current medical information on the recipient's condition, and any other information required in rules adopted by the board. The board may waive the requirement that a disability benefit recipient file an annual statement of earnings or current medical information on the recipient's condition if the board's physician or physicians certify that the recipient's disability is ongoing.

The board shall annually examine the information submitted by the recipient. If a disability benefit recipient refuses to file the statement or information, the disability benefit shall be suspended until the statement and information are filed. If the refusal continues for one year, the recipient's right to the disability benefit shall be terminated as of the effective date of the original suspension.

(E) If a disability benefit recipient is employed by an employer covered by this chapter, the recipient's disability benefit shall cease.

(F) If disability retirement under section 3309.40 of the Revised Code is terminated for any reason, the annuity and pension reserves at that time in the annuity and pension reserve fund shall be transferred to the employees' savings fund and the employers' trust fund, respectively. If the total disability benefit paid is less than the amount of the accumulated contributions of the member transferred into the annuity and pension reserve fund at the time of the member's disability retirement, the difference shall be transferred from the annuity and pension reserve fund to another fund as may be required. In determining the amount of a member's account following the termination of disability retirement for any reason, the amount paid shall be charged against the member's refundable account.

If a disability allowance paid under section 3309.401 of the Revised Code is terminated for any reason, the reserve on the allowance at that time in the annuity and pension reserve fund shall be transferred from that fund to the employers' trust fund.

The board may terminate a disability benefit at the request of the recipient.

(G) If a disability benefit is terminated and a former disability benefit recipient again becomes a contributor, other than as an other system retirant as defined in section 3309.341 of the Revised Code, to this system, the public employees retirement system, or the state teachers retirement system, and completes an additional two years of service credit after the termination of the disability benefit, the former disability benefit recipient shall be entitled to receive up to two years of service credit for the period as a disability benefit recipient and may purchase service for the remaining period of the disability benefit. Total service credit received and purchased under this section shall not exceed the period of the disability benefit.

For each year of credit purchased, the member shall pay to the system for credit to the member's accumulated account the sum of the following amounts:

(1) The employee contribution rate in effect at the time the disability benefit commenced multiplied by the member's annual disability benefit;

(2) The employer contribution rate in effect at the time the disability benefit commenced multiplied by the member's annual disability benefit;

(3) Compound interest at a rate established by the board from the date the member is eligible to purchase the credit to the date of payment.

The member may choose to purchase only part of such credit in any one payment, subject to board rules.

(H) If any employer employs any member who is receiving a disability benefit, the employer shall file notice of employment with the retirement board, designating the date of employment. In case the notice is not filed, the total amount of the benefit paid during the period of employment prior to notice shall be paid from amounts allocated under Chapter 3317. of the Revised Code prior to its distribution to the school district in which the disability benefit recipient was so employed.

Section 3309.42 | Payment to member who ceases to be a public employee.

(A)(1) Subject to section 3309.67 of the Revised Code and except as provided in division (B) of this section, a member who elects to become exempt from contribution to the school employees retirement system pursuant to section 3309.23 of the Revised Code, or ceases to be an employee for any cause other than death, retirement, receipt of a disability benefit, or current employment in a position in which the member has elected to participate in an alternative retirement plan pursuant to section 3305.05 or 3305.051 of the Revised Code, shall be paid the accumulated contributions standing to the credit of the member's individual account in the employees' savings fund upon application and subject to such rules as are established by the school employees retirement board and provided three months have elapsed since employment, other than employment exempt from contribution under division (C) of section 3309.23 of the Revised Code, ceased.

(2) A member described in division (A)(1) of this section who is married at the time of application for payment and is eligible for age and service retirement under section 3309.34, 3309.36, or 3309.381 of the Revised Code or would be eligible for age and service retirement under any of those sections but for a forfeiture ordered under division (A) or (B) of section 2929.192 of the Revised Code shall submit with the application a written statement by the member's spouse attesting that the spouse consents to the payment of the member's accumulated contributions. Consent shall be valid only if it is signed and witnessed by an employee of the school employees retirement system or a notary public. The board may waive the requirement of consent if the spouse is incapacitated or cannot be located, or for any other reason specified by the board. Consent or waiver is effective only with regard to the spouse who is the subject of the consent or waiver.

(B) This division applies to any member who is employed in a position in which the member has elected under section 3305.05 or 3305.051 of the Revised Code to participate in an alternative retirement plan and due to the election ceases to be an employee for purposes of that position.

Subject to section 3309.67 of the Revised Code, the school employees retirement system shall do the following:

(1) On receipt of an election under section 3305.05 or 3305.051 of the Revised Code, pay, in accordance with section 3305.052 of the Revised Code, the amount described in that section to the appropriate provider;

(2) If a member has accumulated contributions, in addition to those subject to division (B)(1) of this section, standing to the credit of the member's individual account and is not otherwise in a position in which the member is considered an employee for the purposes of that position, pay, to the provider the member selected pursuant to section 3305.05 or 3305.051 of the Revised Code, the accumulated contributions standing to the credit of the member's individual account in the employees' saving fund. The payment shall be made on the member's application.

(C) Payment of a member's accumulated contributions under this section cancels the member's total service credit in the school employees retirement system. A member whose accumulated contributions are paid to a provider pursuant to division (B) of this section is forever barred from claiming or purchasing service credit under the school employees retirement system for the period of employment attributable to those contributions.

Section 3309.43 | Payments to members who are members of another state retirement system.

(A) As used in this section, "other retirement system" means the public employees retirement system or the state teachers retirement system.

(B) Except as provided in division (C) of this section, on application, a member of the school employees retirement system who is also a member of one or both of the other retirement systems and has ceased to be an employee under this chapter may be paid, in accordance with section 3309.42 of the Revised Code, the member's accumulated contributions to the school employees retirement system. This payment does not affect the member's membership in the other retirement systems or any right the member may have to a benefit or return of contributions under those systems.

(C) This section does not apply to a member of one of the other retirement systems whose employment under that system is with the public employer that was the employer under the school employees retirement system at the time the member's service subject to this chapter terminated.

Section 3309.44 | Designation or qualification of beneficiaries.

(A) As used in this section and in section 3309.45 of the Revised Code:

(1) "Child" means a biological or legally adopted child of a deceased member. If a court hearing for an interlocutory decree for adoption was held prior to the member's death, "child" includes the child who was the subject of the hearing notwithstanding the fact that the final decree of adoption, adjudging the surviving spouse as the adoptive parent, is made subsequent to the member's death.

(2) "Parent" is a parent or legally adoptive parent of a deceased member.

(3) "Dependent" means a beneficiary who receives one-half of the beneficiary's support from a member during the twelve months prior to the member's death.

(4) "Surviving spouse" means an individual who establishes a valid marriage to a member at the time of the member's death by marriage certificate or pursuant to division (F) of this section.

(5) "Survivor" means a surviving spouse, child, or parent.

(B) Except as provided in division (C)(1) of section 3309.45 of the Revised Code, should a member die before service or commuted service retirement, the member's accumulated contributions and any amounts owed and unpaid to a disability benefit recipient shall be paid to such beneficiaries as the member has designated in writing on a form provided by the school employees retirement board, signed by the member and filed with the board prior to death. The last designation of any beneficiary revokes all previous designations. The member's marriage, divorce, legal dissolution, legal separation, or withdrawal of account, or the birth of the member's child, or the member's adoption of a child, constitutes an automatic revocation of the member's last designation. If a deceased member was also a member of the public employees retirement system or the state teachers retirement system, the beneficiary last established among the systems shall be the sole beneficiary in all the systems.

If the accumulated contributions of a deceased member are not claimed by a beneficiary, or by the estate of the deceased member, within ten years, they shall be transferred to the guarantee fund and thereafter paid to such beneficiary or to the member's estate upon application to the board. The board shall formulate and adopt rules governing all designations of beneficiaries.

(C) Except as provided in division (C)(1) of section 3309.45 of the Revised Code, if a member dies before service or commuted service retirement and is not survived by a designated beneficiary, the following shall qualify, in the following order of precedence, with all attendant rights and privileges, the member's:

(1) Surviving spouse;

(2) Children share and share alike;

(3) A dependent parent who is age sixty-five or older, if that parent takes survivor benefits under division (B) of section 3309.45 of the Revised Code;

(4) Parents, share and share alike;

(5) Estate.

If a person listed in divisions (C)(1) to (4) of this section is deceased or is not located within one hundred eighty days, the person ceases to qualify for any benefit and the person next in order of precedence shall qualify.

(D) Any amount due any person, as an annuitant receiving a monthly service or commuted service retirement allowance or benefit, and unpaid to the annuitant at death, shall be paid to the beneficiary designated in writing on a form provided by the retirement board, signed by the annuitant and filed with the board. If no such designation has been filed, such amount shall be paid, except as otherwise provided in section 3309.45 of the Revised Code, in the following order of precedence to the annuitant's:

(1) Surviving spouse;

(2) Children, share and share alike;

(3) Parents, share and share alike;

(4) Estate.

If a person listed in divisions (D)(1) to (3) of this section is deceased or is not located within one hundred eighty days, the person ceases to qualify for any benefit and the person next in order of precedence shall qualify.

For the purpose of this division, an "annuitant" is the last person who received a monthly allowance or benefit pursuant to the plan of payment selected by the retirant or designated by this chapter.

(E) Any payment made under this section as determined by the board shall be a full discharge and release to the board from any future claim for payment.

(F) If the validity of marriage cannot be established to the satisfaction of the retirement board for the purpose of disbursing any amount due under this section or section 3309.45 of the Revised Code, the retirement board may accept a decision rendered by a court having jurisdiction in the state in which the member was domiciled at the time of death that the relationship constituted a valid marriage at the time of death, or the "spouse" would have the same status as a widow or widower for purposes of sharing in the distribution of the member's intestate personal property.

(G) As used in this division, "recipient" means an individual who is receiving or may be eligible to receive an allowance or benefit under this chapter based on the individual's service to an employer.

If the death of a member, a recipient, or any individual who would be eligible to receive an allowance or benefit under this chapter by virtue of the death of a member or recipient is caused by one of the following beneficiaries, no amount due under this chapter to the beneficiary shall be paid to the beneficiary in the absence of a court order to the contrary filed with the retirement board:

(1) A beneficiary who is convicted of, pleads guilty to, or is found not guilty by reason of insanity of a violation of or complicity in the violation of either of the following:

(a) Section 2903.01, 2903.02, or 2903.03 of the Revised Code;

(b) An existing or former law of any other state, the United States, or a foreign nation that is substantially equivalent to section 2903.01, 2903.02, or 2903.03 of the Revised Code;

(2) A beneficiary who is indicted for a violation of or complicity in the violation of the sections or laws described in division (G)(1)(a) or (b) of this section and is adjudicated incompetent to stand trial;

(3) A beneficiary who is a juvenile found to be a delinquent child by reason of committing an act that, if committed by an adult, would be a violation of or complicity in the violation of the sections or laws described in division (G)(1)(a) or (b) of this section.

Section 3309.45 | Beneficiary may substitute other benefits.

Except as provided in division (C)(1) of this section, in lieu of accepting the payment of the accumulated account of a member who dies before service retirement, the beneficiary, as determined in section 3309.44 of the Revised Code, may elect to forfeit the accumulated account and to substitute certain other benefits either under division (A) or (B) of this section.

(A)(1) If a deceased member was eligible for a service retirement allowance as provided in section 3309.36 or 3309.381 of the Revised Code, a surviving spouse or other sole dependent beneficiary may elect to receive a monthly benefit computed as the joint-survivor allowance designated as "plan D" in section 3309.46 of the Revised Code, which the member would have received had the member retired on the last day of the month of death and had the member at that time selected such joint-survivor plan. Payment shall begin with the month subsequent to the member's death.

(2) Beginning on a date selected by the school employees retirement board, which shall be not later than July 1, 2004, a surviving spouse or other sole dependent beneficiary may elect, in lieu of a monthly payment under division (A)(1) of this section, a plan of payment consisting of both of the following:

(a) A lump sum in an amount the surviving spouse or other sole dependent beneficiary designates that constitutes a portion of the allowance that would be payable under division (A)(1) of this section;

(b) The remainder of that allowance in monthly payments.

