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The Legislative Service Commission staff updates the Revised Code on an ongoing basis, as it completes its act review of enacted legislation. Updates may be slower during some times of the year, depending on the volume of enacted legislation.

Chapter 4510 | Driver's License Suspension, Cancellation, Revocation

Section 4510.01 | License suspension definitions.

As used in this title and in Title XXIX of the Revised Code:

(A) "Cancel" or "cancellation" means the annulment or termination by the bureau of motor vehicles of a driver's license, commercial driver's license, temporary instruction permit, probationary license, or nonresident operating privilege because it was obtained unlawfully, issued in error, altered, or willfully destroyed, or because the holder no longer is entitled to the license, permit, or privilege.

(B) "Drug abuse offense," "cocaine," and "L.S.D." have the same meanings as in section 2925.01 of the Revised Code.

(C) "Ignition interlock device" means a device approved by the director of public safety that connects a breath analyzer to a motor vehicle's ignition system, that is constantly available to monitor the concentration by weight of alcohol in the breath of any person attempting to start that motor vehicle by using its ignition system, and that deters starting the motor vehicle by use of its ignition system unless the person attempting to start the vehicle provides an appropriate breath sample for the device and the device determines that the concentration by weight of alcohol in the person's breath is below a preset level.

(D) "Immobilizing or disabling device" means a device approved by the director of public safety that may be ordered by a court to be used by an offender as a condition of limited driving privileges. "Immobilizing or disabling device" includes an ignition interlock device, and any prototype device that is used according to protocols designed to ensure efficient and effective monitoring of limited driving privileges granted by a court to an offender.

(E) "Moving violation" means any violation of any statute or ordinance that regulates the operation of vehicles, streetcars, or trackless trolleys on the highways or streets. "Moving violation" does not include a violation of section 4513.263 of the Revised Code or a substantially equivalent municipal ordinance, a violation of any statute or ordinance regulating pedestrians or the parking of vehicles, vehicle size or load limitations, vehicle fitness requirements, or vehicle registration.

(F) "Municipal OVI ordinance" and "municipal OVI offense" have the same meanings as in section 4511.181 of the Revised Code.

(G) "Prototype device" means any testing device to monitor limited driving privileges that has not yet been approved or disapproved by the director of public safety.

(H) "Suspend" or "suspension" means the permanent or temporary withdrawal, by action of a court or the bureau of motor vehicles, of a driver's license, commercial driver's license, temporary instruction permit, probationary license, or nonresident operating privilege for the period of the suspension or the permanent or temporary withdrawal of the privilege to obtain a license, permit, or privilege of that type for the period of the suspension.

(I) "Controlled substance" and "marihuana" have the same meanings as in section 3719.01 of the Revised Code.

Section 4510.011 | Drug of abuse defined as in RC 3719.01.

As used in this chapter, "drug of abuse" has the same meaning as in section 4506.01 of the Revised Code.

Section 4510.02 | Definite periods of suspension - suspension classes.

(A) When a court elects or is required to suspend the driver's license, commercial driver's license, temporary instruction permit, probationary license, or nonresident operating privilege of any offender from a specified suspension class, for each of the following suspension classes, the court shall impose a definite period of suspension from the range specified for the suspension class:

(1) For a class one suspension, a definite period for the life of the person subject to the suspension;

(2) For a class two suspension, a definite period of three years to life;

(3) For a class three suspension, a definite period of two to ten years;

(4) For a class four suspension, a definite period of one to five years;

(5) For a class five suspension, a definite period of six months to three years;

(6) For a class six suspension, a definite period of three months to two years;

(7) For a class seven suspension, a definite period not to exceed one year.

(B) When the bureau of motor vehicles elects or is required to suspend the driver's license, commercial driver's license, temporary instruction permit, probationary license, or nonresident operating privilege of any person from a specified suspension class, for each of the following suspension classes, the period of suspension shall be as follows:

(1) For a class A suspension, three years;

(2) For a class B suspension, two years;

(3) For a class C suspension, one year;

(4) For a class D suspension, six months;

(5) For a class E suspension, three months;

(6) For a class F suspension, until conditions are met.

(C) The court may require a person to successfully complete a remedial driving course as a condition for the return of full driving privileges after a suspension period imposed from any range in division (A) of this section or otherwise imposed by the court pursuant to any other provision of law ends.

(D) When a court or the bureau suspends the driver's license, commercial driver's license, temporary instruction permit, probationary license, or nonresident operating privilege of any offender or person pursuant to any provision of law that does not provide for the suspension to be from a class set forth in division (A) or (B) of this section, except as otherwise provided in the provision that authorizes or requires the suspension, the suspension shall be subject to and governed by this chapter.

Section 4510.021 | Granting limited driving privileges.

(A) Unless expressly prohibited by section 2919.22, section 4510.13, or any other section of the Revised Code, a court may grant limited driving privileges for any purpose described in division (A) of this section during any suspension imposed by the court. In granting the privileges, the court shall specify the purposes, times, and places of the privileges and may impose any other reasonable conditions on the person's driving of a motor vehicle. The privileges shall be for any of the following limited purposes:

(1) Occupational, educational, vocational, or medical purposes;

(2) Taking the driver's or commercial driver's license examination;

(3) Attending court-ordered treatment;

(4) Attending any court proceeding related to the offense for which the offender's suspension was imposed;

(5) Transporting a minor to a child care provider, child care, preschool, school, or to any other location for purposes of receiving child care;

(6) Any other purpose the court determines to be appropriate.

(B) Unless expressly authorized by a section of the Revised Code, a court may not grant limited driving privileges during any suspension imposed by the bureau of motor vehicles. To obtain limited driving privileges during a suspension imposed by the bureau, the person under suspension may file a petition in a court of record in the county in which the person resides. A person who is not a resident of this state shall file any petition for privileges either in the Franklin county municipal court or in the municipal or county court located in the county where the offense occurred. If the person who is not a resident of this state is a minor, the person may file the petition either in the Franklin county juvenile court or in the juvenile court with jurisdiction over the offense. If a court grants limited driving privileges as described in this division, the privileges shall be for any of the limited purposes identified in division (A) of this section.

(C) When the use of an immobilizing or disabling device is not otherwise required by law, the court, as a condition of granting limited driving privileges, may require that the person's vehicle be equipped with an immobilizing or disabling device, except as provided in division (C) of section 4510.43 of the Revised Code. When the use of restricted license plates issued under section 4503.231 of the Revised Code is not otherwise required by law, the court, as a condition of granting limited driving privileges, may require that the person's vehicle be equipped with restricted license plates of that nature, except as provided in division (B) of that section.

(D) When the court grants limited driving privileges under section 4510.31 of the Revised Code or any other provision of law during the suspension of the temporary instruction permit or probationary driver's license of a person who is under eighteen years of age, the court may include as a purpose of the privilege the person's practicing of driving with the person's parent, guardian, or other custodian during the period of the suspension. If the court grants limited driving privileges for this purpose, the court, in addition to all other conditions it imposes, shall impose as a condition that the person exercise the privilege only when a parent, guardian, or custodian of the person who holds a current valid driver's or commercial driver's license issued by this state actually occupies the seat beside the person in the vehicle the person is operating.

(E) Before granting limited driving privileges under this section, the court shall require the offender to provide proof of financial responsibility pursuant to section 4509.45 of the Revised Code.

Last updated August 23, 2023 at 8:57 AM

Section 4510.022 | Petition for unlimited driving privileges with certified ignition interlock device.

(A) As used in this section:

(1) "First-time offender" means a person whose driver's license or commercial driver's license or permit or nonresident operating privilege has been suspended for being convicted of, or pleading guilty to, an OVI offense under any of the following:

(a) Division (G)(1)(a) or (H)(1) of section 4511.19 of the Revised Code;

(b) Section 4510.07 of the Revised Code for a municipal OVI offense when the offense is equivalent to an offense under division (G)(1)(a) or (H)(1) of section 4511.19 of the Revised Code;

(c) Division (B) or (D) of section 4510.17 of the Revised Code when the offense is equivalent to an offense under division (G)(1)(a) or (H)(1) of section 4511.19 of the Revised Code.

(2) "OVI offense" means a violation of section 4511.19 of the Revised Code or a violation of a substantially similar municipal ordinance or law of another state or the United States.

(3) "Unlimited driving privileges" means driving privileges that are unrestricted as to purpose, time, and place, but that are subject to any other reasonable conditions imposed by a court under division (C)(2) of this section.

(B) A first-time offender may file a petition for unlimited driving privileges with a certified ignition interlock device during the period of suspension imposed for an OVI offense in the same manner and in the same venue as the person is permitted to apply for limited driving privileges.

(C)(1) With regard to a first-time offender, in any circumstance in which a court is authorized to grant limited driving privileges under section 4510.021, 4510.13, or 4510.17 of the Revised Code during the period of suspension, as applicable, the court may instead grant unlimited driving privileges with a certified ignition interlock device. No court shall grant unlimited driving privileges with a certified ignition interlock device during any period, or under any circumstance, that the court is prohibited from granting limited driving privileges.

(2) All of the following apply when a court grants unlimited driving privileges with a certified ignition interlock device to a first-time offender:

(a) The court shall issue an order authorizing the first-time offender to operate a motor vehicle only if the vehicle is equipped with a certified ignition interlock device, except as provided in division (C) of section 4510.43 of the Revised Code. The order may include any reasonable conditions other than conditions that restrict the driving privileges in terms of purpose, time, or place.

The court shall provide to the first-time offender a copy of the order and a notice that the first-time offender is subject to the sanctions specified in division (E) of this section.

The court also shall submit a copy of the order to the registrar of motor vehicles.

(b) The court may reduce the period of suspension imposed by the court by an amount of time not greater than half the period of suspension.

(c) The court shall suspend any jail term imposed for the OVI offense. The court shall retain jurisdiction over the first-time offender until the expiration of the period of suspension imposed for the OVI offense and, if the offender violates any term or condition of the order during the period of suspension, the court shall require the first-time offender to serve the jail term.

(D)(1) A first-time offender shall present to the registrar or to a deputy registrar an order issued under this section and a certificate affirming the installation of a certified ignition interlock device that is in a form established by the director of public safety and that is signed by the person who installed the device. Upon presentation of the order and certificate to the registrar or a deputy registrar, the registrar or deputy registrar shall issue the offender a restricted license, unless the offender's driver's or commercial driver's license or permit is suspended under any other provision of law and limited driving privileges have not been granted with regard to that suspension. A restricted license issued under this division shall be identical to an Ohio driver's license, except that it shall have printed on its face a statement that the offender is prohibited from operating any motor vehicle that is not equipped with a certified ignition interlock device.

(2)(a) No person who has been granted unlimited driving privileges with a certified ignition interlock device under this section shall operate a motor vehicle prior to obtaining a restricted license. Any person who violates this prohibition is subject to the penalties prescribed in section 4510.14 of the Revised Code.

(b) The offense established under division (D)(2)(a) of this section is a strict liability offense and section 2901.20 of the Revised Code does not apply.

(E) If a first-time offender has been granted unlimited driving privileges with a certified ignition interlock device under this section and the first-time offender either commits an ignition interlock device violation as defined under section 4510.46 of the Revised Code or the first-time offender operates a motor vehicle that is not equipped with a certified ignition interlock device, the following applies:

(1) On a first violation, the court may require the first-time offender to wear a monitor that provides continuous alcohol monitoring that is remote.

(2) On a second violation, the court shall require the first-time offender to wear a monitor that provides continuous alcohol monitoring that is remote for a minimum of forty days.

(3) On a third or subsequent violation, the court shall require the first-time offender to wear a monitor that provides continuous alcohol monitoring that is remote for a minimum of sixty days.

(4) With regard to any instance, the judge may increase the period of suspension and the period during which the first-time offender must drive a motor vehicle equipped with a certified ignition interlock device in the same manner as provided in division (A)(8)(c) of section 4510.13 of the Revised Code. The limitation under division (E) of section 4510.46 of the Revised Code applies to an increase under division (E)(4) of this section.

(5) If the instance occurred within sixty days of the end of the suspension of the offender's driver's or commercial driver's license or permit or nonresident operating privilege and the court does not increase the period of the suspension under division (E)(4) of this section, the court shall proceed as follows:

(a) Issue an order extending the period of suspension and the period of time during which the first-time offender must drive a vehicle equipped with a certified ignition interlock device so that the suspension terminates sixty days from the date the offender committed that violation.

(b) For each violation subsequent to a violation for which an extension was ordered under division (E)(5)(a) of this section, issue an order extending the period of suspension and the period of time during which the first-time offender must drive a vehicle equipped with a certified ignition interlock device so that the suspension terminates sixty days from the date the offender committed that violation.

The registrar of motor vehicles is prohibited from reinstating a first-time offender's license unless the applicable period of suspension has been served and no ignition interlock device violations have been committed within the sixty days prior to the application for reinstatement.

(F) With respect to an order issued under this section, the judge shall impose an additional court cost of two dollars and fifty cents upon the first-time offender. The judge shall not waive this payment unless the judge determines that the first-time offender is indigent and waives the payment of all court costs imposed upon the indigent first-time offender. The clerk of court shall transmit one hundred per cent of this mandatory court cost collected during a month on or before the twenty-third day of the following month to the state treasury to be credited to the public safety - highway purposes fund created under section 4501.06 of the Revised Code. The department of public safety shall use the amounts collected to cover costs associated with maintaining the habitual OVI/OMWI offender registry created under section 5502.10 of the Revised Code.

A judge may impose an additional court cost of two dollars and fifty cents upon the first-time offender. The clerk of court shall retain this discretionary two dollar and fifty cent court cost, if imposed. The clerk shall deposit it in the court's special projects fund that is established under division (E)(1) of section 2303.201, division (B)(1) of section 1901.26, or division (B)(1) of section 1907.24 of the Revised Code.

Section 4510.03 | Court records and abstracts of traffic violations.

(A) Every county court judge, mayor of a mayor's court, and clerk of a court of record shall keep a full record of every case in which a person is charged with any violation of any provision of sections 4511.01 to 4511.771 or 4513.01 to 4513.36 of the Revised Code or of any other law or ordinance regulating the operation of vehicles, streetcars, and trackless trolleys on highways or streets.

(B) If a person is convicted of or forfeits bail in relation to a violation of any section listed in division (A) of this section or a violation of any other law or ordinance regulating the operation of vehicles, streetcars, and trackless trolleys on highways or streets, the county court judge, mayor of a mayor's court, or clerk, within seven days after the conviction or bail forfeiture, shall prepare and immediately forward to the bureau of motor vehicles, in a secure electronic format, an abstract certified by the preparer to be true and correct, of the court record covering the case in which the person was convicted or forfeited bail. Every court of record also shall forward to the bureau of motor vehicles, in a secure electronic format, an abstract of the court record as described in division (C) of this section upon the conviction of any person of aggravated vehicular homicide or vehicular homicide or of a felony in the commission of which a vehicle was used.

(C) Each abstract required by this section shall be made upon a form approved and furnished by the bureau and shall include the name and address of the person charged, the number of the person's driver's or commercial driver's license, probationary driver's license, or temporary instruction permit, the registration number of the vehicle involved, the nature of the offense, the date of the offense, the date of hearing, the plea, the judgment, or whether bail was forfeited, and the amount of the fine or forfeiture.

Last updated February 20, 2024 at 10:41 AM

Section 4510.031 | Traffic offenses on federal property.

(A) A United States district court that has jurisdiction within this state may utilize the provisions of section 4510.03 of the Revised Code in regard to any case in which a person is charged with any violation of any provision of sections 4511.01 to 4511.771 or 4513.01 to 4513.36 of the Revised Code or of any other law or ordinance regulating the operation of vehicles, streetcars, and trackless trolleys on highways or streets located on federal property within this state. The court also may forward to the bureau an abstract upon the conviction of any person of aggravated vehicular homicide or vehicular homicide or of a felony in the commission of which a vehicle was used.

(B) If a United States district court acts under this section, it shall follow the procedures established in section 4510.03 of the Revised Code.

(C) The bureau of motor vehicles shall accept and process an abstract received from a United States district court under this section in the same manner as it accepts and processes an abstract received from a county court judge, mayor of a mayor's court, or clerk of a court of record.

Section 4510.032 | Abstracts where charges dismissed or reduced or bail forfeiture.

(A) If a person is charged with a violation of section 4511.19 of the Revised Code or a violation of any municipal OVI ordinance; if that charge is dismissed or reduced; if the person is convicted of or forfeits bail in relation to a violation of any other section of the Revised Code or of any ordinance that regulates the operation of vehicles, streetcars, and trackless trolleys on highways and streets but that does not relate to operating a vehicle while under the influence of alcohol, a drug of abuse, or a combination of them or to operating a vehicle with a prohibited concentration of alcohol, a controlled substance, or a metabolite of a controlled substance in the whole blood, blood serum or plasma, breath, or urine; and if the violation of which the person was convicted or in relation to which the person forfeited bail arose out of the same facts and circumstances and the same act as did the charge that was dismissed or reduced, the abstract prepared under section 4510.03 of the Revised Code also shall set forth the charge that was dismissed or reduced, indicate that it was dismissed or reduced, and indicate that the violation resulting in the conviction or bail forfeiture arose out of the same facts and circumstances and the same act as did the charge that was dismissed or reduced.

(B) If a charge against a person of a violation of division (A) of section 4510.11, division (A) of section 4510.14, or division (A) of section 4510.16 of the Revised Code or any municipal ordinance that is substantially equivalent to any of those divisions is dismissed or reduced and if the person is convicted of or forfeits bail in relation to a violation of any other section of the Revised Code or any other ordinance that regulates the operation of vehicles, streetcars, and trackless trolleys on highways and streets that arose out of the same facts and circumstances as did the charge that was dismissed or reduced, the abstract also shall set forth the charge that was dismissed or reduced, indicate that it was dismissed or reduced, and indicate that the violation resulting in the conviction or bail forfeiture arose out of the same facts and circumstances and the same act as did the charge that was dismissed or reduced.

(C)(1) If a child has been adjudicated an unruly or delinquent child or a juvenile traffic offender for having committed any act that if committed by an adult would be a drug abuse offense or any violation of division (B) of section 2917.11 or of section 4511.19 of the Revised Code, the court shall notify the bureau, by means of an abstract of the court record as described in divisions (B) and (C) of section 4510.03 of the Revised Code, within ten days after the adjudication.

(2) If a court requires a child to attend a drug abuse or alcohol abuse education, intervention, or treatment program, the abstract required by division (C)(1) of this section and forwarded to the bureau also shall include the name and address of the operator of the program and the date that the child entered the program. If the child satisfactorily completes the program, the court, immediately upon receipt of the information, shall send to the bureau an updated abstract that also shall contain the date on which the child satisfactorily completed the program.

Section 4510.034 | Ineligibility for vehicle registration.

(A) Division (B) of this section applies in relation to persons who are convicted of or plead guilty to any of the following:

(1) A violation of division (A) of section 4510.11, division (A) of section 4510.14, or division (A) of section 4510.16 of the Revised Code;

(2) A violation of a municipal ordinance substantially equivalent to any division set forth in division (A)(1) of this section;

(3) A violation of division (A) of section 4511.19 of the Revised Code or a violation of section 4511.203 of the Revised Code;

(4) A violation of a municipal OVI ordinance.

(B) If a person is convicted of or pleads guilty to any violation set forth in division (A) of this section and if division (D) of section 4503.234 of the Revised Code prohibits the registrar of motor vehicles and all deputy registrars from accepting an application for the registration of, or registering, any motor vehicle in the name of that person, the abstract prepared pursuant to section 4510.03, 4510.031, or 4510.032 of the Revised Code shall specifically set forth these facts and clearly indicate the date on which the order of criminal forfeiture was issued or would have been issued but for the operation of section 4503.234 of the Revised Code. If the registrar receives an abstract containing this information relating to a person, the registrar, in accordance with sections 4503.12 and 4503.234 of the Revised Code, shall take all necessary measures to prevent the registrar's office or any deputy registrar from accepting from the person, for the period of time ending five years after the date on which the order was issued or would have been issued and as described in section 4503.234 of the Revised Code, any new application for the registration of any motor vehicle in the name of the person.

Section 4510.035 | Failure to comply with traffic record requirements.

The purposeful failure or refusal of any person to comply with any provision of section 4510.03, 4510.032, 4510.034, 4510.036, or 4510.037 of the Revised Code constitutes misconduct in office and is a ground for removal of the person from the office.

Section 4510.036 | Records of bureau of motor vehicles - points assessed.

(A) The bureau of motor vehicles shall record within ten days of conviction or bail forfeiture and shall keep at its main office, all abstracts received under this section or section 4510.03, 4510.031, 4510.032, or 4510.034 of the Revised Code and shall maintain records of convictions and bond forfeitures for any violation of a state law or a municipal ordinance regulating the operation of vehicles, streetcars, and trackless trolleys on highways and streets, except a violation related to parking a motor vehicle.

(B) Every court of record or mayor's court before which a person is charged with a violation for which points are chargeable by this section shall assess and transcribe to the abstract of conviction that is furnished by the bureau to the court the number of points chargeable by this section in the correct space assigned on the reporting form. A United States district court that has jurisdiction within this state and before which a person is charged with a violation for which points are chargeable by this section may assess and transcribe to the abstract of conviction report that is furnished by the bureau the number of points chargeable by this section in the correct space assigned on the reporting form. If the federal court so assesses and transcribes the points chargeable for the offense and furnishes the report to the bureau, the bureau shall record the points in the same manner as those assessed and transcribed by a court of record or mayor's court.

(C) A court shall assess the following points for an offense based on the following formula:

(1) Aggravated vehicular homicide, vehicular homicide, vehicular manslaughter, aggravated vehicular assault, or vehicular assault when the offense involves the operation of a vehicle, streetcar, or trackless trolley on a highway or street __________ 6 points

(2) A violation of section 2921.331 of the Revised Code or any ordinance prohibiting the willful fleeing or eluding of a law enforcement officer __________ 6 points

(3) A violation of section 4549.02 or 4549.021 of the Revised Code or any ordinance requiring the driver of a vehicle to stop and disclose identity at the scene of an accident __________ 6 points

(4) A violation of section 4511.251 of the Revised Code or any ordinance prohibiting street racing, stunt driving, or street takeover __________ 6 points

(5) A violation of section 4510.037 of the Revised Code or any ordinance prohibiting the operation of a motor vehicle while the driver's or commercial driver's license is under a twelve-point suspension __________ 6 points

(6) A violation of section 4510.14 of the Revised Code, or any ordinance prohibiting the operation of a motor vehicle upon the public roads or highways within this state while the driver's or commercial driver's license of the person is under suspension and the suspension was imposed under section 4511.19, 4511.191, or 4511.196 of the Revised Code or section 4510.07 of the Revised Code due to a conviction for a violation of a municipal OVI ordinance or any ordinance prohibiting the operation of a motor vehicle while the driver's or commercial driver's license is under suspension for an OVI offense __________ 6 points

(7) A violation of division (A) of section 4511.19 of the Revised Code, any ordinance prohibiting the operation of a vehicle while under the influence of alcohol, a drug of abuse, or a combination of them, or any ordinance substantially equivalent to division (A) of section 4511.19 of the Revised Code prohibiting the operation of a vehicle with a prohibited concentration of alcohol, a controlled substance, or a metabolite of a controlled substance in the whole blood, blood serum or plasma, breath, or urine __________ 6 points

(8) A violation of section 2913.03 of the Revised Code that does not involve an aircraft or motorboat or any ordinance prohibiting the operation of a vehicle without the consent of the owner __________ 6 points

(9) Any offense under the motor vehicle laws of this state that is a felony, or any other felony in the commission of which a motor vehicle was used __________ 6 points

(10) A violation of division (B) of section 4511.19 of the Revised Code or any ordinance substantially equivalent to that division prohibiting the operation of a vehicle with a prohibited concentration of alcohol in the whole blood, blood serum or plasma, breath, or urine __________ 4 points

(11) A violation of section 4511.20 of the Revised Code or any ordinance prohibiting the operation of a motor vehicle in willful or wanton disregard of the safety of persons or property __________ 4 points

(12) A violation of any law or ordinance pertaining to speed:

(a) Notwithstanding divisions (C)(12)(b) and (c) of this section, when the speed exceeds the lawful speed limit by thirty miles per hour or more __________ 4 points

(b) When the speed exceeds the lawful speed limit of fifty-five miles per hour or more by more than ten miles per hour __________ 2 points

(c) When the speed exceeds the lawful speed limit of less than fifty-five miles per hour by more than five miles per hour __________ 2 points

(d) When the speed does not exceed the amounts set forth in divisions (C)(12)(a), (b), or (c) of this section __________ 0 points

(13) A violation of division (A) of section 4511.204 of the Revised Code or any substantially similar municipal ordinance:

(a) For a first offense within any two-year period __________ 2 points

(b) For a second offense within any two-year period __________ 3 points

(c) For a third or subsequent offense within any two-year period __________ 4 points.