The total amount paid as a lump sum and a monthly benefit shall be the actuarial equivalent of the amount that would have been paid had the lump sum not been selected.

The lump sum amount designated by the surviving spouse or other sole dependent beneficiary under division (A)(2)(a) of this section shall be not less than six times and not more than thirty-six times the monthly amount that would be payable to the surviving spouse or other sole dependent beneficiary under division (A)(1) of this section and shall not result in a monthly benefit that is less than fifty per cent of that monthly amount.

(B) If the deceased member had completed at least one and one-half years of credit for Ohio service, with at least one-quarter year of Ohio contributing service credit within the two and one-half years prior to the date of death, or was receiving at the time of death a disability benefit as provided in section 3309.40 or 3309.401 of the Revised Code, qualified survivors who elect to receive monthly benefits shall receive the greater of the benefits provided in division (B)(1)(a) or (b) as allocated in accordance with division (B)(5) of this section.

(1)(a) Number of Qualified survivors affecting the benefitAnnual Benefit as a Per Cent of Decedent's Final Average SalaryOr Monthly Benefit shall not be less than
5 or more60236

(b) Years of ServiceAnnual Benefit as a Per Cent of Member's Final Average Salary
29 or more60

(2) Benefits shall begin as qualified survivors meet eligibility requirements as follows:

(a) A qualified spouse is the surviving spouse of the deceased member who is age sixty-two, or regardless of age if the deceased member had ten or more years of Ohio service credit, or regardless of age if caring for a surviving child, or regardless of age if adjudged physically or mentally incompetent.

(b) A qualified child whose benefit began before January 7, 2013, is any child of the deceased member who has never been married and to whom one of the following applies:

(i) Is under age eighteen, or under age twenty-two if the child is attending an institution of learning or training pursuant to a program designed to complete in each school year the equivalent of at least two-thirds of the full-time curriculum requirements of such institution and as further determined by board policy;

(ii) Regardless of age, is adjudged physically or mentally incompetent if the incompetence existed prior to the member's death and prior to the child attaining age eighteen, or age twenty-two if attending an institution described in division (B)(2)(b)(i) of this section.

(c) A qualified child whose benefit begins on or after January 7, 2013, is any child of the deceased member who has never been married and to whom one of the following applies:

(i) Is under age nineteen;

(ii) Regardless of age, is adjudged physically or mentally incompetent if the incompetence existed prior to the member's death and prior to the child attaining age nineteen.

(d) A qualified parent is a dependent parent aged sixty-five or older.

(3) "Physically or mentally incompetent" as used in this section may be determined by a court of jurisdiction, or by a physician appointed by the retirement board. Incapability of earning a living because of a physically or mentally disabling condition shall meet the qualifications of this division.

(4) Benefits to a qualified survivor shall terminate upon a first marriage, abandonment, adoption, or during active military service. Benefits to a deceased member's surviving spouse that were terminated under a former version of this section that required termination due to remarriage and were not resumed prior to September 16, 1998, shall resume on the first day of the month immediately following receipt by the board of an application on a form provided by the board.

Upon the death of any subsequent spouse who was a member of the public employees retirement system, state teachers retirement system, or school employees retirement system, the surviving spouse of such member may elect to continue receiving benefits under this division, or to receive survivor's benefits, based upon the subsequent spouse's membership in one or more of the systems, for which such surviving spouse is eligible under this section or section 145.45 or 3307.66 of the Revised Code. If the surviving spouse elects to continue receiving benefits under this division, such election shall not preclude the payment of benefits under this division to any other qualified survivor.

Benefits shall begin or resume on the first day of the month following the attainment of eligibility and shall terminate on the first day of the month following loss of eligibility.

(5)(a) If a benefit is payable under division (B)(1)(a) of this section, benefits to a qualified spouse shall be paid in the amount determined for the first qualifying survivor in division (B)(1)(a) of this section, but shall not be less than one hundred six dollars per month if the deceased member had ten or more years of Ohio service credit. All other qualifying survivors shall share equally in the benefit or remaining portion thereof.

(b) All qualifying survivors shall share equally in a benefit payable under division (B)(1)(b) of this section, except that if there is a surviving spouse, the surviving spouse shall receive no less than the greater of the amount determined for the first qualifying survivor in division (B)(1)(a) of this section or one hundred six dollars per month.

(6) The beneficiary of a member who is also a member of the public employees retirement system, or of the state teachers retirement system, must forfeit the member's accumulated contributions in those systems, if the beneficiary takes a survivor benefit. Such benefit shall be exclusively governed by section 3309.35 of the Revised Code.

(C)(1) Regardless of whether the member is survived by a spouse or designated beneficiary, if the school employees retirement system receives notice that a deceased member described in division (A) or (B) of this section has one or more qualified children, all persons who are qualified survivors under division (B) of this section shall receive monthly benefits as provided in division (B) of this section.

If, after determining the monthly benefits to be paid under division (B) of this section, the system receives notice that there is a qualified survivor who was not considered when the determination was made, the system shall, notwithstanding section 3309.661 of the Revised Code, recalculate the monthly benefits with that qualified survivor included, even if the benefits to qualified survivors already receiving benefits are reduced as a result. The benefits shall be calculated as if the qualified survivor who is the subject of the notice became eligible on the date the notice was received and shall be paid to qualified survivors effective on the first day of the first month following the system's receipt of the notice.

If the retirement system did not receive notice that a deceased member has one or more qualified children prior to making payment under section 3309.44 of the Revised Code to a beneficiary as determined by the retirement system, the payment is a full discharge and release of the system from any future claims under this section or section 3309.44 of the Revised Code.

(2) If benefits under division (C)(1) of this section to all persons, or to all persons other than a surviving spouse or other sole beneficiary, terminate, there are no qualified children, and the surviving spouse or beneficiary qualifies for benefits under division (A) of this section, the surviving spouse or beneficiary may elect to receive benefits under division (A) of this section. Benefits shall be effective on the first day of the month following receipt by the board of an application for benefits under division (A) of this section.

(D) The final average salary used in the calculation of a benefit payable pursuant to division (A) or (B) of this section to a survivor or beneficiary of a disability benefit recipient shall be adjusted for each year between the disability benefit's effective date and the recipient's date of death by the lesser of three per cent or the actual average percentage increase in the consumer price index prepared by the United States bureau of labor statistics (U.S. City Average for Urban Wage Earners and Clerical Workers: "All Items 1982-84=100").

(E) If the survivor benefits due and paid under this section are in a total amount less than the member's accumulated account that was transferred from the employees' savings fund, the state teachers retirement fund, and the public employees retirement fund to the survivors' benefit fund, then the difference between the total amount of the benefits paid shall be paid to the beneficiary under section 3309.44 of the Revised Code.

Last updated June 17, 2022 at 5:30 PM

Section 3309.451 | Service credit purchased upon death of member.

Upon the death of a member prior to receipt of a disability benefit or service retirement, the surviving spouse or dependents of the deceased member shall have the right to purchase any service credit which the member, had he not died, would have been eligible to purchase under this chapter upon the same terms and conditions which the deceased member could have purchased such service credit had he not died. Any service credit purchased under this section shall be applied under the provisions of this chapter in the same manner as it would have been applied had it been purchased by the deceased member during his lifetime.

Section 3309.46 | Electing a plan of payment.

(A) The retirement allowance calculated under section 3309.36 or 3309.381 of the Revised Code shall be paid as provided in this section. If the member is eligible to elect a plan of payment under this section, the election shall be made on the application for retirement. A plan of payment elected under this section shall be effective only if it is certified by the actuary engaged by the school employees retirement board to be the actuarial equivalent of the member's retirement allowance and is approved by the retirement board.

(B)(1)(a) Except as provided in divisions (B)(1)(b) and (c) of this section, a member who retires under section 3309.36 or 3309.381 of the Revised Code shall receive a retirement allowance under "plan A," which shall consist of the actuarial equivalent of the member's retirement allowance determined under section 3309.36 or 3309.381 of the Revised Code in a lesser amount payable for life and one-half of such allowance continuing after death to the member's surviving spouse for the life of the spouse.

(b) A member may receive a retirement allowance under a plan of payment other than "plan A" if either of the following is the case:

(i) The member is not married or either the member's spouse consents in writing to the member's election to a plan of payment other than "plan A" or the board waives the requirement that the spouse consent;

(ii) A plan of payment providing for payment in a specified amount continuing after the member's death to a former spouse is required by a court order issued prior to the effective date of the member's retirement under section 3105.171 or 3105.65 of the Revised Code or the laws of another state regarding division of marital property.

(c) If a member is subject to division (B)(1)(b)(ii) of this section and the board has received a copy of the order described in that division, the board shall accept the member's election of a plan of payment under this section only if the member complies with both of the following:

(i) The member elects a plan of payment that is in accordance with the order described in division (B)(1)(b)(ii) of this section.

(ii) If the member is married, the member elects "plan F" and designates the member's current spouse as a beneficiary under that plan unless that spouse consents in writing to not being designated a beneficiary under any plan of payment or the board waives the requirement that the current spouse consent.

(2) An application for retirement shall include an explanation of all of the following:

(a) That, if the member is married, unless the spouse consents to another plan of payment or there is a court order dividing marital property issued under section 3105.171 or 3105.65 of the Revised Code or the laws of another state regarding the division of marital property that provides for payment in a specified amount, the member's retirement allowance will be paid under "plan A," which consists of the actuarial equivalent of the member's retirement allowance in a lesser amount payable for life and one-half of the allowance continuing after death to the surviving spouse for the life of the spouse;

(b) A description of the alternative plans of payment, including all plans described in divisions (B)(3) and (4) of this section, available with the consent of the spouse;

(c) That the spouse may consent to another plan of payment and the procedure for giving consent;

(d) That consent is irrevocable once notice of consent is filed with the board.

Consent shall be valid only if it is in writing, signed by the spouse, and witnessed by an employee of the school employees retirement system or a notary public. The board may waive the requirement of consent if the spouse is incapacitated or cannot be located or for any other reason specified by the board. Consent or waiver is effective only with regard to the spouse who is the subject of the consent or waiver.

(3) A member eligible to elect to receive a retirement allowance under a plan of payment other than "plan A" shall receive the retirement allowance under the plan described in division (B)(4) of this section or one of the following plans:

(a) "Plan B," which shall consist of an allowance determined under section 3309.36 or 3309.381 of the Revised Code;

(b) "Plan C," which shall consist of the actuarial equivalent of the member's retirement allowance determined under section 3309.36 or 3309.381 of the Revised Code in a lesser amount payable for life and one-half or some other portion of the allowance continuing after death to the member's sole surviving beneficiary designated at the time of the member's retirement, provided that the amount payable to the beneficiary does not exceed the amount payable to the member;

(c) "Plan D," which shall consist of the actuarial equivalent of the member's retirement allowance determined under section 3309.36 or 3309.381 of the Revised Code in a lesser amount payable for life and continuing after death to a surviving designated beneficiary designated at the time of the member's retirement;

(d) "Plan E," which shall consist of the actuarial equivalent of the member's retirement allowance determined under section 3309.36 or 3309.381 of the Revised Code in a lesser amount payable for a certain period from the member's retirement date as elected by the member and approved by the retirement board, and on the member's death before the expiration of that certain period, the member's lesser retirement allowance continued for the remainder of that period to, and in such order, the beneficiaries as the member has nominated by written designation and filed with the retirement board.

Monthly benefits shall not be paid to joint beneficiaries, but they may receive the present value of any remaining payments in a lump sum settlement. If all beneficiaries die before the expiration of the certain period, the present value of all such payments yet remaining in such period shall be paid to the estate of the beneficiary last receiving.

(e) "Plan F," which shall consist of the actuarial equivalent of the member's retirement allowance determined under section 3309.36 or 3309.381 of the Revised Code in a lesser amount payable to the member for life and some portion of the lesser amount continuing after death to two, three, or four surviving beneficiaries designated at the time of the member's retirement. The portion of the lesser amount that continues after the member's death shall be allocated among the beneficiaries at the time of the member's retirement. If the member elects this plan as required by a court order issued under section 3105.171 or 3105.65 of the Revised Code or the laws of another state regarding the division of marital property and compliance with the court order requires the allocation of a portion less than ten per cent to any person, the member shall allocate a portion less than ten per cent to that beneficiary in accordance with that order. In all other circumstances, no portion allocated under this plan of payment shall be less than ten per cent. The total of the portions allocated shall not exceed one hundred per cent of the member's lesser allowance.