(14) Operating a motor vehicle in violation of a restriction imposed by the registrar __________ 2 points

(15) A violation of section 4510.11, 4510.111, 4510.16, or 4510.21 of the Revised Code or any ordinance prohibiting the operation of a motor vehicle while the driver's or commercial driver's license is under suspension __________ 2 points

(16) With the exception of violations under section 4510.12 of the Revised Code where no points shall be assessed, all other moving violations reported under this section __________ 2 points

(D) Upon receiving notification from the proper court, including a United States district court that has jurisdiction within this state, the bureau shall delete any points entered for a bond forfeiture if the driver is acquitted of the offense for which bond was posted.

(E) If a person is convicted of or forfeits bail for two or more offenses arising out of the same facts and points are chargeable for each of the offenses, points shall be charged for only the conviction or bond forfeiture for which the greater number of points is chargeable, and, if the number of points chargeable for each offense is equal, only one offense shall be recorded, and points shall be charged only for that offense.

Last updated August 22, 2024 at 10:45 AM

Section 4510.037 | Warning letter - notice of suspension - remedial driving course.

(A) When the registrar of motor vehicles determines that the total points charged against any person under section 4510.036 of the Revised Code exceed five, the registrar shall send a warning letter to the person at the person's last known address by regular mail. The warning letter shall list the reported violations that are the basis of the points charged, list the number of points charged for each violation, and outline the suspension provisions of this section.

(B) When the registrar determines that the total points charged against any person under section 4510.036 of the Revised Code within any two-year period beginning on the date of the first conviction within the two-year period is equal to twelve or more, the registrar shall send a written notice to the person at the person's last known address by regular mail. The notice shall list the reported violations that are the basis of the points charged, list the number of points charged for each violation, and state that, because the total number of points charged against the person within the applicable two-year period is equal to twelve or more, the registrar is imposing a class D suspension of the person's driver's or commercial driver's license or permit or nonresident operating privileges for the period of time specified in division (B)(4) of section 4510.02 of the Revised Code. The notice also shall state that the suspension is effective on the twentieth day after the mailing of the notice, unless the person files a petition appealing the determination and suspension in the municipal court, county court, or, if the person is under the age of eighteen, the juvenile division of the court of common pleas in whose jurisdiction the person resides or, if the person is not a resident of this state, in the Franklin county municipal court or juvenile division of the Franklin county court of common pleas. By filing the appeal of the determination and suspension, the person agrees to pay the cost of the proceedings in the appeal of the determination and suspension and alleges that the person can show cause why the person's driver's or commercial driver's license or permit or nonresident operating privileges should not be suspended.

(C)(1) Any person against whom at least two but less than twelve points have been charged under section 4510.036 of the Revised Code may enroll in a course of remedial driving instruction that is approved by the director of public safety in accordance with division (L) of this section. Upon the person's completion of an approved course of remedial driving instruction, the person may apply to the registrar on a form prescribed by the registrar for a credit of two points on the person's driving record. Upon receipt of the application and proof of completion of the approved remedial driving course, the registrar shall approve the two-point credit. The registrar shall not approve any credits for a person who completes an approved course of remedial driving instruction pursuant to a judge's order under section 4510.02 of the Revised Code.

(2) In any three-year period, the registrar shall approve only one two-point credit on a person's driving record under division (C)(1) of this section. The registrar shall approve not more than five two-point credits on a person's driving record under division (C)(1) of this section during that person's lifetime.

(D) When a judge of a court of record suspends a person's driver's or commercial driver's license or permit or nonresident operating privilege and charges points against the person under section 4510.036 of the Revised Code for the offense that resulted in the suspension, the registrar shall credit that period of suspension against the time of any subsequent suspension imposed under this section for which those points were used to impose the subsequent suspension. When a United States district court that has jurisdiction within this state suspends a person's driver's or commercial driver's license or permit or nonresident operating privileges pursuant to the "Assimilative Crimes Act," 102 Stat. 4381 (1988), 18 U.S.C.A. 13, as amended, the district court prepares an abstract pursuant to section 4510.031 of the Revised Code, and the district court charges points against the person under section 4510.036 of the Revised Code for the offense that resulted in the suspension, the registrar shall credit the period of suspension imposed by the district court against the time of any subsequent suspension imposed under this section for which the points were used to impose the subsequent suspension.

(E) The registrar, upon the written request of a licensee who files a petition under division (B) of this section, shall furnish the licensee a certified copy of the registrar's record of the convictions and bond forfeitures of the person. This record shall include the name, address, and date of birth of the licensee; the name of the court in which each conviction or bail forfeiture took place; the nature of the offense that was the basis of the conviction or bond forfeiture; and any other information that the registrar considers necessary. If the record indicates that twelve points or more have been charged against the person within a two-year period, it is prima-facie evidence that the person is a repeat traffic offender, and the registrar shall suspend the person's driver's or commercial driver's license or permit or nonresident operating privilege pursuant to division (B) of this section.

In hearing the petition and determining whether the person filing the petition has shown cause why the person's driver's or commercial driver's license or permit or nonresident operating privilege should not be suspended, the court shall decide the issue on the record certified by the registrar and any additional relevant, competent, and material evidence that either the registrar or the person whose license is sought to be suspended submits.

(F) If a petition is filed under division (B) of this section in a county court, the prosecuting attorney of the county in which the case is pending shall represent the registrar in the proceedings, except that, if the petitioner resides in a municipal corporation within the jurisdiction of the county court, the city director of law, village solicitor, or other chief legal officer of the municipal corporation shall represent the registrar in the proceedings. If a petition is filed under division (B) of this section in a municipal court, the registrar shall be represented in the resulting proceedings as provided in section 1901.34 of the Revised Code.

(G) If the court determines from the evidence submitted that a person who filed a petition under division (B) of this section has failed to show cause why the person's driver's or commercial driver's license or permit or nonresident operating privileges should not be suspended, the court shall assess against the person the cost of the proceedings in the appeal of the determination and suspension and shall impose the applicable suspension under this section or suspend all or a portion of the suspension and impose any conditions upon the person that the court considers proper or impose upon the person a community control sanction pursuant to section 2929.15 or 2929.25 of the Revised Code. If the court determines from the evidence submitted that a person who filed a petition under division (B) of this section has shown cause why the person's driver's or commercial driver's license or permit or nonresident operating privileges should not be suspended, the costs of the appeal proceeding shall be paid out of the county treasury of the county in which the proceedings were held.

(H) Any person whose driver's or commercial driver's license or permit or nonresident operating privileges are suspended under this section is not entitled to apply for or receive a new driver's or commercial driver's license or permit or to request or be granted nonresident operating privileges during the effective period of the suspension.

(I) Upon the termination of any suspension or other penalty imposed under this section involving the surrender of license or permit and upon the request of the person whose license or permit was suspended or surrendered, the registrar shall return the license or permit to the person upon determining that the person has complied with all provisions of section 4510.038 of the Revised Code or, if the registrar destroyed the license or permit pursuant to section 4510.52 of the Revised Code, shall reissue the person's license or permit.

(J) Any person whose driver's or commercial driver's license or permit or nonresident operating privileges are suspended as a repeat traffic offender under this section and who, during the suspension, operates any motor vehicle upon any public roads and highways is guilty of driving under a twelve-point suspension, a misdemeanor of the first degree. The court shall sentence the offender to a minimum term of three days in jail. No court shall suspend the first three days of jail time imposed pursuant to this division.

(K) The registrar, in accordance with specific statutory authority, may suspend the privilege of driving a motor vehicle on the public roads and highways of this state that is granted to nonresidents by section 4507.04 of the Revised Code.

(L)(1) Any course of remedial driving instruction the director of public safety approves under this section shall require instruction in one of the following ways:

(a) Entirely in person;

(b) Any combination of in-person and video teleconferencing or internet instruction;

(c) Entirely remote instruction via video teleconferencing or the internet.

(2) The director shall approve a course of remedial instruction that permits students to take the course in any of the ways specified in division (L)(1) of this section, provided the provider of the course is capable of meeting the instructional standards established by the director. In accordance with division (C) of this section, upon receiving an application with a certificate or other proof of completion of a course approved under this division, the registrar shall approve the two-point reduction.

Last updated April 14, 2021 at 7:30 AM

Section 4510.038 | Conditions for reinstatement of driving privileges.

(A) Any person whose driver's or commercial driver's license or permit is suspended or who is granted limited driving privileges under section 4510.037, under division (H) of section 4511.19, or under section 4510.07 of the Revised Code for a violation of a municipal ordinance that is substantially equivalent to division (B) of section 4511.19 of the Revised Code is not eligible to retain the license, or to have the driving privileges reinstated, until each of the following has occurred:

(1) The person successfully completes a course of remedial driving instruction approved by the director of public safety. A minimum of twenty-five per cent of the number of hours of instruction included in the course shall be devoted to instruction on driver attitude.

The course also shall devote a number of hours to instruction in the area of alcohol and drugs and the operation of vehicles. The instruction shall include, but not be limited to, a review of the laws governing the operation of a vehicle while under the influence of alcohol, drugs, or a combination of them, the dangers of operating a vehicle while under the influence of alcohol, drugs, or a combination of them, and other information relating to the operation of vehicles and the consumption of alcoholic beverages and use of drugs. The director, in consultation with the director of mental health and addiction services, shall prescribe the content of the instruction. The number of hours devoted to the area of alcohol and drugs and the operation of vehicles shall comprise a minimum of twenty-five per cent of the number of hours of instruction included in the course.

(2) The person is examined in the manner provided for in section 4507.20 of the Revised Code, and found by the registrar of motor vehicles to be qualified to operate a motor vehicle;

(3) The person gives and maintains proof of financial responsibility, in accordance with section 4509.45 of the Revised Code.

(B)(1) Except as provided in division (B)(2) of this section, any course of remedial driving instruction the director of public safety approves under this section shall require its students to attend at least fifty per cent of the course in person and the director shall not approve any course of remedial driving instruction that permits its students to take more than fifty per cent of the course in any other manner, including via video teleconferencing or the internet.

(2) The director may approve a course of remedial instruction that permits students to take the entire course via video teleconferencing or the internet.

Section 4510.04 | Affirmative defenses to driving under suspension or cancellation.

It is an affirmative defense to any prosecution brought under section 4510.037, 4510.11, 4510.111, 4510.14, 4510.16, or 4510.21 of the Revised Code or under any substantially equivalent municipal ordinance that the alleged offender drove under suspension, without a valid permit or driver's or commercial driver's license, or in violation of a restriction because of a substantial emergency, and because no other person was reasonably available to drive in response to the emergency.

Last updated March 8, 2023 at 12:15 PM

Section 4510.05 | Suspension of driver's license for violation of municipal ordinance substantially similar to state statute.

Except as otherwise provided in section 4510.07 or in any other provision of the Revised Code, whenever an offender is convicted of or pleads guilty to a violation of a municipal ordinance that is substantially similar to a provision of the Revised Code, and a court is permitted or required to suspend a person's driver's or commercial driver's license or permit for a violation of that provision, a court, in addition to any other penalties authorized by law, may suspend the offender's driver's or commercial driver's license or permit or nonresident operating privileges for the period of time the court determines appropriate, but the period of suspension imposed for the violation of the municipal ordinance shall not exceed the period of suspension that is permitted or required to be imposed for the violation of the provision of the Revised Code to which the municipal ordinance is substantially similar.

Section 4510.06 | Suspension or cancellation of license by federal court.

If a United States district court whose jurisdiction lies within this state suspends or cancels the driver's or commercial driver's license, permit, or nonresident operating privileges of any person pursuant to the "Assimilative Crimes Act," 102 Stat. 4381 (1988), 18 U.S.C.A. 13, as amended, that suspension or cancellation is deemed to have the same effect throughout this state as if it were imposed under the laws of this state. In that type of case, if the United States district court observes the procedures prescribed by the Revised Code and utilizes the forms prescribed by the registrar of motor vehicles, the bureau of motor vehicles shall make the appropriate notation or record and shall take any other action that is prescribed or permitted by the Revised Code.

Section 4510.07 | Suspension of driver's license for violation of municipal ordinance substantially similar to certain criminal offenses.

The court imposing a sentence upon an offender for any violation of a municipal ordinance that is substantially equivalent to a violation of section 2903.06 of the Revised Code or for any violation of a municipal OVI ordinance also shall impose a suspension of the offender's driver's license, commercial driver's license, temporary instruction permit, probationary license, or nonresident operating privilege from the range specified in division (B) of section 4510.02 of the Revised Code that is equivalent in length to the suspension required for a violation of section 2903.06 or division (A) or (B) of section 4511.19 of the Revised Code under similar circumstances.

Section 4510.10 | Reinstatement fees payment plan or payment extension plan.

(A) As used in this section:

(1) "Reinstatement fees" means the fees that are required under section 4507.1612, 4507.45, 4509.101, 4509.81, 4511.191, 4511.951, or any other provision of the Revised Code, or under a schedule established by the bureau of motor vehicles, in order to reinstate a driver's or commercial driver's license or permit or nonresident operating privilege of an offender under a suspension.

(2) "Indigent" means a person who is a participant in any of the following programs:

(a) The supplemental nutrition assistance program administered by the department of job and family services pursuant to section 5101.54 of the Revised Code;

(b) The medicaid program pursuant to Chapter 5163. of the Revised Code;

(c) The Ohio works first program administered by the department of job and family services pursuant to section 5107.10 of the Revised Code;

(d) The supplemental security income program pursuant to 20 C.F.R. 416.1100;

(e) The United States department of veterans affairs pension benefit program pursuant to 38 U.S.C. 1521.

(B) Reinstatement fees are those fees that compensate the bureau of motor vehicles for suspensions, cancellations, or disqualifications of a person's driving privileges and to compensate the bureau and other agencies in their administration of programs intended to reduce and eliminate threats to public safety through education, treatment, and other activities. The registrar of motor vehicles shall not reinstate a driver's or commercial driver's license or permit or nonresident operating privilege of a person until the person has paid all reinstatement fees and has complied with all conditions for each suspension, cancellation, or disqualification incurred by that person.

(C) When a municipal court or county court determines in a pending case involving an offender that the offender cannot reasonably pay reinstatement fees due and owing by the offender relative to one or more suspensions that have been or will be imposed by the bureau of motor vehicles or by a court of this state, the court, by order, may do either of the following:

(1) Undertake an installment payment plan or a payment extension plan for the payment of reinstatement fees due and owing to the bureau in that pending case. The court shall establish an installment payment plan or a payment extension plan in accordance with the requirements of divisions (D)(1) and (2) of this section.

(2) Authorize the offender to perform community service in lieu of payment of the reinstatement fees.

A court that authorizes an offender to perform community service in lieu of paying reinstatement fees under this division shall provide the offender with documentation indicating completion of the court-ordered community service when the offender has completed that community service. In addition to complying with all other applicable requirements for reinstatement, other than payment of reinstatement fees, the offender shall provide the documentation of completion to the registrar when seeking reinstatement.

(D) Independent of the provisions of division (C) of this section, an offender who cannot reasonably pay reinstatement fees due and owing by the offender relative to a suspension that has been imposed on the offender may file a petition in the municipal court, county court, or, if the person is under the age of eighteen, the juvenile division of the court of common pleas in whose jurisdiction the person resides or, if the person is not a resident of this state, in the Franklin county municipal court or juvenile division of the Franklin county court of common pleas for an order that does either of the following, in order of preference:

(1) Establishes a reasonable payment plan of not less than fifty dollars per month, to be paid by the offender to the registrar of motor vehicles or an eligible deputy registrar, in all succeeding months until all reinstatement fees required of the offender are paid in full. If the person is making payments to a deputy registrar, the deputy registrar shall collect a service fee of ten dollars each time the deputy registrar collects a payment to compensate the deputy registrar for services performed under this section. The deputy registrar shall retain eight dollars of the service fee and shall transmit the reinstatement payments, plus two dollars of each service fee, to the registrar in the manner the registrar shall determine.

(2) If the offender, but for the payment of the reinstatement fees, otherwise would be entitled to operate a vehicle in this state or to obtain reinstatement of the offender's operating privileges, permits the offender to operate a motor vehicle, as authorized by the court, until a future date upon which date all reinstatement fees must be paid in full. A payment extension granted under this division shall not exceed one hundred eighty days, and any operating privileges granted under this division shall be solely for the purpose of permitting the offender occupational or "family necessity" privileges in order to enable the offender to reasonably acquire the delinquent reinstatement fees due and owing.

(E) If a municipal court, county court, or juvenile division enters an order of the type described in division (C) or division (D)(1) or (2) of this section, the court, at any time after the issuance of the order, may determine that a change of circumstances has occurred and may amend the order as justice requires, provided that the amended order also shall be an order that is permitted under division (C) or division (D)(1) or (2) of this section.

(F) If a court enters an order of the type described in division (C), (D)(1), (D)(2), or (E) of this section, during the pendency of the order, the offender in relation to whom it applies is not subject to prosecution for failing to pay the reinstatement fees covered by the order.

(G)(1) In addition to divisions (A) to (F) of this section, the registrar, with the approval of the director of public safety and in accordance with Chapter 119. of the Revised Code, may adopt rules that do both of the following:

(a) Permit a person to pay reinstatement fees in installments in accordance with division (G)(2) of this section;

(b) Permit a person who is indigent to apply for and receive a waiver of all reinstatement fees in accordance with division (G)(3) of this section.

(2) The rules governing the bureau of motor vehicles installment plan may contain any of the following provisions:

(a) A schedule establishing a minimum monthly payment amount;

(b) If the person otherwise would have valid driving privileges but for the payment of the reinstatement fees, the registrar may record the person's driving privileges as "valid" so long as the person's installments are current.

(c) If the person's installments are not current, the registrar may record the person's driving privileges as "suspended" or "failure to reinstate," as appropriate.

(d) Any other provision the registrar reasonably may prescribe.

(3) The rules governing the bureau of motor vehicles waiver plan may establish any of the following:

(a) The form of the application;

(b) The documentation required of a person to prove that the person is indigent;

(c) A process for recording the person's driving privileges as "valid" after the waiver of the reinstatement fees;

(d) Any other requirements or procedures the registrar determines are necessary for implementation of the waiver plan.

(H) Reinstatement fees are debts that may be discharged in bankruptcy.

Section 4510.101 | Definitions.

As used in sections 4510.101 to 4510.107 of the Revised Code:

(A) "Eligible offense" means an offense under any of the following Revised Code sections if the offense, an essential element of the offense, the basis of the charge, or any underlying offense did not involve alcohol, a drug of abuse, combination thereof, or a deadly weapon: 2151.354, 2152.19, 2152.21, 2913.02, 4507.20, 4509.101, 4509.17, 4509.24, 4509.40, 4510.037, 4510.05, 4510.06, 4510.15, 4510.22, 4510.23, 4510.31, 4510.32, 4511.203, 4511.205, 4511.251, 4511.75, 4549.02, 4549.021, and 5743.99.

(B) "Deadly weapon" has the same meaning as in section 2923.11 of the Revised Code.

(C) "Drug of abuse" has the same meaning as in section 4511.181 of the Revised Code.

(D) "Complete amnesty" means a waiver of reinstatement fees.

(E) "Driver's license or permit" does not include a commercial driver's license or permit.

(F) "Indigent" means a person who is a participant in any of the following programs:

(1) The supplemental nutrition assistance program administered by the department of job and family services pursuant to section 5101.54 of the Revised Code;

(2) The medicaid program pursuant to Chapter 5163. of the Revised Code;

(3) The Ohio works first program administered by the department of job and family services pursuant to section 5107.10 of the Revised Code;

(4) The supplemental security income program pursuant to 20 C.F.R. 416.1100;

(5) The United States department of veterans affairs pension benefit program pursuant to 38 U.S.C. 1521.

(G) "Permanent driver's license reinstatement fee debt reduction and amnesty program" or "program" means the program established in section 4510.102 of the Revised Code and administered by the director of public safety.

Section 4510.102 | Permanent driver's license reinstatement fee debt reduction and amnesty program.

Not later than ninety days after the effective date of this section, the director of public safety shall establish a permanent driver's license reinstatement fee debt reduction and amnesty program. The program shall have two phases. The eligibility for phase one is described in section 4510.103 of the Revised Code and the eligibility for phase two is described in section 4510.104 of the Revised Code.

Section 4510.103 | First phase.

(A) Under the first phase of the program, both of the following apply:

(1) A person whose driver's license or permit has been suspended as a result of one or more eligible offenses is eligible for driver's license reinstatement fee debt reduction if all of the following apply:

(a) The eligible offense or offenses occurred prior to the effective date of this section.

(b) At least eighteen months have expired since the end of the period of suspension ordered by the court for at least one suspension;

(c) The person is not indigent.

(2) A person whose driver's license or permit has been suspended as a result of one or more eligible offenses is eligible for complete amnesty if both of the following apply:

(a) The eligible offense or offenses occurred prior to the effective date of this section.

(b) The person is indigent and can demonstrate proof of indigence by providing documentation in a form approved by the director of public safety.

(B) The director shall grant reinstatement fee debt reduction in the first phase of the program to a person who is eligible under division (A)(1) of this section as follows:

(1) If the person owes reinstatement fees for multiple eligible offenses, the person shall pay either the lowest reinstatement fee owed for those offenses or ten per cent of the total amount owed for those offenses, whichever amount is greater.

(2) If the person owes reinstatement fees for one eligible offense, the person shall pay one-half of the reinstatement fee owed for that offense.

(C) The director shall grant complete amnesty in the first phase of the program to a person eligible under division (A)(2) of this section.

(D) A person who has received either a reduction or complete amnesty of reinstatement fees under the first phase of the program is not eligible for a subsequent reduction or complete amnesty of reinstatement fees through the second phase of the program.

(E)(1) Under the first phase of the program, the director shall include, as part of the reduction or complete amnesty for an eligible participant, the reinstatement fees for any suspension that is the result of an eligible offense that occurred prior to the effective date of this section, regardless of whether the person has completed the term of the suspension ordered by the court. The director shall not include, as part of the reduction or complete amnesty under the first phase of the program, the reinstatement fees for any suspension that is the result of an eligible offense that occurs after the effective date of this section.

(2) A participant in the first phase of the program who is granted a reduction or complete amnesty shall complete the term of the driver's license or permit suspension for any eligible offense, as required by the court.

Section 4510.104 | Second phase.

(A) Under the second phase of the program, both of the following apply:

(1) A person whose driver's license or permit has been suspended as a result of one or more eligible offenses is eligible for driver's license reinstatement fee debt reduction, if all of the following apply:

(a) The person was not eligible for participation in the first phase of the program.

(b) The person did not participate in the first phase of the program and has not participated in the second phase of the program.

(c) The eligible offense or offenses occurred after the effective date of this section.

(d) At least eighteen months have expired since the end of the period of suspension ordered by the court for at least one of the suspensions.

(e) The person is not indigent.

(2) A person whose driver's license or permit has been suspended as a result of one or more eligible offenses is eligible for complete amnesty, if all of the following apply:

(a) The person was not eligible for participation in the first phase of the program.

(b) The person did not participate in the first phase of the program and has not participated in the second phase of the program.

(c) The eligible offense or offenses occurred after the effective date of this section.

(d) The person is indigent and can demonstrate proof of indigence by providing documentation in a form approved by the director of public safety.

(B) The director shall grant reinstatement fee debt reduction in the second phase of the program to a person who is eligible under division (A)(1) of this section as follows:

(1) If the person owes reinstatement fees for multiple eligible offenses, the person shall pay either the lowest reinstatement fee owed for those offenses or ten per cent of the total amount owed for those offenses, whichever amount is greater.

(2) If the person owes reinstatement fees for one eligible offense, the person shall pay one-half of the reinstatement fee owed for that offense.

(C) The director shall grant complete amnesty in the second phase of the program to a person eligible under division (A)(2) of this section.

(D) A person who has received either a reduction or complete amnesty of reinstatement fees under the second phase of the program is not eligible for a subsequent reduction or complete amnesty of reinstatement fees through the program.

(E)(1) Under the second phase of the program, the director shall include, as part of the reduction or complete amnesty for an eligible participant, the reinstatement fees for any suspension that is the result of an eligible offense that occurred after the effective date of this section but prior to the date the person becomes enrolled in the program, regardless of whether the person has completed the term of the suspension ordered by the court. The director shall not include, as part of the reduction or complete amnesty under the second phase of the program, the reinstatement fees for any suspension that is the result of an eligible offense that occurred prior to the effective date of this section.

(2) A participant in the second phase of the program who is granted a reduction or complete amnesty shall complete the term of the driver's license or permit suspension for any eligible offense, as required by the court.

(3) No driver's license or permit suspension that is imposed as a result of an otherwise eligible offense that is committed on or after the date a person becomes enrolled in the program is eligible for a reduction or complete amnesty through the program.