(4)(a) Beginning on a date selected by the board, which shall be not later than July 1, 2004, a member may elect, in lieu of a plan of payment under division (B)(1) or (3) of this section, a plan consisting of both a lump sum in an amount the member designates that constitutes a portion of the retirement allowance payable under a plan described in division (B)(1) or (3) of this section and the remainder of the allowance payable under that plan in monthly payments.

The total amount paid as a lump sum and a monthly benefit shall be the actuarial equivalent of the amount that would have been paid had the lump sum not been selected.

(b) The lump sum amount designated by the member shall be not less than six times and not more than thirty-six times the monthly amount that would be payable to the member under the plan of payment elected under this section had the lump sum not been elected and shall not result in a monthly benefit that is less than fifty per cent of that amount.

(5) An election under division (B)(3) or (4) of this section shall be made at the time the member makes application for retirement.

(6) A member eligible to elect to receive a retirement allowance under a plan of payment other than "plan A" because the member is unmarried who fails to make an election on retirement shall receive a retirement allowance under "plan B."

(C) Until the first payment of any retirement allowance is made, as provided in sections 3309.36 or 3309.381 of the Revised Code, a member may change the member's election of a payment plan if the election is made in accordance with and is consistent with division (B) of this section.

(D) If the retirement allowances due and paid under the above provisions of this section are in a total amount less than (1) the accumulated contributions, (2) the deposits for additional credit as provided by section 3309.31 of the Revised Code, (3) the deposits for additional annuities as provided by section 3309.47 of the Revised Code, (4) the deposits for repurchase of service credit as provided by section 3309.26 of the Revised Code, (5) the accumulated contributions provided by section 3309.65 of the Revised Code, (6) the deposits for purchase of military service credit provided by section 3309.021 or 3309.022 of the Revised Code, and (7) the deposits for the purchase of service credit provided by section 3309.73 of the Revised Code, standing to the credit of the member at the time of retirement, then the difference between the total amount of the allowances paid and the accumulated contributions and other deposits shall be paid to the beneficiary provided under division (D) of section 3309.44 of the Revised Code.

(E)(1) The death of a spouse or any other designated beneficiary following the member's retirement shall cancel the portion of the plan of payment providing continuing lifetime benefits to the deceased spouse or deceased designated beneficiary. The retirant shall receive the actuarial equivalent of the retirant's single lifetime retirement allowance as determined by the board based on the number of remaining beneficiaries, with no change in the amount payable to any remaining beneficiary.

(2) On divorce, annulment, or marriage dissolution, a retirant receiving a retirement allowance under a plan of payment that provides for continuation of all or part of the allowance after death for the lifetime of the retirant's surviving spouse may elect to cancel the portion of the plan providing continuing lifetime benefits to that spouse. The retirant shall receive the actuarial equivalent of the retirant's single lifetime retirement allowance as determined by the retirement board based on the number of remaining beneficiaries, with no change in the amount payable to any remaining beneficiary. In the case of a member who retires on or after July 24, 1990, the election may be made only with the written consent of the spouse or pursuant to an order of the court with jurisdiction over the termination of the marriage. The election shall be made on a form provided by the board and shall be effective the month following its receipt by the board.

(3)(a) Following marriage or remarriage, both of the following apply:

(i) A retirant who is receiving a benefit pursuant to "plan B" may elect a new plan of payment under division (B)(1), (3)(b), or (3)(c) of this section based on the actuarial equivalent of the retirant's single lifetime retirement allowance as determined by the board.

(ii) A retirant who is receiving a benefit pursuant to a plan of payment providing for payment to a former spouse pursuant to a court order described in division (B)(1)(b)(ii) of this section may elect a new plan of payment under division (B)(3)(e) of this section based on the actuarial equivalent of the retirant's single lifetime retirement allowance as determined by the board if the new plan of payment elected does not reduce the payment to the former spouse.

(b) If the marriage or remarriage occurs on or after June 6, 2005, the election must be made not later than one year after the date of the marriage or remarriage.

The plan elected under division (E)(3) of this section shall become effective on the date of receipt by the board of an application on a form approved by the board, but any change in the amount of the retirement allowance shall commence on the first day of the month following the effective date of the plan.

Section 3309.47 | Contribution of contributor.

Each school employees retirement system contributor shall contribute eight per cent of the contributor's compensation to the employees' savings fund, except that the school employees retirement board may raise the contribution rate to a rate not greater than ten per cent of compensation.

The contributions by the direction of the school employees retirement board shall be deducted by the employer from the compensation of each contributor on each payroll of such contributor for each payroll period and shall be an amount equal to the required per cent of such contributor's compensation. On a finding by the board that an employer has failed or refused to deduct contributions for any employee during any year and to transmit such amounts to the retirement system, the retirement board may make a determination of the amount of the delinquent contributions, including interest at a rate set by the retirement board, from the end of each year, and certify to the employer the amounts for collection. If the amount is not paid by the employer, it may be certified for collection in the same manner as payments due the employers' trust fund. Any amounts so collected shall be held in trust pending receipt of a report of contributions for the employee for the period involved as provided by law and, thereafter, the amount in trust shall be transferred to the employee's savings fund to the credit of the employee. Any amount remaining after the transfer to the employees' savings fund shall be transferred to the employers' trust fund as a credit of the employer.

Additional deposits may be made to a member's account. At retirement, the amount deposited with interest may be used to provide additional annuity income. The additional deposits may be refunded to the member before retirement, and shall be refunded if the member withdraws the member's refundable amount. The deposits may be refunded to the beneficiary or estate if the member dies before retirement, and the board shall determine whether regular interest shall be credited to deposits thus refunded.

Section 3309.471 | Contributions during disability leave.

Except as otherwise provided in section 124.385 of the Revised Code, any contributor who is granted disability leave pursuant to a program sponsored by his employer, whereby the contributor receives a percentage of his salary while on disability leave, shall not be required to make contributions for time off while on disability leave.

Except as otherwise provided in section 124.385 of the Revised Code, each employer described in division (A) of section 3309.01 of the Revised Code who sponsors a disability leave program shall make the periodic employee and employer contributions, in the amounts set pursuant to sections 3309.47 and 3309.49 of the Revised Code, for contributors granted disability leave, based on the contributor's compensation in effect at the time disability leave was granted.

Section 3309.472 | Purchasing service credit for time spent on pregnancy.

For one year after the effective date of this section, a member who resigned due to pregnancy prior to the effective date of this section may purchase service credit for a period following the resignation during which she did not make contributions under section 3309.47 of the Revised Code, if she meets both of the following conditions:

(A) She has earned a minimum of one year of service credit subsequent to the date of her return to employment as a contributor to the retirement system;

(B) She returned to employment as a contributor not later than the first day of classes of the third school year following the date of her resignation.

Service credit purchased by a member under this section may not exceed the lesser of two years or an amount equal to the period from the effective date of her resignation to the date of her return to employment as a contributor, except that service credit may be purchased for more than one period of absence due to pregnancy, but the total service credit purchased may not exceed two years. The member must submit evidence satisfactory to the school employees retirement board documenting that her resignation was due to pregnancy and that she meets the requirement of division (B) of this section.

For each year of service credit purchased under this section:

(1) The member shall pay to the retirement system for credit to her accumulated account an amount equal to her retirement contributions for full-time employment for the first year of service subsequent to her return to employment as a contributor to the retirement system, plus compound interest thereon, at a rate established by the retirement board, from the date of the member's return to employment as a contributor to the date of payment;

(2) The member's employer at the time of resignation shall pay an amount certified by the retirement system, which shall be an amount equal to the employer contribution for full-time employment for the member's first year of service subsequent to her return to employment as a contributor, plus compound interest thereon, at a rate established by the retirement board, from the date of the member's return to employment as a contributor to the date of payment.

A member may purchase all or part of the credit for which she is eligible in one or more payments. The retirement board may adopt rules to implement this section.

Section 3309.473 | Purchasing service credit for time spent on pregnancy or adoption.

(A) Except as provided in division (D) of this section, a member of the school employees retirement system who resigned due to pregnancy or adoption of a child may purchase service credit for a period following the resignation during which the member did not make contributions under section 3309.47 of the Revised Code, if the member meets both of the following conditions:

(1) The member has earned a minimum of one year of service credit subsequent to the date of the member's return to employment as a contributor to the system.

(2) The member returned to employment as a contributor not later than the first day of classes of the third school year following the date of resignation.

Service credit purchased under this section may not exceed the lesser of two years or an amount equal to the period from the effective date of the resignation to the date of return to employment as a contributor. Service credit may be purchased for more than one period of resignation due to pregnancy or adoption of a child, but the total service credit purchased may not exceed two years. The member must submit evidence satisfactory to the school employees retirement board documenting that the resignation was due to pregnancy or adoption of a child and that the member meets the requirement in division (A)(1) of this section.

(B) For each year of service credit purchased under this section:

(1) The member shall pay to the system for credit to the member's accumulated account an amount equal to the member's contributions for full-time employment for the first year of service subsequent to the member's return to employment as a contributor, plus compound interest thereon at a rate established by the board, from the date of the member's return to employment as a contributor to the date of payment.

(2) The member's employer at the time of resignation shall pay an amount certified by the system, which shall be an amount equal to the employer contribution for full-time employment for the member's first year of service subsequent to the member's return to employment as a contributor, plus compound interest thereon at a rate established by the board, from the date of the member's return to employment as a contributor to the date of payment.

(C) A member may purchase all or part of the credit for which the member is eligible in one or more payments. Service credit purchased under this section shall be included in the member's total service credit.

(D) A member who has purchased service credit under section 3309.472 of the Revised Code for a period of absence may not purchase credit under this section for the same period of absence.

(E) The board may adopt rules to implement this section.

Section 3309.474 | Purchase of service credits for leaves of absence.

(A) As used in this section, "state retirement system" means the public employees retirement system, Ohio police and fire pension fund, state teachers retirement system, school employees retirement system, or state highway patrol retirement system.

(B) A state retirement system member who while a member of the school employees retirement system was out of service due to a leave of absence approved by the member's employer may purchase from the school employees retirement system service credit for any period during the leave for which contributions were not made under section 3309.47 of the Revised Code.

For purposes of this section, a period of leave commences on the first day for which employee and employer contributions were not made to the system and ends on the earlier of the termination of the leave or the member's return to contributing service.

(C)(1) For each year of service purchased, the member shall pay to the school employees retirement system for credit to the member's accumulated account with that system an amount equal to the sum of the following:

(a) An amount determined by multiplying the compensation the member would have received during the leave by the employee contribution rate in effect at that time;

(b) An amount determined by multiplying the compensation the member would have received during the leave by the employer contribution rate in effect at that time;

(c) Compound interest at a rate determined by the school employees retirement board from the first day of the year following the date the leave commenced to the date of payment.

(2) If the employee or employer contribution rate changed during the leave, contributions for each month of the leave shall be made at the rate in effect for that month.

(D) Service credit purchased under this section for any period of leave shall not exceed two years. Credit may be purchased for more than one period of leave, but the total number of years purchased shall not exceed the lesser of five years or the member's total accumulated number of years of service as a contributor to the school employees retirement system. The member may choose to purchase only part of such credit in any one payment, subject to board rules.

(E) Service credit purchased under this section shall be considered the equivalent of Ohio service credit.

(F) The board may adopt rules under section 3309.04 of the Revised Code to implement this section.

Section 3309.48 | Employer failing to deduct employee contribution.

Any employee who left the service of an employer after attaining age sixty-five or over and such employer had failed or refused to deduct and transmit to the school employees retirement system the employee contributions as required by section 3309.47 of the Revised Code during any year for which membership was compulsory as determined by the school employees retirement board, shall be granted service credit without cost, which shall be considered as total service credit for the purposes of meeting the qualifications for service retirement provided by the law in effect on and retroactive to the first eligible retirement date following the date such employment terminated, but shall not be paid until formal application for such allowance on a form provided by the retirement board is received in the office of the retirement system. The total service credit granted under this section shall not exceed ten years for any such employee.