Section 4510.105 | Reinstatement; payment plans.

(A) When a participant in the program is eligible for driver's license reinstatement, the participant shall provide proof of financial responsibility in accordance with section 4509.45 of the Revised Code prior to such reinstatement.

(B) If a person is eligible for reinstatement fee debt reduction under either section 4510.103 or 4510.104 of the Revised Code and the person does not or is unable to pay the remaining reinstatement fees in full, the director of public safety shall place the person on a payment plan for the repayment of the remaining reinstatement fees. The director also may include in the payment plan any reinstatement fees owed by the person that are the result of offenses that are not eligible for the program. Any person who is placed on a payment plan under this section shall pay not less than twenty-five dollars per month in all succeeding months until all the reinstatement fees required under the program or otherwise are paid in full.

(C) Payments may be made by regular mail, online, or in person at the bureau of motor vehicles or any deputy registrar office. If a person makes a payment in person, the person also shall pay the deputy registrar service fee or the bureau of motor vehicles service fee equal to the amount established under section 4510.10 of the Revised Code.

Section 4510.106 | Notice.

(A) The director of public safety shall send an automatic notice either by regular mail or by electronic mail, if an electronic mail address is available, enrolling a person into the first phase of the program when all of the following apply:

(1) The person's driver's license has been suspended for at least one eligible offense that occurred prior to the effective date of this section.

(2) At least eighteen months have expired since the end of the period of suspension ordered by the court for at least one eligible offense.

(3) The person owes reinstatement fees.

(4) The person has not previously received notice under this division.

After the initial notice, the director may send additional notices regarding participation in the program as the director determines appropriate.

(B) The notice required under division (A) of this section shall contain all of the following:

(1) A statement that the person has been enrolled into the program and may either begin making installment payments or may submit proof of indigency.

(2) A statement listing what outstanding reinstatement fees are being reduced with the corresponding eligible offenses under the program.

(3) A statement that twenty-five dollars is the minimum installment payment.

(4) A statement explaining that the person may be eligible for a full waiver of the reinstatement fees if the person can demonstrate proof of indigence.

(5) A statement explaining that the person needs to complete any term of suspension ordered by the court, if not already completed, before the person's driver's license may be reinstated.

(6) Any other information necessary to explain the program and its requirements, including a list of the documents required to prove indigence.

(C) The director shall send an automatic notice either by regular mail or by electronic mail, if an electronic mail address is available, enrolling a person into the second phase of the program when all of the following apply:

(1) The person's driver's license has been suspended for at least one eligible offense that occurred after the effective date of this section.

(2) At least eighteen months have expired since the end of the period of suspension ordered by the court for at least one eligible offense.

(3) The person was not eligible for participation in the first phase of the program and has not participated in the second phase of the program.

(4) The person owes reinstatement fees.

(5) The person has not previously received notice under this division.

After the initial notice, the director may send additional notices regarding participation in the program as the director determines appropriate.

(D) The notice required under division (C) of this section shall contain all of the following:

(1) A statement that the person has been enrolled into the program and may either begin making installment payments or may submit proof of indigency.

(2) A statement listing what outstanding reinstatement fees are being reduced with the corresponding eligible offenses under the program.

(3) A statement that twenty-five dollars is the minimum installment payment.

(4) A statement explaining that the person may be eligible for a full waiver of the reinstatement fees if the person can demonstrate proof of indigence.

(5) A statement explaining that the person needs to complete any term of suspension ordered by the court, if not already completed, before the person's driver's license may be reinstated.

(6) Any other information necessary to explain the program and its requirements, including a list of the documents required to prove indigence.

Section 4510.107 | Verification of address.

(A)(1) Prior to sending the notification under division (A) or (C) of section 4510.106 of the Revised Code, the director of public safety may search the bureau of motor vehicle records or the office of vital statistics records to verify the person's last known address, whether the person is still a resident of this state, and whether the person is still living or deceased.

(2) If the director discovers that the person is deceased, the director may remove the person's name and any associated debts owed to the department of public safety from the records kept by the department regarding such debts.

(B) Any person who believes that the person is eligible for the program but who has not received a notice from the director may submit an application for the program by regular mail, online, or in person at the bureau of motor vehicles or any deputy registrar office. The director shall determine the eligibility of the applicant. If a person applies in person, the person shall pay the deputy registrar service fee or the bureau of motor vehicles service fee equal to the amount established under section 4503.038 of the Revised Code.

Section 4510.108 | Promotion; administration.

(A) The director of public safety shall conduct public service announcements regarding the permanent driver's license reinstatement fee debt reduction and amnesty program that includes a description of the program and its requirements. In addition, the director shall make such information available on the department of public safety's and the bureau of motor vehicle's web sites.

(B) The director shall establish a toll-free telephone number by which a person may receive information about the program and the person's eligibility for the program. The toll-free telephone number shall be listed as part of the public service announcements and on the department and bureau web sites.

(C) The director shall adopt rules in accordance with Chapter 119. of the Revised Code in order to establish any requirements and procedures necessary to administer and implement the program.

Section 4510.11 | Driving under suspension or in violation of license restriction.

(A) Except as provided in division (B) of this section and in sections 4510.111 and 4510.16 of the Revised Code, no person whose driver's or commercial driver's license or permit or nonresident operating privilege has been suspended under any provision of the Revised Code, other than Chapter 4509. of the Revised Code, or under any applicable law in any other jurisdiction in which the person's license or permit was issued, shall operate any motor vehicle upon the public roads and highways or upon any public or private property used by the public for purposes of vehicular travel or parking within this state during the period of suspension unless the person is granted limited driving privileges and is operating the vehicle in accordance with the terms of the limited driving privileges.

(B) No person shall operate any motor vehicle upon a highway or any public or private property used by the public for purposes of vehicular travel or parking in this state in violation of any restriction of the person's driver's or commercial driver's license or permit imposed under division (D) of section 4506.10 or under section 4507.14 of the Revised Code.

(C) Upon the request or motion of the prosecuting authority, a noncertified copy of the law enforcement automated data system report or a noncertified copy of a record of the registrar of motor vehicles that shows the name, date of birth, and social security number of a person charged with a violation of division (A) or (B) of this section may be admitted into evidence as prima-facie evidence that the license of the person was under suspension at the time of the alleged violation of division (A) of this section or the person operated a motor vehicle in violation of a restriction at the time of the alleged violation of division (B) of this section. The person charged with a violation of division (A) or (B) of this section may offer evidence to rebut this prima-facie evidence.

(D)(1) Whoever violates division (A) or (B) of this section is guilty of a misdemeanor of the first degree. The court may impose upon the offender a class seven suspension of the offender's driver's license, commercial driver's license, temporary instruction permit, probationary license, or nonresident operating privilege from the range specified in division (A)(7) of section 4510.02 of the Revised Code.

(2)(a) Except as provided in division (D)(2)(b) or (c) of this section, the court, in addition to any other penalty that it imposes on the offender and if the vehicle is registered in the offender's name and if, within three years of the offense, the offender previously has been convicted of or pleaded guilty to one violation of this section or section 4510.111 or 4510.16 of the Revised Code, or a substantially equivalent municipal ordinance, the court, in addition to or independent of any other sentence that it imposes upon the offender, may order the immobilization of the vehicle involved in the offense for thirty days and the impoundment of that vehicle's license plates for thirty days in accordance with section 4503.233 of the Revised Code.

(b) If the vehicle is registered in the offender's name and if, within three years of the offense, the offender previously has been convicted of or pleaded guilty to two violations of this section, or any combination of two violations of this section or section 4510.111 or 4510.16 of the Revised Code, or of a substantially similar municipal ordinance, the court, in addition to any other sentence that it imposes on the offender, may order the immobilization of the vehicle involved in the offense for sixty days and the impoundment of that vehicle's license plates for sixty days in accordance with section 4503.233 of the Revised Code.

(c) If the vehicle is registered in the offender's name and if, within three years of the offense, the offender previously has been convicted of or pleaded guilty to three or more violations of this section, or any combination of three or more violations of this section or section 4510.111 or 4510.16 of the Revised Code, or of a substantially similar municipal ordinance, the court, in addition to any other sentence that it imposes on the offender, may order the criminal forfeiture of the vehicle involved in the offense to the state.

(E) Any order for immobilization and impoundment under this section shall be issued and enforced under sections 4503.233 and 4507.02 of the Revised Code, as applicable. The court shall not release a vehicle from immobilization ordered under this section unless the court is presented with current proof of financial responsibility with respect to that vehicle.

(F) Any order of criminal forfeiture under this section shall be issued and enforced under section 4503.234 of the Revised Code. Upon receipt of the copy of the order from the court, neither the registrar of motor vehicles nor a deputy registrar shall accept any application for the registration or transfer of registration of any motor vehicle owned or leased by the person named in the declaration of forfeiture. The period of registration denial shall be five years after the date of the order, unless, during that period, the court having jurisdiction of the offense that led to the order terminates the forfeiture and notifies the registrar of the termination. The registrar then shall take necessary measures to permit the person to register a vehicle owned or leased by the person or to transfer registration of the vehicle.

(G) The offender shall provide the court with proof of financial responsibility as defined in section 4509.01 of the Revised Code. If the offender fails to provide that proof of financial responsibility, then, in addition to any other penalties provided by law, the court may order restitution pursuant to section 2929.28 of the Revised Code in an amount not exceeding five thousand dollars for any economic loss arising from an accident or collision that was the direct and proximate result of the offender's operation of the vehicle before, during, or after committing the offense for which the offender is sentenced under this section.

Section 4510.111 | Driving under suspended license for failing to appear or pay fine or for default in payment of child support.

(A) No person shall operate any motor vehicle upon a highway or any public or private property used by the public for purposes of vehicular travel or parking in this state whose driver's or commercial driver's license has been suspended pursuant to section 2151.354, 2151.87, 2935.27, 3123.58, 4301.99, 4510.032, 4510.22, or 4510.33 of the Revised Code.

(B) Upon the request or motion of the prosecuting authority, a noncertified copy of the law enforcement automated data system report or a noncertified copy of a record of the registrar of motor vehicles that shows the name, date of birth, and social security number of a person charged with a violation of division (A) of this section may be admitted into evidence as prima-facie evidence that the license of the person was under suspension at the time of the alleged violation of division (A) of this section. The person charged with a violation of division (A) of this section may offer evidence to rebut this prima-facie evidence.

(C) Whoever violates division (A) of this section is guilty of driving under suspension, and shall be punished as provided in division (C)(1) or (2) of this section.

(1) Except as otherwise provided in division (C)(2) of this section, the offense is an unclassified misdemeanor. The offender shall be sentenced pursuant to sections 2929.21 to 2929.28 of the Revised Code, except that the offender shall not be sentenced to a jail term; the offender shall not be sentenced to a community residential sanction pursuant to section 2929.26 of the Revised Code; notwithstanding division (A)(2)(a) of section 2929.28 of the Revised Code, the offender may be fined up to one thousand dollars; and, notwithstanding division (A)(3) of section 2929.27 of the Revised Code, the offender may be ordered pursuant to division (C) of that section to serve a term of community service of up to five hundred hours. The failure of an offender to complete a term of community service imposed by the court may be punished as indirect criminal contempt under division (A) of section 2705.02 of the Revised Code that may be filed in the underlying case.

(2) If, within three years of the offense, the offender previously was convicted of or pleaded guilty to two or more violations of division (A) of this section, or any combination of two or more violations of division (A) of this section or section 4510.11 or 4510.16 of the Revised Code, or a substantially equivalent municipal ordinance, the offense is a misdemeanor of the fourth degree, and the offender shall provide the court with proof of financial responsibility as defined in section 4509.01 of the Revised Code. If the offender fails to provide that proof of financial responsibility, then in addition to any other penalties provided by law, the court may order restitution pursuant to section 2929.28 of the Revised Code in an amount not exceeding five thousand dollars for any economic loss arising from an accident or collision that was the direct and proximate result of the offender's operation of the vehicle before, during, or after committing the offense for which the offender is sentenced under this section.

Section 4510.12 | Operating a motor vehicle without a valid license.

(A)(1) No person, except those expressly exempted under sections 4507.03, 4507.04, and 4507.05 of the Revised Code, shall operate any motor vehicle upon a public road or highway or any public or private property used by the public for purposes of vehicular travel or parking in this state unless the person has a valid driver's license issued under Chapter 4507. of the Revised Code or a commercial driver's license issued under Chapter 4506. of the Revised Code.

(2) No person, except a person expressly exempted under sections 4507.03, 4507.04, and 4507.05 of the Revised Code, shall operate any motorcycle upon a public road or highway or any public or private property used by the public for purposes of vehicular travel or parking in this state unless the person has a valid license as a motorcycle operator that was issued upon application by the registrar of motor vehicles under Chapter 4507. of the Revised Code. The license shall be in the form of an endorsement, as determined by the registrar, upon a driver's or commercial driver's license, if the person has a valid license to operate a motor vehicle or commercial motor vehicle, or in the form of a restricted license as provided in section 4507.14 of the Revised Code, if the person does not have a valid license to operate a motor vehicle or commercial motor vehicle.

(B) Upon the request or motion of the prosecuting authority, a noncertified copy of the law enforcement automated data system report or a noncertified copy of a record of the registrar of motor vehicles that shows the name, date of birth, and social security number of a person charged with a violation of division (A)(1) or (2) of this section may be admitted into evidence as prima-facie evidence that the person did not have either a valid driver's or commercial driver's license at the time of the alleged violation of division (A)(1) of this section or a valid license as a motorcycle operator either in the form of an endorsement upon a driver's or commercial driver's license or a restricted license at the time of the alleged violation of division (A)(2) of this section. The person charged with a violation of division (A)(1) or (2) of this section may offer evidence to rebut this prima-facie evidence.

(C) Whoever violates this section is guilty of operating a motor vehicle or motorcycle without a valid license and shall be punished as follows:

(1) If the trier of fact finds that the offender never has held a valid driver's or commercial driver's license issued by this state or any other jurisdiction, or, in a case involving the operation of a motorcycle by the offender, if the offender has never held a valid license as a motorcycle operator, either in the form of an endorsement upon a driver's or commercial driver's license or in the form of a restricted license, except as otherwise provided in this division, the offense is an unclassified misdemeanor. When the offense is an unclassified misdemeanor, the offender shall be sentenced pursuant to sections 2929.21 to 2929.28 of the Revised Code, except that the offender shall not be sentenced to a jail term; the offender shall not be sentenced to a community residential sanction pursuant to section 2929.26 of the Revised Code; notwithstanding division (A)(2)(a) of section 2929.28 of the Revised Code, the offender may be fined up to one thousand dollars; and, notwithstanding division (A)(3) of section 2929.27 of the Revised Code, the offender may be ordered pursuant to division (C) of that section to serve a term of community service of up to five hundred hours. The failure of an offender to complete a term of community service imposed by the court may be punished as indirect criminal contempt under division (A) of section 2705.02 of the Revised Code that may be filed in the underlying case. If the offender previously has been convicted of or pleaded guilty to any violation of this section or a substantially equivalent municipal ordinance, the offense is a misdemeanor of the first degree.

(2) If the offender's driver's or commercial driver's license or permit or, in a case involving the operation of a motorcycle by the offender, the offender's driver's or commercial driver's license bearing the motorcycle endorsement or the offender's restricted license was expired at the time of the offense, except as otherwise provided in this division, the offense is a minor misdemeanor. If, within three years of the offense, the offender previously has been convicted of or pleaded guilty to two or more violations of this section or a substantially equivalent municipal ordinance, the offense is a misdemeanor of the first degree.

(D) The court shall not impose a license suspension for a first violation of this section or if more than three years have passed since the offender's last violation of this section or a substantially equivalent municipal ordinance.

(E) If the offender is sentenced under division (C)(2) of this section, if within three years of the offense the offender previously was convicted of or pleaded guilty to one or more violations of this section or a substantially equivalent municipal ordinance, and if the offender's license was expired for more than six months at the time of the offense, the court may impose a class seven suspension of the offender's driver's license, commercial driver's license, temporary instruction permit, probationary license, or nonresident operating privilege from the range specified in division (A)(7) of section 4510.02 of the Revised Code.

Section 4510.13 | Restrictions on suspending suspension periods or granting limited driving privileges.

(A)(1) Divisions (A)(2) to (9) of this section apply to a judge or mayor regarding the suspension of, or the grant of limited driving privileges during a suspension of, an offender's driver's or commercial driver's license or permit or nonresident operating privilege imposed under division (G) or (H) of section 4511.19 of the Revised Code, under division (B) or (C) of section 4511.191 of the Revised Code, or under section 4510.07 of the Revised Code for a conviction of a violation of a municipal OVI ordinance.

(2) No judge or mayor shall suspend the following portions of the suspension of an offender's driver's or commercial driver's license or permit or nonresident operating privilege imposed under division (G) or (H) of section 4511.19 of the Revised Code or under section 4510.07 of the Revised Code for a conviction of a violation of a municipal OVI ordinance, provided that division (A)(2) of this section does not limit a court or mayor in crediting any period of suspension imposed pursuant to division (B) or (C) of section 4511.191 of the Revised Code against any time of judicial suspension imposed pursuant to section 4511.19 or 4510.07 of the Revised Code, as described in divisions (B)(2) and (C)(2) of section 4511.191 of the Revised Code:

(a) The first six months of a suspension imposed under division (G)(1)(a) of section 4511.19 of the Revised Code or of a comparable length suspension imposed under section 4510.07 of the Revised Code;

(b) The first year of a suspension imposed under division (G)(1)(b) or (c) of section 4511.19 of the Revised Code or of a comparable length suspension imposed under section 4510.07 of the Revised Code;

(c) The first three years of a suspension imposed under division (G)(1)(d) or (e) of section 4511.19 of the Revised Code or of a comparable length suspension imposed under section 4510.07 of the Revised Code;

(d) The first sixty days of a suspension imposed under division (H) of section 4511.19 of the Revised Code or of a comparable length suspension imposed under section 4510.07 of the Revised Code.

(3) No judge or mayor shall grant limited driving privileges to an offender whose driver's or commercial driver's license or permit or nonresident operating privilege has been suspended under division (G) or (H) of section 4511.19 of the Revised Code, under division (C) of section 4511.191 of the Revised Code, or under section 4510.07 of the Revised Code for a municipal OVI conviction if the offender, within the preceding ten years, has been convicted of or pleaded guilty to three or more violations of one or more of the Revised Code sections, municipal ordinances, statutes of the United States or another state, or municipal ordinances of a municipal corporation of another state that are identified in divisions (G)(2)(b) to (h) of section 2919.22 of the Revised Code.

Additionally, no judge or mayor shall grant limited driving privileges to an offender whose driver's or commercial driver's license or permit or nonresident operating privilege has been suspended under division (B) of section 4511.191 of the Revised Code if the offender, within the preceding ten years, has refused three previous requests to consent to a chemical test of the person's whole blood, blood serum or plasma, breath, or urine to determine its alcohol content.

(4) No judge or mayor shall grant limited driving privileges for employment as a driver of commercial motor vehicles to an offender whose driver's or commercial driver's license or permit or nonresident operating privilege has been suspended under division (G) or (H) of section 4511.19 of the Revised Code, under division (B) or (C) of section 4511.191 of the Revised Code, or under section 4510.07 of the Revised Code for a municipal OVI conviction if the offender is disqualified from operating a commercial motor vehicle, or whose license or permit has been suspended, under section 3123.58 or 4506.16 of the Revised Code.

(5) No judge or mayor shall grant limited driving privileges to an offender whose driver's or commercial driver's license or permit or nonresident operating privilege has been suspended under division (G) or (H) of section 4511.19 of the Revised Code, under division (C) of section 4511.191 of the Revised Code, or under section 4510.07 of the Revised Code for a conviction of a violation of a municipal OVI ordinance during any of the following periods of time:

(a) The first fifteen days of a suspension imposed under division (G)(1)(a) of section 4511.19 of the Revised Code or a comparable length suspension imposed under section 4510.07 of the Revised Code, or of a suspension imposed under division (C)(1)(a) of section 4511.191 of the Revised Code. On or after the sixteenth day of the suspension, the court may grant limited driving privileges, but the court may require that the offender shall not exercise the privileges unless the vehicles the offender operates are equipped with immobilizing or disabling devices that monitor the offender's alcohol consumption or any other type of immobilizing or disabling devices, except as provided in division (C) of section 4510.43 of the Revised Code.

(b) The first forty-five days of a suspension imposed under division (C)(1)(b) of section 4511.191 of the Revised Code. On or after the forty-sixth day of suspension, the court may grant limited driving privileges, but the court may require that the offender shall not exercise the privileges unless the vehicles the offender operates are equipped with immobilizing or disabling devices that monitor the offender's alcohol consumption or any other type of immobilizing or disabling devices, except as provided in division (C) of section 4510.43 of the Revised Code.

(c) The first sixty days of a suspension imposed under division (H) of section 4511.19 of the Revised Code or a comparable length suspension imposed under section 4510.07 of the Revised Code.

(d) The first one hundred eighty days of a suspension imposed under division (C)(1)(c) of section 4511.191 of the Revised Code. On or after the one hundred eighty-first day of suspension, the court may grant limited driving privileges, and either of the following applies:

(i) If the underlying arrest is alcohol-related, the court shall issue an order that, except as provided in division (C) of section 4510.43 of the Revised Code, for the remainder of the period of suspension the offender shall not exercise the privileges unless the vehicles the offender operates are equipped with a certified ignition interlock device.

(ii) If the underlying arrest is drug-related, the court in its discretion may issue an order that, except as provided in division (C) of section 4510.43 of the Revised Code, for the remainder of the period of suspension the offender shall not exercise the privileges unless the vehicles the offender operates are equipped with a certified ignition interlock device.

(e) The first forty-five days of a suspension imposed under division (G)(1)(b) of section 4511.19 of the Revised Code or a comparable length suspension imposed under section 4510.07 of the Revised Code. On or after the forty-sixth day of the suspension, the court may grant limited driving privileges, and either of the following applies:

(i) If the underlying conviction is alcohol-related, the court shall issue an order that, except as provided in division (C) of section 4510.43 of the Revised Code, for the remainder of the period of suspension the offender shall not exercise the privileges unless the vehicles the offender operates are equipped with a certified ignition interlock device.

(ii) If the underlying conviction is drug-related, the court in its discretion may issue an order that, except as provided in division (C) of section 4510.43 of the Revised Code, for the remainder of the period of suspension the offender shall not exercise the privileges unless the vehicles the offender operates are equipped with a certified ignition interlock device.

If a court grants limited driving privileges under division (A)(5)(e) of this section, the court may issue an order terminating an immobilization order issued pursuant to division (G)(1)(b)(v) of section 4511.19 of the Revised Code to take effect concurrently with the granting of limited driving privileges. The court shall send notice of the termination of the immobilization order to the registrar of motor vehicles.

Upon receiving information that an offender violated any condition imposed by the court at the time an immobilization order was terminated under this section, the court may hold a hearing and, in its discretion, issue an order reinstating the immobilization order for the balance of the immobilization period that remained when the court originally ordered the termination of the immobilization order. The court may issue the order only upon a showing of good cause that the offender violated any condition imposed by the court. The court shall send notice of the reinstatement of the immobilization order to the registrar.

(f) The first one hundred eighty days of a suspension imposed under division (G)(1)(c) of section 4511.19 of the Revised Code or a comparable length suspension imposed under section 4510.07 of the Revised Code. On or after the one hundred eighty-first day of the suspension, the court may grant limited driving privileges, and either of the following applies:

(i) If the underlying conviction is alcohol-related, the court shall issue an order that, except as provided in division (C) of section 4510.43 of the Revised Code, for the remainder of the period of suspension the offender shall not exercise the privileges unless the vehicles the offender operates are equipped with a certified ignition interlock device.

(ii) If the underlying conviction is drug-related, the court in its discretion may issue an order that, except as provided in division (C) of section 4510.43 of the Revised Code, for the remainder of the period of suspension the offender shall not exercise the privileges unless the vehicles the offender operates are equipped with a certified ignition interlock device.

(g) The first three years of a suspension imposed under division (G)(1)(d) or (e) of section 4511.19 of the Revised Code or a comparable length suspension imposed under section 4510.07 of the Revised Code, or of a suspension imposed under division (C)(1)(d) of section 4511.191 of the Revised Code. On or after the first three years of suspension, the court may grant limited driving privileges, and either of the following applies:

(i) If the underlying conviction is alcohol-related, the court shall issue an order that, except as provided in division (C) of section 4510.43 of the Revised Code, for the remainder of the period of suspension the offender shall not exercise the privileges unless the vehicles the offender operates are equipped with a certified ignition interlock device.

(ii) If the underlying conviction is drug-related, the court in its discretion may issue an order that, except as provided in division (C) of section 4510.43 of the Revised Code, for the remainder of the period of suspension the offender shall not exercise the privileges unless the vehicles the offender operates are equipped with a certified ignition interlock device.