The liability incurred by the retirement board because of the service credit granted under this section shall be determined by the retirement board, the cost of which shall be equal to an amount that is determined by applying the combined employee and employer rates of contribution against the compensation of such employee at the rates of contribution and maximum salary provisions in effect during such employment for each year for which credit is granted, together with interest at the rate to be credited accumulated contributions at retirement, compounded annually from the first day of the month payment was due the retirement system to and including the month of deposit, the total amount of which shall be collected from the employer. Such amounts shall be certified by the retirement board to the department of education and workforce, which shall deduct the amount due the system from any funds due the affected school district under Chapter 3317. of the Revised Code. The department shall certify to the director of budget and management the amount due the system for payment. The total amount paid shall be deposited into the employers' trust fund, and shall not be considered as accumulated contributions of the employee in the event of the employee's death or withdrawal of funds.

Last updated September 7, 2023 at 12:55 PM

Section 3309.49 | Employer contribution.

Each employer shall pay to the school employees retirement system at such times as required by the school employees retirement board under section 3309.51 of the Revised Code an amount that shall be a certain per cent of the earnable compensation of all employees, and shall be known as the "employer contribution." The rate per cent of such contribution shall be fixed by the actuary on the basis of the actuary's evaluation of the liabilities of the school employees retirement system, but shall not exceed fourteen per cent, and shall be approved by the school employees retirement board. The school employees retirement board may raise the rate per cent of the contribution to fourteen per cent of the earnable compensation of all employees. In making such evaluation, the actuary shall use, as the actuarial assumptions, regular interest and such mortality and other tables as are adopted by the school employees retirement board. The actuary shall compute the percentage of such earnable compensation, to be known as the "employer rate," required annually to fund the liability for all allowances, annuities, pensions and other benefits, and any deficiencies in the various funds, provided for in this chapter, after deducting therefrom the annuity and other benefits provided by the contributor's accumulated contributions and deposits or other applicable moneys.

Section 3309.491 | Employer minimum compensation contribution.

(A) An actuary employed by the school employees retirement board shall annually determine the minimum annual compensation amount for each member that will be needed to fund the cost of providing future health care benefits under section 3309.69 of the Revised Code. The amount determined by the actuary under this division shall be approved by the board and shall be known as the "minimum compensation amount."

(B)(1) The secretary of the school employees retirement board shall annually determine for each employer the "employer minimum compensation contribution."

Subject to division (B)(2) of this section, the amount determined shall be the lesser of the following:

(a) An amount equal to two per cent of the compensation of all members employed by the employer during the prior year;

(b) The total of the amounts determined as follows for each member whose compensation for the prior year was less than the minimum compensation amount:

(i) Subtract the member's compensation for the prior year from the minimum compensation amount;

(ii) Multiply the remainder obtained under division (B)(1)(b)(i) of this section by one, or if the member earned less than a year's service credit for the prior year, by the same fraction as the fraction of a year's service credit credited to the member under section 3309.30 of the Revised Code;

(iii) Multiply the product obtained under division (B)(1)(b)(ii) of this section by the employer contribution rate in effect for the year the service credit was earned.

(2) If the total of the employer minimum contribution amounts determined under division (B)(1) of this section exceeds one and one-half per cent of the compensation of all members employed by employers required to pay the employer minimum compensation contribution, the school employees retirement board shall reduce the amount determined for each employer so that the total amount determined does not exceed one and one-half per cent of the compensation of all members employed by employers required to pay the employer minimum compensation contribution. Any reduction shall be applied to each employer in the same proportion as the employer's minimum compensation contribution bears to the total employer minimum compensation contribution.

(C) The secretary shall annually certify to each employer the employer minimum compensation contribution determined under division (B) of this section. In addition to the employer contribution required by section 3309.49 of the Revised Code, each employer shall pay annually to the employers' trust fund the amount certified to the employer under this division.

(D) Annually by the first day of August, the secretary shall submit to the department of education and workforce a list of the payments made by each employer under this section during the preceding fiscal year.

Last updated September 7, 2023 at 12:57 PM

Section 3309.50 | Payment of death benefit.

(A)(1) Upon the death of a retirant or disability benefit recipient, who at the time of death is receiving a service retirement allowance or disability benefit from the school employees retirement system, a lump-sum payment of one thousand dollars shall be paid, following completion of an application on a form approved by the school employees retirement board, in the following order of precedence to:

(a) The retirant or recipient's designated beneficiary;

(b) The retirant or recipient's surviving spouse;

(c) The retirant or recipient's children, share and share alike;

(d) The retirant or recipient's parents, share and share alike;

(e) The person responsible for the retirant or recipient's burial expenses;

(f) The retirant or recipient's estate.

(2) If a person listed in division (A)(1) of this section is deceased or is not located within one hundred eighty days, the person ceases to qualify for the payment. The payment shall be made to the person next in order of precedence.

(B) A benefit paid under this section shall be treated as life insurance for purposes of this chapter and shall be funded solely from contributions made under section 3309.49 of the Revised Code and any earnings attributable to those contributions.

Section 3309.51 | Payment into employers' trust fund.

(A) Each employer shall pay into the employers' trust fund, monthly or at such times as the school employees retirement board requires, an amount certified by the school employees retirement board, which shall be as required by Chapter 3309. of the Revised Code.

Payments by school district boards of education to the employers' trust fund of the school employees retirement system may be made from the amounts allocated under Chapter 3317. of the Revised Code prior to their distribution to the individual school districts. The amount due from each school district may be certified by the secretary of the system to the department of education and workforce monthly, or at such times as is determined by the school employees retirement board.

Payments by governing authorities of community schools to the employers' trust fund of the school employees retirement system shall be made from the amounts allocated under section 3317.022 of the Revised Code prior to their distribution to the individual community schools. The amount due from each community school shall be certified by the secretary of the system to the department monthly, or at such times as determined by the school employees retirement board.

Payments by a science, technology, engineering, and mathematics school to the employers' trust fund of the school employees retirement system shall be made from the amounts allocated under section 3317.022 of the Revised Code prior to their distribution to the school. The amount due from a science, technology, engineering, and mathematics school shall be certified by the secretary of the school employees retirement system to the department monthly, or at such times as determined by the school employees retirement board.

(B) The department shall deduct from the amount allocated to each community school, to each school district, or to each science, technology, engineering, and mathematics school under Chapter 3317. of the Revised Code the entire amounts due to the school employees retirement system from such school or school district upon the certification to the department by the secretary thereof.

(C) Where an employer fails or has failed or refuses to make payments to the employers' trust fund, as provided for under Chapter 3309. of the Revised Code, or fails to pay any penalty imposed under section 3309.571 of the Revised Code the secretary of the school employees retirement system may certify to the department, monthly or at such times as is determined by the school employees retirement board, the amount due from such employer, and the department shall deduct from the amount allocated to the employer under Chapter 3317. of the Revised Code, the entire amounts due to the system from the employer upon the certification to the department by the secretary of the school employees retirement system.

(D) The department shall certify to the director of budget and management the amounts thus due the system for payment.

Last updated September 7, 2023 at 12:58 PM

Section 3309.53 | Written statement to employee of duties and obligations.

Each employer, before employing any employee to whom this chapter may apply, shall give such person a written statement of the person's duties and obligations under such sections as a condition of employment, which statement shall be prepared and supplied to each employer by the school employees retirement board.

Any such appointment or reappointment of any employee, or service upon indefinite tenure, shall be conditioned upon the employee's acceptance of such sections as a part of the contract.

Section 3309.55 | Notifying board of personnel changes.

Each employer shall on the first day of each calendar month, or at such intervals as the school employees retirement board approves, notify the board of removals and withdrawals of employees that have occurred during the month preceding or the period since the period covered by the last notification. Each employer shall keep such records and shall furnish such information and assistance to the school employees retirement board as it requires in the discharge of its duties.

Section 3309.56 | Deductions; report.

Each employer shall cause to be deducted, on each payroll of a contributor for each payroll period, the contribution payable by such contributor. Each employer shall send a report that lists such contributions deducted by contributor to the school employees retirement system at such time and in such manner as required by the school employees retirement board.

Section 3309.57 | Transmission of contributions.

Each employer shall transmit monthly or at such times as the school employees retirement board designates the contributions required under this chapter. The school employees retirement system after making a record of all such receipts shall pay them to the treasurer of state for use according to this chapter.

Section 3309.571 | Penalties.

The school employees retirement system shall impose the following penalties, which may be collected in the same manner as described in division (B) of section 3309.51 of the Revised Code:

(A) For a failure to transmit contributions withheld from employees not later than the date specified under rules adopted by the school employees retirement board, one hundred dollars per day for each day the employer fails to transmit the contributions;

(B) For a failure to transmit any amount due the employer's trust fund not later than the date specified under rules adopted by the board, one hundred dollars per day for each day the employer fails to transmit the amounts;

(C) Except for a statement required by section 3309.28 of the Revised Code, for a failure to submit a payroll report or other report required under this chapter not later than the date specified under rules adopted by the board, one hundred dollars per day for each day the employer fails to submit the report, except that the penalty shall not exceed one thousand five hundred dollars;

(D) For a failure to submit a record in the form of a statement required by section 3309.28 of the Revised Code, fifty dollars per record for each month the record is not filed, except that the penalty shall not exceed three hundred dollars.

Section 3309.59 | Levying additional taxes.

Employers who obtain funds directly by taxation shall levy annually such additional taxes as are required to provide the additional funds necessary to meet the financial requirements imposed upon them by this chapter and said tax shall be placed before and in preference to all other items except for sinking fund or interest purposes.

Section 3309.60 | Creation of funds - trustees.

The school employees retirement board shall be the trustee of certain funds hereby created as follows:

(A) The "employees' savings fund" is the fund in which shall be accumulated the contributions deducted from the compensation of contributors as provided by section 3309.47 of the Revised Code, together with the interest credited thereon. Such accumulated contributions refunded upon withdrawal or payable to a beneficiary as provided in this chapter, shall be paid from this fund. Any accumulated contributions forfeited by the failure of a contributor or a beneficiary to claim the same shall be transferred from this fund to the guarantee fund. The accumulated contributions of a contributor shall be transferred at retirement from the employee's savings fund to the annuity and pension reserve fund. The accumulated contributions of a member who dies prior to service retirement and which are forfeited by the qualified beneficiary in exchange for monthly survivor benefits, as provided by section 3309.45 of the Revised Code, shall be transferred to the survivors' benefit fund. The accumulated contributions of an SERS retirant or other system retirant as defined in section 3309.341 of the Revised Code, who dies prior to retirement, shall be transferred to the survivors' benefit fund for payment of a lump sum benefit to a beneficiary as provided in section 3309.341 of the Revised Code.

(B) The "employers' trust fund" is the fund to which the employer contribution shall be credited and in which shall be accumulated the reserves held in trust for the payment of all pensions, disability benefits, or other benefits provided by this chapter, to contributors retiring or receiving disability benefits in the future or to their qualified beneficiaries, and from which the reserves for such pensions, disability benefits, and other benefits shall be transferred to the annuity and pension reserve fund and to the survivors' benefit fund. The balances in the employers' accumulation fund shall be transferred to this fund. As of June 30, 1958, an additional amount shall be transferred from the employers' trust fund to the annuity and pension reserve fund in the amount required to complete the funding of the prior service and military service pensions then payable.

(C) The "annuity and pension reserve fund" is the fund from which shall be paid all annuities, pensions, and disability benefits for which reserves have been transferred from the employees' savings fund and the employers' trust fund.

(D) The "survivors' benefit fund" is the fund from which shall be paid the survivors' benefits provided by section 3309.45 of the Revised Code, and the lump sum payment to beneficiaries as provided in section 3309.341 of the Revised Code and to which shall be transferred from the employers' trust fund the amount required to fund all liabilities as of the end of each year.

(E) The "guarantee fund" is the fund from which interest is transferred and credited on the amounts in the funds described in divisions (A), (B), (C), and (D) of this section, and is a contingent fund from which the special requirements of said funds may be paid by transfer from this fund. All income derived from the investment of funds by the school employees retirement board as trustees under section 3309.15 of the Revised Code, together with all gifts and bequests, or the income therefrom, shall be paid into this fund.

Any deficit occurring in any other fund that will not be covered by payments to that fund, as otherwise provided in this chapter, shall be paid by transfers of amounts from the guarantee fund to such fund or funds. Should the amount in the guarantee fund be insufficient at any time to meet the amounts payable to the funds described in divisions (C) and (D) of this section, the amount of such deficiency, with regular interest, shall be paid by an additional employer rate of contribution as determined by the actuary, not to exceed fourteen per cent, and shall be approved by the school employees retirement board, and the amount of such additional employer contribution shall be credited to the guarantee fund.

The school employees retirement system may accept gifts and bequests. Any gifts, bequests, or funds may be transferred from the employees' savings fund by reason of lack of a claimant, or any surplus in any fund created by this section, or any other funds whose disposition is not otherwise provided for, shall be credited to the guarantee fund.

(F) The "expense fund" is the fund from which shall be paid the expenses for the administration and management of the school employees retirement system as provided by this chapter, and to which shall be credited the fees paid by members as provided by sections 3309.47 and 3309.62 of the Revised Code.

(G) The defined contribution fund is the fund in which shall be accumulated the contributions deducted from the compensation of members participating in a plan established under section 3309.81 of the Revised Code, as provided in section 3309.85 of the Revised Code, together with any earnings and employer contributions, as provided in section 3309.86 of the Revised Code, credited thereon. The defined contribution fund is the fund from which shall be paid all benefits provided under a plan established under section 3309.81 of the Revised Code.

Section 3309.61 | Each fund is separate legal entity.

Wherever in this chapter, reference is made to the employees' savings fund, the employers' trust fund, the annuity and pension reserve fund, the guarantee fund, the survivors' benefit fund, the defined contribution fund, or the expense fund, such reference shall be construed to have been made to each as a separate legal entity. This section does not prevent the deposit or investment of all such moneys intermingled for such purpose but such funds shall be separate and distinct legal entities for all other purposes.

Section 3309.62 | Estimating expenses annually.

The school employees retirement board shall estimate annually the amount required to defray expenses of administration in the ensuing year and may apportion such expenses among the members. The amount so apportioned in any year shall not exceed three dollars per member. If the amount estimated to be required to meet the expenses of the board exceeds the amounts apportioned by the board, the amount of such excess shall be paid from the guarantee fund.

If, in the judgment of the board, as evidenced by a resolution of that board recorded in its minutes, the amount in the guarantee fund exceeds the amount necessary to cover the ordinary requirement of that fund, the board may transfer to the expense fund such excess amount not exceeding the entire amount required to cover the expenses as estimated for the year and the board may then apportion the remaining amount required for the expense fund among the contributors.

Section 3309.63 | Merger of local pension system with school employees retirement system - procedure.

If a local district pension system votes to merge with the school employees retirement system, the school employees retirement board shall employ an actuary to value the assets and liabilities which will be taken over by the school employees retirement system hereby created in the event of such merger. The actuary so employed shall be an actuary also approved by the employer in whose district the local district pension system is operated, and the expense of the valuation shall be paid by such employer. The actuary shall compute the present value of the liabilities on account of employees in service in the local district pension system and on account of pensioners in the rolls of such local district pension system. He shall also compute the present value of the prospective amount to be received by reason of the payment of the normal contributions by the employer on behalf of the active employees of such local system in the event of the contemplated merger. From the present value of the total liability for pensions on account of employees in service in the local district pension system as previously determined, the actuary shall deduct the present value of the normal contributions.

The amount remaining, together with the excess, of the present value of all payments, necessary to continue the pensions of the pensioners of the local district pension system, over and above the amount of moneys and securities of such system, shall be known as the "accrued liability." No employee who is a member of a local district pension system on April 13, 1937, shall receive a lesser total retirement allowance upon retirement after merger of the local system with the state system than said employee would have received upon retirement under the local system.

Last updated March 9, 2022 at 12:13 PM

Section 3309.64 | Payment of accrued liability - interest - rate.

That part of the accrued liability due on account of pensions to pensioners already on the rolls of such local district pension system, referred to in section 3309.63 of the Revised Code, remaining unpaid on September 1, 1937, shall be paid by the employer at the rate of at least four per cent per annum of such accrued liability with interest at four per cent per annum on unpaid balances. Both the payment and interest shall be payable semiannually on dates to be fixed by the school employees retirement board. Payments on that part of the accrued liability due to employees in active service in the local district pension system shall be at the same rate per cent of the salaries of such employees as the deficiency contribution rate fixed in section 3309.50 of the Revised Code, and shall be made until the year in which the deficiency contribution payable by other employers who had no local pension system may be discontinued.

Section 3309.65 | Procedure for transfer of moneys and securities in event of merger.

The increasing contribution determined as provided in sections 3309.63 and 3309.64 of the Revised Code by the actuary shall be paid by the employer instead of the deficiency contribution computed as otherwise provided by this chapter. In the event of merger, the moneys and securities to the credit of the local district pension system, not exceeding an aggregate amount equal to the present value of the payments to be made on account of all pensions to the pensioners on the rolls of the local district pension system, shall be transferred to the employers' accumulation fund and the pensions then payable by the local district pension system shall thereafter be paid from the employers' accumulation fund until the reserves on these pensions with the other pensions payable from the employers' accumulation fund have been accumulated and shall be transferred to the annuity and pension reserve fund, from which fund they shall thereafter be payable. The pensions of the active members of the local district pension system and of the new entrants shall thereafter be payable as are the pensions of other members of the school employees retirement system. The amount of the excess of the moneys and securities of the local district pension system over and above the present value of the payments to be made on account of all pensions to the pensioners of the rolls of the local district pension system shall be transferred to the employees' savings fund and shall be credited pro rata to the active employees of such local district pension system on the basis of the amounts of their previous contributions to the local district pension system. In case such method of distribution is not found practicable by the school employees retirement board, the board may use such other method of apportionment as seems fair and equitable to such board. The amount so credited shall be considered as a part of the employee's accumulated contributions, and (1) in the case of service or commuted service retirement shall be considered as an amount in excess of the employee's accumulated contributions and may be used in purchasing from the annuity and pension reserve fund an annuity, in addition to any other annuity or pension benefit otherwise provided by this chapter, and (2) in case the beneficiary elects to take a survivor benefit under division (B) of section 3309.45 of the Revised Code, the amount shall be refunded to the beneficiary.

After the moneys and securities of any local district pension system have been transferred to the employers' accumulation fund or to the employees' savings fund, such local district pension system shall cease to exist.

Section 3309.66 | Tax exemptions.

The right of an individual to a pension, an annuity, or a retirement allowance itself, the right of an individual to any optional benefit, any other right accrued or accruing to any individual under this chapter, the various funds created by section 3309.60 of the Revised Code, and all moneys, investments, and income from moneys and investments are exempt from any state tax, except the tax imposed by section 5747.02 of the Revised Code, and are exempt from any county, municipal, or other local tax, except income taxes imposed pursuant to section 5748.02, 5748.08, or 5748.09 of the Revised Code, and, except as provided in sections 3105.171, 3105.65, 3115.501, 3119.80, 3119.81, 3121.02, 3121.03, 3123.06, 3309.67, 3309.672, and 3309.673 of the Revised Code, shall not be subject to execution, garnishment, attachment, the operation of bankruptcy or insolvency laws, or any other process of law whatsoever, and shall be unassignable except as specifically provided in this chapter and in sections 3105.171, 3105.65, 3115.501, 3119.80, 3119.81, 3121.02, 3121.03, and 3123.06 of the Revised Code.

Section 3309.661 | Acquiring vested right in pension when granted.

(A) Except as provided in section 3309.673 of the Revised Code, the granting of a retirement allowance, annuity, pension, or other benefit to any person pursuant to action of the school employees retirement board vests a right in such person, so long as the person remains the recipient of any of the funds established by section 3309.60 of the Revised Code, to receive such retirement allowance, annuity, pension, or benefit. Such right shall also be vested with equal effect in the recipient of a grant heretofore made from any of the funds named in section 3309.60 of the Revised Code.

(B) This section does not affect the retirement board's authority under division (G) of section 3309.374 of the Revised Code.

Section 3309.662 | Waiver of rights.

(A) Any person who is receiving an allowance, benefit, or any increase under the provisions of this chapter may, at any time, waive his rights thereto, or to a portion thereof, by filing a written notice of waiver with the school employees retirement board. Except as provided in division (B) of this section, such waiver shall remain in effect until the first day of the month following his death or the filing of his written cancellation of such waiver with the school employees retirement board. It is further provided that any amount so waived shall be forever forfeited.

(B) If a beneficiary waives in writing all claim to any benefits under this chapter prior to receipt of the first benefit, the waiver shall put in effect the succession of beneficiaries as provided in division (C) of section 3309.44 of the Revised Code and shall be irrevocable.

Last updated March 13, 2024 at 2:00 PM

Section 3309.663 | Payroll deduction of membership dues and fees of retiree organizations.

Any person receiving from the school employees retirement system an allowance, annuity, pension, or benefit may authorize the system to make deductions therefrom for the payment of dues and other membership fees to any retirement association or other organization composed primarily of retired public employees or retired public employees and their spouses if the association or organization adopts a resolution approving payment by that method and not fewer than five hundred persons receiving allowances, annuities, pensions, or benefits from the system initially authorize the deduction for payment to the same association or organization. The authorization shall be in writing and signed by the person giving it. The system shall make the deductions authorized and pay to the association or organization the amounts deducted, until the authorization is revoked in writing by the person. The system may charge the association or organization an amount not exceeding the actual costs incurred by the system in making the deductions. The system shall adopt rules establishing the method of collecting the amount charged, if any.

Section 3309.67 | Restitution order based on theft in office or certain sex offenses.

(A) Notwithstanding any other provision of this chapter, any payment that is to be made under a pension, annuity, allowance, or other type of benefit, other than a survivorship benefit, that has been granted to a person under this chapter, any payment of accumulated contributions standing to a person's credit under this chapter, and any payment of any other amounts to be paid to a person under this chapter upon the person's withdrawal of contributions pursuant to this chapter shall be subject to any withholding order issued pursuant to section 2907.15 of the Revised Code or division (C)(2)(b) of section 2921.41 of the Revised Code, and the school employees retirement board shall comply with that withholding order in making the payment.

(B) Notwithstanding any other provision of this chapter, if the board receives notice pursuant to section 2907.15 of the Revised Code or division (D) of section 2921.41 of the Revised Code that a person who has accumulated contributions standing to the person's credit pursuant to this chapter is charged with a violation of section 2907.02, 2907.03, 2907.04, 2907.05, or 2921.41 of the Revised Code, no payment of those accumulated contributions, of any other amounts to be paid under this chapter upon the person's withdrawal of contributions pursuant to this chapter, or of any amount to be paid to a contributor as a lump sum or single payment under section 3309.341 of the Revised Code, shall be made prior to whichever of the following is applicable:

(1) If the person is convicted of or pleads guilty to the charge and no motion for a withholding order for purposes of restitution has been filed under section 2907.15 of the Revised Code or division (C)(2)(b)(i) of section 2921.41 of the Revised Code, thirty days after the day on which final disposition of the charge is made;

(2) If the person is convicted of or pleads guilty to the charge and a motion for a withholding order for purposes of restitution has been filed under section 2907.15 of the Revised Code or division (C)(2)(b)(i) of section 2921.41 of the Revised Code, the day on which the court decides the motion;

(3) If the charge is dismissed or the person is found not guilty or not guilty by reason of insanity of the charge, the day on which final disposition of the charge is made.

Section 3309.671 | Order for division of marital property.

(A) As used in this section, "alternate payee," "benefit," "lump sum payment," "participant," and "public retirement program" have the same meanings as in section 3105.80 of the Revised Code.

(B) On receipt of an order issued under section 3105.171 or 3105.65 of the Revised Code, the school employees retirement system shall determine whether the order meets the requirements of sections 3105.80 to 3105.90 of the Revised Code. The system shall retain in the participant's record an order the system determines meets the requirements. Not later than sixty days after receipt, the system shall return to the court that issued the order any order the system determines does not meet the requirements.

(C) The system shall comply with an order retained under division (B) of this section at the following times as appropriate:

(1) If the participant has applied for or is receiving a benefit or has applied for but not yet received a lump sum payment, as soon as practicable;

(2) If the participant has not applied for a benefit or lump sum payment, on application by the participant for a benefit or lump sum payment.