(6) No judge or mayor shall grant limited driving privileges to an offender whose driver's or commercial driver's license or permit or nonresident operating privilege has been suspended under division (B) of section 4511.191 of the Revised Code during any of the following periods of time:

(a) The first thirty days of suspension imposed under division (B)(1)(a) of section 4511.191 of the Revised Code;

(b) The first ninety days of suspension imposed under division (B)(1)(b) of section 4511.191 of the Revised Code;

(c) The first year of suspension imposed under division (B)(1)(c) of section 4511.191 of the Revised Code;

(d) The first three years of suspension imposed under division (B)(1)(d) of section 4511.191 of the Revised Code.

(7) In any case in which a judge or mayor grants limited driving privileges to an offender whose driver's or commercial driver's license or permit or nonresident operating privilege has been suspended under division (G)(1)(c), (d), or (e) of section 4511.19 of the Revised Code, under division (G)(1)(a) or (b) of section 4511.19 of the Revised Code for a violation of division (A)(1)(f), (g), (h), or (i) of that section, or under section 4510.07 of the Revised Code for a municipal OVI conviction for which sentence would have been imposed under division (G)(1)(a)(ii) or (G)(1)(b)(ii) or (G)(1)(c), (d), or (e) of section 4511.19 of the Revised Code had the offender been charged with and convicted of a violation of section 4511.19 of the Revised Code instead of a violation of the municipal OVI ordinance, the judge or mayor shall impose as a condition of the privileges that the offender must display on the vehicle that is driven subject to the privileges restricted license plates that are issued under section 4503.231 of the Revised Code, except as provided in division (B) of that section.

(8) In any case in which an offender is required by a court under this section to operate a motor vehicle that is equipped with a certified ignition interlock device and either the offender commits an ignition interlock device violation as defined under section 4510.46 of the Revised Code or the offender operates a motor vehicle that is not equipped with a certified ignition interlock device, the following applies:

(a) If the offender was sentenced under division (G)(1)(a) or (b) or division (H) of section 4511.19 of the Revised Code, on a first instance the court may require the offender to wear a monitor that provides continuous alcohol monitoring that is remote. On a second instance, the court shall require the offender to wear a monitor that provides continuous alcohol monitoring that is remote for a minimum of forty days. On a third instance or more, the court shall require the offender to wear a monitor that provides continuous alcohol monitoring that is remote for a minimum of sixty days.

(b) If the offender was sentenced under division (G)(1)(c), (d), or (e) of section 4511.19 of the Revised Code, on a first instance the court shall require the offender to wear a monitor that provides continuous alcohol monitoring that is remote for a minimum of forty days. On a second instance or more, the court shall require the offender to wear a monitor that provides continuous alcohol monitoring that is remote for a minimum of sixty days.

(c) The court may increase the period of suspension of the offender's driver's or commercial driver's license or permit or nonresident operating privilege from that originally imposed by the court by a factor of two and may increase the period of time during which the offender will be prohibited from exercising any limited driving privileges granted to the offender unless the vehicles the offender operates are equipped with a certified ignition interlock device by a factor of two. The limitation under division (E) of section 4510.46 of the Revised Code applies to an increase under division (A)(8)(c) of this section.

(d) If the violation occurred within sixty days of the end of the suspension of the offender's driver's or commercial driver's license or permit or nonresident operating privilege and the court does not impose an increase in the period of the suspension under division (A)(8)(c) of this section, the court shall proceed as follows:

(i) Issue an order extending the period of suspension and the grant of limited driving privileges with a required certified ignition interlock device so that the suspension terminates sixty days from the date the offender committed that violation.

(ii) For each violation subsequent to a violation for which an extension was ordered under division (A)(8)(d)(i) of this section, issue an order extending the period of suspension and the grant of limited driving privileges with a required certified ignition interlock device so that the suspension terminates sixty days from the date the offender committed that violation.

The registrar of motor vehicles is prohibited from reinstating an offender's license unless the applicable period of suspension has been served and no ignition interlock device violations have been committed within the sixty days prior to the application for reinstatement.

(9) At the time the court issues an order under this section requiring an offender to use an ignition interlock device, the court shall provide notice to the offender of each action the court is authorized or required to take under division (A)(8) of this section if the offender circumvents or tampers with the device or in any case in which the court receives notice pursuant to section 4510.46 of the Revised Code that a device prevented an offender from starting a motor vehicle.

(10) In any case in which the court issues an order under this section prohibiting an offender from exercising limited driving privileges unless the vehicles the offender operates are equipped with an immobilizing or disabling device, including a certified ignition interlock device, or requires an offender to wear a monitor that provides continuous alcohol monitoring that is remote, the court shall impose an additional court cost of two dollars and fifty cents upon the offender. The court shall not waive the payment of the two dollars and fifty cents unless the court determines that the offender is indigent and waives the payment of all court costs imposed upon the indigent offender. The clerk of court shall transmit one hundred per cent of this mandatory court cost collected during a month on or before the twenty-third day of the following month to the state treasury to be credited to the public safety - highway purposes fund created under section 4501.06 of the Revised Code, to be used by the department of public safety to cover costs associated with maintaining the habitual OVI/OMWI offender registry created under section 5502.10 of the Revised Code. In its discretion the court may impose an additional court cost of two dollars and fifty cents upon the offender. The clerk of court shall retain this discretionary two dollar and fifty cent court cost, if imposed, and shall deposit it in the court's special projects fund that is established under division (E)(1) of section 2303.201, division (B)(1) of section 1901.26, or division (B)(1) of section 1907.24 of the Revised Code.

(B) Any person whose driver's or commercial driver's license or permit or nonresident operating privilege has been suspended pursuant to section 4511.19 or 4511.191 of the Revised Code or under section 4510.07 of the Revised Code for a violation of a municipal OVI ordinance may file a petition for limited driving privileges during the suspension. The person shall file the petition in the court that has jurisdiction over the place of arrest. Subject to division (A) of this section, the court may grant the person limited driving privileges during the period during which the suspension otherwise would be imposed. However, the court shall not grant the privileges for employment as a driver of a commercial motor vehicle to any person who is disqualified from operating a commercial motor vehicle under section 4506.16 of the Revised Code or during any of the periods prescribed by division (A) of this section.

(C)(1) After a driver's or commercial driver's license or permit or nonresident operating privilege has been suspended pursuant to section 2903.06, 2903.08, 2903.11, 2921.331, 2923.02, 2929.02, 4511.19, 4511.251, 4549.02, 4549.021, or 5743.99 of the Revised Code, any provision of Chapter 2925. of the Revised Code, or section 4510.07 of the Revised Code for a violation of a municipal OVI ordinance, the judge of the court or mayor of the mayor's court that suspended the license, permit, or privilege shall cause the offender to deliver to the court the license or permit. The judge, mayor, or clerk of the court or mayor's court shall forward to the registrar the license or permit together with notice of the action of the court.

(2) A suspension of a commercial driver's license under any section or chapter identified in division (C)(1) of this section shall be concurrent with any period of suspension or disqualification under section 3123.58 or 4506.16 of the Revised Code. No person who is disqualified for life from holding a commercial driver's license under section 4506.16 of the Revised Code shall be issued a driver's license under this chapter during the period for which the commercial driver's license was suspended under this section, and no person whose commercial driver's license is suspended under any section or chapter identified in division (C)(1) of this section shall be issued a driver's license under Chapter 4507. of the Revised Code during the period of the suspension.

(3) No judge or mayor shall suspend any class one suspension, or any portion of any class one suspension, imposed under section 2903.04, 2903.06, 2903.08, or 2921.331 of the Revised Code. No judge or mayor shall suspend the first thirty days of any class two, class three, class four, class five, or class six suspension imposed under section 2903.06, 2903.08, 2903.11, 2923.02, or 2929.02 of the Revised Code.

(D) The judge of the court or mayor of the mayor's court shall credit any time during which an offender was subject to an administrative suspension of the offender's driver's or commercial driver's license or permit or nonresident operating privilege imposed pursuant to section 4511.191 or 4511.192 of the Revised Code or a suspension imposed by a judge, referee, or mayor pursuant to division (B)(1) or (2) of section 4511.196 of the Revised Code against the time to be served under a related suspension imposed pursuant to any section or chapter identified in division (C)(1) of this section.

(E) The judge or mayor shall notify the bureau of motor vehicles of any determinations made pursuant to this section and of any suspension imposed pursuant to any section or chapter identified in division (C)(1) of this section.

(F)(1) If a court issues an order under this section granting limited driving privileges and requiring an offender to use an immobilizing or disabling device, the order shall authorize the offender during the specified period to operate a motor vehicle only if it is equipped with such a device, except as provided in division (C) of section 4510.43 of the Revised Code. The court shall provide the offender with a copy of the order for purposes of obtaining a restricted license and shall submit a copy of the order to the registrar of motor vehicles.

(2) An offender shall present to the registrar or to a deputy registrar the copy of an immobilizing or disabling device order issued under this section and a certificate affirming the installation of an immobilizing or disabling device that is in a form established by the director of public safety and that is signed by the person who installed the device. Upon presentation of the order and certificate to the registrar or a deputy registrar, the registrar or deputy registrar shall issue the offender a restricted license, unless the offender's driver's or commercial driver's license or permit is suspended under any other provision of law and limited driving privileges have not been granted with regard to that suspension. A restricted license issued under this division shall be identical to an Ohio driver's license, except that it shall have printed on its face a statement that the offender is prohibited from operating any motor vehicle that is not equipped with an immobilizing or disabling device in violation of the order.

(3)(a) No person who has been granted limited driving privileges subject to an immobilizing or disabling device order under this section shall operate a motor vehicle prior to obtaining a restricted license. Any person who violates this prohibition is subject to the penalties prescribed in section 4510.14 of the Revised Code.

(b) The offense established under division (F)(3)(a) of this section is a strict liability offense and section 2901.20 of the Revised Code does not apply.

Section 4510.14 | Driving under OVI suspension.

(A) No person whose driver's or commercial driver's license or permit or nonresident operating privilege has been suspended under section 4511.19, 4511.191, or 4511.196 of the Revised Code or under section 4510.07 of the Revised Code for a conviction of a violation of a municipal OVI ordinance shall operate any motor vehicle upon the public roads or highways within this state during the period of the suspension.

(B) Whoever violates this section is guilty of driving under OVI suspension. The court shall sentence the offender under Chapter 2929. of the Revised Code, subject to the differences authorized or required by this section.

(1) Except as otherwise provided in division (B)(2) or (3) of this section, driving under OVI suspension is a misdemeanor of the first degree. The court shall sentence the offender to all of the following:

(a) A mandatory jail term of three consecutive days. The three-day term shall be imposed, unless, subject to division (C) of this section, the court instead imposes a sentence of not less than thirty consecutive days of house arrest with electronic monitoring. A period of house arrest with electronic monitoring imposed under this division shall not exceed six months. If the court imposes a mandatory three-day jail term under this division, the court may impose a jail term in addition to that term, provided that in no case shall the cumulative jail term imposed for the offense exceed six months.

(b) A fine of not less than two hundred fifty and not more than one thousand dollars;

(c) A license suspension under division (E) of this section;

(d) If the vehicle the offender was operating at the time of the offense is registered in the offender's name, immobilization for thirty days of the offender's vehicle and impoundment for thirty days of the identification license plates of that vehicle. The order for immobilization and impoundment shall be issued and enforced in accordance with section 4503.233 of the Revised Code.

(2) If, within six years of the offense, the offender previously has been convicted of or pleaded guilty to one violation of this section or one equivalent offense, driving under OVI suspension is a misdemeanor of the first degree. The court shall sentence the offender to all of the following:

(a) A mandatory jail term of ten consecutive days. Notwithstanding the jail terms provided in sections 2929.21 to 2929.28 of the Revised Code, the court may sentence the offender to a longer jail term of not more than one year. The ten-day mandatory jail term shall be imposed unless, subject to division (C) of this section, the court instead imposes a sentence of not less than ninety consecutive days of house arrest with electronic monitoring. The period of house arrest with electronic monitoring shall not exceed one year.

(b) Notwithstanding the fines provided for in Chapter 2929. of the Revised Code, a fine of not less than five hundred and not more than two thousand five hundred dollars;

(c) A license suspension under division (E) of this section;

(d) If the vehicle the offender was operating at the time of the offense is registered in the offender's name, immobilization of the offender's vehicle for sixty days and the impoundment for sixty days of the identification license plates of that vehicle. The order for immobilization and impoundment shall be issued and enforced in accordance with section 4503.233 of the Revised Code.

(3) If, within six years of the offense, the offender previously has been convicted of or pleaded guilty to two or more violations of this section or two or more equivalent offenses, driving under OVI suspension is a misdemeanor. The court shall sentence the offender to all of the following:

(a) A mandatory jail term of thirty consecutive days. Notwithstanding the jail terms provided in sections 2929.21 to 2929.28 of the Revised Code, the court may sentence the offender to a longer jail term of not more than one year. The court shall not sentence the offender to a term of house arrest with electronic monitoring in lieu of the mandatory portion of the jail term.

(b) Notwithstanding the fines set forth in Chapter 2929. of the Revised Code, a fine of not less than five hundred and not more than two thousand five hundred dollars;

(c) A license suspension under division (E) of this section;

(d) If the vehicle the offender was operating at the time of the offense is registered in the offender's name, criminal forfeiture to the state of the offender's vehicle. The order of criminal forfeiture shall be issued and enforced in accordance with section 4503.234 of the Revised Code. If title to a motor vehicle that is subject to an order for criminal forfeiture under this division is assigned or transferred and division (B)(2) or (3) of section 4503.234 of the Revised Code applies, the court may fine the offender the value of the vehicle as determined by publications of the national automobile dealers association. The proceeds from any fine so imposed shall be distributed in accordance with division (C)(2) of section 4503.234 of the Revised Code.

(C) No court shall impose an alternative sentence of house arrest with electronic monitoring under division (B)(1) or (2) of this section unless, within sixty days of the date of sentencing, the court issues a written finding on the record that, due to the unavailability of space at the jail where the offender is required to serve the jail term imposed, the offender will not be able to begin serving that term within the sixty-day period following the date of sentencing.

An offender sentenced under this section to a period of house arrest with electronic monitoring shall be permitted work release during that period.

(D) Fifty per cent of any fine imposed by a court under division (B)(1), (2), or (3) of this section shall be deposited into the county indigent drivers alcohol treatment fund or municipal indigent drivers alcohol treatment fund under the control of that court, as created by the county or municipal corporation pursuant to division (H) of section 4511.191 of the Revised Code.

(E) In addition to or independent of all other penalties provided by law or ordinance, the trial judge of any court of record or the mayor of a mayor's court shall impose on an offender who is convicted of or pleads guilty to a violation of this section a class seven suspension of the offender's driver's or commercial driver's license or permit or nonresident operating privilege from the range specified in division (A)(7) of section 4510.02 of the Revised Code.

When permitted as specified in section 4510.021 of the Revised Code, if the court grants limited driving privileges during a suspension imposed under this section, the privileges shall be granted on the additional condition that the offender must display restricted license plates, issued under section 4503.231 of the Revised Code, on the vehicle driven subject to the privileges, except as provided in division (B) of that section.

A suspension of a commercial driver's license under this section shall be concurrent with any period of suspension or disqualification under section 3123.58 or 4506.16 of the Revised Code. No person who is disqualified for life from holding a commercial driver's license under section 4506.16 of the Revised Code shall be issued a driver's license under Chapter 4507. of the Revised Code during the period for which the commercial driver's license was suspended under this section, and no person whose commercial driver's license is suspended under this section shall be issued a driver's license under Chapter 4507. of the Revised Code during the period of the suspension.

(F) The offender shall provide the court with proof of financial responsibility as defined in section 4509.01 of the Revised Code. If the offender fails to provide that proof of financial responsibility, then, in addition to any other penalties provided by law, the court may order restitution pursuant to section 2929.28 of the Revised Code in an amount not exceeding five thousand dollars for any economic loss arising from an accident or collision that was the direct and proximate result of the offender's operation of the vehicle before, during, or after committing the offense that is a misdemeanor of the first degree under this section for which the offender is sentenced.

(G) As used in this section:

(1) "Electronic monitoring" has the same meaning as in section 2929.01 of the Revised Code.

(2) "Equivalent offense" means any of the following:

(a) A violation of a municipal ordinance, law of another state, or law of the United States that is substantially equivalent to division (A) of this section;

(b) A violation of a former law of this state that was substantially equivalent to division (A) of this section.

(3) "Jail" has the same meaning as in section 2929.01 of the Revised Code.

(4) "Mandatory jail term" means the mandatory term in jail of three, ten, or thirty consecutive days that must be imposed under division (B)(1), (2), or (3) of this section upon an offender convicted of a violation of division (A) of this section and in relation to which all of the following apply:

(a) Except as specifically authorized under this section, the term must be served in a jail.

(b) Except as specifically authorized under this section, the term cannot be suspended, reduced, or otherwise modified pursuant to any provision of the Revised Code.

Section 4510.15 | Suspension of license for reckless operation.

Whenever a person is found guilty under the laws of this state, or under any ordinance of any political subdivision of this state, of operating a motor vehicle in violation of any such law or ordinance relating to reckless operation, the trial court of any court of record, in addition to or independent of all other penalties provided by law, may impose a class five suspension of the offender's driver's or commercial driver's license or permit or nonresident operating privilege from the range specified in division (A)(5) of section 4510.02 of the Revised Code.

Suspension of a commercial driver's license under this section shall be concurrent with any period of suspension disqualification under section 3123.58 or 4506.16 of the Revised Code. No person who is disqualified for life from holding a commercial driver's license under section 4506.16 of the Revised Code shall be issued a driver's license under Chapter 4507. of the Revised Code during the period for which the commercial driver's license was suspended under this section, and no person whose commercial driver's license is suspended under this section shall be issued a driver's license under Chapter 4507. of the Revised Code during the period of the suspension.

Section 4510.16 | Driving under financial responsibility law suspension or cancellation; driving under a nonpayment of judgment suspension.

(A) No person, whose driver's or commercial driver's license or temporary instruction permit or nonresident's operating privilege has been suspended or canceled pursuant to Chapter 4509. of the Revised Code, shall operate any motor vehicle within this state, or knowingly permit any motor vehicle owned by the person to be operated by another person in the state, during the period of the suspension or cancellation, except as specifically authorized by Chapter 4509. of the Revised Code. No person shall operate a motor vehicle within this state, or knowingly permit any motor vehicle owned by the person to be operated by another person in the state, during the period in which the person is required by section 4509.45 of the Revised Code to file and maintain proof of financial responsibility for a violation of section 4509.101 of the Revised Code, unless proof of financial responsibility is maintained with respect to that vehicle.

(B) No person shall operate any motor vehicle upon a highway or any public or private property used by the public for purposes of vehicular travel or parking in this state if the person's driver's or commercial driver's license or temporary instruction permit or nonresident operating privilege has been suspended pursuant to section 4509.37 or 4509.40 of the Revised Code for nonpayment of a judgment.

(C) Upon the request or motion of the prosecuting authority, a noncertified copy of the law enforcement automated data system report or a noncertified copy of a record of the registrar of motor vehicles that shows the name, date of birth, and social security number of a person charged with a violation of division (A) or (B) of this section may be admitted into evidence as prima-facie evidence that the license of the person was under either a financial responsibility law suspension at the time of the alleged violation of division (A) of this section or a nonpayment of judgment suspension at the time of the alleged violation of division (B) of this section. The person charged with a violation of division (A) or (B) of this section may offer evidence to rebut this prima-facie evidence.

(D) Whoever violates division (A) of this section is guilty of driving under financial responsibility law suspension or cancellation and shall be punished as provided in divisions (D) to (I) of this section. Whoever violates division (B) of this section is guilty of driving under a nonpayment of judgment suspension and shall be punished as provided in divisions (D) to (I) of this section.

(1) Except as otherwise provided in division (D)(2) of this section, the offense is an unclassified misdemeanor. When the offense is an unclassified misdemeanor, the offender shall be sentenced pursuant to sections 2929.21 to 2929.28 of the Revised Code, except that the offender shall not be sentenced to a jail term; the offender shall not be sentenced to a community residential sanction pursuant to section 2929.26 of the Revised Code; notwithstanding division (A)(2)(a) of section 2929.28 of the Revised Code, the offender may be fined up to one thousand dollars; and, notwithstanding division (A)(3) of section 2929.27 of the Revised Code, the offender may be ordered pursuant to division (C) of that section to serve a term of community service of up to five hundred hours. The failure of an offender to complete a term of community service imposed by the court may be punished as indirect criminal contempt under division (A) of section 2705.02 of the Revised Code that may be filed in the underlying case.

(2) If, within three years of the offense, the offender previously was convicted of or pleaded guilty to two or more violations of this section, or any combination of two violations of this section or section 4510.11 or 4510.111 of the Revised Code, or a substantially equivalent municipal ordinance, the offense is a misdemeanor of the fourth degree.

(3) The offender shall provide the court with proof of financial responsibility as defined in section 4509.01 of the Revised Code. If the offender fails to provide that proof of financial responsibility, then in addition to any other penalties provided by law, the court may order restitution pursuant to section 2929.28 of the Revised Code in an amount not exceeding five thousand dollars for any economic loss arising from an accident or collision that was the direct and proximate result of the offender's operation of the vehicle before, during, or after committing the offense for which the offender is sentenced under this section.

Section 4510.161 | Additional sanctions for violations of municipal ordinance substantially similar to driving under suspension.

(A) The requirements and sanctions imposed by divisions (B) and (C) of this section are an adjunct to and derive from the state's exclusive authority over the registration and titling of motor vehicles and do not comprise a part of the criminal sentence to be imposed upon a person who violates a municipal ordinance that is substantially equivalent to section 4510.14 of the Revised Code.

(B) If a person is convicted of or pleads guilty to a violation of a municipal ordinance that is substantially equivalent to section 4510.14 of the Revised Code, the court, in addition to and independent of any sentence that it imposes upon the offender for the offense, if the vehicle the offender was operating at the time of the offense is registered in the offender's name, shall do whichever of the following is applicable:

(1) If, within six years of the current offense, the offender has not been convicted of or pleaded guilty to a violation of section 4510.14 or former division (D)(2) of section 4507.02 of the Revised Code or a municipal ordinance that is substantially equivalent to that section or former division, the court shall order the immobilization for thirty days of the vehicle involved in the offense and the impoundment for thirty days of the license plates of that vehicle in accordance with section 4503.233 of the Revised Code.

(2) If, within six years of the current offense, the offender has been convicted of or pleaded guilty to one violation of section 4510.14 or former division (D)(2) of section 4507.02 of the Revised Code or a municipal ordinance that is substantially equivalent to that section or former division, the court shall order the immobilization for sixty days of the vehicle involved in the offense and the impoundment for sixty days of the license plates of that vehicle in accordance with section 4503.233 of the Revised Code.

(3) If, within six years of the current offense, the offender has been convicted of or pleaded guilty to two or more violations of section 4510.14 or former division (D)(2) of section 4507.02 of the Revised Code or a municipal ordinance that is substantially equivalent to that section or former division, the court shall order the criminal forfeiture to the state of the vehicle the offender was operating at the time of the offense.

(C) An order for immobilization and impoundment of a vehicle under this section shall be issued and enforced in accordance with sections 4503.233 and 4507.02 of the Revised Code, as applicable. The court shall not release a vehicle from immobilization ordered under this section unless the court is presented with current proof of financial responsibility with respect to that vehicle.

(D) An order for criminal forfeiture of a vehicle under this section shall be issued and enforced under section 4503.234 of the Revised Code. Upon receipt of a copy of the order from the court, neither the registrar of motor vehicles nor a deputy registrar shall accept any application for the registration or transfer of registration of any motor vehicle owned or leased by the person named in the declaration of forfeiture. The period of registration denial shall be five years after the date of the order unless, during that period, the court having jurisdiction of the offense that led to the order terminates the forfeiture and notifies the registrar of the termination. The registrar then shall take the necessary measures to permit the person to register a vehicle owned or leased by the person or to transfer registration of the vehicle.

Section 4510.17 | Suspension of license for drug or OVI offense substantially similar to state statute.