(D) If the system transfers a participant's service credit or contributions made by or on behalf of a participant to a public retirement program that is not named in the order, the system shall do both of the following:

(1) Notify the court that issued the order by sending the court a copy of the order and the name and address of the public retirement program to which the transfer was made.

(2) Send a copy of the order to the public retirement program to which the transfer was made.

(E) If it receives a participant's service credit or contributions and a copy of an order as provided in division (D) of this section, the system shall administer the order as if it were the public retirement program named in the order.

(F) If a participant's benefit or lump sum payment is or will be subject to more than one order described in section 3105.81 of the Revised Code or to an order described in section 3105.81 of the Revised Code and a withholding order under section 3121.03 of the Revised Code, the system shall, after determining that the amounts that are or will be withheld will cause the benefit or lump sum payment to fall below the limits described in section 3105.85 of the Revised Code, do all of the following:

(1) Establish, in accordance with division (G) of this section and subject to the limits described in section 3105.85 of the Revised Code, the priority in which the orders are or will be paid by the system;

(2) Reduce the amount paid to an alternate payee based on the priority established under division (F)(1) of this section;

(3) Notify, by regular mail, a participant and alternate payee of any action taken under this division.

(G) A withholding or deduction notice issued under section 3121.03 of the Revised Code or an order described in section 3115.501 of the Revised Code has priority over all other orders and shall be complied with in accordance with child support enforcement laws. All other orders are entitled to priority in order of earliest retention by the system. The system is not to retain an order that provides for the division of property unless the order is filed in a court with jurisdiction in this state.

(H) The system is not liable in civil damages for loss resulting from any action or failure to act in compliance with this section.

Section 3309.672 | Forfeiture of retirement benefits under RC 2929.192.

(A) Notwithstanding any other provision of this chapter, any payment of accumulated contributions standing to a person's credit under this chapter and any other amount or amounts to be paid to a person who is a contributor under this chapter upon the person's withdrawal of contributions pursuant to this chapter shall be subject to any forfeiture ordered under division (A) or (B) of section 2929.192 of the Revised Code, and the school employees retirement system shall comply with that order in making the payment. Upon payment of the person's accumulated contributions and cancellation of the corresponding service credit, a person who is subject to the forfeiture described in this division may not restore the canceled service credit under this chapter or under Chapter 145., 742., 3305., 3307., or 5505. of the Revised Code.

(B) Notwithstanding any other provision of this chapter, if the system receives notice pursuant to section 2901.43 of the Revised Code that a person who has accumulated contributions standing to the person's credit pursuant to this chapter is charged with any offense or violation listed or described in divisions (D)(1) to (3) of section 2929.192 of the Revised Code that is a felony in the circumstances specified in the particular division, all of the following apply:

(1) No payment of those accumulated contributions or of any other amount or amounts to be paid to a person who is a contributor under this chapter upon the person's withdrawal of contributions pursuant to this chapter shall be made prior to whichever of the following is applicable:

(a) If the person is convicted of or pleads guilty to the charge and forfeiture is ordered under division (A) or (B) of section 2929.192 of the Revised Code, the day on which the system receives from the court a copy of the journal entry of the offender's sentence under that section;

(b) If the charge against the person is dismissed, the person is found not guilty of the charge, or the person is found not guilty by reason of insanity of the charge, the day on which the system receives notice of the final disposition of the charge.

(2) The system shall not process any application for payment under this chapter from the person prior to the final disposition of the charge.

Section 3309.673 | Benefits subject to termination.

Notwithstanding any other provision of this chapter, a disability benefit granted under this chapter is subject to an order issued under section 2929.193 of the Revised Code. The school employees retirement board shall comply with the order.

On receipt of notice under section 2901.43 of the Revised Code that a school employees retirement system member is charged with an offense listed in division (D) of section 2929.192 of the Revised Code under the circumstances specified in that division, the system shall determine whether the member has been granted a disability benefit. If so, the system shall send written notice to the prosecutor assigned to the case that the member has been granted a disability benefit under this chapter and may be subject to section 2929.193 of the Revised Code.

Section 3309.68 | Payment of amounts due retirement system from treasury.

All amounts due the school employees retirement system from the state treasury pursuant to this chapter shall be promptly paid upon warrant of the director of budget and management pursuant to a voucher approved by the director.

Section 3309.69 | Group health care coverage for eligible individuals or dependents.

(A) The school employees retirement board may establish a program to provide medical, hospital, surgical, prescription, or other health care coverage, benefits, reimbursement, or any combination thereof, to eligible individuals or dependents.

Any program established under this section shall be designed and administered by the board. In establishing a program, the board may do any of the following:

(1) Enter into an agreement with persons or government agencies authorized to do business in the state for issuance of a policy or contract of health, medical, hospital, prescription, surgical, or other health care benefits, or any combination thereof;

(2) Provide for self-insurance of risk or level of risk and provide through the self-insurance method specific benefits as authorized by the rules of the board;

(3) Provide reimbursements or subsidies to eligible participants;

(4) Make disbursements;

(5) Determine levels of coverage and costs for the program;

(6) Take any other action it considers necessary to establish and administer the program.

(B) If it establishes a health care program, the board shall establish eligibility criteria and any other requirements for participation. To be eligible, an individual must meet the criteria established by the board and be one or more of the following:

(1) A former member receiving benefits pursuant to section 3309.34, 3309.35, 3309.36, or 3309.381 or former section 3309.38 of the Revised Code;

(2) A disability benefit recipient receiving a disability benefit pursuant to section 3309.35, 3309.39, 3309.40, or 3309.401 of the Revised Code;

(3) A beneficiary receiving monthly benefits pursuant to section 3309.45 of the Revised Code;

(4) The beneficiary of a former member who is receiving monthly benefits pursuant to section 3309.46 of the Revised Code;

(5) A dependent, as determined under rules adopted by the board, of an individual described in divisions (B)(1) to (4) of this section.

(C) The cost paid from the funds of the system for coverage under this section shall be included in the employer contribution under sections 3309.49 and 3309.491 of the Revised Code.

(D)(1) The board may require payment of a premium for participation in the health care program. Participation is deemed consent for the deduction of premiums from any pension, benefit, or annuity provided under this chapter to an eligible participant.

(2) An individual who fails to pay any required premium or receives any coverage or payment to which the individual is not entitled shall pay or repay any amount due the system. If an individual fails to pay or repay an amount due, the system may withhold the amount from any pension, benefit, annuity, or payment due the individual or the individual's beneficiary under this chapter or collect the amount in any other manner provided by law.

(E) A health care program participant who is eligible for coverage under medicare part B, "Supplementary Medical Insurance Benefits for the Aged and Disabled," 42 U.S.C. 1395j, as amended, shall enroll for that coverage. The board shall, beginning the month following receipt of satisfactory evidence of the payment for coverage, make a monthly payment to the participant in an amount determined by the board for such coverage that is not less than forty-five dollars and fifty cents, except that the board shall make no payment to a participant who is not eligible for coverage under medicare part B or pay an amount that exceeds the amount paid by the recipient for the coverage.

(F) The board shall establish by rule requirements for the coordination of any coverage, payment, or benefit provided under this section or section 3309.375 of the Revised Code with any similar coverage, payment, or benefit made available to the same individual by the public employees retirement system, Ohio police and fire pension fund, state teachers retirement system, or state highway patrol retirement system.

(G) The board shall make all other necessary rules pursuant to the purpose and intent of this section.

(H) This section does not require the board to establish, maintain, offer, or continue any health care program. This section does not require the board to provide or continue access to any health care program, or any level of coverage or costs provided under the program, if the board establishes or maintains a program under this section.

Section 3309.691 | Establishing programs for long term health care insurance.

The school employees retirement board may establish a program under which members of the retirement system, employers on behalf of members, and persons receiving service, disability, or survivor benefits are permitted to participate in contracts for long-term health care insurance. Participation may include dependents and family members. If a participant in a contract for long-term care insurance leaves employment, the participant and the participant's dependents and family members may, at their election, continue to participate in a program established under this section in the same manner as if the participant had not left employment, except that no part of the cost of the insurance shall be paid by the participant's former employer.

Such program may be established independently or jointly with one or more of the other retirement systems. For purposes of this section, "retirement systems" has the same meaning as in division (A) of section 145.581 of the Revised Code.

The board may enter into an agreement with insurance companies, health insuring corporations, or government agencies authorized to do business in the state for issuance of a long-term care insurance policy or contract. However, prior to entering into such an agreement with an insurance company or health insuring corporation, the board shall request the superintendent of insurance to certify the financial condition of the company or corporation. The board shall not enter into the agreement if, according to that certification, the company or corporation is insolvent, is determined by the superintendent to be potentially unable to fulfill its contractual obligations, or is placed under an order of rehabilitation or conservation by a court of competent jurisdiction or under an order of supervision by the superintendent.

The board may adopt rules in accordance with section 111.15 of the Revised Code governing the program. Any rules adopted by the board shall establish methods of payment for participation under this section, which may include establishment of a payroll deduction plan under section 3309.27 of the Revised Code, deduction of the full premium charged from a person's service, disability, or survivor benefit, or any other method of payment considered appropriate by the board. If the program is established jointly with one or more of the other retirement systems, the rules also shall establish the terms and conditions of such joint participation.

Section 3309.692 | Additional deposits to fund medical expenses.

As used in this section, "SERS defined benefit plan" means the plan established under sections 3309.18 to 3309.70 of the Revised Code and "SERS defined contribution plan" means the plan established under section 3309.81 of the Revised Code.

The SERS defined benefit plan or a SERS defined contribution plan may include a program under which a member participating in the plan or a member's employer is permitted to make additional deposits for the purpose of providing funds for the payment of health, medical, hospital, surgical, dental, or vision care expenses, including insurance premiums, deductible amounts, or copayments. The program may be a voluntary employees' beneficiary association, as described in section 501(c)(9) of the Internal Revenue Code, 26 U.S.C. 501(c)(9), as amended; an account described in section 401(h) of the Internal Revenue Code, 26 U.S.C. 401(h), as amended; a medical savings account; or a similar type of program under which an individual may accumulate funds for the purpose of paying such expenses. To implement the program, the school employees retirement board may enter into agreements with insurance companies or other entities authorized to conduct business in this state.

If the SERS defined benefit plan or a SERS defined contribution plan includes a program described in this section, the board shall adopt rules to administer the program.

Section 3309.70 | Recovering erroneous payments.

If a person who is a member, former member, contributor, former contributor, retirant, beneficiary, or alternate payee, as defined in section 3105.80 of the Revised Code, is paid any benefit or payment by the school employees retirement system to which the person is not entitled, the benefit shall be repaid to the retirement system by the person. If the person fails to make the repayment, the retirement system shall withhold the amount due from any benefit due the person or the person's beneficiary under this chapter, or may collect the amount in any other manner provided by law.

Section 3309.73 | Credit for service in uniform retirement system.

(A) As used in this section and section 3309.731 of the Revised Code:

(1) "Uniform retirement system" or "uniform system" means the Ohio police and fire pension fund or state highway patrol retirement system.

(2) "Military service credit" means service credit purchased or obtained under this chapter or Chapter 742. or 5505. of the Revised Code for service in the armed forces of the United States.

(B) A member of the school employees retirement system who has contributions on deposit with a uniform retirement system shall, in computing years of total service, be given full credit for service credit earned under Chapter 742. or 5505. of the Revised Code or purchased or obtained for military service credit if a transfer to the school employees retirement system is made under this division. At the request of the member, the uniform system shall transfer to the school employees retirement system, for each year of service, the sum of the following:

(1) An amount equal to the member's accumulated contributions to the uniform system and any payments by the member for military service credit;

(2) An amount equal to the lesser of the employer's contributions to the uniform system or the amount that would have been contributed by the employer for the service had the member been a member of the school employees retirement system at the time the credit was earned;

(3) Interest, determined as provided in division (F) of this section, on the amounts specified in divisions (B)(1) and (2) of this section from the last day of the year for which the service credit in the uniform system was earned or in which military service credit was purchased or obtained to the date the transfer is made.