(A) The registrar of motor vehicles shall impose a class D suspension of the person's driver's license, commercial driver's license, temporary instruction permit, probationary license, or nonresident operating privilege for the period of time specified in division (B)(4) of section 4510.02 of the Revised Code on any person who is a resident of this state and is convicted of or pleads guilty to a violation of a statute of any other state or any federal statute that is substantially similar to section 2925.02, 2925.03, 2925.04, 2925.041, 2925.05, 2925.06, 2925.11, 2925.12, 2925.13, 2925.14, 2925.141, 2925.22, 2925.23, 2925.31, 2925.32, 2925.36, or 2925.37 of the Revised Code. Upon receipt of a report from a court, court clerk, or other official of any other state or from any federal authority that a resident of this state was convicted of or pleaded guilty to an offense described in this division, the registrar shall send a notice by regular first class mail to the person, at the person's last known address as shown in the records of the bureau of motor vehicles, informing the person of the suspension, that the suspension will take effect twenty-one days from the date of the notice, and that, if the person wishes to appeal the suspension or denial, the person must file a notice of appeal within twenty-one days of the date of the notice requesting a hearing on the matter. If the person requests a hearing, the registrar shall hold the hearing not more than forty days after receipt by the registrar of the notice of appeal. The filing of a notice of appeal does not stay the operation of the suspension that must be imposed pursuant to this division. The scope of the hearing shall be limited to whether the person actually was convicted of or pleaded guilty to the offense for which the suspension is to be imposed.

The suspension the registrar is required to impose under this division shall end either on the last day of the class D suspension period or of the suspension of the person's nonresident operating privilege imposed by the state or federal court, whichever is earlier.

The registrar shall subscribe to or otherwise participate in any information system or register, or enter into reciprocal and mutual agreements with other states and federal authorities, in order to facilitate the exchange of information with other states and the United States government regarding persons who plead guilty to or are convicted of offenses described in this division and therefore are subject to the suspension or denial described in this division.

(B) The registrar shall impose a class D suspension of the person's driver's license, commercial driver's license, temporary instruction permit, probationary license, or nonresident operating privilege for the period of time specified in division (B)(4) of section 4510.02 of the Revised Code on any person who is a resident of this state and is convicted of or pleads guilty to a violation of a statute of any other state or a municipal ordinance of a municipal corporation located in any other state that is substantially similar to section 4511.19 of the Revised Code. Upon receipt of a report from another state made pursuant to section 4510.61 of the Revised Code indicating that a resident of this state was convicted of or pleaded guilty to an offense described in this division, the registrar shall send a notice by regular first class mail to the person, at the person's last known address as shown in the records of the bureau of motor vehicles, informing the person of the suspension, that the suspension or denial will take effect twenty-one days from the date of the notice, and that, if the person wishes to appeal the suspension, the person must file a notice of appeal within twenty-one days of the date of the notice requesting a hearing on the matter. If the person requests a hearing, the registrar shall hold the hearing not more than forty days after receipt by the registrar of the notice of appeal. The filing of a notice of appeal does not stay the operation of the suspension that must be imposed pursuant to this division. The scope of the hearing shall be limited to whether the person actually was convicted of or pleaded guilty to the offense for which the suspension is to be imposed.

The suspension the registrar is required to impose under this division shall end either on the last day of the class D suspension period or of the suspension of the person's nonresident operating privilege imposed by the state or federal court, whichever is earlier.

(C) The registrar shall impose a class D suspension of the child's driver's license, commercial driver's license, temporary instruction permit, or nonresident operating privilege for the period of time specified in division (B)(4) of section 4510.02 of the Revised Code on any child who is a resident of this state and is convicted of or pleads guilty to a violation of a statute of any other state or any federal statute that is substantially similar to section 2925.02, 2925.03, 2925.04, 2925.041, 2925.05, 2925.06, 2925.11, 2925.12, 2925.13, 2925.14, 2925.141, 2925.22, 2925.23, 2925.31, 2925.32, 2925.36, or 2925.37 of the Revised Code. Upon receipt of a report from a court, court clerk, or other official of any other state or from any federal authority that a child who is a resident of this state was convicted of or pleaded guilty to an offense described in this division, the registrar shall send a notice by regular first class mail to the child, at the child's last known address as shown in the records of the bureau of motor vehicles, informing the child of the suspension, that the suspension or denial will take effect twenty-one days from the date of the notice, and that, if the child wishes to appeal the suspension, the child must file a notice of appeal within twenty-one days of the date of the notice requesting a hearing on the matter. If the child requests a hearing, the registrar shall hold the hearing not more than forty days after receipt by the registrar of the notice of appeal. The filing of a notice of appeal does not stay the operation of the suspension that must be imposed pursuant to this division. The scope of the hearing shall be limited to whether the child actually was convicted of or pleaded guilty to the offense for which the suspension is to be imposed.

The suspension the registrar is required to impose under this division shall end either on the last day of the class D suspension period or of the suspension of the child's nonresident operating privilege imposed by the state or federal court, whichever is earlier. If the child is a resident of this state who is sixteen years of age or older and does not have a current, valid Ohio driver's or commercial driver's license or permit, the notice shall inform the child that the child will be denied issuance of a driver's or commercial driver's license or permit for six months beginning on the date of the notice. If the child has not attained the age of sixteen years on the date of the notice, the notice shall inform the child that the period of denial of six months shall commence on the date the child attains the age of sixteen years.

The registrar shall subscribe to or otherwise participate in any information system or register, or enter into reciprocal and mutual agreements with other states and federal authorities, in order to facilitate the exchange of information with other states and the United States government regarding children who are residents of this state and plead guilty to or are convicted of offenses described in this division and therefore are subject to the suspension or denial described in this division.

(D) The registrar shall impose a class D suspension of the child's driver's license, commercial driver's license, temporary instruction permit, probationary license, or nonresident operating privilege for the period of time specified in division (B)(4) of section 4510.02 of the Revised Code on any child who is a resident of this state and is convicted of or pleads guilty to a violation of a statute of any other state or a municipal ordinance of a municipal corporation located in any other state that is substantially similar to section 4511.19 of the Revised Code. Upon receipt of a report from another state made pursuant to section 4510.61 of the Revised Code indicating that a child who is a resident of this state was convicted of or pleaded guilty to an offense described in this division, the registrar shall send a notice by regular first class mail to the child, at the child's last known address as shown in the records of the bureau of motor vehicles, informing the child of the suspension, that the suspension will take effect twenty-one days from the date of the notice, and that, if the child wishes to appeal the suspension, the child must file a notice of appeal within twenty-one days of the date of the notice requesting a hearing on the matter. If the child requests a hearing, the registrar shall hold the hearing not more than forty days after receipt by the registrar of the notice of appeal. The filing of a notice of appeal does not stay the operation of the suspension that must be imposed pursuant to this division. The scope of the hearing shall be limited to whether the child actually was convicted of or pleaded guilty to the offense for which the suspension is to be imposed.

The suspension the registrar is required to impose under this division shall end either on the last day of the class D suspension period or of the suspension of the child's nonresident operating privilege imposed by the state or federal court, whichever is earlier. If the child is a resident of this state who is sixteen years of age or older and does not have a current, valid Ohio driver's or commercial driver's license or permit, the notice shall inform the child that the child will be denied issuance of a driver's or commercial driver's license or permit for six months beginning on the date of the notice. If the child has not attained the age of sixteen years on the date of the notice, the notice shall inform the child that the period of denial of six months shall commence on the date the child attains the age of sixteen years.

(E)(1) Any person whose license or permit has been suspended pursuant to this section may file a petition in the municipal or county court, or in case the person is under eighteen years of age, the juvenile court, in whose jurisdiction the person resides, requesting limited driving privileges and agreeing to pay the cost of the proceedings. Except as provided in division (E)(2) or (3) of this section, the judge may grant the person limited driving privileges during the period during which the suspension otherwise would be imposed for any of the purposes set forth in division (A) of section 4510.021 of the Revised Code.

(2) No judge shall grant limited driving privileges for employment as a driver of a commercial motor vehicle to any person who would be disqualified from operating a commercial motor vehicle under section 4506.16 of the Revised Code if the violation had occurred in this state. Further, no judge shall grant limited driving privileges during any of the following periods of time:

(a) The first fifteen days of a suspension under division (B) or (D) of this section, if the person has not been convicted within ten years of the date of the offense giving rise to the suspension under this section of a violation of any of the following:

(i) Division (A) of section 4511.19 of the Revised Code, or a municipal ordinance relating to operating a vehicle while under the influence of alcohol, a drug of abuse, or alcohol and a drug of abuse;

(ii) A municipal ordinance relating to operating a motor vehicle with a prohibited concentration of alcohol, a controlled substance, or a metabolite of a controlled substance in the whole blood, blood serum or plasma, breath, or urine;

(iii) Section 2903.04 of the Revised Code in a case in which the person was subject to the sanctions described in division (D) of that section;

(iv) Division (A)(1) of section 2903.06 or division (A)(1) of section 2903.08 of the Revised Code or a municipal ordinance that is substantially similar to either of those divisions;

(v) Division (A)(2), (3), or (4) of section 2903.06, division (A)(2) of section 2903.08, or as it existed prior to March 23, 2000, section 2903.07 of the Revised Code, or a municipal ordinance that is substantially similar to any of those divisions or that former section, in a case in which the jury or judge found that the person was under the influence of alcohol, a drug of abuse, or alcohol and a drug of abuse.

(b) The first thirty days of a suspension under division (B) or (D) of this section, if the person has been convicted one time within ten years of the date of the offense giving rise to the suspension under this section of any violation identified in division (E)(1)(a) of this section.

(c) The first one hundred eighty days of a suspension under division (B) or (D) of this section, if the person has been convicted two times within ten years of the date of the offense giving rise to the suspension under this section of any violation identified in division (E)(1)(a) of this section.

(3) No limited driving privileges may be granted if the person has been convicted three or more times within five years of the date of the offense giving rise to a suspension under division (B) or (D) of this section of any violation identified in division (E)(1)(a) of this section.

(4) In accordance with section 4510.022 of the Revised Code, a person may petition for, and a judge may grant, unlimited driving privileges with a certified ignition interlock device during the period of suspension imposed under division (B) or (D) of this section to a person described in division (E)(2)(a) of this section.

(5) If a person petitions for limited driving privileges under division (E)(1) of this section or unlimited driving privileges with a certified ignition interlock device as provided in division (E)(4) of this section, the registrar shall be represented by the county prosecutor of the county in which the person resides if the petition is filed in a juvenile court or county court, except that if the person resides within a city or village that is located within the jurisdiction of the county in which the petition is filed, the city director of law or village solicitor of that city or village shall represent the registrar. If the petition is filed in a municipal court, the registrar shall be represented as provided in section 1901.34 of the Revised Code.

(6)(a) In issuing an order granting limited driving privileges under division (E)(1) of this section, the court may impose any condition it considers reasonable and necessary to limit the use of a vehicle by the person. The court shall deliver to the person a copy of the order setting forth the time, place, and other conditions limiting the person's use of a motor vehicle. Unless division (E)(6)(b) of this section applies, the grant of limited driving privileges shall be conditioned upon the person's having the order in the person's possession at all times during which the person is operating a vehicle.

(b) If, under the order, the court requires the use of an immobilizing or disabling device as a condition of the grant of limited or unlimited driving privileges, the person shall present to the registrar or to a deputy registrar the copy of the order granting limited driving privileges and a certificate affirming the installation of an immobilizing or disabling device that is in a form established by the director of public safety and is signed by the person who installed the device. Upon presentation of the order and the certificate to the registrar or a deputy registrar, the registrar or deputy registrar shall issue to the offender a restricted license, unless the offender's driver's or commercial driver's license or permit is suspended under any other provision of law and limited driving privileges have not been granted with regard to that suspension. A restricted license issued under this division shall be identical to an Ohio driver's license, except that it shall have printed on its face a statement that the offender is prohibited from operating any motor vehicle that is not equipped with an immobilizing or disabling device in violation of the order.

(7)(a) Unless division (E)(7)(b) applies, a person granted limited driving privileges who operates a vehicle for other than limited purposes, in violation of any condition imposed by the court or without having the order in the person's possession, is guilty of a violation of section 4510.11 of the Revised Code.

(b) No person who has been granted limited or unlimited driving privileges under division (E) of this section subject to an immobilizing or disabling device order shall operate a motor vehicle prior to obtaining a restricted license. Any person who violates this prohibition is subject to the penalties prescribed in section 4510.14 of the Revised Code.

(c) The offenses established under division (E)(7) of this section are strict liability offenses and section 2901.20 of the Revised Code does not apply.

(F) The provisions of division (A)(8) of section 4510.13 of the Revised Code apply to a person who has been granted limited or unlimited driving privileges with a certified ignition interlock device under this section and who either commits an ignition interlock device violation as defined under section 4510.46 of the Revised Code or operates a motor vehicle that is not equipped with a certified ignition interlock device.

(G) Any person whose license or permit has been suspended under division (A) or (C) of this section may file a petition in the municipal or county court, or in case the person is under eighteen years of age, the juvenile court, in whose jurisdiction the person resides, requesting the termination of the suspension and agreeing to pay the cost of the proceedings. If the court, in its discretion, determines that a termination of the suspension is appropriate, the court shall issue an order to the registrar to terminate the suspension. Upon receiving such an order, the registrar shall reinstate the license.

(H) As used in divisions (C) and (D) of this section:

(1) "Child" means a person who is under the age of eighteen years, except that any person who violates a statute or ordinance described in division (C) or (D) of this section prior to attaining eighteen years of age shall be deemed a "child" irrespective of the person's age at the time the complaint or other equivalent document is filed in the other state or a hearing, trial, or other proceeding is held in the other state on the complaint or other equivalent document, and irrespective of the person's age when the period of license suspension or denial prescribed in division (C) or (D) of this section is imposed.

(2) "Is convicted of or pleads guilty to" means, as it relates to a child who is a resident of this state, that in a proceeding conducted in a state or federal court located in another state for a violation of a statute or ordinance described in division (C) or (D) of this section, the result of the proceeding is any of the following:

(a) Under the laws that govern the proceedings of the court, the child is adjudicated to be or admits to being a delinquent child or a juvenile traffic offender for a violation described in division (C) or (D) of this section that would be a crime if committed by an adult;

(b) Under the laws that govern the proceedings of the court, the child is convicted of or pleads guilty to a violation described in division (C) or (D) of this section;

(c) Under the laws that govern the proceedings of the court, irrespective of the terminology utilized in those laws, the result of the court's proceedings is the functional equivalent of division (H)(2)(a) or (b) of this section.

Last updated February 15, 2023 at 8:51 AM

Section 4510.18 | Driving under specified lifetime suspension.

(A) No person whose driver's or commercial driver's license or permit or nonresident operating privilege has been suspended for life under a class one suspension imposed under division (B)(3) of section 2903.06 or section 2903.08 of the Revised Code shall operate any motor vehicle upon the public roads or highways within this state during the remaining life of the person.

(B) Whoever violates this section is guilty of driving under specified lifetime suspension, a felony of the third degree.

Section 4510.21 | Failure to reinstate license.

(A) No person whose driver's license, commercial driver's license, temporary instruction permit, or nonresident's operating privilege has been suspended shall operate any motor vehicle upon a public road or highway or any public or private property after the suspension has expired unless the person has complied with all license reinstatement requirements imposed by the court, the bureau of motor vehicles, or another provision of the Revised Code.

(B) Upon the request or motion of the prosecuting authority, a noncertified copy of the law enforcement automated data system report or a noncertified copy of a record of the registrar of motor vehicles that shows the name, date of birth, and social security number of a person charged with a violation of division (A) of this section may be admitted into evidence as prima-facie evidence that the license of the person had not been reinstated by the person at the time of the alleged violation of division (A) of this section. The person charged with a violation of division (A) of this section may offer evidence to rebut this prima-facie evidence.

(C) Whoever violates this section is guilty of failure to reinstate a license and shall be punished as follows:

(1) Except as provided in division (C)(2) of this section, whoever violates division (A) of this section is guilty of an unclassified misdemeanor. When the offense is an unclassified misdemeanor, the offender shall be sentenced pursuant to sections 2929.21 to 2929.28 of the Revised Code, except that the offender shall not be sentenced to a jail term; the offender shall not be sentenced to a community residential sanction pursuant to section 2929.26 of the Revised Code; notwithstanding division (A)(2)(a) of section 2929.28 of the Revised Code, the offender may be fined up to one thousand dollars; and, notwithstanding division (A)(3) of section 2929.27 of the Revised Code, the offender may be ordered pursuant to division (C) of that section to serve a term of community service of up to five hundred hours. The failure of an offender to complete a term of community service imposed by the court may be punished as indirect criminal contempt under division (A) of section 2705.02 of the Revised Code that may be filed in the underlying case.

(2) If, within three years of a violation of division (A) of this section, the offender previously has pleaded guilty to or been convicted of two or more violations of division (A) of this section or a substantially equivalent municipal ordinance, the offender is guilty of a misdemeanor of the first degree.

(3) In all cases, the court may impose upon the offender a class seven suspension of the offender's driver's license, commercial driver's license, temporary instruction permit, probationary driver's license, or nonresident operating privilege from the range specified in division (A)(7) of section 4510.02 of the Revised Code.

Section 4510.22 | Suspension of license for failure to appear or to pay fine.

(A) If a person who has a current valid Ohio driver's, commercial driver's license, or temporary instruction permit is charged with a violation of any provision in sections 4503.11, 4503.12, 4503.182, 4503.21, 4507.02, 4507.05, 4507.35, 4510.11, 4510.111, 4510.12, 4510.16, 4510.21, 4511.01 to 4511.76, 4511.81, 4511.82, 4511.84, 4513.01 to 4513.65, or 4549.01 to 4549.65 of the Revised Code or with a violation of any substantially equivalent municipal ordinance and if the person either fails to appear in court at the required time and place to answer the charge or pleads guilty to or is found guilty of the violation and fails within the time allowed by the court to pay the fine imposed by the court, the court may declare the forfeiture of the person's license. Thirty days after such a declaration of forfeiture, the court shall inform the registrar of motor vehicles of the forfeiture by entering information relative to the forfeiture on a form approved and furnished by the registrar and sending the form to the registrar. The court also shall forward the person's license, if it is in the possession of the court, to the registrar.

The registrar shall impose a class F suspension of the person's driver's or commercial driver's license, or temporary instruction permit for the period of time specified in division (B)(6) of section 4510.02 of the Revised Code on any person who is named in a declaration received by the registrar under this section. The registrar shall send written notification of the suspension to the person at the person's last known address and, if the person is in possession of the license, order the person to surrender the person's license or permit to the registrar within forty-eight hours.

No valid driver's or commercial driver's license shall be granted to the person after the suspension, unless the court having jurisdiction of the offense that led to the suspension orders that the forfeiture be terminated. The court shall order the termination of the forfeiture if the person thereafter appears to answer the charge and pays any fine imposed by the court or pays the fine originally imposed by the court. The court shall inform the registrar of the termination of the forfeiture by entering information relative to the termination on a form approved and furnished by the registrar and sending the form to the registrar. The person shall pay to the registrar of motor vehicles or an eligible deputy registrar a twenty-five-dollar reinstatement fee. In addition, each deputy registrar shall collect a service fee of ten dollars to compensate the deputy registrar for services performed under this section. The deputy registrar shall retain eight dollars of the service fee and shall transmit the reinstatement fee, plus two dollars of the service fee, to the registrar in the manner the registrar shall determine. The registrar shall deposit fifteen dollars of the reinstatement fee into the state treasury to the credit of the public safety - highway purposes fund created by section 4501.06 of the Revised Code to cover the costs of the bureau in administering this section and shall deposit ten dollars of the fee into the state treasury to the credit of the indigent defense support fund created by section 120.08 of the Revised Code.

(B) In addition to suspending the driver's or commercial driver's license or permit of the person named in a declaration of forfeiture, the registrar, upon receipt from the court of the copy of the declaration of forfeiture, shall take any measures that may be necessary to ensure that neither the registrar nor any deputy registrar accepts any application for the registration or transfer of registration of any motor vehicle owned or leased by the person named in the declaration of forfeiture. However, for a motor vehicle leased by a person named in a declaration of forfeiture, the registrar shall not implement the preceding sentence until the registrar adopts procedures for that implementation under section 4503.39 of the Revised Code. The period of denial of registration or transfer shall continue until such time as the court having jurisdiction of the offense that led to the suspension orders the forfeiture be terminated. Upon receipt by the registrar of an order terminating the forfeiture, the registrar also shall take any measures that may be necessary to permit the person to register a motor vehicle owned or leased by the person or to transfer the registration of such a motor vehicle, if the person later makes application to take such action and otherwise is eligible to register the motor vehicle or to transfer its registration.

The registrar shall not be required to give effect to any declaration of forfeiture or order terminating a forfeiture provided by a court under this section unless the information contained in the declaration or order is transmitted to the registrar by means of an electronic transfer system. The registrar shall not restore the person's driving or vehicle registration privileges until the person pays the reinstatement fee as provided in this section.

The period of denial relating to the issuance or transfer of a certificate of registration for a motor vehicle imposed pursuant to this division remains in effect until the person pays any fine imposed by the court relative to the offense.

Section 4510.23 | Suspension of license upon adjudication of incompetence.

When any person having a driver's or commercial driver's license is adjudicated incompetent for the purpose of holding the license, as provided in section 5122.301 of the Revised Code, the probate judge shall order the license of the person delivered to the court. The court shall forward the license with notice of the adjudication to the registrar of motor vehicles. The registrar shall impose a class F suspension of the person's driver's or commercial driver's license for the period of time specified in division (B)(6) of section 4510.02 of the Revised Code. The suspension shall remain in effect until receipt of written notice by the head of the hospital, or other agency which has or had custody of such person, that such person's mental illness is not an impairment to such person's ability to operate a motor vehicle, or upon receipt of notice from the adjudicating court that such person has been restored to competency by court decree.

Section 4510.31 | Suspension of probationary, restricted license, or temporary permit for juvenile adjudications.

(A)(1) Except as provided in division (C)(1) or (2) of this section, the registrar of motor vehicles shall suspend the probationary driver's license, restricted license, or temporary instruction permit issued to any person when the person has been convicted of, pleaded guilty to, or been adjudicated in juvenile court of having committed, prior to the person's eighteenth birthday, any of the following:

(a) Three separate violations of section 2903.06, 2903.08, 2921.331, 4511.12, 4511.13, 4511.191, 4511.20, 4511.201, 4511.202, 4511.21, 4511.22, 4511.23, 4511.25 to 4511.48, 4511.57 to 4511.65, 4511.75, 4549.02, 4549.021, or 4549.03 of the Revised Code, section 4510.14 of the Revised Code involving a suspension imposed under section 4511.191 or 4511.196 of the Revised Code, section 2903.04 of the Revised Code in a case in which the person would have been subject to the sanctions described in division (D) of that section had the person been convicted of the violation of that section, former section 2903.07 of the Revised Code, or any municipal ordinances similarly relating to the offenses referred to in those sections;

(b) One violation of section 4511.19 of the Revised Code or a substantially similar municipal ordinance;

(c) Two separate violations of any of the Revised Code sections referred to in division (A)(1)(a) of this section, or any municipal ordinance that is substantially similar to any of those sections.

(2) Any person whose license or permit is suspended under division (A)(1)(a), (b), or (c) of this section shall mail or deliver the person's probationary driver's license, restricted license, or temporary instruction permit to the registrar within fourteen days of notification of the suspension. The registrar shall retain the license or permit during the period of the suspension. A suspension pursuant to division (A)(1)(a) of this section shall be a class C suspension, a suspension pursuant to division (A)(1)(b) of this section shall be a class D suspension, and a suspension pursuant to division (A)(1)(c) of this section shall be a class E suspension, all for the periods of time specified in division (B) of section 4510.02 of the Revised Code. If the person's probationary driver's license, restricted license, or temporary instruction permit is under suspension on the date the court imposes sentence upon the person for a violation described in division (A)(1)(b) of this section, the suspension shall take effect on the next day immediately following the end of that period of suspension. If the person is sixteen years of age or older and pleads guilty to or is convicted of a violation described in division (A)(1)(b) of this section and the person does not have a current, valid probationary driver's license, restricted license, or temporary instruction permit, the registrar shall deny the issuance to the person of a probationary driver's license, restricted license, driver's license, commercial driver's license, or temporary instruction permit, as the case may be, for six months beginning on the date the court imposes sentence upon the person for the violation. If the person has not attained the age of sixteen years on the date the court imposes sentence upon the person for the violation, the period of denial shall commence on the date the person attains the age of sixteen years.

(3) The registrar shall suspend the person's license or permit under division (A) of this section regardless of whether the disposition of the case in juvenile court occurred after the person's eighteenth birthday.

(B) The registrar also shall impose a class D suspension for the period of time specified in division (B)(4) of section 4510.02 of the Revised Code of the temporary instruction permit or probationary driver's license of any person under the age of eighteen who has been adjudicated an unruly child, delinquent child, or juvenile traffic offender for having committed any act that if committed by an adult would be a drug abuse offense or a violation of division (B) of section 2917.11 of the Revised Code. The registrar, in the registrar's discretion, may terminate the suspension if the child, at the discretion of the court, attends and satisfactorily completes a drug abuse or alcohol abuse education, intervention, or treatment program specified by the court. Any person whose temporary instruction permit or probationary driver's license is suspended under this division shall mail or deliver the person's permit or license to the registrar within fourteen days of notification of the suspension. The registrar shall retain the permit or license during the period of the suspension.