(C) A member who has at least eighteen months of contributing service with the school employees retirement system, is a former member of a uniform retirement system, and has received a refund of contributions to that uniform system shall, in computing years of total service, be given full credit for service credit earned under Chapter 742. or 5505. of the Revised Code or purchased or obtained for military service credit if, for each year of service, the school employees retirement system receives the sum of the following:

(1) An amount, which shall be paid by the member, equal to the amount refunded by the uniform system to the member for that year for accumulated contributions and payments for purchase of military service credit, with interest at a rate established by the school employees retirement board on that amount from the date of the refund to the date of the payment;

(2) Interest, which shall be transferred by the uniform system, on the amount refunded to the member that is attributable to the year of service from the last day of the year for which the service credit was earned or in which payment was made for military service credit to the date the refund was made;

(3) An amount, which shall be transferred by the uniform system, that is equal to the lesser of the employer's contributions to the uniform system or the amount that would have been contributed by the employer for the service had the member been a member of the school employees retirement system at the time the credit was earned, with interest on that amount from the last day of the year for which the service credit was earned or in which payment was made for military service credit to the date of the transfer.

On receipt of payment from the member, the school employees retirement system shall notify the uniform system, which, on receipt of the notice, shall make the transfer required by this division. Interest shall be determined as provided in division (F) of this section. The member may choose to purchase only part of such credit in any one payment, subject to board rules.

(D) A member is ineligible to obtain service credit under this section for service that is used in the calculation of any retirement benefit currently being paid or payable in the future to the member under any other retirement program or for service credit that may be transferred under section 3309.731 of the Revised Code.

Service credit obtained under this section shall be considered the equivalent of Ohio service credit.

(E) If a member of the school employees retirement system who is not a current contributor elects to obtain credit under section 742.21 or 5505.40 of the Revised Code for service for which the member contributed to the school employees retirement system or made payment for military service credit, the school employees retirement system shall transfer to the uniform retirement system, as applicable, the amount specified in division (D) of section 742.21 or division (B)(2) of section 5505.40 of the Revised Code.

(F) Interest charged under this section shall be calculated separately for each year of service credit. Unless otherwise specified in this section, it shall be calculated at the lesser of the actuarial assumption rate for that year of the school employees retirement system or of the uniform retirement system in which the credit was earned. The interest shall be compounded annually.

(G) At the request of the school employees retirement system, the uniform retirement system shall certify to the school employees retirement system a copy of the records of the service and contributions of a school employees retirement system member who seeks service credit under this section.

Section 3309.731 | Transferred service credit from uniform retirement system.

(A) As used in this section, "transferred service credit" means service credit purchased or obtained under section 742.21, 742.214, 742.375, 5505.201, 5505.40, or 5505.41 of the Revised Code prior to the date a member commenced the employment covered by the school employees retirement system for which the member is currently contributing to the system.

(B) A member of the school employees retirement system who has contributions on deposit with, but is no longer contributing to, a uniform retirement system shall, in computing years of service, be given full credit for transferred service credit if a transfer to the school employees retirement system is made under this section. At the request of a member, the uniform system shall transfer to the school employees retirement system the sum of the following:

(1) An amount equal to the amounts transferred to the uniform system under section 742.21, 742.214, 742.375, 5505.201, 5505.40, or 5505.41 of the Revised Code;

(2) Interest, determined as provided in division (E) of this section, on the amount specified in division (B)(1) of this section for the period from the last day of the year in which the transfer under section 742.21, 742.214, 742.375, 5505.201, 5505.40, or 5505.41 of the Revised Code was made to the date a transfer is made under this section.

(C) A member of the school employees retirement system with at least eighteen months of contributing service credit with the school employees retirement system who has received a refund of contributions to a uniform retirement system shall, in computing years of service, be given full credit for transferred service credit if, for each year of service, the school employees retirement system receives the sum of the following:

(1) An amount, which shall be paid by the member, equal to the amount refunded by the uniform system to the member for that year for transferred service credit, with interest on that amount from the date of the refund to the date a payment is made under this section;

(2) Interest, which shall be transferred by the uniform system, on the amount refunded to the member for the period from the last day of the year in which the transfer under section 742.21, 742.214, 742.375, 5505.201, 5505.40, or 5505.41 of the Revised Code was made to the date the refund was made;

(3) If the uniform system retained any portion of the amount transferred under section 742.21, 742.214, 742.375, 5505.201, 5505.40, or 5505.41 of the Revised Code, an amount, which shall be transferred by the uniform system, equal to the amount retained, with interest on that amount for the period from the last day of the year in which the transfer under section 742.21, 742.214, 742.375, 5505.201, 5505.40, or 5505.41 of the Revised Code was made to the date a transfer is made under this section.

On receipt of payment from the member, the school employees retirement system shall notify the uniform system, which, on receipt of the notice, shall make the transfer required by this division. Interest shall be determined as provided in division (E) of this section.

(D) Service credit purchased or obtained under this section shall be considered the equivalent of Ohio service credit. A member may choose to purchase only part of the credit the member is eligible to purchase under division (C) of this section in any one payment, subject to rules adopted by the school employees retirement board. A member is ineligible to purchase or obtain service credit under this section for service to be used in the calculation of any retirement benefit currently being paid or payable to the member in the future under any other retirement program or for service credit that may be purchased or obtained under section 3309.73 of the Revised Code.

(E) Interest charged under this section shall be calculated separately for each year of service credit at the lesser of the actuarial assumption rate for that year of the school employees retirement system or of the uniform retirement system to which the credit was transferred under section 742.21, 742.214, 742.375, 5505.201, 5505.40, or 5505.41 of the Revised Code. The interest shall be compounded annually.

(F) Any amounts transferred or paid under divisions (B) and (C) of this section that are attributable to contributions made by the member or to amounts paid to purchase service credit shall be credited to the employees' savings fund created under section 3309.47 of the Revised Code. Any remaining amounts shall be credited to one or more of the funds created under that section as determined by the board.

(G) At the request of the school employees retirement system, the uniform retirement system shall certify to the school employees retirement system a copy of the records of the service and contributions of a school employees retirement system member who seeks service credit under this section. The uniform retirement system shall specify the portions of the amounts transferred that are attributable to employee contributions, employer contributions, and interest.

(H) If a member of the school employees retirement system who is not a current contributor elects to receive service credit under section 742.214 or 5505.41 of the Revised Code for transferred service credit, as defined in those sections, the system shall transfer to the uniform retirement system, as applicable, the amount specified in division (B) or (C) of section 742.214 or division (B) or (C) of section 5505.41 of the Revised Code.

(I) The board may adopt rules to implement this section.

Section 3309.74 | Transferring service credit and contributions between SERS and Cincinnati retirement system.

(A) As used in this section and sectoins 3309.75 and 3309.76 of the Revised Code, "military service credit" means credit purchased or obtained under the school employees retirement system or city of Cincinnati retirement system for service in the armed forces of the United States.

(B) Service credit and contributions may be transferred between the school employees retirement system and the Cincinnati retirement system as specified in sections 3309.75 and 3309.76 of the Revised Code if both of the following conditions are met:

(1) The Cincinnati city council and the board of trustees of the Cincinnati retirement system take all actions, including the adoption of any ordinance or resolution, necessary to authorize the transfers.

(2) The school employees retirement system and Cincinnati retirement system, through their boards of trustees, enter into an agreement governing the transfers that is consistent with the requirements of sections 3309.75 and 3309.76 of the Revised Code and includes both of the following:

(a) A provision under which the retirement systems agree to transfer the amounts specified in those sections;

(b) A provision that specifies an amount of credit the system to which the transfer is made will grant for a specific period of service earned under the transferring system.

(C) The amount of credit specified under division (B)(2) of this section may be less than the person earned for a specific period of service under the transferring system.

(D)(1) The school employees retirement system, through its board of trustees, and the Cincinnati retirement system, acting pursuant to the authority granted it by the Cincinnati city council, may do either of the following:

(a) By mutual consent, modify the agreement described in this section;

(b) Rescind the agreement described in this section.

(2) Action taken under division (D)(1) of this section does not affect any transfers made between the systems and grants of credit made by the systems prior to the time action is taken.

(3) Rescinding an agreement as provided in division (D)(1)(b) of this section does not require mutual consent. The retirement system that rescinds the agreement must promptly notify the other.

(E) If either of the conditions specified in division (B) of this section is not met, a member of the school employees retirement system who meets the requirements of section 3309.31 of the Revised Code may purchase credit under division (C) of that section for service in the Cincinnati retirement system.

Section 3309.75 | Eligibility for credit for service in Cincinnati retirement system.

(A) If the conditions described in division (B) of section 3309.74 of the Revised Code are met, a member of the school employees retirement system who is not receiving a pension or benefit from the school employees retirement system is eligible to obtain credit for service as a member of the Cincinnati retirement system under this section.

(B) A member of the school employees retirement system who has contributions on deposit with, but is no longer contributing to, the Cincinnati retirement system shall, in computing years of service credit, be given credit for service credit earned under the Cincinnati retirement system or purchased or obtained as military service credit if all of the following conditions are met:

(1) The member's service credit in the school employees retirement system is greater than the amount of credit that would be transferred under this division.

(2) The member is eligible, or with the credit will be eligible, for a retirement or disability benefit.

(3) The member agrees to retire or accept a disability benefit not later than ninety days after receiving notice from the school employees retirement system that the credit has been obtained.

(4) For each year of service, the Cincinnati retirement system transfers to the school employees retirement system the sum of the following:

(a) The amount contributed by the member, or, in the case of military service credit, paid by the member, that is attributable to the year of service;

(b) An amount equal to the lesser of the employer's contributions to the Cincinnati retirement system or the amount that would have been contributed by the employer for the service had the member been a member of the school employees retirement system at the time the credit was earned;

(c) Interest on the amounts specified in divisions (B)(4)(a) and (b) of this section from the last day of the year for which the service credit was earned or in which payment was made for military service credit to the date the transfer is made.

(C) A member of the school employees retirement system with at least eighteen months of contributing service credit with the school employees retirement system who has received a refund of the member's contributions to the Cincinnati retirement system may obtain credit for service credit earned under the Cincinnati retirement system or purchased or obtained as military service credit if all of the following conditions are met:

(1) The member's service credit in the school employees retirement system is greater than the amount of credit that would be transferred under this division.

(2) The member is eligible, or with the credit will be eligible, for a retirement or disability benefit.

(3) The member agrees to retire or accept a disability benefit not later than ninety days after receiving notice from the school employees retirement system that the credit has been obtained.

(4) For each year of service, the school employees retirement system receives the sum of the following:

(a) An amount, paid by the member, equal to the sum of the following:

(i) The amount refunded by the Cincinnati retirement system to the member for that year for contributions and payments for military service credit, with interest at a rate established by the school employees retirement board on that amount from the date of the refund to the date of payment;

(ii) The amount of interest, if any, the member received when the refund was made that is attributable to the year of service.

(b) An amount, transferred by the Cincinnati retirement system to the school employees retirement system, equal to the sum of the following:

(i) Interest on the amount refunded to the member that is attributable to the year of service from the last day of the year for which the service credit was earned or in which payment was made for military service credit to the date the refund was made;

(ii) An amount equal to the lesser of the employer's contributions to the Cincinnati retirement system or the amount that would have been contributed by the employer for the service had the member been a member of the school employees retirement system at the time the credit was earned, with interest on that amount from the last day of the year for which the service credit was earned to the date of the transfer.

(D) The amount transferred under division (C)(4)(b)(i) of this section shall not include any amount of interest the Cincinnati retirement system paid to the person when it made the refund.

(E) On receipt of payment from the member under division (C)(4)(a) of this section, the school employees retirement system shall notify the Cincinnati retirement system. On receipt of the notice, the Cincinnati retirement system shall transfer the amount described in division (C)(4)(b) of this section.

(F) Interest charged under this section shall be calculated separately for each year of service credit. Unless otherwise specified in this section, it shall be calculated at the lesser of the actuarial assumption rate for that year of the school employees retirement system or the Cincinnati retirement system. The interest shall be compounded annually.

(G) At the request of the school employees retirement system, the Cincinnati retirement system shall certify to the school employees retirement system a copy of the records of the service and contributions of a school employees retirement system member who seeks service credit under this section.

(H) A member may choose to purchase only part of the credit the member is eligible to purchase under division (C) of this section, subject to rules of the school employees retirement board.