(C)(1)(a) Except as provided in division (C)(1)(c) of this section, for any person who is convicted of, pleads guilty to, or is adjudicated in juvenile court of having committed a second or third violation of section 4511.12, 4511.13, 4511.20 to 4511.23, 4511.25, 4511.26 to 4511.48, 4511.57 to 4511.65, or 4511.75 of the Revised Code or any similar municipal ordinances and whose license or permit is suspended under division (A)(1)(a) or (c) of this section, the court in which the second or third conviction, finding, plea, or adjudication resulting in the suspension was made, upon petition of the person, may grant the person limited driving privileges during the period during which the suspension otherwise would be imposed under division (A)(1)(a) or (c) of this section for any of the purposes set forth in division (A) of section 4510.021 of the Revised Code. In granting the limited driving privileges, the court shall specify the purposes, times, and places of the privileges and may impose any other conditions upon the person's driving a motor vehicle that the court considers reasonable and necessary.

A court that grants limited driving privileges to a person under this division shall retain the person's probationary driver's license, restricted license, or temporary instruction permit during the period the license or permit is suspended and also during the period for which limited driving privileges are granted, and shall deliver to the person a permit card, in a form to be prescribed by the court, setting forth the date on which the limited driving privileges will become effective, the purposes for which the person may drive, the times and places at which the person may drive, and any other conditions imposed upon the person's use of a motor vehicle.

The court immediately shall notify the registrar, in writing, of a grant of limited driving privileges under this division. The notification shall specify the date on which the limited driving privileges will become effective, the purposes for which the person may drive, the times and places at which the person may drive, and any other conditions imposed upon the person's use of a motor vehicle. The registrar shall not suspend the probationary driver's license, restricted license, or temporary instruction permit of any person pursuant to division (A) of this section during any period for which the person has been granted limited driving privileges as provided in this division, if the registrar has received the notification described in this division from the court.

(b) Except as provided in division (C)(1)(c) of this section, in any case in which the temporary instruction permit or probationary driver's license of a person under eighteen years of age has been suspended under division (A) or (B) of this section or any other provision of law, the court may grant the person limited driving privileges for the purpose of the person's practicing of driving with the person's parent, guardian, or other custodian during the period of the suspension. Any grant of limited driving privileges under this division shall comply with division (D) of section 4510.021 of the Revised Code.

(c) A court shall not grant limited driving privileges to a person identified in division (C)(1)(a) or (b) of this section if the person, within the preceding six years, has been convicted of, pleaded guilty to, or adjudicated in juvenile court of having committed three or more violations of one or more of the divisions or sections set forth in divisions (G)(2)(b) to (g) of section 2919.22 of the Revised Code.

(2)(a) In a case in which a person is convicted of, pleads guilty to, or is adjudicated in juvenile court of having committed, prior to the person's eighteenth birthday, a second or third violation of section 4511.12, 4511.13, 4511.20 to 4511.23, 4511.25, 4511.26 to 4511.48, 4511.57 to 4511.65, or 4511.75 of the Revised Code or any similar municipal ordinances and division (A)(1)(a) or (c) of this section requires the registrar of motor vehicles to suspend the person's license or permit, the court in which the person is convicted of, pleads guilty to, or is adjudicated of having committed the second or third violation may elect to order the registrar of motor vehicles to waive the suspension if all of the following apply:

(i) Prior to the date on which the court imposes sentence upon, or makes an order of disposition for, the person for the second or third violation, the person submits to the court a petition requesting the court to order the registrar to waive the prescribed suspension and describing the reasons why the person believes the suspension, if imposed, would seriously affect the person's ability to continue in employment, educational training, vocational training, or treatment.

(ii) Prior to the date specified in division (C)(2)(a)(i) of this section, the person submits to the court satisfactory proof showing that the person successfully completed an advanced juvenile driver improvement program approved by the director of public safety under division (B) of section 4510.311 of the Revised Code after the date the person committed that second or third violation.

(iii) Prior to imposing sentence upon, or making an order of disposition for, the person for the second or third violation, the court finds reasonable cause to believe that the suspension, if imposed, would seriously affect the person's ability to continue in employment, educational training, vocational training, or treatment.

(iv) If the court is imposing sentence upon, or making an order of disposition for, the person for a third violation, the person did not submit to the court that imposed sentence upon, or made an order of disposition for, the person for the second violation a petition of the type described in division (C)(2)(a)(i) of this section, and the court that imposed sentence upon, or made an order of disposition for, the person for that second violation did not order the registrar of motor vehicles to waive the suspension of the person's license or permit required under division (A)(1)(c) of this section for the conviction of, plea of guilty to, or adjudication in juvenile court of having committed that second violation.

(b) If a court elects pursuant to division (C)(2)(a) of this section to order the registrar of motor vehicles to waive a suspension that otherwise is required under division (A)(1)(a) or (c) of this section, the court immediately shall send a written copy of the order to the registrar. Upon receipt of the written copy of the order, the registrar shall not suspend pursuant to division (A)(1)(a) or (c) of this section the probationary driver's license, restricted license, or temporary instruction permit of the person who is the subject of the order for the second or third violation for which the suspension otherwise would be imposed under that division.

(D) If a person who has been granted limited driving privileges under division (C)(1) of this section is convicted of, pleads guilty to, or is adjudicated in juvenile court of having committed, a violation of Chapter 4510. of the Revised Code, or a subsequent violation of any of the sections of the Revised Code listed in division (A)(1)(a) of this section or any similar municipal ordinance during the period for which the person was granted limited driving privileges, the court that granted the limited driving privileges shall suspend the person's permit card. The court or the clerk of the court immediately shall forward the person's probationary driver's license, restricted license, or temporary instruction permit together with written notification of the court's action to the registrar. Upon receipt of the license or permit and notification, the registrar shall impose a class C suspension of the person's probationary driver's license, restricted license, or temporary instruction permit for the period of time specified in division (B)(3) of section 4510.02 of the Revised Code. The registrar shall retain the license or permit during the period of suspension, and no further limited driving privileges shall be granted during that period.

(E) No application for a driver's or commercial driver's license shall be received from any person whose probationary driver's license, restricted license, or temporary instruction permit has been suspended under this section until each of the following has occurred:

(1) The suspension period has expired;

(2) A temporary instruction permit or commercial driver's license temporary instruction permit has been issued;

(3) The person successfully completes a juvenile driver improvement program approved by the director of public safety under division (A) of section 4510.311 of the Revised Code;

(4) The applicant has submitted to the examination for a driver's license as provided for in section 4507.11 or a commercial driver's license as provided in Chapter 4506. of the Revised Code.

Section 4510.311 | Juvenile driver improvement programs.

(A) The director of public safety shall establish standards for juvenile driver improvement programs and shall approve any programs that meet the established standards. The standards established by the director shall require a minimum of five hours of classroom instruction, with at least three hours devoted to driver skill requirements and two hours devoted to juvenile driver information related to the driving records of drivers under eighteen years of age, driver perceptions, and the value of the traffic laws. The standards also shall require a person whose probationary driver's license was suspended under section 4510.31 of the Revised Code to undertake and pass, as successful completion of an approved juvenile driver improvement program, the driver's license examination that a person who holds a temporary instruction permit is required to undertake and pass in order to be issued a probationary driver's license. The person shall pay the applicable fee that is required to accompany an application for a driver's license as prescribed in division (E) of section 4507.23 of the Revised Code. The director shall prescribe the requirements for the curriculum to be provided as well as other program directives. Only those programs approved by the director shall be acceptable for reinstatement of the driving privileges of a person whose probationary driver's license was suspended under section 4510.31 of the Revised Code.

(B) The director of public safety shall establish standards for advanced juvenile driver improvement programs and shall approve any programs that meet the established standards. The standards established by the director shall require a minimum of two hours of classroom instruction with a focus on driving physics, vehicle dynamics, proper vision techniques, and teen driver statistics. The standards also shall require a minimum of four hours of emergency driving skills development through "behind-the-wheel" driving exercises with a focus on vehicle control in emergency and adverse weather driving situations. The driving exercises shall include vehicle control in inclement weather conditions, emergency transition maneuvers, and spin and skid control. The driving exercises shall take place in a suitable closed-course facility that is safe and controlled and has adequate run-off areas. The director shall prescribe the requirements for the curriculum to be provided as well as other program directives and the requirements and score necessary to pass the course. A person who attends an advanced juvenile driver improvement program for the purpose specified in division (C)(2) of section 4510.31 of the Revised Code that meets the standards and requirements prescribed in this division for such courses and successfully completes the course shall receive a certificate of completion from the program.

Section 4510.32 | Suspension of license of minor upon withdrawal from school or habitual absence.

(A) The registrar of motor vehicles shall record within ten days of receipt and keep at the main office of the bureau of motor vehicles all information provided to the registrar by the superintendent of a school district in accordance with division (B) of section 3321.13 of the Revised Code.

(B) Whenever the registrar receives a notice under division (B) of section 3321.13 of the Revised Code, the registrar shall impose a class F suspension of the temporary instruction permit or driver's license of the person who is the subject of the notice for the period of time specified in division (B)(6) of section 4510.02 of the Revised Code, or, if the person has not been issued a temporary instruction permit or driver's license, the registrar shall deny to the person the issuance of a permit or license. The requirements of the second paragraph of section 119.06 of the Revised Code do not apply to a suspension of a person's temporary instruction permit or driver's license or a denial of a person's opportunity to obtain a temporary instruction permit or driver's license by the registrar under this division.

(C) Upon suspending the temporary instruction permit or driver's license of any person or denying any person the opportunity to be issued such a license or permit as provided in division (B) of this section, the registrar immediately shall notify the person in writing of the suspension or denial and inform the person that the person may petition for a hearing as provided in division (E) of this section.

(D) Any person whose permit or license is suspended under this section shall mail or deliver the person's permit or license to the registrar of motor vehicles within twenty days of notification of the suspension; however, the person's permit or license and the person's driving privileges shall be suspended immediately upon receipt of the notification. The registrar may retain the permit or license during the period of the suspension or the registrar may destroy it under section 4510.52 of the Revised Code.

(E) Any person whose temporary instruction permit or driver's license has been suspended, or whose opportunity to obtain such a permit or license has been denied pursuant to this section, may file a petition in the juvenile court in whose jurisdiction the person resides alleging error in the action taken by the registrar under division (B) of this section or alleging one or more of the matters within the scope of the hearing, as described in this division, or both. The petitioner shall notify the registrar and the superintendent of the school district who gave the notice to the registrar and juvenile judge under division (B) of section 3321.13 of the Revised Code of the filing of the petition and send them copies of the petition. The scope of the hearing is limited to the issues of whether the notice given by the superintendent to the registrar was in error and whether the suspension or denial of driving privileges will result in substantial hardship to the petitioner.

The registrar shall furnish the court a copy of the record created in accordance with division (A) of this section. The registrar and the superintendent shall furnish the court with any other relevant information required by the court.

In hearing the matter and determining whether the petitioner has shown that the petitioner's temporary instruction permit or driver's license should not be suspended or that the petitioner's opportunity to obtain such a permit or license should not be denied, the court shall decide the issue upon the information furnished by the registrar and the superintendent and any such additional evidence that the registrar, the superintendent, or the petitioner submits.

If the court finds from the evidence submitted that the petitioner has failed to show error in the action taken by the registrar under division (B) of this section and has failed to prove any of the matters within the scope of the hearing, then the court may assess the cost of the proceeding against the petitioner and shall uphold the suspension of the petitioner's permit or license or the denial of the petitioner's opportunity to obtain a permit or license. If the court finds that the petitioner has shown error in the action taken by the registrar under division (B) of this section or has proved one or more of the matters within the scope of the hearing, or both, the cost of the proceeding shall be paid out of the county treasury of the county in which the proceedings were held, and the suspension of the petitioner's permit or license or the denial of the person's opportunity to obtain a permit or license shall be terminated.

(F) The registrar shall cancel the record created under this section of any person who is the subject of a notice given under division (B) of section 3321.13 of the Revised Code and shall terminate the suspension of the person's permit or license or the denial of the person's opportunity to obtain a permit or license, if any of the following applies:

(1) The person is at least eighteen years of age.

(2) The person provides evidence, as the registrar shall require by rule, of receipt of a high school diploma or a certificate of high school equivalence.

(3) The superintendent of a school district informs the registrar that the notification of withdrawal, habitual absence without legitimate excuse, suspension, or expulsion concerning the person was in error.

(4) The suspension or denial was imposed subsequent to a notification given under division (B)(3) or (4) of section 3321.13 of the Revised Code, and the superintendent of a school district informs the registrar that the person in question has satisfied any terms or conditions established by the school as necessary to terminate the suspension or denial of driving privileges.

(5) The suspension or denial was imposed subsequent to a notification given under division (B)(1) of section 3321.13 of the Revised Code, and the superintendent of a school district informs the registrar that the person in question is now attending school or enrolled in and attending an approved program to obtain a diploma or its equivalent to the satisfaction of the school superintendent.

(6) The suspension or denial was imposed subsequent to a notification given under division (B)(2) of section 3321.13 of the Revised Code, the person has completed at least one semester or term of school after the one in which the notification was given, the person requests the superintendent of the school district to notify the registrar that the person no longer is habitually absent without legitimate excuse, the superintendent determines that the person has not been absent from school without legitimate excuse in the current semester or term, as determined under that division, for more than sixty consecutive hours or for more than ninety total hours, and the superintendent informs the registrar of that fact. If a person described in division (F)(6) of this section requests the superintendent of the school district to notify the registrar that the person no longer is habitually absent without legitimate excuse and the superintendent makes the determination described in this division, the superintendent shall provide the information described in division (F)(6) of this section to the registrar within five days after receiving the request.

(7) The suspension or denial was imposed subsequent to a notification given under division (B)(2) of section 3321.13 of the Revised Code, and the superintendent of a school district informs the registrar that the person in question has received an age and schooling certificate in accordance with section 3331.01 of the Revised Code.

(8) The person filed a petition in court under division (E) of this section and the court found that the person showed error in the action taken by the registrar under division (B) of this section or proved one or more of the matters within the scope of the hearing on the petition, as set forth in division (E) of this section, or both.

At the end of the suspension period under this section and upon the request of the person whose temporary instruction permit or driver's license was suspended, the registrar shall return the driver's license or permit to the person or reissue the person's license or permit under section 4510.52 of the Revised Code, if the registrar destroyed the suspended license or permit under that section.

Section 4510.33 | Insufficient age person using license to purchase intoxicating liquor or beer.

(A) No person of insufficient age to purchase intoxicating liquor or beer, contrary to division (A) or (C) of section 4507.30 of the Revised Code, shall display as proof that the person is of sufficient age to purchase intoxicating liquor or beer, a driver's or commercial driver's license, knowing the same to be fictitious, altered, or not the person's own. The registrar of motor vehicles shall impose a class C suspension of the person's driver's license, probationary driver's license, commercial driver's license, temporary instruction permit, or commercial driver's license temporary instruction permit for the period of time specified in division (B)(3) of section 4510.02 of the Revised Code upon the offender and shall not issue or reissue a license or permit of that type to the offender during the suspension period.

(B) In any prosecution, or in any proceeding before the liquor control commission, in which the defense authorized by section 4301.639 of the Revised Code is sustained, the clerk of the court in which the prosecution was had, or the clerk of the liquor control commission, shall certify to the registrar the facts ascertainable from the clerk's records evidencing violation of division (A) or (C) of section 4507.30 of the Revised Code by a person of insufficient age to purchase intoxicating liquor or beer, including in the certification the person's name and residence address.

(C) The registrar, upon receipt of the certification, shall suspend the person's license or permit to drive subject to review as provided in this section, and shall mail to the person, at the person's last known address, a notice of the suspension and of the hearing provided in division (D) of this section.

(D) Any person whose license or permit to drive has been suspended under this section, within twenty days of the mailing of the notice provided above, may file a petition in the municipal court or county court, or in case the person is under the age of eighteen years, in the juvenile court, in whose jurisdiction the person resides, agreeing to pay the cost of the proceedings, and alleging error by the registrar in the suspension of the license or permit to drive, or in one or more of the matters within the scope of the hearing as provided in this section, or both. The petitioner shall notify the registrar of the filing of the petition and send the registrar a copy thereof. The scope of the hearing shall be limited to whether a court of record did in fact find that the petitioner displayed, or, if the original proceedings were before the liquor control commission, whether the petitioner did in fact display, as proof that the person was of sufficient age to purchase intoxicating liquor or beer, a driver's or commercial driver's license knowing the same to be fictitious, altered, or not the person's own, and whether the person was at that time of insufficient age legally to make a purchase of intoxicating liquor or beer.

(E) In any hearing authorized by this section, the registrar shall be represented by the prosecuting attorney of the county where the petitioner resides.

(F) If the court finds from the evidence submitted that the person has failed to show error in the action by the registrar or in one or more of the matters within the scope of the hearing as limited in division (D) of this section, or both, the court shall assess the cost of the proceeding against the person and shall impose the suspension provided in divisions (A) and (C) of this section. If the court finds that the person has shown error in the action taken by the registrar, or in one or more of the matters within the scope of the hearing as limited in division (B) of this section, or both, the cost of the proceeding shall be paid out of the county treasury of the county in which the proceedings were held, and the suspension provided in divisions (A) and (C) of this section shall not be imposed. The court shall inform the registrar in writing of the action taken.

Section 4510.34 | Suspension of probationary motorized bicycle license for juvenile adjudications.

(A) The registrar of motor vehicles shall impose a class F suspension for the period of time specified in division (B)(6) of section 4510.02 of the Revised Code of the probationary motorized bicycle license issued to any person when the person has been convicted of or has been adjudicated in juvenile court of having committed, a violation of division (A) or (D) of section 4511.521 of the Revised Code, or of any other section of the Revised Code or similar municipal ordinance for which points are chargeable under section 4510.036 of the Revised Code.

(B) Any person whose license is suspended under this section shall mail or deliver the person's probationary motorized bicycle license to the registrar within fourteen days of notification of the suspension. The registrar shall retain the license during the period of suspension.

(C) No application for a motorized bicycle license or probationary motorized bicycle license shall be received from any person whose probationary motorized bicycle license has been suspended under this section until the person reaches sixteen years of age.

Section 4510.41 | Seizure of vehicle and removal of license plates upon arrest for certain traffic violations - immobilization orders.

(A) As used in this section:

(1) "Arrested person" means a person who is arrested for a violation of section 4510.14 or 4511.203 of the Revised Code, or a municipal ordinance that is substantially equivalent to either of those sections, and whose arrest results in a vehicle being seized under division (B) of this section.

(2) "Vehicle owner" means either of the following:

(a) The person in whose name is registered, at the time of the seizure, a vehicle that is seized under division (B) of this section;

(b) A person to whom the certificate of title to a vehicle that is seized under division (B) of this section has been assigned and who has not obtained a certificate of title to the vehicle in that person's name, but who is deemed by the court as being the owner of the vehicle at the time the vehicle was seized under division (B) of this section.

(3) "Interested party" includes the owner of a vehicle seized under this section, all lienholders, the arrested person, the owner of the place of storage at which a vehicle seized under this section is stored, and the person or entity that caused the vehicle to be removed.

(B)(1) If a person is arrested for a violation of section 4510.14 or 4511.203 of the Revised Code or a municipal ordinance that is substantially equivalent to either of those sections, the arresting officer or another officer of the law enforcement agency that employs the arresting officer, in addition to any action that the arresting officer is required or authorized to take by any other provision of law, shall seize the vehicle that the person was operating at the time of, or that was involved in, the alleged offense if the vehicle is registered in the arrested person's name and its license plates. A law enforcement agency that employs a law enforcement officer who makes an arrest of a type that is described in this division and that involves a rented or leased vehicle that is being rented or leased for a period of thirty days or less shall notify, within twenty-four hours after the officer makes the arrest, the lessor or owner of the vehicle regarding the circumstances of the arrest and the location at which the vehicle may be picked up. At the time of the seizure of the vehicle, the law enforcement officer who made the arrest shall give the arrested person written notice that the vehicle and its license plates have been seized; that the vehicle either will be kept by the officer's law enforcement agency or will be immobilized at least until the person's initial appearance on the charge of the offense for which the arrest was made; that, at the initial appearance, the court in certain circumstances may order that the vehicle and license plates be released to the arrested person until the disposition of that charge; that, if the arrested person is convicted of that charge, the court generally must order the immobilization of the vehicle and the impoundment of its license plates or the forfeiture of the vehicle; and that the arrested person may be charged expenses or charges incurred under this section and section 4503.233 of the Revised Code for the removal and storage of the vehicle.

(2) The arresting officer or a law enforcement officer of the agency that employs the arresting officer shall give written notice of the seizure under division (B)(1) of this section to the court that will conduct the initial appearance of the arrested person on the charges arising out of the arrest. Upon receipt of the notice, the court promptly shall determine whether the arrested person is the vehicle owner. If the court determines that the arrested person is not the vehicle owner, it promptly shall send by regular mail written notice of the seizure to the vehicle's registered owner. The written notice shall contain all of the information required by division (B)(1) of this section to be in a notice to be given to the arrested person and also shall specify the date, time, and place of the arrested person's initial appearance. The notice also shall inform the vehicle owner that if title to a motor vehicle that is subject to an order for criminal forfeiture under this section is assigned or transferred and division (B)(2) or (3) of section 4503.234 of the Revised Code applies, the court may fine the arrested person the value of the vehicle. The notice also shall state that if the vehicle is immobilized under division (A) of section 4503.233 of the Revised Code, seven days after the end of the period of immobilization a law enforcement agency will send the vehicle owner a notice, informing the owner that if the release of the vehicle is not obtained in accordance with division (D)(3) of section 4503.233 of the Revised Code, the vehicle shall be forfeited. The notice also shall inform the vehicle owner that the owner may be charged expenses or charges incurred under this section and section 4503.233 of the Revised Code for the removal and storage of the vehicle.

The written notice that is given to the arrested person also shall state that if the person is convicted of or pleads guilty to the offense and the court issues an immobilization and impoundment order relative to that vehicle, division (D)(4) of section 4503.233 of the Revised Code prohibits the vehicle from being sold during the period of immobilization without the prior approval of the court.

(3) At or before the initial appearance, the vehicle owner may file a motion requesting the court to order that the vehicle and its license plates be released to the vehicle owner. Except as provided in this division and subject to the payment of expenses or charges incurred in the removal and storage of the vehicle, the court, in its discretion, then may issue an order releasing the vehicle and its license plates to the vehicle owner. Such an order may be conditioned upon such terms as the court determines appropriate, including the posting of a bond in an amount determined by the court. If the arrested person is not the vehicle owner and if the vehicle owner is not present at the arrested person's initial appearance, and if the court believes that the vehicle owner was not provided with adequate notice of the initial appearance, the court, in its discretion, may allow the vehicle owner to file a motion within seven days of the initial appearance. If the court allows the vehicle owner to file such a motion after the initial appearance, the extension of time granted by the court does not extend the time within which the initial appearance is to be conducted. If the court issues an order for the release of the vehicle and its license plates, a copy of the order shall be made available to the vehicle owner. If the vehicle owner presents a copy of the order to the law enforcement agency that employs the law enforcement officer who arrested the arrested person, the law enforcement agency promptly shall release the vehicle and its license plates to the vehicle owner upon payment by the vehicle owner of any expenses or charges incurred in the removal or storage of the vehicle.

(4) A vehicle seized under division (B)(1) of this section either shall be towed to a place specified by the law enforcement agency that employs the arresting officer to be safely kept by the agency at that place for the time and in the manner specified in this section or shall be otherwise immobilized for the time and in the manner specified in this section. The license plates shall remain on the seized vehicle unless otherwise ordered by the court. No vehicle that is seized and either towed or immobilized pursuant to this division shall be considered contraband for purposes of Chapter 2981. of the Revised Code. The vehicle shall not be immobilized at any place other than a commercially operated private storage lot, a place owned by a law enforcement or other government agency, or a place to which one of the following applies:

(a) The place is leased by or otherwise under the control of a law enforcement or other government agency.

(b) The place is owned by the arrested person, the arrested person's spouse, or a parent or child of the arrested person.

(c) The place is owned by a private person or entity, and, prior to the immobilization, the private entity or person that owns the place, or the authorized agent of that private entity or person, has given express written consent for the immobilization to be carried out at that place.

(d) The place is a public street or highway on which the vehicle is parked in accordance with the law.

(C)(1) A vehicle seized under division (B)(1) of this section shall be safely kept at the place to which it is towed or otherwise moved by the law enforcement agency that employs the arresting officer until the initial appearance of the arrested person relative to the charge in question. The license plates shall remain on the seized vehicle unless otherwise ordered by the court.

(2)(a) At the initial appearance or not less than seven days prior to the date of final disposition, the court shall notify the arrested person that, if title to a motor vehicle that is subject to an order for criminal forfeiture under this section is assigned or transferred and division (B)(2) or (3) of section 4503.234 of the Revised Code applies, the court may fine the arrested person the value of the vehicle. If, at the initial appearance, the arrested person pleads guilty to the violation of section 4510.14 or 4511.203 of the Revised Code, or a municipal ordinance that is substantially equivalent to either of those sections or pleads no contest to and is convicted of the violation, the following sentencing provisions apply:

(i) If the person violated section 4510.14 of the Revised Code or a municipal ordinance that is substantially equivalent to that section, the court shall impose sentence upon the person as provided by law or ordinance; the court shall order the immobilization of the vehicle the arrested person was operating at the time of, or that was involved in, the offense if registered in the arrested person's name and the impoundment of its license plates under sections 4503.233 and 4510.14 of the Revised Code or the criminal forfeiture to the state of the vehicle if registered in the arrested person's name under sections 4503.234 and 4510.14 of the Revised Code, whichever is applicable; and the vehicle and its license plates shall not be returned or released to the arrested person.

(ii) If the person violated section 4511.203 of the Revised Code or a municipal ordinance that is substantially equivalent to that section, the court shall impose sentence upon the person as provided by law or ordinance; the court may order the immobilization of the vehicle the arrested person was operating at the time of, or that was involved in, the offense if registered in the arrested person's name and the impoundment of its license plates under section 4503.233 and section 4511.203 of the Revised Code or the criminal forfeiture to the state of the vehicle if registered in the arrested person's name under section 4503.234 and section 4511.203 of the Revised Code, whichever is applicable; and the vehicle and its license plates shall not be returned or released to the arrested person.

(b) If, at any time, the charge that the arrested person violated section 4510.14 or 4511.203 of the Revised Code, or a municipal ordinance that is substantially equivalent to either of those sections is dismissed for any reason, the court shall order that the vehicle seized at the time of the arrest and its license plates immediately be released to the person.

(D) If a vehicle and its license plates are seized under division (B)(1) of this section and are not returned or released to the arrested person pursuant to division (C) of this section, the vehicle and its license plates shall be retained until the final disposition of the charge in question. Upon the final disposition of that charge, the court shall do whichever of the following is applicable:

(1) If the arrested person is convicted of or pleads guilty to the violation of section 4510.14 of the Revised Code or a municipal ordinance that is substantially equivalent to that section, the court shall impose sentence upon the person as provided by law or ordinance and shall order the immobilization of the vehicle the person was operating at the time of, or that was involved in, the offense if it is registered in the arrested person's name and the impoundment of its license plates under sections 4503.233 and 4510.14 of the Revised Code or the criminal forfeiture of the vehicle if it is registered in the arrested person's name under sections 4503.234 and 4510.14 of the Revised Code, whichever is applicable.

(2) If the arrested person is convicted of or pleads guilty to the violation of section 4511.203 of the Revised Code, or a municipal ordinance that is substantially equivalent to that section, the court shall impose sentence upon the person as provided by law or ordinance and may order the immobilization of the vehicle the person was operating at the time of, or that was involved in, the offense if it is registered in the arrested person's name and the impoundment of its license plates under section 4503.233 and section 4511.203 of the Revised Code or the criminal forfeiture of the vehicle if it is registered in the arrested person's name under section 4503.234 and section 4511.203 of the Revised Code, whichever is applicable.

(3) If the arrested person is found not guilty of the violation of section 4510.14 or 4511.203 of the Revised Code, or a municipal ordinance that is substantially equivalent to either of those sections, the court shall order that the vehicle and its license plates immediately be released to the arrested person.

(4) If the charge that the arrested person violated section 4510.14 or 4511.203 of the Revised Code, or a municipal ordinance that is substantially equivalent to either of those sections is dismissed for any reason, the court shall order that the vehicle and its license plates immediately be released to the arrested person.

(5) If the impoundment of the vehicle was not authorized under this section, the court shall order that the vehicle and its license plates be returned immediately to the arrested person or, if the arrested person is not the vehicle owner, to the vehicle owner and shall order that the state or political subdivision of the law enforcement agency served by the law enforcement officer who seized the vehicle pay all expenses and charges incurred in its removal and storage.

(E) If a vehicle is seized under division (B)(2) of this section, the time between the seizure of the vehicle and either its release to the arrested person pursuant to division (C) of this section or the issuance of an order of immobilization of the vehicle under section 4503.233 of the Revised Code shall be credited against the period of immobilization ordered by the court.

(F)(1) Except as provided in division (D)(4) of this section, the arrested person may be charged expenses or charges incurred in the removal and storage of the immobilized vehicle. The court with jurisdiction over the case, after notice to all interested parties, including lienholders, and after an opportunity for them to be heard, if the court finds that the arrested person does not intend to seek release of the vehicle at the end of the period of immobilization under section 4503.233 of the Revised Code or that the arrested person is not or will not be able to pay the expenses and charges incurred in its removal and storage, may order that title to the vehicle be transferred, in order of priority, first into the name of the person or entity that removed it, next into the name of a lienholder, or lastly into the name of the owner of the place of storage.

Any lienholder that receives title under a court order shall do so on the condition that it pay any expenses or charges incurred in the vehicle's removal and storage. If the person or entity that receives title to the vehicle is the person or entity that removed it, the person or entity shall receive title on the condition that it pay any lien on the vehicle. The court shall not order that title be transferred to any person or entity other than the owner of the place of storage if the person or entity refuses to receive the title. Any person or entity that receives title either may keep title to the vehicle or may dispose of the vehicle in any legal manner that it considers appropriate, including assignment of the certificate of title to the motor vehicle to a salvage dealer or a scrap metal processing facility. The person or entity shall not transfer the vehicle to the person who is the vehicle's immediate previous owner.

If the person or entity that receives title assigns the motor vehicle to a salvage dealer or scrap metal processing facility, the person or entity shall send the assigned certificate of title to the motor vehicle to the clerk of the court of common pleas of the county in which the salvage dealer or scrap metal processing facility is located. The person or entity shall mark the face of the certificate of title with the words "FOR DESTRUCTION" and shall deliver a photocopy of the certificate of title to the salvage dealer or scrap metal processing facility for its records.

(2) Whenever a court issues an order under division (F)(1) of this section, the court also shall order removal of the license plates from the vehicle and cause them to be sent to the registrar if they have not already been sent to the registrar. Thereafter, no further proceedings shall take place under this section or under section 4503.233 of the Revised Code.

(3) Prior to initiating a proceeding under division (F)(1) of this section, and upon payment of the fee under division (B) of section 4505.14, any interested party may cause a search to be made of the public records of the bureau of motor vehicles or the clerk of the court of common pleas, to ascertain the identity of any lienholder of the vehicle. The initiating party shall furnish this information to the clerk of the court with jurisdiction over the case, and the clerk shall provide notice to the arrested person, any lienholder, and any other interested parties listed by the initiating party, at the last known address supplied by the initiating party, by certified mail, or, at the option of the initiating party, by personal service or ordinary mail.

Last updated September 18, 2023 at 10:35 AM

Section 4510.43 | Director of public safety certification of immobilization and disabling devices.

(A)(1) The director of public safety, upon consultation with the director of health and in accordance with Chapter 119. of the Revised Code, shall certify immobilizing and disabling devices and, subject to section 4510.45 of the Revised Code, shall publish and make available to the courts, without charge, a list of licensed manufacturers of ignition interlock devices and approved devices together with information about the manufacturers of the devices and where they may be obtained. The manufacturer of an immobilizing or disabling device shall pay the cost of obtaining the certification of the device to the director of public safety, and the director shall deposit the payment in the indigent drivers alcohol treatment fund established by section 4511.191 of the Revised Code.

(2) The director of public safety, in accordance with Chapter 119. of the Revised Code, shall adopt and publish rules setting forth the requirements for obtaining the certification of an immobilizing or disabling device. The director of public safety shall not certify an immobilizing or disabling device under this section unless it meets the requirements specified and published by the director in the rules adopted pursuant to this division. A certified device may consist of an ignition interlock device, an ignition blocking device initiated by time or magnetic or electronic encoding, an activity monitor, or any other device that reasonably assures compliance with an order granting limited driving privileges. Ignition interlock devices shall be certified annually.

The requirements for an immobilizing or disabling device that is an ignition interlock device shall require that the manufacturer of the device submit to the department of public safety a certificate from an independent testing laboratory indicating that the device meets or exceeds the standards of the national highway traffic safety administration, as defined in section 4511.19 of the Revised Code, that are in effect at the time of the director's decision regarding certification of the device, shall include provisions for setting a minimum and maximum calibration range, and shall include, but shall not be limited to, specifications that the device complies with all of the following:

(a) It does not impede the safe operation of the vehicle.

(b) It has features that make circumvention difficult and that do not interfere with the normal use of the vehicle, and the features are operating and functioning.

(c) It correlates well with established measures of alcohol impairment.

(d) It works accurately and reliably in an unsupervised environment.

(e) It is resistant to tampering and shows evidence of tampering if tampering is attempted.

(f) It is difficult to circumvent and requires premeditation to do so.

(g) It minimizes inconvenience to a sober user.

(h) It requires a proper, deep-lung breath sample or other accurate measure of the concentration by weight of alcohol in the breath.

(i) It operates reliably over the range of automobile environments.

(j) It is made by a manufacturer who is covered by product liability insurance.

(k) Beginning January 1, 2020, it is equipped with a camera.

(3) The director of public safety may adopt, in whole or in part, the guidelines, rules, regulations, studies, or independent laboratory tests performed and relied upon by other states, or their agencies or commissions, in the certification or approval of immobilizing or disabling devices.

(4) The director of public safety shall adopt rules in accordance with Chapter 119. of the Revised Code for the design of a warning label that shall be affixed to each immobilizing or disabling device upon installation. The label shall contain a warning that any person tampering, circumventing, or otherwise misusing the device is subject to a fine, imprisonment, or both and may be subject to civil liability.

( 5) The director of public safety shall establish a certificate of installation that a manufacturer of immobilizing or disabling devices shall sign and provide to a person upon the completion of the installation of such a device on the person's motor vehicle. The director also shall adopt rules in accordance with Chapter 119. of the Revised Code that govern procedures for confirming and inspecting the installation of i mmobilizing or disabling devices.

(B) A court considering the use of a prototype device in a pilot program shall advise the director of public safety, thirty days before the use, of the prototype device and its protocol, methodology, manufacturer, and licensor, lessor, other agent, or owner, and the length of the court's pilot program. A prototype device shall not be used for a violation of section 4510.14 or 4511.19 of the Revised Code, a violation of a municipal OVI ordinance, or in relation to a suspension imposed under section 4511.191 of the Revised Code. A court that uses a prototype device in a pilot program, periodically during the existence of the program and within fourteen days after termination of the program, shall report in writing to the director of public safety regarding the effectiveness of the prototype device and the program.

(C) If a person has been granted limited or unlimited driving privileges with a condition of the privileges being that the motor vehicle that is operated under the privileges must be equipped with an immobilizing or disabling device, the person may operate a motor vehicle that is owned by the person's employer only if the person is required to operate that motor vehicle in the course and scope of the offender's employment. Such a person may operate that vehicle without the installation of an immobilizing or disabling device, provided that the employer has been notified that the person has limited driving privileges and of the nature of the restriction and further provided that the person has proof of the employer's notification in the person's possession while operating the employer's vehicle for normal business duties. A motor vehicle owned by a business that is partly or entirely owned or controlled by a person with limited driving privileges is not a motor vehicle owned by an employer, for purposes of this division.

Section 4510.44 | Immobilization or disabling device violation.

(A)(1) No offender who has been granted limited or unlimited driving privileges, during any period that the offender is required to operate only a motor vehicle equipped with an immobilizing or disabling device, shall request or permit any other person to breathe into the device if it is an ignition interlock device or another type of device that monitors the concentration of alcohol in a person's breath or to otherwise start the motor vehicle equipped with the device, for the purpose of providing the offender with an operable motor vehicle.

(2) No person shall breathe into an immobilizing or disabling device that is an ignition interlock device or another type of device that monitors the concentration of alcohol in a person's breath or otherwise start a motor vehicle equipped with an immobilizing or disabling device, for the purpose of providing an operable motor vehicle to another person who has been granted limited or unlimited driving privileges under the condition that the person operate only a motor vehicle equipped with an immobilizing or disabling device.

(3) No unauthorized person shall tamper with or circumvent the operation of an immobilizing or disabling device.

(B) Whoever violates this section is guilty of an immobilizing or disabling device violation, a misdemeanor of the first degree.

Section 4510.45 | License for ignition interlock device required for certification.

(A)(1) A manufacturer of ignition interlock devices that desires for its devices to be certified under section 4510.43 of the Revised Code and then to be included on the list of certified devices that the department of public safety compiles and makes available to courts pursuant to that section first shall obtain a license from the department under this section. The department, in accordance with Chapter 119. of the Revised Code, shall adopt any rules that are necessary to implement this licensing requirement.

(2) A manufacturer shall apply to the department for the license and shall include all information the department may require by rule. Each application, including an application for license renewal, shall be accompanied by an application fee of one hundred dollars, which the department shall deposit into the state treasury to the credit of the indigent drivers alcohol treatment fund created by section 4511.191 of the Revised Code. Each application also shall be accompanied by a signed agreement, in a form established by the director, affirming that the manufacturer agrees to install and monitor all devices produced by that manufacturer and affirming that the manufacturer agrees to charge a reduced fee, established by the department, for the installation and monitoring of a device used by a person who is deemed to be an indigent offender by the court that granted limited or unlimited driving privileges to the offender subject to the condition that the offender use a certified ignition interlock device.

(3) Upon receipt of a completed application, if the department finds that a manufacturer has complied with all application requirements, the department shall issue a license to the manufacturer. A manufacturer that has been issued a license under this section is eligible immediately to have the models of ignition interlock devices it produces certified under section 4510.43 of the Revised Code and then included on the list of certified devices that the department compiles and makes available to courts pursuant to that section.

(4)(a) A license issued under this section shall expire annually on a date selected by the department. The department shall reject the license application of a manufacturer if any of the following apply:

(i) The application is not accompanied by the application fee or the required agreement.

(ii) The department finds that the manufacturer has not complied with all application requirements.

(iii) The license application is a renewal application and the manufacturer failed to file the annual report or failed to pay the fee as required by division (B) of this section.

(iv) The license application is a renewal application and the manufacturer failed to monitor or report violations as required under section 4510.46 of the Revised Code.

(b) The department may reject the license application of a manufacturer if the manufacturer has a history of failing to properly install immobilizing or disabling devices.

(c) A manufacturer whose license application is rejected by the department may appeal the decision to the director of public safety. The director or the director's designee shall hold a hearing on the matter not more than thirty days from the date of the manufacturer's appeal. If the director or the director's designee upholds the denial of the manufacturer's application for a license, the manufacturer may appeal the decision to the Franklin county court of common pleas. If the director or the director's designee reverses the denial of the manufacturer's application for a license, the director or the director's designee shall issue a written order directing that the department issue a license to the manufacturer.

(B) Every manufacturer of ignition interlock devices that is issued a license under this section shall file an annual report with the department on a form the department prescribes on or before a date the department prescribes. The annual report shall state the amount of net profit the manufacturer earned during a twelve-month period specified by the department that is attributable to the sales of that manufacturer's certified ignition interlock devices to purchasers in this state. Each manufacturer shall pay a fee equal to five per cent of the amount of the net profit described in this division.

The department may permit annual reports to be filed via electronic means.

(C) The department shall deposit all fees it receives from manufacturers under this section into the state treasury to the credit of the indigent drivers alcohol treatment fund created by section 4511.191 of the Revised Code. All money so deposited into that fund that is paid by the department of mental health and addiction services to county indigent drivers alcohol treatment funds, county juvenile indigent drivers alcohol treatment funds, and municipal indigent drivers alcohol treatment funds shall be used only as described in division (H)(3) of section 4511.191 of the Revised Code.

(D)(1) The director may make an assessment, based on any information in the director's possession, against any manufacturer that fails to file an annual report or pay the fee required by division (B) of this section. The director, in accordance with Chapter 119. of the Revised Code, shall adopt rules governing assessments and assessment procedures and related provisions. In adopting these rules, the director shall incorporate the provisions of section 5751.09 of the Revised Code to the greatest extent possible, except that the director is not required to incorporate any provisions of that section that by their nature are not applicable, appropriate, or necessary to assessments made by the director under this section.

(2) A manufacturer may appeal the final determination of the director regarding an assessment made by the director under this section. The director, in accordance with Chapter 119. of the Revised Code, shall adopt rules governing such appeals. In adopting these rules, the director shall incorporate the provisions of section 5717.02 of the Revised Code to the greatest extent possible, except that the director is not required to incorporate any provisions of that section that by their nature are not applicable, appropriate, or necessary to appeals of assessments made by the director under this section.

(E) The director, in accordance with Chapter 119. of the Revised Code, shall adopt a penalty schedule setting forth the monetary penalties to be imposed upon a manufacturer that is issued a license under this section and fails to file an annual report or pay the fee required by division (B) of this section in a timely manner. The penalty amounts shall not exceed the maximum penalty amounts established in section 5751.06 of the Revised Code for similar or equivalent facts or circumstances.

(F)(1) No manufacturer of ignition interlock devices that is required by division (B) of this section to file an annual report with the department or to pay a fee shall fail to do so as required by that division.

(2) No manufacturer of ignition interlock devices that is required by division (B) of this section to file an annual report with the department shall file a report that contains incorrect or erroneous information.

(G) Whoever violates division (F)(2) of this section is guilty of a misdemeanor of the first degree. The department shall remove from the list of certified devices described in division (A)(1) of this section the ignition interlock devices manufactured by a manufacturer that violates division (F)(1) or (2) of this section.

Section 4510.46 | Monitoring entity to inform court if vehicle operation prevented.

(A) As used in this section:

(1) "Offender" means a person who has been granted limited or unlimited driving privileges by a court of this state subject to the condition that the person operate only a vehicle with a certified ignition interlock device under section 4510.021, 4510.022, or 4510.13 of the Revised Code.

(2) "Ignition interlock device violation" means that a certified ignition interlock device indicates that it has prevented an offender from starting a motor vehicle because of either of the following:

(a) The device was tampered with or circumvented;

(b) The analysis of the deep-lung breath sample or other method employed by the ignition interlock device to measure the concentration by weight of alcohol in the offender's breath indicated the presence of alcohol in the offender's breath in a concentration sufficient to prevent the ignition interlock device from permitting the motor vehicle to be started.

(B) The manufacturer of a certified ignition interlock device shall monitor each device that is produced by that manufacturer and that has been installed in a motor vehicle for an offender. The manufacturer also shall inform the court and the registrar of motor vehicles, as soon as practicable, whenever an ignition interlock device violation has occurred.

(C) Upon receipt of information pertaining to an offender under division (B) of this section, the court shall send a notice to the offender stating all of the following:

(1) That it has received evidence of an ignition interlock device violation;

(2) If applicable, that because of this violation the offender is required to wear a monitor that provides for continuous alcohol monitoring in accordance with division (E) of section 4510.022, division (A)(8) of section 4510.13, or division (F) of section 4510.17 of the Revised Code;

(3) That because of this violation the court may increase the period of suspension of the offender's driver's or commercial driver's license or permit or nonresident operating privilege from that originally imposed by the court by a factor of two and may increase the period of time during which the offender will be prohibited from exercising any limited or unlimited driving privileges granted to the offender unless the vehicles the offender operates are equipped with a certified ignition interlock device by a factor of two;

(4) Whether the court is imposing the increases under division (C)(3) of this section;

(5) If the violation occurred within sixty days of the end of the suspension of the offender's driver's or commercial driver's license or permit or nonresident operating privilege and the court is not imposing an increase in the period of the suspension under division (C)(3) of this section, that the court is increasing the offender's suspension by sixty days as provided in division (E)(5) of section 4510.022, division (A)(8)(d) of section 4510.13, or division (F) of section 4510.17 of the Revised Code;

(6) That the offender may file an appeal of any increase imposed under division (C)(4) or (5) of this section with the court within fourteen days of receiving the notice;

(7) That the registrar of motor vehicles is prohibited from reinstating the offender's license unless the period of suspension has been served and no ignition interlock device violations have been committed within the sixty days prior to the application for reinstatement.

(D) Any motion that is filed under division (C)(6) of this section within the fourteen-day period shall be considered to be filed in a timely manner, and any such motion that is filed after that fourteen-day period shall be considered not to be filed in a timely manner. If the offender files a timely motion, the court may hold a hearing on the matter. The scope of the hearing is limited to determining whether the offender in fact was prevented from starting a motor vehicle that is equipped with a certified ignition interlock device because the offender committed an ignition interlock device violation.

If the court finds by a preponderance of the evidence that the violation did occur, it may deny the offender's appeal. If the court finds by a preponderance of the evidence that the violation did not occur, it shall grant the offender's appeal and shall issue an order terminating the increase of the offender's suspension.

(E) In no case shall any period of suspension of an offender's driver's or commercial driver's license or permit or nonresident operating privilege that is increased by a factor of two under division (C)(3) of this section or any period of time during which the offender is prohibited from exercising any limited driving privileges granted to the offender unless the vehicles the offender operates are equipped with a certified ignition interlock device that is increased by a factor of two under division (C)(3) of this section exceed the maximum period of time for which the court originally was authorized to suspend the offender's driver's or commercial driver's license or permit or nonresident operating privilege under division (G)(1)(a), (b), (c), (d), or (e) of section 4511.19 of the Revised Code. This division does not apply when a suspension is increased under division (C)(5) of this section.

(F) Nothing in this section shall be construed as prohibiting the court from revoking an individual's driving privileges.

Section 4510.52 | Registrar may destroy suspended or canceled license or permit.

(A) Upon the receipt of any driver's license or commercial driver's license or permit that has been suspended or canceled under any provision of law, and notwithstanding any other provision of law that requires the registrar of motor vehicles to retain the license or permit, the registrar may destroy the license or permit.

(B) If, as authorized by division (A) of this section, the registrar destroys a license or permit that has been suspended or canceled, the registrar shall reissue or authorize the reissuance of a new license or permit to the person to whom the destroyed license or permit originally was issued upon payment of a fee in the same amount as the fee specified in division (C) of section 4507.23 of the Revised Code for a duplicate license or permit and upon payment of a service fee in the same amount as specified in division (D) of section 4503.10 of the Revised Code if issued by a deputy registrar or in division (G) of that section if issued by the registrar.

This division applies only if the driver's license or commercial driver's license or permit that was destroyed would have been valid at the time the person applies for the duplicate license or permit. A duplicate driver's license or commercial driver's license or permit issued under this section shall bear the same expiration date that appeared on the license or permit it replaces.

Section 4510.53 | Registrar may destroy license or permit suspended for OVI violation.

(A) Upon receipt of any driver's or commercial driver's license or permit that has been suspended under section 4511.19 or 4511.191 of the Revised Code, the registrar of motor vehicles, notwithstanding any other provision of law that purports to require the registrar to retain the license or permit, may destroy the license or permit.

(B)(1) Subject to division (B)(2) of this section, if a driver's or commercial driver's license or permit that has been suspended under section 4511.19 or 4511.191 of the Revised Code is delivered to the registrar and if the registrar destroys the license or permit under authority of division (A) of this section, the registrar shall reissue or authorize the reissuance of a driver's or commercial driver's license to the person, free of payment of any type of fee or charge, if either of the following applies:

(a) The person appeals the suspension of the license or permit at or within thirty days of the person's initial appearance, pursuant to section 4511.197 of the Revised Code, the judge of the court of record or the mayor of the mayor's court who conducts the initial appearance terminates the suspension, and the judge or mayor does not suspend the license or permit under section 4511.196 of the Revised Code;

(b) The person appeals the suspension of the license or permit at or within thirty days of the person's initial appearance, pursuant to section 4511.197 of the Revised Code, the judge of the court of record or the mayor of the mayor's court who conducts the initial appearance does not terminate the suspension, the person appeals the judge's or mayor's decision not to terminate the suspension that is made at the initial appearance, and upon appeal of the decision, the suspension is terminated.

(2) Division (B)(1) of this section applies only if the driver's or commercial driver's license that was destroyed would have been valid at the time in question, if it had not been destroyed as permitted by division (A) of this section.

(C) A driver's or commercial driver's license or permit issued to a person pursuant to division (B)(1) of this section shall bear the same expiration date as the expiration date that appeared on the license it replaces.

Section 4510.54 | Motion for modification or termination of suspension.