(I) A member is ineligible to obtain credit under this section for service that is used in the calculation of any retirement benefit currently being paid or payable in the future.

(J) Service credit purchased or otherwise obtained under this section shall be considered the equivalent of Ohio service credit.

(K) The school employees retirement system shall withdraw credit obtained under this section and refund all amounts paid or transferred to obtain the credit if either of the following occurs:

(1) The member fails to retire or accept a disability benefit not later than ninety days after receiving notice from the school employees retirement system that credit has been obtained under this section.

(2) The member's application for a disability benefit is denied.

Section 3309.76 | Transferring contributions to Cincinnati retirement system.

(A) If the conditions described in division (B) of section 3309.74 of the Revised Code are met and a person who is a member or former member of the school employees retirement system but not a current contributor and who is not receiving a pension or benefit from the school employees retirement system elects to receive credit under the Cincinnati retirement system for service for which the person contributed to the school employees retirement system or purchased or obtained as military service credit, the school employees retirement system shall transfer the amounts specified in divisions (A)(4)(a) or (A)(4)(b) of this section to the Cincinnati retirement system. A person may obtain credit if all of the following conditions are met:

(1) The member's service credit in the Cincinnati retirement system is greater than the amount of credit that would be transferred under this division.

(2) The member is eligible, or with the credit will be eligible, for a retirement or disability benefit.

(3) The member agrees to retire or accept a disability benefit not later than ninety days after receiving notice from the school employees retirement system that the credit has been obtained.

(4)(a) If the person has contributions on deposit with the school employees retirement system, the retirement system, for each year of service credit, transfers to the Cincinnati retirement system the sum of the following:

(i) An amount equal to the person's contributions to the school employees retirement system and payments made by the member for military service credit;

(ii) An amount equal to the lesser of the employer's contributions to the school employees retirement system or the amount that would have been contributed by the employer for the service had the person been a member of the Cincinnati retirement system at the time the credit was earned;

(iii) Interest on the amounts specified in divisions (A)(4)(a)(i) and (ii) of this section for the period from the last day of the year for which the service credit was earned or in which payment was made for military service credit to the date the transfer was made.

(b) If the person has received a refund of accumulated contributions to the school employees retirement system, the retirement system, for each year of service credit, transfers to the Cincinnati retirement system the sum of the following:

(i) Interest on the amount refunded to the former member that is attributable to the year of service from the last day of the year for which the service credit was earned or in which payment was made for military service credit to the date the refund was made;

(ii) An amount equal to the lesser of the employer's contributions to the school employees retirement system or the amount that would have been contributed by the employer for the service had the person been a member of the Cincinnati retirement system at the time the credit was earned, with interest on that amount from the last day of the year for which the service credit was earned to the date of the transfer.

(B) On receipt of notice from the Cincinnati retirement system that the Cincinnati retirement system has received payment from a person described in division (A)(4)(b) of this section, the school employees retirement system shall transfer the amount described in that division.

(C) Interest charged under this section shall be calculated separately for each year of service credit. Unless otherwise specified in this section, it shall be calculated at the lesser of the actuarial assumption rate for that year of the school employees retirement system or the Cincinnati retirement system. The interest shall be compounded annually.

(D) The transfer of any amount under this section shall cancel an equivalent amount of service credit.

(E) At the request of the Cincinnati retirement system, the school employees retirement system shall certify to the Cincinnati retirement system a copy of the records of the service and contributions of a member or former member of the school employees retirement system who elects to receive service credit under the Cincinnati retirement system.

Last updated March 15, 2022 at 4:53 PM

Section 3309.80 | Rules for defined contribution plans.

The school employees retirement board shall adopt rules to implement each plan established under section 3309.81 of the Revised Code.

Section 3309.81 | Establishment and administration of defined contribution plan.

The school employees retirement board may establish one or more plans consisting of benefit options that provide for an individual account for each participating member and under which benefits are based solely on the amounts that have accumulated in the account. The plans may include options under which a member participating in a plan may receive definitely determinable benefits.

Each plan established under this section shall meet the requirements of sections 3309.81 to 3309.98 of the Revised Code and any rules adopted in accordance with section 3309.80 of the Revised Code. It may include life insurance, annuities, variable annuities, regulated investment trusts, pooled investment funds, or other forms of investment.

The board may administer the plans, enter into contracts with other entities to administer the plans, or both.

Section 3309.811 | Qualification of plan as governmental plan for federal tax purposes.

Each plan established under section 3309.81 of the Revised Code shall qualify as a governmental plan under section 414(d) of the "Internal Revenue Code of 1986," 100 Stat. 2085, 26 U.S.C.A. 414(d), as amended, and meet the requirements of section 401(a) of the "Internal Revenue Code of 1986," 26 U.S.C.A. 401(a), as amended, applicable to governmental plans.

Section 3309.812 | Qualification of plan as retirement system maintained by a state or local government entity for federal tax purposes.

Each plan established under section 3309.81 of the Revised Code shall meet the requirements necessary to qualify as a retirement system maintained by a state or local government entity under section 3121(b)(7)(F) of the "Internal Revenue Code of 1986," 100 Stat. 2085, 26 U.S.C.A. 3121(b)(7)(F), as amended. Each participant in a plan shall qualify as a member of that system.

Section 3309.813 | Maintaining individual account for each participant.

Each plan established under section 3309.81 of the Revised Code shall require the school employees retirement board, or the entity administering the plan pursuant to a contract with the board, to cause an individual account to be maintained for each member participating in the plan. A plan may include deposits to the defined contribution fund created under section 3309.60 of the Revised Code or additional deposits made under section 3309.47 of the Revised Code to the employees' savings fund.

Section 3309.82 | Application of chapter to defined contribution plan.

(A) Except as provided in division (B) of this section, sections 3309.02, 3309.021, and 3309.022 and sections 3309.18 to 3309.70 of the Revised Code do not apply to a plan established under section 3309.81 of the Revised Code, except that a plan may incorporate provisions of those sections as specified in the plan document.

(B) The following sections of Chapter 3309. of the Revised Code apply to a plan established under section 3309.81 of the Revised Code: sections 3309.19, 3309.21, 3309.22, 3309.23, 3309.24, 3309.25, 3309.251, 3309.252, 3309.253, 3309.28, 3309.29, 3309.341, 3309.3712, 3309.47, 3309.471, 3309.49, 3309.51, 3309.55, 3309.56, 3309.57, 3309.571, 3309.58, 3309.59, 3309.60, 3309.61, 3309.62, 3309.66, 3309.661, 3309.67, 3309.672, 3309.673, 3309.68, and 3309.70 of the Revised Code.

Section 3309.85 | Contributions of members.

Each member participating in a plan established under section 3309.81 of the Revised Code shall contribute a per cent of the member's compensation to the school employees retirement system as required in section 3309.47 of the Revised Code. Contributions made under this section shall not exceed the limits established by section 415 of the "Internal Revenue Code of 1986," 100 Stat. 2085, 26 U.S.C.A. 415, as amended.

Section 3309.86 | Contributions of employers.

For each member participating in a plan established under section 3309.81 of the Revised Code, the employer shall contribute a per cent of the member's compensation to the school employees retirement system as required in section 3309.49 of the Revised Code.

Section 3309.87 | Deposit and crediting of contributions.

Except as provided in section 3309.88 of the Revised Code, amounts contributed under sections 3309.85 and 3309.86 of the Revised Code, and any earnings on those amounts, shall be deposited and credited in accordance with the plan established under section 3309.81 of the Revised Code that is selected by the member.

Section 3309.88 | Transfer of portion of employer contribution to employers' trust fund to mitigate negative financial impact on system.

For each member participating in a plan established under section 3309.81 of the Revised Code, the school employees retirement system shall transfer to the employers' trust fund a portion of the employer contribution required under section 3309.49 of the Revised Code. The portion shall equal the percentage of compensation of members for whom the contributions are being made that is determined by an actuary appointed by the school employees retirement board to be necessary to mitigate any negative financial impact on the system of members' participation in a plan.

The board shall have prepared annually an actuarial study to determine whether the percentage transferred under this section should be changed to reflect a change in the level of negative financial impact resulting from members' participation in a plan. The percentage transferred shall be increased or decreased to reflect the amount needed to mitigate the negative financial impact, if any, on the system, as determined by the study. A change shall take effect on the first day of the year following the date the conclusions of the study are reported to the board.

The system shall make the transfer required under this section until the unfunded actuarial accrued liability for all benefits, except health care benefits provided under section 3309.375 or 3309.69 of the Revised Code and benefit increases to members and former members participating in the plan described in sections 3309.18 to 3309.70 of the Revised Code granted after April 9, 2001, is fully amortized, as determined by the annual actuarial valuation prepared under section 3309.21 of the Revised Code.

Section 3309.91 | Member rights governed by plan selected.

The right of each member participating in a plan established under section 3309.81 of the Revised Code to a retirement, disability, survivor, or death benefit, to health or long-term care insurance, or to a withdrawal of any amounts that have accumulated on the member's behalf shall be governed exclusively by the plan selected by the member.

Section 3309.92 | Spousal consent or waiver.

If a member participating in a plan established under section 3309.81 of the Revised Code is married at the time benefits under the plan are to commence, before making any payment the school employees retirement system, or the entity administering the plan pursuant to a contract with the school employees retirement board, shall obtain the consent of the member's spouse to the form of payment selected by the member, unless the spouse's consent is waived under this section.

A plan established under section 3309.81 of the Revised Code shall include requirements for consent under this section that are the same as the requirements specified in section 417(a)(2) of the "Internal Revenue Code of 1986," 100 Stat. 2085, 26 U.S.C.A. 417(a)(2), as amended. A plan may waive consent if the spouse cannot be located or for any other reason specified in the regulations adopted under that section.

A plan shall waive the requirement of consent if a plan of payment that provides for payment in a specified portion of the retirement allowance continuing after the member's death to a former spouse is required by a court order issued under section 3105.171 or 3105.65 of the Revised Code or laws of another state regarding division of marital property prior to the effective date of the member's retirement. If a court order requires this plan of payment, the member shall be required to annuitize the member's accumulated amounts in accordance with the order. If the member is married, the plan of payment selected by the member also shall provide for payment to the member's current spouse, unless the current spouse consents in writing to not being designated a beneficiary under the plan of payment or the current spouse's consent is waived by reason other than the court order.

Consent or waiver is effective only with regard to the spouse who is the subject of the consent or waiver.

Section 3309.95 | Right to payment or benefit vested.

Subject to sections 3309.341, 3309.66, 3309.67, 3309.672, and 3309.673 of the Revised Code, the right of a member participating in a plan established under section 3309.81 of the Revised Code to any payment or benefit accruing from contributions made by or on behalf of the member under sections 3309.85 and 3309.86 of the Revised Code shall vest in accordance with this section.

A member's right to any payment or benefit that is based on the member's contributions is nonforfeitable.

A member's right to any payment or benefit that is based on contributions by the member's employer is nonforfeitable as specified by the plan selected by the member.

Section 3309.97 | Deposits of members.

Each plan established under section 3309.81 of the Revised Code shall permit a member participating in the plan to do all of the following:

(A) Maintain on deposit with the school employees retirement system, or the entity administering the plan pursuant to a contract with the school employees retirement board, any amounts that have accumulated on behalf of the member;

(B) If the member has withdrawn the amounts described in division (A) of this section, redeposit with the system or the entity administering the plan the amounts withdrawn;

(C) Make additional deposits as permitted by the "Internal Revenue Code of 1986," 100 Stat. 2085, 26 U.S.C.A. 1, as amended.

Section 3309.98 | Ceasing contributions.

Contributions under sections 3309.85 and 3309.86 of the Revised Code shall cease on the member's death or termination of employment or for any other reason specified by the plan selected by the member.

Section 3309.99 | Penalty.

(A) Whoever violates division (A) of section 3309.073 of the Revised Code shall be fined not more than one hundred dollars for each day of the violation.

(B) Whoever violates division (B) of section 3309.073 of the Revised Code shall be imprisoned for not more than six months or fined not more than five thousand dollars, or both.

(C) Fines imposed by the Ohio elections commission under this section shall be paid into the Ohio elections commission fund created under section 3513.10 of the Revised Code.