(A) Except as provided in division (F) of this section, a person whose driver's or commercial driver's license has been suspended for life under a class one suspension or as otherwise provided by law or has been suspended for a period in excess of fifteen years under a class two suspension may file a motion with the sentencing court for modification or termination of the suspension. The person filing the motion shall demonstrate all of the following:

(1)(a) If the person's license was suspended as a result of the person pleading guilty to or being convicted of a felony, at least fifteen years have elapsed since the suspension began or, if the person's license was suspended under division (B)(2)(d) of section 2903.06 of the Revised Code, at least fifteen years have elapsed since the person was released from prison, and, for the past fifteen years, the person has not been found guilty of any of the following:

(i) A felony;

(ii) An offense involving a moving violation under federal law, the law of this state, or the law of any of its political subdivisions;

(iii) A violation of a suspension under this chapter or a substantially equivalent municipal ordinance.

(b) If the person's license was suspended as a result of the person pleading guilty to or being convicted of a misdemeanor, at least five years have elapsed since the suspension began, and, for the past five years, the person has not been found guilty of any of the following:

(i) An offense involving a moving violation under the law of this state, the law of any of its political subdivisions, or federal law;

(ii) A violation of section 2903.06 or 2903.08 of the Revised Code;

(iii) A violation of a suspension under this chapter or a substantially equivalent municipal ordinance.

(2) The person has proof of financial responsibility, a policy of liability insurance in effect that meets the minimum standard set forth in section 4509.51 of the Revised Code, or proof, to the satisfaction of the registrar of motor vehicles, that the person is able to respond in damages in an amount at least equal to the minimum amounts specified in that section.

(3) If the suspension was imposed because the person was under the influence of alcohol, a drug of abuse, or combination of them at the time of the offense or because at the time of the offense the person's whole blood, blood serum or plasma, breath, or urine contained at least the concentration of alcohol specified in division (A)(1)(b), (c), (d), or (e) of section 4511.19 of the Revised Code or at least the concentration of a listed controlled substance or a listed metabolite of a controlled substance specified in division (A)(1)(j) of section 4511.19 of the Revised Code, all of the following apply to the person:

(a) The person successfully completed an alcohol, drug, or alcohol and drug treatment program.

(b) The person has not abused alcohol or other drugs for a period satisfactory to the court.

(c) For the past fifteen years, the person has not been found guilty of any alcohol-related or drug-related offense.

(B) Upon receipt of a motion for modification or termination of the suspension under this section, the court may schedule a hearing on the motion. The court may deny the motion without a hearing but shall not grant the motion without a hearing. If the court denies a motion without a hearing, the court may consider a subsequent motion filed under this section by that person. If a court denies the motion after a hearing, the court shall not consider a subsequent motion for that person. The court shall hear only one motion filed by a person under this section. If scheduled, the hearing shall be conducted in open court within ninety days after the date on which the motion is filed.

(C) The court shall notify the person whose license was suspended and the prosecuting attorney of the date, time, and location of the hearing. Upon receipt of the notice from the court, the prosecuting attorney shall notify the victim or the victim's representative of the date, time, and location of the hearing.

(D) At any hearing under this section, the person who seeks modification or termination of the suspension has the burden to demonstrate, under oath, that the person meets the requirements of division (A) of this section. At the hearing, the court shall afford the offender or the offender's counsel an opportunity to present oral or written information relevant to the motion. The court shall afford a similar opportunity to provide relevant information to the prosecuting attorney and the victim or victim's representative.

Before ruling on the motion, the court shall take into account the person's driving record, the nature of the offense that led to the suspension, and the impact of the offense on any victim. In addition, if the offender is eligible for modification or termination of the suspension under division (A)(1)(a) of this section, the court shall consider whether the person committed any other offense while under suspension and determine whether the offense is relevant to a determination under this section. The court may modify or terminate the suspension subject to any considerations it considers proper if it finds that allowing the person to drive is not likely to present a danger to the public. After the court makes a ruling on a motion filed under this section, the prosecuting attorney shall notify the victim or the victim's representative of the court's ruling.

(E) If a court modifies a person's license suspension under this section and the person subsequently is found guilty of any moving violation or of any substantially equivalent municipal ordinance that carries as a possible penalty the suspension of a person's driver's or commercial driver's license, the court may reimpose the class one or other lifetime suspension, or the class two suspension, whichever is applicable.

(F) This section does not apply to any person whose driver's or commercial driver's license or permit or nonresident operating privilege has been suspended for life under a class one suspension imposed under division (B)(3) of section 2903.06 or section 2903.08 of the Revised Code or a class two suspension imposed under division (C) of section 2903.06 or section 2903.11, 2923.02, or 2929.02 of the Revised Code.

(G) As used in this section, "released from prison" means a person's physical release from a jail or prison as defined in section 2929.01 of the Revised Code.

Section 4510.61 | Driver license compact.

The driver license compact is hereby enacted into law and entered into with all other jurisdictions legally joining therein in the form substantially as follows:


Findings and Declaration of Policy

(a) The party states find that:

(1) The safety of their streets and highways is materially affected by the degree of compliance with state and local ordinances relating to the operation of motor vehicles.

(2) Violation of such a law or ordinance is evidence that the violator engages in conduct which is likely to endanger the safety of persons and property.

(3) The continuance in force of a license to drive is predicated upon compliance with laws and ordinances relating to the operation of motor vehicles, in whichever jurisdiction the vehicle is operated.

(b) It is the policy of each of the party states to:

(1) Promote compliance with the laws, ordinances, and administrative rules and regulations relating to the operation of motor vehicles by their operators in each of the jurisdictions where such operators drive motor vehicles.

(2) Make the reciprocal recognition of licenses to drive and eligibility therefor more just and equitable by considering the over-all compliance with motor vehicle laws, ordinances, and administrative rules and regulations as a condition precedent to the continuance or issuance of any license by reason of which the licensee is authorized or permitted to operate a motor vehicle in any of the party states.



As used in this compact:

(a) "State" means a state, territory, or possession of the United States, the District of Columbia, or the Commonwealth of Puerto Rico.

(b) "Home state" means the state that has issued and has the power to suspend or revoke the use of the license or permit to operate a motor vehicle.

(c) "Conviction" means a conviction of any offense related to the use or operation of a motor vehicle that is prohibited by state law, municipal ordinance, or administrative rule or regulation; or a forfeiture of bail, bond, or other security deposited to secure appearance by a person charged with having committed any such offense, and which conviction or forfeiture is required to be reported to the licensing authority.


Reports of Conviction

The licensing authority of a party state shall report each conviction of a person from another party state occurring within its jurisdiction to the licensing authority of the home state of the licensee. Such report shall clearly identify the person convicted; describe the violation specifying the section of the statute, code, or ordinance violated; identify the court in which action was taken; indicate whether a plea of guilty or not guilty was entered, or the security; and shall include any special findings made in connection therewith.


Effect of Conviction

(a) The licensing authority in the home state, for the purpose of suspension, revocation, or limitation of the license to operate a motor vehicle, shall give the same effect to the conduct reported, pursuant to Article III of this compact, as it would if such conduct had occurred in the home state, in the case of convictions for:

(1) Manslaughter or negligent homicide resulting from the operation of a motor vehicle;

(2) Driving a motor vehicle while under the influence of intoxicating liquor or a narcotic drug, or under the influence of any other drug to a degree that renders the driver incapable of safely driving a motor vehicle;

(3) Any felony in the commission of which a motor vehicle is used;

(4) Failure to stop and render aid in the event of a motor vehicle accident resulting in the death or personal injury of another.

(b) As to other convictions, reported pursuant to Article III, the licensing authority in the home state shall give such effect to conduct as is provided by the laws of the home state.

(c) If the laws of a party state do not provide for offenses or violations denominated or described in precisely the words employed in subdivision (a) of this Article, such party state shall construe the denominations and descriptions appearing in subdivision (a) hereof as being applicable to and identifying those offenses or violations of a substantially similar nature, and the laws of such party state shall contain such provisions as may be necessary to ensure that full force and effect is given to this Article.


Applications for New Licenses

Upon application for a license to drive, the licensing authority in a party state shall ascertain whether the applicant has ever held, or is the holder of, a license to drive issued by any other party state. The licensing authority in the state where application is made shall not issue a license to drive to the applicant if:

(1) The applicant has held such a license, but the same has been suspended by reason, in whole or in part, of a violation and if such suspension period has not terminated.

(2) The applicant has held such a license, but the same has been revoked by reason, in whole or in part, of a violation; and if such revocation has not terminated, except that after the expiration of one year from the date the license was revoked, such person may make application for a new license if permitted by law. The licensing authority may refuse to issue a license to any such applicant if, after investigation, the licensing authority determines that it will not be safe to grant to such person the privilege of driving a motor vehicle on the public highways.

(3) The applicant is the holder of a license to drive issued by another party state and currently in force unless the applicant surrenders such license.


Applicability of Other Laws

Except as expressly required by provisions of this compact, nothing contained herein shall be construed to affect the right of any party state to apply any of its other laws relating to licenses to drive to any person or circumstance, nor to invalidate or prevent any driver license agreement or other cooperative arrangement between a party state and a nonparty state.


Compact Administrator and Interchange of Information

(a) The head of the licensing authority of each party state shall be the administrator of this compact for his state. The administrators, acting jointly, shall have the power to formulate all necessary and proper procedures for the exchange of information under this compact.

(b) The administrator of each party state shall furnish to the administrator of each other party state any information or documents reasonably necessary to facilitate the administration of this compact.


Entry Into Force and Withdrawal

(a) This compact shall enter into force and become effective as to any state when it has enacted the same into law.

(b) Any party state may withdraw from this compact by enacting a statute repealing the same, but no such withdrawal shall take effect until six months after the executive head of the withdrawing state has given notice of the withdrawal to the executive heads of all other party states. No withdrawal shall affect the validity or applicability by the licensing authorities of states remaining party to the compact of any report of conviction occurring prior to the withdrawal.


Construction and Severability

This compact shall be liberally construed so as to effectuate the purposes thereof. The provisions of this compact shall be severable; and if any phrase, clause, sentence, or provision of this compact is declared to be contrary to the constitution of any party state or of the United States or the applicability thereof to any government, agency, person, or circumstance is held invalid, the validity of the remainder of this compact and the applicability thereof to any government, agency, person, or circumstance shall not be affected thereby. If this compact shall be held contrary to the constitution of any state party thereto, the compact shall remain in full force and effect as to the remaining states and in full force and effect as to the state affected as to all severable matters.

Section 4510.62 | Designation of executive head and licensing authority.

(A) "Executive head" as used in article VIII (b) of the compact set forth in section 4510.61 of the Revised Code with reference to this state means the governor.

(B) "Licensing authority" as used in Articles III, IV, V, and VII of the compact set forth in section 4510.61 of the Revised Code with reference to this state means the bureau of motor vehicles within the department of public safety.

Section 4510.63 | Information or documents furnished to appropriate authorities of other party states.

Pursuant to Article VII of the compact set forth in section 4510.61 of the Revised Code the bureau of motor vehicles shall furnish to the appropriate authorities of any other party state any information or documents reasonably necessary to facilitate the administration of Articles III, IV, and V of the compact set forth in section 4510.61 of the Revised Code.

Section 4510.64 | Reimbursement for travel and expenses to compact administrator.

The compact administrator provided for in Article VII of the compact set forth in section 4510.61 of the Revised Code is not entitled to any additional compensation for serving as administrator of the compact, but shall be reimbursed for travel and other necessary expenses incurred in the performance of official duties thereunder as provided by law for other state officers.

Section 4510.71 | Nonresident violator compact.

The nonresident violator compact, hereinafter called "the compact," is hereby enacted into law and entered into with all other jurisdictions legally joining therein in the form substantially as follows:


Article I

Findings, Declaration of Policy and Purpose

(A) The party jurisdictions find that:

(1) In most instances, a motorist who is cited for a traffic violation in a jurisdiction other than his home jurisdiction:

(a) Must post collateral or bond to secure appearance for trial at a later date; or

(b) If unable to post collateral or bond, is taken into custody until the collateral or bond is posted; or

(c) Is taken directly to court for his trial to be held.

(2) In some instances, the motorist's driver's license may be deposited as collateral to be returned after he has complied with the terms of the citation.

(3) The purpose of the practices described in divisions (A)(1) and (2) of this article is to ensure compliance with the terms of a traffic citation by the motorist who, if permitted to continue on his way after receiving the traffic citation, could return to his home jurisdiction and disregard his duty under the terms of the traffic citation.

(4) A motorist receiving a traffic citation in his home jurisdiction is permitted, except for certain violations, to accept the citation from the officer at the scene of the violation and to immediately continue on his way after promising or being instructed to comply with the terms of the citation.

(5) The practice described in division (A)(1) of this article causes unnecessary inconvenience and, at times, a hardship for the motorist who is unable at the time to post collateral, furnish a bond, stand trial, or pay the fine, and thus is compelled to remain in custody until some arrangement can be made.

(6) The deposit of a driver's license as a bail bond, as described in division (A)(2) of this article, is viewed with disfavor.

(7) The practices described herein consume an undue amount of law enforcement time.

(B) It is the policy of the party jurisdictions to:

(1) Seek compliance with the laws, ordinances, and administrative rules and regulations relating to the operation of motor vehicles in each of the jurisdictions;

(2) Allow motorists to accept a traffic citation for certain violations and proceed on their way without delay whether or not the motorist is a resident of the jurisdiction in which the citation was issued;

(3) Extend cooperation to its fullest extent among the jurisdictions for obtaining compliance with the terms of a traffic citation issued in one jurisdiction to a resident of another jurisdiction;

(4) Maximize effective utilization of law enforcement personnel and assist court systems in the efficient disposition of traffic violations.

(C) The purpose of this compact is to:

(1) Provide a means through which the party jurisdictions may participate in a reciprocal program to effectuate the policies enumerated in division (B) of this article in a uniform and orderly manner;

(2) Provide for the fair and impartial treatment of traffic violators operating within party jurisdictions in recognition of the motorist's right of due process and the sovereign status of a party jurisdiction.

Article II Definitions

(A) In the nonresident violator compact, the following words have the meaning indicated, unless the context requires otherwise.

(B)(1) "Citation" means any summons, ticket, or other official document issued by a police officer for a traffic violation containing an order which requires the motorist to respond.

(2) "Collateral" means any cash or other security deposited to secure an appearance for trial, following the issuance by a police officer of a citation for a traffic violation.

(3) "Court" means a court of law or traffic tribunal.

(4) "Driver's license" means any license or privilege to operate a motor vehicle issued under the laws of the home jurisdiction.

(5) "Home jurisdiction" means the jurisdiction that issued the driver's license of the traffic violator.

(6) "Issuing jurisdiction" means the jurisdiction in which the traffic citation was issued to the motorist.

(7) "Jurisdiction" means a state, territory, or possession of the United States, the District of Columbia, or the Commonwealth of Puerto Rico.

(8) "Motorist" means a driver of a motor vehicle operating in a party jurisdiction other than the home jurisdiction.

(9) "Personal recognizance" means an agreement by a motorist made at the time of issuance of the traffic citation that he will comply with the terms of that traffic citation.

(10) "Police officer" means any individual authorized by the party jurisdiction to issue a citation for a traffic violation.

(11) "Terms of the citation" means those options expressly stated upon the citation.

Article III

Procedure for Issuing Jurisdiction

(A) When issuing a citation for a traffic violation, a police officer shall issue the citation to a motorist who possesses a driver's license issued by a party jurisdiction and shall not, subject to the exceptions noted in division (B) of this article, require the motorist to post collateral to secure appearance, if the officer receives the motorist's signed, personal recognizance that he or she will comply with the terms of the citation.

(B) Personal recognizance is acceptable only if not prohibited by law. If mandatory appearance is required, it must take place immediately following issuance of the citation.

(C) Upon failure of a motorist to comply with the terms of a traffic citation, the appropriate official shall report the failure to comply to the licensing authority of the jurisdiction in which the traffic citation was issued. The report shall be made in accordance with procedures specified by the issuing jurisdiction and shall contain information as specified in the compact manual as minimum requirements for effective processing by the home jurisdiction.

(D) Upon receipt of the report, the licensing authority of the issuing jurisdiction shall transmit to the licensing authority in the home jurisdiction of the motorist the information in a form and content as contained in the compact manual.

(E) The licensing authority of the issuing jurisdiction may not suspend the privilege of a motorist for whom a report has been transmitted.

(F) The licensing authority of the issuing jurisdiction shall not transmit a report on any violation if the date of transmission is more than six months after the date on which the traffic citation was issued.

(G) The licensing authority of the issuing jurisdiction shall not transmit a report on any violation where the date of issuance of the citation predates the most recent of the effective dates of entry for the two jurisdictions affected.

Article IV Procedures for Home Jurisdiction

(A) Upon receipt of a report of a failure to comply from the licensing authority of the issuing jurisdiction, the licensing authority of the home jurisdiction shall notify the motorist and initiate a suspension action, in accordance with the home jurisdiction's procedures, to suspend the motorist's driver's license until satisfactory evidence of compliance with the terms of the traffic citation has been furnished to the home jurisdiction licensing authority. Due process safeguards will be accorded.

(B) The licensing authority of the home jurisdiction shall maintain a record of actions taken and make reports to issuing jurisdictions as provided in the compact manual.

Article V Applicability of Other Laws

Except as expressly required by provisions of this compact, nothing contained herein shall be construed to affect the right of any party jurisdiction to apply any of its other laws relating to licenses to drive to any person or circumstance, or to invalidate or prevent any driver license agreement or other cooperative arrangement between a party jurisdiction and nonparty jurisdiction.

Article VI Compact Administrator Procedures

(A) For the purpose of administering the provisions of this compact and to serve as a governing body for the resolution of all matters relating to the operation of this compact, a board of compact administrators is established. The board shall be composed of one representative from each party jurisdiction to be known as the compact administrator. The compact administrator shall be appointed by the jurisdiction executive and will serve and be subject to removal in accordance with the laws of the jurisdiction he represents. A compact administrator may provide for the discharge of his duties and the performance of his functions as a board member by an alternate. An alternate may not be entitled to serve unless written notification of his identity has been given to the board.

(B) Each member of the board of compact administrators shall be entitled to one vote. No action of the board shall be binding unless taken at a meeting at which a majority of the total number of votes on the board are cast in favor. Action by the board shall be only at a meeting at which a majority of the party jurisdictions are represented.

(C) The board shall elect annually, from its membership, a chairman and a vice chairman.

(D) The board shall adopt bylaws, not inconsistent with the provisions of this compact or the laws of a party jurisdiction, for the conduct of its business and shall have the power to amend and rescind its bylaws.

(E) The board may accept for any of its purposes and functions under this compact any and all donations, and grants of money, equipment, supplies, materials, and services, conditional or otherwise, from any jurisdiction, the United States, or any other governmental agency, and may receive, utilize, and dispose of the same.

(F) The board may contract with, or accept services or personnel from, any governmental or intergovernmental agency, person, firm, or corporation, or any private nonprofit organization or institution.

(G) The board shall formulate all necessary procedures and develop uniform forms and documents for administering the provisions of this compact. All procedures and forms adopted pursuant to board action shall be contained in the compact manual.

Article VII Entry into Compact and Withdrawal

(A) This compact shall become effective when it has been adopted by at least two jurisdictions.

(B)(1) Entry into the compact shall be made by a resolution of ratification executed by the authorized officials of the applying jurisdiction and submitted to the chairman of the board.

(2) The resolution shall be in a form and content as provided in the compact manual and shall include statements that in substance are as follows:

(a) A citation of the authority by which the jurisdiction is empowered to become a party to this compact;

(b) Agreement to comply with the terms and provisions of the compact;

(c) That compact entry is with all jurisdictions then party to the compact and with any jurisdiction that legally becomes a party to the compact.

(3) The effective date of entry shall be specified by the applying jurisdiction, but it shall not be less than sixty days after notice has been given by the chairman of the board of compact administrators or by the secretariat of the board to each party jurisdiction that the resolution from the applying jurisdiction has been received.

(C) A party jurisdiction may withdraw from this compact by official written notice to the other party jurisdictions, but a withdrawal shall not take effect until ninety days after notice of withdrawal is given. The notice shall be directed to the compact administrator of each member jurisdiction. No withdrawal shall affect the validity of this compact as to the remaining party jurisdictions.

Article VIII Exceptions

The provisions of this compact shall not apply to parking or standing violations, highway weight limit violations, and violations of law governing the transportation of hazardous materials.

Article IX Amendments to the Compact

(A) This compact may be amended from time to time. Amendments shall be presented in resolution form to the chairman of the board of compact administrators and may be initiated by one or more party jurisdictions.

(B) Adoption of an amendment shall require endorsement of all party jurisdictions and shall become effective thirty days after the date of the last endorsement.

(C) Failure of a party jurisdiction to respond to the compact chairman within one hundred twenty days after receipt of the proposed amendment shall constitute endorsement.

Article X Construction and Severability

This compact shall be liberally construed so as to effectuate the purposes stated herein. The provisions of this compact shall be severable and if any phrase, clause, sentence, or provision of this compact is declared to be contrary to the constitution of any party jurisdiction or of the United States or the applicability thereof to any government, agency, person, or circumstance, the compact shall not be affected thereby. If this compact shall be held contrary to the constitution of any jurisdiction party thereto, the compact shall remain in full force and effect as to the remaining jurisdictions and in full force and effect as to the jurisdiction affected as to all severable matters.

Article XI Title

This compact shall be known as the Nonresident Violator Compact of 1977."

Section 4510.72 | License reinstatement fee - designation of compact administrator.

(A) A fee of thirty dollars shall be charged by the registrar of motor vehicles or an eligible deputy registrar for the reinstatement of any driver's license suspended pursuant to division (A) of Article IV of the compact enacted in section 4510.71 of the Revised Code. In addition, each deputy registrar shall collect a service fee of ten dollars to compensate the deputy registrar for services performed under this section. The deputy registrar shall retain eight dollars of the service fee and shall transmit the reinstatement fee, plus two dollars of the service fee, to the registrar in the manner the registrar shall determine.

(B) Pursuant to division (A) of Article VI of the nonresident violator compact of 1977 enacted in section 4510.71 of the Revised Code, the director of public safety shall serve as the compact administrator for Ohio.

Section 4510.73 | Litigation of all issues concerning driver's licenses.

(A) It is the intent of this section to allow all issues concerning driver's licenses to be litigated in a single forum, not to eliminate any forum venue in existence on the effective date of this section.

(B) Notwithstanding any provision of the Revised Code to the contrary, any court whose jurisdiction has been invoked under this chapter or any other chapter of the Revised Code regarding a driver's license matter, other than a matter involving a commercial driver's license, is hereby conferred concurrent jurisdiction to adjudicate all issues and appeals regarding that driver's license matter, including issues of validity, suspension, and, with regard to any suspension imposed by the bureau of motor vehicles, driving privileges. Nothing in this section shall be construed as applying to any issue involving a commercial driver's license, except that a court may adjudicate an issue that does not relate to a commercial driver's license but involves a holder of a commercial driver's license so long as the court does not alter the status of that holder's commercial driver's license. In the event that another court has obtained jurisdiction over one or more driver's license suspensions imposed by the bureau involving the same driver's license holder, that jurisdiction may not be divested by an action filed under this section unless that court transfers its jurisdiction over that holder's driver's license issue by issuance of a court order.

(C)(1) The court's jurisdiction over a particular driver's license issue may be invoked by a motion, appeal, or petition filed by a holder of a driver's license. Any such motion, appeal, or petition shall state the issue with respect to which the court's jurisdiction is invoked.

(2) When a court's jurisdiction over a driver's license issue is properly invoked, that court shall adjudicate all issues and appeals brought before the court regarding that issue, unless the motion, appeal, or petition is withdrawn.

(D) Any court whose jurisdiction is invoked under this section shall have the discretionary authority to issue a stay of any suspension pending resolution of the matters before the court. This provision does not alter or eliminate any automatic stay provision provided for elsewhere in the Revised Code.

(E) Any court whose jurisdiction is invoked under this section, in its discretion, may order the bureau to renew the holder's driver's license pending resolution of the matters before the court, provided that the license is not more than six months expired prior to the date of application for renewal. The court, in its discretion, also may order the bureau to renew the holder's driver's license in its final judgment, provided that the license is not more than six months expired prior to the date of application for renewal.

(F) If jurisdiction is invoked under this section in a court of common pleas or county court, the prosecuting attorney of the county in which the case is pending shall represent the registrar in the proceedings; provided, that if the driver's license holder resides in a municipal corporation that lies within the jurisdiction of a county court, the city director of law, village solicitor, or similar chief legal officer of the municipal corporation shall represent the registrar in the proceedings. In a municipal court, the registrar shall be represented in the resulting proceedings as provided in section 1901.34 of the Revised Code. At the election of the registrar, the attorney general may enter the proceedings at any time and henceforth represent the registrar in the case.

(G) Either party may appeal the final judgment of the court. Any such appeal shall be taken as provided in section 1901.30 or 1907.30 of the Revised Code and shall conform with Chapter 2505. of the Revised Code.